How Penton Park transformed into a wedding venue

Welcome to this Bridebook interview, featuring Danielle Rolfe of Penton Park.

This piece is designed to inspire other wedding suppliers – budding or current – and help them to realise that they can do something as wonderful and as huge as turning a beloved home into a UK renowned wedding venue. Penton Park wedding venue

Penton Park – the story 

Danielle Rolfe traded in a career as a London Insurance Broker for a new life as Lead Events Manager at the glorious Penton Park.

Oh, and did we mention that this wedding venue also happens to be her family home?

As we introduce ourselves to Danielle it becomes clear that she’s a very busy woman indeed. We’re on loudspeaker as Danielle drives into her estate and just as our interview gets going, we’re interrupted by a fallen tree.

“Do you mind terribly if we pick this back up in half an hour?” she says. “I’m going to have to drag this tree out of the road”.

What a wonderful, real-life example of the multifarious nature of wedding venue management!

And by her own admission, despite the long hours and hard work involved in managing a wedding venue, Danielle loves her new life in wedding venue management and would never look back.


Bridebook: Danielle, do you remember how you and your family first came up with the idea of turning your home into a wedding venue? Tell us your story…

Yes, I remember it well!

In 2011, myself and my husband married in the local church and held a traditional wedding reception at our home in Penton Park.

I think it was only then that we realised what an amazing wedding venue it was and our guests said exactly the same. It had the real wow factor and made for such a memorable day.

We started hosting birthday parties, anniversaries and charity events at first, and we found that we really enjoyed it and that the house was well suited to catering to such events.

We soon began to think about weddings at Penton Park. We wanted to find a way to use the property as a self-generating revenue stream and to future-proof our income – a big house requires a lot of maintenance and upkeep after all.

In 2013 we decided to officially go for it with weddings!

Penton Park Wedding


I spent a lot of time learning the ropes and deciding on how we’d integrate weddings into family life, and vice versa. We decided to make Penton Park an exclusive venue, hosting only 20 Saturday weddings per year. This ensures that we never fall short on customer service and that we keep some weekends free for family life.

After a prolonged wait for approval of an on-site wedding licence, we finally began hosting wedding ceremonies at Penton Park in 2016 – having already dipped our toes in the ‘wedding reception only’ field.

What our guests love about Penton Park is that they really are hosted by a family here, and in turn, my family and myself live and breathe the venue.


Bridebook: Were all family members in equal agreeance when you suggested the idea of turning your family home into a wedding venue?

Absolutely yes. Everyone was fully in agreement and excited to get stuck in.

We all have separate wings in the house and there’s a separate exit and entrance for family and for events, so it works really well.

The grandparents sometimes treat themselves to a night away when we host weddings, and at other times they love being around to soak up the atmosphere – albeit from the comfort of their own quarters!

Our children are completely used to it and it doesn’t faze them at all. I like to hope that they’ll be the next generation of wedding planners and I know for sure that they’ll someday, not too far away, be an imperative source of market research for us! They’ll be telling us how we should be doing weddings to suit their generation, and they’ll help us keep evolving and stay current as a wedding business.


Bridebook: What was it like to go from family home to wedding venue!?

Well, I guess one of the challenges was making sure that we’re presentable at all times – that is, the house and everyone in it!

We have three girls so it’s inevitable that a stray Barbie will make it in the shot at occasional meetings.

We just assure couples that on the day, there will be a professional clean and that they have nothing to worry about as far as Barbie is concerned.

Turning our home into a wedding venue hasn’t really disrupted life at all. We started gradually and have grown into it.

The concept grew with our experience and the number of weddings we host.

The first wedding we held was really emotional. My husband and I were so proud of everything we’d managed to do, and it also brought back memories of own wedding day.

Everyone’s in such a great mood at weddings it’s impossible not to feel elated at each and every wedding we host at Penton Park.


Bridebook: Do the family cats and dogs stay to help out at Penton Park weddings?

They do. We try to hide the dog away as he’s a huge friendly giant but he has been known to make some guest appearances at the couple’s request!

We have two cats and they’re slightly more difficult to hide. They often make guest appearances and actually once joined a group of guests in the photo booth!

It’s these kinds of things that make it feel like a family home and that’s what Penton Park is all about. We want to keep that feel of a family home, not fall into hosting cookie cutter weddings.

Penton Park wedding venue


Bridebook: What does a typical day of wedding prep look like at Penton Park?

We always set up the day before and aim to have everything done by 2pm. The couple have complete freedom to visit us the day before for peace of mind, and then we wave them off and tell them we’ll take care of everything.

Weddings at Penton Park finish at midnight. We clear up for them the next day and they then return to pick up their stuff.


Bridebook: Are couples able to personalise their wedding day entirely at Penton Park or are there limitations as to what they can / cannot do?

Couples are free to personalise their day almost exclusively. We are happy for them to take down pictures and most decorations, but we cannot move any of the larger wall hangings. That’s purely logistics as some are pretty huge!

But we always say this is a country house and so couples choosing Penton Park will do so because they love the charm and character that comes with that.

That being said, couples are welcome to put their own pictures and decorations up.

We’re very much present as background staff to help bring wedding themes to life. We’ve had formal and informal, inside and outside.

Penton Park couple


Bridebook: Have you ever had to step in and stop any bad behaviour at a wedding? Is security something you manage yourselves?

We sometimes have to reign it in slightly as things can get a bit raucous toward the end of a wedding, as we all know.

We had all guests around the pool table with sambuca in their hand recently so had to politely request that they step away! But people are so respectable because they know it’s a family home.

If we host a wedding of over 100 guests we do insist that they hire security, just for peace of mind.


Bridebook: What advice would you give others looking to start a wedding business like yours?


I’d say it’s really important to network with other venues – whether they’re similar to your venue or completely different.

We’re part of the Historic Houses network and I attended a lot of seminars at Hodsock Priory and some at Iscoyd Park, where I received lots of support and advice.

You do have to be a member but any country house hosting events of 100+ people are eligible and it’s really great for networking.

I’d say my strongest advice with regards to networking is don’t be afraid to pick up the phone to venues nearby. I contacted a barn style wedding venue near me and because we’re really different we may be able to help each other out. If I meet a couple who are looking for more of a barn style wedding, I’ll recommend them.

Be supportive and work together. If you only have similar style wedding venues nearby, pick up the phone and ask; how do we stand apart from each other? Identify what it is that each of you does differently as it will work in both of your interests.

Find out first hand what running a wedding venue involves before you take the leap.

Shadow weddings at other venues to see what it’s like before you transform your home into a wedding venue. It’s hard work. You’ll work harder than you ever imagined but if you’re anything like me, you’ll find it so rewarding.

I must say that you can’t quite comprehend what 120 drunk people are like until you see them with your own eyes.

Invest in your team

Invest in your team because they represent you from start to finish – they’re an extension of your in-house family.

We have an in-house event manager and she’s fantastic. We also use preferred suppliers as we like to recommend wedding professionals who we know can do the job well, first hand.


Bridebook: Do you think more families are choosing to turn their homes into wedding venues or is it still an unusual concept?

I see and hear of a lot more people doing it now.

Some mistake it as being an easy route to making money but we know first hand that it’s hard work but also a lot of fun.

It’s a lifestyle. It will, of course, impact your weekends. We only host 20 weddings per year but we also offer viewings at weekends which take up a considerable amount of time.

Penton Park married couple


Bridebook: Have you noticed any changes within the wedding industry of late?

I’ve been surprised in the past 18 months how many people will come and view your home/venue at a weekend and you’ll never hear from them again.

They never get back in touch.

It just didn’t happen in the beginning when we were first starting out.

People seem a little more blase about the whole experience and I think perhaps they forget that we’re real people and we invest ourselves emotionally in their journey too.


Are you considering starting your own wedding venue?

Have you any similar experiences to Danielle at Penton Park that you’d like to share? Please get in touch or leave your comments below.

Wedding Industry Expertise from Bridebook Business

10 Essential Wedding Photography Tips from a Famed Photographer

John Nassari shares his top 10 tips for professional wedding photographers


Whether you’re an established wedding photographer or are just considering leaping lens first into the world of wedding photography, you understand the value of expert advice.

John Nassari is an award-winning London photographer with a diverse career and considerable academic experience. We’ve met up with him to ask for a few lessons in wedding photography.

Meet John, your expert for the next 10 minutes.

Top 10 Tips for wedding photographers


John Nassari’s Top Ten from Behind the Lens.


1.Turn the camera on yourself

“I think at some point or another, a lot of photographers turn the camera on themselves. Maybe not directly on themselves but on their family. That’s what I did.” John Nassari.

Practice at every possible occasion. Take loads of photographs and get used to shooting people and searching for those decisive, emotional moments.

Emotion is a hard thing to capture and it’s not necessarily about capturing someone laughing. There’s something more than a smile that makes a powerful image. A touch, a look… an isolating moment between the couple as they stand amongst the crowd – that’s how you capture a beautiful moment.

Practice and develop your eye for capturing these moments within your own life.


2.Study other photographers that inspire you

By studying the work of photographers you admire – whether inside or outside of the wedding industry – you challenge yourself to continually improve and you can more easily carve out a style for yourself.

Some of the photographers that inspired John include:

  • Richard Avedon – a portrait photographer well known for shooting against white backgrounds.
  • Robert Frank – a documentary photographer and filmmaker
  • Nan Goldin
  • Cindy Sherman
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson

John Nassari guides Bridebook  photographers


3.Know that wedding photography is different.

If you have experience in photography outside of the wedding industry, prepare for the difference!

When shooting weddings you’re reacting, not planning.

You have to react to the story as it happens and unravels because it’s a live event that you’re there to capture. There’s always a beginning, a middle and an end but it’s always a different story. You don’t know what’s going to happen and that makes wedding photography both fun and challenging. Listen to what’s going on around you and react.

Top tip: Always use multiple backup SD cards – never rely on just one. You can’t ask for a couple to re-enact their wedding – it’s very different to a studio shoot in this way!


4.Become the invisible guest.

When photographing a wedding you become an “intimate stranger”.

“There’s a kind of unspoken agreement that I could block someone’s view but it’s ok because I’m the photographer, and although I don’t know anyone I’m allowed to move around freely.”

Wedding photographers are allowed to have so much power and space.

Attempting to capture all aspects and every moment of the weddings you shoot is a skill in itself. You’ll need to invisibly and seamlessly glide around the ceremonies you shoot and this is something that comes with practice.

“The bombastic, “can we have the bride’s parents now” cliche of a wedding photographer is now a thing of the past. We’re more adept and agile now as photographers.”

Forging a good relationship with the couple you’re shooting is really important as they have to trust you not notice you. If they’re worried about your ability, professionalism and whether you’re capturing everything, you’ll be in their focus.

Bridebook Business and John Nassari share the Top 10 Tips for wedding photographers


5.Promote yourself properly

John believes that photographers must embrace blogging to raise awareness of their brand. John himself shares regular news and photography tips on his website and he believes it’s imperative to ensuring one is highly commended within the photographer community and subsequently recommended to newly engaged couples.

Keep your Bridebook profile up to date because this is where your audience is. Be where engaged couples are and make sure the photographs and information you present are relevant, current and representative of how talented you really are.

