100+ Inspiring Love Quotes for Your Wedding Day

A wedding speech, or wedding message, should always be written from the heart and in your own words. However, if you’re struggling for some inspiration or your words are playing hard-to-get, there’s nothing wrong with taking a few snippets of genius from someone else. You can do this by infusing your speech or message with love quotes or wedding day quotes. 

Love and marriage quotes give ​​profound insights into the beauty and complexities of relationships. They add a touch of timeless wisdom and eloquence to your speech or message, acting as the cherry on top of the cake.

Ready for some inspiration? Check out this post of 110 love quotes for your wedding day. Whether you’re looking for some general love quotes, a heartwarming Disney quote, a quote from a song, or one from a specific book or film — we’ve got you covered.

What makes a good love quote?

A good love quote is anything that touches your heart. If it resonates with your love story, has a specific significance to you and your partner, or simply summarises how you feel perfectly, then it’s a good love quote. 

Our advice is to read lots of different love quotes from different sources. There will be one or two that fill your heart with love or just capture your feelings perfectly. You’ll know them when you read them, and they’re the ones you should pick. 

How can I incorporate quotes about love in my speech or message?

We recommend that you pepper love quotes into your wedding speech, vows, or readings. Due to the short nature of most quotes, they’re not suitable to take the place of wedding vows or readings like love poems can. However, you can sprinkle them throughout a pre-written wedding speech or vows.

Try opening or closing your wedding message with a quote for maximum impact. For example, you could end with something like: “Thank you for listening to my speech today. I’d like to sum everything up with the immortal words of Nicholas Sparks, ‘I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had’. Thank you.”

General love quotes

  1. “Love is friendship that has caught on fire” — Ann Lander
  2. “Love is a force more formidable than any other” — Barbara de Angelis
  3. “Love is bigger than a tsunami, stronger than any fear” — Bethany Hamilto
  4. “Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze” — Elinor Glyn
  5. “You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back” — Barbara de Angelis
  6. “To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven” — Karen Sunde
  7. “I love you” begins by I, but it ends up by you — Charles de Leusse
  8. “To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life” — Elizabeth Gilbert
  9. “For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love” — Carl Sagan
  10. “Our love cannot be measured, it just is” — John Paul Stevens

Inspirational love quotes

  1. “Where there is love there is life” — Mahatma Gandhi
  2. “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope” — Maya Angelou
  3. “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet” — Plato
  4. “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies” — Aristotle
  5. “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart” — Helen Keller
  6. “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction” -— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  7. “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend” — Martin Luther King Jr.
  8. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other” — Audrey Hepburn
  9. “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive” — Dalai Lama
  10. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage” — Lao Tzu

Love quotes by famous people

  1. “I would rather spend one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone” — J.R.R. Tolkien
  2. “The real lover is a man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space” — Marilyn Monroe
  3. “You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness” — Julia Roberts
  4. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other” — Audrey Hepburn
  5. “My blind eyes are desperately waiting for the sight of you” — Richard Burton, in a letter to Elizabeth Taylor
  6. “I would find you in any lifetime” — Kanye West
  7. “My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me” — Winston Churchill
  8. “I think the perfection of love is that it’s not perfect.” — Emma Stone
  9. “Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear” — John Lennon
  10. “Love is a verb. It’s an action requiring your involvement and your active participation” — John Legend

Love quotes from Disney films

  1. “I’d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you” — John Smith, Pocahontas
  2. “It’s there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And I look at you, and I’m home” — Dory, Finding Nemo
  3. “Some people are worth melting for” — Olaf, Frozen
  4. “All at once everything looks different, now that I see you” — Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, Tangled
  5. “People do crazy things when they’re in love.” — Meg, Hercules
  6. “You are my greatest adventure.” — Mr. Incredible, The Incredibles
  7. “To infinity and beyond!” — Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story
  8. “Love is not an emotion, it’s a choice” — Maui, Moana
  9. “I wouldn’t have nothing if I didn’t have you.” — Mike Wazowski, Monsters, Inc. 
  10. My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it” – Princess Tiana, The Princess and the Frog

Love quotes from songs

  1. “Love is old, love is new. Love is all, love is you” — The Beatles, Because
  2. “With our love, we could save the world, if they only knew” — The Beatles, Within You Without You
  3. “I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. Nothing that I wouldn’t do. Go to the ends of the Earth for you” — Adele, Make You Feel My Love
  4. “You’re still the one I run to, the one that I belong to, you’re still the one I want for life” — Shania Twain, You’re Still The One
  5. “Cause all you need is love, love. Love is all you need” — The Beatles, Love Is All You Need
  6. “I belong with you, you belong with me, you’re my sweetheart” — The Lumineers, Ho Hey
  7. “You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be, and I don’t wanna go home right now.” — Goo Goo Dolls, Iris
  8. “Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can’t help falling in love with you” — Elvis Presley, Can’t Help Falling in Love
  9. “You’re my end and my beginning, even when I lose, I’m winning” — John Legend, All of Me
  10. “And isn’t it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?” —  Taylor Swift, Invisible String

Love quotes from plays, theatre shows, and musicals 

  1. “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none” — William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well
  2. “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind”  — William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  3. “Say you’ll share with me one love, one lifetime. Let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me with you, here beside you. Anywhere you go, let me go too” — The Phantom (Erik), The Phantom of the Opera
  4. “She loves me and to my amazement, I love it, knowing that she loves me” — Georg Nowack, She Loves Me
  5. “Tonight, tonight, I’ll see my love tonight. And for us, stars will stop where they are” — Tony, West Side Story
  6. “Love will stand when all else falls” — Moses, The Prince of Egypt
  7. “Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong” — Christian, Moulin Rouge
  8. “I saw you and the world went away” — Tony, West Side Story
  9. “When someone needs you, you love them so” — Nancy, Oliver!
  10. “Can it be us and only us? And what came before won’t count anymore or matter” — Evan Hansen, Dear Evan Hansen

Love quotes from books

  1. “I wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul” — Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
  2. “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you” — A. A. Milne, Winnie The Pooh
  3. “I know I am in love with you because my reality is finally better than my dreams” — Dr. Seuss
  4. “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not” — Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper
  5. “I love her, and that’s the beginning and end of everything” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
  6. “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once” — John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
  7. “I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had” — Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
  8. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same” — Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
  9. “You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought” — Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company
  10. “Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone” — Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

Love quotes from poetry

  1. “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides” — David Viscott
  2. “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired” — Robert Frost
  3. “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” — Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  4. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride” — Pablo Neruda
  5. “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever” — Alfred Lord Tennyson
  6. “Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it” — Rabindranath Tagore
  7. “You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars” — E.E. Cummings
  8. “If my lover were a comet hung in air, I would braid my leaping body in his hair” — Djuna Barnes
  9. “Love is not consolation. It is light” — Friedrich Nietzsche
  10. “Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation” — Rabindranath Tagore

Love quotes from films

  1. “You had me at ‘hello'” — Dorothy Boyd, Jerry Maguire
  2. “Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide, but I love you until the end of time” — Christian, Moulin Rouge
  3. “What I’m trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you, very much. Just as you are” — Mark Darcy, Bridget Jones’s Diary
  4. “To me, you are perfect” — Mark, Love Actually
  5. “I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is” — Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump
  6. “I think I’d miss you even if we never met” — Kat Ellis, The Wedding Date
  7. “A marriage is a promise. With the ceremony and ring, you’re saying to one another, ‘Every experience I am going to have, I want to experience with you'” — Diane Keaton, The Big Wedding
  8. “You’re my air” — Dre, Brown Sugar
  9. “So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard, and we’re gonna have to work at this every day. But I wanna do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever. You and me. Every day” — Noah Calhoun, The Notebook

Love quotes from TV shows

  1. “It’s you. It’s always been you” — Fitz Grant, Scandal
  2. “You make me happier than I ever thought I could be, and if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way” — Chandler Bing, Friends
  3. “You’re my one in five billion” — Fox Mulder, The X-Files
  4. “Some love stories aren’t epic novels. Some are short stories, but that doesn’t make them any less filled with love” — Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
  5. “I love our story. Sure, it’s messy, but it’s the story that got us here” — Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother
  6. “I love you, in a really, really big pretend-to-like-your-taste-in-music, let-you-eat-the-last-piece-of-cheesecake, hold-a-radio-over-my-head-outside-your-window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you” -— Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy
  7. “I love you and I like you” — Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation
  8. “I love you more than words, and I am a big fan of words” — Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  9. “You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours” — Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl
  10. “I love you even when you’re sick and look disgusting” — Jim Halpert, The Office

Love quotes from the Bible

  1. “We love because He first loved us” — 1 John 4:19
  2. “Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves” — Romans 12:10
  3. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs” — 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
  4. “Let all that you do be done in love” — 1 Corinthians 16:14
  5. “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” — 1 Peter 4:8
  6. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgement: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” — 1 John 4:16-18
  7. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love” — John 15:9-10
  8. Do everything in love” — 1 Corinthians 16:14
  9. Above all, be loving. This ties everything together perfectly” — Colossians 3:14
  10. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves” — Romans 12:9-10

The bottom line on wedding love quotes 

Love quotes are a timeless way to express your feelings and show your partner what your big day means to you. Or, if you’re a guest, they’re a lovely way to share well-wishes with the couple and inspire them about their marriage. 

Don’t think you’re being un-original or cliché by using these quotes. Instead, use them to inspire your wedding speech or message and connect your personal vows to a broader, shared understanding of love. Everyone loves hearing familiar quotes in a speech, and you could even use it as an inside joke with your new spouse or guests. For example, using a quote from your favourite book, film, or TV show will no doubt put a smile on their face. 

So, feel free to use love and marriage quotes in your wedding speech or message. Embrace the timeless nature of the phrases and pepper them throughout your speech or message like the seasoning in a good dish.

If you need some more guidance, read our post featuring 15 romantic and inspiring love poems, or browse our wedding speech examples to help you craft the perfect wedding speech. 

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Happy Planning!

Venue Showcase: Woodlands Park

Woodlands Park is a magnificent mansion, set in beautiful landscaped grounds provides the perfect venue for your wedding reception. Frequented at the turn of the century by the then Prince of Wales and the famous actress Lillie Langtry, Woodlands Park continues to radiate a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

We talked to Cheyenne Crombie the Events Manager at Woodlands Park to find out more about this stunning venue.

Tell us about yourself!

I have worked at Woodlands for about 3 years now. I do not have any human children but I do have a fur baby called Duchess who is a cat and my best friend, I am a bit of a crazy cat lady. I enjoy travelling, I lived in Australia for a year on the Gold Coast and I also volunteered in South Africa at and elephant reserve which was incredible, highly recommend.

What drew you to the wedding world?

I have always loved customer service and weddings take that to a whole new level. There is nothing more exciting than planning a wedding day, it’s the best event to plan because the client is always excited and you can get excited with them and I love that. As weddings take a while to plan, I get a longer period of time to build a relationship with my couples so then it’s so rewarding to see the final event on the day.

What do you think makes Woodlands Park special?

I think the people we have here at Woodlands Park make our venue unique, they really care about delivering a flawless day for our couples so everyone’s attentiveness is amazing. Not to toot my own horn but I am a bit of a perfectionist and I think that is really important for couples as they know they will have someone who is going to ensure all the finer details are correct. I have to mention the building itself – the first sight of Woodlands Park is always a ‘wow’ moment. The venue is beautiful both inside and outside with extensive gardens and grounds. The history of the building is also something which our couples love to hear about, it dates back to 1885. Lastly, we do operate on a one bride policy because we believe that full attention should be solely on that wedding. Our focus for the day is to deliver a completely personal experience from the get go.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Nothing beats meeting people in person, it’s always nice to put a face to a name. With weddings I get to meet with my couples regularly but there are also lots and lots of emails and phone calls that go back and forth. I just try to make them a bit more relaxed as opposed to formal emails but it all depends on how my couples want to communicate. The first stage is upon enquiry from the couple, my response always mirrors their initial enquiry which is usually via email. At this point I will encourage couples to book an appointment straight away so I get to chat with them as early as possible. At the first appointment I run through all the most important information and show the couple around the wedding spaces. We will talk about package inclusions that are available or discuss a more bespoke package if that is what the couple prefer. Once we have agreed on all the details we will get everything signed off and provide the couple with their wedding handbook. I love this document as it details the timeline for planning and helps couples when thinking of things they need to do before the big day. It becomes their wedding bible! I will also invite my couples to visit their venue as much as possible by attending showcase events. This is so couples can come and see the rooms set up for inspiration. We post all of our showcase dates on Facebook. When it starts to get close to the date of the wedding the couple will attend their menu tasting and meet with the Chef to ensure everything is perfect for their wedding meal. Couples really enjoy this part as it’s a little preview of part of their day and they can even make a night of it by staying with us too.

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

I think a lot of people forget that a wedding isn’t just about the partying, it is ultimately about the couple getting married and as long as you are able to do that surrounded by the people you love, you’ll have the best day! My best advice would be to make your day as personal as you want to – it’s a day all about you and it is a day where all the people you both love are celebrating you. The best weddings are the ones where everyone enjoys themselves so I tell my couples to try to keep things relaxed and not to over-plan and aim for a day that flows, even with the photos, moments captured are often the nicest.

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What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Most importantly, remember that it is your wedding day so choose the things that you like and which are important to you. And create a couple’s email address just for the wedding!! It will help you keep track of everything and allow you to keep your wedding planning in one place.

What do you love about Bridebook?

Many of our wedding couples find us via Bridebook. I think it’s great that this platform gives couples so much relevant information in a clear way but for me I think the reviews are really important. For us as venue it’s lovely to read such happy words from newlyweds and for potential couples I think it builds real excitement about their own day.

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What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Woodlands Park?

This is a very hard question to answer as every wedding is completely different and they are all memorable in their own way. It’s not always the biggest weddings with lots of embellishments which are the most memorable – intimate and really special ceremonies can be very emotional, in a good way! One wedding that we are fond of was an Exclusive use wedding at Christmas time. The couple had a gingerbread house which was actually a replica of Woodlands Park and it almost filled a 5ft table! The wedding was a winter wonderland theme so this focal piece was a spectacular addition.

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Why should a couple book Woodlands Park?

There are plenty of reasons why Woodlands Park is an amazing wedding venue. We offer exclusive use which means you can take the whole hotel, the grounds, the bedrooms, the restaurant – everything – as your own for the duration of your wedding. We also offer non-exclusive options too so we are flexible to give couples the day they are dreaming of. We have a one wedding policy which means no other wedding will take place at the same time so couples can be sure they have our undivided attention on the day. The feedback we regularly receive from our wedding couples and their guests is that they experienced brilliant service from all staff. We pride ourselves on being a team of people who are professional and friendly which will make all the difference to your day. Plus we have great relationships with recommended suppliers which all our couples have access to. Not only that, the extensive ground and gardens provide an amazing backdrop for wedding photos during all seasons. Woodlands Park is located in Surrey so the surrounding countryside is spectacular. The venue is close to the M25 and airports which means guests who are travelling can reach the venue easily. All your guests are welcome to stay with us during the period of your wedding, whether that is the night before to be prepared for an early start or the night of your wedding.

What’s the best photo spot at Woodlands Park?

I will have to give an indoor and outdoor spot in order to cater for all seasons… The love seat swing in the garden which hangs from one of the large oak trees is beautiful for an intimate picture of the newlyweds. Inside, the Grand Hall balcony has our stained glass ceiling in the background and this is truly special to capture.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

I’m really proud to be a part of the Woodlands Park team and I believe the service we deliver as a team is impeccable. We all have a vital part to play in every wedding that takes place here and without everyone doing their bit it just would not be the same. Being part of a team of people who all love what they do and who are experts in their roles makes me proud.

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How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

I think the wedding industry has adapted alongside technology however I feel every venue or wedding professional experiences it differently. For our venue we find that couples still choose to visit the venue in person as they want to spend as much time here as possible. Virtual appointments are available and are key at certain times but nothing beats seeing something or someone in real life. We don’t currently instant message with our couples are we practice a more personal approach. Obviously technology has had the biggest impact online as couples are now able to search far and wide for venues in a really short space of time and watch online tours, read reviews and look through pictures on Instagram or Pinterest to make their own opinion on whether the venue is what they are looking for before even making an enquiry.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Continue to plan your wedding! Don’t get disenchanted and push things to the sidelines if your date has been postponed. Time flies by and the last thing you want to do is rush when you get closer to the day. The process of planning a wedding can be stressful but it should be enjoyable and even though your wedding day may not be happening when you thought it would be you should still make the most of the process and focus on the good things that come with it.

