11 Tips for Planning a Queer Wedding: From a Queer, Engaged Wedding Photographer

Guest article written by the lovely Laura Bareham. Laura is a queer wedding photographer based in Warrington, Cheshire, who focuses on creating a safe, inclusive environment for all couples. Laura wholeheartedly believes that your wedding day should be exactly how you want it, free from the shackles of expectation or tradition. Through a unique and unobtrusive storytelling approach, she creates photographs that capture the true personality and spirit of your wedding day. Outside of photography, Laura is happiest pottering in the garden, curled up with a book or watching corny police dramas.

You can check out Laura’s incredible work directly via her website or Instagram, or explore her wonderful profile right here on Bridebook. 

Photo © Laura Bareham Photography | Explore Laura’s portfolio on her website

I’m Laura, and I’m a queer and inclusive wedding photographer based in Cheshire. I got engaged to my wonderful partner Soph in December 2023, and am currently fully immersed in my own wedding planning! I’ve always focused my business on being inclusive, providing a safe space for queer people to be themselves free of judgements or assumptions, and this has only become more important to me since planning my own wedding. 

Planning a wedding is a big undertaking for any couple: alongside all the joy and excitement are a whole raft of decisions to make, suppliers to book and tasks to tick off! With the wedding industry being largely focused on straight cisgender people, this process can be especially daunting for queer people. In my experience (and that of many of my queer couples), when people hear the word ‘wedding’, they automatically assume that it’s a heterosexual wedding. Whilst as queer people most of us experience this sort of assumption on a regular basis throughout our lives, it can be particularly challenging during such a sensitive, vulnerable, and personal time as planning your wedding.

Information and resources for queer couples are becoming easier to come by, but this area is arguably still lagging a fair way behind. Some might say that we shouldn’t need separate guidance or advice at all and that we should stop talking about the differences between cis-het and queer weddings, and so many queer couples have a positive, affirming wedding experience; but the reality is that queer people do often come up against additional challenges when planning their big day. In this article, I hope to provide a bit of information and some helpful tips to make that planning process a little smoother!

It’s important at this point to address the fact that there is no single queer experience, and no single wedding planning experience. I spend a lot of my life immersed in the wedding industry and know a fair bit about how it all works; however, that’s still just my perspective. Much of this article will also apply to queer and cis-het couples alike – we all move through the wedding planning process in our own way, every wedding is unique and there are no right or wrong answers.

Anyway, enough preamble – onto the useful stuff!

1) Beware tips and advice

Okay, this one might be a bit of a strange one to start with but bear with me. Anyone who is planning or has planned a wedding knows that unsolicited wedding advice is lurking around every corner, and it can be incredibly overwhelming knowing what you want to do with everyone and their dog sticking their two pence in. Unfortunately, there can also be those people who just don’t want to accept or understand the things that are important to you and who do not have your best interests at heart. Add to that the fact that the majority of online resources are cis-het focused, and your efforts to find useful advice and guidance can have you in a sweat in ten seconds flat.

At the end of the day, the only person who knows what’s best for you, is you. By all means, make those Pinterest boards, save inspo pics and ask your friends and family for help when you’re making decisions, but just remember that everyone views a wedding through their own lens. Your wedding day is about you, and ultimately, what you say goes!

Photo © Laura Bareham Photography | Explore Laura’s portfolio on her website

2) Give yourself plenty of time to plan

Planning a wedding can throw up some big questions, not just about table plans and décor options, but about who you are, how you see yourself and what a wedding means to you. You’re likely to have different perspectives and opinions on things, so prioritise communication and make space to discuss each person’s priorities openly and without judgement. Forget everything you think you know about weddings; go through each element individually and establish how you as a couple relate to each element. There are no rules!

3) Think carefully about your guest list

I think anyone who has planned a wedding has found the guest list to be a point of contention at some point throughout the process! Whether it’s minimum or maximum numbers for your chosen venue, cost per head for the wedding breakfast or debates about plus ones, crafting your perfect guest list can be a challenge. Keep communication open and honest with your partner about guest list priorities and who each of you feels comfortable inviting to share your day with you.

It would also feel remiss of me not to mention negative reactions from friends, families and acquaintances at this point. Sending wedding invites can be a really vulnerable process, especially for queer couples. Not everyone is accepting of queer marriage, and the invite process can often bring homophobia into the light. One of my couples experienced several invite rejections from extended family members due to them ‘politely accepting our relationship but choosing not to attend because it is a queer wedding’. 

You may not be able to change people’s views, but you can decide who to invite to your wedding. Protect yourself from negativity and keep yourself safe wherever possible.

Photo © Laura Bareham Photography | Explore Laura’s portfolio on her website

4) Approach traditions with caution

Wedding traditions are so hard-wired into many of us that it can be hard to think outside of the box when it comes to your own plans. Telly, films and the world around us have shaped our idea of what a wedding is ‘supposed’ to look like, and queer people are very rarely reflected within this. Your wedding is a celebration of you, and you can do as you please regardless of what’s ‘usually’ done.

There is also a lot of history attached to wedding traditions. Some good examples…

  • In the Western world, a bride wearing white symbolised purity and virginity.
  • Some say that bridesmaids come from a time when brides were seen as property to be kidnapped, stolen or killed by rivals, whilst others say it was to confuse evil spirits so they wouldn’t attack the bride.
  • A bride being given away by her father used to signify a transfer of ownership from one man to another.
  • Getting married in a church isn’t an option for the vast majority of queer people (on that note, if you’re looking for some inspiration for non-traditional wedding venues, check out this stunning styled shoot in Manchester City Centre).

You get the gist – these traditions are all but meaningless in the modern world whether you’re queer or not, yet they’re so often followed unquestioningly. 

That said, just because you’re planning a queer wedding doesn’t mean you have to do away with tradition entirely. If a tradition feels good for you, run with it! Just don’t feel pressured to do something that is at odds with your morals, relationship, or plain common sense just because tradition told you to.

When I think of a queer wedding that was the perfect blend of tradition, modernity and queer joy, I think of Jon and Jay. Check out their dreamy Cheshire wedding here.

Photo © Laura Bareham Photography | Explore Laura’s portfolio on her website

5) Consider rethinking your wedding terminology

The possibilities here are endless. If you’re feeling a disconnect with traditional wedding terminology, why not come up with your own alternatives? In my experience I’ve come across alternatives such as ‘marriers’ instead of ‘couple’ (after all, not all marriages include a bride and/or groom and not all marriages consist of two people); ‘bests’ instead of bridesmaids and groomsmen; and a whole host of other terminology tweaks which have made peoples’ wedding days feel more ‘them’.

If you do decide to use alternative terms during your wedding planning and big day, consider sharing these with your suppliers and loved ones if you feel safe and comfortable doing so. As a supplier, I always do my best to use whichever terms, words and phrases make my couples feel most comfortable, and those who love and care for you should make an effort to do the same.

Which leads me neatly onto…

6) Choose wedding suppliers who align with your values and vision

There are so many incredible queer and inclusive suppliers out there! From venues to florists to ateliers to DJs, queer people and allies are everywhere and the wedding industry is no exception. Each individual supplier will contribute to the feel of your wedding day and your overall experience, so it makes sense to have a think about what’s important to you and book people who align with this.

I’ve met couples who have proudly planned their wedding using exclusively queer vendors, whereas for other couples this is much less of a priority. Not all queer vendors will include their sexuality on their websites, and not all allies will shout about it over socials. That doesn’t mean that they won’t provide a fantastic, safe and inclusive experience for you on your wedding day. Often, we just get a ‘feel’ for people and that will be different for everyone, so I’d recommend doing your research, having a good chat with suppliers before booking to make sure you feel comfortable with them, and going with your heart.

It can feel intimidating knowing where to start when it comes to booking suppliers, but there are lots of brilliant directories out there which provide a great starting point, including some fantastic queer-specific ones and, of course, Bridebook!

Photo © Laura Bareham Photography | Explore Laura’s portfolio on her website

7) Give yourself permission to wear whatever makes you happy

“Well, you’re both brides so of course you’ll both wear a dress” – an actual thing an actual person said to my partner and I about our wedding. Gender expectations around attire is by no means limited to queer weddings, but it’s the type of comment that a lot of us hear during planning. 

The way we choose to present ourselves to the world is an incredibly personal choice, and it’s so important that on your wedding day you can wear something that feels good, feels affirming and feels you. Some of us instinctively know from the offset what we want to wear (I always knew it was going to be a dress for me), but others don’t have that same certainty. The heavy stereotypes around wedding clothing can also bring up some complicated feelings and emotions, so give yourself plenty of time to plan your outfit so you can navigate these moments without looming time pressures.

If traditional wedding clothing isn’t hitting the spot for you, try thinking outside the box:

  • Would you feel comfortable moving away from ‘traditional’ wedding colours? What colours do you love? (Enter past bride El’s pink suit of dreams – check it out here).
  • What clothes do you already own that make you feel great? Is there a version of this that you’d feel comfortable wearing on your wedding day?
  • Consider shopping in less traditionally wedding-y places, such as high street stores, charity shops and eBay/Vinted.
  • Whilst this may not be an option that is financially viable to all, you might consider having an outfit custom-made, giving you total freedom over what you want to create.
  • It’s also worth doing a bit of an audit of your friends and family’s skillsets – you might already know someone who can put together the wedding outfit of your dreams!

One of my 2024 couples is the perfect example of doing-what-works-for-you – they’ve made their own dresses, neither are wearing white and they’ve shared every step of the creation process. The result is two very happy brides with completely custom outfits which are going to make them feel absolutely incredible on the day! Nobody should have to compromise on that kind of feeling.

Photo © Laura Bareham Photography | Explore Laura’s portfolio on her website

8) Choose your shopping experience wisely

There are expectations at literally every turn when you’re planning a wedding, and shopping for your wedding outfit is no exception (especially for brides). I know when I was shopping for my wedding dress, I felt a bit paralysed by how to go about it, especially as I wasn’t planning to have a traditional bridal party – who was I supposed to invite? Would my mum be hurt if I didn’t ask her to go with me? What if I loved something, but didn’t get the reaction I wanted from the people who were with me? Did it all have to be such a big deal?

In the end, the appointments where I felt most comfortable were the ones I went to on my own. For some of them, I didn’t even tell anyone I was going. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, cut the noise and consider shopping alone, or carefully choose the person that you feel is going to give you what you need during that experience. Also, if in-person shopping gives you the ick, start your research online and create a focused shortlist of places that feel safe and comfortable for you to visit.

Photo © Laura Bareham Photography | Explore Laura’s portfolio on her website

9) Think flexibly about hen/stag celebrations

Another area of wedding planning that is rife with traditions and expectations is hen and stag celebrations, and these expectations are also heavily gendered. This may mean that some queer couples feel a significant disconnect with the idea of a hen or stag do – Soph and I definitely did! It’s fair to say that these kinds of celebrations aren’t for everyone no matter what kind of couple you are, but if you do want to celebrate with loved ones without the heavily gendered traditions, here is a reminder that your hen or stag do can look however you want it to. Consider having a joint celebration, invite anyone you want regardless of gender, call it by a different name if hen or stag doesn’t feel like a good fit, steer clear of gendered gimmicks… or don’t have one at all if you don’t want to! 

10) Do your research around honeymoon destinations

For many queer people, checking how safe and accepted we’ll be in any given destination is a standard part of planning any holiday. This becomes even more important during honeymoon planning, as more couples consider far-flung destinations where legality and culture can vary significantly to countries closer to home. In some popular honeymoon destinations, such as the Caribbean and the Maldives, homosexuality is still illegal; other countries have relaxed their laws around homosexuality in recent years, but local culture is still not welcoming to queer people and therefore visiting may not be safe. 

There are many wonderful honeymoon destinations where queer people are welcomed with open arms including most parts of Greece, Thailand and Italy, so there are still great options out there – just make sure you do your research before you book. 

Photo © Laura Bareham Photography | Explore Laura’s portfolio on her website

11) Do whatever you want

I guess this really just sums up the whole article. Ultimately, your wedding is your day and how it plays out is your choice. If something works for you, do it. If it doesn’t, don’t! By all means, ask those you trust for advice and support where needed and utilise the enormous raft of general wedding-related information and inspiration available online, but just be sure not to lose sight of the most important thing – you!

If you’re looking for a bit more queer wedding inspiration or information, I’ve got a few more blogs over on my website that you might find interesting:

A huge thank you to Pippa Volans, Esme Whiteside, Kieran Bellis, my couples and my loved ones who generously shared their thoughts, feelings and experiences to help me write this article.

17th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

If you’re about to celebrate your 17th wedding anniversary, congratulations! 17 years of marriage is an incredible achievement and one you’re no doubt excited to celebrate. In some cultures, the number 17 is considered unlucky, but that clearly doesn’t apply to you as you prepare to celebrate this amazing milestone.

One thing you might like to do on your 17th anniversary is treat your partner to a gift and show them just how much they mean to you and always will. But, what kind of gift do you give to the love of your life at this stage in your marriage? Well, did you know that for more than 100 years, there have been gifts traditionally given by couples to each other? That’s right, it’s not just the big milestones like your 10th anniversary or 25th anniversary where this applies. There are also traditional and modern gifts for your 17th anniversary.

These gifts go beyond the usual box of chocolates and have an extra special meaning behind them which makes them worthy of such a fabulous milestone. Not that a box of chocolates or any other type of gift isn’t amazing, but the symbolism behind the traditional and modern gifts takes your gift-giving to the next level.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at what the traditional and modern 17th anniversary gifts are, as well as the traditional gemstone and flower. We’ll also give you 50 suggestions for gifts to consider so you can spoil your other half with something full of love and meaning.

For more information about all the different traditions surrounding anniversary gifts from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 17th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 17th wedding anniversary gifts

Both the traditional and modern anniversary gifts for 17 years of marriage have been given by couples to each other for more than a century. These gifts are packed with symbolism, which is what makes them such a thoughtful gesture, as they let your partner know how you feel about them. They’re not something you must get for them; of course, any gift is brilliant and will surely be well-received. But these traditions help make your anniversary that little bit more special.

Traditional 17th anniversary gift – A watch

The traditional gift for celebrating 17 years of marriage is a watch. Watches symbolise the passing of time, and your past, present and future as a couple. It’s not exactly a gift that you can have too much creativity with (although there are ways, which we’ll show you below). A watch was also the modern gift for your 15th anniversary, so if you didn’t get your partner one two years ago, it’s definitely something to consider now.

Modern 17th anniversary gift – Furniture

If you’d prefer to give your partner the modern 17th anniversary gift, you’ll want to give them furniture. Initially, it may seem a bit of a strange gift, but it represents comfort and familiarity, which actually makes it very meaningful. You might not necessarily want to get your partner a flatpack wardrobe (unless they’ve asked for one or you think they’d love it – in which case, go for it!), but there’s a lot of fun you can have with the theme.

17th anniversary gemstone – Carnelian

The traditional 17th anniversary gemstone is carnelian, a fabulous red and brown semi-precious stone that is said to boost creativity and self-esteem. When it comes to your relationship, carnelian protects your marriage and brings your energy. Carnelian isn’t one of the most commonly used stones in jewellery, but you should still have a lot to choose from so you can find something perfect for your partner.

17th anniversary flower – Red carnation

The traditional 17th anniversary flower is the red carnation, a beautifully big, bold bloom which isa wonderful addition to any bouquet, but which also works perfectly well as the star of the show. Carnations represent love and devotion, so could there be a flower more appropriate to give to your other half when celebrating 17 years of loving marriage?

How do you choose a gift for a 17th wedding anniversary?

Buying the perfect gift for your other half for your 17th wedding anniversary can be a tricky decision. There may be  a lot of choice, but the themes are perhaps not the most obvious when it comes to a romantic gift your partner would love to receive. Your partner might not wear a watch or have heard of a carnelian before, and there might not be any room for more furniture in your home.

But don’t let this sway you just yet. Before you make your decision, there are a few things to consider.

  • Is sticking to one of the anniversary themes important to you? If it is, you’ll want to figure out a way to make the themes work for you.
  • Have you agreed on a budget? Watches and furniture can vary wildly in price, so both would suit a variety of budgets.
  • Do you want to give your partner a gift that can be personalised? Watches are easier to personalise than furniture, but that’s not to say it’s impossible.
  • What sort of gift might your partner like to receive? Maybe you’ve spoken about themed gifts or they’ve dropped hints about something else they might like instead.

Is a couple you love about to celebrate their 17th anniversary? If so, you might be on the hunt for a gift and wonder whether you can get in on the action and give them a gift also linked to either the traditional or modern themes. These themes are for everyone, not just the couple, so if you’ve thought of the perfect gift which also just happens to be on theme, then you should definitely feel free to join in on the fun. The theme isn’t exclusive to the couple and shows them just how much you care by putting in that extra bit of thought and effort.

50 ideas for a 17th wedding anniversary gift

The 17th anniversary themes aren’t quite as obviously romantic as they are with other anniversaries. But, you might still be keen to honour the traditions and give your partner a gift filled with historical meaning. With a little creativity you can give your partner something they can enjoy and treasure for many years to come – but where do you start? Thankfully, we’re here with 50 ideas for 17th wedding anniversary gifts to help you choose something for your other half.

10 traditional gifts for a 17th wedding anniversary

The traditional 17th wedding anniversary gift is a watch, which is a gift that’s fairly self-explanatory so doesn’t leave many options for fun and creativity. But, there are still ways to do something a little different and unique, even if they don’t seem obvious at first. Here are 10 ideas so you can give your partner a watch they’ll never want to be apart from.

1. A carnelian eWatch watch

With a carnelian eWatch watch, not only do you give your partner a pretty swish-looking watch, but it’s also got a carnelian face which can be personalised to include your names and the date of your wedding or anniversary. It’s available in his and her designs and is a beautifully subtle gift your partner can always wear.

2. An engraved wooden watch

For a watch that’s bold and rustic but still incredibly stylish, you might want to choose an engraved wooden watch. It’s made to order and includes a custom message on the back so your other half can always keep a part of you close by.

3. A 17th anniversary watch gift box

This smart men’s Openwork Watch is presented in a gift box complete with a personalised message, and you really can’t go wrong with a 17th anniversary watch gift box. The back of the watch is also open which allows you to see the intricate workings inside.

4. A carnelian ring watch

For something incredibly unique, a carnelian ring watch is a personalisable watch that your partner can wear around their neck. It also features a callback to the 17th anniversary gemstone which makes it a double-hitter.

5. A rose gold watch gift set

Spoil your partner on your anniversary with a rose gold watch gift set. It covers the theme with the inclusion of a lovely rose gold watch, but it also comes with earrings, a necklace and a bangle, providing your other half with every accessory they might need for a big night out.

6. A carnation gold mesh watch

Combine the traditional gift and the traditional flower with a carnation gold mesh watch, a multifunctional watch that has a business-chic feel. Because it covers two traditional gifts, it has double the symbolic meaning, too.

7. A unique Mr Jones watch

If your partner has a style that wouldn’t necessarily be described as ‘normal’, then a bog-standard watch probably won’t push their buttons. Instead, you could get them a unique Mr Jones watch, which comes in a variety of incredible designs, including lazing in the pool, pinball-playing robots and a motorway road sign.

8. A delicate walnut and walnut watch

For a delicate but beautiful way to tell the time, a Holzkern walnut and walnut watch is reminiscent of a bracelet but versatile so that it can go with a wide range of styles and outfits.

9. A personalised photo watch

To give your partner a watch like no other, a personalised photo watch will really do the trick. You can customise the face by uploading your own choice of photo, which could be the two of you, your cat, or maybe even your kids.

10. A watch for a charm bracelet

Does your partner have a charm bracelet and love collecting charms to add their own personal memories which can be swapped out? If so, then a watch charm for a charm bracelet is a tiny perfectly on-theme gift which your partner can wear and which will always remind them of your amazing milestone.

10 modern gifts for a 17th wedding anniversary

If you’re not sure that your partner would love a watch or you gave them one for your anniversary a couple of years ago, you might want to choose the modern gift, which is furniture. Furniture isn’t often considered something you might give as a gift – after all, have you ever tried to wrap up a sofa? That said, furniture is a rather broad theme, so cancel that trip to DFS and take a look at these 10 suggestions for furniture-themed gifts which don’t necessarily mean forking out for a new three-piece suite.

1. A pair of smart bedside tables

We bet that if most of us are honest, our bedside tables are probably past their best. So, you could take the opportunity to pick up a pair of smart bedside tables and bring a breath of fresh air to your bedroom.

2. A lovely new rug

Transform any room in your home by giving your partner a lovely new rug for your anniversary. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a new rug between your toes. Many retailers sell rugs, but they have a great selection over at Rug Shop to suit all styles, tastes and budgets.

3. A modern bookshelf

For the avid reader in your life, a modern bookshelf provides you with a contemporary way for your other half to keep their favourite books in order.

4. A sit-stand desk

If your partner works from home regularly and often complains about their back, then this gift sounds like it was made for them. A sit-stand desk can be adjusted quickly and easily, so your partner can choose to either sit down or stand up. They’re also said to improve productivity and posture, so it’s a win-win.

5. A comfortable armchair

There’s nothing quite like climbing into a big, comfortable armchair to enjoy a book, watch a movie, have a nap or any of the other things your other half might like to do in an armchair. Check out Marks and Spencer’s range of armchairs to find one that suits your decor.

6. A coffee table arcade machine

For the retro gamer in your life, give them the surprise of a lifetime by switching out your old coffee table and replacing it with a coffee table arcade machine. These tables are completely customisable, include two sets of controls for multiplayer madness and come loaded with more than 1,000 games.

7. Design-your-own coffee table

We bet you haven’t got another piece of furniture quite like this at home. A design-your-own coffee table lets you upload your own photograph which is then printed and handmade, so you can give your partner a one-of-a-kind gift to mark your big day.

8. A romantic loveseat

Give your partner a gift that lets you get snuggly on date night, with a romantic loveseat. They’re available in loads of different colours, styles and designs, so finding one that suits your home shouldn’t take long.

9. Floating book bookshelves

Floating book bookshelves let your partner display their favourite books seemingly by magic, which is great for creating a fun and unique way to store their books.

10. A hardwood storage box

If you have a little room at the end of your bed, a hardwood storage box provides ample storage space for bedding, towels and cushions, while being a centrepiece that can help bring a room together.

5 affordable gifts for a 17th wedding anniversary

Both the themes of a watch and furniture are rather different, meaning you can certainly choose to give your other half a unique gift to mark your anniversary. But, both can also be quite expensive, which might not be suitable if you have a smaller budget. That  said, with a little creativity, if you’re only looking to give your partner a small token gift, you can absolutely do that without the need to spend more than you’d like. Here are five suggestions for cheap 17th wedding anniversary gifts.

1. A cute pair of chair stud earrings

There’s nothing to say the furniture theme has to be something life-size. This pair of chair stud earrings is incredibly cute and a funny yet thoughtful way to incorporate the modern theme into your gift.

2. A furniture-themed anniversary card

If you’re planning to give your partner an anniversary card, you could make sure it’s linked to the modern gift by getting them a furniture-themed anniversary card. It includes a great sofa-related pun, and who doesn’t love a good pun?

3. A bag of retro candy watches

Give your partner a sweet (literally) and affordable gift in the form of a bag of retro candy watches. They wrap around your partner’s wrist so they have a sweet treat on hand (also literally) at all times. That is, unless they scoff them all first, which is likely.

4. A Casio unisex watch

It might not have all the glitz and sparkle of an expensive watch, but at the end of the day, a Casio unisex watch tells the time and that’s all many of us expect from a watch. A solid and dependable affordable gift.

5. A pocket watch necklace

Not only is a pocket watch necklace a fabulously affordable gift, but it’s also fashionable and a quirky way to stick to the traditional 17th anniversary theme.

5 DIY gifts for a 17th wedding anniversary

If you really want to do something unique and special for your anniversary, you might consider making your partner’s gift yourself. Okay, so making your own furniture or watch from scratch might be a tall ask unless you have prior experience, but it’s not impossible. There are ways to get creative or pick up a kit so you can have a stab at doing something. Here are five ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

1. Decorate your own stool

You can really have some messy fun by decorating your own stool in a way that your partner will love. Be as imaginative as you like, whether it’s adding colours, cushions, a photograph, crystals… the possibilities are endless. Just pick up a cheap stool from IKEA and get to work!

2. Upcycle an old piece of furniture

Upcycling is a brilliant way to take an old, tired piece of furniture and turn it into something fresh and modern. It makes for a fun project, lets you have a creative outlet and leaves you with a fab gift at the end of it. You can find affordable furniture at charity shops and auctions, and there’s information on ways to upcycle furniture available online.

3. Make your own cosy pet bed

Do you and your partner have a beloved furbaby whom you love dearly and who can do no wrong? Well, one thing you might want to make for your partner (but really for your four-legged friend) is to make them a pet bed that’s completely one-of-a-kind. There are video tutorials available online to give you a helping hand.

4. A Swiss watchmaking kit

Watchmaking is a tough but hugely rewarding skill, but it can be even tougher knowing where to start. If you’d like to have a go at making your partner a watch for your 17th anniversary, a Swiss watchmaking kit provides you with everything you need.

5. A DIY wooden clock

Okay, so this one is bending the rules, but only slightly – because a clock is just a big watch, right? But it’s too good not to include. A DIY wooden clock kit is a simple way for you to create a custom clock to include anything from colours to photographs.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 17th wedding anniversary

If you’re looking for a way to make your 17th wedding anniversary extra special, why not whisk your partner away so the two of you can enjoy an activity or experience together? You don’t necessarily need to go to Paris or sit down for a Michelin-star meal either. You can tie what you do into the traditional and modern themes to make them even more memorable. So, here are five suggestions for new and interesting things to do.

1. A furniture-making course

If you and your partner have ever fancied having a go at making some furniture yourself, then a furniture-making course could just be the ideal gift. There are a range of courses available, from upholstery workshops to stool-making courses.

2. Browse ancient furniture at the V&A

The Victoria & Albert Museum is an amazing museum in South Kensington, just a little south of Hyde Park. It features incredible exhibits around art and design, including a huge collection of furniture which goes back hundreds of years. It’s the perfect way to incorporate the modern theme into an anniversary trip to London.

3. A watchmaking workshop

So much goes into watchmaking. It’s a time-consuming (see what we did there?) and intricate skill to learn. But, with a watchmaking workshop, you can find out all about what goes into it, and even have a go at it yourself.

4. Take a romantic trip to Basel, Switzerland

Switzerland is known for producing some of the best and most luxurious watches in the world. If you have the time and budget, you might consider a weekend away to Basel, which is even home to an annual watch fair. Check out Lonely Planet for more information on exploring Basel’s must-see attractions and planning your next getaway.

5. A trip to Coventry Watch Museum

For something a little bit different, take a trip back through time (we just can’t stop with these puns) and view a huge collection of antique watches at Coventry Watch Museum. You’ll have the time of your life (sorry, we’ll stop now)!

10 17th anniversary gifts that contain carnelian

If you’ve got your sights set on a piece of jewellery to give to your partner on your 17th anniversary, they’ll no doubt love it. But, you could tie that jewellery into the theme by making sure it contains the traditional 17th anniversary gemstone, which is carnelian. It’s not one of the most commonly used stones in jewellery, but its reddish-brown colour makes for a great addition to a variety of pieces (usually gold). You might want to consider the following pieces that can be set with carnelian:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Because carnelian isn’t one of the more popular gemstones, it can be a little more difficult to find a piece you think your partner might love. High-street and independent jewellers may have a small range of pieces which include carnelian, but you may have to visit various stores. At Bridebook, we’ve partnered with loads of brilliant jewellers, many of which have a selection of carnelian jewellery. Make sure you check them out in your search.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 17th wedding anniversary

Flowers are a worldwide symbol of love, so you may be considering giving your partner something blooming brilliant on your anniversary. The traditional 17th anniversary flower is the red carnation, a big brightly coloured bloom that’s full of life. It works great in a bouquet, but also as the inspiration for other gifts. Here are five suggestions for carnation-inspired gifts.

1. A bouquet of red carnations

A bouquet of red carnations is a vibrant, bold and beautiful gift to give to your partner to mark your anniversary. Just an explosion of vivid colour which lets them know exactly how you feel.

2. Handmade red carnation earrings

If your partner likes to wear fabulously unique earrings, then a pair of handmade red carnation earrings might be right up their street. They’re unique but subtle enough to be worn on a wide variety of occasions.

3. A red carnation bowl

For a touch of retro class, a red carnation bowl is a versatile and perfectly on-theme gift that’s also beautiful and practical. It ticks all the right boxes.

4. A hand-knitted carnation

Give your partner a floral gift that’s guaranteed to never wilt in the form of a hand-knitted carnation. A super romantic and token gesture which they can hold on to forever.

5. A preserved carnation flower sphere

Light up your partner’s life with a preserved carnation flower sphere. It encapsulates a carnation in resin so it can be displayed on a desk or shelf, and also doubles as a lovely little nightlight or lamp.

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16th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

If you and your other half are about to celebrate 16 years of marriage, that’s an amazing milestone to have reached, and one which deserves to be celebrated.

As part of your celebrations, you may want to give your partner a gift. But, you might wonder what kind of gift is appropriate for celebrating 16 happy years with the love of your life. Do you go down the safe and reliable route of flowers and chocolates? Do you give them something they’ve asked for or need? Or do you look for something deeply meaningful which tells them exactly how you feel about them?

If you’d like to pick a gift which has that special meaning, you might wonder about the type of gift to choose. Did you know that there are traditional and modern gifts, as well as a traditional flower and gemstone, which couples have been giving to each other for more than 100 years? These gifts are lovely gestures which show your partner just how much thought and love has gone into it.

But what should you choose to help you express your feelings and sentiments, and be worthy of such a brilliant milestone? In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the 16th wedding anniversary gift-giving traditions, including all the traditional and modern gifts and what they mean. We’ll also give you 50 suggestions to help you choose a gift your other half is sure to love.

For more information about gift-giving traditions for all anniversaries from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 16th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 16th wedding anniversary gifts

If you’re looking to give your partner an anniversary gift packed full of meaning, you might want to choose one of the historical gifts that couples have been giving to each other from as far back as the Victorian era. These gifts aren’t set in stone, but they’re a lovely way to say I love you and call back to historical traditions.

Traditional 16th anniversary gift – Wax

The traditional gift when celebrating 16 years of marriage is wax. Wax symbolises how the two of you have moulded your lives around each other to become one, which is an incredibly charming sentiment. The most obvious choice of wax-themed gift is a candle, but it’s not your only choice. With some creativity, you have a lot you could choose from.

Modern 16th anniversary gift – silver holloware

The modern 16th anniversary gift is silver holloware, which is the name given to a vessel, like a bowl or jug, made from silver. It represents a long and successful marriage, which no doubt sums up your marriage since you’re about to celebrate 16 years. By 21st century standards, silver holloware is quite outdated, but it still offers you plenty of opportunities to give your partner an amazing gift.

16th anniversary gemstone – Peridot

The traditional gemstone for celebrating your 16th anniversary is peridot. Peridot is a striking green, almost olive-coloured gemstone, which symbolises strength and balance. It’s a semi-precious stone and can sometimes be fairly pricey, but the cost is reflected in how beautiful it is and how well it goes in a wide range of jewellery and accessories.

16th anniversary flower – Statice

If you’re looking to give your partner a floral gift to mark 16 years, the traditional flower is statice, also known as sea lavender. It symbolises good memories, so could there really be a better flower to sum up the last 16 years with your love? Statice is often dried and used to complement floral arrangements. Despite its romantic meaning, some say fresh statice has a slight smell of cat wee, which sort of explains why it doesn’t often make an appearance in bouquets!

How do you choose a gift for a 16th wedding anniversary?

When the time comes to buy your partner a gift for your 16th anniversary, you might be faced with a difficult decision with so many choices. How are you supposed to pick, especially when the traditional and modern gifts aren’t exactly the most straightforward of themes? Here are several things to consider before making your decision.

  • Is choosing a traditional or modern anniversary gift important to you? If you’ve stuck to either theme for past anniversaries, you may want to continue the trend. 
  • Have you got a set budget? Wax and silver holloware have rather polar opposite costs, which may sway your decision if you have a smaller budget.
  • Are you looking to give your partner a gift with a personalised touch? Silver holloware can be far trickier to personalise or customise than wax.
  • What would your partner love to receive as a gift? Even though it’s the modern gift, silver holloware is fairly old-fashioned and your partner might not appreciate it as much as a gift linked to wax (or the traditional flower or gemstone).

If a couple in your life will soon celebrate their 16th wedding anniversary, you might be on the lookout for a gift for them. As part of that, you may wonder if it’s appropriate for you to give them something linked to either the traditional or modern themes. The great news is, you’re more than able to do that and everyone is welcome (and encouraged!) to join in on the gift-giving fun. It also shows the couple that you put extra care into your gift.

50 ideas for a 16th wedding anniversary gift

Keen to give your partner a 16th anniversary gift they’ll always remember? Both the traditional and modern themes aren’t the easiest to work with, but with a little imagination and thinking outside the box there’s a lot to work with. If you’re not quite sure where to start, we’re here to give you a helping hand. Here are 50 16th wedding anniversary gift ideas so you can give your partner something extra special.

10 traditional gifts for a 16th wedding anniversary

The traditional gift couples give to each other when celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary is wax. Wax isn’t the most versatile gift in the world, and the first thing to enter your head is more than likely a candle. Candles can be a brilliant choice, but there must be a way to make sure you give your partner something more than just a basic Yankee Candle? Thankfully, there are plenty! Here are 10 ideas so you can surprise your other half on your 16th anniversary.

1. A personalised candle

There’s no way we couldn’t start this lift without including a candle. What sets this one apart is that it’s a personalised candle which allows you to not only choose the colour and scent, but also include your names, wedding date and a custom message on the label.

2. A beeswax skincare set

Beeswax can work wonders for the skin. A beeswax skincare set can help your partner’s skin feel fresh and rejuvenated so they feel as fantastic as they look when you head out to celebrate your big milestone.

3. A wax melt gift set

Wax melts are a great way to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere and are a nice alternative to a candle. There’s a countless number of wax melt scents, so finding something your partner will love should be simple. Or, a wax melt gift set has everything they need.

4. Luxury beeswax soap

A bar of luxury beeswax soap is a nice on-theme gift which smells fabulous and which will leave your partner’s hands feeling silky-smooth. It’s a gift that contains wax and one we don’t think your partner will see coming.

5. A beeswax lip balm set

We’ve already mentioned how beeswax is good for your skin, but did you know that also extends to the lips? If you treat your partner to a beeswax lip balm set it’ll leave their lips soft, moisturised and smooth – perfect for all those kisses you’ll share on your anniversary.

6. A personalised calendar candle

For a sweet-smelling wax-themed gift which will always remind your partner of the date the two of you got married, a personalised calendar candle is a wonderful reminder of your special day. You can also choose the size of your candle and include a custom message.

7. A scented beeswax candle

Beeswax is good for the skin, but it’s also perfect for making it into a candle. This sweet and sensual scented beeswax candle is everything you need to create a romantic atmosphere on the evening of your anniversary.

8. A statice and sage-scented candle

Because the traditional flower for 16 years of marriage is the statice, you might want to get your partner a statice and sage-scented candle so your gift has twice as much meaning. This will really let your partner know how much you care.

9. A couple’s bottled candle

For a gift that is small but absolutely loaded with romance and symbolism, a couple’s bottled candle features a pair of brightly burning candles inside an adorable jar complete with glittering sprinkles. It also features a note that can be personalised so your partner has something they can hold on to forever.

10. A wax sealing letter writing kit

If your partner has a pen pal, sends a lot of cards or simply enjoys writing letters, treat them to a wax seal letter writing kit. That way they’ll have a brilliant way to class up their letters and seal them in a way that’s something of a dying art.

10 modern gifts for a 16th wedding anniversary

If you’d prefer to give your partner the modern 16th wedding anniversary gift, you might want to consider giving them silver holloware. This is any type of vessel, like a bowl or dish, that’s used to hold something inside. Think of a good ol’ fashioned gravy boat. By today’s standards, it’s actually quite an old-fashioned gift, despite it being the modern gift for celebrating your 16th anniversary. Still, it’s filled with heart and meaning and is still something couples enjoy to give. If you’d like to go with the modern gift, here are 10 suggestions to give you a few ideas.

1. A Wedgwood Vera Wang silver-plated trinket box

Does your partner have a lot of jewellery or other trinkets that they want to keep safe? A Wedgewood Vera Wang silver-plated trinket box should do just the trick, and would be a useful and on-theme gift. 

2. A Nobile silver leaf roundish vase

For something a little different but still technically fitting the theme, a Nobile silver leaf roundish vase looks absolutely fabulous and can be something your partner can use again and again. You could even spoil them doubly so by giving it to them with a bouquet of flowers.

3. An antique silver bowl

Because silver holloware is quite old-fashioned (or as some might say, retro) why not fully embrace the theme and pick up your partner an antique silver bowl they can use for fruit, keys, balls of yarn or anything else?

4. A silver-plated cocktail shaker

Anyone who has a cocktail-making partner will know just how seriously they take making cocktails. It’s serious business after all! For them, the ultimate modern gift might be a silver-plated cocktail shaker which allows them to knock up the classiest cocktails of them all in totally regal style.

5. A vintage silver gravy boat

There’s absolutely no way we could put this list together but not include a vintage silver gravy boat. It’s the absolute fanciest way to serve up your Bisto on a Sunday. You’ll also find them at different prices, so even without a big budget you can find a gravy boat that suits you.

6. A silver-plated wine bottle coaster

If you and your partner love to share a bottle of wine over dinner or on date night, a silver-plated wine bottle coaster catches the dribbles in the classiest way imaginable and looks brilliant sat on the table.

7. A silver-plated top hat nibbles bowl

What could possibly be nicer than eating nibbles out of a normal bowl? Well, how about eating nibbles out of a silver-plated top hat nibbles bowl? It looks exactly like an enormous Monopoly piece and is sure to be a major talking point whenever you have guests over.

8. A silver plated teapot

To make tea time a little more special, a silver-plated teapot is a great on-theme gift that your partner can use every day. They’re also not too expensive, so you should be able to pick one up without spending a fortune.

9. A silver tureen

This might not be a gift for everyone, but if you and your partner regularly entertain guests at home, then a silver tureen will allow you to offer your guests soup in a way that is totally unexpected and completely extra. Or your partner might want to use it as an extra fancy fruit bowl!

10. A personalised silver-plated carousel money box

Delicate, adorable, useful and customisable, a personalised silver-plated carousel money box is pretty spot on. Not only is it a great-looking gift, but it’s also super useful and will help you save the pennies towards your next big adventure together.

5 affordable gifts for a 16th wedding anniversary

You may well be looking to spoil your partner, but some of the gifts can be rather expensive – especially when it comes to silver holloware. Thankfully, there are options available if you’re looking to give your partner a small token gift linked to the themes but not spend too much money. Here are five suggestions for affordable 16th wedding anniversary gifts so you can give your other half something loaded with meaning but without a huge price tag.

1. A wax-stamped card

Are you also planning on getting your other half a card to mark your anniversary? If so, you could combine the card with the traditional gift and give them a wax-stamped card, which brings historical and symbolic meaning to this ordinary gesture.

2. An aromatherapy beeswax candle

A small but sweet candle (both in appearance and smell) is an aromatherapy beeswax candle, which looks amazing and is also incredibly affordable.

3. A personalised trinket box

Silver can be expensive and it’s tough to get around that, but a personalised trinket box has that silvery shiny appearance but doesn’t cost the earth. You can also personalise it to include a loving message and make it extra special.

