Die schönsten Hochzeitslocations im Saarland

Das Saarland ist nicht nur das grünste Bundesland direkt an der Grenze zu Frankreich und Luxemburg, sondern auch eine Region, die mit unglaublich schönen Hochzeitslocations punkten kann. Hier kommen nicht nur Weinliebhaber auf ihre Kosten, sondern vor allem auch Romantiker.

Wir haben uns die schönsten Hochzeitslocations im Saarland für euch angesehen und kurz zusammengefasst. Vielleicht gönnt ihr euch einfach einen edlen Tropfen von der Mosel, während ihr durch unsere Top 10 scrollt? So findet sich die Traumlocation gleich noch entspannter.

1. Gut Wiesenhof

Foto © Gut Wiesenhof | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Wir starten mit einem traumhaft schönen Herrenhaus, genauer gesagt dem Gut Wiesenhof in Merzig. Der exklusive Gutshof aus dem 19. Jahrhundert bietet mehrere Veranstaltungsräume, eine wunderschöne Parkanlage sowie einen großzügigen Innenhof. Auf einer Fläche von fast 3.000 m2 ist jede Menge Platz für eine rauschende Feier mit bis zu 150 Gästen. Eine freie Trauung ist im Park möglich. 

Wo genau im Saarland liegt Gut Wiesenhof?

Die Hochzeitslocation liegt in Merzig, fast mittig zwischen Trier und Saarbrücken.

2. Frischbiers Schmelz

Foto © Frischbiers Schmelz | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Zugegeben, vom Namen her eine eher ungewöhnliche Location für eine Hochzeit. Aber: Das Hotel Frischbiers Schmelz in der Nähe von Saarlouis überrascht von innen mit einem prunkvollen Festsaal, der Platz für bis zu 120 Personen und trotzdem genügend Raum zum Tanzen bietet. Das Beste: Der Saal verfügt über einen direkten Zugang zur Gartenterrasse, wo ihr im Schatten großer Bäumen die Nachmittags- oder Abendstunden genießen könnt. 

Bietet diese Location im Saarland Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten?

Frischbiers Schmelz bietet insgesamt vier Standardzimmer.

3. Zum Hirsch – Agentur Erlebnisraum GmbH

Foto © Zum Hirsch – Agentur Erlebnisraum GmbH | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Wir bleiben bei außergewöhnlichen Hochzeitslocations im Saarland: Zum Hirsch bietet euch mit dem historischen, 2019 komplett renovierten mondänen Festsaal den perfekten Rahmen für eine unvergessliche Hochzeitsfeier. Nur zehn Minuten von Saarbrücken Zentrum entfernt, punktet diese Location mit einem tollen Ambiente und einem Service, der keine Wünsche offenlässt. Ab 60 Gästen könnt ihr hier eine unvergessliche Hochzeit im Kreise eurer Liebsten feiern. 

Welcher Bahnhof liegt der Hochzeitslocation im Saarland am nächsten?

Der Bahnhof Saarbrücken Hauptbahnhof Nord ist nur etwa sieben Fahrminuten entfernt.

4. Linslerhof

Foto © Linslerhof | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Jetzt wird es richtig romantisch! Das 4-Sterne-Hotel Linslerhof erwartet euch und eure Gäste mit einem malerischen Ambiente. Der aus dem 12. Jahrhundert stammende Gutshof ist ein einzigartiger Mix aus charmanter Tradition und modernem Komfort. Ob das Trauzimmer „Kaiser Barbarossa“, die zauberhafte St. Antonius-Kapelle oder die wunderschön grüne Parkanlage: Diese Hochzeitslocation im Saarland bietet euch alle Möglichkeiten für eine kirchliche, standesamtliche oder freie Trauung.

Welche größere Stadt im Saarland liegt in der Nähe des Linslerhofes?

Saarlouis ist etwa 20 Fahrminuten von der Hochzeitslocation entfernt. 

5. Stromwind Essen, Trinken, Feiern

Foto © Stormwind Essen, Trinken, Feiern | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Der schönste Tag im Leben verlangt auch nach einer der schönsten Locations: Der große Festsaal vom Stromwind ist eine einzigartige Hochzeitslocation im Saarland, die das perfekte Ambiente für eine Traumhochzeit für bis zu 220 Gäste bietet. Hier liegt der Fokus ganz auf den individuellen Wünschen des Paares, sodass jede Hochzeit das besondere Etwas bekommt.

Wo genau liegt diese Hochzeitslocation im Saarland?

Das Stromwind liegt in Ensdorf in der Nähe von Saarlouis und nur 12 Gehminuten vom Bahnhof Ensdorf entfernt. 

6. Gästehaus Schloss Saareck

Foto © Gästehaus Schloß Saareck | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Ihr träumt von einer Hochzeit an einem Ort mit jeder Menge Geschichte? Mit dem 1954 erbauten Gästehaus Schloss Saareck habt ihr eine historische und zugleich romantische Location im Saarland für eine stilvolle Hochzeit gefunden. Das Gästehaus ist nicht nur von außen, sondern auch von innen absolut beeindruckend. Hinzu kommt die wunderschöne Gartenanlage rund um das Schloss. Besonders toll: Diese Hochzeitslocation könnt ihr exklusiv für euch und eure Gäste buchen!

Für wieviele Hochzeitsgäste ist das Gästehaus Schloss Saareck geeignet?

In der Location findet sich der richtige Raum zum Heiraten, egal ob 10 oder 200 Gäste erwartet werden.

7. Grunder’s Hofgut Menschenhaus

Foto © Grunder’s Hofgut Menschenhaus | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Wunderschön im Grünen am Wald gelegen, ist Grunder’s Hofgut Menschenhaus zwischen Kirkel und Neunkirchen im Saarland eine einzigartige Hochzeitslocation, die mit dem Auto bequem zu erreichen ist. Die hellen, unterschiedlichen Veranstaltungsräume bieten Platz für bis zu 500 Gäste und lassen sich ganz nach euren Wünschen und Vorstellungen gestalten. Falls ihr noch Hilfe bei der Planung eurer Hochzeit braucht: Es gibt sogar einen hausinternen Wedding Planner!

8. Taverne Römische Villa Borg

Foto © Taverne Römische Villa Borg | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Ein Hauch italienisches Flair mitten im Saarland? Die Taverne Römische Villa Borg vereint das „Dolce Vita“ mit einer historischen Kulisse. Ob die wunderschöne römische Gartenanlage, die Räumlichkeiten selbst oder das Restaurant direkt an der Villa – in dieser Hochzeitslocation im Saarland könnt ihr mit bis zu 100 Gästen einen unvergesslichen Tag verleben. Genießt das unvergleichliche Flair und lasst euch vor allem kulinarisch verwöhnen. 

9. Hotel Haus Krone

Foto © Hotel Haus Krone | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Eine gemütliche und freundliche Hochzeitslocation im Saarland: Das Hotel Haus Krone liegt im wunderschönen Hirschberg. Es fehlt euch hier an eurem großen Tag an nichts: Die Location bietet euch alle modernen Annehmlichkeiten und verschiedene Räumlichkeiten für eure individuellen Vorstellungen. Nur “Ja” sagen müsst ihr am Ende noch selbst. 

10. Schloss Falkenhorst

Foto © Schloss Falkenhorst | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Zum Abschluss unserer Top 10 wird es noch mal besonders romantisch und märchenhaft: Das Schloss Falkenhorst bietet mit seinen herrlich restaurierten Räumen einen ganz besonderen Charme und ist somit optimal für eure Hochzeitsfeier geeignet. Die könnt ihr in dieser Hochzeitslocation ganz individuell gestalten, denn sie bietet euch und euren Gästen mit einer Gartenfläche von ca. 300 m2, einem Trauzimmer und vielen weiteren Möglichkeiten Raum für Kreativität. Das Schloss bietet Platz für 80 bis 100 Personen und ist der perfekte Ort für einen Hochzeitsempfang im Freien!

Los geht’s mit der Planung eurer perfekten Hochzeit im Saarland!

Wir hoffen, wir konnten euch mit unserer Top 10 an Hochzeitslocations im Saarland inspirieren und zeigen, dass es eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen tollen Möglichkeiten gibt! Bestimmt ist auch das richtige für euch dabei. Und wenn ihr euch noch nicht in eine Location verliebt hat, hilft euch die Bridebook Suchfunktion garantiert weiter! Viel Spaß beim Planen!

Ähnliche Artikel:

Unsere Top 10 Scheunen-Hochzeitslocations in Schleswig-Holstein

Schleswig-Holstein ist zwar flächenmäßig das zweitkleinste deutsche Bundesland, das heißt aber noch lange nicht, dass es hier nur wenige schöne Hochzeitslocations gibt. Besonders durch die vielen ländlichen Dörfer und kleineren Städte ist die Auswahl an alten und renovierten Bauernhöfen, Landhäusern und Scheunen als Hochzeitslocations sehr groß. Freut euch auf rustikalen Charme, eine idyllische Atmosphäre und einladende Räumlichkeiten. 

Um euch ein bisschen zu inspirieren, haben wir euch hier unsere 10 liebsten Scheuen-Hochzeitslocations in Schleswig-Holstein aufgelistet. Und vielleicht ist ja schon genau eure Traumlocation dabei. 

Gut Bielenberg

Foto © Gut Bielenberg | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Direkt in der wunderschönen Naturlandschaft der Kollmarer Marsch und an der Elbe gelegen, ist das Gut Bielenberg ein perfektes Beispiel für eine Schleswig-Holsteinische Hochzeitsscheune. Erlebt die rustikalen, mit Holz vertäfelten Decken und die eindrucksvollen Holzbalken, die der reetgedeckten Festhalle unglaublich viel Charme verleihen.

Hat das Gut Bielenberg auch Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten?

Ja, auf dem Gut befindet sich zusätzlich ein Boutique Hostel, welches über 6 Suiten verfügt. 

Gut Pronstorf

Foto © Gute Events Pronstorf | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Ihr seid euch noch nicht sicher, ob ihr eher eine kleine Hochzeit mit 20 bis 40 Gästen oder eine große Hochzeit mit bis zu 400 Gästen feiern wollt? Kein Problem! Das Gut Pronstorf bietet euch mit seinen vier unterschiedlich großen Festscheunen – dem Kuhstall, dem Kutschstall, dem Pferdestall und der Tenne – genug Auswahl passend zur Größe eurer Hochzeitsgesellschaft. Ihr habt die Wahl zwischen einem eleganten Setting, einem minimalistischeren Stil oder aber einem gemütlich rustikalem Ambiente. Was alle jedoch gemeinsam haben, sind die für Güter in Schleswig-Holstein typischen Holzbalken und -stützen. 

Welche größere Stadt liegt in der Nähe vom Gut Pronstorf?

Die nächstgelegene größere Stadt des Gut Pronstorf ist Lübeck.

Gut Basthorst

Foto © Gut Basthorst | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Im Gut Basthorst vereint sich alles, was man für seine perfekte Hochzeit in Schleswig-Holstein braucht – Empfangsmöglichkeit, Kirche, Standesamt, Hochzeitslocation und Hotel. Dies ist alles im idyllischen Basthorst fußläufig erreichbar. Das 800 Jahre alte Kulturdenkmal sorgt mit den ehemaligen Stallungen und dem Herrenhaus für den richtigen Scheunen-Flair für eure Hochzeit.

Kann man auf dem Gut Basthorst auch eine Trauung im Freien haben?

Ja, der Garten direkt am gutseigenen Teich bietet sich perfekt für eine Trauung unter freiem Himmel an. 

Festscheune Gut Helmstorf

Foto © Festscheune Gut Helmstorf | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Lasst euch verzaubern von der denkmalgeschützten Festscheune Gut Helmstorf nahe der kleinen Schleswig-Holsteinischen Stadt Lütjenburg! Sie überzeugt durch den herrschaftlich-ländlichen Stil und bietet unglaublich viele Orte für eure perfekten Hochzeitsfotos – sei es vor der Festscheune, dem Pferdestall, im Park oder auf der Brücke zur kleinen Parkinsel. Besonders ist bei dieser Hochzeitslocation, dass sie persönlich geführt wird und deshalb besonders auf eure genauen Wünsche und Vorstellungen eingegangen wird.

Wie würde man die Festscheune Gut Helmstorf mit 5 Worten beschreiben?

Beeindruckend, herrschaftlich, ländlich, privat, individuell.

Hof Brache

Foto © Hof Brache | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Ein angenehmes Raumgefühl herrscht in der Hochzeitsscheune des Hof Brache auf jeden Fall, nicht zuletzt durch das alte Holzgebälk des ehemaligen Heubodens. Diese Location liegt in der idyllischen, unberührten Natur Schleswig-Holsteins zwischen Seen und Feldern und bietet Platz für bis zu 65 Gäste. 

Romantik Hotel Fuchsbau

Foto © Romantik Hotel Fuchsbau | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Der Name ist beim Romantik Hotel Fuchsbau Programm! Mitten im Grünen und am Meer, in der Nähe vom Timmendorfer Strand liegt dieses 4-Sterne-Hotel und lädt euch herzlich dazu ein, in der romantischen Festscheune zu heiraten.


Foto © Mönkhof | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Ihr sucht nach einer Hochzeitsscheune in Schleswig-Holstein, am liebsten in Lübeck? Dann könnte der Mönkhof ideal zu euch passen. Diese jahrhundertealte Location liefert ländliches, weiträumiges und liebevolles Ambiente und brilliert auch durch die persönliche und professionelle Beratung des Teams. 

Gut Kletkamp

Foto © Gut Kletkamp | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Ein perfekter Vertreter für Festscheunen in Schleswig-Holstein ist das Gut Kletkamp in der Holsteinischen Schweiz. Es ist mit seinen zwei traumhaften Veranstaltungsräumen, der “Alten Reithalle” und dem “Alten Pferdestall” perfekt für unterschiedlich große Hochzeiten geeignet. Das Gut bietet außerdem einen direkten Blick auf das älteste Herrenhaus Schleswig-Holsteins und das historische Torhaus aus dem Jahre 1776.

Gibt es auf dem Gut Kletkamp Unterkünfte für Hochzeitsgäste?

Ja, auf dem Gut Kletkamp befinden sich auch Ferienunterkünfte.

Scheune Gut Wulfshagen

Foto © Scheune Gut Wulfshagen | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Nur ca. 15 Minuten von Kiel, der Hauptstadt Schleswig-Holsteins, liegt die Scheune Gut Wulfshagen. In dieser Festscheune sind über 600 Jahre alte Eichen verbaut, die der Location besonders viel Wärme und rustikalen Charme schenken. Auch der weitläufige Außenbereich kann gut genutzt werden. Er bietet genügend Parkmöglichkeiten und kann zusätzlich bei gutem Wetter für einen Sektempfang im Freien genutzt werden.

Meine Küstenscheune Travemünde

Foto © Meine Küstenscheune Travemünde | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Meine Küstenscheune ist eine über 200 Jahre alte Fachwerkscheune auf einem romantisch-idyllischen Bauernhof bei Travemünde. Hier verbindet sich das Ländliche mit dem Küstenflair. Passend dazu ist die Hochzeitsscheune im angesagten Boho-/Vintage-Stil liebevoll dekoriert.  