A huge thank you to Cheyenne Crombie for answering our questions. Check out Woodlands Park on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in Surrey? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Advice From The Experts: Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Photographer

Choosing your wedding photographer is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in the run-up to your big day. They’ll make your memories last forever – so you’ll want to make sure you find the person who’s going to capture your day perfectly. But with so many photographers, styles and packages out there, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why we’ve called in the experts to give you their advice on finding your perfect match!

(Cover image from Paul Swift Photography)

Damien Burcher Photography

Where should couples look for wedding photographers?

“Sites like Bridebook, where you can find loads of photographers under one roof, are really helpful. But try Google or Pinterest too. Search for terms your dream photographer might be using, such as ‘light and airy wedding photographer in London’ and see who pops up.”

Queen Bea Wedding Photography

“Search Google for “wedding photographers” and you’ll be shown more than ninety million results… so that’s probably not much use! Post on Facebook and ask, “Anyone recommend a wedding photographer?” It’ll probably be the most popular post you’ve ever made! Again, this isn’t much use – there’ll be hundreds of photographers to choose from. Instead, use the wedding industry itself, such as wedding shows, venue recommendations and online wedding industry leaders like Bridebook.”

John Price Wedding Photography

Andi Watson Photography

What can help couples make a decision between different wedding photographers?

“Look for a full day of wedding shots by your potential photographer. It’s easy to be impressed by one or two ‘wow shots’ – but if the rest of the day isn’t consistent, you may be disappointed. Always ask to see galleries of the full day, ideally with a wedding similar to yours: a winter wedding or a barn wedding, for example. Another major point to consider is their experience. Particularly if it’s a winter wedding or a rainy day, finding a photographer with experience and knowledge of darker locations is very beneficial. You shouldn’t have to miss out on anything because of the weather!”

Laura Rachel Wedding Photography

“If you prefer to meet people in person, go to a big wedding fair. You can suss out a photographer’s vibe and check out physical copies of their work. They’re also a lot of fun!”

Queen Bea Wedding Photography

What should couples avoid when booking a wedding photographer?

“Try not to penny-pinch when it comes to your photography budget as you always get what you pay for. The average price of an experienced wedding photographer is £1500. If you can’t afford the photographer you like, ask what this includes. You could ask to have fewer hours or to have digital images only. This will likely bring the price down and you still get to have a professional, well experienced photographer.”

John Price Wedding Photographer

John Price Photography

How can couples make sure they get every shot they want?

“A pre-wedding meeting is a must – approximately six to eight weeks before the wedding date. A good wedding photographer knows what the most important moments are, but this is your chance to mention anything you’re particularly after. There’s no way to specify every single image you’d like throughout the day, but most photographers love getting a list of family photos you’d like to have (including specific pairings of people).”

Paul Swift Photography

“Preparation! Don’t wait until the wedding day – or worse, afterwards! – to realise there was a key shot missed. Do your research and work with your photographer to create a group photo list and a list of any must-have shots. If there’s a special ring tied to the bouquet, tell your photographer! And ask your photographer if there’s enough time for all your requests – you don’t want to be rushing on your wedding day.”

Laura Rachel Photography

“We encourage our clients to create a Pinterest board of wedding photos they love. This way, we can see what style of image resonates with our couples and what’s important to them.”

Andi Watson Photography

How can camera-shy couples feel more comfortable being photographed?

“Have a pre-wedding shoot. On top of receiving a great set of images, a pre-wedding shoot is a great way to build trust and friendship between the couple and the photographer. The couple gets to experience what it’s like to be photographed together and become more comfortable being photographed. In turn, the photographer is also able to see the couple’s personalities and how they react to the camera. I really can’t recommend a pre-wedding shoot enough.”

Paul Swift Photography

“The engagement shoot is a great opportunity to get to know your photographer – which makes getting your photo taken far easier if you’re at all camera shy! – and it’s also a good time to walk about the venue together and discuss ideas.”

Andi Watson Photography

Queen Bea Photography

Do you have any other top tips for couples looking for a wedding photographer?

“Consider two photographers. Having a second shooter is getting more and more common in wedding photography. It’s takes a considerable amount of effort to photograph an entire wedding solo, so you might want to ask your favoured photographer if they can offer a second photographer too. The price of an additional photographer at your wedding will have a great return on investment as it allows your main photographer to really focus on quality while the second shooter can concentrate on grabbing candid shots.”

Paul Swift Photography

“Book the style of photography you want – not what’s trendy, what the photographer wants, what all your friends used or what your dad or auntie think you should have. If you want something less traditional, with more colour and fun, go for it! At the end of the day, it’s your wedding – and a day you don’t get to repeat. Don’t have any regrets!”

Queen Bea Photography

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Venue Showcase: Elusive Locations (Kirtlington Polo Club & Leckhampstead Forest)

Elusive Locations presents Kirtlington Polo Club, an affordable all-inclusive wedding in a unique and breathtaking location with spectacular views over the Palladium Mansion, Oxford & Leckhampstead Forest, set in a serene ancient oak forest. It’s truly the perfect solution for couples wanting a peaceful, private wedding experience.

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Tell us a little bit about yourself

I’ve been working in events – I say the term loosely as it’s been mostly commercial events and festivals – for the past four years or so, and weddings the past 18 months. Elusive Locations is a venture that we’ve taken on in addition to a long standing luxury wedding company called Marble Private, which has been featured in Vogue for its stunning weddings (I know, epic right!). I’m currently a world-class plate spinner working for both of these wonderful wedding companies – but don’t worry, I’m not yet ‘wedding-ed’ out.

A bit more about me, I’m 23 living and working in London, and when I’m not at the office in Notting Hill or working from home, you can find me painting or reading in a park somewhere, or heading back home to the Cotswolds countryside to be with my family. My role at Elusive Locations is mostly marketing focused, but I will also be your first point of contact when you enquire with us, so do drop me a line and say hello!

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What drew you to the wedding world?

Weddings have always fascinated me, and I absolutely love how fast-paced and exciting the industry is. There’s a real passion amongst the wedding planners and suppliers I have had the pleasure of working with, and of course it’s one of the most rewarding jobs out there! Seeing happy couples say ‘I do’ is a true joy – especially now when so many have been postponed two or even three times. The first ‘wedding related’ job I ever did was actually as an assistant Wedding Florist – it was about 3 years ago – and it was my responsibility to hand the bride her bouquet. She literally burst into a flood of tears and the make up artist had only just finished her lashes! I remember thinking ‘this is such a cool job. I want to do more of this’

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What do you think makes Elusive Locations unique?

Elusive Locations was born in a time where venue hunting has become a challenging and exhausting job, so we’re attempting to cut through the noise with not just an affordable option, but an exclusive and undiscovered option. Our two venues – Kirtlington Polo Club in Oxfordshire, and Leckhampstead Forest in Buckinghamshire – are in previously unused spaces, hidden away in deep forests, and it’s there amongst the trees that you’ll find our enchanting wedding spaces. As I said earlier, our company has its roots in the wedding industry and our directors have won awards for their 15 years of experience, so these spaces are beautifully designed. Every little detail is meticulously thought out, and because both our venues are completely outdoors, there is a magical feel to them. Think of it like this: disco balls line the trees, festoon guides you to your huge private tent, and when you step inside there’s a stunning dancefloor, beautifully decorated tables, a bar filled with only the fizziest of champagne, and the smell of seasonal flowers fills the air. We love the festival feel of an outdoor celebration, and we’ve brought this to both our venues with an elegant, luxurious spin.

Added to this, we build special relationships with our clients by making sure the first step in our enquiry process is a phone call. We want to hear your vision, get to know you, and then personalise our venues to suit your needs. We know that no two clients are the same, and so we make sure to listen to your every need to personalise your day – for example at our Kirtlington venue, you can actually watch a game of Polo during your drinks reception, and the two teams can wear uniforms that are personalised to your couples names!

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

As mentioned, the first step in any consultation with us is a phone call. This is important because we want to get to know our couples personally and curate every wedding to suit them. Everything from the flower arrangements, tablescapes, firework displays, and cocktail choices can be completely personalised to represent our wonderful, unique clients. As part of our service offering, we provide a wedding planner on site for 5 days, making sure that the details are absolutely perfect for our couples, and we also make sure our caterers are in direct conversation with our couples so that the food and drink is exactly what they’re looking for. We’re currently running Open Days because we really want to get to know our clients personally, and we’re encouraging them to bring images, tell us their ideas, and get excited with us about their upcoming celebration!

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Details! The devil is truly in the details, and we’ve only learned this after 15 years of working in the wedding industry. Whether it’s as simple as providing polaroid cameras for guests to take pictures, which are then used as name places on tables, or whether its selecting seasonal and sustainable flowers that are handpicked by our floral team, there are endless opportunities to make the wedding unique and memorable for our couple. Both our venues have the catering tents, dancefloors and glamping rigged and ready to go all season, so what we do exceptionally well is add in the special extras to set the wheels in motion.

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Elusive Locations?

Part of our extensive service offering is music and booking curation, so on one occasion we had a client who absolutely loved pop star Mika – and what did we do? Secretly booked him in for a 2 hour set, and he did a sound test whilst the guests were eating in the adjacent tent, only to burst into song as desserts were being polished off! On another occasion, we used a field next to the venue to build a secret rave in the forest, where we led guests by Samba band to a dancefloor amongst the woods. They literally partied till 5am!

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Why should a couple book Elusive Locations?

We’ve hand selected our stunning venues in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire because of their enchanted and undiscovered feel. We know that stately homes and manor houses can be a charming place for a wedding, but hundreds of couples have walked through that threshold and got married before you. What we offer is a venue set in a unique location on the periphery of London; romantic and peaceful, and perfect for a couple who wants to fall in love with their surroundings as they say their special ‘I do’.

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What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Try to incorporate your personality into your wedding to give your guests – and you! – the most memorable experience. This day is all about your love for each other after all, and there are so many fun ways to bring that into your day. Our favourite example of this was a ‘food tour’ with all the places our couple had had a special moment – starting with pints of Guinness and oyster shucking, to wood fired pizza and wine tasting, and then a limoncello gift for guests before they depart.

What’s the best photo spot at Elusive Locations?

At Kirtlington, the best spot is undoubtedly at the top of the hill, looking out over the Palladium Mansion in Oxford on one side, and on the other the grounds designed by Capability Brown. It’s absolutely always a winner for our clients!

At Leckhampstead, it’s got to be in amongst the trees when they are lit up with disco balls, fibre optic lighting and candle orbs.

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What part of your business are you most proud of? 

I think what we’re all the most proud of is our collaborative approach. We all work together to create the most stunning experience for our clients, and with our suppliers and partners as well. We’ve handpicked local recommended suppliers – from florists, photographers, caterers and tech teams – and these wonderful people are truly some of the best in the business!

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How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Zoom weddings were certainly an interesting thing to come out of the pandemic… whilst we love this adaptability and creativity, we’re thrilled that physical weddings and events can take place again in the coming months. We’re always putting human connection at the very centre of how we work, and this is most important at a wedding! Some of the technology we’d love to see prevail though is paperless invites – it’s an opportunity for our industry to become more eco-friendly and reduce waste.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

It sounds cliche, but take it one step at a time. Wedding planning can be super exhaustive at times, but this is what we’re here for! The whole idea is we’ll take the stress out of your day whilst keeping the fun and romance. Try not to get overwhelmed by an endless list of tasks and to-do’s, and instead allocate an hour a day to achieve one simple task. Stay organised, stay positive, and most importantly keep a really open line of communication with your suppliers and planners.

What do you love about Bridebook?

Right from the get go we’ve had amazing support from the Bridebook team, Kane especially. They’re always on the other end of emails to give a helping hand, and that’s been invaluable for us starting a business literally in the middle of a pandemic.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk. Also, if you enjoyed this article, see more here.

Venue Showcase: The Petersham Hotel

The Petersham Hotel boasts magnificent views of the River Thames and surrounding meadows. This historic hotel provides the most wonderful backdrop for an intimate wedding.

We talked to Terence Filipe-O’Neill, the Events Manager at The Petersham Hotel, to find out more about this stunning venue.

Tell us about yourself!

I have been in the wedding planning industry for 8 years at The Petersham Hotel. I live with my husband and dog Chica.

Venue Showcase: The Petersham Hotel

What drew you to the wedding world?

Having worked in the hospitality industry for over 29 years I take great pleasure in meeting couples and making their dreams come true.

An archway that is part of the building serves as a place for the ceremony.

What do you think makes The Petersham Hotel unique?

The location perched overlooking The River Thames. We also have a Portland Staircase perfect for wedding photos.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

We meet in person at The Petersham over a coffee or a glass of bubbles and they will also be invited for a menu tasting where I meet and greet them.

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Being surrounded by your close family and friends to celebrate your love.

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What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Involve your significant other in the planning.

What do you love about Bridebook?

The dedicated team behind the scenes helping venues maximise their return.

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What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at The Petersham Hotel?

We had a Phantom of The Opera style wedding and the couple sang their vows.

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Why should a couple book The Petersham Hotel?

The Petersham has got a resounding reputation and every care is taken to guide the couples from enquiry stage through to the big day and beyond with an experienced team.

What’s the best photo spot at The Petersham Hotel?

On the Terrace overlooking The River Thames and the meadows.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

The location and spectacular views.

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How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Communication is made easier and more accessible by digital means.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

To be confident knowing that our wedding venue has their best interest at heart.

A huge thank you to Terence for answering our questions. Check out The Petersham Hotel on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in Surrey? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Ashmolean Museum

Set amongst the cityscape of Oxford’s dreaming spires, the Ashmolean Museum is a magnificent venue for your wedding, civil partnership or celebration.

A wedding venue like no other. Founded in 1683 the Ashmolean is the oldest public Museum in the world. Displaying half a million years of art and history, the spaces provide a stunning backdrop for a very special occasion. All our galleries are licenced which means we can offer intimate ceremonies at any time through to impressive evening receptions, dinners and dances combined with outstanding hospitality and entertainment.

Venue Showcase: Ashmolean Museum

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I love everything about weddings, and I am currently planning my own special day, so I can empathise with couples in a very real way. I realised my passion for event and wedding planning very early on when I helped four of my older siblings plan their weddings. Coming from an Asian cultural background I grew up surrounded by the excitement and buzz of large family gatherings and weddings, involving a series of celebratory events that can sometimes stretch out for a period of two weeks before the actual wedding day!

Weddings are such incredible events, from the moment we first connect with couples, to when they make their vows and onto the reception – there is just nothing like them.

What an emotional rollercoaster this past year has been! I have had to postpone our wedding date three times now and I know first-hand how overwhelming this feels. Not only have couples had to navigate through the financial implications on paid deposits, they’ve had all their enjoyment curtailed by all the stops and starts with (re)arranging. It also became very clear that couples were not only having to process their own emotions but were also having to manage questions and disappointment from families and friends.

In my spare time, I love to travel and read up on the latest archaeological discoveries! I studied Archaeology so any chance I get to visit and immerse myself into different cultures, I just have to grab it! I am a big foodie and I love experimenting with our in-house chefs on how we can push the boundaries to create an exceptional new culinary experience.

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What drew you to the wedding world?

My role at the Ashmolean combines two of my passions; history and delivering incredible bespoke events to each couple. When I moved back to the UK from Israel and had the opportunity to return to the museum it was a dream come true. I was in awe of the weddings hosted at the Ashmolean so when there was an opening in the team I jumped at the chance. To me there is something absolutely enchanting about getting married in a city like Oxford, so steeped in tradition, and there is something even more magical about getting married amongst half a million years of human history.

No two couples are the same and so none of the Ashmolean’s weddings are the same either. The team and I pride ourselves in carefully curating each wedding so it is a truly unique reflection of each couple. My favourite part of being a wedding event manager is getting to know the couple and finding elements from our enriching and stunning art and archaeology collections that can be incorporated to personalise their day. The team and I strive to carefully tailor each wedding so that guests feel every element is a reflection of the couple’s love story, from the galleries we use through to the catering that reflects their backgrounds, flavours and favourite dishes from their childhood.

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What do you think makes The Ashmolean Museum unique?