You will, of course, need a website – but how do you have a website if you’ve never shot a wedding?

“Photograph family and friends…offer to photograph their weddings and if you’re not experienced or confident enough yet, shoot them for free and possibly even in addition to a ‘pro’ wedding photographer.”

You could also try working with venues and doing style shoots for free so that you have industry related work to show.



“Networking is imperative,” says John “and there are different kinds of education when it comes to learning how to be a successful wedding photographer”.

Joining a group of photographers that meet every month and talk about their portfolio is classed as education and development.

You could become part of a community like SNAP Photo Festival which is aimed at wedding and lifestyle photographers and includes workshops and activities which will inspire you and help you to develop your wedding business. This too is education.

Building relationships with other suppliers is important for your professional development and for business.


7.Make the couple feel comfortable

John believes that a pre-wedding shoot is really important in making the couple you’re working with feel comfortable.

“They get to see your style and pictures first hand before their wedding. Plus they have the chance to meet you and have a few practice shots in front of the camera. A relaxed couple that trusts you is so important in wedding photography.”

Meeting a couple when they first book your services and keeping in good contact with them throughout their wedding planning journey is also imperative.

Couples are looking for a sidekick, not a colleague.

Bridebook Business works with industry experts to share top wedding industry insights


8.Tips for shooting in low lighting

It’s impossible to give a one size fits all answer to the problem of low lighting.

Many weddings happen in churches or moodily lit rooms and as a photographer, you’ll need to manage the lighting available to you without the support of flash.

“I go up to ISO 3200 if I really need to but I try to use fast lenses to overcome the issue of low lighting. Obviously, you can’t use flash at weddings so I would say the best advice is to look for low noise, high ISO cameras. If you pick the right camera and invest in fast lenses, you’ll be amazed at the difference in low light photo quality.”


9.Shooting cultural weddings

In 2009, John shot his first Jewish wedding and became slightly stuck on a few references to tradition, such as the use of the word “Bedeken”.

To ensure you’re fully prepared to shoot cultural weddings you’re unfamiliar with it’s imperative that you do your research beforehand.

“Just do your due diligence as a photographer. I Googled the term Bedeken and found a resource for Jewish weddings. Then I’d keep in good contact with the couple to make sure I’d interpreted my research correctly and that what I knew about their culture fit the reality of their wedding.”


10.Prepare a winning portfolio

To prepare a winning wedding photography portfolio you have to first identify what it is you want to specialise in and be clear about your photographic style.

Are you a slightly overexposed, ethereal style wedding photographer who specialises in outdoor weddings and posed shots? Or perhaps your style includes shadow and drama, and you specialise in documentary style castle weddings.

Whatever your style and substance, keep pushing your work to the next level. Shoot more weddings and every year, update your portfolio in line with improvements in your work.

“Get rid of last year’s wedding shots because you should have better samples from this year. Your work is going to get better and better, and you may find that you’re shooting more barn weddings now and therefore that’s what you want to specialise in. Show more of these. And let your style adapt to the jobs you take on.”

Top tip: Keep your Bridebook profile packed full with your most up to date photography. With 1 in 2 couples now planning their wedding with Bridebook, your work is always being seen. You want to make sure that it’s your best and most recent work. 


Let wedding photographer John Nassari capture your imagination


Thanks to John Nassari for his top 10 tips for wedding photographers

If you’d like to learn more from John Nassari, purchase ‘The 10 Essential Steps to Wedding Photography Success‘ – with over two hours of online tutorials, this course offers everything you need to supercharge your wedding photography business. (Full course information in the video below).

Use Discount Code: “bridebook” and get 50% off until 31st March 2018!!


Looking for more top tips and industry insights? Head to the Bridebook Business Hub now. The wedding industry professional’s one-stop shop for the all the latest news and top tips to power your wedding business.

Wedding Industry Expertise from Bridebook Business


Weekday wedding bookings overtake weekends at South Farm – and it’s not difficult to see why

Photo: © Ria Mishaal Photography

In the past 12 months we’ve documented a notable shift in the volume of couples opting to book weddings on weekdays rather than opting for previously popular weekend dates.

And with couples saving an average of £1,679 by not booking a Saturday wedding it’s not difficult to see why, as a nation, we’re losing our love of the weekend wedding.

More of us are working flexibly these days too, so taking a day or two off mid week is no big deal anymore as many people will compensate by working the weekend instead.

The core theme of 2017-2018 is choice. Couples have more choice these days and flexibility is the trend of the Century.

But don’t take our word for it.

We met to discuss the weekday wedding trend with the team at South Farm.

Photo: © Photography by Bea

South Farm lies on the borders of Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, and has been holding weddings for twelve years now. This well-established wedding venue boasts beautiful grounds, a gorgeous country farmhouse and lovingly converted barn buildings, as well as its very own organic smallholding providing much of the produce used for wedding breakfasts.

South Farm has experienced something of a weekday revolution over the last couple of years and, in fact, this wedding venue is now booking more weekday weddings than weekend dates.

James Paxman, Managing Director at South Farm says: “it is becoming more and more apparent that couples are keen to embrace a greater degree of flexibility around the date they choose for their wedding as it enables them to secure their dream venue at a fraction of the cost that weekend dates can command.   We have long advised our couples never to underestimate how much people will want to come to their wedding, regardless of the day of the week, and we are seeing many couples now looking to take advantage of the lower venue hire fees offered on Mondays-Thursdays.”

Photo: © Milk Bottle Photography

Tip: Bridebook Business profiles that include pricing details receive 10x more enquiries than those who do not. Be transparent with your wedding venues weekday wedding costs.

The pricing structure at South Farm means that couples with their heart set on booking their wedding day at their dream venue can do so at a much lower cost midweek than they can on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday if they are able to be flexible.  The savings this can afford couples means that they can free up their budget for other wedding costs, such as the all-important dress, booking other suppliers and even their honeymoon.

Because budget is so important, the South Farm team puts together a detailed and comprehensive cost estimate for each couple at their very first meeting.

James says: “as a venue we are completely transparent with regard to our costings; publishing all our prices and availability online, which helps hugely when couples are planning and budgeting for their big day. In fact we find, on average, that a couple’s final account is actually lower than their original estimate. By helping the couple manage their wedding costs with a working cost estimate, we enable couples to focus on the details and finishing touches for their wedding day whilst being fully informed of variations at all stages. At this first meeting we are also able to demonstrate to couples how much a weekday wedding can potentially save them.” 

Photo: © Ria Mishaal Photography

Holding your wedding during the week at South farm could mean a saving of up to £4,000.

Tip: Regardless of how big or small a saving you could offer, wedding venues nationwide could explain what these kinds of cost savings could mean in real terms to wedding planning couples using Bridebook’s wedding budget estimate. You’ll surprise and delight them, and hopefully secure a weekday booking off the back of it.

Does having a weekday wedding mean that couples have to compromise?

At South Farm couples receive the same standard of service and catering options including a full range of menu choices and dedicated planning support in the lead up to their wedding day, regardless of the day of the week. If budget-savvy couples really can enjoy a greater choice of dates at a lower cost and enjoy the same quality of wedding day, it seems like a no brainer to us.

South Farm has also seen some of their recommended wedding suppliers follow suit and offer lower prices to clients for week-day bookings rather than weekend dates. 

James says: “some of our suppliers, such as photographers and entertainers are now offering a price structure that reflects our own, with weekday bookings representing greater value for the same service compared with weekend dates.  We expect that the industry will follow suit as couples increasingly demand high standards of service and greater price flexibility.”

Photo © Fiona Kelly Photography 

So does that mean that weekend weddings are fast becoming a thing of the past?

“Despite the fact that weekend weddings command a higher venue price they still remain in demand, particularly in the summer months, and are usually the first dates to book up, however couples with a more flexible approach are taking advantage of our week-day venue fees.  In 2017 we booked 93 weekend dates and 139 week-day dates at South Farm which demonstrates a shift in industry trends with lots of couples taking advantage of the pricing structures for weekday weddings and making great savings.” 

These are interesting times for the wedding industry and South Farm are certainly seeing a shift in wedding day decisions.

Photo: © Lina & Tom

Does your wedding venue offer weekday discounts? Are you seeing more couples opt for weekday weddings?

We’d love to hear your thoughts.

Looking for more wedding industry trends and couple insights? Head to the Bridebook Business Hub, the home of wedding industry knowledge. 


Visual trends influencing wedding photography in 2018


The new year is well underway and we’re already looking forward to wedding season 2018. Based on predicted trends it’s going to be a bold and beautiful year.

A few teasers have already landed on our desks with regards to popular wedding photography styles and wedding themes thanks to brave couples choosing to marry in January! And so we’ve gathered trends from the hottest wedding photos we’ve seen in this chilly month so far.

We’ve also scoured leading design publications to see which visual trends are leading the way in photography now, and how colour and artistic themes could influence the wedding photography landscape this year.

Here goes…

Wanderlust – documenting our great escape

When does a trend stop being “trendy” and become a way of life?

Wanderlust = life, right?

Wanderlust travel photography will of course continue its upward trend as the need for silence, solitude and wellness dominates trends for 2018. And with overseas weddings now more popular than ever before it’s no surprise that destination wedding photographers with a diverse geographic wedding portfolio are hot property.

Wedding photographers can inspire 2018 couples by showcasing shoots from beaches, countryside, mountain tops and more. It’s a great way to leave potential new clients with a lasting memory of your wonderful wanderlust-inducing work.

Portraying a carefree lifestyle, escaping the grind and ‘telling your own story’ is set to remain a popular theme amongst smartphone photographers and Instagrammers.

The irony of travelling to remote places to escape whilst documenting that solitude on social media does not elude us, however it demands behavioural psychology investigative work than we’re not qualified to provide at this stage.

Conceptual realism and surrealism

A preference for the surreal over reality is a trend that’s set to continue from last year into this, and it serves as a means of escape from political, economic and environmental world concerns.

However the desire for realistic, authentic and believable images in a world where media content is freely invented and shared is more important for both photographers and consumers now than ever before.

2018 photography is about blending incredible experiences with raw, uncut nature and adding a dose of human imagination to the mix to provide people with the escape they’re so looking for.

Be creative with your wedding photography but ‘keep it real’. We’re fortunate to work in an industry designed for capturing raw emotion from real subjects in photographs. With skill and experience, wedding photographers can create dreamy wedding stories within the realm of reality.

Banishing stereotypes

Male stereotypes are being challenged and many brands are looking to tackle overt masculinity by introducing more complex, gentle and emotionally astute representations of the gender.

As wedding photographers, you have an advantage here. You’re lucky enough to have the opportunity to capture these kinds of raw emotions in a pleasing, gentle and natural way…

“Accept me for who I am” is a visual trend based on challenging stereotypes. Expect to see photographers inside and outside of the wedding industry capturing women and men as ‘their true selves’. The interchanging roles of genders will also be a focal theme for many creatives.

And it was all…purple

This year’s must-know (and must include) colour is ultra-violet purple.

Pantone has officially named it colour of the year for 2018, and describe it as “a dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade, PANTONE 18-3838 Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity and visionary thinking that points us toward the future.”

This colour inspires and represents the exploration of new technologies, the cosmos, artistic expression and spiritual reflection.