4. Cubed human earwax 

Give your partner a giggle on your anniversary by giving them a box of cubed human earwax. Don’t worry – these actually clotted cream fudge sweets, but make for a hilarious jokey token gift guaranteed to make your partner laugh. 

5. A small silver heart trinket dish

Help your partner keep their accessories, jewellery and other bits safe with a small silver heart trinket dish. It’s incredibly affordable and exactly on theme.

5 DIY gifts for a 16th wedding anniversary

One way to show how much you care is by making an anniversary gift for your partner. But, how are you supposed to do this and keep your gifts on the themes of wax or silver holloware? Well, in all honesty, unless you happen to be a skilled silversmith by trade, silver holloware might be a bit of a stretch – but there are plenty of things you can do with wax! Here are five ideas so you can get creative and make a DIY gift.

1. A DIY carved candle

Because wax is so soft, it’s a great material to use for adding your own touch of personalisation. You can take an ordinary candle and with a couple of tools add a unique touch that can transform it into something special. There are guides on how to make a candle carving to help you get started.

2. A DIY candle

Making your own candle is a fun and rewarding process, and the bonus is you’ll have a great DIY gift to give your partner at the end of it. Choose your scents, colours, containers and more to create something truly one-of-a-kind. You can use a candle-making kit which gives you everything you need to make your own candles.

3. A homemade model using modelling wax

In the right hands, wax can produce intricate, delicate and beautiful models. If you’re a dab hand at making things, you could pick up some modelling wax and have a go at sculpting something your partner loves, or maybe even make the two of you. Modelling wax doesn’t dry, but if kept on a shelf it should last for many years to come.

4. DIY wax melts

Just like you can have a go at making your own candles, it’s also possible to make your own wax melts. That way, you can create something using your partner’s favourite scents so you know they’ll love them. You can get a wax melt-making kit which includes everything you need.

5. Homemade wax artwork

Did you know you can use wax to create incredible and unique pieces of art? You don’t need years of experience, either – and if you follow a video tutorial you shouldn’t have any trouble creating your own modern masterpiece.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 16th wedding anniversary

A wonderful way to have a memorable 16th anniversary is by enjoying an activity or experience with your partner. Whether it’s something you know you both love or something entirely new, it’s a great way to create happy memories together. And if you do want to tie what you do into the traditional or modern gifts, there are plenty of ways to do it. Here are five ideas to help you both have an unforgettable time.

1. A wax hand dipping experience at Madame Tussauds

Madame Tussauds is world-famous for its wax figure celebrity lookalikes, so a visit to one of their attractions would be a great on-theme experience by itself. But, while you’re there, you could also take part in a wax hand dipping experience, which involves you immortalising your hands in actual wax. That way, you’ll have a souvenir that’ll last forever.

2. A candle-making experience

A lot goes into candle-making, and it can be a fun and rewarding activity with many different parts to it. The two of you could take part in a candle-making experience and help each other make some amazing-looking, delicious-smelling candles.

3. A candle factory tour

Get an insight into how the professionals make candles (as well as wine, wax spray and even silverware, making this a 16th anniversary double-hitter) with a Hayes and Finch factory tour. It’s an exclusive tour so you must make reservations beforehand to visit their Liverpool factory.

4. A wax hand pampering experience

Wax is great for the skin, so treat your other half to a luxurious pamper session with a wax hand pampering experience. It’s only a short treatment but will give your partner’s hands a new lease of life.

5. A tour of a grand estate

Silver holloware might not be used much these days, but take a trip through history and visit a grand old property, such as Highclere Castle (where they filmed Downton Abbey). This will give you and your partner the chance to see some genuine silver holloware, which may have even been used by Lord Grantham himself!

10 16th anniversary gifts that contain peridot

If you’d like to treat your partner to a lovely piece of jewellery to mark your 16th anniversary, you could do so with a piece that contains the traditional gemstone, peridot. Peridot is an incredible shade of green which goes well with both gold and silver jewellery. This means that whatever your other half likes to wear, you shouldn’t have much trouble finding something they’ll love. Here are 10 suggestions for jewellery containing peridot for you to consider:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Peridot isn’t one of the most popular gemstones, but because it’s also the August birthstone, both high street and independent jewellers usually have a decent selection. Here at Bridebook, we also work with many fantastic jewellers, who each have their own choice of jewellery and accessories set with peridot. Make sure to take a look during your search for the perfect anniversary gift.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 16th wedding anniversary

For a gift that’s more floral, you could give your partner the traditional flower to mark 16 years, which is statice. Some say statice actually smells a bit like cat wee, so you won’t see fresh flowers featured in many bouquets. But, it looks beautiful and definitely has its place, so there are still plenty of options out there if you think your partner would love this unusual flower.

1. A dried statice bouquet

Thankfully, dried statice doesn’t have much of a smell but still looks amazing, and when cared for properly it can last a couple of years. So, a dried statice bouquet might be a unique and eye-catching way to treat your partner.

2. Statice sola cube

A statice sola cube preserves the flower inside a cube of resin, which allows your partner to keep hold of their gift forever. It makes for a lovely paperweight or gift which they can display proudly.

3. Statice watercolour art

Because it’s such a pretty flower, statices also serve as the perfect model for artists. That’s why statice watercolour art makes for a stunning addition to any room and is sure to be something your partner will love.

4. Statice earrings

For an affordable and bold way for your partner to show off statice in all its glory, you could give them a pair of statice earrings. Handmade and encapsulated in resin gold hoop earrings, these simply demand attention.

5. A pressed statice bookmark

If your partner loves to read, then a pressed statice bookmark is a simple and elegant design that is beautifully on theme. It’s also a practical gift which your partner can use whenever they pick up a book! Or should that be whenever they put it down…

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15th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

If you’re about to celebrate your 15th wedding anniversary, firstly, congratulations! To make it to 15 years of marriage is a fantastic milestone, which you and your other half deserve to shout about from the rooftops.

One thing you might have heard about your 15th anniversary is that it’s often referred to as your crystal anniversary. This is because it relates to the traditional gift couples have given to each other when celebrating 15 years since the Victorian era. This is a tradition which many couples continue to honour to this day. But equally, other couples may choose the modern equivalent or the traditional flower or gemstone.

That means, if you’re looking to give your partner a gift full of meaning and history, you have four different gifts to choose from. Of course, you don’t have to do this at all – you may already have an idea of what you’d like to give your partner. But, choosing a gift linked to either the traditional or modern theme can elevate your gift and make it that bit more special.

So, in this guide, we’re going to take a look at all the traditional and modern gifts associated with a 15th wedding anniversary and what each of them means. We’ll also offer you 50 gift ideas to spoil your partner with. 

To learn more about all the traditions associated with gift-giving for anniversaries from 1 year to 90, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 15th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 15th wedding anniversary gifts

Almost every anniversary is marked by a traditional and modern gift, as well as a traditional flower and gemstone. These gifts have special meanings associated with them, which makes them great choices when it comes to treating your partner. Your 15th anniversary is a brilliant milestone, so to mark the occasion you may want to give them a gift linked to one of these gifts, just like other couples have for generations.

Traditional 15th anniversary gift – Crystal

Your 15th anniversary is known as your crystal anniversary because the traditional gift is crystal. Crystal represents how bright and long-lasting your marriage has been, but also how you’ve worked hard to protect something so delicate. Crystal is a versatile gift and gives you loads of choice. Surprisingly, it’s also suitable for a wide range of budgets, despite its luxurious reputation.

Crystal was also the modern gift for your third anniversary, so if you didn’t give your other half something crystal-related all those years ago, now might be the time to do it.

Modern 15th anniversary gift – Watches

The modern anniversary gift when celebrating 15 years is a watch. This is because watches represent the past, present and future, so you can look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries in the years to come. It’s a tricky gift to have creativity with – tricky, but not impossible. It’s still a great theme and you can find some real gems to surprise your partner with.

15th anniversary gemstone – Ruby

If you’d like to give your partner something sparkly for your 15th anniversary, the traditional gemstone is ruby. Red rubies are one of the four precious gemstones, so it’s an extra special gift you can really spoil your partner with. Rubies symbolise passion, protection and wealth, so are definitely on point when celebrating such an amazing milestone.

15th anniversary flower – Rose

You’ve reached 15 years of marriage, so could there really be a more appropriate traditional anniversary flower than the ultimate symbol of love, the rose? Roses are known the world over as representing love, but they also symbolise beauty and sensuality, so they’re the perfect floral choice when celebrating 15 wonderful years.

How do you choose a gift for a 15th wedding anniversary?

Now that you’re about to celebrate your 15th wedding anniversary, you’re probably having a good hard think about the perfect gift to surprise your other half with on the big day. Do you go for something tried and true, like a good old box of chocolates, or something outside the box (of chocolates)? Here are a few things to consider while on the hunt for the ideal anniversary pressie.

  • Are you looking to choose a gift linked to the traditional or modern themes? Your 15th anniversary is often referred to as your crystal anniversary, so you might be keen to honour this. Similarly, you might also like the idea of gifting your other half a watch to honour the modern theme!
  • What is your set budget? Some of the traditional and modern 15th anniversary gifts can be a little expensive, which may sway your decision as to what you go for depending on your budget.
  • Are you hoping to give your partner a gift that can be personalised? Personalised gifts are popular on anniversaries, and some gifts are more easily personalised than others.
  • What has your partner asked for or dropped hints about? Do you think your partner would love to receive a traditional or modern gift, or have they been dropping not-so-subtle hints about something specific they’d like?

Is a couple in your life about to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary? If they are, you might be on the lookout for a special gift and you could be wondering whether or not you can join in by gifting something linked to the traditional and modern themes. The simple answer is, of course you can! Not only will they appreciate the gesture, but it’ll mean so much more to them as they’ll know the important meaning behind your gift.

50 ideas for a 15th wedding anniversary gift

Your 15th wedding anniversary is a big deal: it shows just how much the two of you love and are committed to each other. That’s cause for a celebration, and a great excuse to spoil your partner if you can. If you’re about to celebrate 15 years and are on the hunt for the perfect on-theme gift, we’re here to lend a hand. So, here are 50 15th wedding anniversary gift ideas to give you some inspiration.

10 traditional gifts for a 15th wedding anniversary

As you’re preparing to celebrate your crystal anniversary, you may be excited to give your partner a gift made from crystal, and therefore linked to the traditional theme. But, where do you start? Here are 10 suggestions for anniversary gifts made from or containing crystal.

1. A personalised crystal whisky glass

When the time comes to celebrate your 15th anniversary, it’s definitely time to raise a glass and toast this amazing milestone. And what better way to do that than with a personalised crystal whisky glass, which your partner can use whenever they fancy a glass of their favourite tipple?

2. A Royal Scot crystal vase

You may be planning to give your partner flowers to mark your anniversary, so to tie it into the traditional theme, you could give them flowers in a Royal Scot crystal vase. Not only is it a thoughtful gift, but every time you get your partner flowers in the future they can reuse the vase and be reminded of your 15th anniversary.

3. A fabulous set of crystal glasses

There’s nothing quite like a really lovely set of glasses, and you can’t get better than a set of Buckingham crystal highball tumblers. They’re perfect for entertaining, or just relaxing with your morning glass of OJ.

4. A raw crystal bracelet

With its coarse and unpolished appearance, raw crystals are a fabulous addition to any piece of jewellery, and many people love how they look even when compared to cut and polished stones. A raw crystal bracelet is a brilliant way to show off this rough and ready stone.

5. A crystal clock

There’s something rather retro about a crystal clock, but they make for a fantastic addition to a mantlepiece or shelf. They can be personalised, too, so you can include a message to your love as a constant reminder of your amazing journey together.

6. A crystal 3D portrait

If you’d like to display a memory of you and your other half but you’re not sure a framed photo quite cuts it, a crystal 3D portrait is an eye-catching gift for your 15th anniversary. They look amazing as they are, but pairing them with a light box really brings them to life. 

7. A bottle of Crystal Head vodka

Is your partner a fan of Ghostbusters or other 80s comedies starring Dan Aykroyd? If so, then a bottle of Crystal Head vodka will be a great drink to share when you toast your big milestone, and might just be the perfect gift for them.

8. Handcrafted crystal wine glasses

Looking forward to sharing a glass of wine on your anniversary? Then a set of crystal wine glasses makes for a lovely on-theme gift which you can continue to use for many years (and bottles of wine) to come.

9. A Swarovski crystal good luck bear

Swarovski is a brand synonymous with luxury, which is why anything of theirs would make for a thoughtful gift. But, the Swarovski crystal good luck bear is as adorable as it is special and would sit proudly on any shelf.

10. An engraved crystal paperweight

A brilliant addition to any desk, an engraved crystal paperweight can accompany your partner at work so they always have something to remind them of your 15th anniversary.

10 modern gifts for a 15th wedding anniversary

If you think your partner might prefer a gift with more modern flair, then you could choose to give them a watch. A lot of people like to wear watches, and they’re great accessories which are available in a range of styles to suit all tastes. They also suit different budgets, so whether you’re interested in spending a little or a lot, you shouldn’t have much trouble finding a watch your partner will love. Here are 10 suggestions for watches so your partner can have a great time (pun most definitely intended) on your anniversary. 

1. A crystal watch

The perfect way to treat your other half on your anniversary is with a crystal watch, which combines both the traditional and modern themes. Plenty of watches are available featuring crystals, and they can be subtle or bold. Browse crystal watches for him and her to find something for your other half.

2. A watch gift set

A watch is already a brilliant gift, but there’s also a way to make it even better – by giving a watch gift set. Depending on what you go for, the watch might be joined by a necklace, a bracelet, a plaque… there’s a huge selection to choose from.

3. An engraved anniversary watch

Watches don’t offer too many ways to add a personal touch, but there are some. This engraved anniversary watch features an engraving on the back to let your partner know just how much they mean to you. Because it’s on the back, this can be an incredibly personal message which only they know will know is there.

4. A ruby red watch

Link the modern 15th anniversary gift to the traditional gemstone with a ruby red watch. This beautiful watch tells not just the time, but also the day, whether it’s day or night and the business quarter. A great gift if your partner spends a lot of time at work.

5. A heart-shaped watch

For the love of your life, a heart-faced watch may be small, but it makes a big statement. It also features crystals around the face, making it a super on-theme double-hitter for your 15th anniversary.

6. An Apple Watch

With the meteoric rise of smart watches, mechanical watches aren’t the only thing in fashion at the moment. Leading the way is Apple, and the Apple Watch is a handy companion to the iPhone if your partner has one.

7. A watch with a personalised face

Give your partner the opportunity to tell the time like no one else can with a watch with a personalised face. Just upload your favourite photo and you’ll get a one-of-a-kind watch which your other half can always wear.

8. A gold-tone ring watch

For a watch that’s truly different, you might want to give your partner a gold-tone ring watch. This super unique watch isn’t worn on your partner’s wrist, but instead fits snugly on their finger like any other ring. It’s a real conversation piece and a nice option if your partner likes their jewellery a little bit different.

9. An engraved pocket watch

If your partner isn’t keen on wearing a watch around their wrist (or on their finger), you could also consider an engraved pocket watch. Pocket watches are a little old-fashioned, but that’s part of the charm, and the fact it can be engraved with your choice of photo makes it a gift they’ll never want to go without.

10. A personalised coat of arms watch

You and your partner have been married for 14 years, which is an incredible achievement. If you share a surname, you could treat them to a personalised coat of arms watch featuring your family coat of arms. A subtle but punchy way to keep your other half with you when you’re out and about.

5 affordable gifts for a 15th wedding anniversary

You might be excited to give your partner a gift linked to the traditional or modern themes, but might not want to spend too much money. After all, some crystals and watches come with rather hefty price tags. But, not all gifts linked to the themes have to be expensive, especially if you’re only looking to give your partner a token on-theme gift. Here are five affordable suggestions so you can join in on the fun but not break the bank.

1. A mental health crystal set

If your partner believes in the healing power of crystals, then a brilliant affordable gift is a mental health crystal set. It includes lepidolite for alleviating negativity, amazonite for balancing mood, rose quartz for healing anxiety, rhodonite for calming shock and tiger iron for grounding yourself. If your partner isn’t a believer or is on the fence, at the very least these five stones look dazzling and make for lovely keepsakes.

2. A rose quartz crystal necklace

Rose quartz is said to improve calmness and promote love and a feeling of peace. That’s why a rose quartz crystal necklace makes for a mood-boosting gift which is subtle and stylish and also very affordable.

3. Crystal duck carvings

There’s nothing quite as cute as ducks, and if your partner is a big duck fan, then one or two mini crystal ducks could be just the token anniversary gift you’re looking for. They’re available in a huge selection of crystal types and colours, so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding one perfect for your love.

4. A crystal chip candle

One crystal-themed gift your partner will never see coming is a crystal chip candle, which features a scattering of amethyst crystal chips and burns for around 25 hours. It’s a nice affordable gift which will also help set the mood on your anniversary.

5. The Watch on streaming or Blu-ray

Close the curtains, get the popcorn in and snuggle together on the sofa to watch The Watch, a sci-fi comedy starring Hollywood greats including Ben Stiller and Jonah Hill. The title means it’s a nice and creative way to link back to your 15th anniversary! The Watch is available on Blu-ray and your favourite streaming service.

5 DIY gifts for a 15th wedding anniversary

One way to let your partner know you’ve gone the extra mile for your anniversary is with a DIY gift you’ve made using your own fair hands. The only trouble is, it can be a little tricky knowing what to make that can link back to the 15th anniversary themes. Well, with a little bit of outside-the-box thinking, you can do exactly that. Here are five DIY gifts to consider for 15 years of marriage.

1. Crystal art

Crystal art is a therapeutic pastime which is not only an enjoyable way to whittle away a few hours, but which also leaves you with a fantastic piece of art to display at the end of it. You can pick up a crystal art kit which you could either do and present to your partner, or give to them and enjoy doing together.

2. Grow your own crystal

If you fancy giving something scientific a go and only have a limited budget, you could try to grow your own crystal with just a few household items (don’t worry, it’s all above board – nothing Breaking Bad-esque is going on here). It might not be something you can set in jewellery, but it’s a fun way to give your partner a unique token gift. Check these instructions for what you need to get started.

3. A DIY crystal dreamcatcher

A great idea if your partner believes in the power of dreamcatchers, you could pick up some crystals, wire, wood and a glue gun, and you can create an effective but simple crystal dreamcatcher. Check out this video tutorial for everything you need to make one for your other half.

4. DIY bath salts 

Salt crystals count as crystals, so indulge your partner by crafting your own personalised bath salts. Start by gathering Epsom salt or sea salt as the base, then add a few drops of essential oils for fragrance. Consider including dried flowers or herbs for an extra touch of elegance. Mix the ingredients well and pop them in decorative jars for a thoughtful and relaxing gift.

5. A DIY watch

You might think that making a watch yourself would be tricky… and you’d be right. BUT, a DIY watch kit gives you everything you need to make a watch for yourself, including all the tools, materials and instructions.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 15th wedding anniversary

When the time comes to celebrate your anniversary, you and your partner will probably want to spend some quality time together. Instead of doing something you do all the time (as lovely as this no doubt would be!), why not try something new and spend your big day taking part in an activity or experience. There are loads of things you can do, including experiences tying into the 15th anniversary themes. Here are five ideas for unique ways to spend time on your anniversary.

1. A tour of a crystal factory

Dartington is a big name in the production of crystals, having operated in the industry for more than 50 years. They’ve spent this time perfecting their craft, and offer tours around their factory in North Devon. A Dartington crystal factory tour is an interesting and unique way to do celebrate your 15th anniversary.

2. Fun at the Crystal Maze Experience

Did you and your partner used to watch The Crystal Maze and think you’d like to have a go at that? If that’s the case, The Crystal Maze Experience is sure to give you some excitement on your anniversary and fits the theme perfectly!

3. A crystal therapy session

Crystal therapy is a unique and relaxing way to spend time on your anniversary. Stones are placed on different parts of your body to promote healing, relaxation and positive energy. If neither of you has done it before it’s worth trying out a crystal therapy session to see what the fuss is all about.

4. A 60-minute salt scrub experience

Pamper your partner by treating them to a 60-minute salt scrub experience. It’s a treat for the body and the mind, and helps rejuvenate the skin by removing dead skin cells and drawing out impurities. As above, it also totally counts as linking to the traditional theme, as salt comes in crystals!

5. A build-your-own-watch experience

Creating a watch can be an intricate and complex process. But, if it’s something you and your partner have fancied trying, there are build-your-own watch experiences which provide you with everything you need, plus the guidance of an experienced watchmaker. Not only will you spend some time together, but at the end of the experience you’ll have a nice new watch to show for it.

10 15th anniversary gifts that contain ruby

The traditional 15th anniversary gemstone is ruby, a beautifully deep red precious stone that is incredibly popular. Rubies represent passion, which makes them apt when it comes to an anniversary. They can vary in price and are hugely versatile, so often appear in a wide range of jewellery types and metals ranging from silver to platinum and beyond. Here are 10 suggestions for ruby jewellery you might want to give your partner to mark this fabulous milestone:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Because ruby is a precious stone, it’s commonly used in jewellery, which means you shouldn’t have to look too long or hard to find something your partner is likely to love and wear regularly. Almost every jeweller out there, both high street brands and smaller independents, is likely to have a big selection of jewellery and accessories that are set with rubies. Here at Bridebook, we work with loads of different jewellers, so check them out and have a browse to see if there’s something that would suit your other half’s tastes.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 15th wedding anniversary

Flowers are a popular gift to give during anniversaries, and because the traditional flower for a 15th anniversary is a rose, now’s the time to think about giving your partner something related to the ultimate symbol of love and passion. Roses are one of the most recognisable flowers there are, and can work as part of an arrangement or in their own bouquet. They’re also often used as part of designs and patterns, so it’s pretty simple to find gifts linked to this extra special flower. Here are five rose-centric gifts to give you a few ideas.

1. A bouquet of roses

We couldn’t possibly start this list without including a bouquet of roses. It’s impossible to receive roses and not feel the love, especially on your 15th anniversary when an extra special gift has even more meaning (if that’s somehow even possible).

2. A bouquet of origami paper roses

Roses don’t have to be real to be stunning. Origami paper roses have a fabulously stylised design but are still instantly recognisable. Your other half also won’t have to worry about watering them or cutting the stems!

3. A Swarovski enchanted crystal rose

A tale as old as time both applies to your marriage (well, at 15 years it’s not quite that old…) and Beauty and the Beast. If your partner is a big fan of the Disney classic, a Swarovski enchanted crystal rose is a lovely nod to the film and also ticks off two traditional themes, which is sure to get you in their good books.

4. A bouquet of LEGO roses

Instead of getting your partner real roses, you could get them a bouquet of LEGO roses, which both look amazing and are also something you can build together.

5. Rose chocolates

Not to everyone’s tastes, but rose chocolates can be incredibly yummy and are a little more special than your standard choccies. A box of rose and violet chocolates adds a floral hit to a chocolatey treat.

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14th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

If you’re about to celebrate your 14th wedding anniversary, it’s an incredibly exciting milestone in your marriage. 14 years is a long time to spend with someone, and you no doubt know everything there is to know about your partner. As part of your celebrations, you might be looking to give your other half a gift that’s special enough to reflect this fabulous milestone. But, what on earth can you give them that’s worthy of 14 years of marriage? 

Well, did you know that there are traditional and modern 14th anniversary gifts? These gifts are extra special because they’re filled with historical meaning, which can elevate them above other types of gifts. There is also a traditional flower and traditional gemstone, so if you are keen to give your partner a blooming beautiful bouquet or piece of sparkly jewellery, you can do so and make sure it’s filled with symbolic meaning.

These traditional and modern gifts have been given by couples for over a century, so they’re definitely something to consider during your hunt for the ideal gift. In this article, we’ll dive into these gifts, including the traditional flower and gemstone, and offer you loads of suggestions if it’s something you’d like to do. That means you can give your partner a gift that’s got plenty of history behind it and tells them exactly how you feel.

For more information about different anniversary gifts and traditions from all the different milestones from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 14th wedding anniversary gifts

Both traditional and modern gifts have been given by couples to each other for more than 100 years, which means, by today’s standards, they’re potentially a little outdated compared to how we view things now. But, it’s what the gifts stand for that’s important, and with a little creativity, you can still give gifts linked to both the traditional and modern themes.

Traditional 14th anniversary gift – Ivory

The traditional 14th anniversary gift is ivory, the material from which elephant tusks are made. Ivory is incredibly durable, and is traditionally a symbol of elegance and beauty. However, not only is ivory morally wrong, as collecting it results in the death of elephants, but it’s also illegal. As a cruelty-free and legal alternative, an ivory-coloured or elephant-inspired gift is a great way to honour this gift without having to worry about the moral or ethical implications.

Modern 14th anniversary gift – Gold jewellery

The modern 14th anniversary gift is gold jewellery. Gold jewellery symbolises wealth and prosperity, which reflects the love shared by you and your partner. Gold jewellery can be a little pricey, so may be out of your budget, but there are ways to give your partner a little taste of gold jewellery without breaking the bank.

14th anniversary gemstone – Opal

The traditional 14th anniversary gemstone is opal. Opal is an absolutely stunning gemstone, which comes in an array of incredible colours and is often multi-coloured. It represents hope and truth, which is a lovely way to honour 14 years of marriage. Because of the assortment of colours opal can be found in, it’s a versatile addition to a wide variety of jewellery and accessories.

14th anniversary flower – Orchid

For a floral treat for your partner, you could give them the traditional 14th anniversary flower: the orchid. Orchids are delicate, exotic and beautiful flowers which are stunning as part of an arrangement or planted in a pot. They do take a little bit of work to care for, but it’s absolutely worth it, and is still totally accessible for beginner horticulturalists. Orchids represent love and beauty, as well as fertility – so if you have a couple of kids by now, an orchid would be rather appropriate!

How do you choose a gift for a 14th wedding anniversary?

For your 14th anniversary, you might rack your brain to think of the perfect gift for your partner. Next year is a big milestone with your 15th wedding anniversary, which makes it an extra special one. But, you can still make your 14th special and memorable too. Here are a few things to consider before deciding what to get your other half.

  • Are you happy giving your partner something linked to the traditional or modern 14th anniversary themes? Ivory and gold jewellery aren’t necessarily the most accessible of themes, but if you love the sentiment behind them there are ways to be creative with them.
  • What’s your agreed budget, if you have one? Ivory can be a theme that can be interpreted in different ways, but gold jewellery not so much, which means it can be rather pricey.
  • Are you keen to give your partner a gift which is personalised? Both the traditional and modern gifts can be tricky to personalise, but not impossible.
  • What sort of gift might your partner hope to receive? For example, have they hinted at gold jewellery or even something linked to ivory or elephants?

Do you know a couple who will soon be celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary? If so, you might be wondering if you can buy them a gift which is closely linked to the traditional and modern 14th anniversary themes. Well, the simple answer is, of course you can! Gifts related to the themes are open to everyone, so if you have an idea for the perfect gift then give away! We’re sure they’ll not only love it, but appreciate the thought and meaning behind your gift too.

50 ideas for a 14th wedding anniversary gift

Are you excited to give your partner a 14th anniversary gift closely linked to the traditional or modern themes, but not quite sure where to start? After all, how can you choose unique gold jewellery or a gift linked to ivory? There are plenty of options out there, you might just have to think outside the box a little! So, here are 50 ideas for 14th anniversary gifts so you can give your other half something they’ll never forget.

10 traditional gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

For a gift with traditional flair, you might want to consider giving your partner a gift associated with ivory. Now, ivory is of course illegal today, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find an on-theme gift. Instead of ivory itself, you could find your partner a gift associated with the colour ivory or something related to elephants. Here are 10 suggestions to give you a little inspiration.

1. An ivory grey photo frame

Ivory is a massively appealing and versatile colour thanks to how neutral it is, so it’ll go with almost any style or colour scheme. So, you could print off your favourite wedding photo from 14 years ago and stick it in an ivory grey photo frame, which your partner could hang on the wall, put on a sideboard, or proudly display on their desk.

2. An ivory white silk scarf

Because ivory goes with almost any other colour, it’s perfect for most fashion items and accessories. That’s why an ivory white silk scarf is often a safe gift to give, because no matter what kind of thing your partner likes to wear, ivory will often complement it well.

3. An incredible elephant sculpture

Elephants are beautiful animals, which is another reason why ivory poachers are so cruel. One gift that truly celebrates these gentle giants is an elephant sculpture, which can be displayed in your home as an eye-catching centrepiece.

4. A personalised elephant wall plaque

For a cute piece of personalisation, you might want to choose a personalised elephant wall plaque. If you have a growing family, you can choose the number of elephants to include on it, and each of their names to accompany them. You can also choose the wording in the central star to wish your beloved a happy anniversary.

5. Elephants in love ceramic figures

An adorable gift that perfectly sums up the love you and your partner share is a pair of elephants in love ceramic figures. With their trunks entwined, it symbolises how the two of you are one and always there for each other.

6. An ivory-coloured bouquet

Ivory makes for a gorgeous colour when it comes to flowers, and an ivory dreams bouquet will truly make an impact on your anniversary. The subtle ivory really comes to life against the lusciousness of the green foliage.

7. Imitation ivory combs

In the olden days, the upper classes would often have combs made from ivory. Call back to those times with imitation ivory combs, which look just like the real thing but are far kinder to elephants.

8. An elephant crochet craft kit

They say an elephant never forgets, and your partner won’t forget your anniversary any time soon with an elephant crochet craft kit. They’ll be able to create their very own adorable little elephant to treasure forever.

9. An ivory paper rose

For a gift as showstopping as it is delicate, an ivory paper rose has all the beauty of a real rose but is guaranteed never to wilt. The ultimate symbol of love combined with the important meaning of ivory on your 14th anniversary.

10. An ivory leather clutch bag

If the two of you are heading out to celebrate on your anniversary, you might want to treat your partner to an ivory leather clutch bag, which is super smart and stylish and will go with almost any type of outfit.

10 modern gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

If you’re not quite sold on the idea of ivory, you could give your partner the modern 14th anniversary gift, which is gold jewellery. While other themes allow for a lot of outside-the-box thinking and creativity, gold jewellery is exactly what it says on the tin. But, there are a lot of different types of gold jewellery out there to choose from, so whatever your partner likes, you’re bound to find something that appeals to them and their tastes. Here are just 10 you might like to consider.

1. Tiffany & Co. heart tag stud earrings

Tiffany & Co. is a fabulously luxurious brand and, if your budget allows, makes for a great anniversary gift. A pair of Tiffany heart tag stud earrings fits the theme perfectly and will go with almost any type of outfit on a whole host of occasions.

2. A gold watch

The modern gift for 15 years of marriage is a watch, so why not get in there a year early? Combine the modern options for 14 and 15 years with a gold watch that your partner will never see coming!

3. A gold bracelet

The great thing about gold bracelets is that they come in a range of sizes and styles, so no matter what type of jewellery your partner loves, you’re likely to find one that suits their taste.

4. A gold signature name necklace

A wonderful way to personalise a piece of jewellery for your partner is with a gold signature name necklace. Choose your partner’s name and the type of chain they’d love for a truly one-of-a-kind piece.

5. A gold ring

Whether your partner likes a ring that’s dainty, chunky, patterned, set with a stone, a plain band or something else entirely, you can be sure that there’s a gold ring out there for them.

6. A gold brooch

Brooches are something of a lost accessory by today’s standards, but they shouldn’t be. They’re big, bold and beautiful, and can really elevate any outfit, especially if your partner will soon be attending a special occasion and will be dressing up. A gold brooch can be an absolute showstopper.

7. Gold bangles

Bangles are similar to bracelets but with a few small differences. Some people prefer one to the other, and if your partner is a big fan of bangles, then a gold bangle is likely a solid choice of gift for your 14th anniversary.

8. A pair of gold cufflinks

If your partner regularly wears suits or has to dress up for the odd special occasion, then they can’t have too many cufflinks. A nice pair of gold cufflinks is something they can always wear for a reminder of your amazing milestone.

9. A gold nose ring

Does your partner have their nose pierced? If so, a gold nose ring is a lovely on-theme gift that’s sure to be a massive surprise. These may be small pieces of jewellery, but can be super impactful and come in a variety of styles. Perfect if your partner is seeking a subtle and elegant addition to their look.

10. A gold anklet

If you have a holiday planned where you and your partner will spend many hours relaxing by a pool or on the beach, a gold anklet is a unique way to give them an on-theme anniversary gift that they’ll be able to show off.

5 affordable gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

Anniversary gifts can be pricey, especially if you decide to stick to the traditional or modern gifts such as gold jewellery. But, just because you want to give your partner something filled with meaning doesn’t mean you have to pay loads for the privilege. In fact, you can still get your other half a thoughtful 14th anniversary gift without breaking the bank. Here are five suggestions for brilliant token gifts which are still full of romantic symbolism.

1. A porcelain elephant in a matchbox

For the sweetest, pocket-sized gesture of love that’s packed full of historical 14th anniversary sentiment, a porcelain elephant in a matchbox is adorable and hard to beat, with the added bonus of being super affordable too.

2. An elephant-themed greetings card

If you’re considering getting your partner a gift, then chances are you’re also thinking about getting them a card. Why not bring that traditional gift-giving meaning into that with an elephant-themed greeting card? It’s a great way to personalise their card and make it specific to your 14th anniversary.

3. Gold sun anniversary card

If gold is more your partner’s thing, a gold sun anniversary card is a smart way to combine their card with the modern gift. It also means they’ll have a small keepsake of your 14th anniversary to hold onto forever.

4. A gold sunbeam ring

Gold jewellery can often be quite pricey, which means it’s not always an option if you’re on a budget. However, a gold stainless steel sunbeam ring totally counts and is a great way to give your partner an affordable gift which has all the historical meaning behind it.

5. A faux IKEA orchid

If you think your partner would love an orchid, but they’re not confident with keeping plants alive and you don’t want to risk, it a faux orchid from IKEA could be everything you’re looking for! And it looks great, so win-win.

5 DIY gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

Nothing says romance quite like a homemade anniversary gift, which you can tie into the themes and show just how much effort you’ve put into it. But, we hear you ask, how on earth are you supposed to make a gift linked to ivory or gold jewellery? Well, you might be surprised – there are plenty of things you can do to make your partner something with your own two hands. Here are five creative ideas for DIY 14th anniversary gifts.

1. DIY ivory fabric bunting

We decorate for loads of different occasions, from holidays to birthdays – so why not apply the same effort to your anniversary? And there’s no better way to decorate than with homemade anniversary bunting using ivory fabric. Fabric is fairly affordable, and a video tutorial will tell you everything you need to know to make it yourself.

2. A DIY ivory headband

With a little ivory fabric and some elastic, you might be able to cobble together a few bits from around the house to make your partner a DIY ivory headband. Headbands are in fashion at the moment, so not only will it be thoughtful and on-theme, but your partner can wear it proudly too. Check out tutorial for all the steps on how to sew a headband.

3. A DIY gold wire sculpture

Even if you don’t have any experience, with a little patience and time, you can create a striking DIY gold wire sculpture. You might need a couple of tools, but gold wire is very affordable and can be both rewarding and easy to work with. Watch a video tutorial for information on how to get started.

4. DIY gold wire jewellery

If you have some gold wire (and if you don’t, you can pick some up cheaply) there are loads of things you can do with it, including making gold wire jewellery. You can make everything from earrings to bracelets, and it’s straightforward to pick up. Browse Pinterest for some great wire jewellery ideas.

5. DIY gold jewellery

Want a crack at making jewellery but you’re not sure your partner will like wire jewellery? A jewellery-making kit provides you with all the tools and materials you need to make a wide variety of jewellery with plenty of gold accessories to include.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

Not that you need an excuse to spend time with the love of your life, but your anniversary is the perfect time to whisk your partner away to experience something new, fun or exciting together. And, there are plenty of experience or activity gifts which tie directly into the traditional and modern 14th anniversary themes. Here are five ideas to give you the most memorable anniversary ever.

1. Meet an elephant at Whipsnade Zoo

We know that it’s important for you and your love to spend quality time together on your anniversary, but there’s no harm in the two of you also sharing that time with an elephant. Whipsnade Zoo offers a meet the elephants experience so you can make some new friends on your big day!

2. Elephant keeper experience

If you think your partner would like to do more than simply meet an elephant, and has always fancied having a go at caring for them, an elephant keeper experience at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm is sure to be an anniversary gift they’ll never forget.

3. Go on a safari

For a wild adventure which lets you see animals from all over the world (including elephants, of course) without having to leave the UK, you could treat your other half to a trip to Woburn Safari Park. Then, for the icing on the cake, a meal in a pub in nearby Woburn village will be a great end to the day (which could include a cake for dessert… literally the icing on the cake).

4. A jewellery-making experience

Has your partner ever talked about how much they’d like to try jewellery making? Now is the perfect opportunity, with a jewellery-making experience. You can both have a go at making jewellery yourself under the guidance of an expert.

5. Tour Britain’s only Roman gold mine

The UK isn’t exactly known for its gold mines, but, did you know that West Wales is home to Britain’s only Roman gold mine? Take a tour of Dolaucothi Gold Mines and learn all about how the Romans mined gold right here in the UK.

10 14th anniversary gifts that contain opal

The traditional 14th anniversary gemstone is opal, a blindingly brilliant stone which comes in so many different colours that it’s practically impossible to find two that are the same. What isn’t impossible, however, is finding one that your partner will love. Because of their versatility, opals are great when set in all different types of jewellery made from almost every different precious metal there is. If you think your other half might love jewellery set with opal, you might want to consider any one of the following 10 ideas:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Opals are a fairly common stone, so they can be relatively affordable. That said, some of the more valuable opals, such as black opal, can be incredibly expensive. So, opal is a great stone to suit a wide range of budgets. You shouldn’t have many issues finding opal jewellery at most high street and independent jewellers. At Bridebook, we’ve partnered with a huge number of jewellers who have their own selections of opal jewellery, so check them out and take a look to see if they have something that suits your partner’s tastes.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

Flowers are always a great gift to give on your anniversary, and are sure to put you in your partner’s good books. But, to make sure your floral gift has more meaning behind it than any other bouquet you might choose, the traditional flower for your 14th anniversary is the orchid. Orchids are stunning and fill a room with elegance and life, and their striking look can inspire other gifts. Below are five orchid-themed gifts to consider giving your partner on your anniversary.

1. A white heart orchid

Giving your partner an orchid is one thing, but a white heart orchid from M&S features an orchid shaped like a heart, with a heart token hanging from the centre. It’s the ultimate symbol of love made from the ultimate flower for celebrating 14 years.

2. A rose gold orchid necklace

Orchids are iconic blooms and work wonderfully well when included in jewellery. A rose gold orchid necklace combines two 14th anniversary gifts in the form of the traditional flower and modern gift, which makes it a double-hitter for your big milestone.

3. A crocheted orchid

If your partner loves orchids but struggles to keep them alive, a crocheted orchid looks almost as good as the real thing, except it’ll never die and will always remain as vibrant as the day you give it to your partner.

4. A freesia and orchid-scented candle

Help create a romantic atmosphere on the evening of your anniversary with a freesia and orchid-scented candle, which smells gloriously floral and sweet and will last around 42 hours.

5. LEGO orchids

Do you and your partner love building LEGO sets together? If so, a brilliant choice of anniversary gift is a LEGO orchid set, which is fun and satisfying to build and looks almost as good as the real thing when finished.