The Ashmolean is the oldest public museum in the world. Displaying half a million years of art and history, the spaces provide a stunning backdrop for a very special occasion. All our galleries are licensed which means we can offer intimate ceremonies at any time through to impressive evening receptions, dinners and dances combined with outstanding hospitality and entertainment.

What sets us above and beyond other venues is our exceptional attention to the guests’ experience. Our friendly and professional team of wedding event assistants have been trained to deliver the highest quality of customer service, so wedding guests feel special and well looked-after by our team during their time with us. The team are also knowledgeable about our world-class collections and are able to entertain guests on the incredible objects and pieces of art around them. They are great at revealing the sensational and fun or quirky facts not mentioned on the labels!

Planning a wedding can be one of the most stressful times in a couple’s life. As the dedicated wedding manager, I work with the couple and their family to make the experience stress-free and enjoyable. I support them through the emotions they feel during the process and offer them my professional experience and practical guidance to help plan their special day.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

The Ashmolean boasts a team of passionate and experienced event and wedding managers. They are dedicated to playing their part in making your wedding or celebration truly memorable.

We have regular meetings with our couples so we know what makes them tick; this is vital so we can ensure that weddings go smoothly. I cannot emphasise enough how important it is to listen to what couples envision for their day. It is only through listening that we are able to pick up on a common thread or theme and get to the heart of the emotion and aesthetics they are trying to portray for their day. Once we have that we can suggest creative ideas and themes that incorporate this beautifully.

My favourite part is getting to know the couple and their unique love story and weaving in galleries and collections that are relevant to their story. With a treasure trove of the most beautiful old master paintings and ancient objects we are spoiled with choice. For example, we had one couple where the groom had a Scottish background and the bride a Coptic Egyptian background. To make the day unique to them we incorporated a blessing ceremony in the Egyptian galleries followed by a bagpiper leading guests from the ceremony gallery, all the way up to the wedding breakfast via the museum’s impressive cascading staircase! We also worked closely with the couple to offer a tantalising menu that reflected the couple’s favourite Scottish and Egyptian dishes. In the past we have offered ‘night at the museum’ tours, taking guests to view collections from areas of the world the couple had travelled to.

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Chemistry. Chemistry between the couple of course, but also between the guests and all the different suppliers. There are so many moving parts that need to be on point on your special day and having suppliers that have great rapport with one another makes everything work smoothly.

Over the years we have developed relationships with trusted suppliers to support events at the museum. This means we can offer our clients a curated list of suppliers and creatives who share our values and meet our high standards. Their familiarity with our event spaces means they can work with your ideas and bring them to life in the museum.

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What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Ashmolean Museum?

We had a couple where the groom’s family were from Germany and the bride’s were from Japan. Both families flew in for the occasion and arrived in the city of Oxford for the week of the wedding. As this was the first time many of the extended families had met, we thought what better way to introduce their guests to one another and ‘break the ice,’ than to host an informal rehearsal dinner in our rooftop dining room. We treated the group to a fun and engaging ‘night at the museum’ tour, incorporating highlights from our Germanic and Japanese collections. Later that week for the actual wedding day, both couples incorporated traditional wedding customs from both sides including having a Japanese tea ceremony in the museum’s very own Japanese tea house.

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Why should a couple book Ashmolean Museum?

The Ashmolean has been telling stories since 1683 and we want you to add yours to our collection. We understand that every wedding is different which is why our expert team are on hand to tailor your day. An experienced team supported by an exclusive catering partner and handpicked suppliers will bring your dream celebration to life. Whether you decide to make a grand entrance, have an intimate exchange of vows in the presence of a few loved ones, dine like royalty or party the night away, the Ashmolean offers the most magnificent backdrop to your occasion.

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What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Stay true and authentic to who you both are and trust your instinct! Just because something looks incredible and is currently in vogue doesn’t mean it is right for you. Each couple is different and what may suit one will not be appropriate for another. So, as much as someone tries to convince you that you ‘need’ a particular wedding item, theme, dress, flowers etc., remember to check in with yourself on whether that actually is your taste and a reflection of you. In a world of Instagram, Pinterest boards and wedding blogs, it is easy to get carried away with following the latest trend and before you know it, your wedding starts to look like someone else’s day. Social media platforms and blogs can be great to get a feel for what you resonate with and it’s fantastic to find wedding suppliers that match your tastes. It is also very easy to fall down an endless rabbit hole and lose a sense of what is most important about your special day. Which is the both of you, who you are and celebrating your love and commitment to one another, in a fashion that is true to your union.

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What’s the best photo spot at Ashmolean Museum?

The Forecourt – The imposing façade will not fail to impress your guests as they arrive at the museum. The iconic portico and neo classical architecture offer a fantastic opportunity for photographs. It’s also a great space for a welcome drinks reception on a summer evening and is one of the few historic venues in Oxford to permit biodegradable confetti outside. All under the watchful eye of the Greek god Apollo, who perches on the centre of the pediment of the entrance. It is only fitting that wedding guests are welcomed beneath a statue of Apollo as the western tradition of having a wedding band placed on the left hand ring finger came from the Romans, who inherited it from the ancient Greeks. This finger was referred to as Apollo’s finger as he was associated with marriage. The Greeks believed there was a vein that ran from this finger straight to the heart.

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What part of your business are you most proud of? 

Our ability to adapt. We were one of the first venues in the UK to be COVID-secure and offer hybrid weddings. Not only offering live streaming but embracing the challenges presented by social restrictions, looking at creative ways to work with suppliers and couples on how to re-imagine their wedding whilst keeping it special and memorable, within the guidelines.

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How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

It is a very innovative and exciting time to be an event professional and we love to be the first to incorporate new technologies to enhance our clients’ experience. At the Ashmolean we know how important your wedding is and understand that for many reasons some guests may not be able to be with you on the day. Now everyone can take part. We can help you to share this special time with your friends and family, wherever they are in the world. Our discrete and professional live streaming service is the perfect way to include all your loved ones and to ensure that they don’t miss a moment. They can join in the excitement and emotion as if they were with you in the room. The final bonus is that couples get a copy of the stream to keep forever; a wonderful way to save the memory of your perfect day! We have the experience, so leave it to us to arrange it with our technology partner.

Hybrid weddings are definitely here to stay! We have worked with our couples to consider how they can enhance the experience of their guests who are tuning into the live stream so they feel involved in the day. Our caterers can even arrange to send virtual guests a wedding meal, bottle of fizz or slice of wedding cake to enjoy during the ceremony to enhance their interaction with the couple and attending wedding guests, even sharing messages and photos with the couple live during the reception.

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What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Keep the faith. The recent announcements on the easing of lockdown measures are very encouraging. As a bride-to-be I have experienced the stress, random panic attacks and the worry that important family members won’t be able to take part in the day, but I am hopeful that normality is coming back very soon.

It is very easy to get swept away with all the wedding planning and trying to make your wedding day reflect a certain vision you have always had. But it is important to remember that just because you always thought you wanted a certain type of wedding years ago, once you strip all of that back, the only thing that really matters is that you get to express your love and enduring commitment to the one you love.

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What do you love about Bridebook?

Bridebook have been fantastic to us – they named us as one of Britain’s top venues which gave a welcome boost to the team. Their account management has been second to none. Kane, who is our main contact, has been very supportive during this period.

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Final Comments

If you want to experience the magic that the Ashmolean has to offer, we would love to hear from you. We will also be hosting future virtual wedding fairs, where our most trusted and hand-picked wedding suppliers will be giving you their top tips when planning a wedding. Our first one was a huge success; you can watch the highlight video here.

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Suppliers: Wedding Hair Stylist: @oxfordshire_bridal_hair_|Wedding Make Up Artists: @phoebehaytermua|Wedding Gowns & Shoes: @Cotswoldfrockshopbridalgallery | Event Styling: @etiquetteeventstyling |Lighting: @tec_oxford |Wedding Cake: @cherrytreecakerie |Photographer: @mtstudio_weddings |Filmmaker/Videographer: @oojamaflick |Florist: @fabulousweddingflowers |Jewish Groom Wear: @Contemporary Judaica |Smashing the Glass Pouch: @smashingtheglass |Ketubah: @byLivandLuc | Celebrant: @perfectwordsceremonies

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Looking for more venues in Oxfordshire? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: St Mary’s London

This stunning Grade I listed venue boasts beautiful Georgian architecture, historic accents, and the best modern facilities, perfect for your wedding day. Ideal for couples planning a stylish and romantic central London wedding, just north of Oxford Street.

We talked to Charlotte, the Head of Events and Marketing at St Mary’s London, to find out more about this unique venue.

St Marys London Venue Showcase

Tell us about yourself!

Hi, my name is Charlotte and I have been with St Mary’s for the past 4 years where we have hosted hundreds of events! Outside of work I am an avid seamstress and made my own wedding dress as well as nine bridesmaids dresses – not to be recommended unless you have lots of patience and time on your hands! I am also a big fan of rabbits and have two house rabbits called Jack and Rose – a budding bunny romance.

What drew you to the wedding world?

Who doesn’t love a wedding? When I was at school I always dreamed about having a wedding dress boutique however, as a student I got working in the world of events and fell in love with it. I am able to combine my passion of organisation, people-personyness and creativity. The joy and romance of weddings makes them such a special day to be a part of. Being able to guide couples through planning their wedding in our stunning venue and watching it all come together is something magical and really special.

What do you think makes St Mary’s London unique?

Firstly, our location. We are bang in between Hyde Park and Regents Park, the perfect location for an iconic, London wedding. We have the perfect blend of a beautiful, classic space and the flexibility to transform into something that really reflects your personalities as a couple. Secondly, not only is the venue beautiful but you get to benefit from my years of my expertise. We have hosted many weddings over the years and I also got married at St Mary’s! I know exactly what it is like to be a bride with us and I use that experience to help you have an extra special day. Finally, we are a dry hire venue. What that means is that we don’t do ‘copy and paste’ weddings. You have the freedom to create the perfect day that reflects you, from the food to the decor and we, or our wedding planning partners, are here to offer guidance along the way. We are lucky enough to work with incredible people like Revelry Events who provide an award winning planning service.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Your site visit with us is where we really start getting to know you. We will sit down with a glass of prosecco together and talk about what matters to you. This helps us know how we can tailor our venue to you and help you get exactly what you want. Getting to know you and asking the right questions is incredibly important to us as we want every step of your wedding experience to be joyful and exciting.

An archway that is part of the building serves as a place for the ceremony.

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Oodles of love! There can be so much pressure when you are trying to plan the perfect day, so having a team behind the scenes who love what they do and really connect with you makes such a big difference. Also, it can be so easy to get caught up in the details, but when it comes to the day everything melts into the background and being surrounded by those who love you is often what makes the magic.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Join Bridebook! I know you are probably thinking I am paid to say that but honestly, having something to guide you through the planning of such a momentous day will make such difference to how much you enjoy the experience. Take advantage of knowledge from friends who got married before you and always accept offers of help!

What do you love about Bridebook?

I came across Bridebook when I was planning my own wedding and I probably haven’t stopped singing their praises since. The team genuinely love weddings and I think that comes across on their app because they really have thought of everything and are constantly producing amazing, helpful content.

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at St Mary’s London?

Each wedding is incredibly unique because they always reflect the couple. One of the most fun experiences was when the bride, who is a singer, got up and performed with her new husband on the stage and the whole crowd of guests got up and started dancing and cheering. It was so special!

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Why should a couple book St Mary’s London?

Our reviews from past couples probably answer this question better than we ever could. We always get the most amazing messages from our couples about how our beautiful venue and wonderful staff exceeded their expectations. We hope their words speak for themselves and give any couple reading this the confidence to book! We are also a Grade I listed venue and our gorgeous Georgian features mean that the space looks great before you have even begun decorating. St Mary’s was designed by the same architect as the facade of the British Museum which is always a fun talking point! Plus we were heavily featured in the popular film Last Christmas. It is always exciting knowing you’ve been in the same place as stars like Emma Thomson, Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding.

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What’s the best photo spot at St Mary’s London?

Because of our location there are so many, for example the Japanese Gardens at Regents Park are only five minutes away! If you want to stay on site though, the beautiful coloured stained glass windows on our balconies makes a wonderful romantic and ethereal photo spot.

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What part of your business are you most proud of?

We are a non-profit and everything we make goes back into the charitable work we do for our community. It makes me incredibly proud knowing the amazing things that our couples enable to happen, from homeless meals to a partnership with the local school. All our teams are so kind and knowledgeable and always give 100%. I am so proud to be a part of the team that creates magic not only for our couples but for our community too.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Technology is such a big part of our lives and keeping up with the advances is something I have always found exciting. It is helping us so much because we can connect despite being miles apart. Over the summer my friend had a hybrid wedding and I was able to attend despite being in another country. So many couples have also been attending virtual viewings with us and it helps you get a really good sense of whether our stunning venue will be the fit for you. You also get to find out what I am really like, ask your questions and decide if we are people who you would really enjoy collaborating with.

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What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Technology is such a big part of our lives and keeping up with the advances is something I have always found exciting. It is helping us so much because we can connect despite being miles apart. Over the summer my friend had a hybrid wedding and I was able to attend despite being in another country. So many couples have also been attending virtual viewings with us and it helps you get a really good sense of whether our stunning venue will be the fit for you. You also get to find out what I am really like, ask your questions and decide if we are people who you would really enjoy collaborating with.

A huge thank you to Charlotte for answering our questions. Check out St Mary’s London on Bridebook!

Looking for more venues in Greater London? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Ashridge House

Searching for a dream wedding venue? Look no further! Take advantage of what this stunning historic venue has to offer, from beautiful views to a magnificent sweeping staircase.

We talked to Natalie, the Events Marketing Manager at Ashridge House, to find out more about this magical venue.

Tell us about yourself!

I am a mum to two boys (my main job!), I have worked in the wedding business for five years and in my free time I like to be creative and bake brownies. I have started writing a children’s book, and am going to try and illustrate it when the story is finished. If it’s terrible I will put it in a drawer and never show anyone!

What drew you to the wedding world?

It happened by accident! I was working in the events industry with corporate clients and when I joined the Ashridge House team, weddings are a key part of the Ashridge DNA. The whole team loves the wedding industry and it is easy to see why, it’s wonderful to work with our lovely couples and create a bespoke day filled with forever memories. It truly is an honour to be part of such a special moment at the beginning of our couples married life.

An archway that is part of the building serves as a place for the ceremony.

What do you think makes Ashridge House unique?

Ashridge House is very special, the site dates back to 1283 and Ashridge was a former royal residence to King Henry VIII and home to his daughter Princess Elizabeth. However what makes Ashridge House truly special is the dedicated team here and our ethos to welcome our couples and make them feel comfortable so they feel Ashridge House is their home away from home. The beautiful gardens and grounds at Ashridge House are the jewel of the estate and gives our couples a sense of serenity (we have 190 acres of private gardens for our couples to explore!), and no matter what the season, the grounds always look spectacular thanks to our dedicated gardens team. We have a fantastic food and beverage team who work closely with our couples to ensure they have the perfect wedding breakfast with their family and loved ones to enjoy, the team here also love a challenge and will find a solution for any requests. Every wedding is different and the team here love to be as creative as possible to deliver the most beautiful and bespoke day for our couples.

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

After the initial show arounds, we invite our couples to visit Ashridge House to meet their wedding coordinator and start planning their day. Couples will also meet their suppliers onsite and have their menu tasting here so ideally they will have visited Ashridge House many times before their big day, and will feel at home and relaxed before their wedding day.

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

When everyone is smiling and your couple are lost in the moment together.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Try and make the planning fun and part of your wedding journey, get your girlfriends involved and make your planning days a celebration, and enjoy some fizz afterwards!

What do you love about Bridebook?

I love their personal service, J’uanita has helped Ashridge House navigate through these challenging times and is a font of all knowledge!

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Ashridge House?

Every wedding is memorable and each couple becomes part of our history and DNA. We had a beautiful Russian ballerina bride and she arranged for ballet dancers to perform on the staircase in the Grand Hall during the ceremony, that was magical and breath-taking!

Why should a couple book Ashridge House?

The weddings and events team at Ashridge House go above and beyond to help our couples achieve the wedding of their dreams. We work together with our couples and build trust so that on the day, they can relax and enjoy one of the most important days of their life.

What’s the best photo spot at Ashridge House?