Los geht’s mit der Planung eurer perfekten Scheunenhochzeit in Schleswig-Holstein!

Wow, wir bei Bridebook haben jetzt richtig Lust auf eine Scheunenhochzeit in Schleswig-Holstein bekommen, geht es euch genauso? 

Oft denkt man, dass sich Festscheunen nicht großartig voneinander unterscheiden. Dieser Artikel zeigt aber sehr deutlich, dass Scheunen mal historischer, mal moderner oder mal extravaganter, mal simpler gestaltet sein können. Wofür ihr euch am Ende entscheidet, kommt vollkommen auf eure persönlichen Präferenzen an. Wir sind uns sicher, dass ihr am Ende die richtige Hochzeitslocation aussucht!

Falls hier noch nicht die richtige Schleswig-Holsteinische Hochzeitsscheune dabei war, könnt ihr mit der Bridebook-Suchfunktion noch viele weitere entdecken.

Ähnliche Artikel:

Top 10 Hochzeitslocations für intime Hochzeiten in Köln

Plant ihr eine kleine Hochzeit in Köln? Es ist keine Überraschung, dass Mikrohochzeiten immer populärer werden, und natürlich gibt es eine Reihe von Vorteilen, für eine intime Hochzeitsfeier. Zum einen sind sie in der Regel deutlich günstiger, da eine geringere Gästezahl weniger Cateringkosten nach sich zieht. Aber das ist nicht der einzige Grund, warum sich viele Paare für eine kleine Hochzeit entscheiden. Eine Mikrohochzeit gibt euch auch die Möglichkeit, an eurem Hochzeitstag mit Familie und Freunden präsenter zu sein.

Nun braucht ihr nur noch die perfekte Hochzeitslocation für eure intime Traumhochzeit

1. UP Cologne

Foto © UP COLOGNE | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Das UP Cologne bietet euch nicht nur eine schöne Location, um mit engsten Freunden und Familie eure Hochzeit zu feiern, dazu habt ihr auf 150 m Höhe auch noch einen wunderschönen Blick auf die Stadt Köln. Die minimalistisch-moderne Hochzeitslocation bietet Sitzkapazität für bis zu 60 Gäste, die bei eurer Hochzeit einen unglaublichen Panoramablick genießen dürfen. 

Wie kann man UP Cologne in 5 Wörtern beschreiben?

Außergewöhnlich, anders, elegant, atemberaubend, stilvoll.

2. Eventkapelle

Foto © Eventkapelle | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Die niedliche und charmante Eventkapelle ist perfekt für euren schönsten Tag im Leben. Einst eine echte Kapelle, bietet dieser kleine Ort für Hochzeiten Sitzgelegenheiten für bis zu 45 Personen. Die Location wird von einem unglaublich leidenschaftlichen Team geleitet, das alles tun wird, um eure Hochzeit zu etwas Besonderem zu machen. Was will man mehr?

Wo ist der beste Ort für Fotos in der Eventkapelle?

Auf der Galerie vor den Bleiglasfenstern.

3. Landhaus Velte

Foto © Landhaus Velte | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Ihr sucht einen intimen Ort etwas außerhalb von Köln, wo ihr ungestört mit euren Freunden und eurer Familie feiern können? Dann ist das Landhaus Velte die perfekte, intime Hochzeitslocation für euch. Dieser Veranstaltungsort ist wunderschön gelegen und das erfahrene Team hat hier schon über 300 Hochzeiten geplant.

Kann man hier auch eine freie Trauung feiern?

Ja, ihr könnt eure Trauung mit bis zu 60 Personen unter freiem Himmel feiern. 

4. Meyers 

Foto © meyers | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Diese gemütliche und kleine Hochzeitslocation ist perfekt für Paare, die es unkompliziert mögen. Man kann das gesamte Meyers inklusive Bar, Wintergarten und Kegelbahn bis in die frühen Morgenstunden mieten. Darüber hinaus ist die Preisgestaltung sehr flexibel und ist für jedes Budget geeignet. 

Was macht das Meyers zu einer besonderen Hochzeitslocation?

Die Kegelbahn sorgt für Spaß bei eurer Hochzeitsfeier

5. Gastraum in der Alten Zigarrenfabrik

Foto © Gastraum in der Alten Zigarrenfabrik | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Wenn ihr nach dem perfekten Ort für ein intimes Hochzeitsessen sucht, solltet ihr einen Blick auf den Gastraum in der Alten Zigarrenfabrik werfen. Dieses 185m2 große stilvolle Loft könntet ihr ganz für euch alleine haben, sodass ihr eure Hochzeit ungestört mit bis zu 25 Gästen feiern könnt. 

Bietet die Location auch Catering an?

Ja, der Gastraum hat einen hochwertigen Open Kitchen Bereich, der ideal für Live Cooking ist. 

6. Sürther Bootshaus

Foto © Sürther Bootshaus | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Eine kleine freie Trauung mit 12 Personen klingt perfekt für euch? Dann sucht nicht weiter und feiert auf dem Sürther Bootshaus, welches euch sicher in den Hafen der Ehe bringt. Der Vorteil ist außerdem, dass ihr und eure Gäste eine wunderbare Aussicht genießen werdet, während ihr euch das Ja-Wort gebt. 

Organisiert die Location freie Redner?

Ja, das Sürther Bootshaus bietet ein großes Portfolio an freien Rednern.

7. The Midtown Hotel

Foto © The Midtown Hotel | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Wollt ihr klein aber im Stadtzentrum von Köln heiraten? Dann schaut mal im Midtown Hotel vorbei. Das moderne aber gemütliche Hotel hat individuell gestaltete Veranstaltungsräume, von denen auf jeden Fall einer zu euch passen wird. Gepaart mit persönlichem Service wird eure kleine Hochzeitsfeier zum Erfolg. 

Wie viele Veranstaltungsräume hat das Midtown Hotel?

Das Hotel hat 5 verschiedene Räume, in denen ihr feiern könnt.

8. Hotel im Wasserturm

Foto © Wasserturm Hotel Colognel | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Dieses einzigartige Hilton Hotel im Wasserturm, welches in einem alten Kölner Wasserturm liegt, könnte die Hochzeitslocation für eure intime Feier werden. Das Hotel bietet 3 verschiedene Eventräume unterschiedlicher Größe mit raumhohen Fenstern, die für viel natürliches Licht sorgen.

Wie alt ist die Location?

Der Wasserturm ist über 150 Jahre alt.

9. Quarter1

Foto © ALM-LOUNGE Quater1 | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Sucht ihr nach einer kleinen Hochzeitslocation mit Alm-Flair, wollt aber nicht bis in die Alpen reisen? Dann schaut mal im Quarter1 vorbei. Mit Platz für bis zu 130 Gäste ist das Quarter1 eine tolle Location, in der sich eure Liebsten wie zu Hause fühlen werden.

Wie viele verschiedene Event-Bereiche hat das Quarter1?

Die Hochzeitslocation hat 4 verschiedene Säle mit alpinem Ambiente.

10. 1460 Veranstaltungsraum

Foto © 1460 Veranstaltungsraum | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Wenn ihr eure Hochzeit im engsten Kreis feiert und euch ein historisches Ambiente wünscht, dann könnte der 1460 Veranstaltungsraum das richtige für euch sein. Diese kleine Hochzeitslocation hat Sitzgelegenheiten für 55 Gäste, die unter dem 500 Jahre altem gotischen Gewölbe speisen können.

Wie kann man das Ambiente vom 1460 Veranstaltungsraum beschreiben?

Die Location vereint auf eindrucksvolle Weise moderne Kunst und Fotografie mit spätmittelalterlicher Architektur.

Eine intime Hochzeitsfeier im engen Kreis

Foto © Melanie Metz Fotografie | Zum Bridebook-Profil

Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung müsst ihr keine große Hochzeit planen, um euren großen Tag zu feiern. Am Ende des Tages sollte es bei eurer Hochzeit um die Liebe zwischen dir und deinem Partner gehen. Und wie ihr seht, gibt es viele kleine Hochzeitslocations in Köln, die euch gerne beherbergen.

Wenn ihr weitere Veranstaltungsorte entdecken wollt, werft einen Blick auf die Bridebook-Suche.

Viel Spaß beim Planen!

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1. Packington Moor

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Just outside of Birmingham and surrounded by acres of woodland and countryside, Packington Moor makes jaws drop. This authentic stone barn with rustic beams gives off a light and airy feel for the most perfect wedding.

2. Birmingham Repertory Theatre

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3. The Kitchen Garden Cafe

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Inside the majestic exterior of Hampton Manor Hotel, you will find stylish and contemporary decor with a deep history at the heart of the venue. Surrounded by lush gardens, and only half an hour from the city of Birmingham, this venue is a rather grand oasis!

5. Bawdon Lodge Farm

Bridebook.co.uk Bawdon Lodge Farm

In Charnwood Forest lies Bawdon Lodge Farm, the perfect place to set up a magical tipi or marquee wedding. Event professionals will be on hand to help your dreams become reality in this countryside haven!

6. Deckerdence – Unique Mobile Venue

Bridebook.co.uk Deckerdence

This stunningly quirky idea is great if you want to create an unforgettable experience. Deckerdence is a double decker bus that creates the centrepiece to your marquee and, with an on-board bar, you’ll have your guests’ attention within seconds!

7. Hagley Hall

Bridebook.co.uk Hagley Hall

Hagley Hall is an incredible Georgian Palladian manor house on the border of the West Midlands. With it’s magnificent state rooms and acres of parkland, this venue is brilliant for your bespoke wedding.

8. Shustoke Farm Barns

Bridebook.co.uk Shustoke Farm Barns

These gorgeous 18th Century barns are just 20 minutes from Birmingham and have striking high-ceilings for a dramatic look. Shustoke Farm Barns is made up of several red-brick buildings that you can use as you wish for your special celebrations.

9. Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Bridebook.co.uk Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Fancy saying ‘I Do’ among the flowers? This is your chance! Birmingham Botanical Gardens offers fascinating landscapes and 3 beautiful event spaces that are sure to please all of your guests.

10. Gorcott Hall

Bridebook.co.uk Gorcott Hall

With an incredibly distinct exterior, Gorcott Hall is a 16th Century, Grade II listed Tudor building. Inside, the character continues with timber beams and open fireplaces to add loads of warmth to your big day.

11. New Hall Hotel & Spa

Bridebook.co.uk New Hall Hotel & Spa

New Hall dates back to the 13th Century, showing off its glorious exterior and wonderful grounds. The oak panelled rooms and sunny terraces welcome you to New Hall Hotel & Spa, which is fit for a King and Queen!

12. Redhouse Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Redhouse Barn

A combination of contemporary style with original features is present in the outstanding setting of Redhouse Barn. Within 5 acres of Worcestershire countryside, this one-of-a-kind venue is bound to impress!

13. Swinfen Hall Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk Swinfen Hall Hotel

The 18th Century manor house of Swinfen Hall Hotel is a sanctuary of interior decor, ornamental gardens and has a deer park in the grounds. Perfect for feeling like a princess on your wedding day!

14. Dudley Zoo & Castle

Bridebook.co.uk Dudley Zoo & Castle

Make your wedding day unforgettable by choosing Dudley Zoo & Castle as your special location. With a renovated sensory garden, 40 acres of beautiful grounds, and over 1,000 animals from across the globe, you can’t go wrong with this venue.

15. Bordesley Park

Bridebook.co.uk Bordesley Park

Nestled in the Worcestershire countryside, Bordesley Park‘s 16th Century manor house is the perfect setting for a fun and relaxed wedding day. Stunning decor, lush gardens, a luxury marquee and even a trampoline are included to take away the stress from your day.

16. Moxhull Hall Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk Moxhull Hall Hotel

The beautiful surroundings of Moxhull Hall Hotel make this wedding setting totally unique. Only 20 minutes away from Birmingham, this venue can cater for intimate celebrations in the oak panelled dining room or larger groups in the magnificent marquee.

17. The Elms

Bridebook.co.uk The Elms

In rural Worcestershire, you will find the grand structure of The Elms. This beautiful Queen Anne manor house provides elegant lounges and stunning decor in every room to add the icing to your cake on your special day.

18. Mythe Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Mythe Barn

The contemporary setting of Mythe Barn is based in an idyllic location just outside the hustle and bustle of Birmingham. From ceremonies in the Oak Barn to wedding breakfasts in the Grain Store and outdoor courtyard celebrations, this venue is a special one.

19. Pendrell Hall

Bridebook.co.uk Pendrell Hall

Sat on the edge of woodland in the Staffordshire countryside, the character and romance of this venue will complete your magical day. Pendrell Hall offers crisp, stylish interiors, The Morning Room – a haven of wooden features perfect for ceremonies, and 3 bridal suites to choose from!

20. Stoneleigh Abbey

Bridebook.co.uk Stoneleigh Abbey

Rich in history and full of regal charm, Stoneleigh Abbey is an incredible fairytale venue just 25 miles from Birmingham. It brings elegant rooms with timeless features, and the famous Saloon which Queen Victoria once dined at!

21. Wootton Park

Bridebook.co.uk Wootton Park

Wootton Park is a barn style venue overlooking a lake and island for the most stunning photo opportunities. The landscaped gardens and 16th Century farmhouse in their own secluded valley are yours to do with what you wish on your big day!

22. Alrewas Hayes Events Ltd

Bridebook.co.uk Alrewas Hayes Events Ltd

In nearby Staffordshire, the very lavish Alrewas Hayes venue will put a spin on your wedding day. Boasting traditional rooms with period features and the luxury Lakeside Marquee, anything is possible here!

23. Compton Verney House

Bridebook.co.uk Compton Verney House

This beautiful Grade I listed Georgian mansion is also a renowned art gallery and is surrounded by 120 acres of picturesque parkland. Compton Verney offers the striking Adam Hall, perfect for ceremonies and wedding breakfasts on your special day.

24. Grand Station

Bridebook.co.uk Grand Station

A stone’s throw away from the city of Birmingham lies Grand Station. The decadent and timely nature of this venue’s function rooms will stun your guests and give you the grandeur you require for your special entrance.

25. Erasmus Darwin House

Bridebook.co.uk Erasmus Darwin House

If you fancy something a little more quirky, Erasmus Darwin House is for you! With 250 years of history and doubling as a museum, this venue will add heaps of charm and character to your Birmingham-based wedding.

Venue Showcase: Holdsworth House Hotel & Restaurant

Built in 1633 this venue is a four star family owned hotel, packed full of character and history. They have been hosting weddings for 60 years and know how to make your day perfect. You’ll find open fires, cosy lounges, fine antiques and tapestries that together create a sense of history, calm and comfort

We talked to Claire Nicholl, the Wedding and Events Manager at Holdsworth House Hotel & Restaurant to find out more this award winning restaurant and historic venue.

Tell us about yourself!