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13th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

A lot of people consider the number 13 unlucky, and if you’re one of them, perhaps it’s time to start thinking otherwise. Reaching 13 years of marriage is anything but unlucky! Now that you’ve made it to a baker’s dozen, you and your partner are very clearly doing everything right, so it’s time to celebrate this wonderful milestone.

But, when it’s time to celebrate your 13th wedding anniversary, what sort of gift do you buy your other half? Do you go for the trusted and reliable box of chocolates, a bunch of flowers, an item of jewellery, or something else entirely?

Well, did you know that there are traditional and modern anniversary gifts which couples have been giving each other to mark their 13th anniversary for more than 100 years? There’s also a traditional gemstone and flower, which means if you’d like to give your partner a gift filled with history and meaning, you have a lot to choose from. It can elevate your gift and show your partner just how much you care by giving them something extra special and thoughtful.

In this guide, we’re going to take a look at all the 13th anniversary gift-giving traditions and explain the traditional and modern gifts, as well as the gemstone and flower. That way, you can give your partner a gift that lets them know exactly how you feel and puts you in their good books for the next 12 months!

For more information about all the different anniversary gift-giving traditions from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 13th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 13th wedding anniversary gifts

For a gift packed with enough symbolism and meaning to show your partner how much you love them, you might want to treat them to a modern or traditional gift to mark your 13th anniversary. You don’t have to give them a gift linked to these traditions, but if you’re not sure what you could give them, these work as a fantastic starting point, with an overall theme of textiles.

Traditional 13th anniversary gift – Lace

The traditional 13th anniversary gift is lace, a luxurious and intricate material used in clothing and decorations. It symbolises the beauty of your relationship and how you need to take special care of it. With a bit of creative thinking, you can give your partner an amazing gift that utilises the theme in loads of different ways.

Modern 13th anniversary gift – Fur

The modern anniversary gift for 13 years of marriage is fur. By today’s standards, fur is a little outdated, but the good news is that there are plenty of faux fur options out there so you can still give your partner something memorable and linked to the theme. Fur represents warmth and comfort, which you no doubt have in abundance after 13 years together.

13th anniversary gemstone – Citrine

The traditional gemstone to give when celebrating your 13th anniversary is citrine, a yellowy-orange quartz that represents prosperity and success. It’s not one of the most commonly used stones in jewellery and accessories, but it definitely should be – it looks stunning and is a real showstopper.

13th anniversary flower – Chrysanthemum

The traditional 13th anniversary flower is the chrysanthemum, a big and beautiful bloom that comes in a huge variety of colours, including white, red, orange, pink and purple. It represents love, happiness and a long life, so is the ideal gift when celebrating such a fantastic milestone. Its iconic shape makes it a great addition to any floral arrangement.

How do you choose a gift for a 13th wedding anniversary?

If you believe that 13 is an unlucky number, you might be mulling over the perfect gift to banish those superstitious thoughts. What kind of gift could you possibly give your partner that tells them how you feel and lets them know that 13 can be a good and auspicious number after all? Here are a few things to consider when searching for the ideal gift.

  • Are the traditional and modern 13th anniversary themes important to you? Textiles can be a rather difficult theme to navigate, especially if you’re not confident you could choose something that suits your partner’s style.
  • Have you got an agreed budget? Lace and fur can either be affordable or expensive, but really high-quality gifts might be on the pricier side.
  • Are you hoping to give your partner a personalised gift? Both the traditional and modern themes are pretty tough to personalise, so this could sway your decision.
  • What kind of thing might your partner like to receive? If your partner has an interest in any of the traditional or modern gifts, it’ll make your choice easier. If they don’t, you might have to think outside the box.

Are you on the lookout for a gift for a special couple in your life who will soon be celebrating their 13th wedding anniversary? If so, you might wonder whether or not you can join in on the fun and give them a gift closely linked to the traditional or modern themes. The good news is that you absolutely can – giving them an on-theme gift shows just how much thought and care went into your generous gift.

50 ideas for a 13th wedding anniversary gift

If you’re on the hunt for a 13th wedding anniversary gift that ticks all the boxes, you might have to use all your creativity to find something unique and memorable. Well, that’s where we come in – we’ve put together this list of 50 13th wedding anniversary gift ideas to give you all the inspiration you need and give your partner the surprise of a lifetime on the big day.

10 traditional gifts for a 13th wedding anniversary

If you love the thought of giving your other half a gift closely linked to traditions, you’ll want to consider something made from or including lace. Lace is a super luxurious material, and actually offers you more choices than you might think. So, here are 10 lace-themed gifts to give you some inspiration.

1. Lace anniversary initials artwork

Lace isn’t always an easy gift to customise, but a lace anniversary initial artwork is just that. It’s a wonderfully unique gift which uses lace as a backdrop to your initials and which can be hung on the wall to always remind your partner of your lucky milestone.

2. A lace heart on a chain

Lace is beautiful and delicate but also striking and strong, and can be a fabulous addition to jewellery. A lace heart on a chain is a unique and romantic gift that your partner could wear with a bunch of different outfits for a whole host of occasions.

3. A white lace rose

One of the most recognisable symbols of love is the rose, so it always makes for a great gift. But how does that tie into the traditional theme for 13 years? Well, if a rose is made out of white lace, of course! A white lace rose is a lovely and thoughtful gesture which your partner can keep and display forever.

4. A pair of square lace earrings

If your partner’s a big fan of dangly earrings, spoil them on your anniversary with a pair of square lace earrings. They bring a modern flair to this traditional gift and are a subtle nod to your 13th anniversary which your partner can wear all the time.

5. Lace wall art

You could add a touch of stand-out art to your home and give your partner some Queen Annes lace wall art, a lovely atmospheric piece that is definitely linked to the traditional 13th anniversary theme.

6. A watch with a lace strap

Give your partner a lace-inspired gift they’ll never see coming with a watch with a lace strap. Not only is the strap lace but so is the face, with the bonus of it being fairly affordable too. 

7. Lace underwear

There’s no way we could put this list together and not suggest lace underwear, a great way to link the traditional theme back to your anniversary night!

8. A lace bat ornament

For a cute and spooky token gift, you could give your partner a lace bat ornament which glows in the dark. A super unique gift if your partner is a fan of horror (or flying mammals, for that matter).

9. An embroidered lace tablecloth

Lace is the perfect material out of which to make a tablecloth, which your other half could use every day or only crack out for special occasions. But we bet they’ll love this lace tablecloth so much that it’ll be out all the time.

10. A vintage lace photo frame

Why not print off your favourite wedding snap and frame it in a vintage lace photo frame, so your partner can reminisce about that special day you shared all those years ago?

10 modern gifts for a 13th wedding anniversary

If you’d prefer to give your partner a gift linked to the modern theme for your 13th anniversary, you might want to give them something that includes fur. In the 21st century, fur isn’t seen as all that modern anymore, but faux fur is most definitely in the spirit of the theme. So, it’s still an option open to everyone. Here are 10 suggestions for fur-inspired gifts to keep your partner cosy and warm on your anniversary.

1. A faux Alaskan husky throw

If you’ve ever petted or had cuddles with a husky, you’ll be all too familiar with just how snuggly and soft they are. The same can be said for a faux Alaskan husky throw, except it’s even more snuggly because it’s heated and can keep you and your partner at the ideal temperature during those quiet nights in.

2. A cosy jumper

Give your partner a gift that keeps them comfortable and warm wherever they go with a Sarah Regensburger cosy jumper. It’s not only hand-knitted, but also super stylish and modern with its cropped look. 

3. Toasty slipper socks

If your partner’s tootsies have a habit of feeling a little bit like ice cubes, help warm them up with a pair of cable-lined slipper socks. Not only will they have toasty feet forevermore, but they’ll look great at the same time.

4. Faux Shearling Mid Jacket

For a slice of retro charm, a Faux Shearling Mid Jacket is a wonderfully on-theme gift that will keep your other half comfortable and cool (looking cool, that is) during those winter months.

5. A pair of knitted gloves

Whether your partner enjoys hitting the slopes for a touch of winter sport exhilaration, or you’d like to give them something to keep frostbite away during those extra nippy spells, a pair of knitted gloves is a thoughtful and practical gift closely linked to the modern theme.

6. Textile wall art

A relief flowers no2 canvas is every bit as unique as it is eye-catching. It makes for a fantastically on-theme gift that your partner will want to display to remind them of your special anniversary.

7. A warm fleece blanket

For something your partner can display on the bed, snuggle beneath on the sofa or wrap inside while sitting at their desk, a warm fleece blanket will keep them as cosy as if you were forever in their arms. A romantic and toasty treat.

8. A Shearer hot water bottle

When the temperature starts to drop, your other half can stay warm with a Shearer hot water bottle, which is luxuriously soft and comforting.

9. Sheepskin slipper boots

Smart, stylish, comfortable, cosy, warm… and there are plenty more ways to describe Sheepskin slipper boots. They’re a lot like a nice snuggly hug for your partner’s feet.

10. A deliciously comfortable snood knitting kit

If your partner loves getting crafty, a snood knitting kit provides them with everything they need to create their very own super comfy snood, which also looks amazing. Perfect if your partner has always talked about wanting to learn how to knit.

5 affordable gifts for a 13th wedding anniversary

Giving your partner a gift linked closely to the traditional or modern themes might be something you’re keen to do to mark your 13th anniversary, but you might also not want to spend too much. Some of the traditional and modern gifts can be rather pricey – but not all. So, here are five ideas for affordable gifts so you can give your partner an on-theme treat but not blow your entire budget.

1. A lace bookmark

Is your partner a major bookworm? If so, one thoughtful, useful and brilliantly appropriate gift for your 13th anniversary is a lace bookmark, which also just so happens to be affordable.

2. A lace dreamcatcher

To ward off bad dreams and help encourage a peaceful night’s sleep, a lace dreamcatcher hangs above the bed and is said to only allow good dreams to pass through. A lovely gift if your partner believes in these ancient traditions.

3. A silk tie

If your partner spends time wearing a suit for work, or you have a lot of social events on the horizon that call for a suit and tie, you could give your partner a silk tie. They’re bright, colourful and full of character, and will help your partner stand out from the crowd.

4. Bamboo socks

They might not quite be fur, but bamboo socks are thick, comfortable and warm. They also help prevent blisters, so they’re a great choice if you and your partner like to spend time enjoying long walks together. 

5. A lace photo frame border

Add a touch of real lace to any photo frame with a lace photo frame border, and elevate the frame to become a fantastically on-theme gift.

5 DIY gifts for a 13th wedding anniversary

What’s better than giving your partner a gift to mark your anniversary? How about a gift made with love and dedication using your own two hands! DIY gifts are a brilliant way to show your other half just how much you care, and there are plenty of ways to get stuck in even if you don’t have much experience with arts and crafts or you don’t have any specialist tools. Here are five DIY gift ideas to give you some inspiration.

1. DIY lace flowers

If you can get your hands on some old lace, with just a few common bits and bobs you might well have at home already, you can create some super simple lace flowers. In no time at all, you can create a unique bouquet that will last forever. Check out a video tutorial for everything you need to get started.

2. A DIY lace bowl

All you need is some lace, a balloon and some glue/fabric stiffener, and you have everything you need to produce a lace bowl. It’s easy peasy and you can even use it to give your partner their main gift so it ties everything into the traditional theme. Follow the simple steps in this video tutorial.

3. A DIY lace leaf

A lace leaf doesn’t take weeks, days or even hours of practice to master – especially if you use a video tutorial. Once you have a few leaves created you can use them to decorate a card, gift wrapping, a cake or anything else you can think of.

4. DIY textile wall art

Use textiles to create your very own piece of wall art and tie a creative and unique piece of art into the modern theme. It may sound complicated at first glance, but it really isn’t in practice, and allows you to be as adventurous as you like. Watch this video tutorial for everything you need.

5. DIY fabric gift bag

If you know exactly what you want to give you partner, but you’d like to use the modern theme, you could create your very own fabric gift bag and tie it all together. There are plenty of video tutorials out there to give you some ideas.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 13th wedding anniversary

To make sure your 13th anniversary is far from unlucky, you could spend time with your other half enjoying an activity or experience together. You might assume that lace and fur don’t lead to many fun activities, but it’s a great way to take part in something unique and exciting or learn a new skill. So, here are five suggestions to spend your anniversary taking part in something different.

1. Textile mill guided tour

Discover all about how textiles are made with a guided tour of a working textile mill. You and your partner will get to see first-hand how Yorkshire fur has been produced in this Huddersfield-based factory for decades.

2. A textile workshop

Textiles are incredibly versatile, and there’s a lot you can do with them just by unleashing your creativity. A textile workshop is suitable for beginners and provides you with everything you need for you and your partner to become expert designers (well, almost).

3. A lacemaking course

Lace is delicate and beautiful, but it’s actually a pretty accessible craft to learn, even if you’re a beginner. A lacemaking course is a fun way to spend time learning this forgotten skill.

4. Nottingham lace market tour

Nottingham was once the beating heart of Britain’s lace industry, but many of its factories and warehouses have since closed. A lace market tour guides you around some of the well-known sites that helped shape the industry in the city.

5. A Parisian textile tour

If you fancy going a little further afield than Nottingham, another city famous for its lace is Paris. So, you might want to whisk your partner away to enjoy some pastries, museums and a textile tour of Paris. This is definitely not an unlucky way to spend your 13th wedding anniversary.

10 13th anniversary gifts that contain citrine

If you’d like to treat your partner to a new item of jewellery or accessory set with the traditional 13th anniversary gemstone, citrine, your partner is in for a treat. Citrine isn’t all that common, but thanks to its yellow and orange colours it’s highly desirable. Whether your partner loves gold, silver, platinum or any other precious metal, you shouldn’t have to look too far to find them something they’ll love. Here are 10 suggestions for jewellery to consider that contains citrine:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Citrine is a relatively rare gemstone, but despite this, it can be fairly affordable. So, even if you have a limited budget, finding a lovely piece of citrine jewellery is more than achievable. Most high street and independent jewellers should have a selection for you to browse. At Bridebook, we also work with a range of brilliant jewellers, plenty of which have citrine jewellery in stock right now. Take a look and we bet you’ll spot something to suit your partner’s tastes.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 13th wedding anniversary

For something as stunning as your other half, you could give them a gift linked to the traditional 13th anniversary flower, the chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemums are blooming lovely and come in a range of different colours that make them a must-have addition to any floral arrangement. Their distinct shape also makes them a great inspiration for patterns and designs, so even if your partner isn’t a big fan of bouquets, you’re still bound to find something they’ll appreciate.

1. A bouquet of chrysanthemums

Thanks to their incredible size and vivid array of colours, chrysanthemums make for a stunning addition to any flower arrangement. They also work just as well when they’re the star of the show, so a bouquet of chrysanthemums should be high on your list of considerations.

2. A chrysanthemum flower soap gift box

For a romantic anniversary night, draw your partner a hot, welcoming bath and give them a chrysanthemum flower soap gift box, which smells fruity and sweet and looks almost as good as the real thing.

3. A tiny chrysanthemum in a bottle

Present your partner with an adorable chrysanthemum-inspired keepsake with a tiny chrysanthemum in a bottle. You can even pair it with a personalised label so your partner always has a token gift to hold on to and remember your 13th anniversary by.

4. A chrysanthemum glass

Why not toast to 13 incredible years after giving your other half a chrysanthemum glass? This sleek and stylish curved tumbler can be used for everything from your partner’s morning orange juice to their evening glass of wine.

5. A chrysanthemum necklace pendant

A neat and subtle nod that your partner can always wear whatever the occasion, a chrysanthemum necklace pendant is both symbolic and looks lovely.

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If you’re about to celebrate your 14th wedding anniversary, it’s an incredibly exciting milestone in your marriage. 14 years is a long time to spend with someone, and you no doubt know everything there is to know about your partner. As part of your celebrations, you might be looking to give your other half a gift that’s special enough to reflect this fabulous milestone. But, what on earth can you give them that’s worthy of 14 years of marriage? 

Well, did you know that there are traditional and modern 14th anniversary gifts? These gifts are extra special because they’re filled with historical meaning, which can elevate them above other types of gifts. There is also a traditional flower and traditional gemstone, so if you are keen to give your partner a blooming beautiful bouquet or piece of sparkly jewellery, you can do so and make sure it’s filled with symbolic meaning.

These traditional and modern gifts have been given by couples for over a century, so they’re definitely something to consider during your hunt for the ideal gift. In this article, we’ll dive into these gifts, including the traditional flower and gemstone, and offer you loads of suggestions if it’s something you’d like to do. That means you can give your partner a gift that’s got plenty of history behind it and tells them exactly how you feel.

For more information about different anniversary gifts and traditions from all the different milestones from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 14th wedding anniversary gifts

Both traditional and modern gifts have been given by couples to each other for more than 100 years, which means, by today’s standards, they’re potentially a little outdated compared to how we view things now. But, it’s what the gifts stand for that’s important, and with a little creativity, you can still give gifts linked to both the traditional and modern themes.

Traditional 14th anniversary gift – Ivory

The traditional 14th anniversary gift is ivory, the material from which elephant tusks are made. Ivory is incredibly durable, and is traditionally a symbol of elegance and beauty. However, not only is ivory morally wrong, as collecting it results in the death of elephants, but it’s also illegal. As a cruelty-free and legal alternative, an ivory-coloured or elephant-inspired gift is a great way to honour this gift without having to worry about the moral or ethical implications.

Modern 14th anniversary gift – Gold jewellery

The modern 14th anniversary gift is gold jewellery. Gold jewellery symbolises wealth and prosperity, which reflects the love shared by you and your partner. Gold jewellery can be a little pricey, so may be out of your budget, but there are ways to give your partner a little taste of gold jewellery without breaking the bank.

14th anniversary gemstone – Opal

The traditional 14th anniversary gemstone is opal. Opal is an absolutely stunning gemstone, which comes in an array of incredible colours and is often multi-coloured. It represents hope and truth, which is a lovely way to honour 14 years of marriage. Because of the assortment of colours opal can be found in, it’s a versatile addition to a wide variety of jewellery and accessories.

14th anniversary flower – Orchid

For a floral treat for your partner, you could give them the traditional 14th anniversary flower: the orchid. Orchids are delicate, exotic and beautiful flowers which are stunning as part of an arrangement or planted in a pot. They do take a little bit of work to care for, but it’s absolutely worth it, and is still totally accessible for beginner horticulturalists. Orchids represent love and beauty, as well as fertility – so if you have a couple of kids by now, an orchid would be rather appropriate!

How do you choose a gift for a 14th wedding anniversary?

For your 14th anniversary, you might rack your brain to think of the perfect gift for your partner. Next year is a big milestone with your 15th wedding anniversary, which makes it an extra special one. But, you can still make your 14th special and memorable too. Here are a few things to consider before deciding what to get your other half.

  • Are you happy giving your partner something linked to the traditional or modern 14th anniversary themes? Ivory and gold jewellery aren’t necessarily the most accessible of themes, but if you love the sentiment behind them there are ways to be creative with them.
  • What’s your agreed budget, if you have one? Ivory can be a theme that can be interpreted in different ways, but gold jewellery not so much, which means it can be rather pricey.
  • Are you keen to give your partner a gift which is personalised? Both the traditional and modern gifts can be tricky to personalise, but not impossible.
  • What sort of gift might your partner hope to receive? For example, have they hinted at gold jewellery or even something linked to ivory or elephants?

Do you know a couple who will soon be celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary? If so, you might be wondering if you can buy them a gift which is closely linked to the traditional and modern 14th anniversary themes. Well, the simple answer is, of course you can! Gifts related to the themes are open to everyone, so if you have an idea for the perfect gift then give away! We’re sure they’ll not only love it, but appreciate the thought and meaning behind your gift too.

50 ideas for a 14th wedding anniversary gift

Are you excited to give your partner a 14th anniversary gift closely linked to the traditional or modern themes, but not quite sure where to start? After all, how can you choose unique gold jewellery or a gift linked to ivory? There are plenty of options out there, you might just have to think outside the box a little! So, here are 50 ideas for 14th anniversary gifts so you can give your other half something they’ll never forget.

10 traditional gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

For a gift with traditional flair, you might want to consider giving your partner a gift associated with ivory. Now, ivory is of course illegal today, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find an on-theme gift. Instead of ivory itself, you could find your partner a gift associated with the colour ivory or something related to elephants. Here are 10 suggestions to give you a little inspiration.

1. An ivory grey photo frame

Ivory is a massively appealing and versatile colour thanks to how neutral it is, so it’ll go with almost any style or colour scheme. So, you could print off your favourite wedding photo from 14 years ago and stick it in an ivory grey photo frame, which your partner could hang on the wall, put on a sideboard, or proudly display on their desk.

2. An ivory white silk scarf

Because ivory goes with almost any other colour, it’s perfect for most fashion items and accessories. That’s why an ivory white silk scarf is often a safe gift to give, because no matter what kind of thing your partner likes to wear, ivory will often complement it well.

3. An incredible elephant sculpture

Elephants are beautiful animals, which is another reason why ivory poachers are so cruel. One gift that truly celebrates these gentle giants is an elephant sculpture, which can be displayed in your home as an eye-catching centrepiece.

4. A personalised elephant wall plaque

For a cute piece of personalisation, you might want to choose a personalised elephant wall plaque. If you have a growing family, you can choose the number of elephants to include on it, and each of their names to accompany them. You can also choose the wording in the central star to wish your beloved a happy anniversary.

5. Elephants in love ceramic figures

An adorable gift that perfectly sums up the love you and your partner share is a pair of elephants in love ceramic figures. With their trunks entwined, it symbolises how the two of you are one and always there for each other.

6. An ivory-coloured bouquet

Ivory makes for a gorgeous colour when it comes to flowers, and an ivory dreams bouquet will truly make an impact on your anniversary. The subtle ivory really comes to life against the lusciousness of the green foliage.

7. Imitation ivory combs

In the olden days, the upper classes would often have combs made from ivory. Call back to those times with imitation ivory combs, which look just like the real thing but are far kinder to elephants.

8. An elephant crochet craft kit

They say an elephant never forgets, and your partner won’t forget your anniversary any time soon with an elephant crochet craft kit. They’ll be able to create their very own adorable little elephant to treasure forever.

9. An ivory paper rose

For a gift as showstopping as it is delicate, an ivory paper rose has all the beauty of a real rose but is guaranteed never to wilt. The ultimate symbol of love combined with the important meaning of ivory on your 14th anniversary.

10. An ivory leather clutch bag

If the two of you are heading out to celebrate on your anniversary, you might want to treat your partner to an ivory leather clutch bag, which is super smart and stylish and will go with almost any type of outfit.

10 modern gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

If you’re not quite sold on the idea of ivory, you could give your partner the modern 14th anniversary gift, which is gold jewellery. While other themes allow for a lot of outside-the-box thinking and creativity, gold jewellery is exactly what it says on the tin. But, there are a lot of different types of gold jewellery out there to choose from, so whatever your partner likes, you’re bound to find something that appeals to them and their tastes. Here are just 10 you might like to consider:

5 affordable gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

Anniversary gifts can be pricey, especially if you decide to stick to the traditional or modern gifts such as gold jewellery. But, just because you want to give your partner something filled with meaning doesn’t mean you have to pay loads for the privilege. In fact, you can still get your other half a thoughtful 14th anniversary gift without breaking the bank. Here are five suggestions for brilliant token gifts which are still full of romantic symbolism.

1. A porcelain elephant in a matchbox

For the sweetest, pocket-sized gesture of love that’s packed full of historical 14th anniversary sentiment, a porcelain elephant in a matchbox is adorable and hard to beat, with the added bonus of being super affordable too.

2. An elephant-themed greetings card

If you’re considering getting your partner a gift, then chances are you’re also thinking about getting them a card. Why not bring that traditional gift-giving meaning into that with an elephant-themed greeting card? It’s a great way to personalise their card and make it specific to your 14th anniversary.

3. Gold sun anniversary card

If gold is more your partner’s thing, a gold sun anniversary card is a smart way to combine their card with the modern gift. It also means they’ll have a small keepsake of your 14th anniversary to hold onto forever.

4. A gold sunbeam ring

Gold jewellery can often be quite pricey, which means it’s not always an option if you’re on a budget. However, a gold stainless steel sunbeam ring totally counts and is a great way to give your partner an affordable gift which has all the historical meaning behind it.

5. A faux IKEA orchid

If you think your partner would love an orchid, but they’re not confident with keeping plants alive and you don’t want to risk, it a faux orchid from IKEA could be everything you’re looking for! And it looks great, so win-win.

5 DIY gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

Nothing says romance quite like a homemade anniversary gift, which you can tie into the themes and show just how much effort you’ve put into it. But, we hear you ask, how on earth are you supposed to make a gift linked to ivory or gold jewellery? Well, you might be surprised – there are plenty of things you can do to make your partner something with your own two hands. Here are five creative ideas for DIY 14th anniversary gifts.

1. DIY ivory fabric bunting

We decorate for loads of different occasions, from holidays to birthdays – so why not apply the same effort to your anniversary? And there’s no better way to decorate than with homemade anniversary bunting using ivory fabric. Fabric is fairly affordable, and a video tutorial will tell you everything you need to know to make it yourself.

2. A DIY ivory headband

With a little ivory fabric and some elastic, you might be able to cobble together a few bits from around the house to make your partner a DIY ivory headband. Headbands are in fashion at the moment, so not only will it be thoughtful and on-theme, but your partner can wear it proudly too. Check out tutorial for all the steps on how to sew a headband.

3. A DIY gold wire sculpture

Even if you don’t have any experience, with a little patience and time, you can create a striking DIY gold wire sculpture. You might need a couple of tools, but gold wire is very affordable and can be both rewarding and easy to work with. Watch a video tutorial for information on how to get started.

4. DIY gold wire jewellery

If you have some gold wire (and if you don’t, you can pick some up cheaply) there are loads of things you can do with it, including making gold wire jewellery. You can make everything from earrings to bracelets, and it’s straightforward to pick up. Browse Pinterest for some great wire jewellery ideas.

5. DIY gold jewellery

Want a crack at making jewellery but you’re not sure your partner will like wire jewellery? A jewellery-making kit provides you with all the tools and materials you need to make a wide variety of jewellery with plenty of gold accessories to include.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

Not that you need an excuse to spend time with the love of your life, but your anniversary is the perfect time to whisk your partner away to experience something new, fun or exciting together. And, there are plenty of experience or activity gifts which tie directly into the traditional and modern 14th anniversary themes. Here are five ideas to give you the most memorable anniversary ever.

1. Meet an elephant at Whipsnade Zoo

We know that it’s important for you and your love to spend quality time together on your anniversary, but there’s no harm in the two of you also sharing that time with an elephant. Whipsnade Zoo offers a meet the elephants experience so you can make some new friends on your big day!

2. Elephant keeper experience

If you think your partner would like to do more than simply meet an elephant, and has always fancied having a go at caring for them, an elephant keeper experience at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm is sure to be an anniversary gift they’ll never forget.

3. Go on a safari

For a wild adventure which lets you see animals from all over the world (including elephants, of course) without having to leave the UK, you could treat your other half to a trip to Woburn Safari Park. Then, for the icing on the cake, a meal in a pub in nearby Woburn village will be a great end to the day (which could include a cake for dessert… literally the icing on the cake).

4. A jewellery-making experience

Has your partner ever talked about how much they’d like to try jewellery making? Now is the perfect opportunity, with a jewellery-making experience. You can both have a go at making jewellery yourself under the guidance of an expert.

5. Tour Britain’s only Roman gold mine

The UK isn’t exactly known for its gold mines, but, did you know that West Wales is home to Britain’s only Roman gold mine? Take a tour of Dolaucothi Gold Mines and learn all about how the Romans mined gold right here in the UK.

10 14th anniversary gifts that contain opal

The traditional 14th anniversary gemstone is opal, a blindingly brilliant stone which comes in so many different colours that it’s practically impossible to find two that are the same. What isn’t impossible, however, is finding one that your partner will love. Because of their versatility, opals are great when set in all different types of jewellery made from almost every different precious metal there is. If you think your other half might love jewellery set with opal, you might want to consider any one of the following 10 ideas:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Opals are a fairly common stone, so they can be relatively affordable. That said, some of the more valuable opals, such as black opal, can be incredibly expensive. So, opal is a great stone to suit a wide range of budgets. You shouldn’t have many issues finding opal jewellery at most high street and independent jewellers. At Bridebook, we’ve partnered with a huge number of jewellers who have their own selections of opal jewellery, so check them out and take a look to see if they have something that suits your partner’s tastes.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 14th wedding anniversary

Flowers are always a great gift to give on your anniversary, and are sure to put you in your partner’s good books. But, to make sure your floral gift has more meaning behind it than any other bouquet you might choose, the traditional flower for your 14th anniversary is the orchid. Orchids are stunning and fill a room with elegance and life, and their striking look can inspire other gifts. Below are five orchid-themed gifts to consider giving your partner on your anniversary.

1. A white heart orchid

Giving your partner an orchid is one thing, but a white heart orchid from M&S features an orchid shaped like a heart, with a heart token hanging from the centre. It’s the ultimate symbol of love made from the ultimate flower for celebrating 14 years.

2. A rose gold orchid necklace

Orchids are iconic blooms and work wonderfully well when included in jewellery. A rose gold orchid necklace combines two 14th anniversary gifts in the form of the traditional flower and modern gift, which makes it a double-hitter for your big milestone.

3. A crocheted orchid

If your partner loves orchids but struggles to keep them alive, a crocheted orchid looks almost as good as the real thing, except it’ll never die and will always remain as vibrant as the day you give it to your partner.

4. A freesia and orchid-scented candle

Help create a romantic atmosphere on the evening of your anniversary with a freesia and orchid-scented candle, which smells gloriously floral and sweet and will last around 42 hours.

5. LEGO orchids

Do you and your partner love building LEGO sets together? If so, a brilliant choice of anniversary gift is a LEGO orchid set, which is fun and satisfying to build and looks almost as good as the real thing when finished.

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12th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

12 is a very spiritual number and is often linked to the heavens because there are 12 months and zodiac signs – to many, this makes it rather lucky. And we bet you consider yourself exceptionally lucky to be celebrating your 12th wedding anniversary! 12 whole years with the love of your life is something that deserves to be celebrated, which means you might be keen to give your partner a gift they’ll always remember.

Did you know there are traditional and modern 12th anniversary gifts, as well as a traditional flower and gemstone? These gifts have been given by couples to each other for over 100 years, and they have special meanings associated with them that elevate them above other types of gifts. Not that other gifts are wrong and shouldn’t be given – far from it – but traditional and modern gifts have a wonderful history which you may like to include in your celebrations.

In this guide, we’re going to explore the traditional and modern gifts associated with your 12th wedding anniversary so you know exactly the type of gift to buy that contains extra special symbolic meaning. We’ll also give you 50 ideas related to the themes to kickstart your creativity and help you find your partner the perfect gift and mark a dozen years together in style.

To discover more about all the different anniversary gift-giving traditions from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 12th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 12th wedding anniversary gifts    

12 years is a long time to spend with someone, so a gift packed with thought and meaning is a brilliant way to let them know just how much you care. Depending on the type of gift you’d like to give and your partner’s preferences, you have a wide range of different options to make your anniversary one to remember.

Traditional 12th anniversary gift – Silk

The traditional 12th anniversary gift is silk, a luxurious, smooth and highly-desirable material used for making a wide range of clothes and accessories. You might think this limits the type of gift you can give, but with a little creativity, there are loads of ways to incorporate silk into your anniversary. Silk represents how your marriage has become interwoven and strong, as well as how you enjoy the odd luxurious indulgence. It sounds pretty perfect to us!

Modern 12th anniversary gift – Pearl

If you’d rather go for the modern 12th anniversary gift, you might want to give your partner something containing pearl. Pearl is a lovely iridescent creamy white stone made by oysters and mussels, though artificial pearls can look just as lovely. Pearls represent strength and purity, on top of looking beautiful set in different types of jewellery.

12th anniversary gemstone – Jade

The traditional 12th anniversary gemstone is jade, a fabulous stone that comes in many different shades of green, and sometimes also in white, black and orange. It represents eternity and harmony, and we’re sure there must be plenty of harmony in your marriage – how else would you be about to celebrate your 12th anniversary, after all?

12th anniversary flower – Peony

For something a little more floral, you could give your partner the traditional 12th anniversary flower, which is the peony. Peonies are lovely big blooms that come in various shades of red, purple, pink and white, and sometimes even yellow. They symbolise happiness, romance and a contented marriage, so could there really be a more brilliant bloom to give your partner to mark your anniversary?

How do you choose a gift for a 12th wedding anniversary?

Choosing the perfect gift to give to your partner on your anniversary can be a tricky one. Silk has romantic connotations, pearl is stunning and desirable, jade is super eye-catching and peonies have a wonderful meaning… in all honesty, all four are a great choice. Here are a few things to consider when trying to narrow down your decision:

  • Do you want to stick to the traditional or modern themes? Every gift is lovely, so you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to ways to spoil your other half.
  • Have you agreed on a set budget? While all four gift choices are amazing, they can be rather pricey, which means they might not be great if you have a smaller budget.
  • Do you want to give them something personalised? While some of the traditional and modern gifts can be personalised, none of them are easily personalisable, so this may sway your decision.
  • What kind of thing does your partner like? Your partner might not be a big fan of silk, pearls, jade or peonies, which might make your decision trickier. Or they might not like any, which might make it even harder.

If you have someone in your life who’s about to celebrate their 12th anniversary, you might wonder whether or not you can join in with the traditional or modern gift-giving fun. Thankfully, these are only guidelines, so you can definitely give a couple a gift linked to the 12th anniversary themes. In fact, it’s bound to go down well, as it shows how much effort you’ve put into giving them a thoughtful gift!

50 ideas for a 12th wedding anniversary gift

If you know you’d love to give your partner an anniversary gift filled with romance and special meaning, you have plenty of choices available. But, if you’re not quite sure where to start or you need a little help choosing something that contains silk or pearls, we’re here to help. Here are 50 on-theme 12th anniversary gifts to give you some inspiration.

10 traditional gifts for a 12th wedding anniversary

The traditional gift for celebrating 12 wonderful years of marriage is silk, a luxurious material that’s smooth and fancy. You might already have one or two silk-centric ideas, but here are 10 more so you can make sure you’ve covered all bases.

1. Luxury silk pyjamas

Silk is an incredibly comfortable material – some say it feels like you’re not even wearing anything at all. That’s why luxury silk pyjamas are such an amazing anniversary gift and are available in so many different styles.

2. A silk flower arrangement

Silk is a delicate and soft material that just so happens to be strong and durable too. It’s the perfect material for making faux flowers that will never wilt, to give your partner a long-lasting reminder of your 12th anniversary. Silk flower arrangements are just as beautiful as the real deal and don’t need to be watered.

3. A pair of unique silk cufflinks

If your partner is long overdue for a new pair of cufflinks that they can wear to work or on special occasions, then a pair of silk cufflinks is unique and a way to always remember this special milestone.

4. A smart silk tie

Maybe cufflinks aren’t your partner’s thing, but there are often occasions when wearing a tie is needed. So, you could treat your other half to a smart silk tie, which looks great whether worn for a fancy meal out, a wedding, a business meeting… or any other occasion they might wear a tie for.

5. A stylish silk handkerchief

Handkerchiefs have fallen out of style a little bit, but it’s about time they were brought back! And a silk handkerchief is just the way to do it, so your partner is always prepared if they have a spillage or poorly-timed sneeze.

6. A Tiffany & Co. silk bracelet

Tiffany & Co. is a well-known and luxurious brand, and if you want to treat your partner, they offer something which fits with the traditional theme. A Tiffany & Co. silk bracelet is a subtle but stunning piece of jewellery that really is special.

7. Silk lingerie

Silk is a super sexy fabric, so it’s perfect for lingerie. Treat your partner (or yourself!) to some silk lingerie and have an anniversary day (and night!) to remember.

8. Silk bed linen

For the most comfortable night’s sleep you could imagine, silk bed linen is smooth, warm and so very luxurious. It’ll let you sink into bed every night feeling like you’re in a posh hotel.

9. A gorgeous silk scarf

Silk is a great material for making scarves because it’s soft and warm, and we just couldn’t put this list together without including silk scarves. There are loads of different designs and styles available, and they’re not the most expensive thing in the world either.

10. A silk gift set

Do you want to give your partner a silk-themed gift but can’t decide on one item? You could go for a silk gift set – a collection containing an eye mask, scrunchie and pillowcase to help your partner have a comfortable and satisfying night’s sleep.

10 modern gifts for a 12th wedding anniversary

If you’d prefer to give your partner a gift with more modern flair, you could choose the modern 12th anniversary gift – pearl. Yes, pearl is a wonderful addition to jewellery, but you’re not just limited to jewellery and accessories. Here are 10 suggestions for anniversary gifts containing pearl.

1. A freshwater mother of pearl frame

It’s been 12 amazing years since the two of you tied the knot, and while you’re a little older and wiser now, you no doubt love to look back on that day. So, why not do that by printing off your favourite wedding snap and framing it in a freshwater mother of pearl frame?

2. A pair of pearl stud earrings

Pearls are both bold and subtle at the same time – an amazing combination which makes them perfect for jewellery. So, wow your partner with a pair of pearl stud earrings, which go with loads of different outfits and styles.

3. A personalised framed pearl heart

For something on-theme you can hang on the wall for all to see, a personalised framed pearl heart uses pearls and pearl-coloured accessories to form the symbol of love. You can also feature a custom message to include the date of your wedding or your 12th anniversary.

4. Mother of pearl gin

If you don’t think your partner would want to wear or frame their pearls, maybe they’d like to drink them instead. Manchester Gin partnered with a Michelin-star restaurant to create its unique mother of pearl gin, which is distilled using oyster shells. Don’t worry, it definitely doesn’t taste fishy, but it’s lovely to drink when enjoying a fish dish!

5. A silver pearl cluster necklace

Marge Simpson is a famous wearer of a pearl necklace, but they don’t all look like that. For example, the silver pearl cluster necklace is a lovely piece which can be worn for a wide range of occasions, and is definitely not like Marge’s (not that there’s anything wrong with that – she looks lovely too).

6. A freshwater pearl bracelet

For a really classic piece of pearl jewellery, a freshwater pearl bracelet is elegant and subtle, so your partner can wear it whether they’re going to a fancy do or just for a night out to the pub.

7. A silver and pearl brooch

If your partner regularly dresses up, a silver and pearl brooch is a brilliant way for them to add a little class to their outfit. It’s not something they’re likely to wear all the time, but when it’s time to come out they’ll have that reminder of your 12th anniversary.

8. A silver mother of pearl locket

If you’d like to give your partner a pearl-related gift that’s personalised, you really can’t go wrong with a silver mother of pearl locket. Inside, you can house two photographs, so include whatever your partner loves most – your kids, your pets, your favourite travel destination… maybe even yourself!

9. A dainty pearl ring

With the right design, a pearl ring can look fantastic and not be too obtrusive. A Loopla pearl ring is exactly that, and is sure to look lovely alongside other rings your partner might wear.

10. Blossom pearl hair pins

If your partner likes to wear their hair up, a set of three blossom pearl hair pins is a fabulous and stylish way to do just that. It’s a great gift if the two of you are due to hit up a few weddings this year, and they go well with a variety of different outfits.

5 affordable gifts for a 12th wedding anniversary

Neither silk nor pearls are the most expensive gifts in the world, but they’re not exactly cheap either. You may want to give your partner a gift associated with the traditional or modern gifts, but more as a token gesture, so that means not spending too much money. Thankfully, there are ways to do that. Here are five suggestions for affordable 12th anniversary gifts, so you can give your other half something packed with meaning that doesn’t cost the Earth.