That’s a difficult question as all the grounds are lovely, I love Laburnum Walk, Rhododendron Walk and The Rosary!

What part of your business are you most proud of?

I am really proud of the events team and how they have adapted over the last 12 months, for example we now have personalised virtual showarounds and are hosting a virtual wedding showcase on Sunday 21st March 2021. The team have adapted and pivoted in response to the ever changing times.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Technology has been vital to the weddings industry especially over the pandemic, we have been able to stay in touch with all our couples over Zoom and reassure them we are still here and will help them move their date if needed.

Natalie featured second left with the Events Team at Ashridge House

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Share moments of joy. And even in the hard times, try and find reasons to laugh together. Love wins always!

A huge thank you to Natalie for answering our questions. Check out Ashridge House on Bridebook! They have an exciting Virtual Wedding Fair coming up soon click ‘here‘ to find out more.

Looking for more venues in Hertfordshire? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here. Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Bridebook is proud to announce their partnership with Papier, one of the leading wedding stationery brands in the UK

Bridebook is proud to announce their partnership with Papier, one of the leading wedding stationery brands in the UK

Let’s talk wedding stationery – the perfect way to set the tone of your special day, get creative and, most importantly, let your loved ones know that your wedding is soon approaching!

Bridebook is excited to announce we have partnered with Papier, one of the leading wedding stationery brands in the industry, to help our couples design their perfect stationery.

Papier is unique as they collaborate with talented artists and illustrators to bring our couples all the designs they will need for their big (or little) day – from save the dates & invitations to menus, guest books, thank you cards & more. 

Sophie Agar, Brand Director at Papier comments, “At Papier, we believe that stationery is a very special part of your wedding story. We’re so excited to be working with Bridebook to share our collections with you all.

Wedding stationery can be personalised at Papier and is expertly printed on sustainably sourced paper in England. Choose from different paper thicknesses, finishes such as gold or silver foiling, and order samples to see how your designs look and feel. Papier’s friendly experts are on hand to help with any questions.  

Browse Papier’s wedding stationery options:  

Save the Dates

Set the tone for your wedding with Papier’s save the dates. Illustrated, foiled and photo designs can be paired with matching invitations and are available with or without envelopes. Prefer to send a digital save the date? Papier can help with that too.

Wedding Invitations

Calligraphy, floral, classic, modern – Papier has invitations to suit every couple’s style. All sets come with optional matching info cards, RSVP cards, pre-addressed RSVP envelopes & you can also get all your guests’ addresses printed on the envelopes to save you valuable time!

On the Day Designs

Add the finishing touches with orders of service, table plans, guest books, menus and place names. They’ll tie the details of your day together and give your guests little keepsakes to hold onto after the event.  

Happy Planning!

Ready to order your wedding stationery for your big day? Send your request to Papier ‘Wedding stationery

If you’d like more advice on wedding stationery, below are some useful articles:


Venue Showcase: Saltcote Place

Thinking about the wedding of your dreams? This magical venue has far reaching views, formal gardens, and exclusive use.

We talked to Paul, the Owner at Saltcote Place, to find out more about this unique venue.

Tell us about yourself!

We have over 10 years experience of planning both exceptional and intimate Celebrations. Weddings are an indulgent hobby we really enjoy. We choose to host enough Celebrations to keep the building well maintained and not so many that it loses the magic. We never do back to back and rarely do a wedding a week preferring to enjoy the engagement with our couples. It takes on average 18 months from initial enquiry to the big day, this gives us all time to enjoy pizzas and a few glasses of wine as we get to know each other as well as the inlaws and outlaws. The end result we often hear is “it’s like getting married at our mates place” that’s the objective, as a result we have made some wonderful friendships. In our private lives have other interests in property, commerce and software.

Saltcote Place

What drew you to the wedding world?

It’s amazing that anyone can have this much fun at your own home.

An archway that is part of the building serves as a place for the ceremony.

What do you think makes Saltcote Place unique?

It’s personal, we don’t pay sales people to be nice to our Guests, we take that pleasure ourselves.

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Pizza, Pasta, meals out and the occasional glass of wine. It’s not a conference or a works party – a Wedding is a Celebration of two families seeing the ones they love step out on a magical journey. We make sure in-laws and out-laws also come and see the venue so they feel as comfortable as the couple. This approach ensures everyone feels comfortable, these feelings end up with all of the guests knowing they are not attending a faceless hotel, the owners are engaged and it’s personal with nothing too much trouble. This personal approach is reflected in our TripAdvisor reviews where we have been Number 1 in the UK, No3 in the World and Number 1 locally for 11 years.

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Respect, great communications, a detailed plan that’s shared and understood by all parties including suppliers with regard to setup and exit times.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Relax – if you write down your plan in a shared space it will be perfect.

What do you love about Bridebook?

We recommend all of our couples use the app to simplify the planning process.

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Leez Priory?

A Princess from Ghana, the cultural differences, the colours and music and two wonderful families focussed on a magical celebration. Another equally magical celebration involved Aunty Vera who corralled the bridesmaids for a few days before the big day using prosecco and music to get the party started, from the after party brunch the day after and a few days staying locally made these Weddings memorable for the best possible reasons.

Why should a couple book Saltcote Place?

Bespoke Celebrations without a package in sight. Packages belong to the post office.

What’s the best photo spot at Saltcote Place?

At the end of the garden you can see the curve of the earth and see for about 30 unobstructed miles.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

The friendships we have as a result of Weddings.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Collaboration tools ensure there is only one Hymn sheet lead by the Couple guided by a partner and involving all suppliers.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Never lose sight of what brought you together, be prepared to be flexible and to roll over if needed. We have rolled one couple over since 2018 and hope to see them get married in 2021. We have not increased their price.

A huge thank you to Paul for answering our questions. Check out Saltcote Place on Bridebook!

Looking for more venues in East Sussex? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Thief Hall

Thief Hall is your perfect blank canvas wedding barn venue in North Yorkshire. Put your own unique stamp on your wedding day by choosing your caterers, entertainment, additional décor and anything you like with absolutely no restrictions.

You gain access to the venue the day before your wedding celebration from 10 am until the day after, offering you both the chance to relax with family, guests, and friends, making your three day wedding ceremony truly magical!

Jessica, the manager at Thief Hall, gives us a taste of what can be expected from this stunning wedding venue.

Tell us a little bit about yourself

My husband and I renovated Thief Hall in 2007 and opened in 2009, we have two children, Clara and James and just love family holidays together.

What drew you to the wedding world?

We started Thief Hall with 4 holiday cottages and it just evolved from a marquee venue to barn now sleeping up to 60 guests.

What do you think makes Thief Hall unique?

The views outshine most places in the UK and our supporting staff with no rules ethos makes you and your guests feel so comfortable.

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

We are here 24/7 for all of our couples.

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Making the whole weekend so special and about the couple 100%.

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Thief Hall?

We had an amazing woodland wedding with Lucy and Matt including a marreeokee.

Why should a couple book Thief Hall?

No rules, no finish times, no noise restrictions and yet 100% support over your three days.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Organise your timeline before booking your church or registrars

What’s the best photo spot at Thief Hall?

There are so many from woodlands to road and sunsets to beat most

What part of your business are you most proud of? 

How we strive to improve and grow

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Virtual viewings and weddings fairs are really working for us

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Remember why you are getting married, love will win!!

What do you love about Bridebook?

The continued support, our account manager Kane is super!


A huge thank you to Jessica for answering our questions. Check out Theif Hall on Bridebook!

Looking for more venues in North Yorkshire? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk


Bridebook are excited to announce the launch of our partnership with Searcys, which is in residence at some of UK’s most iconic venues including Blenheim Palace, The Pump Room in Bath, The Gherkin, St Pancras International and many more. 

Searcys partners with Bridebook

Rodney Payne, Searcys Regional Director comments, “Searcys started out as a weddings and events caterer back in 1847, and we are proud to have been serving our customers with finesse and personality since then. We are honoured to have been trusted with over 340 weddings over the past three years, including hosting micro-weddings during an incredibly challenging 2020. We look forward to welcoming our beautiful couples back into our iconic venues, when safe to do so. Our team is delighted to offer them additional support through the incredible tools from Bridebook – to plan, budget and organise their special day without a glitch.”

As a business we are aware that the last 12 months have been exceptionally difficult for the industry, therefore it has been incredible to see brands like Searcys innovate and adapt to offer solutions to recently engaged couples. During the start of our partnership with Searcys they have adapted to offer beautifully designed micro weddings at their venues, as well as recipes and useful tips for couples staying in to mark occasions through their ‘Staying in with Searcys’. Their most recent exclusive offer for our couples was free cases of Champagne for all future confirmed bookings. 

You can now find Searcys wedding venues, from the stunning Gherkin to the historic Honourable Artillery Company (The HAC), from exquisite 10-11 Carlton House Terrace to iconic St Pancras Brasserie and Champagne bar by Searcys, on the Bridebook app and the website. 

We look forward to seeing how this partnership develops in the future.

Post-Quarantine Wedding Trends

After weeks of being inside, forced apart from our nearest and dearest, weddings seem like a lifetime away. And yet, the day will come when life will be full of loved ones, laughter and celebration once more. We can expect some significant effects on weddings to come later this year and into 2021.

The 2021 wedding season will not be without its challenges. With 64% of 2020 weddings expected to be pushed-back, 2021 is set to be a busy one.  Couples will have to make quick decisions on dates, to get first dibs on the date they want.  Guests can expect many more clashes, and midweek weddings than ever, making things a little more challenging. On the bright side, we’ll have a way to use up all of those saved holiday days…

Post-coronavirus, we can expect that weddings will be bigger, bolder, and even more full of meaning. Everyone is longing for the days of confetti, cake, and bubbly, and we have the scoop on the trends you can expect to see post-lockdown.


Digital Guests: 

One thing that has come from this period of change and online socialising is the normalisation of online meeting services, such as zoom. Travel restrictions may persist for some time, and we expect two-thirds of weddings post-lockdown to have at least some guests attending virtually. For elderly relatives, as well as friends and family living in far-flung destinations, digital access will be a great way for them to still be able to attend these special moments, even if just remotely. 

man smiling with gadgets


Courageous Fashion Choices:

After what feels like months of wearing the same pair of leggings and jumpers, everyone will be jumping at the chance to dress up and look their best.  We can expect adventurous guest fashion, with brighter, more fashion-forward dresses and bolder jewellery choices. 

It won’t just be guests making bold statements; we are seeing a 50% increase in the popularity of statement veils (probably thanks to Mrs. Bieber). We can expect to see many more brides making this trend their own, embroidering their veils with meaningful quotes or even initials. Alongside an increase in statement veils, we are also seeing a rise in catwalk-inspired statement sleeves and pearl-embellished dresses, seen at the likes of Dior and Chanel.

Classic Blue was announced as the Pantone colour of the year, so expect a great revival in the something blue, something borrowed tradition, featuring this beautiful shade. Think blue in newly trending hair barrettes, jewelry and even the bases of high heels!

Post-credit-crunch, boho brides were on the rise, and this trend is set to explode once more. Many 2021 brides will be going for the ethereal look, with wearable florals, and bridal crowns taking center stage.

bride with flower crown


Creative Wedding Decor:

If you thought wedding creativity had reached its peak, just you wait. With more time than ever to d think about wedding details, we can expect a move away from some more traditional elements to more creative and modern takes on decor.  Some creative couples will be changing up the traditional seating charts, instead painting table lists on flower-filled glass boxes. Floral hoops have also been growing in popularity, with growing in popularity by 80% this year, alongside hanging floral decorations and flower-filled aisles.

Post quarantine, there will be a revival of the Do-it-yourself Bride and Groom. Around three-quarters of weddings will include some DIY elements, as couples cut costs where they can (and have more time on their hands!), with DIY-couples saving a combined £20million. We are looking forward to personalised table settings, wedding favours, and decor, such as photo displays. 

DIY floral arrangement


Wedding Food Trends:

With so many couples caring more than ever about sustainability and the environment, it is no wonder that there has been a shift to a focus on menu seasonality, as well as plastic and waste reduction.  With many couples aiming to create as little environmental impact as possible, the increase in zero-plastic and reduced-waste weddings could save more than 15,000 tonnes of wedding waste from ending up in landfills (that’s 100 blue whales!). From invitations made of recycled paper,  vegan menus and leftover composting, we can safely assume that the sustainable wedding trend is here to stay and will explode in 2021.  We imagine many couples will be donating leftover flowers to local hospitals and hospices, which hopefully will be a trend that will stick.

As for the sweet stuff,  we predict a shift away from the traditional and pricy wedding cakes that often remain uneaten, to more exciting offerings. Unique grab and go dessert displays, such as doughnut walls will come into their own (there are almost 100,000 posts under the hashtag #donutwall on Instagram!).

Weddings are all about individuality and celebrating who the couple truly is. We are expecting food and drink that pay homage to the backgrounds of the couple, whether that is custom messages in fortune cookies or cocktails made with a type of Slovakian cherry liquor.  More and more couples will be selecting super-personal menus, such as family favourite desserts, or cocktails named after people and places that mean something to the couple and their families.


Party Central:

After the storm of COVID, when weddings begin again, they are set to go on till the early hours. Where there is partying, there is midnight feasting. Guests can expect to be sustained with anything from sweet treat grazing tables, to late-night pasta pots to keep them dancing the night away.

Missing happy hour has become a national tragedy, and it’s coming back in a big way – think serve-yourself prosecco taps, experimental cocktails, and boozy popsicles like frozen rose, mimosas, and mojitos making their way onto a dancefloor near you. 

It’s only natural that with happy hour, comes confidence in dance ability. Learning a Tiktok dance became a quarantine right of passage, and newly married couples will be eager to show off their new fancy footwork. Be prepared for some seriously questionable, but hilarious first dances. 

Post-Quarantine Wedding Trends


Registry Remix:

Many couples feel that this period has put things into perspective, as well as made many questioning what gifts they can live without. Cutlery and crystal bowls are a nice memento, but lots of couples are forgoing the regular registry list, asking for experiences, not things. More will be asking for starter funds for a new home, a pet, or for their honeymoons. Charity registries will also become the norm, with more and more couples wanting to donate to a cause they feel passionate about.


Here are some more wedding related articles you’ll love:

Still looking for that ideal wedding venue? Have a browse at Bridebook’s vast wedding venue directory to find the perfect wedding venue near you:


The Ultimate Year-By-Year Wedding Anniversary Gift Guide

Whether it’s been one year since the two of you got married, a decade, or even 50 years, every wedding anniversary is special, and deserves to be celebrated. To mark such a wonderful occasion, you no doubt love to show your other half just how much that loyalty and adoration means to you.

Every couple is different. You may use your anniversary to offer a huge gesture of love like a meal at a fancy restaurant or a trip somewhere nice. You may give them a stunning bouquet of flowers and a card or have a romantic night in away from the rest of the world. Or, you might choose to give them a gift specifically linked to the number of years the two of you have been together.

But what should you give? If you’re stuck for ideas, every anniversary has a traditional gift you can give your partner, as well as an anniversary gemstone and traditional flower. These traditions go back more than a hundred years, and today, there are modern gifts too, which gives you plenty of choices.

In this article, we’re going to explore everything to do with wedding anniversary gifts and traditions in the UK, including the traditional gifts given by couples to each other for a century, and the modern options for couples who want to give their symbolic gift-giving a 21st-century boost. We’ll also let you know the gemstones and flowers, and dive into the symbolic meaning everything has so you can put love and consideration into your gifts every year.

And if you’re in a rush, check out our handy infographics below: we’ve got one for the traditional and modern anniversary gifts, as well as the anniversary gemstones and flowers. Be sure to save them for future reference!

Should you mark every anniversary?

Photo © Damian Burcher Photographer | See their Bridebook profile

Your marriage was a monumental and pivotal event in your life. It no doubt changed the way you live, think and behave. Your goals likely evolved, your priorities shifted, and your mindset altered. You may still (and always) be an I, but the day you got married, you also became a we.

Because marriage is such a big commitment, it should be celebrated. So, whether you’ve been married one year, two years or five decades, why not use it as an excuse (not that you need one) to celebrate the love you and your partner share?

Of course, you and your other half might like to keep things on the low down. You might not like the fuss associated with an anniversary or you might not have the money to spare. And that’s okay too. So long as you and your partner are open and honest with each other from the start, there’s nothing wrong with choosing not to celebrate your anniversary. You do you.