It is a colour that we often associate with mindfulness and meditation; offering an escape for those seeking refuge in an over-stimulated world.

We’re expecting all shades of lavender, plum and other purples to be popular too, not only in design, branding and photography but in homewares and fashion too.

Wedding photographers…if life gives you lavender fields, you’re one lucky shooter.

However you can still show that you’re at the cutting edge of photography trends by making sure that any wedding you shoot that does incorporate this colour is featured at the top of your portfolio and on your homepage.

Incorporating this Pantone is good for securing bookings from style conscious couples and great for getting you noticed prior to wedding awards in 2018.

Bold and brave colours in general are “in” this year, leaning away from the more natural palette of 2017. However a great way to make ultra violet purple less brash and more crowd pleasing is to combine it with greenery (Pantone’s 2017 colour of the year), greys and more neutral tones for a pared back yet on trend wedding look.

Space is ace

In keeping with our ultra-violet year, fantasy and space are set to grow in popularity across all consumer based industries, including photography. Shutterstock has seen a massive increase in search demands for fantasy characters and the most savvy photographers and videographers are already honing in on space-themed conceptual realism by enhancing an already starry night sky, for example.

Conceptual realism can be best described as imagery that looks real, even if the idea does not seem to be so.

This fantasy theme will continue to be seen in branding developments, including the use of vivid colours, creating a sense of escapism from reality.


Unfiltered images are expected to enjoy a long awaited revival after what we’re now creatively calling “the age of the #filter”. This style is also known as Dead Pan and was popular in the 50s, and it involves subjects represented as they are – raw and ready.

You’re ready to visually delight the critics of 2018

Wedding photographers – it’s time to develop your photographic style and more so, your portfolio, in keeping with this years hot visual trends.

Stay relevant, stay popular and earn critical acclaim.


Looking for more wedding industry trends and couple insights? Head to the Bridebook Business Hub, the home of wedding industry knowledge. 


How wedding venues can work 2018 trends into any space

Wouldn’t it be incredible to know exactly what a couple is looking for in a wedding venue before they even visit?

Truth be told, a lot of the time, couples don’t really know themselves what they deem most important in a venue until they’ve visited a few and have come to realise what they are, and are not willing to compromise on.

What we can prepare for, however, is the fact that all of us are influenced one way or another by trends, and by what we’re seeing more of in shops, fashion and in wedding shoots.


Trends aren’t unique to each industry – they don’t develop in silos. They’re present in the clothes we wear, the interior decor we lust after and the media we consume. And whether couples consciously opt for a ‘fashionable’ wedding or not, they’re likely to incorporate accents of trends that they themselves may not have even noticed.

By subtly incorporating ideas from predicted 2018 trends in your wedding venue you can position yourself as a relevant and desirable place to wed.


And one of the best things about being a wedding venue is that you can work with other local wedding suppliers to transform your space. You can offer fellow suppliers an amazing venue to exhibit their finest work at, and in return, you benefit from having your venue perceived as on trend – no matter how traditional the foundations are!


Here are 4 key wedding trends that you need to be incorporating into your wedding space on open days to win more bookings.


1. Open spaces and industrialised architecture is a key trend for 2018 weddings


Ok, so most typical UK wedding venues aren’t going to be dripping in natural, industrialised architecture but you can easily fake it, and include metallic touches to your events rooms and open spaces in a sympathetic and unobtrusive way.

Consider working with local wedding decor suppliers who can provide copper chairs, lanterns, candle holders, cups and cutlery.


Tip: 2018 has seen us move away from rose gold accents in favour of industrial look copper.

For your next wedding fair or open day, work with your preferred supplier to set up an industrial themed corner which would appeal to couples who’re looking to incorporate this trend.

Fairy lights are the perfect accompaniment to an industrial theme as are green garlands – drawing on last years trend. Soft draped fabrics work well to counter the harsher metallic look and add a fairytale feel.

Treat your wedding space like an exhibition and provide a couple of different trends and expressions to suit different tastes. By featuring a trendy theme alongside a more traditional one you’re appealing to couples awareness of ‘what’s hot’ without moving too far away from the typical ‘white wedding’ idea.


2. White and green is still in… just add marble


In addition to copper and metallic details, a super hot wedding trend for this year is to add marble aspects into the mix.

Some wedding venues have the marble monopoly, like Holkham Hall…


By adding white and green tones to floral décor a wedding venue like Holkham Hall can become very current very easily.

For those wedding venues with less natural marble to play with, partner with wedding decor suppliers who can bring marble themed table runners to your next wedding fair or open day…


Or perhaps a marble inspired seating plan with matching place setting cards…


A really impressive way to incorporate a marbled theme in your wedding space is to work with a local wedding cake maker and ask them to produce a marbled cake with wow factor…


3. Keep it light and minimal


2018 weddings are all about natural light and stripping things back to basics.

Leaving ceilings and walls neutral and minimalistic allows more couples to envisage their dream wedding day, and it enables you to work with local wedding suppliers to add the kinds of details we describe above.

Metals and marbles are quite dominating materials to have in a wedding theme therefore it’s important not to add too much elsewhere.

Focus on making the most of natural light and offering a simple, polished space that couples can build ideas on.


4. Blank canvas venues that couples can make their own


Following on from above, it’s now more important than ever for couples to have freedom and options where building on their wedding theme is concerned.

Yes, you can offer ideas and help paint a picture of what their day could look like with the help of like-minded wedding suppliers, but there will always need to be a little room for movement.


Be yourself… AND be the wedding venue that 2018 couples want


Couples will on some level be influenced by popular themes that they may not have even known were on trend because of exposure to them; exposure in the media, in retail and in the ideas wedding suppliers offer. That’s a fact.

It’s important to work with what you already have, own your venue style and compliment it. How does your wedding venue space tie in with the popular trends above?

Don’t try and be everything for everyone but make sure that you’re not alienating couples by refusing to be anything other than traditional.

Incorporate trends with a little help from supplier friends and you’ll be surprised how much a little modern vision can help couples to decide whether you’re the wedding venue for them this year.


Looking for more wedding industry trends and couple insights? Head to the Bridebook Business Hub, the home of wedding industry knowledge. 


5 ways to fail or nail SEO in 2018


If you’ve set up a wedding website for your wedding business, you’re in the SEO game.

And with the search landscape guaranteed to become more competitive throughout 2018 you need to make sure that you aren’t ruining your chances of ever ranking well; regardless of how much time and effort you want to spend on developing your website ranking right now.


Ensuring that brides and grooms can actually find you is pretty darn important and being able to rank highly without having to pay for the privilege is an art. However it’s a logical and systematic art form that is actually pretty easy to nail – if you know the basics.

Here are some simple things you can do – or not do – to improve your chances of becoming a major player in the SEO sphere and to reduce your chances of sabotaging your wedding business (eek)…

1. Choose your keywords wisely

There’s a place for broad keyword phrases but your main focus in 2018 has to be local keywords.

Broad keywords are classed as general words or phrases, such as “weddings” or “wedding venue”, and they’re highly competitive. Yes, it’s good to include these generic phrases in body content but you should set your primary keyword phrase for each page as something specific and where possible, local.


An example of local keywords could be: “wedding venue Ware, Hertfordshire”. This local term should be set as your H1 or H2 (depending on how your website is tiered). These are the first and second headings on the page you’re choosing to edit and they will signal to crawlers what your page is about and the specific keywords that relate to your topic.

People are more search savvy than ever before and they’ll type highly specific requests into Google and other search engines. Think about it; when do you ever search for the phrase “restaurants”. You’d have a job sifting through your options unless you searched for “restaurants near me” or “restaurants in Soho, London”.

Head to this previous Bridebook article for tips on developing a local SEO strategy.


2. Meta data matters

Meta data is the ‘language of search engines’ and it’s what Google-bots will read to find out what your pages and posts are about.

Meta data is essentially just keyword phrases and words describing the contents of each page on your website, and each page should have its own unique title tags, meta tags and page description.


Your images rank alongside your content so you also have to make sure that you include Alt tags so that images are fully optimised.

If you’re using a content management system like WordPress, you’ll have access to this information and will be able to formulate and input your own tags and descriptions. However if you’ve created your website via a developer using a custom built CMS, you’ll need to contact them to request unique meta data on each of your website pages.


3. Anchor text ensures that internal links don’t drift from the core topic

One of the easiest ways to improve your SEO is to use anchor text wisely.


Links to other pages on your website or external pages should be optimised so that Google knows why they’re being referred to another source. Inconsistencies in subject matter and links that don’t flow between relatable topics signal to Google that there’s dodgy link business happening on your website.

For example, we might choose to send our readers to a related SEO post, so I’d include an anchor text link in this phrase: find out more about the latest SEO techniques for wedding pro’s in an earlier Bridebook post.

We’ve told Google and our readers what the page is about before we’ve sent anyone anywhere.

Top tip: broken links harm SEO efforts. Regularly check all site links to make sure you’re not harming your website ranking over something so easily solvable.


4. Don’t run before your website is crawled

In order for Google to rank your website in the search engines or update your ranking after you make improvements, Google bots need to “crawl” your website. In simple terms, they need to find and scan your content before they can index it (or add it into search) so that it can be discovered by potential clients.


To ensure that your website is regularly crawled, check that you’ve created a sitemap and that your sitemap is submitted to Google Webmaster Tools.

By default, every WordPress post and page is indexed so once again, you’ll only have to request the above are completed manually if you’re not using WordPress CMS.


5. Keep up the (good) content

So you already know the importance of website content. Not just any content but regular, informative, keyword rich and user friendly content.

It’s getting competitive out there in the big wide world of wedding websites but you can still make a big impact on your sector by leading the way with rich content.

Boring, badly written content is picked up by Google bots and they can detect spelling mistakes, bad grammar and poor syntax which is bad news for your website and will harm rankings.


Approach wedding website SEO improvements with determination (but patience) this year

SEO is a long term (in fact, lifelong) strategy and you won’t experience instant results; even if you made every possible positive change today.


Sure, you’ll see some results quickly but others may take months or even years – quite simply because we’re all dependent on search engines and the process of crawling, indexing and ranking.


Are you interested in finding out more about the advanced SEO predictions of 2018?

Whether you’re an SEO expert, are brand new to the search engine game or would rate yourself somewhere in the middle, you should know that Moz is a fantastic reference site.

And Moz co-founder Rand Fishkin has a new year tradition which is to predict SEO trends for the coming year. And he’s more often than not correct (or at least not entirely wrong) with his predictions which is no mean feat in the unpredictable landscape that is search engine optimisation.

We’re going to leave the more enthusiastic SEO-ers with 9 Predictions for SEO in 2018.



Looking for more wedding industry supplier stories and couple insights? Head to the Bridebook Business Hub, the home of wedding industry knowledge. 


Hot wedding trend 2018 – let the purple reign

We’d like to introduce all UK wedding suppliers to ultra violet purple – your Pantone colour of the year.


Last year’s colour theme of the year was Greenery and we definitely saw a surge in brides and grooms opting for green decor and garland style floral installations.

The Pantone colour of the year is always a strong indicator of wedding trends to come so expect to find couples requesting fifty shades of purple this year!