I’ve worked at Holdsworth House for almost 25 years, so in that time I’ve helped arrange probably 3000 weddings. We ‘re exclusive – we only allow one wedding per day, but we average around 120 weddings per year. I love dogs, so when I’m not working, I’m walking my dog.

Venue Showcase: Holdsworth House Hotel & Restaurant

What drew you to the wedding world?

25 years ago, I suppose the job really suited me. I’m a stickler for detail and people joke that I have a photographic memory, as I do tend to retain facts, figures, couples’ names and all their wedding details! Today, I can’t imagine doing anything else. After 25 years there’s very little that can catch met out or no problem that can’t be resolved. Weddings provide a very happy working environment: it’s a nice, feel-good job to be involved in. It’s not just an office job, I’m often on my feet too meeting people and walking them round the venue.

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What do you think makes your venue unique?

The hotel sells itself from a physical standpoint: it’s a beautiful, historic building in three acres of well-kept gardens. But I don’t think you can put a price on experience. It’s not just me that’s been here a long time. Many of us in the wedding team have built a career at Holdsworth House. Tracy, our Master of Ceremonies, has been here over 30 years, our General Manager around 10 years. When you have such a consistent, experienced team the confidence rubs off on guests and couples; they can relax fully and enjoy their day knowing they’re in safe hands. I also believe that because Holdsworth House is independent (owned by the same family since 1962), there’s a level of care, love and attention that you feel compelled to give; you truly go out of your way because its personal. We really are a family at the hotel.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

We have an initial meeting, and we discuss lots of ideas. Essentially, we listen first. We need to understand the couple’s needs, expectations and their personal touches/requirements. We then invite them in for a series of meetings or wedding menu tastings. By the time the wedding comes, it’s like we’re close friends! I’m really proud that people open up to me but it’s important that I remain professional – in the run up to a wedding, many people want to be given clear, detailed advice, and they look to me as the provider of that assurance. In many cases I’m holding couples’ secrets too, whether that be a surprise element of the day or some deeply personal information that they don’t want to reveal to guests. I must always remain completely discreet and supportive. Throughout the lead-up to their big day, our coupes will meet all the team within Holdsworth House. When they come for their wedding tasting, they’ll get to know the award-winning kitchen and restaurant team. When they select their accommodation, they’ll bump into our fantastic housekeepers. And, of course, everyone is always warmly greeted by our reception staff who have incredible knowledge and a can-do attitude. By the day of the wedding, our operations team has already been fully briefed and is ready to spring into action – it’s like watching all the cogs of a well-oiled machine working together.


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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

For the couple it’s when you can completely let go and be in the moment. Inevitably things will change because people – like the weather – are unpredictable. But when you can truly trust the team around you to deliver, and you can look back on your wedding day with multiple ‘wow’ moments, then that’s when you’ve had the perfect wedding. It’s not about quantity, it’s 100% about quality.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Make sure you book your venue and registrar (if applicable) early. Once that’s in place everything else can follow on in due course.

What do you love about Bridebook?

We meet so many amazing couples through Bridebook. Each has a unique story and it’s a privilege to be part of such personal events. Bridebook is excellent for helping guide couples and help them plan, it’s very much in line with our ethos.

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had?

I love it when couples bring their dogs to weddings to as ring-bearers. We also get Eric our resident cat photo-bombing some wedding pictures. Whilst most of our weddings are for 80 – 100 guests, we have some absolutely stunning small and intimate weddings. Our Stone Gazebo, in the hotel gardens, is the smallest licensed venue in England and only accommodates 10 people, so super-romantic ceremonies in here are just gorgeous. Most weddings here are traditional white weddings, but we also enjoy seeing the alternative events. From outdoor garden ceremonies to super-cosy winter weddings, vintage or Steam Punk dress codes to kilts and swords and military events – every wedding is different. In October 2021, we hosted the wedding of a couple who had met at a literary event we’d held at the hotel the previous year. There were so many poignant moments, you couldn’t help getting sucked into the fairy tale. Our couple had been inspired by the TV Show ‘Gentleman Jack’, which was filmed nearby in Halifax. Not only did the true story of Anne Lister inspire them, but they were able to track down suppliers that the TV show had used – like the jeweller who made the costume jewellery for the actors. They were an incredible, fun couple and they just celebrated what the essence of being married was all about – LOVE!!

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Why should a couple book Holdsworth House Hotel & Restaurant?

Honestly? You can relax completely here. We’ve been hosting weddings for over 50 years, not many venues can say that and we’re not going anywhere; we’re a very robust business. We’re flexible, knowledgeable and great with people obviously! At the end of the day, as beautiful as a venue is it’s the people – the interaction between the guests and the team – that make the difference. The fact that we have stunning photo backdrops and gardens is of course a huge bonus! The other reason is that we make hosting your wedding so easy. Some venues are forever putting in barriers, saying what you can’t do. We say what you CAN do, and we’ll pull out the stops to make your dream wedding happen. We really do take care of everything, with genuine care and attention. The whole team is involved so you’re not rely on one person for everything – what if you can’t get hold of that one person?

What’s the best photo spot at Holdsworth House Hotel & Restaurant?

There are lots of Insta-friendly spots at Holdsworth House. If you’ve got a dress with a train, then a photo going down the stairs is beautiful. Our restaurant and halls have been called a ‘photographer’s dream’ by a well-known Insta photographer (for its natural light and character). But my favourite spot is out the front of the hotel in the gardens with the historic facade behind you – it’s completely timeless.

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What part of your business are you most proud of?

The team, without a doubt and our honesty and integrity. We’re a friendly bunch and we do have a laugh. Everyone is very professional, truly cares and takes things personally.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

It really helped during the pandemic when couples were restricted on numbers of guests. We had live-stream weddings, which meant people who couldn’t be there in person could still witness the event. Technology has changed how some couples use suppliers, we see lots of people designing and printing their own stationery, people discussing their flower arrangements over Zoom or email, and looking for inspiration from Instagram and Pinterest.

Any final advice for a couple?

Food is a very important part of your day, so be sure your venue includes menu tastings. Ask your venue if it runs a ‘fresh banqueting service’ like we do at Holdsworth House i.e., do they cook your wedding breakfast fresh rather than plating and reheating? It’s surprising what a difference it can make to the taste and quality. If the last 50 years has taught us anything, it’s how to turn out the kind of food served in our fine-dining restaurant on a large scale.

A huge thank you to Claire Nicholl for answering our questions. Check out Holdsworth House Hotel & Restaurant on Bridebook!

Looking for more venues in West Yorkshire? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Top Tips For LGBTQ+ Weddings

Here at Bridebook, we’re on a mission to make the wedding planning journey as joyful as possible for all engaged couples. That means every couple, everywhere. Every couple should be able to share their love and commitment with the world in whatever way they want. But with so much advice still influenced by heteronormative wedding traditions, it can be hard to work out how your wedding is going to unfold. That’s why we’ve put together a few top tips to help you rip up the rulebook and plan the celebration of the century.

Finding Your Perfect Match

Photo © Tony Pullen Photographer (shot at Chapel House Estate)

First up, let’s talk finding your venue. For any couple, this is almost always one of the very first steps in the wedding planning process. So if you’re an LGBTQ+ couple looking for your perfect match, where should you start? Well, we can recommend Chapel House Estate in Kent, Ashdown Park Hotel & Country Club in East Sussex, The Wellbeing Farm in Greater Manchester, Tredudwell Manor in Cornwall and Ox Pasture Hall in North Yorkshire as just a few fabulous venues that foreground their support of the LGBTQ+ community.

But if none of those are for you, The Wellbeing Farm suggests paying close attention to “the way the staff speak to you and ask what you want in  your wedding. If they treat you like any other couple, then you know you’ve got a venue with your [best] interests at heart.” Your venue’s staff, as well as the rest of your wedding suppliers, will be a huge part of your big day – so it’s important to make sure you feel completely supported by them.

Ditching Tradition

Photo © Tony Pullen Photographer (shot at Chapel House Estate)

We’d also recommend finding a venue which, like Chapel House Estate and The Wellbeing Farm, is ready to be as flexible as possible when it comes to you as a couple and what you want for your wedding. After all, one of the best things about an LGBTQ+ wedding is the complete freedom you have to design your perfect day – so make sure to take advantage of this!

Want to put your own spin on some or all of the traditions of heterosexual weddings? Go for it! Why not make up your own names for the members of your wedding party – no “best man” or “maid of honour” needed! And if you want “traditional” wedding photography, you might want to think about finding a photographer who specialises in LGBTQ+ weddings. They’ll know exactly how to adapt all the poses for you and your partner – and, most importantly, be able to make you both feel at ease in front of the camera.

Equally, you could ditch all the traditions and do your own thing instead! At your reception, you might want to abandon traditional seating arrangements and mix up the order in which the speeches are given. And if you don’t feel like you need to be “given away”, consider walking down the aisle alone, with a friend – or even with your partner. The Wellbeing Farm told us about one wedding they hosted where “the couple vogued down the aisle to RuPaul and had a drag queen in the evening” – while at another, there were “Star Wars character walking around!”

Expert Top Tips

Photo © Tony Pullen Photographer (shot at Chapel House Estate)
Chapel House Estate firmly believes that “love is love, and everyone deserves the opportunity to marry their soulmate.” But they also recognise that “for LGBTQ + couples, wedding planning can be extra challenging”. That’s why it’s helpful to look out for suppliers that are true LGBTQ+ experts. So here are their top tips  on how to plan the perfect LGBTQ+ wedding.
  • Firstly, it’s important to find a venue that is welcoming to not only you but all your guests, so look to see if they have a diversity statement and check that the venue’s pictures are inclusive.
  • Ask yourselves if you want a small and intimate wedding or a large and lavish wedding and set a budget accordingly. 
  • Define what kind of wedding you want for example an outdoor orchard wedding at a venue with a back up plan – we are in England after all!
  • Decide whether you want to get married where all your friends have got married, or to be brave and marry at an undiscovered wedding venue.
  • Talk to vendors and book LGBTQ+ friendly suppliers and create a beautiful day with vendors you love spending time with.
  • Lastly, don’t be afraid to be creative with your wedding traditions. You can go traditional or get creative and add new elements that celebrates your love and commitment to each other.

Love Is Love

Photo © Tony Pullen Photographer (shot at Chapel House Estate)

For us here at Bridebook, we feel honoured to work in an industry that celebrates love – whatever form it comes in. And, as The Wellbeing Farm explains, this should be the case across the wedding industry where inclusivity is “not just relevant, it’s crucial. Ultimately, who gives a fig who loves who? Person A loves Person B, and they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other. Love doesn’t discriminate – so why should anyone else?”

We couldn’t have put it better ourselves. ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜

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Happy Planning!

Patchwork’s Top 10 Wedding Gift Ideas

Whether you’re planning to ask for the items you might expect from a traditional wedding gift list, charitable donations or cash contributions (the most popular option for couples right now), just remember – whatever you do, don’t say, “No gifts!”

(Unless you’re going for the world record for the biggest collection of salad servers. In which case, you do you!)

We promise, your guests will want to treat you! It’s your wedding day, after all. So help them be sure they’re giving you something that’ll make you both happy, whether that’s helping you go on the honeymoon of a lifetime, put in that brand new kitchen you’ve been dreaming about or enjoy a year of date nights together. With a cash gift registry, you can ask for literally anything – and you have the freedom to spend your money when, where and how you want!

To help you get started, we asked the team over at Patchwork Gift Registry for their expert insight into the latest wedding gift trends and what they’re expecting couples to ask for in 2022/23.

Patchwork Gift Registry's template for "A Year of Dates"  wedding gift list

1) It’s Date Night!

One of the biggest trends we saw in wedding gifting last year was couples asking guests to chip in for a “year of dates” instead of a traditional honeymoon – and it’s set to continue throughout 2022/23. With travel remaining tricky, many newlyweds are after some R&R a little closer to home. You might go for dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant, have a laugh at a comedy night, organise bike hire for a day’s cycling in the country or get away from it all for a night at a spa hotel. Whatever you do, this is the wedding gift that keeps giving for a whole year!

Setting up a cash gift list for date nights gives you flexibility in when, where and how you spend your wedding gift money. Not to mention, you’ll get to enjoy some super special time together thanks to the love of your friends and family!

Patchwork Gift Registry's template for "A Home of Our Own" wedding gift list

2) Home Sweet Home

While more and more couples are already living together when they tie the knot, many are still dreaming of owning their first home together. Every penny counts when it comes to saving up for the deposit on a first home – so why not let your guests help out?

Let your guests know your plans and what it would mean to have their support. You might want to break down your cash registry into smaller chunks so your loved ones can fund something specific: £500 towards the roof, £200 on the front door, £20 for a new door knocker…

You’ll have the keys in no time – and once you do, you can invite them all round for dinner so they can admire (and enjoy!) their gift too!

3) A Few of Our Favourite Things

Another trend popular among couples keen to stay closer to home is a gift list made up of all their favourite things to do together. What’s especially great about this option is everything on the list can be enjoyed anywhere, at any time. Plus, they’re the things we don’t usually treat ourselves to… and your wedding is the perfect time to indulge!

What are some of our top ideas for a “favourite things” gift registry? We love a subscription box, whether that’s for craft beer, local cheese, organic veg or beautiful flowers. You could also ask for a couple’s massage, a “spa at home” experience or even personal training sessions. Or, if you’re a couple with kids, there’s always the greatest luxury of all – babysitting!

Patchwork Gift Registry's template for "Our Roof Garden" wedding gift list

4) Get Green Fingered!

Why not make your dreams of a gorgeous garden come true? Instead of traditional gifts, consider asking your guests to give you plants, trees or bulbs to plant and enjoy for years to come.

To make things extra special, guests could choose plants that contain their name, hold a special meaning for them or are in some way a reminder of your relationship. Another idea we love is for guests to chip in for an entertaining area in your outside space. You could add options for guests to help fund garden furniture, a barbecue, a hammock or a fire pit. Or ask for donations of help in the garden from your more green-fingered friends for a gift list that isn’t just about physical gifts but sharing time and skills too!

5) Home and Away

If you can’t decide between a much-needed honeymoon and treating yourselves to some new homeware, why not combine the two in a “home and away” gift list? Give guests the option to choose between contributing to your far-flung adventures or buying you some fluffy new towels – or both, of course!

Opting for a combination of honeymoon and homeware is perfect for couples who aren’t sure when they’ll be able to get away for a honeymoon – but would love some home comforts while they plan!

6) The Wedding Day!

So you really do have it all? Well, if you’ve got everything you need and the only thing you want is to finally tie the knot, a “friend-funded” wedding could be the perfect solution!

Recent events have caused many couples to postpone their weddings once, twice or even more. With deposits lost or other unexpected financial difficulties, some couples have struggled to get their celebrations back on track. But there’s good news! We’ve seen thoughtful friends and family come together to set up wedding registries where the wedding day itself is the gift.

Guests might chip in towards venue hire, pay the cost of catering, help fund the photographer or even buy the wedding cake! This is a truly special gift that allows couples to have the day they’ve been dreaming of – while involving everyone in a really meaningful way. It’s a gift that can be enjoyed by everyone and a chance to come together to create memories that will last forever.