What are wedding anniversary gifts?

Photo © Picture Essence Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding anniversary gifts are like the gifts given to mark other significant moments of someone’s life, such as a birthday, Christmas, marriage or any other special occasion. But it counts double for an anniversary, because you’re not the only one celebrating something. Both you and your partner have reached an incredible milestone in your marriage, whether it’s one or one 90 years.

Couples love to give each other gifts on their anniversary because it marks such an important time they share. It’s a symbolic gesture that shows your continued love and commitment to your partner and how much you appreciate them. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive and you shouldn’t feel pressured to give them a gift if your budget doesn’t allow it – it all depends on your personal preferences and circumstances, and what feels right to you as a couple. 

Do you have to give a gift on your anniversary?

Photo © Christopher Kitchen Photography | See their Bridebook profile

No, you don’t have to give your partner a gift on your anniversary. While many couples do choose to mark every anniversary with a card, gift or something else, it’s not for everyone. You might not be comfortable with giving or receiving gifts, or you may not have the budget to spare. And that’s perfectly okay.

There are plenty of other ways you can treat your partner on your anniversary that don’t involve giving a gift. Instead, why not put your phones away and enjoy a cosy movie night? Or take a romantic walk and enjoy a picnic at a lakeside? There’s lots you can do if you’re not in a position to give each other gifts.

Like with any part of a marriage, it’s all about communication. So be open and honest with your partner about what you’d like to give on your anniversary. 

What are traditional and modern anniversary gifts?

The Complete Year-by-Year Wedding Anniversary Gift Guide
Wedding anniversary gift guide: a quick reference infographic

It’s thought that couples have been giving each other gifts to mark their wedding anniversaries for hundreds of years. For example, Folklorist Hanns Bächtold-Stäubli wrote that couples in Germanic countries gave each other anniversary jewellery as far back as the 16th century.

During the Victorian era, the act of giving anniversary gifts grew in popularity, but at the time there were no ‘rules’ as such. It was only after the publication of Emily Post’s 1922 book, Etiquette: in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home, that the idea of traditional wedding anniversary gifts for specific milestones came to be. The list contains traditional gifts you can give to your partner for your 1st to your 15th anniversary, then every five years after that.

Less than 20 years after Emily Post’s book, the American National Retail Jeweler Association published a modern version in 1937. Since then, couples have used both lists as a source of inspiration for what to gift each other.

Until a second even more modern version is created, couples will have to bend the rules if they want to give each other an iPad or PlayStation.

Here’s a list of the main wedding anniversaries and their associated gifts:

Should you give your partner a traditional or modern anniversary gift?

Photo © Press Play | See their Bridebook profile

Whether you should give your partner a modern or traditional anniversary gift is entirely up to you – there’s no right or wrong answer. Speak to your partner about what you might like to do and if you want to stick to a theme.

Different gifts have different symbolic meanings and might have a unique meaning or nostalgic element for the two of you. Some gifts might also have actual uses and a lot more flexibility about them. As you might expect, modern anniversary gifts are a little easier to work with, but even some of those are a little outdated by 21st-century standards.

If you stick to traditional anniversary gifts, for your first anniversary you’ll want to give your partner something associated with paper. Now, this could be a packet of tissues, or it could be a certificate showing how they’ve purchased an acre of land on the moon – you can be as creative with it as you like.

For something a little easier to work out, you could get them the modern equivalent, which is a clock. This could be a gold watch, a FitBit or Apple Watch, a new bedside alarm clock… whatever you think your partner would love.

Or, you could scrap the idea that year altogether and get them a bunch of flowers or an overnight stay in a romantic B&B somewhere. There are no official rules, just inspiration and ideas you can follow.

And you could mix it up. One year you could go traditional, one year you could go modern. It’s about whatever fits your budget, your preferences and how it aligns with your creativity and what you and your partner have discussed. And if your partner does want an acre of land on the moon, then go for it!

Do different countries around the world have different anniversary traditions?

Photo © The Soul of My Lens Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Yes, depending on where you live, there may be different traditions and gifts associated with each wedding anniversary. There is a lot of crossover, but just because something is a tradition in one country doesn’t mean it applies to every country.

For example, in Korea it’s common for couples to celebrate their 100-day wedding anniversary, as the first 100 days are thought to be among the toughest they’ll experience as they settle into married life. To mark the occasion, Korean couples like to give each other a ring which might be engraved with a short phrase that means something special to them.

In this article, we’re going to focus on the traditional and modern anniversary milestones, traditions and gifts that couples in the UK might like to stick to. But, because there’s so much crossover, many of these traditions are shared across the world. Couples in the UK, USA, Germany, Japan and beyond mark the 25th (silver) and 50th (gold) anniversaries with gifts, parties and other celebrations.

What are wedding anniversary gemstones?

The Complete Year-by-Year Wedding Anniversary Gemstone Guide
Wedding anniversary gemstone guide: a quick reference infographic

Okay, so we’ve already covered that there are traditional and modern anniversary gifts you could give to your partner to mark specific milestones in your marriage. But, to make things super simple and give you even more options and ideas for what you could give them, there are also specific gemstones associated with every anniversary. So, if all else fails, a piece of jewellery that contains a gemstone is guaranteed to bring a smile to your other half’s face thanks to the symbolic meaning behind it.

Check out the below guide to see what wedding anniversary gemstones there are:

  • 1st anniversary gemstone – Gold
  • 2nd anniversary gemstone – Garnet
  • 3rd anniversary gemstone – Pearl
  • 4th anniversary gemstone – Topaz
  • 5th anniversary gemstone – Sapphire
  • 6th anniversary gemstone – Amethyst
  • 7th anniversary gemstone – Onyx
  • 8th anniversary gemstone – Tourmaline
  • 9th anniversary gemstone – Lapis Lazuli
  • 10th anniversary gemstone – Diamond
  • 11th anniversary gemstone – Turquoise
  • 12th anniversary gemstone – Jade
  • 13th anniversary gemstone – Citrine
  • 14th anniversary gemstone – Opal
  • 15th anniversary gemstone – Ruby
  • 16th anniversary gemstone – Peridot
  • 17th anniversary gemstone – Carnelian
  • 18th anniversary gemstone – Cat’s eye
  • 19th anniversary gemstone – Aquamarine
  • 20th anniversary gemstone – Emerald
  • 21st anniversary gemstone – Iolite
  • 22nd anniversary gemstone – Spinel
  • 23rd anniversary gemstone – Topaz
  • 24th anniversary gemstone – Tanzanite
  • 25th anniversary gemstone – Silver
  • 30th anniversary gemstone – Pearl
  • 35th anniversary gemstone – Emerald
  • 40th anniversary gemstone – Ruby
  • 45th anniversary gemstone – Sapphire
  • 50th anniversary gemstone – Gold
  • 55th anniversary gemstone – Emerald
  • 60th anniversary gemstone – Diamond
  • 65th anniversary gemstone – Sapphire

As you can see, there are a few repeated gemstones. Gold, ruby, sapphire, emerald, pearl and diamond all make two or three appearances. For example, gold is both the 1st and 50th anniversary, but each has a different meaning. For the 1st anniversary, the gold can symbolise prosperity and optimism for what the future could bring. For the 50th anniversary, the gold can represent perseverance and a symbolic bookend to the 1st anniversary half a century later.

What are wedding anniversary flowers?

The Complete Year-by-Year Wedding Anniversary Flower Guide
Wedding anniversary flower guide: a quick reference infographic

Flowers are an international symbol of love, and many lovebirds love to give flowers to the person they love (that’s a lot of love). As well as traditional and modern gifts and anniversary gemstones, there are also wedding anniversary flowers. If you give your partner flowers to mark the occasion, choosing the appropriate flowers adds that extra bit of care and thoughtfulness.

Surprisingly, roses – the flower almost everyone associates with romance and love – only appear on the list once. Even though a lot of anniversaries have a traditional flower associated with them, it’s not something you need to stick to. After all, nothing makes a statement quite like a bunch of roses!

Here are the flowers traditionally given on each wedding anniversary:

  • 1st anniversary flower – Carnation
  • 2nd anniversary flower – Lily of the valley
  • 3rd anniversary flower – Sunflower
  • 4th anniversary flower – Hydrangea
  • 5th anniversary flower – Daisy
  • 6th anniversary flower – Calla lily
  • 7th anniversary flower – Freesia
  • 8th anniversary flower – Lilac
  • 9th anniversary flower – Bird of paradise
  • 10th anniversary flower – Daffodil
  • 11th anniversary flower – Tulip
  • 12th anniversary flower – Peony
  • 13th anniversary flower – Chrysanthemum
  • 14th anniversary flower – Orchid
  • 15th anniversary flower – Rose
  • 16th anniversary flower – Statice
  • 17th anniversary flower – Red carnation
  • 18th anniversary flower – Sunflower
  • 19th anniversary flower – Chrysanthemum
  • 20th anniversary flower – Aster
  • 21st anniversary flower – Iris
  • 22nd anniversary flower – There isn’t one
  • 23rd anniversary flower – Nil
  • 24th anniversary flower – Lavender 
  • 25th anniversary flower – Iris
  • 30th anniversary flower – Lily
  • 35th anniversary flower – Coral rose
  • 40th anniversary flower – Nasturtium
  • 45th anniversary flower – There isn’t one
  • 50th anniversary flower – Violet

What are the major or most important wedding anniversary years?

Photo © Take Two Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Every wedding anniversary is special – it marks another year spent with the love of your life, after all. But, there are a few wedding anniversaries that are perhaps that little bit more special. Your 1st anniversary marks one whole year since the two of you had the most incredible day of your lives. Your 10th anniversary marks a whole decade! You might also like to mark the anniversaries every five years after that with a bit more oomph, like the 15th and 20th anniversaries. 

After that, the 25th and 50th anniversaries are huge occasions, which should definitely be shouted about from the rooftops. They’re both such incredible achievements that you might want a huge celebration with friends and family, but also just the two of you because, at the end of the day, marriage is about you.

You might also want to mark every 5th anniversary that passes as something extra special. In the UK, the longest-known marriage is between Ron and Joyce Bond, who celebrated their 83rd wedding anniversary in January 2024!

What are the traditional and modern anniversary gifts for every year?

Photo © Jennifer West Photography | See their Bridebook profile

If you’d like to mark your next wedding anniversary with a symbolic and thoughtful gift, there are traditional and modern options you can consider. Which you choose is up to you – you might even decide not to go with either. 

The creator of the traditional gifts, Emily Post, only wrote about the gifts couples should exchange for their 1st to 15th anniversaries, then every fifth anniversary after that. But thankfully, as with most traditions, they’ve evolved over time – so we’ve filled in the blanks to include the new traditions couples have adopted.

So, if you’d like to give your other half something with symbolic meaning, here are a few ideas, including the anniversary gemstones and flowers as well.

1st wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 1st wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Paper
  • Modern – Clocks
  • Gemstone – Gold 
  • Flower – Carnation

The traditional gift couples give to each other to mark their very first wedding anniversary is paper. Now, paper might seem like a strange choice – what’s so special about that? But, it’s not like you’re limited to giving your partner a blank sheet of A4 so they can doodle or practice their origami. Paper is a symbolic gesture that represents a new start – a blank sheet of paper can be filled in with whatever you want, after all. It can also be helpful since weddings are expensive and paper’s cheap!

But, paper is super versatile and you can get creative. Why not give your other half a family crest to hang on the wall? Or commission an artist you admire to recreate your favourite wedding photo? And if all else fails, a voucher can have a million and one uses, from a romantic hot air balloon flight to a romantic meal for two.

If you’re thinking modern, a clock is a wonderful gift that marks the time you’ve spent together during your first year as a married couple. This could be a new alarm clock for the bedside table or an ornate cuckoo clock. You could even combine the modern gift with the traditional gemstone (which technically isn’t a gemstone), gold. And what could be nicer on your 1st anniversary than to gift your partner a nice gold watch?

The traditional flower to give on your 1st anniversary is the carnation, which are big, beautiful blooms that are delicate but absolutely bursting with colour. A perfect gift for the perfect occasion.

2nd wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 2nd wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Cotton
  • Modern – China
  • Gemstone – Garnet
  • Flower – Lily of the Valley

If you’re all about traditional 2nd wedding anniversary gifts, then you’ll want to give your partner a gift associated with cotton. On paper, it may be a gift just as confusing as paper (see what we did there?) but it actually has a lovely symbolic meaning. Cotton is a natural fibre that grows in fields, and is then processed so it becomes strong and durable, which represents your second year of marriage.

The most obvious choice of gift you might give is clothing. This could be a beautiful dress, a pair of matching robes, or the most comfortable slippers imaginable. You could even have a custom tea towel made that features the date of your wedding.

For a modern option, you might want to give your partner some china. How you interpret this is up to you – an obvious choice would be a lovely tea set. Or, you could even spoil your partner and whisk them away on a trip to Beijing! 

The anniversary gemstone for two years of marriage is garnet, a stone that comes in a variety of beautiful colours and can vary hugely in cost. This gives you plenty of options if you’re keen to give your partner a gift that features garnet.

The traditional flower for a 2nd anniversary is lily of the valley, a super elegant flower with tiny white heads that look like little bells. Very dainty but also very beautiful.

3rd wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 3rd wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Leather
  • Modern – Glass or crystal
  • Gemstone – Pearl
  • Flower – Sunflower

The traditional 3rd anniversary wedding gift is leather, which is a super durable material that represents the strength of marriage. Leather is so hardy that a leather shoe was found that was thought to be 5,500 years old! There are so many things you could choose from, too, like a pair of boots, a jacket, a wallet, a purse… And the great thing is, there are also plenty of vegan leather products to choose from so everyone gets the option to give a traditional gift if they want to.

The modern 3rd anniversary gift is glass or crystal. This represents how fragile marriage can be, but also how beautiful it can be, which is why it should be looked after and treasured. You might want to give your partner a vase, some engraved champagne flutes, or even a set of shot glasses. Let your imagination run wild.

The 3rd anniversary gemstone is pearl, which is a hugely versatile gemstone that can be used in all kinds of jewellery. From rings and bracelets to necklaces and earrings, it’s a delicate stone that has a wide range of uses.

For flowers, the bold and eye-catching sunflower is traditionally given. Sunflowers are warming and welcoming and bring life to any room.

4th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 4th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Fruit or flowers 
  • Modern – Appliances
  • Gemstone – Topaz
  • Flower – Hydrangea

For your 4th wedding anniversary, the traditional gift to give your other half is fruit or flowers. Okay, flowers we understand, they’ve been given as a romantic gesture for thousands of years, but fruit? Actually, fruit has a fabulous symbolic meaning too, in that it’s fresh, it grows from a small seed and it’s sweet. A bouquet of flowers is always a wonderful gift, but a basket of fresh fruit is such a unique and thoughtful way to mark an anniversary.

The modern gift is appliances. When modern gifts were established in the 1930s, there wasn’t quite the same range of choice as there is today, which can make your decision easier. It could be a coffee maker, an air frier, a new fridge freezer… you certainly won’t be stuck for ideas.

The 4th anniversary gemstone is topaz, a clear stone that comes in a lot of different colours. It’s also another stone that can vary in cost, with some types of topaz being very affordable. But, if you want to push the boat out it can also be incredibly expensive.

The hydrangea is the traditional flower given to mark a 4th anniversary, which are fabulously explosive blooms of vivid and varied colour.

5th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 5th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Wood
  • Modern – Silverware
  • Gemstone – Sapphire
  • Flower – Daisy

The traditional 5th wedding anniversary gift is wood. Wood is a tough, durable material that grows from a tiny seed into a magnificent tree that has deep and strong roots. This is why it’s perfect that it represents your fifth year of marriage. And the great thing is, wood can come in a huge variety of forms. You could give your other half a wooden carving, a sign to hang on the wall or a bench for sitting on in the back garden.

For something more modern, you could give them some silverware. Okay, so it might not be that modern, but some fancy new cutlery or an engraved spoon you can hang in the kitchen make for a lovely gesture.

The anniversary gemstone for five years is sapphire, which is a striking blue stone that looks amazing on rings, necklaces, earrings… in fact, it looks amazing on anything. It can be a little pricey, but it’s definitely worth the cost if your budget allows for it.

If you’d like to give your partner something floral, the daisy is the traditional flower for five years of marriage. Daisies might be small, but they’re the quintessential flower, with bright and open heads that scream of spring.