1. A silk anniversary card

If you’re thinking about getting your partner a gift for your anniversary, then you’re possibly also thinking about giving them a card. Why not combine your card with the traditional gift and give them a silk anniversary card? They’ll love the meaning behind it and it’s an affordable way to be extra thoughtful.

2. Pearl on Blu Ray (or streaming)

For something extra thrilling on your anniversary, you could treat your partner to a movie night and watch the horror movie Pearl! It’s far from romantic, but it’s a great excuse to cuddle up close and hide behind a pillow together. Pearl is available on Blu Ray and streaming platforms.

3. A pair of freshwater pearl dangle earrings

Not all pearl jewellery is expensive, and a pair of freshwater pearl dangle earrings proves just that. They come in gold and silver and the pearls are available in white and pink.

4. A silk scrunchie

Get in your partner’s good books with a silk hair scrunchie. Not only is it small and affordable, but it’s perfectly on theme and super practical!

5. A pair of mother of pearl cufflinks

If your partner often wears shirts, we bet there’s a good chance they haven’t had a new pair of cufflinks in a while. So, you could treat them to a pair of mother of pearl cufflinks, which are subtle enough to be worn for any occasion.

5 DIY gifts for a 12th wedding anniversary

A brilliant way to show your partner how much you care is by making them an anniversary gift. But, how can you link something you make yourself with the traditional or modern themes? You don’t actually need to be a trained jewellery maker or needleworker to make something out of pearls or silk – just a little bit of creativity. Here are five suggestions that will hopefully give you a few ideas. 

1. DIY pearl beaded keyring

To make your partner a lovely DIY pearl beaded keyring, you only need a few bits, including thread, beads/pearls and a needle. It also takes a little patience, but if you have the willpower you can make something your partner will definitely appreciate. There are video tutorials available to help you get started.

2. DIY pearl necklace

Why not go one step further and make your partner a pearl necklace? It requires a few simple tools and some wire, but if you follow a video tutorial we bet you can make something fabulous.

3. DIY silk flowers

For a bouquet your partner won’t forget in a hurry – because they’re never going to wilt – why not have a go at making some DIY silk flowers? You don’t need anything fancy, and the results can be brilliant. Check out a video tutorial for tips on how to get started.

4. A DIY silk handkerchief

If you have some old silk lying around, you could make use of it by turning it into a DIY silk handkerchief for your partner. This one requires a bit of sewing, so if you have the know-how, it shouldn’t take you too long. There are guides detailing how to make a silk handkerchief online, so see what you can come up with!

5. A homemade silk painting

Silk paintings aren’t just beautiful to look at; they can also be a lot of fun to create yourself. If you’ve never dabbled in painting before, this is rather like jumping in at the deep end, but if you fancy giving it a go, check out a silk painting beginner course for some help.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 12th wedding anniversary

Of course, you could give your partner a physical gift on your anniversary. Whatever you give them will no doubt be well received and they’ll love it. But, one way to make your anniversary memorable and unique is by giving them an experience or activity – especially if it’s linked to the traditional or modern gifts. Here are five ideas so you can make your 12th anniversary one your partner will never forget.

1. A silk weaving experience

Silk weaving has been around for almost 6,000 years, and many silk mills still use similar techniques to this day. Spend your anniversary taking part in a silk weaving workshop, to find out all about this incredible skill and make your very own purse.

2. A silk painting experience

Instead of creating a silk painting to give to your partner ahead of your anniversary, you might want to spend that time painting together instead. A silk painting experience is a wonderfully creative and fulfilling way to spend time together, with something you can keep forever at the end of it.

3. A visit to the Silk Museum

You and your partner can find out all about hundreds of years of British textile history with a visit to the Silk Museum in Cheshire. Walk through this authentic silk mill and see actual historical machinery in action.

4. A pearl bracelet workshop

If jewellery is more up your partner’s alley, you could spend time at a pearl bracelet workshop, which provides you with all the materials, tools and information so you can make an incredible, handmade pearl bracelet.

5. Pick a pearl experience

Pearls are formed in oysters and mussels, so you could enjoy a pick a pearl experience, which allows you to select your own oyster, reveal your pearl through shucking, grade your pearl and set it in a piece of jewellery. Then, your partner will have a truly one-of-a-kind accessory they can treasure forever.

10 12th anniversary gifts that contain jade

When you’re celebrating your 12th anniversary, the traditional gemstone to give to your partner is jade. Jade is a fabulous stone that comes in loads of different shades of green and is an imperial gem, which means it was used in different ceremonial objects throughout history. It’s still often used in different types of jewellery today, including those made with gold, silver, platinum and other metals. It can vary in price, with the best-quality jade being rare, and therefore expensive. But, if you’re keen to give your partner something containing jade, there’s a good chance you’ll find something that suits a range of budgets. Here are 10 items to consider that contain jade:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Jade can be an incredibly popular gemstone, and many high street and independent jewellers will have a range of jade jewellery, so you shouldn’t have to look too far to find something perfect for your other half. At Bridebook, we also work closely with loads of different jewellers, who also have plenty of great pieces, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding something beautiful.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 12th wedding anniversary

The traditional flower for celebrating 12 years of marriage is the wonderful peony, an enormous blooming flower which flowers from late spring into the summer. It comes in an array of romantic colours and is a fantastic addition to any floral arrangement. But, it’s also a great inspiration for other gifts, so you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to gifts linked to peonies. Here are five suggestions to help you choose something perfectly peony.

1. A bunch of peonies

How could we not kick off this list by including a good ol’ fashioned bunch of peonies? Their big blooms make them a wonderful flower to include in a bouquet, especially when they’re the star of the show. 

2. Peony stud earrings

For all of the beauty but none of the pollen, peony stud earrings are cute and luxurious. They also include a pearl in the centre, which makes them have double the meaning. We’re not sure you could find a more well-rounded and meaningful gift for your 12th anniversary!

3. Personalised paper peonies

For a wonderfully personalised peony-inspired gift, you could go for a personalised paper peony that’s hand-crafted. The best part is that you can include text on every petal, which could be anything from your wedding vows to the lyrics of your favourite song. It’s something your partner could hold on to forever.

4. A White Company peony candle

Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere on your anniversary with a White Company peony candle. With a deliciously floral scent, it’s soft and soothing, and allows you to set the scene on your anniversary night.

5. A peony table lamp

Light up your partner’s life with a peony table lamp, which we bet they’ll never see coming. The glass cylinder is etched with delicate patterns and casts a warm and cosy light. Lovely for those quiet nights in.

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11th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

You and your partner are now in your second decade together as a married couple. Your 10th wedding anniversary may already feel like such a long time ago, but now that you’re getting ready to celebrate 11 years of married bliss, you have another excuse to spoil your other half rotten all over again.

But what should you get your spouse when the two of you are celebrating your 11th wedding anniversary? Last year, you may have chosen to follow traditions and give your partner something around the theme of diamonds, but did you know that your 11th anniversary also has a traditional and modern gift, as well as a traditional flower and gemstone too?

So, if you’re keen to give your partner a gift filled with love and special meaning, you have plenty of options to choose from. In this guide, we’re going to explore all the traditions surrounding gift-giving when it comes to celebrating your 11th anniversary. We’ll let you know what the traditional and modern gifts are, and give you 50 suggestions to help you find something your partner will love.

For more information about all the anniversary gift-giving traditions from your first anniversary through to your 90th, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for an 11th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 11th wedding anniversary gifts

You might already have a few ideas for what kind of gift you want to give your partner to mark your anniversary, but a traditional or modern gift can have a deeper level of symbolism that makes it extra special. People have been giving both traditional and modern gifts to their partners for more than 100 years, and which you choose to go with is up to you – and any can be super romantic and meaningful.

Traditional 11th anniversary gift – Steel

The traditional gift when celebrating your 11th wedding anniversary is steel. Okay, so steel might not seem like a particularly obvious choice, especially as it’s often reserved for fairly industrial use. But, steel is incredibly strong and durable, so it’s actually poignant when you think about how it sums up your marriage. If you use your creativity, steel can also make for a touching and beautiful gift.

Modern 11th anniversary gift – Costume jewellery

The modern 11th anniversary gift is costume jewellery, otherwise known as fashion jewellery. It’s often big, bold and relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to fine jewellery, because it doesn’t tend to feature pricey precious metals or gemstones. But don’t let that put you off – it symbolises the fun and playfulness you have in your marriage.

11th anniversary gemstone – Turquoise

If you’d love to get your other half some jewellery but you’d prefer it to contain a real gemstone or precious metal, then the traditional 11th anniversary gemstone is turquoise. This lovely (as the name suggests) turquoise-coloured stone represents protection and luck, which you clearly have by the bucket load after spending more than a decade with the love of your life.

11th anniversary flower – Tulip

The traditional 11th anniversary flower is the tulip, which couldn’t be a more perfect flower when celebrating your anniversary. Not only are tulips wonderful springtime flowers, but they represent perfect, deep love. And, after 11 years of marriage, we imagine that’s exactly what you feel for your other half. Plus, it looks fantastic either as part of an arrangement or as the star of the show in a bouquet.

How do you choose a gift for an 11th wedding anniversary?

When it comes to choosing the ideal 11th anniversary gift, you could have a few ideas in your mind already. Do you go for the typical anniversary gift, like chocolates and flowers, or do you think outside the box? Or, you might want to choose a gift packed with special meaning – the choice is practically endless.

Here are a few points to bear in mind when trying to think about the perfect 11th anniversary gift for your partner:

  • Are you keen to stick with the traditional or modern themes? They’re not exactly easy to work with – it can be easy to assume that steel doesn’t scream romance.
  • Do you have a set budget? Some costume jewellery can be relatively inexpensive, but it depends what your partner likes. Some steel gifts can also vary greatly in cost.
  • Are you hoping to choose something personalised? Steel is a great option if you want to give your partner a custom gift, while costume jewellery can be a little more difficult to personalise.
  • What sort of thing does your partner love? Unless you’re super lucky, your other half might not have expressed much interest in steel or costume jewellery, but they could have dropped a few heavy hints about something else.

Is a couple you adore about to celebrate their 11th anniversary, and are you wondering whether or not you can join in on the traditions and get them a gift associated with steel or costume jewellery? The great thing is, these ‘rules’ aren’t just for the couple themselves – if you want to give them something that ties into the themes then you’re more than free to do so. They’re bound to love and appreciate your gift and the extra meaning behind it.

50 ideas for an 11th wedding anniversary gift

As you near your 11th anniversary, you might wonder just how you can top what you gave your partner to mark your 10th anniversary. The good news is, even though the traditional and modern gifts aren’t quite as extravagant as diamond, they’re still jam-packed with just as much symbolism and meaning. So, if you’re looking to give your partner a gift linked to one of the themes, here are 50 suggestions to get your creativity flowing and help you find the perfect gift.

10 traditional gifts for an 11th wedding anniversary

If you’re interested in giving your partner a traditional 11th anniversary gift, you’ll need to choose something closely associated with steel. Steel isn’t a common gift to give someone (unless they just so happen to be a big fan of Sheffield-based industry), but if you think a little out of the box, you can find something wonderful that they’re bound to love.

1. An engraved steel dessert spoon

Does your partner have a sweet tooth or do you love to entertain? A personalised engraved dessert spoon is a fantastic one-of-a-kind gift that you can use every time you entertain or fancy a sweet treat. It also has the bonus of being super affordable.

2. A steel rose

The rose is a symbol of love recognised the world over. The trouble is, they wilt after a few days and your floral gift is no more – that is, unless you give your other half a steel rose. That way, it can sit in the garden forever and be a permanent reminder of your 11th anniversary.

3. A steel black cat garden ornament

If your partner loves cats – particularly black cats – then a steel black cat figure can stand on your garden fence and strut its stuff like it owns the place. A great anniversary gift for the cat lover in your life.

4. A steel figures ornament

For something truly unique and full of character, a steel love figure is a real showstopper. There are also plenty of different styles depending on what your partner might enjoy – something romantic, something silly, or something a little bit more risqué. 

5. Engraved stainless steel ice cubes

It’s always worth sharing a drink with your partner to toast your anniversary. So, whether you want to share a Coke or a whiskey on your special day, engraved stainless steel ice cubes are more than fitting for the occasion.

6. A personalised steel thermos flask

If your partner spends a lot of time outdoors or travels frequently for work, a personalised steel thermos flask works on so many levels. Not only will it help quench their thirst on their travels, but it’s a personalised reminder of your anniversary which they can take with them on their adventures.

7. An “I steel love” you personalised keyring

There’s nothing quite like a good pun, and an I steel love you personalised keyring is cute, charming and funny. It’s a lovely little token gift that your other half can always keep close by.

8. A stainless steel and wooden bracelet

Traditionally, steel isn’t often used in jewellery, but in the right hands, it can be a phenomenal material. And with a stainless steel and wooden bracelet, it’s definitely in the right hands. It also sort of crosses into modern gift territory as well, meaning it’s a gift with double the meaning.

9. Stainless steel word art

For a brilliant piece of personalisation to hang on the wall, a piece of stainless steel word art lets you create custom artwork on mirrored stainless steel. It’s a brilliant and hugely personalised gift that you can use to remember the life you’ve built together.

10. A stainless steel wine tumbler

If your partner loves a glass of wine but isn’t a fan of traditional glasses, a stainless steel wine tumbler keeps wine – and any other drink for that matter – at the ideal temperature. It also comes in a range of colours, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding one that suits your partner’s taste.

10 modern gifts for an 11th wedding anniversary

If steel isn’t really your partner’s thing, then you could give them a modern gift for your 11th anniversary instead – costume jewellery. Costume jewellery is big, bold and beautiful, and with such a huge choice available you’re sure to find something that fits their usual style.

1. A precious heiress necklace

For that precious someone in your life, a precious heiress necklace will let them feel like royalty. It’s far from subtle, but it’s a lovely on-theme gift that is beautifully glitzy.

2. Celeste flower and leaf pearl cluster statement earrings

To really make a statement on your anniversary, a pair of Celeste flower and leaf pearl cluster earrings are utterly fabulous.

3. Gold butterfly wing stud earrings

If your other half is an insectologist or simply loves beautiful butterflies, a pair of gold butterfly wing stud earrings are equal parts delicate and pretty.

4. A crystal robin brooch

To make any outfit stand out from the crowd, a crystal robin brooch is perfect for any nature lover. Available in a clear or multi-coloured design with plenty of sparkly detail, this brooch goes with a wide range of styles.

5. An organic shapes necklace

For a real hit of bold blue, an organic shapes necklace is a unique and eye-catching accessory that adds a contemporary touch to any ensemble.

6. Pearls of gold bracelet

If you and your other half enjoyed bingeing Bridgerton together and they commented on the incredible jewellery they wore, you could make your anniversary one to remember with a pearls of gold bracelet, which was worn by characters in the iconic series.

7. A Diamonique scattered stone bangle

Give your partner a touch of Hollywood glam with a Diamonique scattered stone bangle, created by TV personality Brenda Edwards. 

8. Silver tone ‘dream heart’ crystal pendant

For something part vintage, part modern, a silver tone ‘dream heart’ crystal pendant ticks a lot of boxes.

9. Mood gold mother of pearl disc inlay organic long pendant necklace

A mood gold mother of pearl disc inlay organic long pendant necklace is a lovely contemporary piece that can be worn with loads of different styles and can bring an entire outfit together.

10. Peacock icicle shiny short creole earrings

With a pair of peacock icicle shiny short creole earrings your partner’s sure to turn a few heads thanks to their shimmering, deep purple icicle design.

5 affordable gifts for an 11th wedding anniversary

Steel and costume jewellery aren’t gifts that are going to align with everyone’s tastes, but you might still be keen to give your partner an 11th wedding anniversary gift that is tied closely to the traditional or modern themes. Thankfully, if you’d still like to give them a token gift that has that all-important symbolism behind it, you can do just that without having to break the bank. Here are five suggestions for affordable gifts on your 11th anniversary.

1. A personalised steel guitar pick

For the rock star in your life, a personalised steel guitar pick ticks a lot of boxes: it’s steel, personalised, affordable and perfect for any guitar-strumming spouse.

2. A steel anniversary keyring

One cute and thoughtful way to mark your anniversary is by giving your partner a puntastic steel anniversary keyring. It’s a lovely little token gift your other half can keep with them wherever they go.

3. A steel D20 die

If you and your partner love to spend hours playing fantasy role-playing games, you could treat them to a steel D20 die, so they can be reminded of your 11th anniversary every time you embark on an epic quest together.

4. Clear diamante tulip flower drop earrings

Combine the modern anniversary gift with the traditional 11th anniversary flower with a pair of wonderful clear diamante tulip flower drop earrings. They have double the significance and look fantastic.

5. Sterling silver plated hammered stud earrings

TK Maxx is a great place to shop for affordable costume jewellery, just like this pair of sterling silver plated hammered stud earrings. They’re also subtle enough that they can be worn whatever the occasion.

5 DIY gifts for an 11th wedding anniversary

What could be more thoughtful and charming than giving your partner a DIY gift made by your own fair hands to mark your 11th anniversary? Yes, steel and costume jewellery are usually made by those with years of experience, but there are some unique and accessible ways to get stuck in yourself which don’t need loads of specialist tools. For example, steel wire is fairly cheap and can be crafted into loads of different things. Here are a few suggestions so you can get crafting.

1. A DIY steel wire sculpture

You don’t need to find a welder to make something small and unique out of steel. You can pick up 5m of steel wire for next to nothing, and with a wire sculpture tutorial, you can follow simple instructions to make something special for your partner.

2. DIY costume jewellery

If you have a few simple tools, you can use steel wire to create fabulous pieces of costume jewellery, like a whimsical swirly moon, with a video tutorial available that runs through the steps.

3. A DIY steel wire cat bookmark

For something quick and simple even for the most inexperienced of beginners, a steel wire cat bookmark is cute, accessible and useful. A lovely little DIY gift.

4. DIY framed costume jewellery

If you have some old costume jewellery crammed in the bottom of a box or hidden at the back of a draw, give them a new lease of life by framing them. There are plenty of video tutorials available to give you some ideas.

5. DIY costume jewellery art

Something else you might want to do with that old costume jewellery is repurpose it into a unique piece of costume jewellery art that your other half can display. It’s a great way to get those creative juices flowing.

5 experience or activity gifts for an 11th wedding anniversary

Your anniversary is the perfect excuse for getting out there and spending time with your other half doing something new and exciting. And thankfully, to keep your anniversary on theme, there are steel- and costume jewellery-centric experiences the two of you can take part in. Here are five suggestions for things to do on your 11th anniversary.

1. A steel axe-making class

Get in touch with your Viking side and spend time enjoying an axe-making course. You might not have much use for an axe at home (or maybe you do!) but it’s a fun and exciting way to spend time together while making something out of steel.

2. The Steel Cauldron tea experience

This one is bending the rules a little, but the Steel Cauldron afternoon tea experience is the self-proclaimed most magical tearoom in the world. Enjoy magical sweet and savoury treats in fabulously themed surroundings.

3. A Magna steel experience

Take a trip to one of the world’s largest former steelworks, The Magna Steelworks, which introduces you and your other half to the long and complex history of steel production in the north of England.

4. A jewellery-making workshop

Fancy having a crack at making your own jewellery but not sure where to start? A jewellery-making experience provides you with the materials, tools and techniques you need to make something showstopping.

5. Sheffield Steelers tickets

Loosely tied to the traditional 11th anniversary theme, why not check out an ice hockey game and watch the Sheffield Steelers? A unique and exciting way to spend your anniversary!

10 11th anniversary gifts that contain turquoise

The traditional stone for celebrating 11 years of marriage is turquoise, a fabulously bluey-green stone that can vary in price. In fact, some turquoise can even be more valuable than diamond, but that’s quite rare – a lot of turquoise jewellery can be fairly affordable as far as gemstones go. It’s a versatile stone that looks great set in loads of different kinds of jewellery, and here are 10 suggestions you might consider:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Most high-street and independent retailers will have a range of jewellery containing turquoise set in various different precious metals – so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding a lovely piece that suits your other half’s style. At Bridebook, we also work closely with many fantastic jewellers who have a wide selection of turquoise jewellery.

5 floral-inspired gifts for an 11th wedding anniversary

If your partner’s a big fan of floral arrangements, you’ll have an easy time choosing something related to the traditional 11th anniversary flower, the tulip. Just like the rose, tulips represent love, so are the perfect choice for an anniversary gift. They’re a hugely iconic and recognisable shape and come in loads of different colours. That means they’re incredibly versatile. Here are five tulip-themed ideas so you can spoil your love on your anniversary.

1. A bunch of tulips

We couldn’t not suggest a bunch of tulips as a way to let your partner know how much you love them on your anniversary. They’re the ultimate symbol of love and are not only fantastic as part of an arrangement, but also work just as well when they’re in a bunch all on their own.

2. A steel tulip

Even though tulips are beautiful, after a week or so they wilt just like every other flower. Well, not quite every other flower. A steel tulip combines the traditional gift and the traditional flower, making it a surefire hit on your big day.

3. A midnight tulip candle

Create a romantic atmosphere on your anniversary with a midnight tulip candle, with a lovely lemony and floral scent.

4. A turquoise tulip pendant

An incredible triple-hitter for your 11th anniversary is a turquoise tulip pendant, it’s part floral, part turquoise and part costume jewellery. Plus, it goes really well with different outfits and styles.

5. A wild tulip Royal Scot Crystal vase

If you’re keen to give your partner a floral gift, you could elevate it further with a wild tulip vase from Royal Scot Crystal. That way, whenever your partner has flowers in the future they can reuse the vase and have a reminder of your 11th anniversary.

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Celebrating Women in Weddings: Inspiring Stories & Expert Advice

As we approach International Women’s Day, it’s time to honour the remarkable women who shape and innovate the wedding industry. From venues to planners, jewellers to designers, photographers to musicians, and more, women are often the driving force behind countless magical moments, comprising a staggering 80% of the wedding industry! So, this International Women’s Day, join us as we celebrate the achievements, share the inspiring stories, and glean expert advice from the fabulous women who bring dreams to life in the world of weddings.

Evie Arlott: The Wed Shed Decor & The Old Mill (Aldermaston)

Photo © Evie Arlott | Visit The Wed Shed & The Old Mill (Aldermaston)

For Evie Arlott, the wedding industry isn’t just a profession; it’s a family legacy deeply rooted in tradition and passion. As the fourth generation overseeing The Old Mill, Aldermaston, a venue steeped in history and hospitality, Evie’s journey into the world of weddings was both personal and life-affirming. “Witnessing the legacy of hospitality and celebration at the mill,” she reflects, “fuelled my desire to continue this legacy.”

In 2019, Evie embarked on a new chapter, establishing The Wed Shed, a wedding decor company aimed at transforming dream wedding settings into reality. With a keen eye for design and a dedication to preserving her family’s heritage, Evie found joy in curating luxurious wedding spaces that reflect her personal touch and attention to detail.

Her proudest achievement lies in the successful expansion of The Wed Shed beyond The Old Mill venue. Having adorned over 300 weddings with their creations, Evie and her team have not only enhanced the venue’s appeal but also contributed to its enduring legacy. “Reaching the 90-year mark for The Old Mill,” she shares, “is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and tradition.”

In a competitive industry where vendors vie for attention, Evie finds inspiration in the increasing presence of women in key roles. “The empowerment of women in this field,” she observes, “has paved the way for greater diversity and creativity.”

For aspiring entrepreneurs, Evie emphasises the importance of setting clear objectives and maintaining a positive mindset. “Obstacles are just temporary challenges,” she asserts, “and opportunities for growth.”

Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavours, Evie finds balance and inspiration as part of the Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew, enthusing that “travelling enables us to spend quality time together.”

Embracing diversity is at the core of Evie’s business ethos. Her brother’s upcoming wedding, marrying his long-term boyfriend, underscores their commitment to inclusivity. “We embrace diversity within our team,” Evie explains, “and aim to provide a more diverse range of options for our clients.”

In Evie Arlott, the wedding industry finds a visionary leader dedicated to preserving tradition, fostering creativity and championing inclusivity. Through her endeavours, she not only creates timeless wedding experiences but also shapes a more diverse and vibrant industry landscape.

Phoebe Stanaway: Elisabeth Shell Events, Bespoke Wedding Planning

Photo © Elisabeth Shell Events | See their Bridebook profile

Phoebe Stanaway’s journey into the world of wedding planning began with a desire for freedom – the freedom to work on her own terms, from wherever she pleased, and to pursue a career that brought her joy. Reflecting on her decision to found Elisabeth Shell Events, she shares, “I decided to start my own business to give myself the three big freedoms: time, financial and location.”

An innate people person, Phoebe thrives in the fast-paced, dynamic environment of wedding planning. With a background in hospitality, including managing a cocktail bar in the heart of the city and running restaurants in London, she found her true calling in orchestrating weddings. “Not one day is ever the same in my life and I love it,” she exclaims. “A wedding really does tick all my boxes and flexes the muscles I have of things I’m really good at!”

With over 400 weddings under her belt and a string of accolades to her name, including being a Regional Finalist for The Wedding Industry Awards 2023 and Highly Commended in 2022, Phoebe’s expertise is undeniable. Yet, she remains grounded, recognising the challenges that come with balancing work and personal life. “Balancing demanding work schedules with personal life can be challenging,” she admits. “It’s also very difficult to keep boundaries in place with clients sometimes, especially without coming across as too assertive as a woman.”

Despite the challenges, Phoebe finds motivation in the sheer enjoyment she derives from her work. “I’m fun, I’m friendly. I get stuck in,” she declares. Her job has seen her in some extraordinary situations, from securing a marquee in headland winds to running pizzas through a snowstorm for an entire wedding breakfast. “My job pretty much is overcoming obstacles,” she says. “I just remember to take a deep breath, think creatively and believe that there’s always a solution – I just need to find it.”

Phoebe is passionate about the representation of women in the wedding industry and the diversity of love that it encompasses. She believes that women are leading the way in redefining wedding customs and traditions, shining lights onto the LGBTQ+ scene and highlighting disability awareness. “That also encourages others to step outside the box and look at how they might be able to use a hobby, or love or craft etc around their family commitments, and contribute to such a vibrant industry,” she remarks.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of wedding planning, Phoebe emphasises the importance of self-care and wellness. “I’ve burnt out before,” she admits. “If no one is going to die, I can have a day off. Nothing is that dramatic. I just need to remind myself of that, often.”

As Elisabeth Shell Events continues to evolve, Phoebe is committed to inclusivity and representation. While acknowledging that there is room for improvement, she is proactive in her efforts to create a more inclusive environment. “I absolutely am committed to doing my best to do better!” she affirms.

Phoebe’s journey in the wedding industry is a testament to her resilience, creativity, and unwavering commitment to her values. As she looks towards the future, she remains steadfast in her pursuit of excellence and inclusivity, ensuring that every couple she works with feels seen, heard and celebrated.

Ruby McGonigle: Lebrusan Studio, Ethical Designer Jewellery 

Photo © Lebrusan Studio | See their Bridebook profile

Ruby McGonigle’s journey into the jewellery industry began with a sense of wonder and discovery amidst the vibrant gemstone markets of the Far East. Reflecting on those early days, she reminisces, “I still fondly remember my trips to Hong Kong at the very beginning and the incredible stones that surrounded me; carved, engraved, whittled into miniature sculptures, cut to enhance their natural flaws… I felt like a kid in a sweet shop.”

However, it was during these travels that she also confronted the darker realities of the trade. She recalls, “I bore witness to the dark side of the jewellery trade; the cheap prices, the offices filled to the brim with stacks upon stacks of farmed freshwater pearls, the child labour, the gemstones with murky histories circulating the market.” This experience sparked a deep commitment to ethical practices within the industry.

Armed with a passion for design and a commitment to ethics, Ruby pursued a Master’s degree in Design at Central Saint Martin’s, focusing her studies on the ethical implications within the jewellery industry. She shares, “When I met a Hatton Garden diamond dealer who told me nonchalantly, ‘When you work in this trade you sell your soul to the devil,’ I knew then that it didn’t need to be that way.”

Driven by a desire to challenge the status quo, Ruby founded Lebrusan Studio, a brand dedicated to sustainable luxury. “I didn’t set out to become a bridal jeweller,” she explains, “but I quickly recognised that engagement rings, wedding bands and commitment rings are some of the most meaningful jewels people will ever own.”

Over the past 12 years, Ruby’s impact has been profound. From championing Fairtrade Gold to delivering a TEDx talk on ethical jewellery, she has consistently pushed boundaries and garnered recognition for her efforts. Reflecting on her journey, she expresses, “I feel incredibly proud to reflect on all the ways my little homespun lifestyle brand has created a wave in the jewellery industry.”

Yet, amidst the accolades and achievements, Ruby remains focused on her mission to create meaningful, sustainable jewellery that resonates with her customers. “It’s crucial that jewels with such significance tell stories their wearers can feel proud of,” she insists.

Reflecting on the gender dynamics within the industry, Ruby highlights the importance of fostering a culture of compassion and collaboration. “Gender equality can only be achieved if we shape our industries around compassion and nurturing, sharing knowledge and supporting other women,” she asserts.

In the face of growing consumer demand for sustainability, Ruby acknowledges the need for greater transparency and education within the industry. She emphasises, “One of the biggest challenges we’re currently facing is the need to educate consumers; to equip them with the knowledge they need to navigate a heavily greenwashed market.”

For Ruby, inspiration comes not only from the exquisite craftsmanship of her colleagues but also from the diverse voices and perspectives that shape the wedding industry. “We are all valuable assets in a sturdy, interwoven net that uplifts me every day,” she reflects.

Ruby recognises the profound influence of the wedding industry, particularly on young girls. She remarks, “For so many little girls, the wedding realm is a source of aspiration, awe and inspiration from a young age; its influence on these impressionable brains is not to be underestimated.” She believes that seeing diverse representations in the industry is crucial for fostering feelings of self-worth and empowerment.

As she continues to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the jewellery industry, Ruby remains committed to authenticity and innovation. Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple yet profound: “It’s crucial that you are authentic and unique… Once you’ve found what makes you unparalleled and you believe in it, you are unstoppable.”

In her quest for inclusivity, Ruby and Lebrusan Studio have actively worked to amplify LGBTQ+ voices within the bridal jewellery space. She shares, “We’re aware that LGBTQ+ visibility is insufficient within the bridal jewellery industry so we strive actively for better inclusivity within our own business.” From gender-neutral love rings to dedicated resources for LGBTQ+ couples, Ruby’s commitment to diversity and representation shines through in every facet of her business.

Kerri O’Brien: Francis + Louise, Contemporary Luxury Accessories

Photo © Francis + Louise | See their Bridebook profile

Celebrating its sixth year in operation, Francis + Louise is more than just a business for Kerri O’Brien; it’s a passion project born out of a love for design and a desire to create something truly unique. With a background in print design for the fashion industry, including collaborations with renowned brands like Calvin Klein and Anthropologie, Kerri transitioned into the world of weddings after designing her own bespoke print for her wedding. “Our wedding was featured on the wedding blog Love My Dress,” she recalls, “and from there, I got my first international order.”

From those humble beginnings, Francis + Louise has grown into a thriving venture, offering both ready-to-wear collections and bespoke print design services. What sets Kerri’s brand apart is not just its aesthetic appeal but also its commitment to sustainability and traceability. “I’m really proud that all my products are made, designed and printed in the UK,” she explains. “The traceability and sustainability of my products are something really important to me and are clearly important to my customers too.”

As a woman navigating the wedding industry, Kerri has found support and camaraderie among her peers. “Everyone is really supportive,” she says, “and I have made lots of amazing friends and been able to collaborate with other business owners, many of them female founders.”

However, running a business single-handedly comes with its challenges, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. “When you are managing all aspects of your business… it is impossible to not feel clouded, confused and overwhelmed at times,” Kerri admits. Yet, she finds solace in yoga, meditation, and connecting with fellow creatives. “Sometimes just talking to someone else in the same boat makes it so much better and problems are solved quicker,” she adds.

Kerri is deeply committed to challenging the entrenched gender roles that dominate the wedding industry. She reflects on the prevalent portrayal of women in traditional roles in films, literature and magazines, where brides are often depicted as being “given away” by their fathers and where virginal white remains the norm for wedding dresses. This pervasive imagery influences couples’ choices for their own weddings, perpetuating a narrow definition of what a wedding should look like.

However, Kerri sees her products as a refreshing departure from these conventions. “I love that my products often bring a strong influence of colour into a ceremony,” she says. Through her bespoke print designs, she offers couples the opportunity to break away from tradition and express their unique personalities and styles. Kerri finds that her design service particularly resonates with couples seeking a less traditional approach to their special day.

Attending events like the Un-Wedding Show, which celebrates modern and independent wedding suppliers, Kerri recognises the growing demand for alternative wedding experiences. Yet, she acknowledges that there is still a lack of representation of less-traditional female roles within the industry as a whole. By actively promoting inclusivity and diversity through her work, Kerri hopes to inspire a shift towards more progressive and inclusive weddings.

Despite the challenges, Kerri remains grateful for the opportunity to pursue her passion while balancing work and family life. “I feel very grateful I get to do something I love every day and am able to work it around my kids,” she says.

Looking ahead, Kerri is committed to empowering other women in business and encouraging them to value their worth. “I would encourage all female business owners to be more bold with their prices from the start,” she advises. “Price your worth and wealth of experience.”

Through her dedication to craftsmanship and inclusivity, Kerri O’Brien is not just creating beautiful prints; she’s crafting memories that will last a lifetime for couples around the world.

Holly Miller: Cake Design by Holly Miller

Photo © Cake Design by Holly Miller | See their Bridebook profile

For Holly Miller, the allure of entrepreneurship lies in the freedom it offers – the flexibility to balance her thriving cake business with the joys of motherhood. “Running my own business enables me to be at home with my children when they need me,” she shares, relishing the autonomy of setting her own rules in the ever-evolving wedding industry.

Her passion for crafting exquisite confections has earned her prestigious accolades, including the title of TWIA National Wedding Cake Designer of the Year 2024. “Becoming the best in my field,” Holly reflects, “fuels my obsession to succeed.”

As a woman who is unapologetically outspoken and fiercely independent, Holly occasionally grapples with perceptions of being too forward. “I remind myself,” she asserts, “that I am a strong-minded, badass businesswoman.” For Holly, motivation is innate and intrinsic, stemming from her unwavering dedication to her craft. “My business is like my baby,” she admits, “and I live and breathe it.”

In an industry brimming with creativity, Holly finds inspiration in the success stories of fellow female entrepreneurs. “It truly shows women can do it all,” she declares, celebrating their achievements as key figures in fabulous brands and businesses.

Despite the demands of entrepreneurship, Holly prioritises downtime with her family, recognising the importance of unplugging from work. “Days out, board games, dog walks,” she lists, cherishing moments of respite away from the bustle of business.

Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs echoes her own journey – resilience, focus and an unwavering work ethic are the ingredients for success. “Just go for it!” she urges, a testament to her own remarkable ascent from baking cakes for her kids’ birthdays to becoming a nationally acclaimed cake designer.

Pollyanna Montagu: Pollyanna Harmsworth, Fine Stationers

Photo © Pollyanna Harmsworth, Fine Stationers | See their Bridebook profile

For Pollyanna Montagu, founder of Pollyanna Harmsworth, Fine Stationers, the journey into entrepreneurship began with a childhood dream of independence and autonomy. “From a very young age, when all my friends wanted to be ballerinas, I wanted to be a businesswoman!” she reminisces, highlighting her early inclination towards forging her own path. Owning her own business serves as her sanctuary, a space where she can express herself freely and pursue her passion for fine stationery.

Celebrating 15 years of entrepreneurial success stands as Pollyanna’s most cherished achievement. Through the highs and lows, she remains steadfast in her dedication to her craft and the relationships she has cultivated along the way.

Navigating the printing industry poses its challenges, with misconceptions often clouding perceptions of her expertise. Yet, Pollyanna’s depth of knowledge and passion for her craft shines through, dispelling any doubts with her insightful contributions.

Supported by her family and a trusted mentor, Pollyanna finds strength in the encouragement of her loved ones and the guidance of a seasoned confidante. Their unwavering support fuels her determination to overcome obstacles and pursue her aspirations.

As a woman in business, Pollyanna recognises the importance of female representation in navigating delicate conversations and fostering inclusivity. Her tactful approach and sensitivity to others’ needs contribute to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and understood.

Balancing work commitments with family time remains a priority for Pollyanna, with a newfound determination to be fully present with her children, free from distractions. Despite the demands of entrepreneurship, she strives to honour her commitments to her family and be present for life’s precious moments.

Reflecting on her journey, Pollyanna offers a simple yet powerful message to aspiring entrepreneurs: “Go for it.” With unwavering determination and a passion for her craft, she encourages others to pursue their dreams fearlessly.

In Pollyanna’s world, weddings represent joyous celebrations of life and love, where diversity is embraced and every detail is crafted with elegance and care. Through her work, she creates timeless pieces that celebrate the unique love stories of each couple, fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity and celebration.

Genevieve Hawks: Queen Bea Photography

Photo © Queen Bea Photography | See their Bridebook profile

For Genevieve Hawks, Queen Bea Photography, venturing into wedding photography stemmed from personal experiences. “I had a lot of negative experiences when planning my own wedding (to another woman),” she shares candidly, reflecting on the lack of diversity she encountered in the industry back in 2018. Determined to carve her own path, Genevieve discovered her passion for photography upon returning from her honeymoon – a decision she has never regretted.

With over 200 weddings under her belt, Genevieve’s journey has been both exhilarating and challenging. “All the misogyny,” she laments, recounting instances of unwarranted questioning and condescension from male wedding guests. Despite the frustrations, Genevieve remains steadfast in her love for photography and her commitment to creating an inclusive space for couples.

In an industry predominantly led by women, Genevieve finds solace in the camaraderie and support of her peers. “It’s a lovely community,” she remarks, highlighting the importance of representation and listening to the diverse voices of brides.

Balancing her passion with the demands of the job, Genevieve acknowledges the sacrifices involved. “I’m often working well into the evenings,” she admits, a testament to her dedication to her craft.

Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs in the wedding industry is simple yet empowering: “Just believe in yourself and go for it!” Genevieve’s own journey serves as a testament to the power of self-belief and resilience.

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community herself, Genevieve is committed to visibility and inclusivity in her work. “I try to always show a mix of couples,” she explains, emphasising the importance of representation in her marketing and social media presence. Through her lens, Genevieve captures not just moments, but stories of love, resilience and authenticity, ensuring that every couple feels seen and celebrated.

Kate Dyer: Kate and Kate Celebrants

Photo © Kate and Kate Celebrants | See their Bridebook profile

Kate Dyer, co-founder of Kate and Kate Celebrants, has always relished the freedom of doing things her own way and avoiding the need to answer to others. For her, owning a business is more than just a venture – it’s a “calm, happy, safe space” where she finds peace and security.

Reflecting on her entrepreneurial journey, Kate shares her passion for creating bespoke wedding ceremonies. With fifteen years of experience as a wedding registrar, Kate and her colleague felt compelled to break free from the constraints of the system in 2016 and become Independent Celebrants.

“It was a leap of faith, driven by our determination to give couples the perfect ceremony to start their special day,” she explains. “We had solid relationships with reputable wedding venues, so we embarked on this journey with confidence.”

Kate’s dedication to delivering exceptional ceremonies has earned her a stellar reputation within the industry. “There’s no greater satisfaction than hearing guests declare it the best wedding ever!” she exclaims. Working independently alongside her best friend allows them the freedom to infuse each ceremony with creativity and flair.