Patchwork Gift Registry's template for "National Trust Lifetime Membership" wedding gift list

7) A Lifetime Membership

This is a gift that literally lasts a lifetime – and does good too! National Trust or English Heritage membership is a gift that keeps giving, offering you the chance to enjoy endless days out together. It’s your ticket to a lifetime filled with stately homes, fairytale castles, country garden strolls and cream teas! And you’ll be helping protect unforgettable places for future generations – so you and your guests can feel extra good about this zero-waste, eco-friendly gift.

At £2130 for an English Heritage lifetime membership and £2160 for a National Trust lifetime membership (both for two people), these are easily doable with a cash gift registry, allowing your friends and family to chip in towards the membership. You might even have some money left over for some new walking boots… and a lifetime supply of tea and cake!

Patchwork Gift Registry's template for "Our Wedding Art Fund" wedding gift list

8) Get Artsy

If you’re not short of stuff but still want to add something special to your home, you might like this idea! Invite your loved ones to join forces to fund a unique painting or sculpture by your favourite artist.

Art is timeless, and this is a gift that will last forever and stay with you always. In years to come, you’ll be able to look at your beautiful artwork and think of the family and friends who made it happen, no matter where you are. It’s a wonderful way to remember the day you all spent together, celebrating your marriage.

9) Go Green

Over the past few years, we’ve definitely seen a trend for couples wanting more eco-friendly, sustainable and pre-loved vintage gifts. But these aren’t so easy to put on a traditional gift list. Instead, a cash wedding registry is the best way to make sure you have the freedom and flexibility to source the one-of-a-kind pieces you’ve got your heart set on.

From ethically-sourced furnishing fabrics to reclaimed wooden future and recycled cotton bedlinens to antique treasures, the options are endless. A cash gift list lets you collect the money, then enjoy some sustainable shopping at your local flea market or vintage store. Plus, you’ll be saving on transportation costs and packaging too – so it’s an even greener way to gift!

Patchwork Gift Registry's template for "Doing up the kitchen fund" wedding gift list

10) The Home Makeover

A popular alternative this year to registries for honeymoons or “stuff” is the home makeover registry. Whether it’s the bathroom reno of your dreams or a quick kitchen refresh, why not get your family and friends to contribute? They can chip in for everything from the taps to the tiles (and even the plumber!). Once you’ve collected their contributions, you’ll have your budget and you can get going designing and planning your home updates. Then, when your project is complete, invite everyone around to admire their gift!

One last thing! Whatever you ask your guests to treat you to, remember that with Patchwork, you’ll be protecting the planet too. They’re the only wedding registry that gives back to the planet, with 50% of their sign-up fee going directly to environmental organisations.

Check out more of Patchwork’s wedding gift ideas and honeymoon fund templates on their website.

This article was created in partnership with Patchwork Wedding Registry.

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Faye and Adam Hughes in the church getting married

Daisy and Keith’s stunning, Parisian-style wedding at The Castle Westenhanger is up there with our favourite springtime weddings. Daisy and Keith were one of the first couples to marry after lockdown restrictions began to be lifted in early 2021, with their April 2021 wedding a simple yet beautiful celebration.

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Faye's father about to hug her on her wedding day
Adam and his best man standing outside the wedding venue in their wedding suits
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Congratulations, Daisy and Keith, on your beautiful wedding!

Daisy and Keith’s Suppliers

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Wedding Speech Examples

Wedding speeches are a super important part of a wedding reception. They let the couple, family members and friends express their love, gratitude and well-wishes for the newlyweds. But if you’re not a confident public speaker, giving a wedding speech can be nerve-wracking for many people, which is why having a few examples up your sleeve can be a great starting-point. 

Here are some simple wedding speech examples that can help you deliver a heartfelt, memorable and enjoyable wedding speech. Feel free to use them as a template to inspire your own writing. 

And remember that these are just samples. Be sure to incorporate your own unique elements to personalise your speeches, which might mean having more gender-equal speeches compared to the traditional wedding speech line-up

Groom’s Speech & Bride’s Speech

Photo © Benjamin Toms Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The groom’s speech and bride’s speech is a chance for the couple to thank their families, friends and wedding party for their support and to share their love for each other. Here’s a sample of a shared groom and bride speech:

“Good evening everyone, we are [bride’s name and groom’s name], the newlyweds. We want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for being here to celebrate this special day with us. Our families, friends and wedding party have made this day truly unforgettable, and we are so grateful for your love and support.

We also want to thank our parents for their love and guidance, and for raising us to be the people we are today. We are honoured to have both of our families come together to celebrate this special day with us.

And last but not least, we want to express our love for each other. [Groom’s name], you are my best friend, my soulmate, and my partner in life. I am so grateful to have you by my side, and I look forward to a lifetime of love, adventure and happiness with you. [Bride’s name], you are beautiful, kind, and loving, and I feel so lucky to be able to call you my wife. I promise to always cherish and love you, no matter what life brings our way.

To our friends and family, thank you again for being here to share this special day with us. We are so grateful for your love and support, and we look forward to the memories we will create together.

Cheers to love, laughter and happily ever after. Cheers to all of us!”

Check out our top 10 groom speech examples and top 10 bride speech examples for more inspiration if you’re each giving individual speeches rather than a shared one. 

Father of the Bride Speech:

Photo © James Merrick Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A father of the bride speech is one of the most traditional and emotional speeches of the wedding. The father of the bride has the chance to both reflect on the love and relationship he has with his daughter and to welcome her new spouse into the family. Here’s a sample to inspire you:

“Good evening, everyone. Today is a very special day for me, as I stand here to give away my beautiful daughter [bride’s name]. She has grown into an amazing young woman, and I am so proud of the person she has become. [Groom’s name], I couldn’t have asked for a better match for my daughter. You are kind, caring and loving, and I am honoured to welcome you into our family. [Bride’s name], [groom’s name], I wish you a lifetime of happiness, love and adventure. To the newlyweds!”

Check out our top 10 father of the bride speech examples for more inspiration. 

Best Man Speech:

Photo © Take Two Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The best man speech is a fun and light-hearted speech that’s often filled with anecdotes and humour. The best man has the chance to pay tribute to the groom and to share some memorable moments from their friendship. Here’s a sample:

“Good evening everyone, I am [your name], the best man, and the groom’s closest friend. I have known [groom’s name] for [number of years], and it has been an honour to stand by his side today as he marries the love of his life, [bride’s name]. [Groom’s name], you are one of the kindest, funniest and most genuine people I know, and I am so grateful to have you as my friend. [Bride’s name], you bring out the best in [groom’s name], and I know you will have a lifetime of happiness together. To the newlyweds, congratulations, and here’s to a lifetime of love and laughter!”

Check out our top 10 best man speech examples for more inspiration. 

Maid of Honour Speech:

Photo © Memories & Milestones Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The maid of honour speech is usually given by the bride’s closest friend or sister, and can be a combination of humour and sentimentality. Here’s sample:

“Good evening everyone, I am [your name], the maid of honour and [bride’s name]’s best friend. I have known [bride’s name] since we were [age], and I have never seen her as happy as she is today. [Groom’s name], you have brought so much joy into [bride’s name]’s life, and I am grateful to have you as my friend as well. To the newlyweds, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations and best wishes!”

Check out our top 10 maid of honour examples for more inspiration. 

Mother of the Bride Speech:

Photo © Eyeshine Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A mother of the bride speech, while not always a traditional element in the order of wedding speeches, is becoming gaining increasing popularity in modern celebrations. This beautiful moment lets the mother share her heartfelt sentiments, commemorate her daughter’s journey and extend a warm welcome to her daughter’s new spouse. Here’s a sample:

“Good evening everyone. Today holds great significance for me, as I stand before you to celebrate the union of my beloved daughter [bride’s name]. Watching her blossom into the remarkable woman she is today fills my heart with immense joy. [Groom’s name], from the moment you entered our lives, you’ve shown remarkable qualities of kindness, compassion and love. Welcoming you into our family is an honour beyond words. [Bride’s name], [groom’s name], may your lives be filled with boundless joy, enduring love and remarkable journeys together. To the newlyweds!”

Check out our top 10 mother of the bride speech examples for more inspiration. 

Plan your dream wedding on Bridebook

These are just a few examples of the different types of wedding speeches you may give on a wedding day. No matter what type of speech you choose, the most important thing is to be yourself, speak from the heart and let your love for the newlyweds shine through. Best of luck and have a wonderful time celebrating the love and happiness of the newlyweds.

Be sure to also check out our top tips from former actress and wedding speech writer Naomi Marghaleet, based on 30 years’ experience in the industry. 

And for even more wedding tips and tricks, sign up to Bridebook today. We’ve got plenty of articles to help you with your wedding planning and celebrations. 

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Happy Planning!

Meghann & Joseph – Real Wedding (Garden + Outdoor)

Faye and Adam Hughes in the church getting married

Meghan and Joseph’s stunning romantic and intimate wedding at Oldwalls Gower was simple, clean and Classic. What makes this wedding special? Oldwalls has such a special and wonderful look. The standard that everything is done to, from the rooms to their the Rustic Retreat cottages, there is such attention to detail. You really feel the luxury.

Videographer: Break every chain productions

Florist: Ruth Milton Jones|Catering: Oldwalls Weddings|Wedding Dress Designer: Eddy K and Riki Dalal (two dresses from Eva Ashley bridal)|Wedding Cake: Bella cakes|Stationery Provider: Brogan Evans|Hairdresser: Kristin Davis|Make-up artist: Louise Williams|Menswear Provider:Moss Bros

Colours: Green, White & Black| Styles: Classic, Traditional, Formal & Luxury

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Adam and his best man standing outside the wedding venue in their wedding suits
Faye smiling on her wedding day
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Could this luxury Welsh countryside venue be the venue for you? Click here to find out more about Oldwalls Gower!

Have a look at some more beautiful real weddings here:

Still in the mood for some wedding-y reading? Check out some of these articles:

Venue Showcase: Applewood Hall

Situated in the quaint village of Banham, one of Norfolk’s best-kept secrets Applewood Hall offers an undeniably unique wedding venue for your special day.

Once the grounds of the Grove Farm orchard, Applewood Hall served as the store during the harvest season. Now an elegantly decorated entertaining space, it offers a licensed bar, dance floor, stage and seating for up to 200 guests. Applewood Hall is a harmonious combination of rustic charm and contemporary style.

We talked to Kiera Goymour , Wedding Executive at Applewood Hall

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Tell us a little bit about yourself

Hello I’m Kiera…
I’m a lover of gin and our unofficial wedding cake taster. I always enjoy a piece of cake with my morning coffee the day after a wedding! I’m also the owner of resident hound and team mascot, Frankie Sausage. You’ll usually find me dashing about in flats, there’s a reason I wear a step counter! And one thing you might not know, I have locked myself in the wedding garden at least 5 times (just this year!), which has meant having to climb over a very tall gate to get out!

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Credit to @jackboskett

What drew you to the wedding world?

Having worked in the corporate events world in London for 10 years, I felt the pull to return to Norfolk where I grew up. I missed the drive and challenge of being involved in the family business. Due to my events background, my Dad asked me to take on the management of Applewood Hall and its sister business, Applewood Countryside Park (family camping and glamping). Four years on and I haven’t quite found the work/ life balance I was hoping for but I wouldn’t change it. Helping couples plan the wedding day of their dreams and seeing it all come together is so rewarding. There’s no job quite like it!

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What do you think makes Applewood Hall unique?

Applewood Hall is located right next to the award-winning family attraction Banham Zoo. So if couples fancy something a little bit different, whether it’s a giraffe feeding experience, private Bird of Prey display, a ceremony within the zoo grounds or photos with some of the stunning animals – anything is possible!

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

When couples make a booking with us, we start with a planning meeting as it really helps us get to know our couples; along with their style, how they picture their perfect day and what we can do to make it happen. This process really helps to pinpoint the small things that will make their day feel extra special and unique to them. For example, we have recently introduced bespoke cocktails and mocktails, offering couples the opportunity to choose seasonal flavours, favourite ingredients and personalise the cocktail names so they tie into their theme or tell a story!

What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Fun, laughter and a tipple or two. It’s that simple!

Photography credit @meganduffieldphotography
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Photography credit @photographyby_lucy.s

Why should a couple book Applewood Hall?

Applewood Hall is a proudly family run business, offering a personal and friendly service. Our aim is to ensure that every couple is able to bring to life the day of their dreams no matter their budget. We achieve this by going above and beyond, getting creative with ideas, ingredients and scale to ensure we can give each couple a unique experience.

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Styling by @ido_photography_norwich

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

It’s YOUR day, so don’t be afraid to be a bit selfish when it comes to things like your menu choices, drink selection and seating plans. Prefer to have canapés during your drinks reception rather than a starter, why not! If you want an indulgent, gooey chocolate dessert, go for it! If you’d prefer to have a classic G&T rather than bubbles for the toast, do it! If you want the seating to be more informal with no seating plan, be bold! These small things will help your day feel special and unique to you.

What’s the best photo spot at Applewood Hall?

Our wedding garden! This beautifully landscaped space features a stunning gazebo, contemporary outdoor furniture, lots of lush greenery, fire pit tables and festoon lighting. The perfect backdrop for wedding photos and alfresco drinks in the sunshine!

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Photography credit @dblakephotography111

What part of your business are you most proud of? 

Our team! We have a small, dedicated team, which means our couples experience a friendly, hands-on approach from their initial enquiry and showround appointment to their menu tasting, planning meetings and of course, the big day itself.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Couples are planning their weddings online more than ever before. We have been making use of Facebook Live to host virtual tours and hosting monthly #wedminwednesday sessions to help couples along their wedding planning journey.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

We are in this together and and we will all get through this together. If you’ve had to postpone, it must be heartbreaking to move from your original date and to have to wait a bit longer for your wedding, but it will be so worth it. We want your day to be a day of celebration, love and special memories; focused on you (not coronavirus, that’s had enough attention!).

What do you love about Bridebook?

It’s great to be able to showcase everything we offer all in one place; from pricing and photos to reviews and offers. Tracking enquiries and following our analytics is super simple too.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk. Also, if you enjoyed this article, see more here.

Venue Showcase: The Manor House

Nestled within Castle Combe village in the wooded Bybrook Valley lies the 14th century Manor House and there is no more idyllic or romantic a setting in which to celebrate your marriage.

We talked to Jennifer, Wedding and Events Manager at The Manor House and Cassie the Wedding Executive at The Manor House.

Tell us about yourself!

We have both worked in weddings for a couple of years now but have been in the hospitality industry our whole careers. In our free time, we love to read, go for walks and bake sweet treats!

What drew you to the wedding world?

There is something incredibly rewarding about making someone’s big day go smoothly. Seeing the happiness on the couples faces on the day when all of the planning comes together, knowing we contributed to that, it’s a great feeling.

An archway that is part of the building serves as a place for the ceremony.

What do you think make The Manor House unique?