6th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 6th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Sugar
  • Modern – Iron
  • Gemstone – Amethyst
  • Flower – Calla lily

The traditional gift for a 6th wedding anniversary is sugar. Now, a bag of sugar might not hit the spot, but there are so many ways to interpret this. A box of chocolates, a delectable cake, some Turkish delights… or a trip to a chocolate factory! Yes, you might treat your partner to some chocolates throughout the year, but when it’s your 6th anniversary it has a lovely symbolic message. After all, sugar is sweet, and after six years together your relationship is only getting sweeter.

The modern 6th wedding anniversary gift is iron. Now, try to avoid the temptation of getting your partner an iron so they can iron your clothes… though this can make for a funny exchange on your anniversary! With a little creative thinking, you could come up with something unique and thoughtful, like an engraved padlock, a cast iron skillet or a sculpture that represents your love.

The 6th wedding anniversary gemstone is amethyst, which is as striking as it is elegant. They’re usually a stunning shade of purple, and they’re hardy so can come in a huge variety of shapes and decorative objects.

The flower to mark a 6th anniversary is calla lily, which are elegant flowers with cup-like heads. They might be beautiful, but just be aware that they produce tiny crystals that are super sharp, so it’s recommended that you don’t have them if you have pets or young children. There are plenty of other flowers out there though that aren’t toxic to pets, so your other half won’t have to go without.

7th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 7th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Wool or copper
  • Modern – Stationery or desk set
  • Gemstone – Onyx
  • Flower – Freesia

For your 7th wedding anniversary gift, there’s a huge selection of ideas for you to choose from, so you’re guaranteed to think of something your other half will love. The traditional gifts are wool or copper, which could include anything from a big, thick jumper to cufflinks made with 1p coins. Wood represents the warmth and cosiness of marriage, while copper represents wealth and prosperity.

For something more modern, you could give some stationery or a desk set. Neither sounds particularly romantic, but you could personalise some pens or give your partner a brand-new diary.

As for the 7th anniversary gemstone, onyx is an eye-catching stone that features shades of black and sometimes even white. Onyx can sometimes be expensive, but it’s incredibly unique and used in a lot of different types of jewellery.

The freesia is the traditional flower to mark a 7th anniversary. Freesias are colourful blooms which look hugely eye-catching and have surprisingly long stems.

8th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 8th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Bronze
  • Modern – Linen or lace
  • Gemstone – Tourmaline
  • Flower – Lilac

When they’re separate, copper and tin are two relatively weak metals. However, when melted down and combined, they become bronze, the traditional 8th wedding anniversary gift, which is incredibly strong. This is why humanity made such huge strides during the bronze age, with the ability to create strong tools from bronze. The art of mixing two things (you and your partner) so they become strong (your marriage) is a lovely, symbolic gesture. Many statues and figures are available in bronze and make for a thoughtful anniversary gift.

The modern 8th anniversary gift is linen or lace, which are both beautiful and delicate fabrics. This could be anything from bedsheets to special pyjamas – very romantic.

The 8th anniversary gemstone is tourmaline, which isn’t usually the first choice of stone for jewellery, but is super appealing thanks to the range of colours. Some stones also have a rainbow effect, which is a wonderful stone to choose for LGBTQ+ couples in particular.

For something floral, the traditional flower for an 8th anniversary is the lilac, dainty little flowers that come together to form large, cloud-like blooms. Lovely.

9th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 9th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Pottery or willow
  • Modern – Leather
  • Gemstone – Lapis Lazuli
  • Flower – Bird of paradise

Traditionally, you might give your partner a gift of pottery or willow when celebrating your 9th wedding anniversary. Pottery is a lovely symbolic gift because it’s something that’s been made by hand from a lump of clay and formed into something beautiful. A willow tree is fabulous and full of luscious life with a strong trunk and roots – just like the ninth year of marriage.

When it comes pottery, there are loads of ideas for you to choose from. Anything from a handcrafted vase to a plant pot. For willow, you could choose a carved ornament, a basket full of treats and other goodies, or even a cricket bat if your other half is that way inclined.

If you’re going modern, you could get them a leather gift. This has already appeared on the list as the traditional gift for a 3rd anniversary, so try to think back six years to work out if you’ve already got this covered. If not, there are plenty of gift options out there for you.

The anniversary gemstone for nine years of marriage is lapis lazuli, a beautifully textured blue stone that makes any piece of jewellery pop.

The bird of paradise is the traditional flower for a 9th anniversary and looks more like a flower from Avatar than it does anything from Earth. It’s unique and attention-grabbing, but also delicate and colourful.

10th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 10th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Tin or aluminium
  • Modern – Diamond
  • Gemstone – Diamond
  • Flower – Daffodil

When celebrating your anniversary, the traditional gift for reaching the 10-year mark is tin or aluminium. Okay, so neither is particularly glitzy or glamorous. But you can still get creative and have some fun with it, like a tin filled with chocolates, matching tin camping mugs, or a good ol’ tin of beans. If you choose the last one, it might be good to get a little extra something as well, just to be safe.

The modern 10th anniversary gift is, of course, diamond. It’s an extra special milestone in your marriage journey, after all. Diamond is also the 10th anniversary gemstone, so it’s a double-diamond type of celebration. It all depends on your budget as to what you might like to give your partner to commemorate your decade together, but diamond offers you plenty of choices to give something beautiful and memorable.

You might expect a 10th anniversary flower to be something like a rose, but it is in fact the humble daffodil. Daffodils might commonly grow throughout the spring, but they represent new beginnings, which is appropriate as you begin a new decade as a married couple.

11th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 11th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Steel
  • Modern – Jewellery
  • Gemstone – Turquoise
  • Flower – Tulip

To mark your 11th anniversary the traditional way, you might want to give your partner a gift linked to steel. Even we admit that this one’s hard, but with a little thought and research, it’s definitely possible to get your partner something showstopping. An engraved cutlery set, a dish to keep treasured jewellery, or tickets so you can both set sail on a cruise… cruise liners are made from steel, right?

For the modern alternative, you could give your other half some jewellery. Link it to the traditional gemstone for an 11th anniversary with turquoise, which is a striking bluey-green colour – perfect for while you’re on that cruise!

If you’d like to treat your partner to flowers to celebrate your 11th anniversary, the traditional flower is the tulip, which comes in a massive range of stunning colours.

12th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 12th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Silk
  • Modern – Pearl
  • Gemstone – Jade
  • Flower – Peony

Okay, when you get to 12th wedding anniversary gift-giving, you’ll have plenty of great themes to choose from. The traditional gift is silk, elegant and smooth, just like your marriage. It’s also a lovely choice as there are lots you can give your partner, from a posh scarf to the most comfortable pyjamas you can imagine.

The modern gift to give is pearl, which means there’s a whole world of jewellery options open to you. But, the 12th anniversary gemstone is jade, which comes in all different shades of green. This means if you want to go for jewellery, you’ll face a dilemma – pearl or jade? Both are a great choice, so why not choose the best of both worlds and go for a jade and pearl necklace? The greens and creams complement each other perfectly and it has a double meaning!

If giving flowers is more your thing, for your 12th anniversary you could give your partner the traditional peony, which comes in every colour except blue, and has big and fantastic blooms.

13th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 13th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Lace
  • Modern – Fur
  • Gemstone – Citrine
  • Flower – Chrysanthemum

Unlucky for some but definitely not for you, as you celebrate 13 incredible years together! The traditional gift is lace, which gives you the opportunity to get your partner something a little exciting if you know what we mean. And if not, some new shoes with laces will do just the trick too.

The modern 13th anniversary gift is fur, which sort of reflects how these modern gifts maybe aren’t quite as modern as we might think after all. Thankfully there are still options out there, as faux fur is super convincing and works for everyone.

The anniversary gemstone for 13 lucky years is citrine, and as the name suggests it’s a wonderful lemony or orangey colour, and is actually a variety of quartz.

For something a bit more floral, the traditional 13th anniversary flower is a chrysanthemum, a lovely, open bloom that’s bright and warming.

14th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 14th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Ivory
  • Modern – Gold jewellery
  • Gemstone – Opal
  • Flower – Orchid

A long time ago (and not even in a galaxy far, far away) the traditional 14th wedding anniversary gift was ivory. Of course, this is no longer the case as it comes with massive animal rights connotations. But, couples who still want to mark the traditional gift often give something associated with elephants instead. Perhaps a wooden carving of an elephant, or an elephant feeding experience at your nearest zoo, so you can admire these amazing animals in person.

The modern 14th anniversary gift is gold jewellery, and we don’t need to go into detail about the huge amount of options you’ll have with that. You could combine it with the 14th anniversary gemstone, opal, a stunning iridescent stone that bounces light around like a natural disco ball. Opal is also associated with hope and truth, which is perfect for marking an anniversary.

The traditional 14th anniversary flower is the orchid, which is tall, strong, delicate and beautiful. An orchid looks magnificent in any room.

15th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 15th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Crystal
  • Modern – Watches
  • Gemstone – Ruby
  • Flower – Rose

If you like sticking to traditions, your partner is in for a real treat for your 15th anniversary. The traditional gift is crystal, much like the modern option for a 3rd anniversary. You could go for anything from an ornate vase to an engraved whisky glass.

The modern gift for 15 years is a watch, which means you can treat your other half to anything from an expensive Rolex to one of those Casio watches with the little calculators on them that everyone had in the 90s.

The gemstone for a 15th anniversary is the ruby. Rubies are a dark red in colour, almost purple, like the two hearts that you gave to each other all those years ago. Rubies also look fantastic in all kinds of jewellery, so you’ll be spoilt for choice.

The traditional anniversary flower for 15 years is the rose. Finally, after 15 years, you can give your partner the flower most associated with love (if you’re sticking to the loose rules, of course – you’re free to give them what you like when you like). Roses are hardy and versatile, while also being elegant and beautiful. The ultimate symbol of love.

16th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 16th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Wax
  • Modern – Silver holloware
  • Gemstone – Peridot
  • Flower – Statice

What’s one of the things you’ll always crack out which is guaranteed to create a romantic atmosphere? That’s right, a candle! Which is perfect, because the traditional 16th wedding anniversary gift is wax. Wax might not be hardy, but it burns bright, which is a lovely symbolic meaning for your marriage so far.

The modern gift for a 16th anniversary is silver holloware, which is a fancy way of saying a bowl, pot or container that’s made of silver. This could be a teapot, gravy boat or tureen – basically, anything that you can keep something else inside of.

The gemstone for a 16th wedding anniversary is peridot, which is a fantastic green-coloured stone, and one of the few gemstones that’s only found in one colour. That makes it rather unique, and makes for a lovely choice of gift. It also represents compassion, which you’ll likely have in abundance after spending 16 years with your love.

If you’d like to treat your other half to flowers, the traditional flower for 16 years of marriage is the statice, a papery bloom that usually grows in hot Mediterranean climates. The Victorians used to give statices to let someone know they were thinking about them, which couldn’t be more perfect for an anniversary.

17th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 17th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Watches
  • Modern – Furniture
  • Gemstone – Carnelian
  • Flower – Red carnation

While Emily Post’s list of traditional gifts didn’t include the 17th anniversary, couples have taken to giving each other a watch, much like the modern option for a 15th anniversary. If this was you two years ago, you might prefer the modern gift option – furniture. While an IKEA Callax Unit or Billy Bookcase will possibly do the trick, have a good think about what will have symbolic meaning so the two of you can look back on it and remember your 17th anniversary.

The 17th anniversary gemstone is the carnelian, a rust-coloured semi-precious stone which represents creativity and self-esteem. It’s not the shiniest of stones out there, but it still looks great set in jewellery.

For a flowery touch, the red carnation is the traditional 17th anniversary flower. Its big blooms fill any space with an explosion of fantastic reds, and is a symbol of intense love.

18th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 18th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Porcelain
  • Modern – Porcelain
  • Gemstone – Cat’s eye
  • Flower – Sunflower

No one can quite agree on what counts as a traditional 18th wedding anniversary gift, so most like to take inspiration from the modern equivalent, which is porcelain. Now, porcelain might famously be associated with toilets and sinks, but neither of those really has an air of romance about it. Unless you’re able to treat your other half to a brand-new bathroom, perhaps. Instead, you could go for a porcelain figurine, an engraved decorative plate, or a thimble that commemorates the date you got married.

If porcelain doesn’t inspire you, the anniversary gemstone for 18 years of marriage is cat’s eye. Cat’s eyes are super unique in that, as you might expect from the name, they look a little bit like a cat’s eye. They’re almost marble-like and are a wonderful centrepiece for any jewellery. And you’ll get double brownie points if your other half happens to love cats, too.

The traditional flower for an 18th anniversary is the sunflower, the same as for the 3rd anniversary. Sunflowers are big, beautiful and long-lasting… much like the marriage between you and your love.

19th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 19th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Bronze
  • Modern – Bronze
  • Gemstone – Emerald
  • Flower – Chrysanthemum

More than 10 years after its first appearance on the list of traditional and modern anniversary gifts, bronze once again becomes both the traditional and modern 19th wedding anniversary gift option. Sculptures, candlesticks, a picture frame, cufflinks… there’s a lot to choose from if you use your imagination.

The gemstone for 19 years of marriage is aquamarine, a fabulously bright and blue sky-coloured stone that symbolises youth and happiness. It’s not the most commonly used stone in jewellery, so would make for a unique gift to celebrate your special day.

For something floral, the traditional flower for 19 years is the chrysanthemum, which has already made an appearance on the list just six years before. But for good reason – it’s a lovely big bloom that comes in all kinds of colours. Plus, it symbolises happiness and a long life, which is apt as you near your 20th wedding anniversary.

20th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 20th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – China
  • Modern – Platinum
  • Gemstone – Emerald
  • Flower – Aster

After a four-year break, the traditional anniversary gifts are back as outlined in Emily Post’s book. The traditional gift to give your partner to celebrate two decades together is china, which is delicate, beautiful and painstakingly made – so perfect to represent the time you’ve spent as a married couple.

The modern gift for 20 years is platinum, which is a rather pricey precious metal that’s used to make all kinds of incredible jewellery, from rings to bracelets. You could combine this with the 20th wedding anniversary gemstone, which is emerald. Emeralds are a stunning, eye-catching shade of green and go well set in any type of jewellery. They also symbolise royalty, so there’s not a more perfect gift for the king or queen in your life.

The traditional flower for a 20th wedding anniversary is the aster, which is a dainty flower that looks a little bit like a purple daisy. They also grow in the UK and flower around the summer months, so if your anniversary falls during the hotter time of the year then asters should be in good supply.

21st wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 21st wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Brass or nickel
  • Modern – Brass or nickel
  • Gemstone – Iolite
  • Flower – Iris

To celebrate your marriage now being legally old enough to rent a car, we once again enter territory not covered by Emily Post’s list of traditional gifts. So, the modern gift, brass or nickel, covers both bases. Both represent strength, which is lovely after the amount of time you’ve spent together. This means you have a huge choice of gifts available, from trinkets and ornaments to personalised jewellery.

The 21st anniversary gemstone is iolite, a fabulously blue or purple stone which is actually fairly low priced. That means you can pick up jewellery with iolite relatively cheaply. And thanks to its incredible colour, it goes with almost everything, too, so you won’t struggle to find something your other half will love.

The traditional flower for 21 years of marriage is the iris, which is also purple but oh so delicate. You’ll also be spoilt for choice, as there are over 300 species of iris out there.

22nd wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 22nd wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Copper
  • Modern – Copper
  • Gemstone – Spinel
  • Flower – There isn’t one

There isn’t an official traditional wedding anniversary gift for 22 years, so it borrows from the modern option (which in turn borrows from the 7th anniversary gift), copper. Copper is a great rusty brown colour, and makes for a fantastic ornament or statue. Because it’s a fairly weak metal, it can be moulded into all kinds of shapes and engraved easily, so what you can get is only limited by your imagination.

For something a bit more sparkly, the 22nd anniversary gemstone is spinel. Spinel are a lovely ruby shade of red – in fact, they’re often confused for rubies. They vary in cost, but are always a beautiful addition to any piece of jewellery, so you really can’t go wrong with them.

Now for the bad news – there’s no official flower associated with 22 years of marriage! The good news is, you can go crazy with creativity! Why not have a bouquet designed by a local florist that contains 22 flowers? One from each of the traditional flowers of the past 21 years plus an extra  – that’ll definitely show your other half just how much you mean to them.