“While the creative aspect of our work flourished, navigating the business side presented challenges,” Kate admits. “Business acumen wasn’t our forte, but with free advice and a steep learning curve, we honed our skills in areas like cash-flow forecasting, marketing and SEO.”

Having a supportive partner by her side has been instrumental in overcoming obstacles, especially during the uncertainties brought about by the pandemic. “Our differences complement each other, and knowing we have each other’s backs keeps us resilient in the face of adversity,” she shares.

Kate emphasises the importance of female representation in the UK wedding industry. “By empowering women, the industry becomes more inclusive, diverse and empowering for all involved,” she notes.

Maintaining work-life balance is an ongoing challenge for Kate. “Setting boundaries, staying organised and effective time management are essential,” she explains. “Despite occasional mishaps, like forgetting to pick up my daughter from college, I strive to keep all the plates spinning while acknowledging my limitations.”

For aspiring entrepreneurs, Kate offers this advice: “Seek as much free advice as possible, understand that building a business takes time, and find your tribe of like-minded colleagues for support and camaraderie. Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride!”

“At Kate and Kate Celebrants, love knows no bounds,” Kate concludes. “We celebrate diversity and inclusivity by offering a wide range of options to accommodate different cultures, backgrounds and preferences, ensuring every couple feels valued and respected on their wedding planning journey.”

Louise Quenby: Jackstar Weddings, Wedding DJ Services

Photo © Jackstar Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

For Louise Quenby, at Jackstar Weddings, the journey into entrepreneurship began with a shared passion for creating unforgettable wedding experiences. “Running my own business was something that I had thought about a lot,” she recalls, reflecting on her aspirations from college days. Together with her husband, Jack, whose background as a DJ ignited their path, they ventured into the world of weddings, starting with a white LED dance floor purchase in 2012. As they delved deeper into the wedding scene, attending their first wedding fair marked a significant turning point, propelling their business forward.

Louise’s journey continues to be one of remarkable achievements and ongoing growth. “There are so many [highlights], but the most recent,” she beams, “is that after winning The Wedding Industry Awards for 4 years in a row, I am now a judge. And to add to that, the ONLY female judge on the DJ panel.” Her accolades speak volumes about her expertise and dedication to her craft.

However, Louise acknowledges the challenges that come with balancing a demanding career with motherhood. “My challenge doesn’t link to working within the wedding industry, just working in general,” she reflects. Yet, she remains resilient, constantly striving to find the equilibrium between her professional and personal life.

Setting goals has been instrumental in Louise’s journey. “Each year I sit down and set new goals,” she shares. These goals serve as a guiding light, reminding her of the purpose behind her endeavours and motivating her to push through the tough times.

Despite being a thriving industry, Louise feels that wedding professionals often don’t receive the recognition they deserve. “I feel that the wedding industry is heavily represented in the wedding industry,” she notes wryly, highlighting the misconception that their work is merely a hobby rather than a profession.

For Louise, achieving balance means prioritising time with her family. “For me now though I ensure I take one day off during the week and try to have at least one day off at the weekend,” she explains. Her commitment to spending quality time with her children is unwavering, evident in the deliberate scheduling of holidays and breaks throughout the year.

Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple yet profound: “Write down your dream.” Louise attributes much of her success to this practice, emphasising the importance of turning dreams into tangible goals and taking proactive steps towards realising them.

In her work with couples, Louise embraces diversity and inclusivity. “We have worked with same-sex couples providing their wedding entertainment, along with working with couples from different cultures,” she shares. Celebrating love in all its forms, Louise ensures that each wedding reflects the unique personalities and backgrounds of the couple, creating unforgettable experiences for all involved.

Joanne Dodds: CAVE (Composer, Arranger, Violinist and Educator)

Photo © CAVE | See their Bridebook profile

Joanne Dodds, proud founder of CAVE, was a former Royal Navy Warfare Officer who found her true calling in the world of music. “When I left my job,” she recounts, “I wanted to return to my musical roots and started to compose and arrange music for weddings and special events, making couples’ special days even more unique and memorable.” For Joanne, music isn’t just a profession; it’s a passion that adds depth and emotion to life’s most significant moments.

Transitioning to complete self-employment marked a significant milestone in Joanne’s career. She celebrates “becoming completely self-employed and doing what I absolutely adore!” Her versatility as a violinist knows no bounds, as she effortlessly weaves together melodies ranging from AC/DC to Game of Thrones, Billie Eilish to Elvis, infusing each performance with her unique style and flair.

While the wedding industry may be predominantly female-owned, Joanne’s background in male-dominated workplaces has given her a different perspective. “I have always worked in male-dominated workplaces (Royal Navy, Football…),” she notes. However, as a soloist, gender dynamics take a back seat to her love for music and her commitment to providing exceptional service.

Joanne views her role in the music industry as a privilege, recognising the profound impact music has on people’s lives. “Music is a powerful backdrop to all aspects of life,” she reflects. Her calm demeanour and organisational skills, honed through years of experience, ensure smooth sailing even in the busiest of times.

In her experience, Joanne observes that brides often take the lead in booking musical services for their weddings. However, she’s delighted to see an increasing number of grooms surprising their partners with her performances, adding an extra layer of joy to the occasion.

Despite her hectic schedule, Joanne emphasises the importance of self-care. “It has taken me years to learn to slow down and take time for myself,” she admits. Yet, her genuine love for music fuels her passion, turning what could be just a job into a labour of love.

Her advice to aspiring musicians is straightforward: “Just go for it!” Joanne encourages others to pursue their dreams fearlessly, unencumbered by doubts or the safety net of traditional employment.

For Joanne, every wedding is a unique opportunity to showcase the versatility of the violin. “I like to prove that any genre or style of music can be played on the violin,” she asserts. Her commitment to making each wedding as special and personalised as possible reflects her belief that love knows no bounds when it comes to music.

Empowering voices to inspire us all 

The voices of these remarkable women in the wedding industry echo themes of passion, resilience and empowerment. From creating bespoke wedding experiences to challenging traditional norms, each entrepreneur has forged her path with determination and creativity. Their stories inspire us to celebrate diversity, embrace inclusivity and pursue our own dreams with unwavering determination. As they continue to shape the landscape of weddings in the UK, their journeys serve as a testament to the transformative power of love, dedication and female leadership in the wedding industry.

10th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

Here you are, about to celebrate 10 whole years of happiness with the love of your life – what an incredible milestone to reach in your marriage. A whole decade spent with the person you chose to dedicate your life to – magical!

So, to mark such an incredible occasion, you might wonder what sort of gift you can give your other half. Do you give them flowers or chocolates, treat them to a fancy dinner or a trip away, or do something else entirely? What kind of gift do you give your person to tell them how much you love them after 10 years of marriage?

Well, did you know that there are actually traditional gifts, flowers and gemstones that couples celebrating their 10th anniversary have chosen to give each other for more than a century? That’s right, if you want to give your partner a 10-year anniversary gift full to the brim with symbolic meaning, there are unofficial ‘rules’ you might want to follow.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at all the gift-giving traditions which surround that all-important 10th wedding anniversary, so you can give your partner something fitting for such a special occasion. We’ll also give you 50 gift suggestions and get your imagination working so you can find your partner a gift they’ll treasure until the next major milestone and beyond.

To learn all about every wedding anniversary tradition from 1 year to 90, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 10th wedding anniversary?

Many different anniversaries have traditional and modern themes associated with them, as well as traditional gemstones and flowers. Each has a historical and symbolic meaning, so if you choose to, you can give your partner a gift that lets them know exactly how you feel.

The traditional and modern 10th wedding anniversary gifts

Traditional 10th anniversary gift – Tin or aluminium

If you’d like to go with the traditional 10th anniversary gift theme, you actually have a choice of two: tin or aluminium. They’re both similar metals, but there are a few differences which might sway your decision. Tin is often more silvery than aluminium, while aluminium is far closer to grey, and aluminium melts at a higher temperature. But, both are strong and don’t rust, which means they’re incredibly durable – just like your marriage after making it to 10 years.

Modern 10th anniversary gift – Diamond

If you’re looking to give your partner a gift linked to the modern anniversary theme, you’ll want to pick up something linked to diamond. Diamonds are one of the hardest materials on Earth and exceptionally beautiful. They symbolise beauty, strength and durability, which makes them the perfect gift for celebrating 10 years. But on the flip side, they can be rather expensive.

10th anniversary gemstone – Diamond

You might not be surprised to learn that the traditional 10th anniversary gemstone is diamond, which means it’s both the traditional gemstone and the modern anniversary gift – a double hitter. Diamonds are stunning and often set in pretty much every type of jewellery piece or accessory you can think of, so if it’s something you choose to give your partner, you’re guaranteed to find something they’ll love.

Despite diamond playing such a prominent part in a 10th anniversary’s gift-giving traditions, it’s not the official ‘diamond anniversary’. This name is exclusively reserved for your 60th wedding anniversary, when diamond is the traditional and modern gift, and the anniversary gemstone. That means, in another 50 years, you’ll have another opportunity to give your partner a diamond-themed gift if you’re keen to stick to the traditional themes. 

10th anniversary flower – Daffodil

While diamond is a big focus of the 10th anniversary themes, the traditional flower for celebrating a decade of marriage is the far more humble, but no less beautiful, daffodil. Daffodils are bright and colourful and are one of the symbols of spring. When it comes to celebrating your anniversary, they represent new beginnings, which couldn’t be more appropriate as the two of you begin a whole new decade of life together.

How do you choose a gift for a 10th wedding anniversary?

For many couples, celebrating your 10th anniversary is a big deal, so you might want to do what you can to spoil your other half. If you’re keen to stick to traditional or modern gifts, this can be a little tricky – there’s a big difference between the cost of aluminium and diamonds, after all. So, when the time comes to choose a gift, there are a few things to consider before making your purchase.

  • Are you interested in sticking to the traditional 10th anniversary themes? If so, you might want to have a long think about what you can do with each theme. Tin and aluminium require creativity, while diamond limits your options to mainly jewellery and accessories.
  • Have you set a budget? Tin and aluminium can be relatively affordable, but diamonds are notoriously pricey, so this may affect the type of gift you want to go for.
  • Are you looking to give your partner something personalised? Diamond jewellery can be personalised, but more often than not it isn’t, as this can impact the resale value. Tin and aluminium can be personalised easily.
  • What sort of thing does your partner love? Do any of the themes fit nicely with the kind of gift your partner might love, or have they dropped any heavy hints about something they might like in particular?

If a couple in your life are about to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary, you might be looking into whether you can give them something linked to traditional or modern gifts. The great news is that you absolutely can. However, diamonds can be a difficult gift to buy for a couple (then again, you might have found the perfect diamond-related couples gift) so you might be more inclined to choose something tin-, aluminium- or daffodil-themed instead.

Should you give your partner a diamond for your 10th anniversary?

Depending on who you ask, you might be told that you ‘should’ give your partner a diamond to mark 10 years of marriage. This can put unfair pressure on some couples because diamonds can be rather costly!

So, you should definitely avoid doing this if diamonds aren’t within your budget. There are always affordable alternatives, which we’ll go into later in this article.

Yes, diamonds can be a special gift to give on your 10th anniversary, but it’s certainly not a rule set in stone. So, if you don’t have the budget for it, your partner isn’t particularly interested, you have a better idea or you simply don’t want to, then no – you shouldn’t have to buy your other half something related to diamonds.

What you give to your partner as an anniversary gift is entirely up to you. So long as you put some thought into it and it’s full of love, they’re bound to love your gift whatever you give them.

50 ideas for a 10th wedding anniversary gift

When it’s time to pick up the perfect gift for your partner ahead of your 10th anniversary, you can be faced with a huge dilemma: what should you give them that’s fitting for such an amazing milestone? Do you give them an incredible piece of diamond jewellery, or something a little kinder to your budget related to tin or aluminium?

If you know you want to give your love a gift related to one of the traditional or modern 10th anniversary themes but you’re not sure where to start, you’re in luck. Here are 50 gift ideas so you can treat your partner to something extra special on your big day.

10 traditional gifts for a 10th wedding anniversary

The traditional 10th anniversary gift is tin or aluminium, two relatively affordable but incredibly strong and durable metals. You might think they’re not the most obvious choices for romantic gifts, but with a little creativity, you can still find a brilliant traditional gift.

1. A tin rose

The rose is one of the most well-known symbols of love all over the world. You could get your partner a bouquet of roses, but they’ll die and wilt and be gone within a couple of weeks. Instead, why not tie that loving symbol into the traditional theme and give your partner a tin rose so they can have a permanent reminder of your first 10 years of marriage?

2. A 10 years of our family tin sculpture

Since you got married, you may have welcomed a third or fourth (or fifth or sixth!) little human into your exclusive family club. If so, you can include them in your 10 year anniversary gift, in the form of a family tin sculpture, which you can personalise to reflect the look of your perfect little family.

3. A pewter cat trinket box

If your partner a) has a small collection of jewellery they’re not quite sure where to keep safe and b) loves cats, then we have the perfect suggestion for you. A personalised cat trinket box is small, on-theme and can be personalised to include an engraving of your choice.

4. A personalised anniversary calendar keyring

For something small and personalised that your partner can always keep with them, a personalised anniversary calendar keyring contains the exact date you got married and slips right onto their keys. It’s also made from pewter, which contains tin, so is spot on when it comes to the traditional 10th anniversary theme.

5. Tincup American whiskey

One option you might consider as a gift for your partner is a good ol’ bottle of whisky. But how on Earth are you supposed to tie that into the theme of cheap but hardy metals? Well, by choosing Tincup American whiskey – which reviews say is delicious and refined.

6. An aluminium heart decoration

One of the best things about aluminium is just how versatile it is, and it’s great for forming into any type of shape imaginable. That includes an aluminium heart decoration, which sits on a base that reads, ‘ten perfect years’. It’s an adorable gift that can sit proudly on a shelf until the next major milestone.

7. An aluminium anniversary tree

Trees might not be the traditional 10th anniversary gift, but they represent strength and life and have deep roots that can hold onto anything. Combine this with aluminium, and you have an aluminium anniversary tree, which is fantastic and full of delicate character.

8. A personalised aluminium bowl

Thanks to its strength, aluminium is a brilliant material for making into useful items you might want to use again and again. This includes a personalised aluminium bowl, which your partner might want to use for fruit, serving food, potpourri… anything, in fact. It can also be personalised to include a hand-stamped message of your choosing.

9. A personalised floating aluminium slide

For the ultimate custom gift, a personalised floating aluminium slide includes the photo and message of your choice and can be hung on the wall to serve as a reminder about the love you and your partner share. 

10. A smart aluminium wall clock

For something big and bold that can hang on the wall and be shown off to everyone who comes to visit, a textured aluminium wall clock is a real showstopper. It’s contemporary and minimalist but is totally on theme when celebrating 10 years of marriage.

15 modern gifts for a 10th wedding anniversary

Both the modern 10th anniversary gift and the traditional gemstone is the one and only diamond. Diamonds are stunningly beautiful and versatile precious stones that are popular but expensive additions to jewellery and accessories. They pair perfectly with almost every other type of stone and precious metal, which means you’re practically guaranteed to find something your partner will adore. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, here are 15 ideas for 10th anniversary gifts containing diamonds.

1. A diamond eternity ring

Eternity rings are a popular gift to give during milestone anniversaries, and with 10 years being one of the most special milestones, now’s your chance – especially since diamond has such a symbolic meaning during your 10th anniversary. Eternity rings are available in loads of different designs, from big and flashy to subtle and muted. For a good idea of what you might get for your budget, check out Ernest Jones’s selection of eternity rings.

2. Diamond cufflinks

Diamond cufflinks are one of the most luxurious and generous gifts you could give – they’re the ultimate status symbol. That means they can be rather pricey, but if you have the budget, it’s the perfect opportunity to spoil your partner. Deakin and Francis has an incredible range of diamond cufflinks.

3. A diamond belly ring

Does your partner have a belly piercing? If so, you could give them a real surprise on your anniversary by giving them a diamond belly ring. This is one piece of jewellery that’s sometimes overlooked when it comes to the more precious gemstones, but they can be absolutely stunning and a unique way to give your other half a diamond on your 10th anniversary.

4. A diamond bracelet

For a gift absolutely steeped in luxury, love and symbolic meaning on your big anniversary, you can’t get any more generous than a diamond bracelet. Bracelets can be dainty and delicate or firm and bold, offering you a wide range of choices.

5. Diamond earrings

The great thing about diamond earrings – apart from being fabulous and exactly on theme – is just how many options there are. Studs, hoops, drops, tear drops, clusters, C hoops… whatever type of earring your partner loves to wear, there will always be plenty available set with beautiful diamonds.

6. A diamond necklace

When asked to think about diamond jewellery, straight after a diamond ring, the next thing many people will likely think about is a diamond necklace. The ultimate statement piece, a diamond necklace just screams class and luxury. And you’re spoilt for choice – with so many designs available, the hardest thing will be choosing which one to go for.

7. A diamond locket

A wonderful way to add personalisation to diamond jewellery is with a diamond locket. Lockets are lovely pieces of jewellery by themselves, but they also allow you to personalise them by including one or even two of your partner’s favourite photos inside. It could be the two of you, your kids, your entire family, your pets… whoever your partner adores most.

8. A diamond watch

To spoil your partner and give them a real touch of luxury, a diamond watch has to be up there as one of the best. They’re available in loads of different styles and designs, and are suitable for different budgets – plus your other half can wear it every day if they want to.

9. A diamond nose ring

Whether your partner has a nostril piercing, septum piercing or another type of nose piercing, a diamond nose ring is a unique way to treat them to diamonds for your 10th anniversary. Not only do they look fantastic, but they’re also among the most affordable ways to give your partner diamonds when celebrating this fantastic milestone.

10. A diamond eyebrow ring

If your partner has an eyebrow piercing, you can give them an anniversary gift they’ll never forget with a diamond eyebrow ring. It’s a sweet and totally unique gift that your partner will never see coming (especially if they don’t have an eyebrow piercing, in which case it’s probably not for them).

11. A diamond charm

The great thing about a charm bracelet is how you or your partner can continue to add to it, choosing charms that are unique to the kind of things they love and enjoy. You could use this as the perfect opportunity to give them a meaningful diamond key charm from Tiffany & Co. as a symbol that only they have the key that unlocks your heart. It’s cheesy, but we bet it’s true.

12. A raw diamond ring

The majority of diamonds that are given as gifts are cut and polished before being set in a piece of jewellery or an accessory. But, raw diamonds can be just as stunning, with a rustic aesthetic that still works incredibly well in some jewellery. A raw diamond ring is a real showstopper and a wonderful choice for a 10 year anniversary gift.

13. A diamond anklet

Anklets are super dainty and the perfect accessory during hot and sunny weather or when you jet off to nicer climates. If you have plans for a post-anniversary holiday, a diamond anklet can be shown off as you relax and unwind.

14. A diamond brooch

Brooches are retro accessories that are beautiful, statement-making and timeless. They come in loads of different designs, from incredible patterns to leopard-shaped designs. Check out Antique Jewellery Company to browse their massive selection of diamond brooches.

15. A diamond tiara

Do you see your other half as your queen? If so, then a diamond tiara is an accessory to top all other accessories. It’s not something they’ll wear on the average Saturday night down the pub, but when the occasion calls for it, they really can be something else.

10 affordable gifts for a 10th wedding anniversary

Your 10th anniversary is one of the most memorable and special anniversaries you’re likely to have, but that doesn’t mean you can or necessarily want to drop hundreds or thousands on diamonds or something else just as pricey. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t still give your partner a brilliantly on-theme gift that sticks to the 10th anniversary theme. So, here are 10 suggestions for affordable gifts.

1. A diamond art craft set

For a crafty way to spend your anniversary, diamond art is relaxing and creative. A diamond art coaster kit lets your partner design their own coasters and provides them with everything they need to give it a go.

2. A diamond paperweight

A diamond paperweight looks great on a desk and is useful if your partner spends a lot of time shuffling through papers for work. It’s not a real diamond (we wish!), but it looks the part.

3. Silver imitation diamond earrings

Diamond earrings can be pricey, and they might not fit everyone’s budget. Imitation diamonds, such as Zircondia, might not be as valuable as real diamonds but they can still look great. Sterling silver Zircondia earrings are an affordable gift that still works with the traditional 10th anniversary theme.

4. Edible diamonds

What’s sweeter than receiving diamonds as an anniversary gift? How about receiving edible diamonds made from sugar? They’re literally sweeter than diamonds and look great as decoration sprinkled on a cake or over a dessert.

5. Herkimer Diamond Rough Crystal

If your partner has a spiritual side, Herkimer diamond rough crystals, also known as ‘Herkies’, are said to help boost someone’s clairvoyant abilities. It’s a unique, on-theme and affordable gift for a spiritual partner.

6. Diamonds Are Forever on Blu Ray or streaming

One of the longest-running film series, James Bond has a movie totally in keeping with the 10th anniversary theme, giving you the chance to have a snuggly date night when celebrating your anniversary. Diamonds Are Forever is available on Blu Ray, or catch it on your favourite streaming platform.

7. A grow-your-own crystal kit

If you don’t want to buy your partner a crystal this time, why not give them a gift and let them grow their own? A crystal growing kit is a great bit of scientific fun, and if you have kids you can get them in on the action.

8. A Minecraft diamond necklace

Is your other half a fan of Minecraft? If so, then they’ll know all about how precious diamonds are in the game. A Minecraft diamond necklace is cute and on theme, with the benefit of being really affordable.

9. A diamond T-shirt

Diamonds are usually super expensive, but do you know what isn’t? A diamond T-shirt! It’s a stylish and thoughtful token gift that works whatever your budget.

10. A tin of your partner’s favourite food

Ok, this one is a bit of a risk, so should only be done if you’ve talked about not giving each other a gift for your anniversary. But, a tin of beans, custard, rice pudding, ravioli, chilli con carne or similar makes for a fun and totally on-theme gift to give on your anniversary. But if you do, just make sure you have a backup present too. Chocolates or flowers often work best.

5 DIY gifts for a 10th wedding anniversary

One way to give your partner a 10th anniversary gift filled with extra special thought and meaning is by making a gift yourself. But, with one of the major themes of 10 years of marriage being diamond, what kind of thing can you make? Well, even at home there are ways to tie the themes in, especially if you lean into the traditional theme of aluminium or tin. So, here are five suggestions to get you thinking on your feet.

1. An aluminium wire scribble heart

If you pick up some affordable aluminium sculpting wire, it can be pretty quick and simple to make a wire scribble heart. You don’t need a ton of experience to make one that looks good, either – check out a video tutorial for tips on where to start.

2. Wire aluminium jewellery

Aluminium wire is super versatile so there’s a lot you can do with it, including heart-shaped jewellery. Again, you don’t need to have made anything before to produce something your partner will love. There are plenty of wire jewellery tutorials available online to help you with some ideas.

3. A tinfoil sculpture

Tinfoil is an obvious joke gift when celebrating your 10 year anniversary, but with a little effort and know-how, you can actually make a lovely little keepsake tinfoil sculpture for your partner based on something they love. If you like the sound of it, there are guides to making tinfoil sculptures that show you the ropes.

4. A homemade ‘diamond’ ring

An Ocean Diamond ring kit provides you with everything you need to design and carve your very own ring featuring an authentic, hand-dived ocean diamond. We really can’t think of anything more creative and fitting as a DIY 10th anniversary gift.

5. A create-your-own diamond painting

Diamond art is a wonderfully on-theme way to create a completely personalised work of art you can present to your partner on the morning of your anniversary. Just choose your favourite wedding photo, get to work, and then marvel at your handiwork before giving it to your partner on your anniversary. You can pick up personalised diamond painting kits online.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 10th wedding anniversary

A memorable way to spend time with your love while celebrating your anniversary is by sharing a new experience together. You can even keep it tied into the 10th anniversary theme if you think creatively, and give your activity a deep and special meaning. Here are five suggestions for fun things to try on your big day.

1. A diamond factory tour

The process of making diamonds is long and complicated, and making amazing jewellery requires a lot of patience and skill. Find out all about the process with a Royal Coster diamond factory tour, which is totally free. The only catch is, it’s in Amsterdam, but there are worse ways to spend your anniversary!

2. A diamond driving experience

This one bends the rules a little, but a diamond driving experience at least has diamond in the name! It’s one way to get the blood pumping on your anniversary (and we’ll let you think of another for yourself).

3. A diamond fragrance experience

This also slightly bends the rules, but it’s totally worth it to spend time trying something new with your love! A diamond fragrance experience gives the two of you a chance to invent your very own fragrance, which you can then wear out to a post-fragrance-making dinner.

4. A tinsmithing workshop

Something of a lost art, tinsmithing is the process of making something out of tin. You can learn all about this ancient craft with a tinsmithing experience, and have a go at creating something of your very own.

5. A trip to a Cornish tin mill

If you’re not sure your partner would like to make something out of tin, maybe they’d love to learn all about its production. King Edward Mine in Cornwall offers a fascinating insight into an authentic Cornish tin mill – a super unique way to spend your anniversary.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 10th wedding anniversary

The traditional flower when celebrating your 10th wedding anniversary is the dainty yet vibrant daffodil – a true symbol of spring. It’s also one of the most recognisable flowers there is, and can grow in pots, in the ground, in woodland, by the side of the road… it’s surprisingly hardy considering how delicate it looks. It’s also great at brightening up a room, whether in a bouquet or as part of an arrangement or design. Here are fie daffodil-inspired gifts if you fancy treating your partner to something floral.

1. A bouquet of 100 daffodils

We couldn’t make this list and not include a bouquet of daffodils. But how do you elevate the humble little daffodil and make it special enough for an occasion like your 10th anniversary? Well, how about a bouquet of 100 daffodils? It’s equal parts extravagant and elegant.

2. A cute daffodil necklace

Because it’s so iconic, the daffodil makes for a lovely addition to jewellery and accessories. This includes a daffodil necklace, which captures the feel of this springtime beauty. It’s also small and versatile enough to be paired with loads of different outfits and other types of jewellery

3. A cast iron daffodil garden ornament

To make a real impact in your garden, a cast iron daffodil ornament provides the birds with a floral perch and offers them a bite to eat. It’s a lovely addition to any garden that has special meaning on your big day.

4. A daffodil stained glass panel

For something fresh and eye-catching, a daffodil stained glass panel is actually a two-hitter. Not only does it represent the traditional flower of 10 years of marriage, the frame also contains tin – the perfect gift thanks to its double meaning.

5. LEGO daffodils

For the LEGO lover you love, LEGO daffodils are realistic and affordable, and will happily sit in a vase for years and years and never wilt or need fresh water. And you can spend time together building them!

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9th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

The number nine is considered lucky in many cultures around the world, and we bet you’re feeling incredibly lucky to be reaching nine years married to the love of your life. It’s also extra exciting as in just one year the two of you will be celebrating 10 whole years of marriage.

To mark such a special milestone in your married life, what kind of gift should you give your partner? Should you give flowers or chocolates or something else entirely?

Well, did you know there are actually specific gifts that couples have been giving each other for their 9th anniversary for more than 100 years? These gifts have extra special meaning and really let your other half know just how much you care.

So, in this guide, we’re going to dive into everything you need to know about the traditions surrounding 9th anniversary gifts, so you can surprise your partner with something thoughtful, loving and symbolic. We’ll look at the traditional and modern gifts, as well as the traditional gemstone and flower so you can find something perfect for your other half. We’ll also offer you 50 suggestions to help get your creative juicing flowing.

To learn all about every anniversary tradition from 1 through to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 9th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 9th wedding anniversary gifts

If you’re looking to give your other half an extra special gift to mark your 9th anniversary, you might choose one of the traditional or modern options that are filled with historical meaning. Then you can have an anniversary that will be truly romantic and memorable.

Traditional 9th anniversary gift – Pottery or willow

There are two choices when it comes to traditional 9th anniversary gifts: pottery or willow. Pottery symbolises how your marriage has been molded into something beautiful and strong, and willow represents how flexible and strong you both are, which is clearly true since you’re celebrating nine wonderful years.

Modern 9th anniversary gift – Leather

If you’d prefer to give your partner the modern anniversary gift, you can do so in the form of leather. Leather is flexible, strong and durable, so makes for a lovely and touching gift. There are also plenty of options available, as well as some great vegan leather gifts.

9th anniversary gemstone – Lapis lazuli

If your partner would love some jewellery or an accessory, you could give them something set with the traditional 9th anniversary gemstone, lapis lazuli. This is a beautiful purple stone that sometimes contains flecks of black or gold, and represents royalty, courage and wisdom. It also works well in a huge range of jewellery so you’re bound to find something your partner adores.

9th anniversary flower – Bird of paradise

The traditional anniversary flower for celebrating nine years is the striking and eye-catching bird of paradise. This stunning flower was named because of how it resembles an exotic bird, and symbolises paradise, freedom and faithfulness. Plus it looks absolutely amazing and your partner is bound to love it.

How do you choose a gift for a 9th wedding anniversary?

Just one year away from your ten year anniversary, you might be wondering what the perfect gift might be. Do you get your partner something particularly special and meaningful, or wait until next year? Here are a few points to consider when making your decision:

  • Are you sticking to the 9th anniversary themes? They’re slightly tricky themes, so it might take some creative thinking to give your partner a pleasant surprise.
  • What’s your agreed budget? Some pottery, willow and leather gifts can be pricey, as can jewellery and flowers, so you might have to think outside the box.
  • Are you going to give them something personalised? Personalised gifts are an anniversary favourite, and some of the themed gifts for celebrating nine years are easier to personalise than others.
  • What does your partner love? Your partner might not be a fan of pottery, willow and leather, which might make sticking to the theme even more difficult.

It might be that someone close to you is about to celebrate nine years together with their partner, and you’re wondering whether or not you should join in on the anniversary gift-giving traditions. The answer is a resounding yes, you definitely can! Giving a couple in your life a gift linked to traditions is a brilliant way to let them know how much you love them.

50 ideas for a 9th wedding anniversary gift

With your 9th anniversary right around the corner, hopefully you’re not too stumped about what kind of gift to give your partner. You might want to give them a gift linked to willow, pottery or leather, but you might be struggling to come up with a unique idea that they’d love. Well, that’s where we come in – so here are 50 ideas for a 9th wedding anniversary so you can give your partner a gift to remember.

10 traditional gifts for a 9th wedding anniversary

If you’d love to give your partner an anniversary gift filled with tradition, pottery or willow are your go-to on theme gifts. You can probably think of one or two ideas for pottery, but what about willow? Here are 10 ideas so you can give your partner a traditional gift to mark nine incredible years.

1. Personalised indoor plant pot

Nothing brightens up a room quite like a plant, and they’re proven to lower stress and blood pressure, which means you should always consider having some at home. So, a brilliantly on-theme gift is a personalised indoor plant pot, which you can customise with the year of your wedding and a unique message.

2. An Emma Bridgewater Mr and Mrs mug set

Emma Bridgewater is a hugely celebrated designer who specialises in modern pottery, so anything from their range is sure to be well received. But, something classy and simple, like the Mr and Mrs mug set, is useful and right on theme.

3. An at-home pottery painting kit

For a fun and creative way to spend your anniversary, an at-home pottery painting kit gives you everything you need to design unique and character-filled pots and do something different in each others’ company.

4. A personalised anniversary plate

A brilliant way to remember your anniversary every time you serve food or entertain is with a personalised anniversary plate. It’s colourful, stylish and hand-painted by an in-house artist, so you know you’re getting something truly unique.

5. A stunning garden planter

Errington Reay & Co is the last remaining salt-glazed pottery in Britain, and their range of garden planters is absolutely incredible. You can pick up a huge planter to fill your garden with life, or something small like an ammonite, which is also super affordable and totally in keeping with the theme if you’re looking for more of a token gift.

6. A handcrafted willow tree pen

Willow trees are huge, graceful trees and their wood is pale with a beautiful texture. A handcrafted willow tree pen is smart and stylish, and comes in a case that can include a personalised message.

7. A willow bird feeder

Does your partner love feeding the birds and encouraging as many as they can to visit your garden? A natural way to give the birds some tasty fat balls is with a willow bird feeder, which is big, high-quality and blends right into the trees.

8. A willow pendant

The texture of willow means it can be smoothed and polished incredibly well, and a willow pendant is so smooth you might mistake it for ceramic. The wood retains its natural pattern, so is subtle and neat, and fits with almost any type of outfit.

9. Willow movie poster

If your partner grew up in the 80s or 90s, then they might have fond memories of the classic fantasy movie, Willow, starring Warwick Davis. If so, then you’ll give them a great surprise with a Willow movie poster they can hang on the wall – and it’s totally appropriate for the theme.

10. A personalised willow bookmark

Willow is a very flexible wood so it’s perfect for making into different designs, and a willow bookmark won’t damage or dog-ear pages. Plus it can be personalised to include a message so your partner will have a reminder of your 9th anniversary whenever they pick up their latest tale.

10 modern gifts for a 9th wedding anniversary

For a modern twist on the anniversary theme, you might want to consider giving your partner something made of leather. Leather is also the traditional anniversary gift for three years, so if you didn’t give your partner something leathery themed at the time, the option is here again. Here are 10 ideas so you can give your partner something made from leather (or faux leather if you’d prefer).

1. A faux leather photo album

Photo albums have become something of a lost art, but we’d always recommend making an exception when it comes to your wedding or anything related to your big day. Why not print off some of your favourite photos from the last decade and put them in a nice faux leather photo album and give your partner a touching trip down memory lane?

2. A vegan purse or wallet

Is your partner’s wallet or purse looking a little tired or worse for wear? If so, now might be the time to treat them to a brand new vegan purse or wallet, so they can have something new to get out of their pocket or handbag when they pay for your big anniversary dinner that evening!

3. Vegan leather shoes

A good pair of shoes can be hard to find, and a pair of vegan leather shoes look great, feel comfortable and will last for ages.

4. A vegan leather laptop bag

If your partner spends hours of every day working on their laptop, you’ll know just how precious it is to them. Maybe they often take it with them to the office, or trips into the city for meetings or to type away in a coffee shop. If that sounds like your partner, then a vegan leather laptop bag will protect their pride and joy as they drag it from here to there.

5. A leather rose

Roses are a well-known symbol of love, so why not combine that with the modern 9th anniversary theme and give them a leather rose to celebrate? They’re available in various colours and are super unique – with the added bonus that they’ll never wilt.

6. A leather anniversary card

Another difficult decision to make for your 9th anniversary is what type of card to get your partner. Do you go lovey-dovey, funny, sexy, sassy… it’s tough! One option is to combine the card with the modern theme and give them an engraved leather card packed with historical and symbolic meaning.

7. A leather notebook

A great notebook can be really hard to come by, so take the opportunity and spoil your partner with the most luxurious leather notebook ever. They’re actually so luxurious that they might not want to even write in it. There are also tons of unique personalisation options so you can really make it one-of-a-kind.

8. A personalised leather keyring

A cute and pocket-sized gift your other half can keep with them wherever they go is a personalised leather keyring. It might be small, but it’s massively sentimental and we know your partner would just love it.

9. A leather photo frame

Leather isn’t exactly the most obvious choice for materials when it comes to photo frames, but it really does work. A leather photo frame is incredibly smart and would look fabulous holding one of your best wedding photos.

10. A leather phone case

It’s a fact of modern life: many of us can’t do without our phones. Help your other half protect their phone with a leather phone case. Ok, so it’s not the most glamorous gift on this list, but it’s practical and totally on theme.

5 affordable gifts for a 9th wedding anniversary

You might love the idea of giving your partner a 9th anniversary gift linked closely to the themes, but pottery, willow and leather can often be pricey, especially if you have a strict budget. But don’t let that put you off the idea – if you know where to look, you can pick up a brilliant gift that fits a tight budget. Here are five suggestions if you’re looking for an affordable, token 9th anniversary gift.

1. A ceramic 9th anniversary keepsake

For something sweet, personalised and perfectly on theme, a ceramic 9th anniversary keepsake might just be exactly what you’re looking for. It’s something you can personalise to include your names and the date of your wedding, and it can be hung up somewhere or kept close by so your other half always knows how much you care.

2. A tiny let love grow vase

Have you ever seen anything more adorable than a tiny let love grow vase? This ceramic vase is super small, but is an ideal token gift for your special day. Whenever you head out on a romantic walk, you could pick a single wildflower to always make use of your thoughtful gift.

3. Faux vegan leather coasters

Faux leather is durable and strong, which means it’s a great material to use for a set of four faux leather coasters. They’re affordable and on theme, and are something you and your partner can use at home every day.

4. A personalised leather charger patch

Do you and your partner regularly argue about which charger is yours? Or maybe they’re always misplacing theirs and have to keep borrowing yours? Something super simple and tied closely to the theme is a personalised leather charger patch, so your partner never has to wonder whose is whose again.

5. A personalised vegan leather heart bookmark

Every bookworm loves to get stuck into a good book, but bookmarks have a habit of slipping out and sometimes even getting lost forever (seriously, who keeps taking them?). A personalised vegan leather heart bookmark slips over the corner of the page, keeping everything in order and preventing unwelcome dog ears.

5 DIY gifts for a 9th wedding anniversary

Giving your partner a gift associated with willow, pottery or leather is a lovely way to add extra meaning to your anniversary. You can ramp that up even more by making a gift yourself. But where on earth do you start making something on theme, especially if you don’t have any experience making something from pottery or leather? Well, there are some things you can do without the need for special kit or experience. Here are five ideas to help you get in the crafting mood.

1. A DIY leather necklace

Leather makes for a unique piece of jewellery, and it’s really quick and simple to make a DIY leather necklace using any pendants or charms you know your partner would appreciate. Check out a video tutorial for an idea of what you need to get started.

2. A DIY leather keyring

To make a small on-theme gift your partner can keep with them whenever they leave the house, a DIY leather keyring is a great shout. For a truly professional finish you can use pro tools, but you don’t need to – this video tutorial on YouTube shows you how to make three different types of leather keyrings, ranging from beginner to pro.

3. A willow basket of treats

Willow is a great material to use for making baskets, and while it might take some skill and experience to make the basket itself, you could use a willow basket as a starting point, which you could fill with your partner’s favourite treats. Chocolates, sweets, jewellery, fruit, games, puzzles… whatever they love, you could put something together to truly spoil them.

4. A DIY model using air-drying clay

Remember when you were a kid and how much fun you had making stuff out of Play-Doh? Call back to those times and make your partner a cute model of their favourite thing that they can display forever! The best thing is, air-drying clay doesn’t need to go in a kiln, so it’s something everyone can have a go at.

5. A DIY pottery vase

Reckon your at-home pottery skills could make something a bit more advanced than a model? Grab a pottery starter kit and let your imagination run wild to make your partner a thoughtful gift. Then fill in a form to apply for the next series of The Great Pottery Throwdown.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 9th wedding anniversary

Your anniversary is a great excuse to get out there and try something new (not that you need it). And there are loads of ways to tie in the 9th anniversary themes so you can spend time doing something with a deep and historical meaning. Here are five suggestions for ways you and your partner can spend your anniversary doing an experience or activity together.

1. A pottery class

Fans of the classic 80s movie Ghost will know just how romantic pottery can be. Ok, so you might get a few looks if you do that during a pottery class, but it’s your special day after all. Getting down and dirty with pottery making is a lot of fun and you have something to show for it at the end.

2. A pottery painting experience

Making your own pottery is one thing, but if you and your other half are more into the painting and decorating side of things, a pottery painting experience is probably right up your street. They also fire your creations so you can take them home and display them with pride.

3. A willow basketry course

We bet you thought we’d never be able to include an experience related to the willow theme, so you might be surprised to find out that willow and basketry experiences are absolutely a thing! They look like a lot of fun and we can almost guarantee that your partner won’t have done anything like it before.