We are so blessed to have the beautiful hotel and grounds that we do, but what makes us unique is our people. From housekeeping preparing the bedrooms to our chefs creating the perfect wedding breakfast, the whole team has a passion for creating exceptional guest experiences. Our couples will not only be provided with the highest level of service and great attention to detail, but character, passion and laughter along the way.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

We make sure we always take time to get to know our couples from the very beginning of their enquiry. It’s all about them. Taking the time to sit, have a coffee and a chat and learn about their story is so important. It also makes it so much more enjoyable along the way- it’s as if we are helping friends plan their wedding!

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

A beautiful location, with delicious food in a room filled with great company, love and laughter.

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What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

It’s all about you! Make sure that every decision you make is what you both want, try not to think about other people’s opinions too much. Enjoy the experience building up to the big day! It can pass by you in a flash so enjoy every single moment including all the planning.

What do you love about Bridebook?

All of it! It’s incredibly handy and easy to use. It helps us communicate effectively with all enquiries and helps the couples keep on track with their planning!

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at The Manor House?

A summer wedding had a family fun day including dodgems and a carousel on our lawns – it was amazing!

Why should a couple book The Manor House?

Why not?! We have the most stunning location, amazing food and exceptional service so it really will be the best day of their lives.

What’s the best photo spot at The Manor House?

We have so many beautiful spots but our favourite is our entrance bridge over the Bybrook river that has a gorgeous shot of the whole of the Manor in the background.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Definitely the people, we are like one big family. Everyone works incredibly hard and always supports each other.

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How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

In terms of wedding planning, it is a game changer! There are so many apps, websites and companies that can help you now, it’s great! It takes away a lot of the stress.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Firstly, I hope you are ok! We have seen first hand how the pandemic has affected couples, and made what should be a really enjoyable time, really stressful. Please just know we will be here to support you the whole way, and do whatever we can to help make it easier and as special as it can be.  

A huge thank you to Jennifer and Cassie for answering our questions. Check out The Manor House on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in Wiltshire? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Lainston House

Lainston House is a 17th-Century luxury hotel. Set in 63 acres of gorgeous Hampshire countryside, five-star Lainston House could be the perfect setting for the wedding of your dreams.

We talked to Sophie Mitchell-Bird, Wedding Executive at Lainston House.

Tell us about yourself!

I’ve been very lucky to have worked in the wedding world for almost 3 years and have enjoyed every second. I have a miniature dachshund called Rolo and a cat named Tabitha. I’m a massive foodie so enjoy going out for dinner and trying new places… I’m a sucker for a good cocktail too!

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What drew you to the wedding world?

Honestly, I think the wedding world found me! My background has always been theatre and this is what I graduated from uni in, so I’d always expected to go straight into something related to this instead. After university, I worked as a comedy producer, organising monthly charity stand-up comedy nights. That was great fun and where my love for events planning begun — and shortly after, I found my passion… Weddings!

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What do you think makes your venue unique?

For a start, the grounds of Lainston House are breathtaking… The photo opportunities are endless! The venue is rich with history too, with so many interesting facts and stories. What makes our space even more unique is the people. The team is made up of the most hardworking, dedicated and passionate individuals I’ve met… We’re like one big family!

How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

I will be in touch regularly, either by phone or email, and I love it when my couples do the same. I love to hear all about what you’ve both been up too, your holidays, you name it! It’s also great to see my couples in person and enjoy a cup of coffee together in the lead up to the wedding.

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Picking things you both like, not just what you think others will like! After all, it’s your special day and you only do it once!

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Begin thinking about your table plan early as this can sometimes be the hardest part to figure out, so this will take pressure off you… But most importantly, enjoy it!

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What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had?

We recently had a stunning tipi on our South Lawn which was breathtaking… The South Lawn is perfect for it! We’ve had a few singing waiters over the summer which are also so fun and a real surprise to all your guests.

Why should a couple book Lainston House?

We’re a beautiful, luxury, five-star manor house where dream days happen. By hiring out the venue exclusively, you can feel like royalty for the day, with your nearest and dearest around you. Local produce is super important to us so the majority of our suppliers will be local to either Winchester or Hampshire, with our onsite Kitchen Garden also growing our own produce. With 63 acres, the photo opportunities are endless — adding that “wow” factor for your guests and creating memories to cherish forever!

What is the best photo spot at Lainston House?

This is a tricky one as there are so many stunning photo spots… But outside on the terrace with the beautiful avenue of lime trees is a must!

What part of your business are you most proud of?

I couldn’t pick just one part as I’m proud of all departments at Lainston House who all help achieve dream wedding days!

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How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Technology is making it easier for couples to plan, especially wonderful platforms like Bridebook where you can plan your whole day. Wedding websites where your guests can RSVP and let you know dietaries and you can to give information quickly… What a great idea!

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Everything will come together in the end. After all, nothing can stop love! If you’re struggling at the moment, please do reach out to your venue or suppliers so they can help. You’re not alone.

A huge thank you to Sophie Mitchell-Bird for answering our questions. Check out Lainston House on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in Hampshire? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Pennyhill Park

Pennyhill Park is a 19th century Mansion House that is surrounded by lily ponds, landscaped gardens and plenty of greenery whereas the inside of the hotel also provides stunning architecture.

We talked to Jodey Hatch, Wedding Manager at Pennyhill Park to find out more about this stunning venue.

Tell us about yourself!

I have been in the wedding industry for 9 years, pretty much my whole career. I love spending time with friends and family as much as I can, going out for meals, travelling and exploring anything new. I have one gorgeous black cat but if I had my way I would have many more and dogs too!

What drew you to the wedding world?

After leaving school I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to do, I thought some customer service experience would be a good start so I got a job waitressing at a hotel which included working at weddings. After a while I began running them operationally and knew I loved them and had to continue this as my career.  I finally got a role as a wedding coordinator and it has just snowballed from there.

What do you think makes Pennyhill Park unique?

Pennyhill Park is unique in many ways; however I do feel the people that work here is what stands us out from the crowd. We take time to get to know our couples, we understand this is the biggest day of our couple’s lives and when they spend months or even years planning this they expect the best.  We welcome our guests on that first showaround with a glass of bubbles and personalised sweet treats just to get started!

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Every couple is unique, which is one thing that makes me love my job so much! I find it’s important to listen to each couples needs and get to know them as an individual. They then get the chance to build trust with their dedicated event coordinator; this might be done with many visits to our bar over a cup of coffee or even when it comes to meeting the head chef to discuss their menus. 

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

For me I think that a wedding that shows the couples personality have been the most perfect. Ultimately this day is about the two of you, so to put on little touches that represent you, are the perfect Weddings. You’re guests will absolutely love this as they are here to share this special day with you.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Try and keep it fun, it’s easy to feel stressed about the planning but this really should be the most enjoyable part! When it’s all over you will want to do it all over again and wish you had enjoyed it more.

What do you love about Bridebook?

It’s a really good tool to help us know what our couples are looking for before they have even come to see us. It’s also a great platform to let couples know about us as a venue and really showcase ourselves.

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Pennyhill Park?

One bride at Pennyhill Park did trust me with planning a very special surprise for the Groom; it was a group of storm troopers that were going to walk don the aisle! The Groom of course was a massive star wars fan and this was a complete surprise to him and all the guests. Everyone loved it and it was so memorable even all the team here wanted to come out and watch as when do you ever have a wedding with storm troopers walking down the aisle! All the guest were there waiting for photos with them, star wars fans or not it was a great talking point for the guests for the rest of the day.

Why should a couple book Pennyhill Park?

We have something for everyone, if it being fantastic food you are looking for then come meet our Michelin star chef and discuss your menus with our amazing team at the Latymer restaurant. If its luxury accommodation we have 124 individually designed bedrooms that will give all your guests that wow factor. Not to mention our stunning 120 acres of Parkland with ample photo opportunities for our couples to remember and look back on for years to come.

What’s the best photo spot at Pennyhill Park?

This is hard as there are so many good ones! But I have to say our secret garden is just wonderful photo opportunity for our couples. With its a running waterfall and wild flowers surrounding, it makes it feel like a bit of fairytale, which I think is what most couples are looking for on their big day.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Another tough one, but we have an amazing team here who all strive on wanting the same thing of creating happiness in an amazing place. I honestly feel this is what our couples comment on most after their wedding day is how well they felt looked after, from the very first step through the door by our reception team, to meeting the chef at their menu tasting and to the fantastic team who personally look after their big day for them.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

I think the last 18 months have defiantly taught us a lot, opening us up to Zoom show rounds in times when we couldn’t see each other in person has been so beneficial for businesses and couples. It meant that wedding planning could still go ahead; giving couples something to look forward too.  I do find mainly we all much prefer to see each other in person, but this has given us the chance to even plan a few destination weddings now we are all up to speed with different technology tools available to us.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Keep going, I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for couples but just keep planning. Keep in touch with your suppliers so they know your concerns so they know how to help you.

A huge thank you to Jodey Hatch for answering our questions. Check out Pennyhill Park on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in Surrey? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Fanhams Hall

Fanhams Hall is a luxury and unique wedding venue with outstanding warming open fires in winter, tumbling waterfalls in summer and beautiful private rooms. With stunning features of the original Grade II listed Jacobean manor house all year round.

We talked to Symphonie Wolzak, Wedding Manager/ Executive at Fanhams Hall to find out more about this stunning venue.

Tell us about yourself!

Fun fact: I was named after the Hershey’s Chocolate candy bar- hehe! I was born in San Antonio, Texas so am in love with and super proud of my Tex-Mex culture (Texas-Mexican). I consider myself to make the best homemade tortillas in England, as have yet to come across a Mexican restaurant where they are as good as mine! I love to cook, if you haven’t guessed already and my favourite cuisine is my home-land original Tex-Mex of course…very different from Cali-Mex! I’m super blessed my husband loves his spicy food, because to be honest I really don’t know how to not have a bit of chilli in any of my dishes.

What drew you to the wedding world?

The wedding world found me! A friend of mine was working in events and I just graduated university. Lost, confused, and no work family to tag onto in the big city (NYC), she rung me and said, “Hey come try this!”. My first day helping run a wedding with her, I was sold! The excitement and love in the air was so addicting, like sweet cotton candy; you couldn’t leave the room in fear you’d miss out. The adrenaline you get when something goes wrong last minute like the father of bride is running late, or the zip of one of the bridesmaid’s dresses broke just minutes before announcing them into the room! I love having to think in seconds on how to fix it or stall the wedding without the couple finding out or having enough time to worry; these are the moments I live for! Knowing you fixed it and helped make the couples day absolutely perfect without them realising the storm the team went through to get there. What a buzz!

What do you think makes Fanhams Hall unique?

Our team honestly. We all genuinely want the best day for our couples and understand that every wedding is unique, so we really do our best to be flexible and deliver any of their special requests they may have.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Once booked with us, we usually know a bit about our couples already. We like to “Sit and Love” with our couples when they first come to meet with us and see the venue, before they even book with us. Listening to the couple about what is important to them and connecting through their excitement and anticipation of one of the most important days of their lives. We believe that a connection before booking with your couple is so important, because it really helps set up the trust relationship between us and the couple, so they have the best planning experience with us. We also do little check ins with our couples to see if they want a coffee catch up to discuss any questions or a zoom call if they can’t make it all the way back to us (like my fellow American couples!).

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Hmmm…perfect wedding? I’m a cheese ball…I have to say the couple themselves. They are what make the day perfect because they are starting an amazing journey together that is a life changer. I mean what’s more perfect then marrying your best friend? If I have to be choose a materialistic idea…having everything in one place to help make it easier for you and your guests. Accommodation, ceremony, reception, things like this, even the rehearsal dinner if you can. It just make it less complicated in planning, because then you know that the venue you are with (who you choose in the first place!) will be doing their best to make sure you have the perfect wedding celebration whilst there!

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

When looking for your venue, be sure either to visit it on a rainy day or at least envision the venue in the rain…because if you love it when it’s raining, you’ll love it even more when the suns out and not be too disappointed if it does rain. Let’s be honest we live in England, so better to prepare from the beginning! Oh, and also clear umbrellas. …these are the best for photos on our grounds or wherever you end up choosing. It will still get you outside for gorgeous photos on our grounds and capture the beauty surrounded by you.

What do you love about Bridebook?

How easy it is to use for both couples and us as a venue! Love the little blogs they write and tips they give out. So easy for couples to organise themselves using their nifty tools from guest lists to gift lists, hehe!

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Fanhams Hall?

Being a hairdresser for the little flower girls, minutes before they walked down the aisle. This involved me taking out my own hair and using hair pins on them, because the bride totally forgot about their hair and was running out of time! Also, another time was sewing up the bridesmaid in her dress (I might have mentioned this before!). Her dress split just before we were to announce them into the reception, and here I am with another colleague just sewing her in completely. I think I even ended up using a stapler at one point, because I didn’t have enough thread! Oh and another time was me having to go under the brides dress to adjust her because she felt something rip…it was minutes before she had to walk down the aisle, so had to go under and quickly see what ripped…was just a simple button that needed re-buttoning. Done it and she was off! There’s more of course, but too many to share. Ahhh… just love the whole thrill of being able to help make their day absolutely perfect!

Why should a couple book Fanhams Hall?

A couple should choose Fanhams Hall because not only are we a beautiful 17th Century Jacobean mansion with gorgeous unique Japanese style gardens and an authentic Japanese Tea house! What wedding venue in England can say they have authentic Japanese style gardens?! Another reason why couples should book us is that we love weddings! We love weddings so much we really try to meet our couples unique requirement to make their day that more special. We’ve been flexible from our menus (Asian- English infusion anyone?) to creating a couple’s signature cocktail for the day for their guests to order from the bar. We love being apart of our couples special day from beginning to end, and genuinely want to help make it a day they wont forget, so the little unique requests we can do, we will!

What’s the best photo spot at Fanhams Hall?

Ohhhhh there are so many!!!! I have to say two if that’s okay?! First one is in the main grounds outside our formal gardens with Fanhams Hall in the background. Second one is in the fields near the main entrance, surprising I know! Lots of people think I would have said our Wisteria walk or near the rose garden, which are both really beautiful, but I do love the fields in August and September where the grass is over grown and you get these really beautiful rustic and dreamy photos…you could be anywhere in the world, but it’s so gorgeous!!! Makes me want to put on my wedding dress and take photos there! Haha!

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Fanhams Hall, which is part of the Exclusive Collection Group, has become the first ever hospitality business to receive a B-Corp accreditation. This means being recognised as a sustainable business. B-Corp will improve the value we create for our customers through the service we give, and help improve our impact on the planet by learning how to practise environmental stewardship. It really is a fantastic accomplishment and am super proud to be apart of this milestone.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

For couples, technology allows people to shop in the comfort of their own homes! It’s easy access for them. It really give them the chance to really search what they are looking for and not  waste time visiting venues face to face, or having in person meetings with loads of different suppliers trying to decide what is right for them. Social media especially helps them “stalk-shop”- Instagram is great for this! For us as suppliers, it helps us reach more potential couples looking for support on their wedding. We can have all of our information readily available for them to see and even experience for themselves. We can reach a whole other country even, like America or South Africa! We currently have American couples getting married here who have found us online and loved our photos and videos on our Instagram page. Technology has helped us get them to see the venue, book and plan their wedding with us here at Fanhams Hall. We are not just focusing on one country; we are able to reach the whole world this way, which is really amazing!