23rd wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 23rd wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Silver plate
  • Modern – Silver plate
  • Gemstone – Topaz
  • Flower – Nil

The modern 23rd wedding anniversary gift is a silver plate, and because there isn’t a traditional gift, the silver plate unofficially falls into that category too. A silver plate is a fairly self-explanatory thing, but you can still have a lot of fun with personalisations and engravings so it’ll look amazing on the wall or when brought out for special occasions. You could even use it to announce a weekend away or get them a dish to keep their jewellery in.

The gemstone for 23 years together is topaz, which has already appeared on the list before as the gemstone for the 4th anniversary. But it’s a beautiful stone, so if you’ve already given your partner jewellery containing topaz that’s no bad thing. Another piece to complement it would be a wonderful gesture.

As for flowers, the traditional flower for a 23rd wedding anniversary is nil. If you’re not familiar with this name, it’s also known as Japanese morning glory, which may or may not be apt considering it’s your anniversary (steady on!). It’s quite a bushy plant, so it’s not really one you can give as part of a bouquet, but it does grow in the UK and usually flowers in the later summer months if you sow the seeds in the spring.

24th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 24th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Opal
  • Modern – Musical instrument
  • Gemstone – Tanzanite
  • Flower – Lavender

When choosing gifts for your 24th wedding anniversary, if you want to stick to the ‘rules’, you’ll have a wonderful selection to choose from. The traditional gift is opal, which was also the gemstone for 14 years of marriage. It’s a stunning iridescent stone that looks fabulous in all kinds of jewellery and symbolises hope. You could pair this with bluey-purple tanzanite, the traditional gemstone for 24 years. It’s believed it helps with intuition, which is lovely as you clearly have great intuition by celebrating your 24th anniversary with the love of your life!

The modern gift for a 24th wedding anniversary is a musical instrument. This gives you a fantastic opportunity to give your partner a gift that they’ve always wanted, but never got around to. Or they may be a keen guitarist or pianist and could do with an upgrade. And if they’re really not into playing an instrument, you can’t go wrong with the good ol’ trusty triangle!

The traditional 24th wedding anniversary flower is lavender, a beautiful bloom associated with the south of France, distinguished by its striking purple hue and soft calming fragrance. Lavender represents purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace and calmness – all great qualities to celebrate in a marriage.  

25th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 25th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Silver
  • Modern – Silver
  • Gemstone – Silver
  • Flowers – Iris

Your 25th wedding anniversary is known as your silver anniversary for a reason. This is it, the big one. A quarter of a decade spent with the person you love the most. It’s an incredible milestone that should be shouted about from the rooftops. That’s why silver is considered the must-have gift for traditional and modern gifts, as well as the gemstone (though technically a precious metal, but we’ll let it slide).

There are so many amazing gifts you could give your partner that are silver. Jewellery, a keepsake box, a photo frame, silverware, an ornament… the list goes on. You’ll certainly be spoilt for choice.

The traditional flower to give for a 25th wedding anniversary is the iris, which also made an appearance just a few years ago for the 21st anniversary. It’s purple, pretty and delicate, but represents wisdom and trust – could there really be a better flower to symbolise 25 years together?

30th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 30th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Pearl
  • Modern – Diamond
  • Gemstone – Pearl
  • Flower – Lily

After spending 30 whole years together, you might want to celebrate by giving your partner the traditional gift, which is pearl. It represents becoming wise through experience, and there’s no doubt that you’re wise after spending such an amazing amount of time with your other half. Pearl is already associated with the 3rd and 12th wedding anniversaries, but it’s the traditional gift for 30 years for good reason. It’s also the traditional 30th anniversary gemstone, so you’d be covering two bases with this thoughtful and symbolic gift.

The modern gift for a 30th anniversary is diamond. Diamond is also associated with other anniversaries, but that doesn’t make it any less special. They’re the ultimate symbol of love, and are perfect when set in necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets… and any other type of jewellery your partner might love.

The traditional flower for 30 years of marriage is the lily. Lilies are stunning open-flower blooms that are available in all kinds of magnificent colours. Just remember that lilies are toxic to cats, so think twice if you have a furry little friend living with you at home.

35th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 35th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Coral
  • Modern – Jade
  • Gemstone – Emerald
  • Flower – Coral rose

Wow, 35 years. What a milestone! To mark your 35th wedding anniversary with a traditional gift, you can give your other half something related to coral. This is another traditional gift you could interpret in different ways. You could give an item of jewellery set with a coral stone, you could give them something that’s the colour coral, or if you have the budget, a trip to the Great Barrier Reef to view the incredible coral in person.

The modern gift for a 35th anniversary is jade, a fabulous stone which is a delicious shade of green. In the Far East, jade has a rich history as it symbolises immortality and represents the soul, which is great for celebrating a long and happy marriage. Plus, the gemstone to mark 35 years is emerald, an incredible precious stone which also happens to be green. Why not pair jade and emerald together in a piece of jewellery to give your partner something truly unique?

Sticking with the coral theme, the traditional flower for 35 years isn’t anything in particular, but many like to give their partners flowers that are coral-coloured. Bouquets that feature coral and other pastel shades are wonderful and autumnal.

40th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 40th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Ruby
  • Modern – Ruby
  • Gemstone – Ruby
  • Flower – Nasturtium

The fact that you’ve made it to 40 years together is incredible, and a real testament to your love and devotion to each other. To mark such a fabulous milestone, the traditional and modern gifts, as well as the anniversary gemstone, are ruby. For that reason, many like to treat their other half to something that contains this truly precious stone. Yes, rubies can be pricey, but for good reason – they’re drop-dead gorgeous and set well in almost every kind of jewellery. Ruby symbolises power and a thirst for life, and after 40 years of marriage, you’ll know a thing or two about living your life to the fullest.

The traditional flower for a 40th anniversary is nasturtium, a small orangey-red flower which, from a distance, you might mistake for poppies. They’re very small and delicate so it’s hard to include them in a bouquet, but they’re relatively easy to grow. If you sow the seeds in the garden in the spring they’ll flower in just a few months. They’re also perfect for celebrating your marriage, because nasturtiums symbolise victory through perseverance.

45th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 45th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Sapphire
  • Modern – Sapphire
  • Gemstone – Sapphire
  • Flower – There isn’t one

45 years is another stunning milestone, which can only be marked by a stunning gift. The traditional and modern gifts, as well as the gemstone, are all the same – the sapphire. Sapphires are precious stones, so can be rather expensive, but wow are they worth it! They represent wisdom and strength, which are definitely qualities you’ll have adopted after all those years spent with the love of your life.

There’s actually no traditional flower for a 45th anniversary, but many like to treat their partners to flowers that evoke sapphires, so blue flowers are a great choice. This might be hydrangea, iris, clematis, morning glory… there’s a lot out there that can make up a truly fabulous bouquet.

50th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 50th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Gold
  • Modern – Gold
  • Gemstone – Gold
  • Flower – There isn’t one

You’ve reached your 50th anniversary, that’s absolutely incredible! 50 years together is such a massive achievement and one that deserves to be celebrated with glitz and glamour. This is why the traditional and modern gifts, along with the anniversary gemstone (well, precious metal) is gold. Yes, your 50th wedding anniversary is your golden anniversary, so it’s the perfect opportunity to give your love something made from gold. This could be absolutely anything, from jewellery to a whisky glass adorned with gold.

There isn’t a traditional flower for a 50th anniversary, but you might want to give your partner flowers that evoke the gold theme. This could be yellowy-gold roses, sunflowers or chrysanthemums, which would look incredible and vibrant as part of a summery bouquet

55th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 55th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Emerald
  • Modern – Emerald
  • Gemstone – Emerald
  • Flower – There isn’t one

For your 55th anniversary, there’s an overarching theme of emerald, with this beautiful green precious stone being the traditional and modern gift, as well as the anniversary gemstone. Emerald has already been an anniversary stone for the 20th and 35th anniversaries, but it’s so beautiful that it deserves to make another appearance. It’s known as ‘the jewel of kings’ and symbolises truth and love, which you obviously have plenty of since you’ve made it to your 55th anniversary.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a traditional 55th anniversary flower, but flowers with green blooms will keep your celebrations on track with the emerald theme. Lilies, carnations, chrysanthemums, dahlias and orchids all come in wonderful shades of green.

60th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 60th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Diamond
  • Modern – Diamond
  • Gemstone – Diamond
  • Flower – There isn’t one

Being married to someone for 60 years is just jaw-dropping, so it’s more than worthy of being known as your diamond anniversary. So, the traditional and modern gifts, and the anniversary gemstone, are the glorious precious stone, the diamond. Diamonds are one of the most iconic symbols of love because they’re beautiful, hardy and – sometimes – priceless. They also symbolise faithfulness and commitment, which reaching 60 years of marriage demonstrates you have plenty of. Diamonds are also a fantastic stone to include in all types of jewellery, from necklaces to bracelets – and of course, rings.

There isn’t an anniversary flower for 60 years, but you could choose to give your partner flowers that evoke the feeling of diamonds. Diamonds let off a rainbow display of lights known as fire, when the light hits them just right. So, you could choose to have white flowers to represent the diamond and its sparkle, with other colours, like red, yellow and blue, to represent the fire.

65th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 65th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Sapphire
  • Modern – Sapphire
  • Gemstone – Sapphire
  • Flower – There isn’t one

65 years together – is there really an achievement quite like it? The traditional and modern gifts, as well as the anniversary gemstone for 65 years, is the sapphire. Much like the anniversary you celebrated 20 years ago, your 65th anniversary is celebrated in the traditional way by giving your other half something that evokes this fabulous precious stone.

There also isn’t a traditional flower associated with 65 years of marriage, but you might like to gift your partner sapphire-blue flowers. Blue flowers could include bluebells, orchids, asters – even roses can be blue. Blue flowers symbolise peace and tranquillity, which you definitely deserve after such a long time with your favourite person.

70th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 70th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Platinum
  • Modern – Platinum
  • Gemstone – Platinum
  • Flower – There isn’t one

A 70th wedding anniversary is an achievement that very few get to experience, and is a real testament to the incredible love and commitment you and your partner share. To celebrate such a huge moment in your lives, the traditional and modern gifts, and anniversary gemstone (though it’s a precious metal) is platinum. Platinum can be a pricey metal, but it looks fabulous in pretty much every type of jewellery. After all, platinum symbolises true love, so could there really be anything as perfect to give to your other half when celebrating 70 years together?

There isn’t a traditional flower for celebrating 70 years, but you could give someone flowers that evoke the quality and feeling of platinum. Lots of flowers come in various shades of silvery-white, like roses, tulips, dahlias, peonies and hydrangeas.

75th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 75th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Diamond
  • Modern – Diamond
  • Gemstone – Sapphire
  • Flower – There isn’t one

To be married to the person you love for 75 years is something most of us can’t comprehend. The level of love and devotion to another person is nothing short of stunning. The traditional and modern 75th anniversary gift is diamond, much like the 60th anniversary. In fact, the 75th anniversary was the original diamond anniversary, with the 60th added a little later. Diamonds represent commitment and faithfulness and are considered by many to be the precious stone to symbolise love. Thankfully, diamonds are versatile and can be used in so many different types of jewellery, so you should definitely be able to find something your other half will love.

You might also want to pair a diamond with sapphire, which is the anniversary gemstone for a 75th wedding anniversary. Any piece of jewellery that contains both diamonds and sapphires proves that it really is a match made in heaven – exactly the same as your marriage.

There isn’t a flower that’s traditionally given for 75 years, but if you’d like to give your other half a bouquet to commemorate the occasion, you could choose flowers that are white and blue. That way, you can continue the diamond and sapphire theme – plus it makes for an eye-catching combination.

80th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 80th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Oak
  • Modern – Oak
  • Gemstone – Ruby
  • Flower – There isn’t one

At 80 years and counting together, it’s obvious that your relationship is strong with deep, unshakable roots. That’s why the traditional and modern 80th wedding anniversary gift is oak. Oak trees stand tall and proud, and oak represents endurance, power and stability – which is why it’s perfect for such an incredible occasion. You might choose to give your other half an oak carving, or perhaps plant a tree in their name.

The anniversary gemstone for 80 years is ruby, which we’ve seen for two other anniversaries: the 15th and 40th. Rubies are synonymous with love, as well as health and wisdom, which you’ll no doubt have plenty of after spending 80 years with the love of your life. 

There isn’t a flower that’s traditionally given to mark an 80th anniversary, but ruby-red roses and other big blooms would be fabulous. You might also like to include a few oak leaves just to tie it into the whole theme of such a brilliant day.

85th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 85th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Wine
  • Modern – Wine
  • Gemstone – Moonstone
  • Flower – There isn’t one

After spending 85 years with your partner, you might expect the traditional and modern gifts to be something rather extravagant and pricey, such as platinum or diamonds, like the anniversaries that came before it. However, it’s far more humble than that – wine. That being said, you might not want to give your partner a £5.99 bottle of Merlot from the local shop – but it is something open to interpretation. It could be a trip to a local vineyard, a wine-coloured photo frame or, of course, your favourite bottle of vino.

The 85th anniversary gemstone is moonstone, a stunningly iridescent stone that comes in various colours and all with unique patterns. Many moonstones have the appearance of tiny planets, which look incredible set in jewellery. Moonstones can also be relatively inexpensive, so you can give your partner a one-of-a-kind but affordable gift to mark your big day.

There isn’t a traditional flower for 85 years, but if you like to give flowers then you could give your partner a bouquet that features colours associated with wine and moonstone. Deep red hydrangeas, rosé-coloured roses, multicoloured tulips… you can have a lot of fun creating the perfect bouquet.

90th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern 90th wedding anniversary gifts
  • Traditional – Granite or diamond
  • Modern – Granite or diamond
  • Gemstone – Diamond
  • Flower – There isn’t one

Very few couples have been married for 90 years, but it can and does happen. In fact, a couple from Yemen celebrated their 90th wedding anniversary in 2021. And as we get older and people live longer, it’ll no doubt happen more and more. But what do you give someone you’ve been married to for nine whole decades? Well, because it happens so infrequently, there isn’t an official traditional or modern gift, but it’s common for couples to give each other gifts centred around diamond or granite. Diamond can also extend to being the gemstone to mark a 90th wedding anniversary, so you could give the best of both worlds.

When it comes to diamond gifts, the choices are obvious – diamond jewellery is always going to brighten someone’s day. Granite is a little trickier, but you can get jewellery, ornaments, coasters, bowls, plates… there’s a lot out there. Or, if you have the budget, a nice new kitchen with granite worktops would work, too.

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Here at Bridebook, we know a thing or two about successful marriages – over 2 million couples have used our app to book the wedding of their dreams.

Sign up to Bridebook today to access everything you’ll need to plan the most incredible wedding and pave the way for a marriage that stands the test of time. 

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Happy Planning!

Venue Showcase: Wickwoods Country Club

Nestled amongst mature oak and spurs woodland, you will be sure to create lasting memories in this enchanting place.

Jasmine, the manager at Wickwoods Country Club, gives us a taste of what can be expected from this stunning wedding venue.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I have worked in hospitality for 15 years, and specifically at Wickwoods for 10 years. I’ve been involved in and overseen more than 200 weddings and over 100 events, each with their own unique requirements and styles. My passion is helping people, whether that be a wedding couple, a member of my team that needs development or a friend and relative in need.

What drew you to the wedding world?

Inside the glass house. White chais are facing the ceremony area.

I’m definitely a detail oriented person and enjoy being organized, so naturally moving from reception and front of house to event management just happened. It’s a complete bonus that on top of that I love helping to create a sense of excitement with clients.

What do you think makes Wickwoods Country Club unique?

Definitely our team. It’s an absolute pleasure to work alongside colleagues who share such passion to go above and beyond expectation and who genuinely enjoy working here. Couples always comment on how apparent this is.

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

The moment a couple enquiries, I am eager to get to understand the vision for their special day, and what’s important to them. Through a series of telephone calls and meetings, I endeavour to learn what makes each couple unique and how I can help deliver their dream wedding.

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

A couple is kissing while guests are holding lights around them.

Couples that relax into their day and go with the flow. Couples always mention how comfortable they feel letting us look after the details so that they can truly soak up the experience.

Check out this article on how to manage wedding stress and anxiety!

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Wickwoods Country Club?