4. A leatherwork course

Leatherwork is an ancient craft, and a really tricky but rewarding skill to have. A leatherwork experience is fun and challenging, and you and your other half can spend time together learning something that very few people know.

5. The Emma Bridgewater factory tour

We’ve already featured Emma Bridgewater products on this list before, but did you know you can take a look around their famous factory? An Emma Bridgewater factory tour shows you the ins and outs of this famous brand and is a cool and unique way to spend time on your 9th anniversary.

10 9th anniversary gifts that contain lapis lazuli

The traditional gemstone to give for nine years of marriage is lapis lazuli, a dazzling purple stone with the occasional streak of black or gold. It’s a truly stunning stone that’s often set in all different kinds of jewellery and accessories, so you shouldn’t have to look too far to find a piece that your partner would love. Here are 10 suggestions for pieces that contain lapis lazuli, which could be gold, silver, platinum, or anything else that fits within your budget:

  1. A necklace
  2. A bracelet
  3. Earrings
  4. Cufflinks
  5. A ring
  6. A broach
  7. A locket
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

Despite being so fabulous, lapis lazuli isn’t actually all that expensive, so even if you have a smaller budget you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding something your partner will love. Of course, there are some pieces that can be pricier, but it totally depends on what you’re looking for. Most high street jewellers, as well as independents, will have a range of jewellery and accessories that have lapis lazuli for you to consider. Here at Bridebook, we also work with a number of amazing jewellers who have unique selections of lapis lazuli jewellery.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 9th wedding anniversary

The traditional flower for celebrating nine incredible years of marriage is bird of paradise, an absolute showstopper of a flower which – as the name suggests – looks like a graceful and exotic bird. Because they’re so delicate with their big heads, they’re not often included in bouquets, but can be stunning when used in the right way. And when they’re allowed to be the star of the show they really are beautiful. Here are five suggestions if you’d love to treat your partner to this fabulous and striking flower.

1. Birds of paradise arrangement

A birds of paradise flower arrangement is far from simple, because it’s such a captivating and unique flower. It looks like it’s been lifted from the pages of a fantasy novel, and will draw attention in any room. It’s something your partner is bound to love and appreciate.

2. A birds of paradise pendant

If your partner loves birds of paradise but you want to give them some jewellery, why not combine the two and give them a birds of paradise pendant? It’s a subtle way for them to wear a piece of jewellery with extra special meaning and goes with almost any type of outfit.

3. Delicate glass birds of paradise 

How do you make a beautiful and delicate flower even more beautiful and delicate? You carefully make it out of glass, of course. A glass bird of paradise is small and colourful, and will look fantastic sat on a shelf or in a cabinet.

4. A birds of paradise canvas

The perfect way to add vibrancy and a pop of colour to any room is with a birds of paradise canvas. It’s slightly abstract, but once you know it’s a bird of paradise you’ll always see it.

5. A bird of paradise cushion

Your partner will never see this one coming – if they’ve mentioned needing a new cushion recently, a bird of paradise cushion is comfortable and tasteful, and totally on-theme for your 9th anniversary.

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8th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

Eight years spent building a happy marriage is such a fantastic achievement. It’s something that you and your other half deserve to celebrate together, especially as you’re just two years away from the big 1-0.

But, what should you give your partner to mark such a special occasion? Are you happy giving them flowers or chocolates, or would you prefer to give them something with a much deeper level of meaning?

There are actually traditional and modern anniversary gifts to mark eight years of marriage, which couples have been gifting to each other for more than a century. These gifts are packed full of symbolism and meaning, which can turn an ordinary gift into an extraordinary one. But, what should you give your partner if you want to launch your gift-giving skills into the stratosphere?

In this guide, we’re going to explore exactly that, and let you know all about the traditional and modern 8th wedding anniversary gifts, as well as the traditional gemstone and flower. Then, you’re armed with all the information you need to give the most romantic gift ever on your 8th anniversary. And if you’re still not quite sure, we’ll also give you 50 gift suggestions so you can hit the ground running in your search for the perfect present.

To discover more about all the different anniversary gift-giving traditions from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for an 8th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 8th wedding anniversary gifts

If you’re keen to give your partner an 8th anniversary gift steeped in tons of historical meaning, you might want to consider a gift associated with the traditional or modern themes. That way, you can give them a wonderful gift that can make your anniversary extra special.

Traditional 8th anniversary gift – Bronze

The traditional anniversary gift for eight years of marriage is bronze, a versatile metal which is often used to make statues and jewellery. It’s really strong and it takes a lot to damage it, which is why it makes for such a perfect gift – it probably sums up your relationship to a tee.

Modern 8th anniversary gift – Linen or lace

If bronze isn’t your partner’s thing, there are actually two modern 8th anniversary gifts: linen or lace. They’re both beautiful and delicate fabrics that can be used to make loads of different items, including underwear, pyjamas and bedsheets.

8th anniversary gemstone – Tourmaline

The traditional gemstone for an 8th wedding anniversary is tourmaline. Tourmaline isn’t exactly the most commonly used gemstone when it comes to jewellery, but it’s a brightly coloured stone that sometimes comes with a rainbow effect, so it’s truly striking and goes well in many types of jewellery or accessories. It symbolises creativity and wisdom, which we bet your partner has by the bucket load.

8th anniversary flower – Lilac (or clematis)

Depending on who you ask, there are two traditional 8th anniversary flowers: lilac and clematis. Lilacs are beautiful and purple and symbolise renewal, while clematises are also purple but symbolise mental strength. Either make for a perfect choice on your anniversary.

How do you choose a gift for an 8th wedding anniversary?

Your 8th wedding anniversary is a big deal, and means you’re only two years away from celebrating a whole decade of wedded bliss. That means you might want to choose a special gift to mark such an amazing occasion. So, here are four points to bear in mind when deciding what kind of gift to give your love.

  • Have you talked about buying gifts based on traditional or modern themes? If so, you’ll want to think long and hard about what they might love and try to think of something outside the box.
  • Have you both agreed on a budget? Bronze and lace can be a little pricey, so might not be suitable if you have a super strict budget.
  • Do you want to give a personalised gift? It can be tricky to personalise gifts that include bronze and lace, so have a think if personalisation is important to you.
  • What kind of gift would your partner love? Bronze and lace aren’t the most obvious of gift choices, so try to consider what kind of present they’d love to receive.

If a couple in your life is about to celebrate eight years of marriage, you might be interested to know whether you can also give them a gift associated with bronze, lace or linen. The great news is, it’s not a rule that’s exclusive to the couple, and you’re more than welcome to join in on these gift-giving traditions. A gift with extra thought and meaning can make something even more special.

50 ideas for an 8th wedding anniversary gift

If your 8th wedding anniversary is creeping ever closer and you’d love to give your partner a gift filled with symbolism, it can sometimes be a little tough to know where to start. After all, what kind of anniversary gifts contain bronze or linen? If you want to give your other half something extra memorable, here are 50 8th anniversary gift suggestions to help get your imagination working.

10 traditional gifts for an 8th wedding anniversary

For a gift with traditional flair, you might want to give your partner something that contains bronze. Bronze isn’t exactly the most glamorous of metals, but that’s not the point – it’s strong and versatile and can be just as beautiful as any precious metal in the right hands. Here are 10 anniversary gift suggestions around the theme of bronze.

1. A bronze necklace

No, bronze isn’t a precious metal, so it’s often not included in the same category as platinum, gold or even silver – but it still looks beautiful. And one of its many wonderful uses is in a necklace, and St Justin has a huge selection of absolutely fabulous pieces, which means there’s no doubt that you’ll find something your partner will adore.

2. A bronze rose

The rose is a globally recognised symbol of love, so when you pair it with bronze, it makes for the perfect 8th anniversary gift. A bronze rose is a unique and eye-catching gift that your partner will want to display so they can always be reminded of your big day.

3. Couple in love bronze figurine

Remember how incredible it was when the two of you got married eight magical years ago? That feeling is wonderfully encapsulated in a couple in love bronze figurine, a lovely statement piece that’s filled with meaning.

4. A bronze ring

Because bronze is a shiny and incredibly durable metal, it’s great for making rings. Because it’s not a precious metal, it’s not usually set with a gemstone, which means it’s often made into unique and memorable designs. Tribu has a wide selection of bronze rings and we’re sure you’ll find something that suits your partner’s tastes.

5. A replica bronze age arrow head

If your partner’s a bit of a history buff, they’ll love a piece of replica history in the form of a bronze age arrowhead. Not only will they have a memento of the past, but it will link nicely to your 8th anniversary.

6. Bronze heart sculpture

When celebrating your 8th anniversary, your heart is no doubt bursting with oodles of love. Let your partner know exactly how you feel with a bronze heart sculpture, which features two conjoined hearts to represent how you and your other half are always connected.

7. Personalised bronze cufflinks

Does your other half lack a really nice pair of cufflinks? Or maybe they haven’t bought a pair since your wedding day all those years ago? Well, why not correct that with a pair of personalised bronze cufflinks, which you can customise with a special message?

8. Bronzed kissing hares

What could be cuter than two adorable kissing hares? How about two adorable kissing hares that just so happen to be bronze statues? Yes, it’s true, there really is no cuter 8th anniversary gift than a pair of kissing bronzed hares, a wonderful gift for any wildlife lover.

9. A personalised bronze clock

Bronze isn’t the most obvious of materials when it comes to a clock, but a personalised bronze clock ticks (get it?) a lot of boxes. It’s big, it’s functional, it’s bronze and it can be personalised, so you’ll both be reminded of your anniversary whenever you check the time.

10. A bronze vase

For a gift that’s utterly beautiful and striking, a bronze vase makes for a wonderful choice. The only way you could make it any better would be by giving your other half some flowers to go in it!

10 modern gifts for an 8th wedding anniversary

If you’re not sure your partner would love a bronze-themed gift, then maybe they’ll love something related to the modern 8th anniversary gift: linen or lace. These delicate and luxurious materials are used in lots of different ways, opening up plenty of opportunities for a memorable and extra special gift. Here are 10 suggestions to get you started.

1. A personalised linen rose

We’ve already included a bronze rose in our list, so it only seems fair that we include a linen rose as well. It’s nicely made with a chic design, and is a great alternative to a real flower if your partner would appreciate something softer than bronze.

2. A luxury linen candle

There’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh, clean linen, which has been perfectly captured by this linen-scented WoodWick candle. Not only is it on theme and smells amazing, but it also crackles as it burns, reminiscent of a warming fireplace. The perfect gift to create a romantic atmosphere on your anniversary night.

3. Fortnum and Mason linen fragrance sachets

Fortnum and Mason is a brand known for its luxury and quality. Why not spoil your other half and give them a collection of linen fragrance sachets, so your clothes will have a freshly washed smell even after spending weeks in the cupboard?

4. A luxury linen sketchbook

If your partner loves to doodle and sketch, a luxury linen sketchbook might just be the ideal gift for them. For even more luxury, it features gold edging, and down the spine it reads, ‘Design and create with your heart’, which is so appropriate when celebrating your anniversary.

5. A smart linen shirt

If you love it when your other half dresses up, a smart linen shirt is sure to tickle your fancy. If you’re heading out for a romantic dinner, it’s a great gift to give just before you head out so they can model it for you that evening.

6. Some lace pyjamas

For a touch of luxury and comfort, you really can’t beat some lace pyjamas. Lace is so soft and smooth that your other half will feel like you’re wearing nothing at all, and you’ll definitely not be able to keep your hands off them.

7. Show-stopping lace cufflinks

For something a little naughty your partner can take with them to work, a pair of lace cufflinks features a smart, stylish and unique design. So, whenever your partner’s at work or at a special event, they can wear a cute and subtle reminder of your 8th anniversary.

8. Some sexy lace underwear

Ok, so this one is kind of obvious, but we really couldn’t make this list and not suggest some sexy lace underwear. Whether you want to buy some for yourself and surprise your partner, or give them a gift as a treat for the both of you, it’s a fun way to spice up your evening.

9. A lace silk cushion

A nice cushion can really pop, and there’s no better way to draw attention than with a lace silk cushion. The lace cushions of yesteryear were frilly and a bit garish, but today they’re smart and striking and look absolutely wonderful. It’s likely something your partner will adore.

10. Lace earrings

Not only can you get lace cufflinks, but you can also get lace earrings, which are subtle and cute, and will go with a wide range of styles and outfits. They’d make for a great addition to any jewellery collection and are something your other half can wear to remember your special day. 

5 affordable gifts for an 8th wedding anniversary

Lace and bronze aren’t usually associated with affordability, which can make it tough to find the right gift if you’re on a strict budget. But, if you think creatively, there are still plenty of ideas out there so you can give your other half a token on-theme present. Here are five suggestions for affordable 8th anniversary gifts.

1. A lace bookmark

Does your partner love to read a good old-fashioned physical book? If so, then a lace bookmark is the perfect multi-purpose gift. It’s super thoughtful and brilliantly on theme, and is unique, affordable and super useful.

2. Bronze anniversary card

If you’re planning to give your partner a card to mark your anniversary, you could combine it with the modern theme and give them a card that contains eight bronze-coloured hearts. It works on so many levels that they’ll absolutely love the meaning behind it.

3. A personalised bronze keyring

For something small and sweet that your partner can always keep in their pocket, a personalised bronze keyring can be customised to include the date the two of you got hitched, so they’ll always have a reminder close by.

4. A Roman spintria

For a really authentic piece of the past, a genuine Roman spintria (the name for a small token or coin from that era) is surprisingly affordable considering they’re thousands of years old. Give your other half something a Roman soldier might have kept in their pocket for around £5-10 from auction sites such as eBay.

5. Bronze couples keyring

Yes, you could get your partner a keyring, but why not get a pair of bronze couples keyrings which are in the shape of a lock and key, so you can each carry one with you as a symbol of how you fit together perfectly? We absolutely love the thought and meaning behind this one. 

5 DIY gifts for an 8th wedding anniversary

A brilliant way to really hammer home just how much you love your other half is by making your anniversary gift with your own two hands. Even if it doesn’t turn out all that great (though we know it will), your partner is bound to love it because of the love and effort that went into making it. Of course, making something out of bronze and lace can require a lot of skill and practice, but there are some things you can make that don’t require expert craftsmanship. Here are five ideas if you want to have a crack at making something yourself.

1. A bronze wire ring

Now, you might assume that making jewellery out of bronze is tough if you don’t have a forge, but there’s a fantastic way around it – wire. Bronze wire can be used to make a lovely bronze ring, and it doesn’t take too long at all. There are wire ring video tutorials available on YouTube to get you started.

2. A DIY lace gift bag

If you’ve already picked up the perfect gift for your partner but are still looking for a way to link it to a theme, you could make them a DIY lace gift bag to tie it in closely. It’s fairly simple to do if you follow a tutorial video.

3. A bronze wire bracelet

If a ring isn’t quite your partner’s thing, why not consider making them a bronze wire bracelet? You’ll need a few simple tools, but the results are beautiful and it shouldn’t take you too long to master it, especially if you follow a video tutorial.

4. A bronze wire sculpture

Do you want to make something out of bronze wire but aren’t sure that jewellery is quite the right thing? Then why not consider making a bronze wire sculpture? It can be a little tricky and fiddly, but with a little perseverance, you should be able to give your partner something truly memorable for your anniversary. Check out some wire sculpture video tutorials for a little guidance.

5. Lace bunting

Anniversary decorations aren’t seen very often, but you could make your own lace bunting and make your home fitting for such a special occasion. Even if you haven’t made much before, a video tutorial lets you know how to do everything you need.

5 experience or activity gifts for an 8th wedding anniversary

Spending time with your partner on your anniversary is important so you can really share the love. And what better way to do that than by doing something exciting, new or unique? You might think that bronze- or lace-themed activities are hard to come by, but you don’t need to look too far to find the ideal experience. Here are five 8th anniversary-themed activities you can try.

1. A bronze-casting experience

If you know your partner would love to get stuck into making something out of bronze, a bronze-casting experience will definitely be a memorable and unique way to spend your anniversary.

2. Enjoy a linen factory tour

Linen was invented over 35,000 years ago, and some of the same techniques are still used to this day. To find out how linen is made in modern factories, a linen factory tour lets you find out first-hand.

3. A bronze animal experience

This one might be bending the rules slightly, but it’ll be worth it to see the happiness on your animal-loving partner’s face. An animal experience at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, like the bronze lemur experience for two (see, it does technically fit the theme) is a brilliant way to get up close and personal with some furry friends on your big day.

4. Visit a sculpture park

You might not be able to give your other half a bronze statue for your anniversary per se, but one way around that is to take them to The Sculpture Park in Farnham, Surrey, to see them in person.

5. A lace-making experience

Lace is beautiful and intricate and oh so delicate – it also takes a lot of skill and practice to make. A crafty and creative way to spend your 8th anniversary is with a lace-making experience, with plenty available up and down the UK.

10 8th anniversary gifts that contain tourmaline

Tourmaline is the traditional 8th anniversary gemstone, and it comes in a wide variety of colours. It’s even found in iridescent rainbow colours, which means it can suit almost any kind of jewellery or accessory and makes for a wonderful choice for LGBTQ+ couples. It also varies in price, which means some tourmaline can be relatively affordable. Here are 10 ideas for jewellery and accessories you might want to consider set with tourmaline.

  1. A necklace
  2. A bracelet
  3. Earrings
  4. Cufflinks
  5. A ring
  6. A broach
  7. A locket
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

It’s not one of the most commonly used stones for jewellery and accessories, which means it’s not always the easiest to come by. Some high street chains may have a selection of tourmaline jewellery, but if not, many online retailers will. At Bridebook, we work closely with a range of brilliant jewellers, and many have a choice of tourmaline jewellery, so be sure to check them out.

5 floral-inspired gifts for an 8th wedding anniversary

The traditional flower for your 8th wedding anniversary is lilac (and some also say it’s clematis), both beautifully purple flowers that make for wonderful gifts. They’re also incredibly pretty, so are often used as inspiration for other gifts as well. Here are five ideas for floral gifts linked to the 8th anniversary theme.

1. A purple lilac plant

Purple lilacs are big clusters of tiny flowers, so they’re not often used in a bouquet. They’re not native to the UK, but if you give them the right conditions to grow, they can look stunning. They can be a little pricey, so they’re perhaps only appropriate for the horticulturist in your life.

2. A lilac heart plaque

It’s a shame that lilacs aren’t easy to grow in the UK, because they really are gorgeous. Instead, you could give your partner a lilac heart plaque, so they can hang a subtle little reminder of your 8th anniversary somewhere they’ll always see it.

3. A purple lilac flower necklace

For a tiny nod to your 8th anniversary that your partner can wear for any occasion, a purple lilac flower necklace is every bit as pretty as it is thoughtful. 

4. A bouquet with clematis

A clematis is a super eye-catching purple flower that makes a perfect addition to any bouquet, especially a clematis and craspedia arrangement, which is a fantastic mix of purples, yellows and lush greens.

5. Clematis bulbs

It’s actually fairly simple to grow a clematis, as they thrive in full sun or partial shade. There are also loads of varieties, so you can add patches of vivid colours to your flower bed or in a pot. Plus, clematis bulbs aren’t all that expensive.

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7th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

You’ve reached seven years of heaven married to the love of your life. That’s incredibly exciting and is definitely something that deserves to be celebrated.

When the time comes to think about picking up a gift for your other half, you’ll naturally wonder what the perfect present might look like. But, did you know there are traditional and modern gifts that couples have been giving each other for more than 100 years? So, if you want to take part in these traditions, you can give your partner one of these gifts which are absolutely packed with thoughtfulness and meaning.

In this guide, we’re going to explore the ins and outs of 7th wedding anniversary gift-giving traditions, including the traditional and modern gifts, as well as the traditional gemstone and flower. That way, you can give your partner an incredible gift that has loads of historical meaning. And we’ve got 50 suggestions below to help get you started.

To find out more about what all the different anniversary gifts are from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 7th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 7th wedding anniversary gifts

For more than a century, many couples have chosen to give their love a 7th anniversary gift that has loads of meaning behind it. It’s a great way to show your partner how much you care and also gives you some ideas if you’re not quite sure what to get.

Traditional 7th anniversary gift – Wool or copper

There are two traditional 7th anniversary gifts: wool and copper. Wool is warm and comfortable, and copper is durable and strong – and you no doubt feel all of these in abundance after seven years of marriage.

Modern 7th anniversary gift – Stationery or desk set

The modern anniversary for seven years of marriage is stationery or a desk set. Initially, this might not sound particularly romantic, but it actually represents the work you’ve put into your marriage after all these years – so it’s actually pretty loving and poignant.

7th anniversary gemstone – Onyx

The 7th anniversary gemstone is onyx, an incredibly striking stone that is black and shiny (though can sometimes include white). It can sometimes be pricey, but equally, it can often be fairly reasonable, so can be a great choice of anniversary gift. It also works well when set in different types of gold or silver jewellery.

7th anniversary flower – Freesia

The 7th anniversary flower is the freesia, a beautiful multi-coloured flower that can be a wonderful addition to a bouquet or work perfectly as the star of the show. Freesias symbolise friendship and trust, which is spot-on when celebrating seven years of love.

How do you choose a gift for a 7th wedding anniversary?

A 7th wedding anniversary isn’t exactly one of the most widely celebrated anniversaries out there, sitting right in between the 5th anniversary and 10th anniversary. However, it may be important that you still mark seven whole years – because it is incredible. But how do you choose the right gift? Here are four things to bear in mind:

  • Are you and your partner sticking to the rules? If buying each other a traditional or modern anniversary gift is important to you and your other half, you’ll probably want to do what you can to buy something related to the theme.
  • Do you know your budget? Wool can be pretty expensive, but copper and stationery mean you can buy an on-theme gift for a smaller budget.
  • Do you want to give a personalised gift? Wool can be tricky to personalise, but copper and stationery offer loads of options for personalisation.
  • What does your partner love? The traditional and modern options for a 7th anniversary gift are all pretty different, so can you align them with something you think your partner would love?

If a couple you love is about to celebrate seven years together, you might also wonder if it’s appropriate for you to join in on the traditions and buy them something related to wool, copper or stationery. Thankfully, the answer is: of course! These ‘rules’ aren’t exclusive to the couple, and the special meaning behind them will help elevate your gift into something truly memorable.

50 ideas for a 7th wedding anniversary gift

If your 7th wedding anniversary gift is on the horizon and you’d like to give your partner a gift filled with thought and meaning, you might be a little stumped. How can wool, copper and stationery work as a gift for the love of your life? Well, believe it or not, with a little creativity, you can give them something truly memorable. So, here are 50 7th anniversary gift ideas so you can surprise your partner on the big day.

10 traditional gifts for a 7th wedding anniversary

There are two traditional gifts when it comes to celebrating your 7th anniversary: wool or copper. So, you have twice as many options for choosing a gift your partner might love. But if you’re not quite sure where to start looking, here are 10 ideas.

1. A comfortable wool blanket

There’s nothing quite as romantic as getting all warm and snuggly with your other half beneath a comfortable blanket. And you can’t get much more comfortable than a wool blanket from The British Blanket Company so the two of ewe can get cuddly on your big day.

2. A cosy jumper

Imagine a warm and cosy blanket draped over your body – now imagine that comfort wrapped right around you all the time. High-quality Norwegian wool jumpers are guaranteed to keep your toasty and warm during those cold and dark winter months.

3. A wool sheep with a heart balloon

For something cute, cuddly and 100% on theme, a Sheply Sheep with Heart Balloon ticks all the right boxes. It’s adorable and sweet, and can be proudly displayed somewhere so your partner will always be reminded of your 7th magical anniversary.

4. A wool teddy bear

Knitted teddy bears are the epitome of cute, and if they’re handmade like the teddies at The Knitted Bear Company then they’re also extra special and loaded with character. A brilliant little gift that your partner is bound to love.

5. A wool craft kit

Has your partner always talked about learning to knit or crochet but never got around to giving it a go? A wool craft kit gives them everything they need to start learning this incredibly popular hobby. 

6. A personalised copper bracelet

Copper might not be the most obvious choice when it comes to jewellery, but in the right hands, it can be a fantastic item your partner will want to wear all the time. For example, a personalised copper cuff bracelet not only looks gorgeous, but it’s also thought that copper bracelets help prevent stress and ward off negative energy, so it could be useful if your partner is having a tough time.

7. A striking copper vase

If you’ve thought about giving your partner flowers to mark your anniversary, why not accompany them with a super meaningful burnished copper vase? It’s equal parts rustic and beautiful and works with almost any type of flower.

8. Copper coin cufflinks

We bet you didn’t realise that copper coin cufflinks even existed before today, but not only do they exist, they’re also a great idea for an anniversary gift. They’re smart and stylish and perfect for all occasions.

9. A personalised copper keyring

For a brilliantly personal token 7th anniversary gift, a personalised copper keyring is something your partner can always keep by their side so they never forget about your special day.

10. A personalised framed copper heart

One way to give your partner a one-of-a-kind gift is with a personalised framed copper heart, which you can also personalise to include your names and the date of your wedding. That way, you can hang it up at home and have a sweet and meaningful reminder of your wedding.

10 modern gifts for a 7th wedding anniversary

If you’re not sure your partner would love a gift related to wool or copper, you could go for something related to the modern 7th anniversary gift: stationery or a desk set. If this sounds like something your partner might appreciate, here are 10 ideas you might want to consider.

1. A notebook and quill set

Writing using a quill and ink is something of a lost art these days, but if your partner’s a keen writer or enjoys speaking to a penpal, an old-fashioned notebook and quill set is a unique gift they can crack out whenever they fancy being a little bit… fancy!

2. A really nice set of pens

There’s nothing quite like a nice set of pens. Yes, a Bic biro does the job, but when it comes to a high-quality pen it’s like comparing fish fingers to lobster thermidore. Check out Pen Heaven to browse their amazing range of pen sets.

3. A personalised mouse mat

If your partner regularly works at a computer and has a habit of scraping their mouse across the desk, why not revisit the lost art that is the mouse mat? It definitely qualifies as part of a desk set, and you can even give your partner a personalised mouse mat that features a photograph – why not use your favourite wedding photo?

4. A personalised planner

Are you constantly having to remind your other half about what’s happening at the weekend? Or are they always asking what date it is? If this sounds familiar, a personalised desk planner would be ideal for them.

5. A nice and neat gift set

Organisation can be challenging, even for the best of us. Things can get lost, misplaced, forgotten… with a nice and neat gift set, your partner can keep on top of all their tasks and chores and make sure nothing is ever overlooked again.

6. A vintage stationery box

If your other half loves everything old school, then a vintage stationery gift box will tick so many of their boxes. From the retro labels and stickers to the rubber that looks like it’s been stabbed a few too many times by a pencil, they’re all in there.

7. A personalised pen pot

What’s a better way for your other half to organise all their stationery than with a pot in which to keep everything neat? Well, how about a personalised wooden pen pot that can be highly customised to include your partner’s name and a design you know they’d love?

8. A smart desk organiser

To make any desk tidy and classy, a smart desk organiser could be just what your partner needs. It includes loads of different compartments, drawers and slots so everything can be kept neat and in its very own place.

9. A fancy notebook

Almost everyone loves a notebook, but it can be hard to find one nice enough to be fitting as an anniversary gift. However, the notebooks at Katie Leamon are high in quality and big in style, and there are so many designs that you shouldn’t have trouble finding one your partner will love to use.

10. An engraved pen

We’ve already featured a pen set on this list, but how about an engraved pen? They’re smart and affordable, and you can customise them with any message you like, whether it’s your partner’s name, your anniversary date, or simply the words ‘HAPPY ANNIVERSARY’.

5 affordable gifts for a 7th wedding anniversary

You might be super keen to give your partner an anniversary gift filled with meaning, but the pair of you might not want to spend too much money on a token gift related to wool, copper or stationery. If that’s the case, you can still get them a hugely meaningful gift but not break the bank. Here are five ideas for brilliant token gifts for your 7th wedding anniversary.

1. A jar of anniversary wool

We’ve already covered how wool symbolises the warmth and comfort felt after seven years of marriage, so why beat around the bush (sheep?) – you could just get your other half a tiny ball of wool in a jar which is personalised to include the date you got married. It’s small, thoughtful and something your partner can hold on to forever.

2. A cute copper elephant ring holder

If your partner regularly takes off their wedding ring for one reason or another, and they don’t have somewhere safe to keep it, it can be the cause of mild (and even severe) panic as you both run around looking for it. Never experience that feeling again with a cute copper elephant ring holder. Super useful and affordable!

3. A personalised copper token

The ultimate token copper anniversary gift is a… personalised copper token! You can add your initials and the date you got married, for the perfect little keepsake to mark seven years together.

4. A woolly hedgehug

Guaranteed to make your partner squee! a woolly hedgehug is absolutely adorable and lets your partner know exactly how you feel about them. It’s also exactly the sort of token gift that’s likely to get you in your partner’s good books.

5. A wool anniversary card

If you’re thinking about getting your other half an anniversary gift, chances are you’re probably also thinking about getting them a card. Well, why not combine the two and give them a card featuring a crocheted wool heart? It’s the perfect way to give them something fitting the 7th anniversary theme and the perfect card for the occasion all in one.

5 DIY gifts for a 7th wedding anniversary

Nothing says I love you quite like a gift you’ve made yourself – and this counts double on your wedding anniversary. You might think that making something out of wool or copper is tricky – especially if you don’t have any experience working with either of them before. But, there are plenty of resources and tutorials available online that mean you can definitely make something full of charm and personality. Yes, even out of copper! Here are five ideas for brilliant DIY gifts.

1. DIY wool flowers

If you have some wool, a needle and a finger, you can create some simple and effective wool flowers with literally zero experience. And once you have a few, you could glue them to some green wire and give them a DIY wool flower bouquet. There are DIY wool flower bouquet tutorial videos available on YouTube to help get you started.

2. DIY wool coasters

Something nice, easy and effective to make out of wool is a set of wool drinks coasters. You can make one or two, or a whole set! Just choose your partner’s favourite colours and get to work with the help of a DIY wool coaster tutorial.

3. A crocheted scarf

Crocheting is a great hobby, and you can make some amazing things with just a ball of wool and a crochet hook. It can look confusing, but with a good tutorial or guide you can pick up crochet relatively quickly, and a scarf is a simple place to start. Thankfully, there are loads of crocheted scarf tutorials available online.

4. A DIY twisted copper ring

With some copper wire, which you can pick up for next to nothing from craft shops, you can make your partner a lovely twisted copper ring in just five minutes. It might take a little trial and error, but if you follow a tutorial video you should master it in no time.

5. A DIY copper coin keyring

If you have an old keyring and a 1p or 2p coin, you can make your partner a copper coin keyring that’s packed with effort and meaning. It requires a couple of specific tools, but it shouldn’t take you too long if you follow online instructions.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 7th wedding anniversary

For something a little different, you could spend your 7th anniversary sharing a new experience with your other half. But what exactly could you do that ties into themes related to wool and copper? Actually, you might be surprised, as there are a few unique experiences the two of you can do that will make your anniversary one neither of you will forget in a hurry! Here are five ideas for a truly memorable 7th anniversary experience.

1. A sheep shearing experience

Has your partner ever fancied themselves a bit of a farmer (or maybe just loves Stardew Valley)? If so, you could spend your anniversary getting stuck into a sheep shearing experience to really get hands-on with how wool is sourced. It’s a fun and involved way to do something new on your anniversary.

2. A knitting course

Knitting is no longer for the older generation; it’s fast becoming a pastime for the young ‘uns, too. You and your partner could start a new hobby together and learn how to knit under the guidance of a professional. Find a knitting course near you and make something woolly on your big day.

3. A rug-making experience

While knitting is a popular hobby, something a little more off the beaten track is spinning weaving and rug making! So, pull the wool over your partner’s eyes and surprise them with something truly unique. There are a few different spinning and weaving courses available across the UK.

4. A copper bowl-making workshop

Copper bowls are wonderfully eye-catching statement pieces to have on display at home. But what could make one even more special? How about one you and your partner make at a copper bowl-making workshop?

5. A coppersmithing course

If you like the thought of making something out of copper with your partner but would like to make something else like jewellery or a sculpture, a coppersmithing course offers just that. There’s a range of experiences available so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding something your partner will enjoy making.

10 7th anniversary gifts that contain onyx 

The traditional 7th anniversary gemstone is onyx, an incredible black (and sometimes white-flecked) stone that has an air of magic and mystery. As it’s such a deep colour, it looks striking set in a wide range of jewellery that could be either gold or silver. That means you usually don’t have to look too far to find onyx jewellery your partner will love. Here are 10 ideas for jewellery that contain onyx.

  1. A necklace
  2. A bracelet
  3. Earrings
  4. Cufflinks
  5. A ring
  6. A broach
  7. A locket
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

Onyx isn’t exactly the most commonly used stone in jewellery, but most high street chains will have at least a few pieces for you to consider. At Bridebook, we’ve partnered with loads of amazing jewellers who specialise in wedding-related jewellery, so check them out to find the perfect piece

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 7th wedding anniversary

Flowers are an anniversary classic, but to give your floral gift an even more special meaning, you could choose something linked to the traditional 7th anniversary flower, freesia. Freesias are colourful and dainty, and look great in a vase or as part of a floral design. If you’d like to give your partner something related to freesias or other on-theme flowers, here are five bright ideas.

1. A bouquet of freesias

Freesias are a super versatile flower that can complement others in a bouquet, but work easily as a dedicated bouquet. A bouquet of freesias can be eye-catching and absolutely beautiful.

2. A freesia pendant

So that your partner can always wear a reminder of your 7th anniversary, a freesia pendant necklace is big, bold and pretty. It might not be to everyone’s taste, but you can pick up a more subtle freesia necklace from Kew Gardens’ online shop if that would suit your partner better.

3. Wool roses 

As beautiful as flowers are, they eventually wilt and have to be thrown away. The exception to this, however, is wool flowers! They might not be freesias, but wool roses are fantastically creative and fit the traditional anniversary theme to a tee, so they’re still thoughtful and meaningful.

4. A pear and freesia candle

Freesias have a fruity, almost strawberry-like, scent, and when coupled with pear, they make quite the… pair! That’s why a pear and freesia candle smells so sweet and delicious, plus helps create a romantic anniversary-night atmosphere.

5. A stained glass freesia

Did you know there’s only one way to make a freesia even more stunning? That’s right, a freesia made out of stained glass! A stained glass freesia can stand tall and proud on a shelf and cast incredible yellow light across the room.

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6th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

Celebrating your 6th wedding anniversary is a fantastic milestone that should always be marked if possible. It means you’re more than halfway to your 10th anniversary and your love is growing stronger with every passing year.

But what should you give the love of your life to mark 6 years of marriage? You probably already have a few ideas, but did you know that for more than a century, many couples have enjoyed giving each other traditional or modern gifts that stick close to an ‘official’ theme? There’s also a traditional gemstone and flower, and they’re each filled with symbolism to give your anniversary gift-giving an even deeper level of meaning.

So, in this guide, we’re going to explore 50 6th wedding anniversary gift ideas that fit these themes so you can give your other half the perfect present. 

To learn more about all the different anniversary gift-giving traditions from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 6th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 6th wedding anniversary gifts

The traditional and modern gifts associated with six years of marriage are packed with meaning, so giving your partner a gift associated with one or more of them can really elevate your gift. That extra level of thought and passion can make your 6th anniversary one your partner will always remember.

Traditional 6th anniversary gift – Sugar

The traditional 6th anniversary gift is sugar, which represents how every year of marriage that passes gets even sweeter. And of course, sugar is used in loads of different treats and desserts, so you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to giving your partner something tasty.

Modern 6th anniversary gift – Iron

The modern gift for a 6th wedding anniversary is iron, a strong and incredibly durable metal that can withstand almost anything. After all, the Titanic was made of iron and it took an iceberg to sink it (and we can’t imagine the two of you will encounter many icebergs throughout your marriage). Iron isn’t an obvious gift choice, but with a little creativity, there are plenty of options out there.

6th anniversary gemstone – Amethyst

Amethyst is a stunning stone that comes in various shades of intoxicating purple. Because of its colour, it represents royalty, as well as love and happiness, so it’s perfect for the king or queen in your life. Amethyst is also relatively affordable and looks great set in all kinds of jewellery and accessories.

6th anniversary flower – Calla lily

The traditional 6th anniversary flower is the calla lily, a perennial flower with big heads that are turned up and look a little like china cups. They represent sympathy, unity and beauty, all strong emotions that you no doubt have for your partner.

If you have pets at home, calla lilies can cause problems for their health, so you might want to think about an alternative if you’re keen to give your partner a floral gift to mark six years.

How do you choose a gift for a 6th wedding anniversary?

As you pass the halfway point to your 10th anniversary, how do you decide what to give your partner to mark six whole years together? You might already have a few ideas, but with so many choices it can be tricky making a call on the perfect one. Here are a few things to think about when making your decision:

  • Are you interested in following the rules? You don’t have to give your partner a traditional or modern gift, but it can be something fun and romantic with extra meaning.
  • Have you set a budget? The size of your budget might determine what you pick up for your partner.
  • Are you going to get a personalised gift? Personalisation is a brilliant way to elevate a gift and make it more thoughtful, but it can add to the cost.
  • Do your ideas fit with your partner’s interests? Sugar is often a sure-fire winner when it comes to gifts, but what about iron? Try to bear your partner’s interests in mind when choosing their gift.

If a couple in your life will soon celebrate their 6th wedding anniversary, you may wonder if you can join in with the fun and get them a traditional or modern anniversary gift. Well, of course you can! These gifts aren’t exclusive to the couple themselves, so if you have a great idea for a gift then go for it – we’re sure they’ll love it.

50 ideas for a 6th wedding anniversary gift

If you’d like to give your partner an extra special gift to celebrate your 6th anniversary but you’re not quite sure where to start, then you’re in the right place. Here are 50 on-theme ideas so you can treat your other half to something thoughtful.

10 traditional gifts for a 6th wedding anniversary

 The traditional anniversary gift for six years is sugar, which is a delicious sweet and versatile treat loved by many. But, it’s also more than just giving your partner a bag of sugar they can add to their tea – so here are 10 ideas to get your creative muscles working.

1. An indulgent chocolate fondue set 

If your partner loves a sweet and chocolatey treat that’s also a little bit naughty, then an indulgent chocolate fondue set from Hotel Chocolat is sure to set the mood on your anniversary night. Simply warm up the selection of moreish sauces and dip in your favourite treats for something truly lip-smacking.

2. A create-your-own mega jar of sweets

For something totally on theme and also super nostalgic, what could be more perfect than a jar of retro sweets? A create your own mega jar of sweets allows you to choose 20 of your partner’s favourites, from candy necklaces to fizzy refreshers.

3. A sweet shop-scented candle

Okay, so you might not be able to eat a sweet shop-scented candle, but it’s romantic, on-theme and helps create the perfect ambience for celebrating your amazing milestone.

4. A sugar cube pendant

A sugar cube pendant is a sweet and thoughtful gift that definitely thinks outside the… cube. It’s unique and maybe not to everyone’s taste, but it suits a whole range of outfits and your partner can wear it whenever they like to remember your 6th anniversary.

5. A tea caddie set

Emma Bridgewater is a designer loved by many, with a striking but homely range of kitchen and homeware. An Emma Bridgewater tea caddie set is on theme, useful and thoughtful.

6. A handmade fondant figure

A cake is a statement-making sugary gift to give your other half on your anniversary, which itself is brilliant. But, why not make it even more brilliant with a handmade fondant figure or two, to call back to your cake topper you may have had on your wedding day? Or if you didn’t have one, now could be the time to make that happen!