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Talk to each other. Communication is so important, you may both find you two are feeling the exact same way about things. If you are both are struggling, then find a professional to talk to together to help you both overcome this struggle together. It’s not a bad thing to find a un-bias mind out there to help guide you through these trying times, because fact is, this is not normal and its okay to struggle with it all. Find peace and reassurance in the fact that if you two can get through this together, you two can make it through anything. Keep each other positive about the wedding. If one of you starts feeling upset or down about the wedding plans, pick each other up. Have a fun distraction like date night, or start making the wedding favours together and imagining how the day will go.

What is your favourite part of the wedding day?

If you haven’t guessed already, we love weddings! My favourite part of a wedding day is when I get to fluff the brides dress before she walks down the aisle. Goosebumps every time watching them take those final steps to marry their best friend!

A huge thank you to Symphonie Wolzak for answering our questions. Check out Fanhams Hall on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in Hertfordshire? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Black Horse Beamish (Red Row Estate)

Featuring one of the only lavender fields in the North East with panoramic views of the Beamish Valley countryside. The Black Horse Beamish and Orchard Marquee is set in 37 acres on Red Row Estate, featuring stunning lavender fields, woodland, filled with wildlife and farmyard antiques.

We talked to Grace Fountain, the Venue Manager at Black Horse Beamish (Red Row Estate) to find out more this unique and contemporary venue.

Tell us about yourself!

We are a family owned business and have been proudly welcoming our guests for over 20 years. Although the original 300 year old pub has been in my family for over 20 years and I’ve grown up listening to conversations about it around the dinner table, I officially started working for the company 10 years ago. Since then the business and building have undergone an extensive refurbishment, expansion and development programme. In my free time I love to walk my dog around our glorious 40 acre sprawl, the stunning lavender field is one of the only in the North East, we have woodland riddled with wildlife and lots of farmyard antiques!

What drew you to the wedding world?

I always had a passion for hospitality and once I completed my degree there was no question where I was going to work. I’ve had the privilege of working in numerous different roles including wedding coordinator and have been able to grow as the business has grown, which I think has been a fantastic and unique experience. Red Row Estate is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful areas of the North East so being able to market that and convert ideas into a reality is something I love.

What do you think makes your venue unique?

My colleagues are undoubtedly what makes our venue so special, we are a small close-knit team. The key to our success is planning, planning, planning! You have to be extremely organised, passionate, and have a keen attention to detail. One of the most important skills, which isn’t often taught in this industry, is to be an unofficial therapist, councillor and shoulder to cry on when needed. Weddings can be very emotional and stressful, and I pride myself on doing my upmost to put everyone’s mind at ease. Every wedding and special occasion is unique, and therefore every client relationship deserves as much time, attention and passion as possible so we can work together to make the big day perfect.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Our coordinators have their own mobile and are on hand to call/text/whatsapp/email at anytime during your wedding journey with us, we feel this gives a lot of comfort to couples. By the end of the wedding journey we really feel like we have made lasting relationships with our brides and grooms. We seem to have the most wonderful couples that come back to visit time and time again.

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Amazing food, an open bar tab, memorable entertainment and of course a beautiful ceremony where you are surrounded by your family, friends and loved ones.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

It’s your day, so don’t be afraid to be a bit selfish when it comes to the guestlist, things like your menu choices, drink selection and seating plans.

What do you love about Bridebook?

I love how easy it is to navigate, shortlist and contact suppliers and venues. It really is like your own little black book!

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had?

Our first wedding was in July 2012 and since then enquiries have never stopped rolling in! Every wedding has its own special moment so it’s difficult to single out a particular wedding. Most recently being a part my sisters wedding in The Orchard Marquee was very special. It was lovely to be a guest for the day and it’s safe to say she went all out making good use of our extensive list of local supplier contacts.

Why should a couple book Red Row Estate?

As a unique venue with extensive grounds and panoramic views over our peaceful valley, the setting could hardly be more idyllic. We provide an unforgettable setting for all styles of celebration, grand or intimate, indoors or out…it will be a unique and memorable celebration.

What’s the best photo spot at Red Row Estate?

Definitely the beautiful lavender fields in full bloom.

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Our customer service to couples and guests. We pride ourselves in investing in our team to make sure we have only the best set of people to look after you on your journey with us. Our wedding team have a wealth of experience hosting weddings meaning you’re in very capable hands.

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Technology has transformed how we now work and we have had to fully embrace new technology during the past 18 months of Covid. It has been an essential part of improving and streamlining our customer journey from the initial enquiry to ease of booking venue viewings. Zoom calls and facetime have enabled us to continue showing couples our beautiful venue and even resulted in couples booking from as far field as Dubai after only viewing on facetime.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Have faith, your dream day will happen despite all the setbacks and remember why you are getting married.

A huge thank you to Grace Fountain for answering our questions. Check out Red Row Estate on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in County Durham? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: 41 Portland Place

In the heart of stylish Marylebone, 41 Portland Place is beautiful Grade II* listed Georgian Townhouse. The perfect setting for an intimate and exclusive Central London wedding. The fantastic location, sophisticated rooms, excellent food, and dedicated event management team will ensure you leave with treasured, everlasting memories.

We talked to Olivia Parrott, Sales & Marketing Manager at 41 Portland Place to find out more this grand and elegant venue, set at in the heart of London.

Tell us about yourself!

I have been in the weddings world for over 5 years! In my spare time I love to binge watch my favourite series on Netflix (I may or may not be able to re-enact every episode of friends… oooops!) I love socializing with friends & family, hitting the best brunch spots and exploring new places.

What drew you to the wedding world?

How personal it is! The feeling of making couples dream wedding days a reality is what sold it. Seeing the look on a couple’s face when they walk into the venue will never ever get old.

What do you think makes 41 Portland Place unique?

Our approach is to adaptable and flexible, we know each and every couple is different which means our approach is different. 41 Portland Place is one of London’s finest exclusive Georgian Townhouses. It is surrounded by elegant grandeur and in the heart of Marylebone, the Grade II* listed Georgian Townhouse is the ideal setting for a stylish, exclusive and chic London wedding. We are with our couples every step of the way and the relationship doesn’t end after their wedding day at RSA, we have created real amazing friendship with alot of our couples

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

We get to know them as people! Regular drink catch ups, video calls, venue visits, supplier visits! Getting to know the family is also a big thing for us too!

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

Personality! Having seen more marvellous weddings than we can mention, the team here at 41 Portland Place know a thing or two about personalizing weddings so if you’re looking to put your own stamp on your big day, you’re sure to find some inspiration, or a little extra confidence to do your own thing, right here!

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Trust your venue and your suppliers, they are experts and will go above and beyond to create the most incredible day for you!

What do you love about Bridebook?

The support from the incredible team, they are always so lovely and will go above and beyond always!

What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at 41 Portland Place?

This is a hard one as we have seen so many memorable weddings! I remember a summer wedding which was hosted on the tranquil terrace which just oozes sophistication and is the perfect spot to enjoy a refreshing summer cocktail with friends & family shaded from the sun by gorgeous olive and eucalyptus trees. By night, the space transforms into a fairy light lit oasis in the city. The client opted with a relaxed family feasting BBQ style menu followed by an interactive dessert station, a chef’s favourite!

Why should a couple book 41 Portland Place?

For this, I would say actions speak louder than words and have a look at testimonials! However, knowing their wedding contributes to the Academy of Medical Sciences charity which is funded research to improve health which is more important now than ever, is an incredible thing to know. Booking 41 Portland Place means you are in for a fun and memorable time planning the most incredible day of your lives and that we promise.

What’s the best photo spot at 41 Portland Place?

The Terrace!

What part of your business are you most proud of?

Our incredible behind the scene team, the people who make dreams a reality and it wouldn’t be possible without every single one of the team

How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

In an amazing way! Virtual tours, Instagram, wedding videos and galleries of images allow couples to imagine their day even more

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

If your wedding cannot go ahead postpone do not cancel, we are all in this together and talk to your loved ones. We will get through this and your wedding celebrations will be more amazing than ever before!

A huge thank you to Olivia Parrott for answering our questions. Check out 41 Portland Place on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in London? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Plas Dinam Country House

Plas Dinam Country House is a truly beautiful historic mansion set in the hills of Wales. Exclusive use, DIY, with amazing glass roof Stables for your evening party and exclusively yours for at least 2 days.

We talked to Louise Edmunds, the Wedding Coordinator at Plas Dinam Country House to find out more this unique and amazing venue, set at the foot of glorious Welsh hills with spectacular views

Tell us about yourself!

I am relatively new to the Wedding Industry but my previous experience was working in Hospitality in the UK and France. I have had a great summer with Plas Dinam as wedding coordinator, loved every minute of it, and can’t wait for next year. I am a big outdoor lover and when possible will be out running, mountain biking or trying new wild swimming spots. During the winter I try to fit in a ski trip, and get back out in the snow. A few years ago I also joined the Army Reserves, so throughout the year I spend a few weekends training with them. I am expecting my first child in a few weeks, so trying to get ready for the next life adventure!

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What drew you to the wedding world?

I absolutely love the creativity of the wedding world, and I was lucky enough to find a job at a venue that is unique in what it offers to couples as well as being a beautiful place to work. It is great to work with couples from day 1, from when we show them around to their wedding day. It is such an exciting time for them and all the positive energy is in abundant on the day, you can’t not be happy doing this job. I love to the see the flower creations, the food menu choices and especially the chosen wedding dress and outfits. Every wedding is different.

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What do you think makes Plas Dinam Country House unique?

It is a family business and we want every couple to make it their own. We encourage them to use all the grounds and space at Plas Dinam, from the beautiful glass roof stables to the tennis courts and the secret lake for wild swimming. It is like renting a big home for a family holiday as well as getting married at the same time. We have fire pits, a pizza oven and BBQ, to croquet on the lawn. There is plenty of space for the couples and guests to explore and really settle into the house for a few days. From Day 1 of showing the couples around our venue I work with them to help with the planning of their day. I am there on the day to make sure it all goes smoothly, they don’t have to think about anything, and just enjoy it.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

I love getting to know the couples and their families, and we love to show them around as much as possible. I am always on hand via emails and zoom calls. We will do a planning meeting at Plas Dinam a few months prior to their wedding day so they get to look around a final time before coming back to get married. This can normally be combined with their food tastings which happens in the Stables, and is a great time for them to really feel like their wedding is happening.

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

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Having all your friends and family together to celebrate.

What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Wedding planning is fun, please don’t stress over it. It will all come together on the day with our support.

What do you love about Bridebook?

Bridebook have been great throughout covid-19, thinking of new ways to advertise and help us, with monthly phone calls and assistance looking at our listing to make it couple friendly. Bridebook are a great way to start the planning process for your day.

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What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at Plas Dinam Country House?

The couples getting married make it memorable. Their personalities and their ideas that they put into the day really make it for me. Our first wedding in June this year was very memorable, they had postponed 3 times due to covid and we were so excited for them to be getting married. They were such a fun couple, they had great friends and family with good chat, and all loved to party.

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Why should a couple book Plas Dinam Country House?

So the couples can spend a few days with their friends and family staying in a large Country House, relaxing, eating, drinking and getting married. They have the whole grounds exclusively to themselves and a beautiful glass roof stables to hold their wedding meal and party. They can arrive and completely make it their own. No pressure from anyone, it is their day and they can have it how they want.

What’s the best photo spot at Plas Dinam Country House?

In the Wild Flower meadow or the old greenhouse

What part of your business are you most proud of?

All of it, we have a great team that work super hard to make sure everything is perfect.

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How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

We have seen the increase of virtual tours since covid-19, but it is a positive- being able to offer a tour over zoom from the couples comfort of their lounge has been wonderful. We have been able to give them a real view of the venue and grounds, they can ask all the questions and still come away wanting to book with us.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

It is super tough having to postpone or not know if it will go ahead, but we are on hand to support you. We can help with any suppliers, and assist in finding new dates. It is still your wedding day so we want it to be special, and being able to spend it with family and friends is so important. Do not take too much stress on, relax, and it will happen.

A huge thank you to Louise Edmunds for answering our questions. Check out Plas Dinam Country House on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in Wales? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

Venue Showcase: Tudor Barn Eltham

Tudor Barn Eltham is Set in acres of beautiful Instagrammable parkland and gardens, and dating back to 1525, the Tudor Barn is the perfect place for special celebrations. We’re ready to host your wedding.

We talked to Jade Hayward at Tudor Barn Eltham the to find out more about this hidden gem of a venue.

Tell us about yourself!

I have been in the wedding industry since I was 17 years old! Approaching 8 years now. I have a beautiful little girl who gave birth to during the pandemic and in my free time I love to design posters, birthday cards, photobooks as well as photography.

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What drew you to the wedding world?

Simply by chance! I worked in central london for 2 years and could no longer deal with the constant bad energy and the need to get everywhere 100 miles an hour! A friend of mine actually asked me to do some photography for her sons holy communion at Tudor Barn Eltham and I fell in love with the building. Such a beautiful little gem right around the corner from where I live.

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What do you think makes Tudor Barn Eltham unique?

I find some venues are like a conveyer belt whereby they just want 7 weddings a week sometimes more than 1 a day and that is just simply not what we are about. Tudor Barn Eltham is a family run business and each and every wedding is unique and becomes a part of history as Tudor Barn Eltham is the last remaining Tudor Barn in London dating back to 1525. We want to be a part of our couple’s planning process, we want to help them decide which table plans will work best, which colour schemes work beautifully with the barn and all the little bits in between. We have found this approach not only puts our couples minds at ease but makes what can be a very difficult planning process so much easier and dare I say it… lot’s of fun!! We want them to not only remember the big day but remember just how exciting it was to plan with our team.

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How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

Our events team offer 4 meetings with our clients, on the viewing we are able to understand who they are and what they want which really helps us begin our planning process, after they are invited to a tasting which again helps us understand what type of food and drinks they like and offer our advice to what we think could work for their big day. We then offer a planning meeting where the clients have access to their function sheet and it’s almost a step by step checklist of what they need to do, this allows us to understand exactly what they want from their big day in terms of decor, entertainment, timings etc and again we can focus in on these areas. Finally, at the final meeting we can look at all the tiny little details which we know our client’s would love to have as we have built a relationship with them for on average 9 – 18 months! On the day of the wedding we will know everything we need to know about our couples to ensure their day is perfect.

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What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

I think everyone’s idea of perfect is unique and that’s what makes a wedding perfect, your own very unique, different ideas coming together to create a day that truly represents you and your partner.

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What is your #1 wedding planning tip for couples?

Be prepared for anything to happen! Sometimes the best things can come from it

What do you love about Bridebook?

How we can show off our venue as the unique wedding venue as it is with ease!

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What’s the most memorable wedding you’ve had at The Petersham Hotel?

We held a wedding a few years ago and the groom was a firefighter who actually attended the grenfell tower tragedy – he was a real life hero! Seeing him and his colleagues in their dress uniform’s it was truly something special.