We think it’s the most beautiful colour for weddings – adding a calm sophistication and often regal touch to any tableware, flowers or decor, and there are a lot of ways to incorporate accents of this colour in a wedding theme or to go all out and let the purple reign.

Now is the time to start thinking about designs, decorations and photographs that incorporate ultra violet purple to ensure that you position your wedding business as relevant and on trend in time for peak wedding season.

Here are a few ideas to inspire you to incorporate this 2018 wedding trend in your wedding supplier collection…


Purple wedding flowers

Perhaps your clients will want to really embrace the ultra violet vibes…


Or perhaps they’d prefer to mix ultra violet with more subtle lavender tones…


Will the newly engaged couples you work with opt for strong purples and deep velvet ribbons…


Or splash the brightest purples across garlands and amongst greenery for a bold look that builds on last years hot trend…


Keep it simple for couples who don’t want to spend a fortune on purple centrepieces…



And why not recommend that couples use lavender as a cost effective way to add a bohemian edge (and a beautiful scent) to a purple wedding theme. They’ll appreciate your advice and will trust you more for it.



Purple wedding cake

Design beautiful wedding cakes that combine deep purple with a marbled effect – another hot trend of 2018…


For more traditional wedding cakes add a textured mauve layer…


Or opt for a naked wedding cake and use purple fruits and flowers to decorate. Simple yet effective…


Swot up on these types of dessert table delights. The “help yourself” dessert table is set to replace traditional wedding breakfast desserts in 2018…


Purple wedding decorations

Feature photographs of an elegant, purple themed wedding breakfast table on your wedding website to capture the hearts and minds of trendy 2018 couples…


Include purple paper lanterns in your product portfolio for couples wanting accents of colour rather than swathes of it…


Or be very clever and show couples how effective purple lighting can look alongside sophisticated whites and crystal table decorations…


We just love these lavender mason jars…


Purple wedding stationery

Showcase bright and elegant wedding invitations on your website that incorporate purples but remain traditional in style…


Show 2018 couples that you also cater to contemporary stationery themes with this bold, dramatic and stylish purple invitation…


And add beautiful botanical wedding invitations to your purple collection – always a crowd pleaser…


Ultra violet purple and gold – the edit

Purple and gold look so great together. We wouldn’t be surprised if Harry and Meghan opt for a similar dramatic yet expensive-looking theme.

For a truly regal look add elaborate gold metals to your wedding collection…


Gold cutlery is hot stuff and we’ve seen a rise in requests for it over the past year or so. With the arrival of purple as a key colour of 2018, expect a surge in requests for gold tableware and purple glassware and chargers – this style of table setting is going to be hot property…


Or prepare for couples to flip the colour scheme around and opt for purple tablecloths and gold chargers. We love this look for a winter wedding whereas the above could work all year round.


This beautiful wedding cake uses just a touch of purple with the subtle focus being the gold leaf detail and drops of liquid gold…


It’s time to stock up on colourful ideas for your wedding business


We have it on good authority that ultra violet purple will be making an appearance on engaged couples Pinterest boards any day now – and it should certainly be splashed across yours too if you want to be seen as a hot and relevant wedding supplier this year.


We guarantee that your competitors will be considering when to place their first order of purple flowers now, as well as researching where best to source ultra violet purple table decorations like napkins, plates, tablecloths, glassware and chargers. And we’ll soon see the leading stationery companies showcasing purple themed wedding invites.


Get ahead of the game and start investing in ultra violet wedding decorations and ideas now to luxe up your portfolio and win the hearts (and bookings) of couples this year.

Looking for more wedding industry trends and couple insights? Head to the Bridebook Business Hub, the home of wedding industry knowledge. 


How to become a winning wedding supplier in 2018


All those things you promised yourself you’d do differently last year can finally be put into practice and you could make 2018 your best year of weddings yet.


That is, as long as you’re prepared to make positive changes now.

Here are 3 things that the most successful wedding suppliers of 2018 will be doing right now and throughout 2018. If you want to have a winning year too, you’d best get started…


1. Be stringent with time management and communications

Think back to how busy you were during peak wedding season 2017. Wouldn’t it be incredible if you could be equally as busy this year but without the added stress of feeling like there simply aren’t enough hours in the day?


Streamline your communications now and you’ll soon notice how much more efficiently you’re managing your time, and how much more you’re able to get done. We strongly recommend that you write down a basic communication plan and stick to it as closely as you can. It could look something like this:


  • Enquiry: respond via email within 24 hours (tip – prepare a template and include personalisation fields)
  • Follow up email / phone call: if you haven’t heard back since the initial enquiry, schedule a follow up email and / or phone call 5-7 days later.
  • First meeting: organise a first meeting to discuss ideas and secure the booking. At this meeting, inform your clients of how you prefer to work in terms of ongoing communication between now and their wedding day. Perhaps you could share a Google document with the couple and ask them to input all of their ideas and requests there, and let them know that you’ll be free to discuss all ideas exactly 12, 10 or 8 months before their wedding day – whichever schedule works for both you as the wedding supplier and for the couple in question.
  • Ongoing communication: set your second meeting (whether face to face, skype or phone call) and schedule a final pre-wedding meeting with the couple so that they feel comfortable knowing that you’re in control of things. This also helps you better manage your time.



Prepare for ad hoc email communications and phone calls but try to keep all communications direct and concise – it’s simply a better use of everyone’s time.


2. Be clear on your goals

What do you hope to achieve in 2018, both personally and professionally? It’s important to consider what a better wedding business and a better life means to you, and to think about how these elements tie together.

If you’re challenging yourself to generate more revenue and more bookings but are also determined to secure a better work-life balance this year, you’ll have to consider building a bigger team to free up your time. Is this financially feasible?

Carefully consider your objectives for this year and document three clear goals for you to work towards and remind yourself of regularly. Checking in monthly will provide reflection; enabling you to see how you’re progressing and helping you stay on track.



Tip: you’re much more likely to do something if you write it down so even if you work alone, note down your goals and display them in your office so they’re clear for you to see!


3. Build your online presence

It is getting more and more difficult to get noticed online but it’s absolutely essential that you try and that you’re consistently dedicating a fair proportion of your time to doing so.

Consistently produce and upload fresh, new, high quality content and stay abreast of new developments in SEO. If you’ve already got a great website and are present on social channels and online wedding planning tools like Bridebook, consider working with a local SEO consultant or digital marketing specialist to boost your presence and further build authority in search results.



Local pros can be found on Linked In and on specialist freelance sites like UpWork, but be careful to ask for examples of work and demonstrable experience before engaging a freelancer as specialist sites don’t always mean specialist services!

We’ll be sharing our top SEO tips right here, at Bridebook Business Hub, throughout the year so if you’re keen to have a go at becoming an online marketing pro yourself, stay tuned for hot new tips and tricks.


It’s time to change the game

To make a positive long-term impact on your business it’s essential that you focus on making small changes today. These super achievable game changing tips will make your life easier and your business better. Start today and become this year’s winning wedding supplier.


Looking for more wedding industry trends and couple insights? Head to the Bridebook Business Hub, the home of wedding industry knowledge. 


Bridebook Business Hub

Bridebook Business Hub


Welcome to the Bridebook Business Hub.  

Bridebook Business Hub has been created for you, the wedding industry professional. We want to make sure you have the skills and resources you need to build a strong digital presence and market your wedding business with confidence. From couple insights and trends to social media and lead generation (and much more), the Bridebook Business Hub is a one-stop shop for the all the latest news and top tips to power your wedding business.

As well as this, we look to provide supportive and educational insight into the industry. We do this by working with our Bridebook data scientists and by partnering with leading experts, inspirational thinkers, and thought generators. 


Be Good To Yourself:

  1. 3 New Year’s Resolutions for every wedding professional
  2. Your bedtime routine could be wrecking your wedding business
  3. 23 Motivational Quotes to help Inspire Wedding Professionals
  4. 3 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Wedding Professional
  5. TED tips for building creative confidence as a wedding professional


Bridebook Business Account & Profile

  1. The New Face of Bridebook Enquiries for Wedding Industry Professionals.
  2. Your 2018 Engagement Season Checklist
  3. 5 improvements to your Bridebook Business Profile that will help grow your wedding business!
  4. Why successful wedding suppliers spend more time choosing the right profile pictures
  5. As Featured On: Personalised Bridebook Business Badges For Your Business.


Business Advice and Top Tips

  1. Do’s and dont’s of coronavirus for wedding venues
  2. 10 Essential Wedding Photography Tips from a Famed Photographer
  3. How to become a winning wedding supplier in 2018
  4. 10 Essential Wedding Photography Tips from a Famed Photographer
  5. Why every wedding supplier website needs an FAQ page
  6. Essential questions you should be asking your couples in 2018
  7. 9 of the Best Free Tools To Help Grow Your Wedding Business
  8. Is your wedding website deemed ‘relatable’ by couples of today?
  9. 10 things brides hate about you…
  10. The Wedding Supplier’s Guide to Reducing a Couple’s Planning Anxiety with Mind Marriage
  11. 5 ways wedding pro’s can deliver big impact with a small team
  12. 12 Tips of Christmas for festive wedding professionals


Marketing for Wedding Professionals

  1. UK wedding venues have discovered the secret to free marketing and more bookings
  2. The importance of ‘email’ in the UK wedding industry today
  3. Does featuring on B2B wedding directories defeat the point of having your own wedding website?
  4. 5 tips to guaranteeing wedding show success
  5. Wedding Venues and Photographers – a match made in marketing heaven
  6. Dog-friendly weddings and the marketing opportunities they present
  7. Bridebook Business: Confidence In Marketing Your Wedding Business.
  8. Bridebook Business: Self Promoting Your Wedding Business



  1. How wedding suppliers get into the world of wedding industry awards
  2. UK wedding supplier events 2017 / 2018



  1. How to network with wedding suppliers 
  2. A professionals guide to Networking in the Wedding Industry with Engage Weddings
  3. Why Targeted Accounts are the wedding industry game changer of 2018


Public Relations:

  1. How wedding businesses like yours are using PR to bag bookings
  2. How wedding suppliers get published in PR



  1. Why it’s more important than ever to be transparent with your pricing
  2. How wedding pro’s play the pricing game


Reviews & Testimonials:

  1. How reviews help wedding photographers generate bookings
  2. How reviews help wedding planners generate bookings
  3. How reviews help wedding food suppliers generate bookings
  4. How reviews help wedding dress, makeup and accessories suppliers generate bookings
  5. Why reviews and recommendations are a wedding suppliers best friend
  6. How to use your reviews
  7. An idiot’s guide to making reviews work for your wedding business
  8. Bridebook Business Live: How To Make The Most Of Reviews.
  9. Are reviews important sales tools for wedding venues?


Successful Sales:

  1. From enquiry to booked: 10 top tips to increase your wedding venue bookings this Engagement Season
  2. 3 places wedding suppliers must be to never need bookings again
  3. How to stand out in the wedding industry and win new business
  4. Wedding Industry Insights: where do quality enquiries come from?
  5. How wedding suppliers impress couples at the first meeting
  6. What couples want from a wedding venue in 2018
  7. 7 things Wedding Venues can clarify upfront to help secure bookings


Seasonal Saviours:

  1. How UK Wedding Suppliers can get the most out of Engagement Season
  2. 5 easy ways to prepare your wedding business for the slow season during peak season
  3. 3 Tips to Help You Survive the Wedding Season 2017
  4. How to make more time for yourself during peak wedding season



  1. 5 ways to fail or nail SEO in 2018
  2. 4 Killer SEO Content Tips for Wedding Professionals
  3. Using local SEO to attract local brides and grooms
  4. Bridebook Business Live: How grew to 350,000 social media followers in 12 months.