7. A sugar and spice nail set

If your partner loves to paint their nails, a sugar and spice collection is definitely all things nice. These fiery and warming gel polishes are a great way to give your love a unique on-theme gift.

8. Personalised chocolates

Chocolates are usually going to go down well on your anniversary, but for your 6th anniversary, they have extra special meaning. Plus, you can give your partner personalised chocolates to tell them exactly how you feel.

9. A sugar scrub

As well as being a treat for the stomach and soul, did you know that sugar can also be a treat for the skin? A sugar scrub exfoliates your partner’s skin to leave them feeling smooth, soft and radiant. That way, you can spend your anniversary with a home pamper evening.

10. Personalised anniversary doughnuts

If all else fails, why not treat your partner to a personalised box of doughnuts from Krispy Kreme? You can add your names to the box and make sure your other half knows it’s a treat you’ve been thinking about for a while!

10 modern gifts for a 6th wedding anniversary

If you’re sweet enough for your partner, then you may prefer to give them an anniversary gift linked to the modern tradition, which is iron. At first, you might think it’s quite limiting, but with a little creative thinking you can get a loving and thoughtful gift. So, here are 10 iron-inspired anniversary gifts to consider giving on your 6th anniversary.

1. A cast iron lovebird garden ornament

What could be a better gift to mark two lovebirds celebrating their anniversary than with a cast iron sculpture of two lovebirds? It would look fantastic in any garden, doesn’t take up too much room and has absolutely bags of sentimentality behind it.

2. A personalised iron bowl

Bowls are useful and thoughtful gifts, but can be elevated to the next level for your 6th anniversary. A personalised iron bowl fits the theme perfectly and even allows you to include a custom message, so every time your partner puts their keys or some fruit (or whatever they choose to use it for) inside they’ll be reminded of your special day.

3. A wrought iron wine rack

You and your partner might enjoy sharing a bottle of wine together (especially on your anniversary), so you could treat them to a stylish wrought iron wine rack to keep all those bottles neat and tidy.

4. An iron bracelet

Iron might not be the daintiest of materials, but in the right hands, it can be crafted into beautiful jewellery absolutely packed with meaning. An iron bracelet is a fabulous way for your partner to always keep a reminder of your 6th anniversary with them.

5. A wrought iron rose 

Roses are a symbol of love recognised the world over, so why not combine roses and iron with a wonderful handmade wrought iron rose? Not only does it look amazing and have tons of meaning behind it, it has the added bonus of never wilting.

6. An iron

If you’re feeling extra brave and want to get your other half an on-theme gift that risks getting you in trouble, you could get them a new iron. This is especially poignant if they’ve been asking for one for a while. You might just want to accompany it with something sugary to sweeten the blow! Check out Currys for a huge selection of irons to fit loads of different budgets.

7. A cast iron hippopotamus statue

For an anniversary gift your partner will never forget, a cast iron hippopotamus is always going to put a smile on their face. It’s something that can sit out in the garden and watch over you with every future anniversary that passes.

8. A cast iron casserole dish

If your partner’s a keen cook, then a solid (literally) choice of anniversary gift is a cast iron casserole dish. Le Creuset is a well-known brand, but a Le Creuset casserole dish can be quite pricey. Thankfully, there are more affordable alternatives, like a ProCook cast iron casserole dish.

9. A cast iron sign

For something unique and retro, a cast iron sign is a brilliant way to add character and personalisation to your gift. You could choose something funny to hang in the garden or on the shed, or a brand new door number to hang beside the front door.

10. An iron heart sculpture

For the love of your life on your anniversary, an iron heart sculpture ticks two boxes: it fits the 6th anniversary theme and tells your partner just how much you love them.

5 affordable gifts for a 6th wedding anniversary

If you’re looking to mark your 6th anniversary with a token traditional or modern gift, then there are plenty of affordable options to suit smaller budgets. Here are five affordable 6th anniversary gifts so you can give your partner something sweet (or iron-y).

1. A cast iron bottle opener

If your other half loves to crack open the occasional bottle, or you enjoy sitting down to enjoy a drink together, a cast iron bottle opener is a super-affordable and thoughtful way to honour the modern anniversary tradition.

2. Decorative iron keys and a lock

A lock is a common symbol of love, with couples often leaving them on bridges or fences at famous romantic landmarks. Instead of this, you could give your partner decorative iron keys and a lock which they could display proudly in your garden. That way you’ll always have something to remember your anniversary by.

3. A few posh chocs

Hotel Chocolat is known for being makers of deliciously moreish chocolates, but unfortunately, some of their more extravagant boxes can be a little pricey. However, they do offer smaller chocolate selections and multi-buy discounts that mean you can still treat your partner with a smaller budget, like with the milk chocolate collection selector.

4. A LEGO Iron Man keyring

If your partner loves superheroes and is a big Marvel fan, a LEGO Iron Man keyring is bending the rules a little, but we still think it totally fits with the theme – plus it’s affordable.

5. An iron keepsake

For the ultimate iron anniversary token gift, an iron keepsake might be small, but it’s thoughtful and cute, and tells your partner how you feel without having to break the bank.

5 DIY gifts for a 6th wedding anniversary

DIY anniversary gifts are a brilliant way to save money and give your partner a gift that’s extra special because you made it – and doubly so if it also fits the theme. In all honesty, it’s going to be tricky forging a gift from iron unless you have the tools and know-how, but at least there are plenty of options for making homemade sweet treats to surprise your partner with. So, here are five ideas to get you started.

1. Chocolate-dipped strawberries

Chocolate-dipped strawberries are sweet, romantic and incredibly simple to make. All you need is a punnet of fresh strawberries and your favourite chocolate to melt, and after a quick dip, voilà! You have a delectable and sexy treat to share with your other half. 

2. Homemade cupcakes

Even if you’re not an experienced baker, you can still make your partner some simple cupcakes without worrying about whether or not you’ll be deserving of a Hollywood handshake. You can pick up cupcake kits that include everything you need from your local supermarket, or follow a cupcake recipe online. 

3. Homemade fudge

Fudge is ooey and gooey and a fantastic sticky treat your partner’s bound to love. It’s also super simple to make and a basic fudge recipe only requires four ingredients. Then you’re free to add chocolate, sprinkles, a drizzle or anything else your other half might love.

4. Homemade honeycomb

Honeycomb is crunchy, chewy and sweet, and can be quick and easy to make at home. Making honeycomb is part-baking and part-science, but if you get it right the results are delicious. It’s easy to customise your honeycomb and coat it in chocolate or another of your partner’s favourite toppings. There are also plenty of easy honeycomb recipes you can find online.

5. Homemade biscuits

For a homemade sweet treat your partner can dunk in their cuppa, biscuits can be super simple to make. Some only require a handful of ingredients and one or two inexpensive tools, and you can have a lot of fun decorating them with colours and designs your partner will love. There are loads of easy biscuit recipes available online, so have a bit of fun and experiment!

5 experience or activity gifts for a 6th wedding anniversary

An exciting way to spend your anniversary is by treating yourself and your partner to an activity or experience, and there are actually loads of options out there for fun things to do that are sugar- and iron-related. Here are five ideas for things you and your partner can do together to celebrate your 6th anniversary.

1. A baking experience

Baking can be a brilliant way to spend time together, and you’ll have something to show for it at the end which you can tuck into and enjoy! There are loads of baking courses available, so you shouldn’t have to look too hard to find one that suits you and your other half.

2. A blacksmithing experience

For something less sweet and a lot more fiery, a blacksmithing experience is a unique and interesting way to try your hand at something new and have a go at forging something of your very own.

3. Watch Iron Man on Disney+

Cosy up on the sofa, get some movie snacks ready (something sweet to stick to the theme) and have an Iron Man movie marathon. And the entire series is available to stream right now on Disney+!

4. A chocolate factory tour

What’s even better than enjoying a bar of chocolate? Enjoying a bar of chocolate while walking around a chocolate factory! Chocolate making goes back centuries, and you can learn all about the methods, ingredients and techniques that have developed throughout history… and enjoy a few treats along the way. There are a few options as well, like the Cadbury factory tour in Bourneville and York’s Chocolate Story in York.

5. A sword-fighting experience

This one is pushing the theme a little, but swords are often made from iron, and you and your partner take part in a sword fighting experience where you can swing swords around and work up a sweat. It’s so unique and thinking outside the box that your partner will never see it coming (unlike the sword which hopefully they will see coming).

10 6th anniversary gifts that contain amethyst

The traditional gemstone to give to your partner on your 6th anniversary is amethyst, which is a stunning and attention-grabbing purple stone. It’s super versatile and not always hugely expensive, plus it goes well with gold and silver, so you’re bound to find something that suits your partner’s tastes. So, here are 10 ideas for jewellery that contains amethyst.

  1. A necklace
  2. A bracelet
  3. Earrings
  4. Cufflinks
  5. A ring
  6. A broach
  7. A locket
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

Amethyst is a hugely popular gemstone so most jewellers will have a range of jewellery you can check out. Here at Bridebook, we also work with a huge selection of wedding jewellers that offer loads of different options when it comes to amethysts.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 6th wedding anniversary

Flowers are usually a sure-fire way to put a smile on your partner’s face when celebrating your anniversary. The traditional flower when celebrating six years together is the calla lily, an elegant and delicate flower which is a real show-stopper. If you’d love to get your partner a gift inspired by the calla lily, here are five ideas to get you started.

1. A calla lily necklace

If your partner loves unique jewellery, there’s no better 6th anniversary gift than a calla lily necklace. It’s cute and dainty, and can be worn with a wide variety of outfits.

2. An iron-forged calla lily

Iron and calla lilies don’t seem like an obvious combination, but a delicate iron-forged flower makes for a wonderful and striking centrepiece that has deep and thoughtful meaning. Check out this gorgeous hand-forged iron calla lily on Etsy.

3. A calla lily bouquet

We couldn’t not suggest a calla lily bouquet. They’re absolutely stunning flowers that make for a beautiful bouquet. Just remember, they can be toxic to pets, so bear this in mind if you have a four-legged friend at home.

4. Calla lily bulbs

Calla lilies don’t thrive in icy temperatures, so generally can’t be planted outside in the UK. But, if you’re up for the challenge and have a greenhouse or inside space, they can still flourish. Plus, calla lily bulbs are relatively inexpensive.

5. Beautiful wishes decorative figure

Willow Tree produces incredible decorative figures, and the Beautiful Wishes figurine features a child holding a bunch of calla lilies. It’s a unique and thoughtful gift your partner will definitely want to display for all to see.

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5th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

Reaching your 5th wedding anniversary is such an amazing achievement. That’s half a decade married to the love of your life, which is something that should definitely be celebrated. That means it’s the perfect opportunity to give your partner a gift that’s absolutely jam-packed with symbolism and meaning.

But what sort of gift should you give your partner to mark your 5th anniversary? Should it be something they’ve asked for and you know they’d love, something that fits close to their passions and interests, or something else? There are traditional and modern anniversary gifts that couples have been giving each other for more than 100 years – as well as a traditional gemstone and flower. That’s not to say that they’re rules you have to stick to, but they can elevate your gift-giving and give it the deep level of meaning that’s fitting for such a fabulous milestone.

In this guide, we’re going to offer you 50 ideas for a 5th wedding anniversary gift, to give you a great place to start in your hunt for the perfect pressie. Then you can take the plunge and pick something up that you know your partner will truly love.

For more information on the different traditions associated with anniversaries from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 5th wedding anniversary?

Traditional 5th anniversary gifts are filled with symbolism, so you can give your partner something that has meaning and thoughtfulness. There are traditional and modern gifts, as well as a traditional flower and gemstone, giving you plenty of opportunities to do something a little bit different.

The traditional and modern 5th wedding anniversary gifts

Traditional 5th anniversary gift – Wood

Of course, wood comes from trees, and trees are strong and durable. They can also grow to become exceptionally tall and withstand anything thanks to deep and unshaken roots. And even the tallest tree came from the tiniest of saplings. This is much like your marriage, which over the last five years has become strong enough to take on the world. Wood is also a versatile material and gifts come in various shapes and sizes, to suit loads of different budgets.

Modern 5th anniversary gift – Silverware

The modern 5th anniversary gift is silverware, which, if we’re being totally honest, isn’t actually very modern at all anymore. It represents wealth and glamour, which means it can be a fairly expensive gift option to choose. But it can also be luxurious and spectacular.

5th anniversary gemstone – Sapphire

Sapphire is the traditional 5th anniversary gemstone, a blindingly blue precious stone that symbolises wealth and royalty. And because it’s classed as a precious stone, it can be relatively pricey – but that also means it’s stunning when set in jewellery or accessories.

5th anniversary flower – Daisy

The traditional 5th anniversary flower is the humble daisy, one of the symbols of spring that represents purity and joy. It’s also the quintessential flower, with an open head with long and slender petals. Daisies are traditionally white, but also come in different colours such as yellow, purple and red. 

How do you choose a gift for a 5th wedding anniversary?

If you’re not sure what kind of gift to give your partner to commemorate your 5th anniversary, but you know you’d like to give them something with important meaning, how do you narrow it down? Think about the following points before making your decision:

  • Are you interested in following the traditional and modern rules? If so, think about what type of meaning you’d like your gift to convey. It’s also important to remember that you don’t have to stick to these gifts if you don’t want to.
  • What’s your budget? It’s possible to pick up a wooden anniversary gift for relatively cheap, but the same can’t be said about silverware, which is notoriously pricey. This could sway your decision.
  • Are you interested in personalisation? Wooden gifts are great for offering personalised touches. You can get personalised silverware, but it’ll add to an already rather high cost.
  • What would your partner like? Have they told you they’d like something in particular? If so, how does this align with the traditional and modern 5th anniversary gifts?

If a couple in your life is about to celebrate their 5th anniversary, you might be interested to know whether or not you can join in by giving them a wooden or silverware gift. Well, the good news is, you’re more than welcome to stick to the traditional or modern gift-giving rules, and it’s a great way to tell the couple that you’ve put extra thought into their surprise.

50 ideas for a 5th wedding anniversary gift

It might not be long until your 5th wedding anniversary, which can be a tricky one if you’re looking to celebrate it by giving your partner a traditional or modern gift. Silverware might be on the expensive side, but thankfully wood gives you loads of possibilities. So, below are 50 ideas to get you thinking creatively about what your partner might love.

10 traditional gifts for a 5th wedding anniversary


The traditional 5th anniversary gift is wood, which at first you might assume is a rather dull gift to give someone you love. But, the expectation isn’t that you’ll give your partner a lump of 2 by 4 – it’s actually an incredibly versatile material that gives you practically endless options. So, here are 10 wood-themed anniversary gift ideas to give you a little inspiration.

1. A wooden photo frame

Many of us love to have photos of ourselves, loved ones and the things and places we’ve experienced either hung on the wall or displayed on a shelf. Since it’s been five years since the two of you tied the knot, you could frame your favourite wedding photo and give it to your partner in a wooden photo frame. A simple and classic gift that’s hard to get wrong.

2. Personalised wooden coasters

We all need coasters, and they’re perfect for injecting a bit of you and the things you love into your home. Wood coasters are a great gift that you can make even better with a custom personalisation. The Wood Look lets you give your partner a pair of wooden coasters carved with a special message. 

3. A personalised wooden desktop calendar

Calendars are already popular accessories to have on your desk, and are particularly useful if your partner has a habit of asking what day it is or what you have coming up that weekend. A personalised wooden desktop photo calendar can help alleviate any date-related questions they might have, with the added bonus of being highly customisable.

4. Wooden cufflinks

You might not think that wood would be a good material to use in accessories, so you might be surprised to learn that wooden cufflinks are fabulous! They’re unique, stylish and an on-theme 5th anniversary gift that your other half totally won’t expect.

5. A wood-burned photo

We’ve already included a wooden photo frame on this list, but what if the wood was the photo? You can now burn highly-detailed photographs onto a piece of wood, which looks great displayed in your home. Just upload your photo and let the experts on Etsy do the rest. And don’t worry if there’s anything in the background, they’ll take care of all of that for you.

6. A wooden bracelet

First we included wooden cufflinks and now we’re including a wooden bracelet! The walnut and grey of a wooden bracelet is like no other jewellery your partner has and can be worn with loads of different outfits and suits various styles. We bet they’ll never see a gift like this coming!

7. Wooden garden bench

If you have a back garden with enough room to spare, a wooden garden bench can provide you with somewhere to sit and relax and enjoy the summer sun (when we have those rare moments of summer in the UK at least). They can be pricey, but a high-quality bench will last years and whenever there’s a nice day you and your partner can sit outside with an ice-cold drink and think back to your 5th anniversary.

8. Plant a tree in your partner’s name

It’s important that we help support our woodland here in the UK, so it would be totally on-theme to dedicate the planting of a tree to the love of your life. You can do this on the National Trust website, so you know your gift will support a great cause. And you’ll be sent a certificate you can print off so you have something to give your partner on the big day.

9. A personalised pizza board

We’re willing to put money on the fact that your partner loves pizza… most people do, after all! A quirky, fun but also practical gift would be a personalised wooden pizza board, so every time you sit down to enjoy a pizza you can have a lovely reminder of your 5th anniversary.

10. A custom wooden sign for your home

Your partner might have a gaming room they like to retreat to, or perhaps a crafting room, a gym, or a shed they can’t seem to keep out of. If this sounds like your other half, a personalised oak house sign can tell everyone exactly whose space it is. Or, you could simply hang it up next to your front door to display your house name or number.

10 modern gifts for a 5th wedding anniversary

The modern anniversary gift for celebrating five years is silverware. Although it doesn’t feel particularly modern by 21st-century standards, it does still make for an extravagant and thoughtful – if a tad expensive – gift to give your partner for your 5th anniversary. Technically, silverware could include any old set of knives and forks, but when the anniversary gift rules were written it meant the more expensive stuff.

Below, we’ve given you 10 ideas that fit the theme, but with some 21st-century additions for those who might not want to rely on expensive cutlery or gravy boats.

1. A personalised silver spoon

If you’re keen to give your partner some silverware but don’t want to spend hundreds, a personalised silver spoon is a fantastic way to do it. That way you can give something meaningful to your partner but not have to break the bank – or feel guilty about using them or getting them dirty! 

2. A silver hipflask

A hipflask is a really extravagant gift to have, especially one made from silver. They can also be personalised to make it extra special. Personalised Hip Flasks offer a rather pricey sterling silver option, or Engravers Guild has a pewter variation which also comes in a wooden case, ticking off both boxes!

3. Silver cufflinks

If your other half is partial to wearing a suit, then a pair of silver cufflinks is a gift that allows them to take you with them wherever they go. They’re also fairly reasonable in price, at least as far as silver gifts go, and offer the option to include an engraved personalisation.

4. A silver guitar pick

The guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments in the UK, so for anyone who has a partner who plays, you’ll know just how much they love playing a tune. They might also be forever losing their picks – so, to celebrate your anniversary, give them a pick they’ll never want to lose in the form of a sterling silver skull guitar pick.

5. Silver photo frame

We’ve already included a wooden photo frame in this list, so it seems only right to include a silver photo frame as well. Wood might not fit your taste or home decor, and a silver frame helps any photo stand out.

6. An engraved silver-plated pen

Many of us use pens throughout the day for work, doodling, journaling and more. If this includes your other half, then a silver-plated pen would make for the perfect gift to mark your 5th anniversary. It can also be engraved if you want to turn an ordinary silver pen (if there is such a thing) into an extraordinary silver pen.

7. Antique silverware

We couldn’t create this list without at least mentioning antique silverware. By today’s standards, silverware is quite old fashioned, not to mention expensive. If you’d love to give your partner some real authentic silverware used by past generations, take a trip to your local antique shop and browse what they have in stock. If you see something you think your partner will really love make sure you snap it up quickly before someone else does.

8. A silver bowl

For something stylishly silver, which can also be put to good use (if you dare) as a serving bowl or fruit bowl, a silver and glass bowl is more traditional silverware but with a more contemporary feel.

9. A silver bookmark

If your partner loves getting lost in a good book, no doubt one of their pet hates is losing their page. Turn their frustrations into a great on-theme 5th anniversary gift with a silver Victorian hand bookmark. For what it is it’s fairly pricey, but your partner’s sure to get a lot of use out of such a meaningful gift.

10. Silver teaspoons

One of the most quintessential silverware gifts you can give is, of course, a silver teaspoon. So if your partner loves the finer things in life, they’ll love a traditional set of teaspoons in a fitted case. They might not want to use them because of how special they are, but they’ll always them as a wonderful keepsakes.

5 affordable gifts for a 5th wedding anniversary

Silverware can be an expensive anniversary gift, and maybe you’re not sure if your partner would love something made of wood – but you still want to give them an on-theme gift to mark five years together. Well, if you’ve got a small budget, you can still give them something filled with meaning. Here are five affordable gifts you can consider giving your other half to celebrate five years.

1. A pair of wood earrings

If you have a partner who loves dangly earrings, then they’ll definitely love these very affordable and very on-theme wood earrings. There are plenty of choices available so you can choose an eye-catching pair of earrings to suit your partner’s taste.

2. Interlocking wooden hearts

For an affordable token 5th anniversary gift that ticks many boxes, interlocking wooden hearts come with a lot of thoughtfulness and meaning behind them. Of course they’re wood, which represents the strength of your relationship, the hearts represent love, and the fact that they’re interlocking represents just how connected you are. Such a lovely sentiment on your big day.

3. A personalised wooden key keychain

A small but thoughtful gift that your partner can always keep with them is a personalised wooden key keychain. It’s neat and high-quality and can include a custom message of your choosing.

4. A wooden clock

For something stylish and practical, as well as totally on-brand with the traditional theme, a wooden clock with its simplistic design will look great hung in any room. That way, your partner will be reminded of your 5th anniversary whenever they check the time.

5. A wooden necklace

Another brilliant piece of wooden jewellery – which also just so happens to be affordable – is a wooden necklace. If your partner likes to wear jewellery and accessories that are big and bold, then they just might well love something colourful and unique. Avalaya has a big selection of wooden necklaces, so check them out and see if there’s something your other half might love.

5 DIY gifts for a 5th wedding anniversary

If you’re keen to make your own DIY anniversary gift to give to your partner to mark five years, there are plenty of options for you as wood is obviously a great material to use for making things. Silverware, on the other hand, perhaps not! If you’re a keen woodworker, you’re probably not struggling for a few ideas, but there are still DIY gifts you can do even with little experience. Here are five to get you started.

1. A whittled wooden ornament

With a chunk of wood and a few basic tools, you can whittle the most beautiful and special ornament with little or no prior experience. You could whittle a duck or a bridge or even you and your partner hand in hand – the options are limitless. You can pick up a beginner’s carving tool kit relatively cheaply, and there are how to start whittling video tutorials available to give you a few ideas.

2. Wooden bunting

Wood makes for a brilliant and durable way to make your very own bunting that you can hang inside or out. And if you make it yourself, there are loads of fun and unique ways you can personalise it to include little touches about your relationship. Check out YouTube for tutorials on how to make personalised wooden bunting.

3. Wooden recipe book stand

If your partner fancies themself as a bit of a whizz in the kitchen, they might have a collection of cookbooks they take inspiration from. Help them keep their recipes to hand and everything neat and tidy with a DIY wooden recipe book stand

4. Wood coasters

We’ve already included wooden coasters in this list, but DIY wood coasters have a real rustic feel to them which means they don’t lose that fresh-from-nature look. They require a few woodworking tools, so if you have access to some you’re in a great position to give your partner something truly on-theme and full of charm. Check out this DIY wood coaster tutorial on YouTube for easy-to-follow steps.

5. Wooden trinket box

Your partner might have a collection of jewellery and accessories but maybe struggles with somewhere to keep them – you might have even given them many yourself. A DIY wooden trinket box is a super thoughtful and caring gift that’s also incredibly useful. Watch this DIY wooden trinket box tutorial video on YouTube for information on how to make your own.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 5th wedding anniversary

Your anniversary is the perfect opportunity for you and your partner to head off somewhere and experience something fun and unique. But surely you can’t tie something like that into your 5th anniversary? Actually, you might be surprised! Here are five suggestions for wood- and silver-themed experiences.

1. A trip to a cabin in the woods

What could be more on theme for a 5th anniversary experience than staying in a wooden cabin somewhere deep in the woods? That’s so much wood! Your 5th anniversary is the perfect excuse for a woodland getaway so you and your partner can spend some quality, uninterrupted time together. Check out the likes of Forest Holidays and Airbnb for a wide variety of different options.

2. Take part in community tree planting

You could use your 5th anniversary as a way for you and your partner to give a little something back. Community tree planting is a huge nationwide movement that aims to plant millions of trees and increase the size of our woodland areas. Search online to find your nearest community tree-planting event.

3. A fancy afternoon tea

Afternoon tea is seen as a real treat. It’s offered in tea rooms, hotels, attractions, country houses, restaurants… and many are luxurious and extravagant, with some still using posh silverware! Virgin Experience Days have loads of different afternoon tea-related options.

4. A silverware factory tour

By today’s standards, silverware might be seen as a little old fashioned, despite the fact that it’s actually the modern gift for celebrating five years of marriage. But, there are still some producers that manufacture beautiful silverware. Newbridge Silverware is one of those companies, and they just so happen to also offer factory tours just outside of Dublin!

5. Visit a manor or country house

For a taste of how the other half used to live (when they ate from the most expensive silverware as if it were from IKEA), you could visit a castle, abbey or stately home. Many attractions like these offer visitors the opportunity to stroll through the grounds and through the property to check out the extravagance. Some even offer guided tours too. One option is Highclere Castle, which you might recognise as THE Downton Abbey!

10 5th anniversary gifts that contain sapphire

The 5th anniversary gemstone is the incredible precious stone, sapphire. Sapphire is an absolutely wonderful stone that offers intoxicating sparkle and works just as well whether set in jewellery made from gold, silver, platinum or anything else your partner might love. This includes all different kinds of jewellery, so no matter what your partner enjoys wearing, you’re bound to find something just right. Here are 10 ideas you might think about that look fabulous with sapphire.

  1. A necklace
  2. A bracelet
  3. Earrings
  4. Cufflinks
  5. A ring
  6. A broach
  7. A locket
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

There’s unlikely to be a jeweller out there, including high-street brands and independent retailers, that doesn’t have a huge selection of sapphire jewellery for you to browse. We also work closely with a range of wedding jewellers that offer incredible sapphire jewellery.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 5th wedding anniversary

Flowers are always a wonderful gift to receive, but on your 5th anniversary, you could give your partner a floral gift with extra special meaning. Daisies are the traditional flower for five years of marriage, and one of the most recognisable flowers there are, which makes them a perfect addition to a bouquet or as inspiration for other gifts. Here are five gift ideas for the daisy-lover in your life.

1. A daisy bouquet

Of course, we couldn’t start this list without including a daisy bouquet. Daisies are small and delicate and come in lots of different colours, which makes them great when included in a floral arrangement or a dedicated daisy bouquet.

2. A Swarovski crystal daisy

Swarovski is one of the most well-known makers of glass and fine crystal, so you know their products are big on quality. That’s why a Swarovski crystal daisy just might be the perfect gift for your partner. And despite it being such a fantastically luxurious gift from a big-name brand, it’s not quite as expensive as you might think.

3. A daisy serving platter

Biscuits, vol-au-vents, cakes, sandwiches… just a few of the many uses for a daisy serving platter. It’s big, it’s bold and it’s instantly recognisable, and it’s something you can break out whenever you have guests over.

4. A sterling silver daisy pendant

It’s silver, it’s a daisy and it’s a double-hitting 5th anniversary gift that has twice as much symbolic meaning. A sterling silver daisy pendant is every bit as eye-catching as it is subtle. It’s not cheap but it is beautiful, and is likely to be something that your partner holds on to for many, many years.

5. A daisy chain ring

Another gift that includes both daisies and silver, a sterling silver daisy chain ring is actually relatively affordable and includes two links to traditional 5th anniversary gifts. It’s also a subtle nod to your anniversary that your partner can wear and pair with a wide range of styles and outfits.

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4th Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

You’ve spent four wonderful years together and you and your partner are deeper in love than ever. Your 4th anniversary is a wonderful milestone, and it deserves to be celebrated. It’s also a great opportunity for you and your other half to spoil each other.

But what should you give them to mark such a brilliant occasion? You more than likely have a few ideas about what your partner loves and the type of gifts that make them smile. But, there are specific traditional and modern gifts that many couples like to give each other to commemorate four years of marriage. Similarly, there’s also a traditional flower and gemstone that has a specific meaning.

So, in this guide, we’re going to explore all the traditions surrounding your 4th wedding anniversary to help you choose a gift that has extra special sentimentality. 

For more information about what couples give each other for their anniversaries from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 4th wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 4th wedding anniversary gifts

For more than 100 years, couples have enjoyed giving each other one of the traditional or modern gifts associated with a 4th anniversary, as well as the traditional flower or gemstone… or even a combination of more than one. They each have a deep meaning behind them that makes gift-giving even more thoughtful.

Traditional 4th anniversary gift – Fruit or flowers

For the traditional anniversary gift for four years of marriage, there are actually two for you to choose from: fruit or flowers. Fruit represents the sweetness and growth of your marriage, and flowers also represent growth as well and beauty. With a little imagination, it opens you up to some really amazing gifts – or a bouquet of beautiful flowers will always hit the spot.

Modern 4th anniversary gift – Appliances

The modern gift for a 4th anniversary is appliances, which doesn’t seem like an obvious choice. Then again, even the modern anniversary gifts were created 100 years ago when there weren’t as many options as there are today and appliances weren’t as common. We can’t imagine your partner would love an iron as an anniversary gift (or maybe they would?) but there’s a huge range of possibilities out there.

4th anniversary gemstone – Topaz

The 4th anniversary gemstone is topaz – specifically blue topaz. It’s usually a striking shade of blue that offers a lot of stunning sparkle. It represents clarity and wisdom, which you no doubt have plenty of after four years of marriage. Blue topaz also goes well set in all types of jewellery, giving you loads of opportunities to find something your partner will love.

4th anniversary flower – Hydrangea (or sometimes geranium)

Hydrangeas are big blooms that come in a massive range of different and vivid colours, so you’ll have no problem finding one that fits your partner’s preferences. Hydrangeas represent grace and beauty, making them a lovely gesture to give to your other half to mark your big day.

Depending on where you look or who you ask, another flower also associated with four years is the geranium, which is smaller and more delicate than hydrangeas but still just as beautiful. They represent happiness and health, which is just lovely.

How do you choose a gift for a 4th wedding anniversary?

With so many options available to choose from (three gifts, two flowers and a gemstone) how can you possibly choose the best gift to give your partner for your four year anniversary? Well, there are several things to consider before you make your decision:

  • Do you both care about the traditional and modern rules? If you do, finding something that’s on theme will be a high priority, but it’s not something you should necessarily feel obliged to stick to if you don’t want to.
  • Do you have a budget? Appliances, gemstones and flowers can be pricey. Make sure to set your budget ahead of time and don’t be tempted to go over it.
  • How much personalisation are you looking for in a gift? Personalised gifts can turn an ordinary gift (if there is such a thing) into an extraordinary gift. But not all gifts can be personalised, so think about if this is something you want to do. 
  • What are your partner’s tastes? The traditional and modern gifts might not be something your partner would particularly enjoy, so think about their interests and how they line up with these.

If you have a friend or relative who’ll soon celebrate four years with their partner, you might wonder whether you can join in on anniversary gift-giving traditions. Well, thankfully, the answer is yes! Anyone can feel free to join in, and it shows them that you’ve put a lot of thought and consideration into your gift.

50 ideas for a 4th wedding anniversary gift

If your 4th wedding anniversary is just around the corner and you want to give your other half a gift filled with special meaning, with so many gifts to choose from you might not know where to start. So, below are 50 ideas that fit the 4th anniversary themes to help get you started.

10 traditional gifts for a 4th wedding anniversary

There are two traditional anniversary gifts for a 4th wedding anniversary: fruit or flowers. That means, there are loads of options to choose from which should (hopefully) make choosing one that little bit easier. And to help you get started, here are 10 ideas for fruit- and flower-themed anniversary gifts.

1. A fresh fruit hamper 

Fruit is sweet and tasty and if your partner loves it, it can be an ideal gift. But, rather than just chucking them a bunch of bananas, how do you elevate fruit? Well, the most simple way to turn humble fruit into a brilliant gift is in the form of a hamper. Express4fruits has a ton of fruit baskets to choose from, to suit loads of different budgets and tastes.

2. A fruiting plant

Another way to give a fruity gift to your partner is in the form of a fruiting plant or tree. Then it’s a little bit like two gifts in one, fitting the fruit theme while being something your partner can care for and watch grow. You can choose anything from a kiwi plant to an olive tree, many of which can thrive in the UK. Browse Plants4presents to see the kind of fruiting plants that are available.

3. Delicious fruit preserves

If you’re concerned about giving your partner a gift they might not be able to eat through in time but still want to give something fruity, then delicious jams or preserves are a wonderful on-theme gift. Plus, why not pair it with some clotted cream and scones and treat them to a homemade afternoon tea? A fruit preserve gift box could be just the gift you’re looking for.

4. Fruit-scented candles

You could bend the rules a tad and give your other half something romantic and thoughtful but still very much in the spirit of the traditional 4th anniversary gift. Fruit candles smell absolutely amazing and help set the mood for a romantic evening celebrating four years together. A nice set like the fruit scent stack from Scented Candle Studio could be everything you need.

5. A flowery fruit basket

If you can’t decide between fruit and flowers as a gift to give your partner on your anniversary, then why not simply give them both in the form of an edible flowery fruit basket? They’re fantastic show-stopping works of art that your partner just won’t see coming!

6. An M&S bouquet

There are flowers, then there are M&S flowers. Yes, everyone knows that M&S is a brand associated with quality, and the same applies to their flowers. There are absolutely oodles of choices too, so whether you want something romantic, something colourful or something subtle, you’re bound to find something your partner will love. Browse the M&S site to see what sort of bouquets they have to offer.

7. A dried floral bouquet

Fresh flowers are often a go-to floral gift for many, but there’s something quite beautiful and delicate about dried flowers that means they’re also a wonderful option. They can be just as colourful and come in a wide variety of styles as fresh flowers. And there’s the added benefit that they don’t wilt nearly as long – in fact, many will last up to three years! Check out The Happy Blossoms to see just how incredible dried bouquets can be.

8. A custom flower arrangement

If you know exactly the kind of flowers your partner loves, then why not trust a floral expert to craft a bouquet featuring all their favourite blooms? A bouquet builder ensures you give your partner a carefully made flower arrangement that’s guaranteed to put a huge smile on their face on your anniversary.

9. A pressed flower necklace

For a floral gift that will last a lifetime, a pressed flower necklace preserves your partner’s favourite flower in resin which they can wear any time they like. That way, they’ll always have a reminder of your thoughtfulness which they can take with them wherever they are.

10. A LEGO bouquet

Another floral gift that will never wilt comes in the form of a LEGO bouquet, which looks pretty darn realistic when displayed in a vase! There’s also the fun the two of you can have building them together, and you don’t need to get someone round to water them when you go on holiday!

10 modern gifts for a 4th wedding anniversary

If you’re not sure your partner would love fruit or flowers as an anniversary gift, the modern equivalent is, believe it or not, appliances! There’s a lot of choice out there, but here are 10 ideas to get you on your way.

1. A mixer

If your partner’s a keen baker and has perhaps marvelled at the mixers on The Great British Bake Off, then they’d probably love a KitchenAid mixer. They’re the crème de la crème of kitchen appliances and are super high quality. But, they can be quite pricey, so just make sure they align with your budget.

2. An air fryer

One of the most fashionable kitchen appliances of the decade is the air fryer, which encourages healthier cooking in a short amount of time, helping to save energy and money. Win win! Air fryers may seem like a gimmick, but they’re surprisingly versatile, so aren’t necessarily one of those appliances you’ll only dig out of the cupboard once in a blue moon. Check out the range of air fryers available at Currys to find one that’ll suit you.

3. A soup maker

Soup is a great winter-warming comfort food, but it can be a bit of a hassle to make at home. Not with a soup maker! All your partner has to do is throw in the ingredients and let it do its thing. Then, in less than 30 minutes they’ll have a yummy bowl of soup made exactly how you like it. Check out the Argos website to view their range of soup makers.

4. A coffee machine

If your partner loves a nice cup of coffee in the morning, they’ll know just how tricky it can be to get that barista-made taste at home. But, they can get a step closer with a coffee machine, whether it’s a traditional coffee maker or one that lets you simply pop in a pod – coffee machines are really varied. And thankfully, they also suit a range of budgets. Check out the wide selection at John Lewis to find something that suits your partner’s taste in coffee.

5. A Dyson Airwrap

Dyson may have made a name for itself as a manufacturer of super-powerful vacuum cleaners, but in recent years they’ve branched out into other appliances, including a firm hair care favourite with the Dyson Airwrap. It’s considered one of the best multi-stylers out there and does everything from drying to straightening. They can be quite pricey, though – but many will say it’s worth it!

6. A Stitch waffle maker

If your other half loves Disney and grew up watching Lilo and Stitch, then they’ll definitely love a Stitch mini waffle maker. It might not be something they’ll use every day, but you’ll be able to cook up a fun and tasty breakfast on the morning of your anniversary – you could even pair it with some fruit compote to include the traditional gift, too.

7. A slow cooker

If you’re both busy professionals, then it can be tough finding the time to make sure you’re eating home-cooked food. A slow cooker is a great way to make sure your home is filled with incredible smells when you walk through the door, without you having to spend hours slaving away in the kitchen. Morphy Richards is known for their great range of slow cookers with options to suit all needs and budgets.

8. A Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser 

For a little taste of chocolatey luxury, a Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser allows you to make the most indulgent, creamy and deliciously naughty hot chocolates at home. There are loads of different flavours of hot chocolate available to make, including milk chocolate, salted caramel, white chocolate and orange. Yummy!

9. A Batman toaster

Something that’s guaranteed to put a smile on the face of any fan of the Dark Knight, a Batman toaster lets your partner make perfect toast with the Batman logo right there on the bread – which means it’s even more perfect!

10. A pizza oven

There’s nothing quite as delicious and moreish as wood-fired pizza – the trouble is, you usually have to go out to a nice restaurant to get it. That is unless you have your own portable wood-fired pizza oven at home. It might take you a few goes, but once you’ve mastered it you’ll be cooking incredible authentic pizzas in no time, so it’s a great option for your pizza-loving partner.

5 affordable gifts for a 4th wedding anniversary

If you’re looking to give your partner a gift in line with the traditional or modern themes and you don’t want to spend much (and avoid giving them a bag of apples) there are still plenty of options. So, here are five 4th anniversary gifts you can give that have plenty of symbolism and thoughtfulness behind them even if you have a small budget.

1. A fruit keyring

Who said your fruity gift has to be real? A fruit keyring can come in a whole host of different styles and shapes, so you can give your partner a funny token on-theme gift while not breaking the bank.

2. A fruity breakfast in bed

Breakfast in bed is always a very welcome surprise, but there’s no better time than on your anniversary. You could sneak out to the local shop and pick up some fresh fruit and pastries, then lay them all out on a sharing board to present to your other half for a loving start to the day.

3. A rose in a bottle

Flowers are the ultimate symbol of love but have a double meaning on your 4th anniversary as they’re one of the traditional gifts. So, you could give your partner a rose that will never wilt, hidden in a tiny bottle and personalised with a custom label. It’s adorable, affordable and unforgettable. Check it out at Not on the High Street.