One groom surprised his dance-fanatic wife with a flash mob for the evening reception! She was absolutely beaming, and the guests all got involved. A very special moment to have witnessed.

Why should a couple book Wickwoods Country Club?

We pride ourselves on customising our approach to each individual couple, and delivering an exceptional experience from the planning stages, right through until the big day. Rest assured, each and every detail will be covered, and your special day will run seamlessly. 

Wickwoods Country Club wedding venue

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Don’t go O.T.T.! Adding too many elements to your day will not only ramp up costs, but also add pressure and unnecessary stress to your planning.

What’s the best photo spot at Wickwoods Country Club?

The bride and groom kiss while the bridesmaids and groomsmen stand close to each other.

The Woodlands create a stunning backdrop to more intimate shots of the happy couple.

What part of your business are you most proud of? 

We are most proud of our valued team members and their passion for helping exceed clients’ expectations. Each and every employee gets a kick out of making someone’s day.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

The bridal suite in brown and white colors.

Throughout the lockdown, technology related to hospitality and weddings came into its own. From Zoom meetings, to wedding planning apps and now food and drink ordering apps… I think we are just scratching the surface on what technology can do for us in the industry. So far, technology has greatly supported the survival of the business and assisted us and our clients in communicating and planning for the future.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Reach out to your venue and your suppliers if you are feeling uneasy. The vast majority will want to work with you in a progressive way to come to a solution that works for all involved.

What do you love about Bridebook?

Everything you need to plan your perfect wedding is at your fingertips!!!

Check out Wickwoods Country Club on Bridebook!

An Autumnal Wedding with a Horse-Drawn Carriage in Northumberland

The bride and groom pet one of the horses that pulls the carriage.

Charlotte and Callum knew exactly what they wanted for their autumnal wedding in Chathill Northumberland: a gorgeous burgundy colour scheme, seasonal flowers… and a horse-drawn carriage!

What made their day even better? A venue that could offer them the whole weekend, not just a day. With its blend of traditional features and contemporary touches, Ellingham Hall offers a completely exclusive (and seriously stylish!) two-night wedding experience.

Carriage being pulled by two white horses.
The bride is inside holding a bouquet.
The guests throw petals to the couple as they laugh.
Charlotte & Callum in Chathill, Northumberland (Autumnal + Burgundy)
One of the table tops shows the theme of the table to be Vietnam.
Another table top shows a candle display and the theme to be New Zealand.
The guest inside the building, which features a chandelier hanging from a wooden ceiling.
The groom holds a black labrador dog.
The groomsmen help the groom get dressed.
The bride is running outside.
The bride and groom kiss outside.
The bride and groom kissing.
The tables set for dinner inside. Lots of lights in the ceiling.
The bride getting her makeup done.
The bride and groom kiss outside at night as the guests hold candles.

Congratulations, Charlotte and Callum, on your beautiful ceremony! And special thanks to Rachel Barlow, marketing and communications manager at Ellingham Hall, for providing us with the photographs of the happy couple’s big day.

Charlotte and Callum’s Suppliers

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Venue Showcase: Leez Priory

One of the most sought after wedding venues in the country. This magnificent Tudor mansion has everything you need for your special day.

We talked to Kristie, the Sales Manager at Leez Priory, to find out more about this stunning venue.

Tell us about yourself!

I’ve worked at Leez Priory for the past 4 years and recently became the Sales Manager. In my free time I like to train at my partner’s gym which is local to Leez Priory and spend my down time with friends and family.

What drew you to the wedding world?

Bride and Groom stand in front of a big door filled with intricate details.

I love being around people and the idea of making someone’s wedding day dreams come true is amazing!

What do you think makes Leez Priory unique?

An archway that is part of the building serves as a place for the ceremony.

When couples come to see Leez Priory, not only do they buy into the stunning house and grounds but also me. I get to know all about my couples and build a rapport with them which I am able to carry through all the way up until their big day!

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Two members of a band play electric guitar.

I spend around 1.5 hours with my couples during the viewing appointments and countless correspondence going backwards and forwards. During this time I find out how the question was popped, how they felt, what their hobbies are and share things we have in common. We also invite our couples to our dinner dates and to our open days so that they can get to know our beautiful venue and our team better before their big day – if I’m available I always try to pop in and say hello!

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

tables set for dinner inside the venue.

Confidence that Leez Priory is there for you no matter how big or small the question may be!

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

In the evening, the Bride and Groom stand beside a lake.

RELAX. Don’t be uptight, let your hair down and let your Personal Wedding Manager worry about the admin. You’re there to simply make the most of the best day of your life!

What do you love about Bridebook?

As you quote ‘whatever your taste, we’re sure to have the wedding venue for you’.

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Leez Priory?

A rainbow is shown across the sky, which appears to end in the manor.

They are all unique, but for me it had to be one that was held last summer. If I had clicked my fingers and said everything that I would want at my own wedding they had, even down to the groom’s suit!

Why should a couple book Leez Priory?

A brickhouse tudor style mansion is shown across well kept lawns.

Why wouldn’t you book Leez Priory?! There is something so magical about it that words can’t capture, but I’ll try! It boasts elegance, history, charm and romance and, of course, 5-star customer service.

What’s the best photo spot at Leez Priory?

It’s a hard one as we have so many incredible photo opportunities but it has to be the stunning historic Tower. 

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Venue Showcase: Leez Priory

Our Team. Not just the ones you see on the wedding day but the ones who keep the glassware sparkling, carpets pristine, the grounds manicured and the admin functioning.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

We now aren’t limited to holding weddings for couples who live in the UK. We quite often get couples calling to book their weddings site unseen from all across the world thanks to the power of technology. Snippets of couples’ weddings are being shared nearly every day of the week which allows EVERYONE around the world to get a look at how beautiful Leez Priory is.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Inside the building, a reception room decorated in white and purple.

Put your trust in us. There is no doubt that this is an extremely stressful time and we can’t say when this will be over, but one thing we can promise you is good things come to those who wait… it might not be on the date you initially hoped for, but we will make your wedding day dreams come true!

Check out Leez Priory on Bridebook!

Venue Showcase: Wick Farm Bath

Want an ideal setting for your wedding? How about two stunning 16th Century adjoining barns set in beautiful countryside?

Sophie, the Director of Wick Farm Bath, gives us a taste of what can be expected from this wedding venue.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

We bought Wick Farm in 2005 to farm and bring up our children in a rural setting. We wanted to create a small holding and grow our own food as much as possible.We slowly renovated it as well as started our farming debut. Pigs, sheep, chickens, geese and horses, plus our collection of abandoned and orphaned cats and dogs, ten in total!

Then in 2010 we decided to turn one of the dilapidated barns into something, and that is when the weddings began. The whole family was involved. My husband did the admin, maintenance and lawns. I did the coordinating, design, gardening and showrounds and my kids waited tables.

We are a lot more organized now with the fabulous Strawberry Field Catering running the catering and front of house side, a book keeper and two gardeners and cleaners to keep everything spick and span!

What drew you to the wedding world?

Close up of a lamp hanging in a bush.

We fell into it by accident. We renovated the barns as offices originally, but when we launched the adverts and website all we got were wedding enquiries and that is how we evolved. We applied for our wedding licence, premises licence, etc. – and here we are!

What do you think makes Wick Farm Bath unique?

I think as we are family run every wedding is personal to us. We often have couples coming back for their children’s christenings, bar mitzvahs, parties, celebrations, anniversaries etc.

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

They have usually been to the barn 3 or 4 times before their big day, plus for their free food tasting. We meet them for a final run through the week of the wedding and if they want a rehearsal they can do that as well. Often couples have a free photoshoot here or various meetings with their florist and other suppliers too. So by the time their wedding comes, they have been to see us quite a few times!

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Wick Farm Bath?

The most beautiful was one created for a Canadian Couple by Matthew Oliver. It was stunning with a wall of flowers hanging off ribbons, weeded trestle tables and flowers galore. The most memorable was a Star Wars themed one, where they fought each other coming down the aisle with their lightsabers!

Why should a couple book Wick Farm Bath?

Venue Showcase: Wick Farm Bath

Because we will make their day perfect, as our testimonials will prove.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Don’t get carried away with mundane details and waste money. Your day will be remembered for the people, delicious food and venue.

What’s the best photo spot at Wick Farm Bath?

The fabulous 600 year old arched oak door and our stunning hay barn on the hay bales and against the old beams.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Dining area with a buffet table and six round tables decorated.

The fact that we built the business from scratch and now have the perfect medieval wedding barn.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

It is changing the industry massively! Social media is such a big part of getting our venue out there and promoting our suppliers.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

We have managed to rebook all but one wedding this summer, so don’t worry about booking your wedding with us. We can always move it for you with no costs incurred.

What do you love about Bridebook?

Their efficiency, clarity and the fact that they are so helpful!

Check out Wick Farm Bath on Bridebook!

Venue Showcase: Oxleaze Barn

With rustic charm and character, this beautifully restored Cotswold stone barn is the perfect place to say your “I Do’s”.

Faye, Head of Oxleaze Barn, tells us more about this wedding venue.

Tell us about yourself!

I’ve been working in the wedding industry for 10 years. Our team have all worked in different sectors of the events industry, so a wedding at Oxleaze is supported by professionals who come from production and design backgrounds too! Our team all have one thing in common – we love the great outdoors. 

What drew you to the wedding world?

Venue Showcase: Oxleaze Barn

We love being part of seeing people’s plans come to fruition – when you chat to a couple at their viewing you hear of all their unique ideas, so seeing it all come together on their big day is so special.

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Bride and Groom holding hands and walking.

Our viewings aren’t time limited so we spend a lot of time chatting with the couple, hearing about their unique ideas and helping them put their stamp on Oxleaze. We also have a planning meeting with the couple months before the wedding, this allows them to share their worries and concerns as well as making sure we know the individual things that really matter to the couple.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Inside of the venue, the oak beam ceiling is covered in plants.

It’s all about acceptance. You may not have the wedding that you had planned but you committed to each other for so much more than ‘one date’ so remember what’s important, accept the changes and let yourself get excited about making new plans. It’s an opportunity to get creative with changing colour schemes and seasons!

Also, remember we are here to help! We have much more experience in different options for the look and feel of your wedding so pick up the phone to your suppliers and take their advice.

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Bride and Groom kiss outside.

A shared understanding for the importance of your big day. We love listening to the speeches, hearing everyone’s heartfelt words about how much time and effort has gone into celebrating your relationship. And realizing that this one day is a representation of the future and who will be a part of your journey.

What do you think makes Oxleaze Barn unique?

Man in suit rides a yellow tricicle.

A wedding at Oxleaze is best suited to couples who want escapism. Although we are just 1.5 hours from London, we are situated on a farm ‘in the sticks’ which makes for gorgeous photo opportunities and guests can make a weekend of the Cotswolds. Our small team all love to hear about the plans for the wedding and we never want to feel like a ‘wedding factory’ with just one wedding per weekend. 

The couple has our undivided attention. It is of paramount importance to us that the couple and the family know the team, from the Shetland pony to the venue staff who manage the day, we want the couple to feel like they have come ‘home’ for their wedding.

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Oxleaze Barn?

A variety of candles stands inside a white fireplace.

Genuinely every wedding has something about it that ‘wows’ us. It could be the way the barn has been decorated, the menu choice, the dress or the suits! We love that our couples have free reign to make lots of choices about their day, it means no two are the same.

Why should a couple book Oxleaze Barn?

The barn is viewed from the outside on a sunny day.

Everything about our venue is centered around family. We like to work with you as individuals rather than it feeling like a business transaction. We are honored every time someone confirms they would like to host their wedding with us and we never forget that. In return, we promise you a fun, relaxed and supportive team to help you navigate your big day.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Inside the barn, many colorful decorations are displayed and a person is playing cello in the background.

Look at different photos of your venue in rain and sun. This often takes the pressure off wishing for a sunny day – something no one can control!

What’s the best photo spot at Oxleaze Barn?

In the evening, people are siting in piles of hay and the trees surrounding them are covered in lights.

The private gardens – stunning all year around and so many different focal points.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Our team!

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

A couple rides the back of a carriage while kissing.

It’s brilliant because there are so many apps and websites to help couples research – but don’t forget to speak to suppliers on the phone and meet in person if you can – it’s so important to get along with them!

What do you love about Bridebook?

Community. For clients and suppliers alike. Bridebook allows couples to use one platform to research and communicate with people but it also offers brilliant support to venues and suppliers.

Check out Oxleaze Barn on Bridebook!

Venue Showcase: Ramster Hall

On the border of Surrey and West Sussex, surrounded by 25 acres of beautiful parkland, lies this gorgeous country house.

Rosie, the owner of Ramster Hall, tells us a bit more about her venue.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

When I was little my many siblings and I used to roller skate and bicycle between the dusty furniture in the halls, they were cold and damp with a musty smell and often the walls were covered in a light dusting of mildew! Once my family took over from my Grandparents my mother started holding weddings here in the 80’s so I really grew up with brides and grooms on a Saturday!

I am a keen rider and can often be seen out riding with the children at the weekends when weddings are in the safe hands of our catering front of house team! We also have 25 acres of beautiful woodland garden, so gardening is quite a frequent but enjoyable hobby.

What drew you to the wedding world?

My background before I took over at Ramster was in events, having organized the BBC Good Food show and many other big profile exhibitions for 10 years, so weddings was a good path to follow… I’ve not met a bride harder to please than many of my old clients! So it seemed like a natural progression to move out of London and take over from my parents when the time was right.

What do you love about Bridebook?

Bride and Groom embrace in the lawn outside the house.

The support through the current pandemic has been superb, to both couples and suppliers.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Stay calm as we collectively ride this emotional roller coaster. I understand this is causing huge amounts of concern and anxiety, to have your most important and long awaited day threatened by a situation such as this one is distressing and I am truly sympathetic.

Many businesses will suffer as well as individuals so please be considerate to those suppliers who are trying their best for you and let’s have a mutual sense of purpose that will lead us towards that long-forgotten place called “normality”. Your wedding will come, and it will be amazing…

What do you think makes Ramster Hall unique?

An antique room set for a civil ceremony.

I think it is the family home feel and history that makes us unique, Ramster has been in my family for nearly 100 years. We are a very small team, I am completely hands on with everything from planning to cleaning and everything between! Our couples and their families are of course our priority and we will bend over backwards to make the day as they wish.

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

A ceremony inside with people looking on as bride and groom say their vows.

I love meeting new clients and still get such a buzz from hearing how lovely they think Ramster is! After the initial meeting its always a lot of calls or emails with questions then they will often come and see us again for another look or to bring their parents around to show them – so that’s another opportunity for a good chat.

As the day gets closer the communication picks up again, advice on timings, suppliers, what works, what might not. Then seeing them on the day with all their plans taking shape is lovely and being present if they are getting married here if very special. Often our couples will come back here when the garden is open to have a walk and reminisce about their wedding day here.

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Venue Showcase: Ramster Hall

If it’s what the couple have strived for then it is going to be perfect. The personal touches always make it special, the naming of the tables, favors, decorations and silly ideas add an element of fun – but the ultimate aim is love, laughter, a fantastic knees up and a day to remember!

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Ramster Hall?

The wedding dinner inside the house.

We had two actors getting married here a few years ago! A lovely, outgoing, lively couple who had met doing a production of Midsummer Night’s Dream so this is how they themed their wedding: they decked the halls out like a woodland wonderland which was beautiful and it just looked like they had such fun from beginning to end…

A Star Wars wedding was also hilarious! All very tongue in cheek, but ushers being bossy with lightsabers, table names of Chewbacca, C-3P0 and the occasional bridesmaid brave enough to go for a Princess Leia hair.

Why should a couple book Ramster Hall?

If they like what we do, who we are and what we have here, they will book us. No hard sell, no pressure but a guarantee they will be looked after!

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

A great table in a "U" shape is set for dinner.

Don’t get hung up on the tiny details! No one else will even notice, so relax and enjoy the day.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

It’s wonderful that an absent friend or relative can join the ceremony via a video call, I think we will see more of this in the next year.

What’s the best photo spot at Ramster Hall?

The lawn outside the house.

The garden in the spring is stunning, we also have a lovely little bridge by the pond, which photographers always like!

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Bride and Groom hold hands and walk past the flowers.

How we look after our couples and our flexibility in allowing them what they want as much as possible.

Check out Ramster Hall on Bridebook!