Social Media: 

  1. How Savvy Wedding Suppliers use Instagram to get Bookings in 2017
  2. How wedding suppliers can generate interest from Pinterest in 2017
  3. 5 ways Wedding Venues can use Facebook to boost bookings this summer
  4. Should we – as Wedding Suppliers – embrace social media at weddings or discourage it?


Supplier Stories: 

  1. The Do’s and Don’ts of Hosting a Wedding Showcase Event
  2. Inspiring Stories – an interview with successful start-up wedding business, Barnutopia
  3. How Penton Park transformed into a wedding venue
  4. John Nassari – the story behind the man, the photographer and the artist
  5. Wedding Stylists Hattie & Flora on Creativity and Collaboration in the Industry
  6. Insights from Award-Winning Wedding Florist and Blogger Thoughts of You Flowers
  7. Wedding Personalisation And Insights From Wedding Venue Woodhill Hall
  8. Wedding Trends and Insights with Historic Ashridge House
  9. Industry Insights From Wedding Stylist, The Vintage House That Could
  10. Industry Insights From Wedding Cake Designer, Blushing Cook.
  11. Iona Thomas’ Journey from Professional Concert Player to Wedding Musician
  12. London Wedding Venue Queen Mary University London Shares Insights on Staying Unique in a Changing Industry
  13. Wedding Venue Blenheim Palace on Tradition, Millennials and the Wedding Industry
  14. Woodhall Spa Manor On Helping Couples Keep Wedding Costs Low
  15. Heaton House and the Importance of Reviews in the Wedding Industry


Top Trends

  1. How wedding venues can work 2018 trends into any space
  2. Visual trends influencing wedding photography in 2018
  3. Hot wedding trend 2018 – let the purple reign
  4. Predicted: wedding industry technology trends 2018


Wedding Industry Insights:

  1. 7 trends wedding suppliers need to know about Millennial couples in 2018.
  2. Bridebook Marriage Report 2017
  3. Are We In The Midst of a Wedding Revolution?
  4. How to deliver personalised weddings in an impersonal online world.
  5. 4 wedding traditions that are getting ditched when couples get hitched.
  6. REVEALED: how millennial couples planned their weddings in 2017.
  7. Weekday wedding bookings overtake weekends at South Farm – and it’s not difficult to see why.

Is there a Business topic you’d like to be discussed or a business concern you currently have? Pop Beth an email at and she will give you a helping hand. 


Bridebook Business Hub

3 New Year’s Resolutions for every wedding professional


Well what a year it’s been.

Whether you’re eager to see the back of it or are feeling super positive about the changes this year has brought you, the New Year signals a fresh start which means out with the old and in with the new.

As we near the end of 2017 and prepare to welcome a new year steeped in brand new opportunities, it’s time to think about what went well this year and decide what we resolve to do in 2018.


We’ve taken a fair few learnings out of 2017 and it is with this new insight that we bring you our recommendations on where you should be focusing your efforts to win more bookings next year.


Here are 3 New Year’s Resolutions we want wedding suppliers to commit to in 2018.


Define your brand

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business – whether you’re large or small, B2B or B2C. Your brand is a promise to future clients that you’re a trustworthy wedding supplier who commits to delivering a certain quality of service, consistently.

Brand should reflect whether you’re a high cost, high quality wedding supplier or a low cost, good value for money one, and potential clients should be able to recognise where your product or service sits on this spectrum.


Resolve to answer these questions in 2018 and ensure that everyone you employ at your wedding company understands your brand attributes and what makes you, you.

  • What is your company’s mission – why do you exist and what are your objectives?
  • What are the benefits and features of your products or services?
  • What do existing clients and prospect couples already think of your company?
  • What qualities do you want people to associate with your company?

To do list:  once you’ve defined exactly who you are as a wedding business resolve to build a brand guideline document which details all the key brand attributes your team should be aware of and how these tie in to your business objectives. If you currently work alone, this is still a great exercise and will help remind you of your brand values throughout the year.


Ask For Reviews

If there’s one thing we’ve learnt from 2017 it’s that reviews matter. And we mean REALLY matter. Newly engaged couples are clocking up hours researching wedding suppliers like you on the internet, and they’re particularly interested in star ratings and reviews.


You must resolve to ask your most recent clients to leave you a review in 2018 and beyond. Showcasing reviews from over a year ago simply won’t do. Potential clients are looking at dates and relevance – they want to understand who you impressed recently.

Go one step further and ask couples who said no to leaving you a review why they made that decision. Appropriately managing negative reviews or opinions can actually help new potential clients see your wedding business in a positive light as it shows that you care about the opinions of couples you’ve worked with and are always looking to improve.


To do list: set up an alert system whenever you receive a booking from a new client for 1 month after their wedding date. This will remind you to reach out to clients post-wedding and ask for a review once they’ve had time to get over the wedding buzz.

Psst: post reviews on your Bridebook Business profile and secure more new bookings than ever before thanks to increased brand exposure (+40,000 couples to be precise).


Refine your online presence

Does your wedding business feature on multiple sites and platforms across numerous corners of the web?

Well as long as you’ve been strategic in deciding where to feature your wedding services it’s good that you’re showcasing your brand in various places. However you must ensure that you always keep your information up to date – otherwise this increased presence could be detrimental to business rather than beneficial.


Resolve to ensure that wherever you’re present on the web – that means your website, your Bridebook profile or your social media accounts – that you ensure you’re featuring current photographs in your portfolio, new reviews, accurate pricing information and correct contact details.

Millennial couples will do their research and may check out your Instagram profile, then your Bridebook profile and then your website, so make sure you’re consistent.

To do list: it’s really important that you link between profiles to ensure Google knows you’re all joined up as one wedding business. Make sure you include a link to your website on your Instagram accounts and other profiles.


Let’s make 2018 your best year yet

Wave goodbye to 2017 and welcome in 2018 with these key action points and watch your wedding business flourish in the new year.

What did you learn in 2017 about your wedding business or the industry in general? And how will this affect how you do business in 2018?

What couples want from a wedding venue in 2018


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And what might make one couple watery eyed and besotted could indeed leave a different couple feeling…well…not very much at all.

But as the wedding industry landscape changes so too do the priorities of wedding planning couples, and whilst we cannot say in absolute terms what will make every bride or groom tick, we can’t ignore the trends we’ve identified whilst working with wedding venues throughout 2017.


What couples want from your wedding venue

Here are five key things that couples want from wedding venues today and key trends you should be aware of going into 2018…


1. Beautiful scenery

Unsurprisingly, couple’s look for impressive landscapes and beautiful backdrops when choosing a wedding venue. Couples want to achieve the wow factor and impress their guests, and they want beautiful scenery to form the background of their wedding photographs.

[Gosfield Hall Wedding Venue]


Now your wedding venue doesn’t have to be a manor house set in rolling countryside to reel in landscape-loving couples; success is dependent on how creative you are with the photography you use to advertise your wedding venue.

Include as much scenery in photographs as you can but if your venue is set in a city centre or has limited surrounding natural beauty make the most of nearby scenic opportunities. If your venue sits adjacent to a beautiful park include photos of a bride and groom there; if a village a few streets away makes for a great backdrop, grab your camera kit and take a few shots there.

It’s all about offering the best your local area has to offer and showing newly engaged couples what their wedding photos could look like should they choose your venue. You’re the expert of your local area so make your landscape work for you


2. Couples are willing to spend more for perfection

Couples are certainly still cost conscious but the majority are also more willing now than ever before to stretch their budget if you can offer them their perfect wedding venue.

And what makes your wedding venue perfect for each couple is heavily based on your ability to be flexible and offer each couple the opportunity to customise your venue to suit their big day.

You should focus on selling your space and ideas of how the couple in question could utilise different areas of your venue in different ways.

[Parklands Quendon Hall]


Empty rooms won’t get couples excited so if you can’t set up a demonstration of how their wedding could look be sure to talk through ideas and show photographs of rooms decorated for previous weddings.

Be sure to let couples know that they can decorate and transform your space to suit them – personalising lots of little elements to make their big day truly unique to them.

Tip: Be transparent with your pricing. Couples are willing to spend more if you’re open, honest and work with them to build a wedding package that fits. List your pricing parameters and share photographs and details of wedding open days at your venue on your Bridebook profile for free to attract more couples in 2018.


3. Photographs of real weddings at your venue

One of the most important marketing tools at your disposal are photographs of real couples and real weddings held at your venue.

[Yasmine & Matt in Berkshire]


Couples want to see examples of how weddings look and how certain spaces are used. This helps them to imagine their own wedding day at your venue which in turn, makes it much more likely that they’ll choose to book with your venue.

[Old Thorns Manor Hotel, Golf & Country Estate]


Getting hold of these kinds of photographs is largely dependent on you forging good relationships with local photographers. Strike up a deal in which you promise to include the photographer on your preferred supplier list in exchange for access to a handful of the photo’s they take for each wedding held at your venue. Or take your own photographs with a good quality camera and ask permission from the couple to use them after the wedding.

Tip: choose a photograph of your favourite real wedding to use as your Bridebook profile photo and show newly engaged couples what they could have if they chose to get married at your wedding venue.


4. The bar is a big deal

It’s no secret that us Brits know how to have a good time (ahem…drink). So it should come as no surprise to learn that bars are important business. Couples are more interested in having well stocked open bars at their wedding now more than ever before.

[Elmore Court]


Ensure your wedding venue advertises a good bar space and include various examples and creative options on how to dress the bar and make it into a fantastic feature of the evening.

Couples are loving signature cocktails so include this as an option, and advertise a qualified mixologist as part of your bar package to wow couples and their guests. The bar is evening entertainment in itself.


5. Indoor / outdoor wedding options

Couples are loving the idea of outdoor weddings but unfortunately, the UK climate isn’t really best placed to reassure us that this is always possible!

Being able to offer both indoor and outdoor spaces to newly engaged couples is really important and could mean the difference between you securing a booking or not.

[Winters Barns]

Work with whatever outdoor space you have to offer – whether a large lawn or a rooftop deck – and showcase photographs of the space being used for weddings on your website, on your Bridebook profile and on all marketing materials.

If you’ve not got any outdoor space to offer, try bringing a little of the outdoor indoors! Adorn your wedding reception rooms with bundles of floral arrangements and hanging plants to show how romantic flowers indoors can be as beautiful as anything anyone else has to offer outdoors.


Make the most out of your wedding venue

Now you know what couples look for in wedding venues today, make sure you’re marketing your assets in the right way to attract more couples and secure more bookings in 2018.

Have you identified any other trends in couples searching for wedding venues this year? Share your feedback in the comment section below.