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Why should a couple book Tudor Barn Eltham?

To become a part of history in a beautiful unique 16th century barn

What’s the best photo spot at Tudor Barn Eltham?

Within the stunning gardens by the Moat Bridge

What part of your business are you most proud of?

The staff

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How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

I feel that everything is becoming more digital! We totally expected this change and we are moving with it and taking it all in our stride! We will continue to have a personal 1 to 1 approach for some parts of the planning as we believe this is really important.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to couples that are currently struggling amidst the COVID-19 crisis?

Love conquers all! You will have your perfect day and your family will be so excited to be able to celebrate an amazing milestone in your life with you.

A huge thank you to Jade for answering our questions. Check out Tudor Barn Eltham on Bridebook!

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Looking for more venues in Kent? Find your unforgettable venue by searching venues here.

Are you looking to promote your beautiful venue to our community of couples? Contact our Venue Consultant team at business@bridebook.co.uk

50 Creative Wedding Favour Ideas

Show your guests how much you love and appreciate them on your big day by offering them a small wedding token or favour. They’re a great way to add some beauty or fun to your tables, while also giving your friends and family a little something to remember the day by.

While, favours were limited to almonds for centuries, there are so many more options nowadays. Wedding favours come in all shapes and sizes, ready to match your unique theme, personality, or love story. You can have anything from cake pops and chocolate moustaches to succulents and wooden hearts. 

Whatever your theme and budget, we’ve got plenty of ideas that your guests will love. Keep reading for 50 unique wedding favour ideas, including suggestions for DIY favour options, couples on a budget, or even something a little more bougie!

What are wedding favours?

Wedding favours are small gifts from you and your partner for your wedding guests to thank them for coming. The favours tend to be placed next to each guest’s placemat at the wedding reception, but can also be given at any other time you’d prefer during the reception. 

Traditionally – and for many years – wedding favours were sugared almonds. Nowadays, these lovely little gifts can take on a variety of forms. However, they’re usually something small, edible, or practical that guests can enjoy and remember your special day by. Think little biscuits, bubble blowers, seed packets, or tealights. 

How much do wedding favours cost?

The cost of wedding favours entirely depends on what you pick. For example, you can find bubble blowers for as little as £1, while custom macaroons or decorated cake pops may be pricier. 

Generally speaking, you can expect to spend £2 to £5 on each wedding favour. Consider the size of your guest list and your overall wedding budget when trying to decide how much to spend. Naturally, the more guests you invite, the more your favours will cost in total. So for 100 guests, you’re looking at £200-£500. 

Does everyone have wedding favours?

No, not everyone has wedding favours. This is your day, and it’s totally up to you whether you provide them! Most guests will be thrilled to be invited to your wedding without receiving gifts and won’t expect it by any means. They’re a lovely touch, but don’t feel your guests will miss out if you don’t provide them. 

If you’re desperate to include favours but want to limit your spending, be sure to check out our dedicated post on how to save money on wedding favours.

50 great ideas for wedding favours

Check out this list of 50 unique, fun, and quirky wedding favour ideas. Whatever vibe you’re trying to create, there’s something for every couple and every budget on this list. 

DIY wedding favour ideas

1) Handwritten letters or thank you notes

Handwritten letters or thank you notes to each guest are personal, heartwarming, and inexpensive. These wedding favours allow you to express your gratitude to your guests in a unique way, all without breaking the bank.

  • Materials needed: Small envelopes, small pieces of paper, a pen. 
  • Cost: £0.50 a piece. 

2) Pressed flower bookmarks

Pressed flower bookmarks are another inexpensive DIY wedding favour idea. You can either press the flowers yourself or purchase pre-dried flowers online. Then, arrange the flowers on cardstock, laminate them, and cut them into bookmarks. These delicate and beautiful keepsakes are perfect for guests who love to read.

  • Materials needed: Cardstock, pressed flowers, laminating sheets, scissors.
  • Cost: Around £0.75 a piece, depending on whether you buy flowers or press your own wildflowers.

3) Personalised champagne bottles

This option is beautiful and personal, but it is one of the pricier options on this list simply due to the cost of champagne. However, mini bottles of champagne with custom labels or paint can make a sparkling statement as a wedding favour. You’ll need the bottle of champagne (obviously), glass paint, and paint brushes. Try painting each bottle with polka dots, guests’ names, flowers, or any other motif that suits your wedding theme. Give them plenty of time to dry, then place them on the tables next to guests’ place settings. 

  • Materials needed: Mini champagne bottles, glass paint, paint brushes, custom labels, ribbon.
  • Cost: £5-£25 a piece, depending on the brand of champagne.

4) Clay ornaments

Clay ornaments are a sweet and inexpensive option for wedding favours. You’ll need some air-dry clay, play stamps, something to cut the shapes out with (like a butter knife), and some string. You’ll also need a little water for smoothing edges, which we haven’t included in the cost below. 

Simply roll out the clay, cut out shapes like hearts or stars, and use stamps to imprint initials, dates, or designs. Let them dry completely, then thread a piece of string through each one for hanging.

  • Materials needed: Air-dry clay, stamps, knife or cookie cutters, string.
  • Cost: Around £1 a piece.

5) Message in a bottle

Message-in-a-bottle wedding favours are perfect for a quick thank you at a beach, outdoor, or whimsical themed weddings. You’ll need small glass bottles with corks, paper for the message, and a bit of twine or ribbon. Write a heartfelt thank you note, roll it up, and place it inside the bottle. Tie a small piece of twine or ribbon around the bottle neck for a charming touch.

  • Materials needed: Small glass bottles with corks, paper, twine or ribbon.
  • Cost: Around £1.50 a piece.

6) Friendship bracelets

Friendship bracelets are a sweet and nostalgic wedding favour that guests will cherish. You can make them in your wedding colours or incorporate beads with initials or small charms that match your wedding theme. You can either buy pre-made friendship bracelet kits or visit a haberdashery for a selection of beads, strings, and clasps. Either way, this is an inexpensive choice for DIY wedding favours. 

  • Materials needed: Beads, string, lobster claw clasps. 
  • Cost: Around £1.75 a piece.

7) Painted plant pots

Purchase some small terracotta plant pots from your local garden centre and some clay paint and paint brushes from a craft shop. Then, sit down with your soon-to-be-spouse, wedding party, or family and get painting! You’ll have fun creating unique designs, and your guests will love taking home a little piece of your creativity. Once the paint is dry, pop it next to guests’ place names for a sweet DIY wedding favour. 

  • Materials needed: Plant pots, paint, and paint brushes. 
  • Cost: Around £3 a piece.

8) Embroidered napkins

You can easily DIY these wedding favours if you have an embroidery machine or a passion for needlepoint. However, just note that it may be a little time-consuming. Embroider each napkin with your wedding date, a small design, or your guests’ initials. These personalised napkins will be a beautiful and practical keepsake for your guests to remember your special day by. 

  • Materials needed: Plain napkins, embroidery thread, embroidery hoop, needle or embroidery machine.
  • Cost: Around £2.50 a piece.

9) DIY lip balm

This DIY craft will need basic ingredients like beeswax, coconut oil, and essential oils for scent. Melt the beeswax and coconut oil together, add a few drops of your chosen essential oil, and pour the mixture into small lip balm containers. Let them cool and solidify, then add personalised labels or decorate the containers with ribbons. These homemade lip balms are not only practical, but also a lovely way to pamper your guests.

  • Materials needed: Beeswax, coconut oil, essential oils, small lip balm containers, labels, ribbons.
  • Cost: Around £2.50 each 

10) Aromatherapy spray

Although it might seem complicated, it’s easy to DIY your own aromatherapy spray. Bulk-buy some spray bottles online, then combine your favourite essential oil with some tap water for a refreshing room spritz. You’ll need around 10 drops per 200ml to make an impact. Try peppermint oil for an energising spray, lemon balm and lavender for a relaxing scent, or eucalyptus for a fresh, clean aroma. 

Add a personalised label and a ribbon to each bottle for an extra special touch. Your guests will love having a little piece of tranquillity to take home with them.

  • Materials needed: Spray bottles, essential oils, tap water, personalised labels, ribbon.
  • Cost: Around £1.75 a piece.

Budget-friendly wedding favour ideas

11) Hand-painted stones

Collect pebbles and stones of different shapes and sizes from your local river or beach. Then, you’ll need some acrylic paint, brushes, and a little creativity. Sit down with your soon-to-be spouse or your wedding party, and have fun painting designs, quotes, or even your wedding date on each stone. These can be used as paperweights, garden decorations, or just a lovely keepsake for your guests.

  • Materials needed: Pebbles or stones, acrylic paint, paint brushes, clear sealant like PVA glue.
  • Cost: Around £0.50 a piece.

12) Scratch cards

You can’t go wrong with a £1 scratch card for a cheap and fun wedding favour. Pop each scratch card into a small envelope or wrap it with a pretty ribbon and a note wishing your guests good luck. It adds a little excitement to the festivities, and who knows, maybe one of your guests will win big!

  • Materials needed: £1 scratch cards, small envelopes or ribbon, note cards.
  • Cost: Around £1.15 a piece.

13) Charity donations

Give £1 (or however much you’d like) in the name of each of your guests to a charity of your choice. Simply print out small cards explaining that a donation has been made on their behalf and place them at each table setting. This thoughtful favour not only shows your appreciation, but also supports a good cause.

  • Materials needed: Donation, small cards, printer or calligraphy pen.
  • Cost: Around £1 a piece.

14) Love Hearts

Love Hearts are a nostalgic sweet treat that everyone will enjoy. Buy them in bulk and package a few in small organza bags or boxes. Add a personalised tag with a thank you message and your wedding date. These sweets are not only affordable but also bring happy memories to your special day.

  • Materials needed: Love Heart sweets, organza bags or small boxes, personalised tags.
  • Cost: Around £0.50 a piece.

15) Bubble blowers

You can buy bubble blowers in bulk and personalise them with custom labels or ribbons. Place them at each table setting for a whimsical touch. Your guests will love creating a sea of bubbles, adding fun and magic to your celebration. Plus, they look great in photographs!

  • Materials needed: Bubble blowers, custom labels or ribbons.
  • Cost: Around £0.75 a piece.

16) Recipe cards

Share the love by sharing your favourite recipes. Print or handwrite your favourite recipes on decorative cardstock, and tie them together with a ribbon. Your guests will appreciate this personal touch and may even try out your special dishes at home.

  • Materials needed: Decorative cardstock, printer or pens, ribbon.
  • Cost: Around £0.30 a piece.

17) Flower seed paper

Flower seed paper is biodegradable paper with dried flower seeds embedded in it. When re-hydrated, the flowers will grow wherever the paper is planted. You can buy this paper online in bulk, or make your own using paper pulp and dried flower seeds. In this case, it’s much cheaper and easier to buy it online. 

Cut the paper into hearts, flowers, or any shape that matches your wedding theme, and write a note explaining how to plant it. When guests plant the paper, it will sprout into beautiful flowers, reminding them of your special day.

  • Materials needed: Flower seed paper, scissors, pens or printer for instructions.
  • Cost: Around £0.60 a piece.

18) Fortune tellers

Remember those fun fortune tellers you made in primary school? Well, now they’re a fun and interactive wedding favour! Create customised fortune tellers with fun predictions or sweet messages for your guests. You can use colourful paper and add little decorations to make them even more special. Place them at each table setting for a delightful trip down memory lane.

  • Materials needed: Colourful paper, pens, decorations like stickers or stamps.
  • Cost: Around £0.20 a piece.

19) Soap curls

Making soap curls is a great way to make a few bars of soap stretch to many guests. You’ll need some bars of soap, a vegetable peeler, organza bag, and some ribbon. Try buying a few different scented soaps to create a lovely mix of gorgeous fragrances. Use the peeler to create curls from the soap bars, and fill each organza bag with a handful of curls. Tie with a ribbon and add a personalised tag for a low-cost wedding favour. 

  • Materials needed: Bars of soap, vegetable peeler, organza bags, ribbon, personalised tags.
  • Cost: Around £0.50 a piece depending on the soap you buy.  

20) Extra confetti

If you still have a lot of confetti left over, consider bagging up the confetti in organza bags and giving it to your guests as an extra little treat. This is a simple and inexpensive way to repurpose your leftover wedding supplies. Your guests can take the confetti home as a keepsake or use it to celebrate another special occasion. Plus, it adds a touch of fun and festivity to your wedding favours.

  • Materials needed: Confetti, organza bags, ribbon.
  • Cost: Minimal, since you’re repurposing leftover supplies.

Edible wedding favour ideas

21) Fortune cookies

Fortune cookies are a fun and delicious wedding favour. You can buy them online or from your local Asian food shop for as little as £1 per cookie — you may even be able to get them for less than this if you bulk buy! Set one down in front of each guest’s place settings. Not only will they tide your guests over before their starter, but they’ll also add an element of surprise and fun to your wedding. 

Each guest can break open their cookie to reveal a unique fortune or a sweet message, making it a great icebreaker and conversation starter.

  • Materials needed: Fortune cookies.
  • Cost: Around £1 a piece.

22) Homemade jam 

Feel like getting your Betty Crocker on? Consider making your guests some delicious homemade jam. Choose your favourite fruit, or even a combination of fruits, and spend an afternoon cooking up a batch. 

Pour the jam into small jars and add a personalised label with your names and wedding date. Tie a pretty ribbon around each jar for a charming, rustic touch. Your guests will love this sweet and thoughtful treat, which they can then enjoy at home long after your special day.

Pro tip: Don’t expect your jam to be perfect the first time. You’ll need to practise your jam making before making your wedding favours to ensure you get the recipe just right. 

  • Materials needed: Fresh fruit, sugar, pectin, small jars, labels, ribbon.
  • Cost: Around £1.50 a piece if you use your own fruit.

23) Homemade biscuits

Again, if you’re a bit of a baking whizz, consider baking homemade biscuits for your guests. Choose a classic recipe like shortbread or chocolate chip, or get creative with your favourite flavours. Package the biscuits in small bags or boxes, and add a personalised label with a thank you message. Your guests will appreciate the homemade touch and enjoy these tasty treats.

Pro tip: Bake a test batch before the big day to make sure they turn out just right, and enlist some help for the baking marathon closer to the wedding date.

  • Materials needed: Baking ingredients, bags or boxes, personalised labels.
  • Cost: Around £0.75 a piece.

24) Cake pops

You can easily make cake pops at home, once you have the know-how. You’ll need to either buy a box cake mix or make a cake from scratch;. Bake as usual, then once cooled, crumble into fine crumbs. 

Mix the crumbs with ready-made buttercream icing until you get a dough-like consistency, then roll into small balls. Insert a lollipop stick into each ball and dip them into melted chocolate or candy coating. 

Decorate with sprinkles, nuts, or drizzle with more chocolate. Let them set, and package them in clear bags tied with a ribbon. They’re tasty, cute, and easy to personalise — perfect for a whimsical or garden party themed wedding!