Dog friendly weddings and the marketing opportunities they present


They’ve always been man’s best friend but the integration of dogs in everyday (human) life is ever increasing, and we’re seeing cuddly canines pop up everywhere; online, in marketing and in advertising campaigns for all kinds of organisations and across all kinds of industries.

And the wedding industry is no exception.

Our furry favourites now have their own Instagram accounts


And they’re being used to market all types of products and occasions quite simply because they’re pretty darn irresistible and are more likely to attract people’s attention.


Check out all of those #dog inspired hashtags used by Blenheim Palace!

And who could ignore the latest addition to the Hedsor House family?! Almost 800 people couldn’t


More and more couples are including their pets in their weddings and it’s time for you, as a forward-thinking, business savvy wedding supplier, to take advantage of the opportunity this presents in helping you market your business.


Why embracing our canine friends in the wedding industry is beneficial to business

Dogs make you look. And look again. They grab our attention and they make us feel. Emotions and memories stay with people; they’ll remember your wedding venue or service in association with that oh so gorgeous picture of a pretty pooch.

It’s no surprise that many couples opt to include their pets in their weddings. I mean, is there anything more adorable than a ring-bearing dog?


Wedding venues – allow dogs at your venue

We’re a nation of dog lovers so try not to isolate the couples who’re set on including their dog in their wedding day,

If you’re concerned about ‘dogs on the loose’ potentially damaging your wedding venue why not insist that couples use a dog sitter? You could even partner up with one so that they’re on hand for you to recommend to couples.

Tip – a good selling point when asking couples to use a dog sitter is to explain that the sitter is primarily there to make sure that the dog has enough time to develop a level of comfort around guests, and that the sitter is there to act as your pet’s guide.

A dog sitter is responsible for bringing the pet to the ceremony, taking him home after and watching him during the reception so you’ve really very little to worry about.


Hockering House welcome dogs at their ceremonies – who doesn’t love a dog walking down the aisle:

Dog friendly Wedding Venue Hockering House Norfolk


Photographers – be sure to ask couples to let you know in advance if they’ve any special additions you should be aware of, such as dogs at the wedding.

As a photographer, you’ll want to be prepared to capture pets in action so ask couples in advance whether they’re doing anything special on their big day – like inviting pets along. It also means that you can brainstorm fun photo ideas for your clients and their beloved dogs.


The next generation of weddings will include our furry favourites as guests

Pets play such an important role in a couple’s life and for many ‘pet parents’, family festivities such as weddings would not be complete without their involvement.

As a result, it’s becoming more common for couples to include their furry companions in their wedding day. So as wedding suppliers, you should consider how to cater for pups at your wedding venue or incorporate them in your business plans to ensure your wedding services appeal to a wider audience of dog loving couples.

What do you think about the idea of dogs at weddings? Total pawfect or a no go?

12 Tips of Christmas for festive wedding professionals


We’re dreaming of a white Christmas. And with that, we’re also wishing for a successful snowy season for you and your wedding business.

But why rest your dreamy head in the wintry clouds when you can create your own winter wedding success and secure seasonal bookings?


Introducing the 12 tips of Christmas.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my wed-pro gave to me…

…“twelve excellent tips on how to make your wedding business stand out over the Christmas period.”

Ok so our version of that crimbo song may not have the same ring to it but our advice is worth its weight in gold.

We’re gifting you with twelve tips on how to make winter weddings your thing so that you can build a dream vision of your wedding services and attract couples dreaming of a winter wedding.


1. Wedding venues – carry a camera (or a photographer!) with you everywhere.

The weather is unpredictable and you never know when those flakes of snow may fall or when you’ll catch a newlywed couple snuggled by your venue’s roaring fire over a steaming mug of mulled wine. Christmas 2017 is a wonderful time to capture sparkly moments that you can advertise on your website, and appeal to couples hoping to get married in the winter of 2018.


2. Wedding photographers – do what you do best.

We don’t have to tell you what makes an inspiring winter wedding photo – you’re the experts. But as winter weddings aren’t yet as popular as fair weather weddings, take a look at the world around you and capture the season itself if you’ve no winter weddings booked to photograph.

Showcase a gallery of frosted flowers, iced lakes and mugs of hot mulled wine and cinnamon sticks by a fireplace to draw in attention from winter wedding loving couples. You need to sell a story to capture hearts.


3. Wedding florists – stick to seasonal flowers.

Upload shots of berry bouquets and holly adorned garlands to your social accounts and website. Think brides in fur boleros holding frosted flowers in the snow and sell your services visually.


4. Wedding caterers – create seasonal menus.

What winter warmers can you conjure up to offer prospective couples before they’ve even thought about exactly what they’re after? Whether you’re a fresh produce and wholesome food provider or an elegant a la carte caterer, now is the time to be creative with your culinary skills and whip up winter menus that no other wedding supplier could rival.


5. Winter wedding cakes  

if you specialise in making beautiful wedding cakes make sure you’re not seasonally biased! Present photographs of your wonderful winter collections of cakes on your website to show how versatile your skill set is and how dreamy winter wedding cakes can be.


6. Wedding transport

If you’re in the specialist business of wedding transport make sure you’re optimising your website to get to the top of google results for all sorts of specific terms, including phrases such as “winter wedding transport”.


7. Wedding decorations

Between November and January wedding venues should build a festive atmosphere to really set the scene for winter wedding lovers. Make a real statement and create a winter wonderland of your very own; transporting couples to a Christmassy world adorned with fairy lights and scented cinnamon candles.


8. Wedding planning

Although wedding planners are typically behind the scenes you should absolutely boast about the weddings you’ve helped plan on your website. Optimise your site for wedding planner searches by season.

Did you know long tail keyword searches are one of the best ways to target smaller but more engaged audiences? Try including phrases like “wedding planning for winter weddings” and ask permission to use photographs of winter weddings you’re particularly proud of.


9. Wedding entertainment

Bands and musicians…why not include a couple of christmas favourites on your playlist or share on facebook? Who knows; your rendition of the Pogues, Fairytale of New York, could help you win the hearts of a newly engaged couple keen on a festive affair!


10. Wedding dress

The perfect winter wedding dress is stylish, demure and elegant but with practical elements to keep the bride warm. A faux fur throw is always a great winter addition but could you offer something different? Be daring and creative with your winter bridal wear collection and turn heads for all the right reasons! Dress your shop front to reflect the change in season and make sure your website showcases the best in winter bridal wear.


11. Wedding accessories

Remember to invest in a new collection of closed toe shoes for your wedding boutique in winter, and it may be worth investing in a few pairs of white wellies to ensure you’re offering an ‘all eventualities covered’ one-stop-shop for brides. Sparkly hair decorations work particularly well in winter as do velvet headbands decorated with crystals or feathers.


12. Wedding makeup

Winter makeup can be a much more enjoyable affair than summer makeup, as makeup artists need not worry about the bride sweating off her foundation and more! Embrace the colder seasons and show your talents for fair foundations with peachy pink blushed cheeks, icy tones for eye makeup and a bold red romantic lip. Show your best season makeup trends on your wedding website.


This winter is your chance to show couples getting married next year how well you cater to winter weddings and how beautiful and romantic a frosty affair in the UK can be!

Predicted: wedding industry technology trends 2018


In recent years, wedding technology has advanced somewhat and we’re seeing pioneering businesses lead the way with innovative new ideas on how to make the wedding experience, even more, WOW for next-gen couples.

This is largely in response to millennial couples expecting technology to play a big part in their wedding day (as well as in the planning and research phase of their wedding journey) now more than ever before.



1. Something old something new

We’re not the only wedding business to have detected a surge in the popularity of online invitations between 2016 and 2017, and sending digital invites has become normal custom for many younger wedding planning couples in particular.

In 2018 we’re expecting to see a resurgence of the physical invitation but with a modern ‘techy’ twist.


We predict that on pretty printed wedding invitations, couples will start to ask guests to download an app and scan their personal invite to RSVP, or at the very least, visit their wedding website to respond.

2018 is going to be all about streamlining and efficiencies. Couples want to keep their weddings personal but also make their own lives easier, hence the decision to collect RSVPs all in one place – online.

For wedding stationery suppliers in need of a little inspiration, Interactive Wedding Invitations is a UK based wedding supplier that specialises in making real wedding invitations come to life.


2. Virtual wedding planning 

Wedding industry experts expect couples in 2018 to go fully mobile with their wedding plans, using platforms like Bridebook to help them plan their big day.


Millennials want to be able to plan their wedding on the go and have access to all the information they need there and then – right at their fingertips.

According to a Forbes article on tech trends that will shake up content marketing in 2018, 69% of digital media engagement happens on mobile platforms across all industries right now.

Experts predict a continued increase in the entire wedding planning process happening online and we’ll begin to see more and more wedding suppliers developing processes and systems to facilitate this change in behaviour.

3. Photo apps will become the norm

We’re seeing more couples choosing to use photo sharing apps for their wedding day in addition to (not instead of) a professional photographer.

Photo apps like Scripin, mean that guests can be actively involved in the happy couple’s wedding day -taking photos and videos, sharing them with all the other guests in one simple and easy to use app, that you can download after your wedding so you get the complete picture!


4. 3D wedding planning designs

We’ll soon wave goodbye to loose conversations about reception layouts and colour scheme blends because 3D design tools that help couples virtually design and plan their reception rooms and then explore them in 3D are coming in 2018.


These tools do already exist and are becoming increasingly popular within the US wedding industry, so we predict they’ll be crossing the pond into the UK very soon.

These design tools enable couples, suppliers and venues to collaborate in an interactive, real-time way to create beautiful layouts and styles within the room specified.

Couples simply drag and drop wedding themed items into their real wedding venue or a template venue created to the exact measurements of the real deal.

They can then start designing how their day will look – making it almost impossible for wedding suppliers to misinterpret a couple’s requests and in turn, reassuring the couple that everything they’ve chosen works well together.

We expect to see future wedding technology trends build from this idea, and have seen similar examples of virtual wedding planning support in the form of Brookfield Barn which offers 3D virtual tours of their facilities on their website – helping couples and suppliers work together throughout the planning stage without having to actually visit the venue in person.


5. Hidden action cameras

Expect to see GoPro’s in brides’ bouquets, in vicar or registrars’ top pockets, in brides’ hair, on pets walking down the aisle, and even on bottles of alcohol and disco balls!


As a wedding photographer, get creative and go one step further than offering drones. Incorporate action cameras as part of your premium wedding day packages and impress the couples you work with in 2018.


6. GIF Photobooth

We’re seeing the already very popular wedding photobooth give way to the GIF booth in 2018.

A GIF booth captures a selection of around 3-5 photos and then automatically animates them into a GIF that is instantly shareable there and then. The booth also provides printouts of the single shots as well so you still get all the benefits of the original wedding photo booth.


7. 3D Printing

3D printing is nothing new but we predict an increase in popularity as 3D printing helps facilitate some truly unique and special ideas such as 3D Wedding Cake Toppers of the actual bride and groom (both humorous and personal!) and 3D Wedding Cake projections.


Couples will start to experiment with printed cake designs and personalised 3D projections to make their wedding cake come to life.

This process is unique and requires a lot of time but the results are stunning


8. Social will play an even bigger role 

Couples will continue to find new ways to integrate technology into their wedding day plans; adopting things like custom Snapchat geofilters.