  • Materials needed: Cake mix or ingredients for a cake, frosting, lollipop sticks, melted chocolate or candy coating, sprinkles or nuts, clear bags, ribbon.
  • Cost: Around £0.75 a piece.

25) Popcorn bags

Popcorn is delicious, filling, and cheap to make. All you’ll need are some popcorn kernels, a neutral cooking oil, and a bit of salt. Pop the kernels in a large pot or popcorn maker, then season to taste. You can also get creative with flavours —think caramel, cinnamon sugar, cheese, or even a spicy mix. 

Once your popcorn is ready, fill small paper bags or boxes with the tasty treat. Add a personalised label or tag, and you’ve got a fun and crunchy wedding favour that guests will love.

  • Materials needed: Popcorn kernels, cooking oil, seasoning, small paper bags or boxes, labels or tags.
  • Cost: Around £0.30 a piece.

26) Your favourite sweets

Your wedding day is all about you and your soon-to-be spouse, so the natural

choice for a wedding favour is your favourite sweet treat. Whether they’re M&Ms, seaside rock, or cinder toffee, it’s easy (and cheap) to share these little bites of joy with your guests. 

Buy your favourite sweets in bulk and package them in small bags or jars. Add a personalised label or tag with a thank you message and your wedding date. This sweet and simple favour will be a hit with everyone.

  • Materials needed: Favourite sweets, small bags or jars, labels or tags.
  • Cost: Varies depending on the sweet, but typically around £0.50-£1 a piece.

27) S’mores kits

Although s’mores are a traditionally American snack, they’re gaining popularity across the pond. Create individual s’mores kits for your guests by packaging digestive biscuits, chocolate squares, and marshmallows in small boxes or bags. Add a personalised tag with a fun message like “S’more love to you!” or “A ‘roast’ to our love!”.

These kits are perfect for a cosy, rustic wedding, and can be enjoyed around a bonfire or at home.

  • Materials needed: Digestive biscuits, chocolate squares, marshmallows, small boxes or bags, labels or tags.
  • Cost: Around £1 a piece. 

28) Macarons

Macarons are a sweet, elegant treat that can add a touch of sophistication to your wedding favours. These delicate French cookies come in a variety of flavours and colours, making them easy to match with your wedding theme.

You can, of course, make your own if you fancy yourself a bit of a pastry chef. We recommend practising beforehand to ensure they turn out just right. Making macarons can be a bit tricky, but with some patience and a few trial runs, you can master the art.

Once baked or bought, package a few macarons in a small box or bag, and add a personalised tag or label to make them extra special. They are sure to be a hit with your guests, offering a delightful taste of luxury.

  • Materials needed: Macarons, small boxes or bags, labels or tags.
  • Cost: Around £2 a piece.

29) Tea blends

Whether you’re a fan of a classic cuppa, prefer a fruity blend, or enjoy the fresh taste of a peppermint tea, custom tea blends can make for a wonderful wedding favour. You could either keep it classic or buy a variety of loose leaf teas and mix your own special blends. 

Package the tea in small tins or sachets, and add a personalised label with brewing instructions and a thank you message. Your guests will love this thoughtful and soothing gift, perfect for relaxing and remembering your special day.

Bear in mind that loose leaf tea is typically cheaper and fresher than tea bags, but not all your guests will have a tea strainer. 

  • Materials needed: Loose leaf tea, small tins or sachets, labels or tags.
  • Cost: Around £1 a piece.

30) Mini olive oil bottles

Little bottles of olive oil will add a Mediterranean touch to your wedding favours. Choose a high-quality extra virgin olive oil, and pour it into small glass bottles. You can infuse the oil with herbs like rosemary or garlic for added flavour. 

Add a personalised label and tie a sprig of fresh herbs around the neck of each bottle with a ribbon. These elegant and practical favours will remind your guests of your beautiful day every time they cook.

  • Materials needed: Extra virgin olive oil, small glass bottles, herbs for infusion, labels, ribbon.
  • Cost: Around £3.50 a piece.

Keepsake wedding favour ideas

31) Custom fridge magnets

Have custom fridge magnets made with the date of your wedding, your shared initials, or a sweet snap from your engagement shoot. Every time your guests open their fridge, they’ll be reminded of the wonderful time they had at your wedding. 

You can find plenty of online services that create personalised magnets, or if you’re feeling crafty, you can make your own with magnet sheets and a bit of creativity. These magnets are not only practical, but also a lovely way for your guests to remember your special day.

  • Materials needed: Custom fridge magnets.
  • Cost: Around £1 a piece if ordered online, less if DIY.

32) Custom keyrings

Similarly to the custom fridge magnets, you can have custom keyrings made with your wedding date, initials, or a meaningful symbol. Keyrings are something your guests can carry with them daily, keeping the memory of your special day close at hand. 

You can choose from a variety of materials like metal, wood, or acrylic, and there are many online services that offer custom designs. If you enjoy DIY projects, you can create your own keyrings with a personal touch, but it’s usually easier and cheaper to purchase these online. 

  • Materials needed: Custom keyrings.
  • Cost: Around £1.50 a piece.

33) Custom plant markers

If you’re expecting some green-fingered guests, consider offering custom plant markers as your wedding favours. Plant markers are designed to help gardeners remember what they planted where. 

You can either have these made online or make them yourself out of lollipop sticks and waterproof paint pens. Add a personal touch by including your names and wedding date, or a cute garden-related pun. 

  • Materials needed: Plant markers or lollipop sticks, waterproof pens.
  • Cost: Around £0.50 a piece if DIY, more if purchased online.

34) Engraved compacts

Engraving your guest’s names on compact mirrors is a chic and personal way to thank them for being a part of your special day. These small mirrors are not only practical, but also make for a beautiful keepsake. 

You can find services online that offer engraving, or if you’re into DIY projects, you can buy an engraving tool and do it yourself. This is a perfect favour for a glamorous or vintage-themed wedding.

  • Materials needed: Compact mirrors, engraving service or tool.
  • Cost: Around £3 a piece.

35) Personalised trinket tray

You can make personalised trinket trays out of air-dry clay, acrylic paint, and simple glaze like PVA glue. Consider engraving the clay dishes with your initials, the date of your wedding, or a small design that fits your theme. Keep the design simple to ensure you can recreate it a number of times. 

Once the clay has dried and set, paint and glaze the trays for a polished look. These trinket trays are perfect for holding jewellery or small keepsakes and will be a delightful reminder of your special day for your guests.

  • Materials needed: Air-dry clay, acrylic paint, PVA glue or glaze, engraving tools.
  • Cost: Around £1.50 a piece if DIY, more if purchased.

36) Leather wrist bands

Leather wrist bands are ideal for outdoor, rustic, or boho-themed weddings. You can personalise these bands with your wedding date, initials, or a short yet meaningful phrase. There are kits available for DIY leather stamping, or you can find online services that will customise them for you. These stylish and functional favours will be a hit with your guests and can be worn as a memento of your special day.

  • Materials needed: Leather strips, stamping tools, or custom service.
  • Cost: Around £2 a piece.

37) Personalised fans

If you’re getting married on the beach, abroad, or in the height of summer, personalised fans are a fantastic and practical wedding favour idea. You can have them customised with your wedding date, names, or a sweet message. 

Not only will they help keep your guests cool, but they’ll also serve as a lovely keepsake from your special day. Choose from a variety of styles and materials, such as paper, silk, or bamboo, to match your wedding theme.

  • Materials needed: Fans, custom printing service.
  • Cost: Around £1.50 a piece.

38) Burnt wooden discs

These wedding favours are natural, rustic, and will double as place settings. Use small wooden discs and burn your guests’ names, your wedding date, or a meaningful symbol onto them. You can use a wood-burning tool for this DIY project, or find a service that will do the custom burning for you. These discs can be used as coasters, ornaments, or keepsakes, adding a warm, personal touch to your celebration.

  • Materials needed: Wooden discs, wood-burning tool, or customisation service.
  • Cost: Around £1 a piece if DIY, more if purchased.

39) Acrylic paperweights

You can either make your own acrylic paperweights by purchasing clear acrylic moulds and casting resin, or buy custom-made ones online. Personalise them with your wedding date, initials, or a small decorative item embedded inside. These paperweights are practical, stylish, and make for a beautiful keepsake that your guests will appreciate.

  • Materials needed: Acrylic moulds, casting resin, decorative items, customisation service.
  • Cost: Around £2 a piece if DIY, more if purchased.

40) Personalised travel mugs

This wedding favour is a little pricier compared to the other options on our list,  but they’re a practical and memorable gift that your guests will use daily. Personalised travel mugs can be customised with your wedding date, names, or a special message. They’re perfect for both eco-conscious guests and those who are always on the go. 

It’s likely these personalised wedding favours will need to be created online (unless you have some very specialist equipment hanging around!). Choose from a variety of styles, colours, and materials to match your wedding theme. These mugs will keep your guests’ beverages hot or cold while reminding them of your special day.

  • Materials needed: Travel mugs, custom printing service.
  • Cost: Around £15 a piece.

Nature-themed wedding favours

41) Mini succulents

If you want to give your guests something different but still cute and memorable, mini succulents could be right up your street. They’re easy to care for, will bring a pop of colour to your big day, and are a quirky option for wedding favours. Plus, they symbolise growth and new beginnings, which is perfect for a wedding celebration. 

You can personalise the pots with your names, wedding date, or a sweet message, and add a decorative touch with some colourful ribbon or paint. 

  • Materials needed: Mini succulents, small pots, paint or ribbons, tags.
  • Cost: Around £1.50 a piece.

42) Lavender sachets

You can easily create your own calming lavender sachets by filling some organza bags with dried or fresh lavender petals. Simply collect some lavender flowers, rub them between your hands to help the petals fall off, and collect them into little bags or pouches. Tie each one with a ribbon and a personalised note for the perfect DIY wedding favour. 

  • Materials needed: Lavender flowers, organza bag, ribbons.
  • Cost: Around £1.50 a piece.

43) Pinecone bird feeders

Head to your local forest and collect some large pinecones. You’ll need to do this in the late summer or early autumn, so this DIY wedding favour idea is best for those planning an autumn or winter wedding.

Once you’ve collected the pinecones, coat them with peanut butter and roll them in birdseed. Tie a loop of string around the top so your guests can easily hang them in their gardens. Not only do these bird feeders look charming, but they also help local wildlife.

  • Materials needed: Pinecones, peanut butter, birdseed, string.
  • Cost: Around £0.50 a piece.

44) Bee-friendly flower bombs

Similar to dried flower seeds, bee-friendly flower bombs are a fun way to give back to nature. These small balls of seed and soil can be tossed into a garden or plant pot to grow flowers for a pop of colour and to support bee populations.

To make them, mix soil and wildflower seeds, add a bit of clay to hold the mixture together, and form into small balls. Let them dry, and package in a cute bag or box with planting instructions. 

  • Materials needed: Wildflower seeds, soil, clay, bags or boxes.
  • Cost: Around £0.75 a piece.

45) Bamboo straws

Reusable straws are an eco-friendly and practical wedding favour that your guests can get to using straight away. They’re perfect for reducing plastic waste and are a fun addition to your wedding day. You can find bamboo straws online for a small cost and either leave them plain or personalise them with some ribbon or engravings. 

It’s worth noting you probably won’t be able to DIY these unless you have highly specialised equipment. It’s best to just buy them! 

  • Materials needed: Bamboo straws.
  • Cost: Around £1 each depending on the store.

46) Beeswax wraps

Beeswax wraps are an eco-friendly alternative to cling film, allowing guests to keep their food fresh while protecting the environment. You can either make these yourself using cotton fabric, beeswax pellets, and an iron, or buy pre-made ones and personalise them with your wedding details. 

These wraps are reusable and washable, making them a practical and sustainable gift. Package them with a small tag explaining how to use and care for the wraps, and your guests will appreciate the thoughtful and green gesture.

  • Materials needed: Cotton fabric, beeswax pellets, iron (if DIY), tags.
  • Cost: Around £1.50 a piece if DIY, more if purchased.

47) Homemade clay plant pots

We spoke earlier about painting your own plant pots, but what about making your own plant pots for a truly unique wedding favour? Start with air-dry clay, which is easy to mould and doesn’t require a kiln. Shape the clay into small pots and personalise them by engraving your initials, wedding date, or a special design while the clay is still soft. Once the pots have dried, you can paint them in your wedding colours or leave them with a natural, rustic look. 

  • Materials needed: Air-dry clay, clay tools for shaping and engraving, paint (optional), small succulents or herbs.
  • Cost: Around £2 a piece if DIY.

48) Pressed flower coasters

Buy pre-pressed flowers online or collect rural wildflowers for hand pressing if you’re feeling crafty. You’ll also need to buy some cork coaster bottoms online. If you do choose to hand-press your flowers, make sure they’re completely dried out before proceeding to the next step!

You can then arrange the pressed flowers on the coasters in beautiful patterns and seal them with a clear, heat-resistant resin. This will not only protect the flowers but also give the coasters a glossy, professional finish. Add a personalised touch by including your names and wedding date on each coaster. 

  • Materials needed: Pressed flowers, cork coaster bottoms, clear resin, personalised labels or markers.
  • Cost: Around £2.50 a piece if DIY. Slightly more if you purchase flowers, slightly less if you collect and press your own. 

49) Wooden utensil sets

You can find reusable wooden cutlery and utensils online, making them a practical and eco-friendly wedding favour. Look for sets that include a spoon, fork, knife, and perhaps even a set of chopsticks. These utensils can be personalised with your wedding date, names, or a short message. 

To make the gift even more special, package each set in a cloth bag or wrap them with a ribbon. Your guests will appreciate this thoughtful and sustainable favour that they can use for picnics, camping trips, or everyday meals.

  • Materials needed: Wooden utensil sets, cloth bags or ribbons, personalised tags or engraving tools.
  • Cost: Around £4 a piece if purchased in bulk.

50) Shell jewellery

Throwing a beach wedding, summer wedding, or otherwise love the ocean? Consider offering shell jewellery as a unique and beautiful wedding favour. You can create stunning pieces using shells collected from your favourite beach or purchased online. 

Make necklaces, bracelets, or earrings by attaching the shells to simple chains, cords, or earring hooks. Personalise each piece with a small tag that includes your wedding date and a heartfelt message. They’re super cute, super personal, and carry all the charm of the sea. 

  • Materials needed: Shells, chains, cords, earring hooks, PVA glue or gloss.
  • Cost: Around £4 a piece if you collect the shells. The cost will largely depend on the quality of the metal used.

The bottom line on wedding favours

Wedding favours are a fun way to let your guests know how much you appreciate their presence on your big day. While they’re not expected, they are traditional, and they add a personal touch that can make your celebration even more memorable. Whether you choose DIY options or purchase them, the key is to select favours that reflect your personality and the theme of your big day. 

There are a ton of wedding favour options on this list to suit every wedding theme, colour scheme, and budget. Whatever you choose to do, have fun with it, get creative, and enjoy the process of giving a little something back to your friends and family. Oh, and be sure to track the cost on Bridebook’s handy budget tool. You wouldn’t want to get carried away, after all!

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