This year, we’ve also seen more wedding venues offering live streaming as a service in wedding packages, indicating a shift toward incorporating social and tech into standardised wedding packages.


Are you ready for the latest in wedding technology?

Whilst we don’t think anyone expects all wedding suppliers to tick all the techy boxes any time soon, it’s important to keep abreast of industry developments to ensure you’re not lagging behind.

What technological advances do you think will hit the UK wedding industry in 2018?

Will your wedding business be investing in a techy upgrade next year?

Wedding Industry Insights: where do quality enquiries come from?

Where do quality wedding enquiries come from? Well isn’t that the million dollar question.

Whether you’re inundated with wedding enquiries of a mixed quality or are struggling to get enough leads to your inbox, it would be pretty handy to know exactly where you should be focusing your efforts and resources to guarantee the best quality enquiries, wouldn’t it?

Well we’re here to tell you that if you can invest a little more time in being strategic in your approach to lead generation and begin to build insights around your target audience’s behaviours you could very quickly streamline your marketing efforts so that they focus on the channels that bring YOU your best enquiries.

What does a good quality enquiry look like to your wedding business?

Before we look at where you can find quality enquiries you must first determine what you consider to be a high quality enquiry for your wedding business.


We use a traffic light system to categorise the types of enquiries we typically receive and to determine where they fit in our priority list. This helps us to decide where to allocate our resource.

Here’s what a traffic light system could look like for your business:

Green = newly engaged couples with a wedding date, location and budget in mind

Amber = couples who seem to be contacting many suppliers to ‘get a feel’ for what is on offer

Red = secret shoppers or individuals reluctant to give you much information about themselves

Once you’ve established what a good lead looks like for your business it’s time to go through your enquiry database from the past few months or year (depending on the volume of enquiries you’ve received – you should ensure you’re working with a large enough sample size) and organise your enquiries into categories to see which channel has been working well for you historically, over the short-medium term.


Determining where to allocate your resources

It is important not to entirely dismiss a channel that appears to be delivering lower quality enquiries unless the volume for that channel is also very low.


High volume enquiry channels mean exposure. You’re getting noticed. These channels are worth closer inspection to see if there’s anything you could be doing to filter your enquiries further and ensure only the ‘Green’ enquiries make it through to your inbox.

This is the formula we use to help us decide how to approach each channel, post enquiry analysis:

High volume, low quality = opportunity

High volume, high quality = lead gold

Low volume, high quality = opportunity

Low volume, low quality = dead wood

The ‘lead gold’ channels are the ones you simply cannot do without and they’re the ones that are already working well for you. Take a closer look at these channels and make sure you’re doing all you can to make sure they continue to work well for you.

The ‘opportunity’ channels are there for your exploration. You’ll need to invest time and effort into optimising your business presence on these channels in an attempt to generate higher quality leads and filter out the Red enquiries altogether. Make sure you set yourself a deadline to revisit and re-measure the success or failure of ‘opportunity’ channels. You should be looking for short-medium term improvements in their performance to justify your resources being invested there.

The ‘dead wood’ channels are those that have consistently delivered poor quality leads and disappointing volumes for a prolonged period of time. You should cut your losses with these channels and allocate your resources elsewhere, where they’ll be more impactful.

Taking a closer look at key lead-generation channels 

Company website

Your website should be a high quality enquiry generator. It will most probably fall within the lower volume, high quality category which means there’s a definite opportunity to work on optimising your website and increasing traffic to it.

And more relevant traffic to your website means more, high quality leads.

Tip: read Using local SEO to attract local brides and grooms.

Social media

Social media is a tricky medium to call in terms of predicted success rate as it depends entirely on your objective for each social channel.

Many wedding professionals find Linked In is great for networking with fellow suppliers but it’s certainly not a channel for attracting couples.

Facebook and Instagram are probably the best two social platforms for attracting newly engaged couples however actually generating quality enquiries on social platforms is tough.

The fundamental nature of social media is that of fast content consumption and skim reading behaviour, and your messages are broadcast to a vast, broad audience which means it’s a lot trickier to use social channels as lead generation platforms.

Social media is better placed as an attraction tool – helping your wedding business improve local exposure so that couples want to find out more about your wedding business rather than make an instant enquiry off of the back of a social post.


Wedding directories

It is commonly believed that enquiries coming through third party websites such as wedding directories are of poorer quality and that couples enquiring through these channels are just looking for discounts and cheaper suppliers, regardless of whether they’re professional or not.

This kind of stereotyping is harmful, as it deprives many wedding pro’s of an excellent opportunity to benefit from a high volume of quality leads. As mentioned above, where high volume is concerned there is at the very least an opportunity to receive excellent quality enquiries if you approach featuring on wedding directories in the correct way.

Choose the right third party platform. A UK based platform such as Bridebook focuses on location based searches to ensure couples searching for wedding suppliers are shown the most relevant wedding companies possible. This is good for couples and it’s good for you.

Most wedding planning platforms are free for suppliers to register with. You can feature your wedding business on Bridebook completely free which means the risk associated with receiving what you deem to be a low quality lead is minimised because you’re not actually paying anything for it.

Optimise your business profile by adding tons of relevant information about your wedding services, location, pricing and reviews. This is likely to get you noticed in search, help filter out any time wasters and ensure you only receive informed enquiries from couples with real intent to book your wedding services.


It’s important to be where your clients are

If we could ask our readers to take away one key thing from this article it would be to remember that your business is unique and that what works for you may be very different to what works for a fellow wedding supplier.

Of course, sharing tips between wedding pro’s is helpful but be sure not to let preconceived ideas about certain channels discourage you from trying them out.

As long as you adopt a strategic approach to identifying which channels work best for your wedding business and you ensure that your wedding business has a presence where your potential clients are hanging out, you can’t go far wrong.

Remember, millennial couples behave differently to the generations before them and you need to be where they are. This generation of newly engaged couples will browse wedding services and suppliers on multiple platforms. They will do their research and use tools such as Bridebook to ensure they’re getting the best supplier for the best value.

It’s now up to you to be strategic in your approach to choosing where to feature your wedding business. Be where your audience are and provide tons of useful information to filter out the ‘Q&A via email’ process.

Do these things and you’ll snare the highest quality enquiries in the wedding industry.

5 ways wedding pro’s can deliver big impact with a small team


Working as part of a small team can have big perks – both for employers and employees. 

We all have to start somewhere and it’s reassuring to know that even companies like Apple and Facebook would have started with a handful of experts before growing to employ hundreds of thousands of people all across the world.

What we do know first hand is that having a small, quality team of skilled, engaged and motivated employees beats having a large team. But knowing how to keep that team engaged, motivated and productive is the key to making sure your small team delivers big results for your wedding business.


Here are five ways to get the most out of a small team…

1. Hiring the right people

Being selective with who you employ is paramount for a company or team of any size but hiring the right people is even more crucial for small teams. And the right person isn’t necessarily the one with perfect experience.

Ensuring that a new members personality fits your wedding company culture is key as you’ll need new additions to be hard working, ready to get stuck in with all manner of tasks and able to thrive in a small team environment.

You’ll need to make sure that you’re hiring a people person too. The wedding industry is a public facing one so personality is key.

The impact of hiring the wrong person can spread throughout the entire team quickly and it can negatively affect the performance of your wedding business.


2. Cultivate a culture of respect

The benefits and challenges of a small team are that you’ll be spending a pretty significant proportion of your lives together. This can result in a close team with great relationships but it can also mean frustrations and disruptions are likely.

By encouraging all employees in your small team to have respect not only for each other but for the business, you maximise the chances of developing a professional yet relaxed environment for all team members to flourish in.

Boundaries are important when small teams become good friends as well as colleagues.


Be sure to arrange team building events to show you support relationship development but be clear that work time and down time are two separate things. And make sure to include all team members in decision making – giving everyone a voice by holding regular team catch ups and encouraging an open forum of discussion and idea sharing.


3. Ensure clearly defined roles and responsibilities

It is especially important that you ensure everyone is clear about their tasks and responsibilities within a small team. This prevents people stepping on each others toes and competing within close proximity. That isn’t to say that you should discourage collaboration on certain tasks; simply ensure that day to day tasks don’t overlap between colleagues for more streamlined operational efficiencies.


4. Invest in learning

Having a smaller team means that you can invest more time and money in helping them develop and grow as individuals. Offer to send employees on training courses or to wedding industry conferences and they will become valuable assets to your business.


5. Ensure your people have fun and a good work-life balance

Encourage your team members to have lives outside of work and you’ll enjoy the benefits of happier team members who spend less time doing a better job than someone who’s burnt out and demotivated.


Be sure to celebrate successes and arrange fun activities as a team to acknowledge a job well done.


A small team can have big advantages for wedding pro’s

A small team can be as successful (or even more) as a large team as long as they’re managed in the right way.

In a small team, each team member has even more responsibility in ensuring your wedding business is successful; so hire well, reward right and ensure everyone pulls their weight, and you’ll pride yourself on having the best team in the industry.

Start with good people and success will follow.

Why Targeted Accounts are the wedding industry game changer of 2018


Did you know that Targeted Account selling is now recognised as the number one approach in lead generation by successful wedding suppliers?

Targeted Account management – or taking a strategic approach towards developing relationships and partnerships with specific companies or industry heavyweights – is being hailed as a game changer in B2B marketing for 2018.

For suppliers, the wedding industry has long been centred on winning customers in the form of engaged couples. And whilst this is still the case, 2017 has seen a surge in wedding professionals choosing to focus more of their time on developing relationships with other wedding suppliers and wedding venues instead.


We’re moving from a siloed industry approach to an inclusive one.

The benefits of referrals and preferred supplier lists is only really just beginning to be capitalised upon by UK wedding companies.

However the success of these partnering relationships is so significant that we predict business and bookings in 2018 will be driven largely by B2B relationships and targeted account selling and management.


What do we mean by Targeted Account selling?

Targeted Account selling is based on you identifying the very best potential customers for your product or service, and then spending time, efforts and resources on targeting that audience with personalised messages and communications.


It’s about being proactive in your approach to securing new wedding bookings rather than being reactive to enquiries that come through to your inbox.

This means building strategic B2B marketing objectives into your marketing plan – be that partnering with wedding venues, forging mutually beneficial referral relationships with other wedding suppliers, spending more time networking and even speaking at events and exhibitions.

Your key accounts will be the ones that generate the most bookings for your business and in accordance with Pareto’s 80:20 rule, you should spend more time (80%) on the smaller proportion of clients (20%) that bring you the most business (80%).


Here are three tips to help you kick-start a Targeted Account management approach in your wedding business…

1. Take your time and do your research

Learn as much as you can about local wedding venues and local wedding suppliers.

Do your research before approaching potential partner suppliers and find out who the decision maker is for the wedding venue or organisation you’re approaching.

You should have the name/s of one or two people you want to reach out to when discussing preferred supplier lists and referral agreements – don’t settle for sending a generic email to a generic address.


Swot up on all kinds of information about the wedding pro’s you’re targeting. What have they announced recently on their website? Which events have they attended or sponsored?

The key is to know more about your targets than your competitors do so that you leave a lasting impression and come across as professional, personable and knowledgeable.

2. Be clear and persistent in your communication

If at first you don’t succeed…

Reaching target wedding suppliers and receiving even an initial response may take multiple attempts, and whilst you should persist to get noticed be sure that each communication is clear, simple and focused, not harried.

The content and medium of communication should vary for each attempt you make at contact. Try emailing your target once then following up with a phone call before reverting to another email with new content. If that doesn’t work, perhaps try attending a local event or researching where the wedding venue or supplier may be exhibiting.


Be creative with your communication attempts and develop a system that works for you.

3. Prepare your marketing material in advance

When you hear back from your target account contact they’re likely to want to arrange a meeting with you, and knowing the wedding industry as well as we do, that meeting is likely to take place pretty quickly.

Make sure you’re ready to accept their meeting invitation by pre-preparing marketing materials ahead of time.

Prepare standardised questions that you can tailor to suit each wedding supplier as well as your portfolio of works, and have a think about any referral fees, rates and USP’s you can sell to partner suppliers that might work as an added bonus to them working with you (e.g. a successful blog you own or awards you’ve won that position you as an industry leader).


Choose a Targeted Account approach for your wedding business in 2018

Wedding suppliers – start building an account list today so that you can focus your sales and marketing efforts in the right place and on the right people in 2018 and beyond.

Target Account selling is a structured, repeatable methodology that enables you to efficiently build a network of distribution channels – that is, suppliers and wedding venues who will market your services to their audiences to help you win more bookings.

This Targeted Account approach will help you reduce marketing costs and rely less on more resource heavy avenues such as online advertising.

Partnerships and referrals are a surefire way to earn the trust of engaged couples and are one of the best ways to win new business in an era of savvy consumers.

An idiot’s guide to making reviews work for your wedding business


‘Tis the season for wedding industry reviews! We’re talking how to get them, how to use them and why they’re so darn important for your wedding business and brand.

When is the perfect time to address reviews? Well that would be now.

Summer and the multitude of weddings that come as part and parcel of the season are now officially over.

And October signals the beginning of what we’re imaginatively calling ‘wedding pro preparation season’; a time when you should be focusing on getting your wedding business ready for the next wave of newly engaged couples.


NOW is your cue to review

We’ve already shared a post on why reviews and recommendations are a wedding suppliers best friend which, in case you’re strapped for time provides great, original ideas for obtaining and using reviews.

It also highlights that according to the UK Wedding Report 2017, couples rank recommendations from friends and family (72%) followed by reviews (58%) as the most important resources when finding wedding suppliers.

We thought that was worth mentioning again.

We’re often asked by wedding suppliers what the simplest and most effective ways are for getting reviews, and getting more of them. And our tips are simple. Here goes…


4 idiot proof ways to get more reviews

Tip 1 – Simply ask for them

If you’re wracking your brain for original ideas on how to get more reviews, stop immediately. Have you simply asked for them?

Most newlyweds will forget to write you a review unless you remind them. Hey, life gets in the way sometimes.

Remind the couple you’ve worked with (via email, on the phone or on social media)  how important reviews are to your business and how much you appreciate them and we’ll bet you’ll be inundated with the good stuff.


Tip 2 – Timing is everything

If you ask a couple to leave you a review the day after their wedding it’s unlikely you’re going to actually see anything happen off the back of it. Be patient and schedule a reminder for around 4 weeks after their wedding and ask the couple for feedback then.

They would have had time to settle back into the swing of things by then and are probably feeling a little nostalgic. This is the best time to ask them to relive their day through a few words on a page.

The exception to the timing rule applies for photographers and videographers who should ask for a review after their photos and videos have been delivered, and for stationery suppliers who will deliver their product to the couple way before the wedding day.


Tip 3 – Make review collecting a standardised process

Collecting reviews after each wedding you work on should become second nature and be ingrained in your business culture.

Share existing reviews with new clients so that they know early on how dedicated you are to delivering a great service or product, and so that they know to expect you to ask them to write one after their wedding. It helps if the couple have seen the benefit of reviews first hand.


Tip 4 – All feedback is valuable

And when we say all feedback, we mean all feedback! Why not ask the couples who said no to your wedding venue or service why they made the decision to go elsewhere.

This feedback is invaluable and by showing you really care, who knows; you could be able to turn those no’s into a YES.


Reviews are pretty big news

The way that past clients describe their experience with you is one of the best ways you can advertise your skills and strengths without being egotistical. Happy couples can say things you can’t. They can express emotions that demonstrate to others what it’s like to work with you when building their wedding.

Remember to respond to every review you receive on your website or social media accounts – whether positive or negative – so that the world can see how much you care about each and every couple you work with. And of course, remember to thank all couples for taking the time to share their feedback.

Find out more on how to use your reviews and really leverage their value across different online platforms.

23 Motivational Quotes to help Inspire Wedding Professionals


With 2017 peak wedding season now firmly behind us and engagement season just around the corner we think now is a great time to stop, breathe and refocus. 

When the Bridebook Team is struggling to focus we often find that reading a few inspirational quotes works wonders; helping us feel more motivated and driven to achieving whatever it is we set out to do today, tomorrow and in the future.

If you’re in need of a few words to inspire you and help refocus your mind in time for the next wave of weddings, revisit this list of motivational quotes for life and work.


Motivational quotes for wedding professionals

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” Albert Einstein

“It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power.” Robert T. Kiyosaki

“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” Muhammad Ali

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” Karen Lamb


“Someday is not a day of the week.” Janet Dailey

“Make each day your masterpiece.” John Wooden

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” Steve Jobs

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Theodore Roosevelt

“The more I want to get something done the less I call it work.” Richard Bach


“What we fear of doing most is usually what we most need to do.” Ralph Emerson

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Campbell

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” Bruce Lee

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.” Tim Ferriss

“I always had the uncomfortable feeling that if I wasn’t sitting in front of a computer typing, I was wasting my time – but I pushed myself to take a wider view of what was ‘productive.’ Time spent with my family and friends was never wasted.” Gretchen Rubin


“Never mistake motion for action.” Ernest Hemingway

“I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.” Oprah Winfrey

“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.” Carlos Castaneda

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” Seth Godin


“A man should never neglect his family for business.” Walt Disney

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin

“You are not your resume, you are your work.” Seth Godin

“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” Harley Davidson

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” Jim Rohn


Hopefully you’re now feeling more inspired and empowered to take on the wedding industry of 2018!

Whatever lies ahead, you are the creator of your own destiny.

Does featuring on B2B wedding directories defeat the point of having your own wedding website?

When it comes to marketing your wedding business it can be difficult to know where to start. 

With so many free and paid-for options on countless numbers of online platforms and an abundance of opinions on which approaches are right or wrong circulating the web, marketing can seem like a minefield; where one wrong step could catapult your wedding business into lead-less space for all of eternity.


One of the most common questions we’re asked by space-fearing wedding businesses is whether featuring on wedding planning platforms or online directories is counter-intuitive where a business’s website is concerned.

Let’s address this question now.

Dispelling myths surrounding third party wedding websites

Myth 1 – “Third party wedding directory websites will just be fielding my traffic. I want direct traffic to my website.”

I’m not sure if you’ve heard but getting to the top of Google search results isn’t easy; which means that if you *really *believe you can knock wedding directories and planning platforms off of the number one spot, you’d better have a shed load of resources to throw at content, development and SEO; not to mention some super advanced Google-esq knowledge and a lot of time to be able to wait for this seismic shift to take place.


Realistically, you’re unlikely to be in a position to compete with wedding supplier directories who probably have bigger teams, better financing and access to expert SEO and technical knowledge.

However, that definitely doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still be trying to gain visibility at the top of search results. The first position on Google search results on desktop has a 34.36% clickthrough rate and the first position on Google search results on mobile has a 31.35% clickthrough rate. (Source: Hubspot)

That’s a phenomenal proportion of traffic that wedding suppliers like you should be capitalising on that actually support the ranking of your website. A tip, consider using WordPress hosting for your website to maximise your SEO advantage. 

Be present where wedding bookings are taking place. 

Engaged couples are using wedding directories and wedding planning platforms to search for local wedding suppliers like you. If you’re not listed alongside fellow suppliers, you could be missing out on a serious amount of bookings.


Visibility and ‘being present where your audience is browsing’ is how wedding suppliers generate sales online.

It’s not a case of competing for traffic with wedding planning platforms or directories – it’s about realising that you cannot change consumer behaviours; only adapt to them.

Did you know that 1 in 5 couples are now planning their wedding with Bridebook? If engaged couples are clicking on websites at the top of Google and you have a chance to feature your wedding brand there, do so.

Myth 2 – “Wedding directories cost money and don’t add much value”

This is largely untrue. In fact, many wedding directories and wedding planning platforms (like Bridebook Business) are completely free to sign up for and use, and have already proved invaluable to thousands of UK wedding suppliers.

Bridebook Business allows you to manage your very own personal account and chat with thousands of couples via free, direct email enquiries. Set up a free portfolio showcasing awards, reviews and your finest work to attract engaged couples who are searching for suppliers just like you.


What we find is that the value you gain from these platforms is directly proportionate to the effort you put in. It’s up to you to determine how significant these platforms are for you and how much resource to dedicate to them.

Myth 3 – “Featuring my wedding business on third party websites seems impersonal and I worry it will become too much to manage alongside my company website”

The level of control you have over your brand presence on wedding directories or planning platforms will be pivotal in ensuring that you can deliver a personalised experience and streamline any company updates between your company website and the third party website in question.

Let’s take Bridebook as an example. Setting up a Bridebook account is not time consuming or labour intensive, and can be as detailed or as basic as you’d like.

Tip: the more information you add to your Bridebook profile, the higher you appear in search so it’s definitely worth going with more detail if you can!


By featuring photographs of your work and letting couples in to admire a glimpse of the wedding services you provide, you’re actually providing a very personal sneak peek into some of the fabulous things you have achieved in your time as a wedding pro.

It follows the same principle as your company website.

Plus, visitors are able to contact you directly which means there’s no need for you to log in to Bridebook to see if you’ve received enquiries – they’ll all be sent straight to your inbox.

In terms of maintaining your Bridebook portfolio, we advise that you check contact details are always up to date and that you refresh your account with new photographs, pricing and testimonials as and when you receive them – just as you would with your website.

Updates can take just a few minutes and it’s simply a matter of you training yourself to update both your website and your profile at the same time – making the process less labour intensive and less of a hassle.

All technical updates and site maintenance is of course taken care of by Bridebook (the time consuming part of managing any website) which means you’ve actually very little to do considering the potential return you could achieve by featuring so much higher up in the search engine results pages.

Registering on wedding planning platforms and directories simply makes sense

As with most forms of marketing, you’re best trying it out (if your analysis suggests it makes sense for your wedding company) and finding out for yourself what works best for you and your business.

We’ve never known of a wedding supplier who has considered having a Bridebook Business account to be a mistake because it simply makes sense to ensure your business is listed on a site where 40,000 engaged couples go to plan their weddings.

Ultimately, how you choose to market your business is up to you but we strongly recommend you try out different approaches across different online platforms to see what fits.

Who knows – we could be a match made in marketing heaven.

Give Bridebook for Business a try today and join 14,000 other UK suppliers who’re making sure their business is where the bookings are.