4. A little bouquet of chocolates

Some people love flowers, some people love chocolates and lots of people love both. And for those people, a box of bouquet chocolates could be just the thing you’re looking for as a brilliant and affordable anniversary gift.

5. Bath flowers

For the ultimate romantic night in, you could run the bath for your partner and fill it with scented soap flowers to make the water smell beautifully floral. And why not join them so the bathroom gets all steamy?

5 DIY gifts for a 4th wedding anniversary

Making your own gift to give to your partner for your fourth anniversary can be a lot of fun, and it’s something anyone can do regardless of whether you’ve made anything before. Here are five touching DIY anniversary gifts for celebrating four years.

1. Chocolate-covered strawberries

All you need is a punnet of fresh strawberries and a bar of your partner’s favourite chocolate to make the most indulgent and romantic treats there are. Just melt down some chocolate using a bain marie or in the microwave (taking extra care not to burn it) then dip the strawberries in them and leave them somewhere cool to set. They’re quick and easy treats that are dead simple to make and hit all the right spots on anniversary night.

2. A flower press kit

Pressed flowers are fabulous little keepsakes that are simple to make and take very little effort. You also don’t need any fancy tools to do them, but a flower press kit can walk you through it.

3. Paper sunflowers

Sunflowers are big and beautiful flowers that represent summer and sunshine. They’re also pretty easy to make out of paper so you can create your very own paper sunflower bouquet. There are paper sunflower video tutorials available to help get you started.

4. A wildflower bouquet

British wildflowers are absolutely stunning, and during the spring and summer months they’re found in abundance in fields, parks and woodland. It’s also a perfectly fine thing to do unless you remove the roots, so just make sure you do it carefully. If you do, you can put together a one-of-a-kind wildflower bouquet that’s extra special because you made it. Wildflower Favours has a handy wildflower bouquet guide so you can make something truly beautiful.

5. Homemade fruit jam

While you can of course buy jam, nothing quite beats sweet and sticky homemade jam – especially if you’ve made it yourself. And usually, it only needs a few ingredients, so it’s relatively quick and easy. Just find a yummy jam recipe, grab an empty jar and your favourite fruit, and make something full of love.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 4th wedding anniversary

On their anniversary, many couples choose to spend the day in each other’s company doing things they enjoy and having fun. That’s why an activity or experience gift is a great option for an anniversary. So, here are five experience gifts that tie into a 4th wedding anniversary.

1. A flower-arranging experience

Instead of simply giving your partner a bouquet of flowers on your anniversary, why not give them an experience so the two of you can arrange flowers together? A flower-arranging experience is fun and rewarding and is a unique way to spend time on your anniversary. You can take home your bouquet when you’re done, and some provide a glass of fizz and snacks to enjoy along the way. Check out Buy a Gift to find a flower-arranging experience close to you.

2. Visit some historic gardens

Where do flowers often grow? In gardens, of course! And up and down the UK there are incredible gardens that are accessible to the public. If your anniversary is in the spring or summer, it’s a great time to visit and see the whole place in bloom, like at Woburn Abbey and Gardens. Or, you could visit the world-famous Kew Gardens which is home to more than 50,000 plant species.

3. Pick your own fruit

Towards the end of summer, farms around the country offer visitors the opportunity to pick their own fruit. It’s a charming way to spend a morning or afternoon, and it’s usually reasonably priced too. Take a look online to see which farms close to you offer fruit picking and do something different on your anniversary. 

4. Take a trip to the Eden Project

The Eden Project in Cornwall is a way to experience international biomes, from tropical rainforests to the Med, and see how plants and flowers flourish around the world. Cornwall might be a fair trek for you, but you could make it an excuse to spend your anniversary away.

5. A jam-making masterclass with the Preservation Society

We’ve already suggested making jam as a DIY anniversary gift, but you could take this to the next level by taking part in a jam-making course thanks to the Preservation Society. What better way to learn how to make jam than by actual jam experts?

10 4th anniversary gifts that contain topaz

The 4th anniversary gemstone is topaz – specifically blue topaz – which is a lovely shimmering shade of blue that looks absolutely incredible set in all different kinds of jewellery. So, here are 10 ideas for wonderful jewellery you could give to your other half to mark four fabulous years together.

  1. A necklace
  2. A bracelet
  3. Earrings
  4. Cufflinks
  5. A ring
  6. A broach
  7. A locket
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

You’ll find topaz used in a lot of different jewellery, both from independent jewellers and big-name high street brands. We also work with a range of wedding jewellers who can help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

5 floral-inspired gifts for a 4th wedding anniversary

Flowers might be one of the traditional 4th anniversary gifts, but just like every other anniversary, there’s also a traditional flower – the hydrangea. If you want to give your other half something inspired by this flower (and who could blame you because they’re stunning), here are five ideas you could consider.

1. A bouquet of hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are like explosions of vivid colour, with big blooms that are surprisingly hardy. They’re wonderful additions to a bouquet, but work just as well when they’re the star of the show. You really can’t go wrong with a bouquet of hydrangeas.

2. A hydrangea-scented candle

Hydrangeas have an alluring sweet, almost dessert-like smell to them, which is one of the reasons why bees love them so much! It also means it’s the perfect scent to fill your home with, so a hydrangea-scented candle makes for an on-point anniversary gift.

3. A hydrangea scarf 

Because hydrangeas flourish in millions of gardens up and down the UK, they’re possibly one of the most recognisable flowers out there. If your partner loves the look and feel of this garden icon, then they might love a hydrangea scarf to keep warm during the winter months.

4. Hydrangea bulbs

As we’ve already mentioned, hydrangeas are a great flower to grow in the UK, which makes them a brilliant plant for budding (get it?) horticulturalists. And hydrangeas come in loads of different colours, so you’ll easily find one your partner will love. If you plant them in the spring or autumn they’ll flower around mid to late summer. Check out your local garden centre or browse the huge selection of hydrangeas at J Parker’s.

5. A hydrangea pin badge

Another lovely way to honour the humble hydrangea is with a hydrangea enamel pin, which is a subtle and affordable way for you to give your partner a floral-inspired anniversary present.

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3rd Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

Three years might not sound like much, but the fact that you’ve made it to your third wedding anniversary is incredible. All the trials and tribulations you’ve been through, and you still love each other more than ever. We think that definitely means you should treat each other if you can.

But what should you give your partner to mark your 3rd anniversary? Chances are you’ve thought about one or two things you might like to give them, but did you know there are traditional and modern gifts that many people like to give and have done for over 100 years? There’s also a traditional gemstone and flower, so if your thoughts revolve around flowers and jewellery, you might want to include the traditions there to give your gift a little more symbolic meaning.

In this guide, we’re going to explore all the gift-giving traditions and the meanings behind them when it comes to celebrating your 3rd anniversary. That way you’ll have all the information you need to make the best choice for you and your partner to make your anniversary extra special.

For more information about the different gift-giving traditions associated with anniversaries from 1 through to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 3rd wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 3rd wedding anniversary gifts

Ever since they were made official in the early 1900s (not that you have to stick to them by any means), lots of couples have had fun giving their partners traditional or modern anniversary gifts, as well as gifts linked to the traditional gemstone or flower. 

Traditional 3rd anniversary gift – Leather

Leather is a really durable, hardy and flexible material that can withstand almost anything – which is also true of your marriage as you celebrate three years together. In fact, a leather shoe was found that was over 5,500 years old. Your marriage probably won’t last that long, but we bet it could! Leather represents strength and resilience – and for those looking for an alternative, vegan or faux leather is also just as strong and still absolutely on-theme.

Modern 3rd anniversary gift – Glass or crystal

The exact opposite of leather, glass or crystal is very delicate and fragile. This is also true of marriage, because if you don’t look after it then there’s a risk it could break. But, the fact that you’ve got to three years is evidence of how you look after your relationship. And a glass or crystal gift is a lovely way to show that.

3rd anniversary gemstone – Pearl

Pearls are incredible iridescent stones that come from saltwater and freshwater mollusks. They represent purity and beauty, and what’s more beautiful than you celebrating three years as a married couple? You can also get vegan-friendly pearls, so there’s plenty of choice for everyone if you’re looking to give your partner pearl jewellery.

3rd anniversary flower – Sunflower

The sunflower is one of the most recognisable flowers in the world with its huge open head packed full of nutritious seeds. It’s one of the symbols of summer, and represents happiness and long life – so could there really be a more appropriate flower for celebrating your anniversary?

How do you choose a gift for a 3rd wedding anniversary?

No one else in this world knows your other half quite as well as you do, and you might already have a few ideas about what you want to give them to mark your third anniversary. But, before you dive in and start adding things to your shopping basket, there are a few things to think about to make sure you choose the perfect pressie.

  • Do you or don’t you follow the ‘rules’? Traditional and modern gifts don’t suit everyone’s tastes, so decide whether it’s something you want to include in your celebrations.
  • Have you established your budget? When it comes to gift giving, it’s easy to get carried away, so make sure you set your budget and don’t be tempted to sway from it.
  • Are you looking for a super personalised gift? Personalised gifts are thoughtful and unique and make for something extra special.
  • Have you considered your partner’s tastes? You might want to give your partner something leather- or glass-related, but would they love something else more?

If you’re looking for a gift for a friend or family member who’s celebrating their third anniversary, you’re also free to be as involved in the rules as you like. Joining in by giving them a traditional or modern gift can be a lot of fun and shows that you’ve put a lot of thought into it.

50 ideas for a 3rd wedding anniversary gift

If you’re excited to give your partner a symbolic and thoughtful gift to mark your 3rd anniversary but don’t know where to start, we’ve put together this helpful list featuring 50 ideas to get your started.

10 traditional gifts for a 3rd wedding anniversary

The traditional anniversary gift for three years is leather, and thankfully there are plenty of options when it comes to choosing a brilliant and thoughtful present. So, here are 10 leather anniversary presents, which include a mix of cow leather and vegan leather options.

1. A personalised leather keyring

If you’re not sure your partner would love a leather gift but you’re keen to give them something traditional and symbolic, a personalised leather keyring is a cute way to give them something that’s totally on theme. It’s something your partner can carry with them wherever they go, and if you order one through Pedal and Brass you can personalise it, too.

2. A leather wallet or purse

Wallets and purses go through a lot of wear and tear, being pulled in and out of pockets and bags at least a couple of times a day. That’s why nothing beats a high-quality wallet or purse, and it’s something your partner will love and get a lot of use out of. There are great leather wallets available at Wallet King and a huge selection of purses at Lakeland Leather.

3. A leather photo album

Physical photo albums have fallen out of fashion over the last decade or so, and it’s about time that changed – there’s nothing quite as lovely as cracking out old photos to look back on and reminisce. A leather photo album, like those at Noble Macmillan, are great for storing those precious photographs. Or, for something a little different, a leather scrapbook gives you a place to personalise your memories and add a little character.

4. A leather laptop bag

If your partner spends hours of their day glued to their laptop for work, you’ll know just how precious it is to them. You could incorporate that into your choice of gift, by giving them a smart leather laptop bag. Knomo has a great range of extra special leather laptop bags to keep your other half’s work safe and secure.

5. Personalised leather coasters

You can never have too many coasters at home, and personalised leather coasters are stylish, durable and totally fit the theme of a traditional 3rd anniversary gift. Leather coasters from Your Surprise allow you to choose from various options and personalise them with a custom message.

6. A vegan leather notebook

Your partner might write a lot of notes, maybe for work or if they study. Or they could write a journal or like to keep paper close by to write things down. If this is anything like your partner, a vegan leather notebook would be a perfect gift.

7. A watch with faux leather strap

A watch is never a bad idea for a gift, with so many amazing options available to fit all budgets, tastes and styles. And thankfully, there are also loads of different watch strap materials out there too, including faux leather. This trendy faux leather strapped watch from Zazzle ticks a whole lot of boxes associated with the perfect 3rd anniversary gift.

8. A vegan leather jewellery box

Everyone with more than just a couple of items of jewellery knows just how tricky it can be to keep everything safe. If this sounds like your partner, a vegan leather jewellery box will do just the trick – not too expensive, on theme and super useful!

9. A faux leather e-reader case

Kindles and other e-readers are a prized possession for any bookworm. Yes, there’s nothing quite like the smell of a real book, but e-readers are so handy and versatile. Keep your partner’s e-reader in tip-top condition with a vegan leather e-reader case.

10. A vegan leather bookmark

Continuing with the bookish theme, if your other half really does love getting stuck into a physical book, a personalised vegan leather bookmark will make sure they never lose their place. And whenever they sneak in a quick chapter, they’ll always be reminded of your third anniversary.

10 modern gifts for a 3rd wedding anniversary

If you’re not sold on the idea of giving your partner a traditional leather gift, you could choose the modern option, which is glass or crystal. Here are 10 ideas to get you started and hopefully make your decision crystal clear.

1. A Swarovski crystal cherry blossom

Swarovski is one of the biggest and most well-known makers of crystals and other luxury fashion accessories, so spoiling your partner with a gift from Swarovski makes a huge statement. And thankfully, not all Swarovski gifts break the bank, like the Garden Tales Cherry Blossom, a minimalist pink flower with 230 facets to ensure real sparkle.

2. An engraved crystal heart

A lovely and hugely personal crystal gift that looks brilliant on a mantlepiece, shelf or inside a display cabinet is an engraved crystal heart, like the ones produced by 3D Crystal. All you do is send them your favourite wedding snap and they’ll recreate it inside a crystal heart. And when combined with a light base, it really makes for a fabulously personal gift.

3. A Royal Scot crystal vase

Royal Scot is an internationally renowned producer of fine, handmade crystal. Give your partner a real treat on your third anniversary with a vase that you could even give to them with flowers already in them. Then, every time they get flowers they’ll always be reminded of your symbolic gift. Check out the Royal Scot website to browse their selection of vases.

4. A Fortnum and Mason teapot

When many hear the name Fortnum and Mason, they know it’s a name associated with luxury and class. That’s why a Fortnum and Mason glass teapot makes for a brilliant gift for any tea-loving partner. It elevates the average brew and makes every tea time that little bit more special.

5. Royal Doulton Champagne flutes

Royal Doulton has been making ceramics and other luxury items for over 200 years, and they also happen to produce some incredible glassware. And as you’re celebrating three years together with the love of your life, that’s definitely a great excuse to crack out some fizz – and Royal Doulton Champagne flutes are some of the best ways to enjoy it.

6. An engraved whisky glass

If fizz isn’t really your other half’s thing and they prefer a warming glass of whisky instead, an engraved whisky glass will always go down well (as well as the drinks they’ll have from it). The Engravers Guild of London can add unique personalisations to make your gift stand out.

7. Glass on Blu-ray

Glass and crystal won’t suit everyone’s interest, so why not think a little creatively, and give your partner a copy of the movie Glass on Blu-ray. Glass is the sequel to both Split and Unbreakable, so you could have a thrilling movie night in while making sure your gift is still totally on theme. You can pick up the Blu-ray at Amazon if you’re going old-school, or find it on your favourite streaming service.

8. A Saturn crystal light

Give your partner a tiny piece of the galaxy with a Saturn crystal light. The base features a rechargeable battery that lasts up to 16 hours, making it a lovely night light for every space geek out there.

9. A bottle of their favourite tipple

If you really are struggling for ideas for a glass anniversary gift, you could just pick them up a bottle of their favourite tipple. Brandy, gin, vodka, wine, prosecco, ale… so long as it’s in a glass bottle it definitely counts. And if your partner isn’t a big drinker, you can also pick up specialty fizzy pops, or even good ol’ Coca-Cola, which always tastes better when it’s in a glass bottle.

10. A glass paperweight

Paperweights are a smart addition to a desk, even if we’re now in an age where we don’t use as much paper, so paperweights aren’t particularly needed. But thankfully, they’re still lovely ornaments – especially a Royal Scot engraved hare paperweight. That’s just one of many designs that you could choose from, with the options out there being practically endless.

5 affordable gifts for a 3rd wedding anniversary

Both leather and crystal can be a rather pricey gift to give your partner, which can make it tough to stick to the traditions if you have a limited budget. But, if you look in the right places, you can pick up a gift that’s on theme but doesn’t cost too much, so you can still get your other half a gift full of charm and meaning.

1. A glass pocket hug token

A glass pocket hug token tells your partner that you’re always thinking about them. It features hugs, hearts and is made of glass – and it’s super affordable! It’s the perfect token gift to mark your 3rd wedding anniversary.

2. A glass tealight holder

Tealights light a room with a warm dancing glow, which can only be made better with a lovely tealight holder. Dunelm has an affordable glass lotus tealight holder that ensures even more sparkle than a tealight alone.

3. A Dartington crystal gin glass

If your other half is partial to the odd gin, a lovely Dartington crystal gin glass is definitely on theme. It’s the perfect excuse to enjoy a drink to celebrate your big day!

4. A leather cable organiser

We all hate it when cables get the better of us and slither around on top of and underneath desks. If you only want a token gift that fits with the third anniversary theme, a leather cable organiser will suit you to a tee.

5. A leather luggage tag

Bring a little touch of luxury to your partner’s luggage with a leather travel luggage tag from the Leather Company. It’s genuine leather that just so happens to be affordable and really useful, so what’s not to love?

5 DIY gifts for a 3rd wedding anniversary

DIY gifts are fun to make, thoughtful and full of heart. You might assume that making a gift using glass or leather might be difficult and time-consuming, or require skills and tools you might not have. But that’s not always the case, so here are 5 DIY 3rd anniversary gift ideas so you can give your partner a brilliant handmade surprise.

1. Leather wallet

Believe it or not, it’s totally possible to make a wallet yourself without the need for specialist leather-making tools. Making a wallet yourself out of leather is also a fun challenge and means your partner will get a completely one-of-a-kind gift. If you fancy taking on the challenge, there are leather wallet-making video tutorials that walk you through the process.

2. A leather knot bracelet

If you have a few offcuts of leather (and if you don’t they’re cheap to buy online) making a knot bracelet is surprisingly simple. It also means you can give your partner a touching gift that they can wear for many years to come. There are plenty of leather knot bracelet video tutorials available and you don’t need any expertise to give it a go.

3. A glass bracelet

If you’re not sure your partner would love a leather bracelet, how about a glass bracelet instead? Or even a necklace or anklet? You don’t need to be an expert to give jewellery-making a go, and there are glass bracelet-making kits that provide you with everything you need to make your partner something they’ll love.

4. Homemade stained glass

Stained glass looks fabulous whether it’s window, glass, ornament or something else entirely. And you can even have a go at making your own stained glass with a stained glass craft kit, which you can use to elevate an ordinary drinking glass or dish and turn it into something special.

5. A homemade jar of jam or chutney

A mason jar can cost just a few pounds to pick up, which you can then fill with any sort of homemade jam or chutney you can think of. Raspberry, strawberry, fig, plum, pickle, piccalilly, peanut butter… the possibilities are endless. And whatever you create will taste so much more delicious because it’ll be made from the heart.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 3rd wedding anniversary

Your anniversary is all about the two of you, and what better way to celebrate than by doing something fun together? Leather and glass might not seem like they lend themselves particularly well to a fun experience, but with a little creative thinking, there are plenty you could get up to together. So, here are five ideas to help get you started.

1. A leather-making workshop

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as making something yourself and having something you’re proud of. So why not tie this into your third anniversary theme and spend time with your other half taking part in a leather-making workshop? You’ll get to find out all about centuries-old techniques and have a lot of fun in the process. There are leather-making courses and workshops available up and down the UK.

2. A glassblowing experience

If you’re not sold on the idea of making something out of leather, you could always make something out of glass! Glassblowing is another skill that goes back thousands of years, and a glassblowing experience gives you the opportunity to try it out for yourself and make something you can hold onto forever.

3. A whisky-tasting experience

Okay, so whisky tasting might come out of a barrel, but where is it poured? Into a glass of course! If your partner has a pallet for fine whiskies, then there’s no better way to spoil them than with a whisky-tasting experience. Another alternative would be a wine tasting experience, which would be equally as fun.

4. A glass factory experience

Dartington is one of the biggest glass manufacturers in the UK, and has a solid reputation as being the best. They also just so happen to offer factory tours, as well as glass painting, demonstrations and hand casting – a great experience linked really closely to the modern third anniversary gift. Check out the Visit Dartington website for more information.

5. Line dancing classes

This one might be a bit of a stretch, but it’s a brilliant way to spend time together on your third anniversary for two reasons: one, it’s line dancing which is a hell of a lot of fun, and two, cowboys wear leather so it totally counts! There are loads of local line dancing classes and clubs, so see if there’s one close to you for something really different!

10 3rd anniversary gifts that contain pearl 

The third anniversary gemstone is pearl, a wonderful iridescent stone that comes from mollusks. There are also vegan alternatives so everyone gets to enjoy the beauty of this amazing stone. It’s a versatile stone used in all types of jewellery and accessories, so whatever your partner wears you’re bound to find something they’ll love. Here are 10 ideas for jewellery and accessories that can be set with pearl.

  1. A necklace
  2. A bracelet
  3. Earrings
  4. Cufflinks
  5. A ring
  6. A broach
  7. A locket
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

Loads of big-name and independent jewellers have a whole selection of jewellery that contains pearl, and there are even some retailers that specialise in it. You might also want to browse the range of wedding jewellers we work with, as many have a huge amount of choice.

5 floral gifts for a 3rd wedding anniversary

The traditional flower for celebrating your third anniversary is the magnificent sunflower, one of the most recognisable flowers there is and the symbol of summer. Here are five sunflowery anniversary gift ideas to mark this wonderful occasion.

1. A bouquet of sunflowers

Sunflowers are bright and cheerful flowers that last a fairly long time if you look after them properly, and they look great either as the only flower in a bouquet or as part of a larger arrangement. They’re in abundance during the summer months, but florists have sunflower bouquets and arrangements year-round.

2. Sunflower seeds

One of the best things about sunflowers is just how easy they are to grow at home. All you need is a small patch of soil or a pot and access to sunlight, and then just let it do its thing. Sunflowers grow really fast, so if you plant them in April or May you should have huge yellow flowers by the middle of summer. You can pick up a packet of sunflower seeds for around a couple of pounds at your local garden centre.

3. LEGO sunflowers

Real flowers might not be your partner’s thing, or maybe they have an allergy or you don’t have the space. Thankfully, LEGO has a solution, with a set that allows you to build your own LEGO sunflowers. You can spend time building them together and then display them in a vase – and the best thing is they’ll never wilt!

4. A sunflower suncatcher

For something small and floral that brilliantly catches the essence of summery sunflowers, a sunflower suncatcher is a small but perfectly on-theme gift.

5. A sunflower necklace

If your partner loves sunflowers, then they’ll adore a sterling silver sunflower necklace with round cut topaz. It’s dainty and beautiful and the sort of necklace your partner can wear for any occasion.

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At Bridebook, we’re proud to have helped more than 2 million couples in the UK and beyond come together to plan the wedding of their dreams. Every day, more and more of those couples go on to celebrate their 3-year wedding anniversary.

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What to Wear to a Wedding as a Guest? Dos, Don’ts and Top Tips

You’ve been invited to a wedding! Yay, free cake!

…But wait. What are you going to wear?

For as long as there have been weddings, there have been wedding guests struggling to know what to wear. Do you go traditional, simple, or show-stopping? Should you match your partner or go for complementary colours? And what’s the deal with hats? It’s enough to make anyone consider ‘losing’ their RSVP.

But, don’t worry — we’re here to help. From decoding wedding dress codes to navigating the fine line between fashionable and flashy, we’ll help you curate a look that not only complements the celebration but also shows off your personal style. Read on to learn the best colour to wear to a wedding, a breakdown of popular dress codes, and some top tips on wedding guest dressing. Happy styling!

What should I wear to a wedding as a guest?

Photo © Shauna Rolfe Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The most important thing about wedding outfits for guests is that they don’t upstage the bride and groom. That means no ball gowns, no top hats*, and definitely no white. 

The key is to find that sweet spot between expressing your style and adhering to the dress code set by the couple. You’ll also need to consider the weather and the location of the wedding. For example, a beach wedding in the summer will call for completely different attire from an autumnal forest wedding.

As a rule of thumb, you can’t go wrong with semi-formal. That means a knee-length cocktail dress, a tailored suit, or a chic jumpsuit. 

*Top hats are a standard part of white-tie dress codes. However, white tie is rarely used. As a general rule, no top hats unless explicitly stated on the invitation. 

What sort of wedding guest outfits are there?

What to Wear to a Wedding As a Guest Dos, Don’ts and Top Tips
What to wear to a wedding as a guest: inspiration for all seasons

Winter wedding guest outfit

Winter wedding guests face the delightful challenge of balancing style with the practicality of staying warm. As the temperatures drop, it’s an opportunity to embrace luxurious fabrics, rich colours, and cosy layers to create a standout ensemble.

Consider a long-sleeve cocktail dress in a jewel tone or something with a little bit of sparkle. If you aren’t a fan of dresses, you can’t go wrong with a well-tailored suit and a long coat that staves off the cold. 

Close-toed shoes are always recommended, and you could try bringing a wrap or faux fur stole for both warmth and flair.

Summer wedding guest outfit

Summer weddings are all about being light and floaty. If you’re a fan of a dress, try a flowy chiffon number or a sundress in a cheerful print. Otherwise, try a light-coloured suit like pale blue or grey paired with a crisp, short-sleeved shirt. This strikes the perfect balance between formal and laid-back. 

Loafers or dressy sandals are a great choice for footwear.

Plus-size wedding guest dresses

Plus-size guests will look fabulous in wrap or fit-and-flare style dresses. Don’t shy away from bold colours for a dramatic yet feminine look. 

Slingback shoes are also a great option for those with wider feet as they provide comfort and style. 

Mature ladies’ dresses for wedding guests

Mature ladies might want to opt for an a-line dress or even a tea-length gown for a sophisticated look. When selecting colours, consider timeless options like classic navy or sophisticated neutrals. These hues are not only elegant but also super versatile, allowing you to pair your dress with a range of accessories and outerwear for different seasons.

Petite wedding guest dresses

Empire waist dresses are a great choice for petite guests as they can make you look taller. You could also try a high-low hem which adds length where you need it, or try a suit tailored to your petite frame. 

Maternity wedding guest dress

Maxi dresses are a great option for maternity wedding attire. The long, flowing silhouette provides ample room for your growing belly, allowing you to move with ease. If you’re not a dress kind of person, maternity jumpsuits are a modern and trendy choice. 

Look for styles with an adjustable waist or a wrap design for flexibility, and make sure you can get in and out of it comfortably in a toilet cubicle. You may need a few practice runs before the big day!   

What is the best colour to wear to a wedding?

Photo © Fresh Shoot Studios | See their Bridebook profile

The best colour to wear to a wedding will depend on the season and the couple’s requests. For example:

Spring or summer wedding

Light or bright colours are perfect for a spring or summer wedding. Think pastels, mint green, coral, turquoise, or pink. 

Autumn or winter wedding

Keep your tones dark or muted for an autumn or winter wedding. Think navy, burnt orange, purple, mauve, or dark green. Jewel tones are always trendy and can add an air of sophistication to your outfit.

Match the dress code

It’s become increasingly popular for the couple to specify what colours they’d like the guests to wear. For example, you might see:

  • “We’d like everyone to dress in pastel colours” for a whimsical wedding.
  • “Please could everyone wear different shades of blue” if someone has a specific colour scheme in mind.
  • “We’d appreciate it if everyone could dress in black” for an ultra-chic wedding.

Don’t wear white as a guest

Unless specifically stated on the invitation that the couple would like you to wear white — just don’t do it. Most people consider it disrespectful. 

It’s best to steer clear of different shades of white too. That includes ivory, bone, cream, and other similar tones.

What if my dress has a white base but a pattern over the top?

White dresses with flowers, birds, or another pattern over the top might be acceptable if the dress is more than 60% pattern and the white base isn’t the predominant colour. If you’re certain you want to wear this dress, we’d recommend getting the bride’s approval first. 

What is the dress code for a wedding?

Photo © Gene Weatherley Photography | See their Bridebook profile

You may see one of the following dress codes listed on your wedding invitation:

  • Black tie. Black tie usually means a tuxedo, elegant evening gown, or a cocktail dress. 
  • Formal. A formal dress code will mean a suit, knee-length dress, or cocktail dress. 
  • Beach formal. Try suit trousers with a button-down shirt and no tie, or a floaty maxi or midi-length dress. 
  • Casual. Casual can mean many things. However, you can’t go wrong with suit trousers and a short-sleeve button-down shirt. You could also wear a sundress or a blouse and skirt. 

If no dress code is listed, it’s best to dress semi-formal, which means a well-fitted suit or a pretty,  knee-length dress.

What is the most popular dress code for a wedding?

Most people tend to opt for semi-formal. This keeps everyone looking smart while still allowing the guests to be comfortable. 

Where to buy clothes for wedding guests

Photo © Si Robinson | See their Bridebook profile

Whether you’re bougie-on-a-budget or have a little more to spend, you’re sure to find beautiful options in these online shops.

Less than £50


Vinted is a second-hand clothes-selling app where you can find beautiful dresses for as little as £1! You can search for specific brands, sizes, colours, materials, and more. Many clothes are brand new with tags, and those that aren’t are in great condition. Plus, buying second-hand clothes is way more sustainable than purchasing brand-new clothes. 


Asos is the perfect shopping destination for wedding dresses. You can set a budget using the ‘price range’ filter, and even sort dresses from lowest to highest price. You can also filter for size, colour, length, brand, and body fit. 


Zara has a mix of pricier and low-cost dresses. This European brand exudes sophistication with its unique contemporary style, and you can filter dresses by size, colour, and style. However, taller guests may struggle with the length of Zara’s dresses.


Quiz is a beautiful option if you prefer traditionally feminine styles. Packed with flouncy and fluttery styles, Quiz offers great clothes for wedding guests at reasonable prices.  


Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch has a whole section of their website dedicated to helping you be the ‘Best Dressed Guest’. Their dresses are beautiful, high quality, and suit a wide range of body types with their petite, regular, and tall sizing. 

John Lewis

The John Lewis department store stocks a range of beautiful brands; it’s the perfect destination if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. If you’re lucky enough to live near a John Lewis store, they offer a complimentary personal shopping service to help you find your dream wedding guest dress. 


Next is another retailer that carries a range of brands. The website is easy to navigate, and you can easily filter by price, size, colour, and occasion. 

Over £100

Ted Baker

Ted Baker is another store known for its ultra-feminine styles. Although they’re a little on the pricey side, they have regular sales, and the quality is second to none. 

Karen Millen

Karen Millen is known for its high-quality and beautiful wedding guest dresses. You’ll never be outdone in a Karen Millen gown. Their wide range of dresses will suit many different body types and personal styles.  


Monsoon has been a staple of wedding guest dress shopping for years. Renowned for its bohemian-inspired designs, this brand effortlessly captures the essence of romantic and whimsical fashion. 

Top tips for wedding guest attire

Photo © S Howard Photography Ltd | See their Bridebook profile

Watch those shoes

We know they look fabulous, but wearing ultra-high heels or brand-new leather shoes on a wedding day is a recipe for disaster. Tall heels will tire your feet out and prevent you from dancing, and brand-new shoes are likely to rub and cause blisters.

Instead, opt for shoes you know you’ll be comfortable in. Try wearing a lower pair of heels that you can dance all night in or wearing an already broken-in pair of brogues.

If you’re adamant you want to wear high heels, consider bringing a lower heel to change into later on. Your feet will thank you in the morning. 

Be mindful of culture

Weddings with a religious element may ask you to cover up before you enter the church, temple, or mosque. You generally need to have your knees and shoulders covered to enter a religious building, and may even be asked to remove your shoes or cover your hair. Although this may not be your preference, it’s important to respect the couple’s wishes. 

Consider the weather 

Check the weather on the morning of the wedding, and always have a backup outfit in mind. If there’s a chance of rain, consider bringing a foldable umbrella or a stylish raincoat that complements your outfit. For unexpected temperature changes, having a shawl or light jacket can make a significant difference.

If in doubt… double-check

If you’re not sure whether an outfit is in line with the couple’s requests — ask them. 

It’s perfectly acceptable to reach out to the bride, groom, or someone close to them to clarify any questions you may have about the dress code. This not only ensures that you’re on the right track, but also demonstrates your consideration and respect for their wishes. 

The bottom line on being the best dressed wedding guest

Photo © Damion Mower Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Picking the perfect wedding guest outfit can be stressful. Between the cost, dress code considerations, and endless style options, the task may seem daunting. However, with a bit of planning and time spent internet shopping, you’ll be the belle of the ball. 

We recommend you closely adhere to the wedding dress code, dress for comfort and not just style, and double-check with the couple if you’re unsure. Happy shopping!


Photo © Schmittat Photo&Video | See their Bridebook profile

Do you have to wear heels to a wedding as a guest?

No, you don’t have to. The most important thing is that you’re comfortable.

While high heels add an air of elegance to any outfit, they are by no means mandatory. 

What should you not wear as a wedding guest?

You shouldn’t wear T-shirts, vest tops, football shirts, jeans, dirty trainers, flip flops, or other casual clothes to a wedding unless specifically asked to. This is the most special day of the bride and groom’s lives — make an effort for them!

Can anyone attend a wedding as a guest?

Anyone can attend a wedding ceremony in a registry office or religious building. However, you shouldn’t attend a reception you’re not invited to. It’s impolite. 

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2nd Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

Every anniversary you and your partner spend together is a cause for celebration. You may have celebrated your first wedding anniversary and done something extra special – it was your first anniversary of many, after all. But, your second anniversary is just as fabulous as the two of you continue to fall deeper in love and carve out your lives together. So, we think your second anniversary should be treated with just as much prestige as other momentous anniversaries!

When it comes to celebrating your second anniversary, you might have your eye on the perfect gift to give your other half. But, there are traditional and modern gifts you might want to give that are filled with symbolism and special meaning, along with a traditional flower and gemstone. That means, if you’d love to give your love an anniversary gift that has a little history behind it, you can. Or, you can give them that one thing you already have your eye on – there’s no right or wrong option.

If you’re looking for an extra special gift to give your partner to mark your second anniversary, but you’re not quite sure what to give them, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’re going to explore the different gifts you could consider and what they represent, to take your gift-giving to the next level.

For more information about all the different anniversaries you and your partner will share and the gifts you can give them, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 2nd wedding anniversary gifts

Since the early 20th century, there have been traditional and modern gifts which many couples like to give each other to celebrate their 2nd anniversary. There’s also a traditional flower and gemstone that have wonderful meaning behind them.

Traditional 2nd anniversary gift – Cotton

Cotton is a natural fibre that grows in huge open fields. It’s a really delicate plant that can be carried away with a light breeze. But, once it’s been picked and processed this delicate plant becomes incredibly strong and durable – as strong and durable as your marriage. And it gives you a brilliant amount of creativity to come up with a unique present that your loved one will adore.

Modern 2nd anniversary gift – China

By today’s standards, china probably feels a little outdated. But, china is associated with quality and luxury. It’s also precious and fragile, so has to be looked after and maintained – a lot like a marriage. China is another gift that’s open to interpretation and gives you a chance to have fun with your gift-giving.

2nd anniversary gemstone – Garnet

Garnet is a lovely gemstone that’s frequently seen in deep shades of red, but can also come in orange, brown, green and even black. It symbolises trust and friendship, which is a beautiful way to encapsulate your relationship with your partner. Garnet isn’t always a first-choice stone for use in jewellery and accessories, but it’s very versatile, not to mention striking.

2nd anniversary flower – Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley is an incredibly dainty little flower that looks a lot like a cluster of tiny bells. They’re beautiful when grown outside, but also make for great bursts of green peppered with white as part of a bouquet. They symbolise purity and youth, which you and your other half no doubt have in spades!

It’s important to note that lily of the valley is toxic to cats and dogs, so if you have a furry friend at home then you should think of an alternative. Thankfully, we have plenty of suggestions for you below.

How do you choose a gift for a 2nd wedding anniversary?

You know your partner better than anyone, but you’ll only have one 2nd wedding anniversary, so how on earth are you supposed to choose the perfect gift? You could get them a few things, but then that’s likely to get expensive. Have a think about what your partner would really love which would stand out above other times you might give them gifts, like on their birthday or Christmas. Consider these points when choosing the ideal gift:

  • Should you follow anniversary traditions? The traditional and modern gifts aren’t set in stone, so make sure they fit with what you and your partner might be expecting.
  • Have you set your maximum budget? You might want to really spoil your partner, but you should set a budget and stick to it. This will likely influence what you can give them.
  • How personal do you want the gift to be? Something off-the-shelf can be fantastic, but personalisations elevate a gift and make them even more special. 
  • What does your partner love? Cotton or china gifts might not be something your partner would appreciate, and if so is there something else they might prefer?

If you’re someone giving a 2nd anniversary gift to a friend or family member, you can also interpret these rules how you see fit. There’s nothing wrong with joining in on the traditions and giving someone something linked to cotton or china to help them celebrate their big day.

50 ideas for a 2nd wedding anniversary gift

If you want to give your partner a 2nd anniversary gift steeped in meaning, but have no idea where to start, we’ve put together a list of 50 ideas to help get you started. That way, you can find the perfect gift and show your love that you’re super romantic and thoughtful.

10 traditional gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

The traditional 2nd anniversary gift is cotton, so to give you a bit of inspiration here are 10 cotton-themed gifts you can give to your loved one.

1. Personalised cotton bath towels

Never argue about who’s using the wrong towel again, with personalised bath towels! Good towels are hard to come by, but cotton towels with your names embroidered on them are as soft as they are thoughtful. You can pick up some lovely towels in a wide variety of colours from Not on the High Street.

2. Personalised dressing gown

Is there anything more relaxing than spending the day in your dressing gown? And relaxing is what anniversaries are all about. A personalised dressing gown is completely on-board with the cotton theme, with the added bonus of being completely unique to them. There’s a lovely selection of robes at The Fine Cotton Company which can be personalised with an embroidered name.

3. Personalised love knot cushion

Keeping the personalisation theme going, a cushion is a nice subtle way to bring a bit of you to your home furnishings. A love knot cushion from Not on the High Street can be personalised to include your names and the date you got married, and is available in different sizes and colours.

4. Bedsheets from the hotel where you spent your first night together

Contact the hotel where you and your partner spent your first night together as a married couple and ask them where they get their bedsheets from. Then, you can see if you can get hold of the exact same sheets so you can have that honeymoon feeling every time you get in bed. They’ll probably be from a wholesaler, but with a bit of charm, you might be able to place a one-off order with them if you explain what you’re hoping to do.

5. Cotton flowers

For a subtle but beautiful cotton gift, a handmade cotton flower is something your partner can always keep to remind them of your anniversary. They’re delicate but stunning and will last a lifetime.

6. A comfy pair of socks

Socks might not be glamorous, but they’re comfortable and practical. A lot of decent socks also happen to be cotton, and there are tons of options out there. Check out Nordic Socks for some of the snuggliest socks you’ve ever seen.

7. Song lyrics cotton canvas

If you and your partner are into music, you could give them a cotton record that features their favourite song lyrics, or maybe even the lyrics from your first dance. Take a look at Blim and Blum to see how unique and cool they are.

8. A cotton bracelet

Cotton isn’t usually associated with jewellery, but it actually makes for a touching accessory that your partner is bound to love. Not only is it a gift from you on your anniversary, but it also has deep and poignant meaning. There are expert craftspeople on Etsy who produce lovely cotton bracelets.

9. Egyptian cotton candle 

Candles are a surefire way to help build a romantic atmosphere on your anniversary, and why not do that with an on-theme Egyptian cotton-scented candle? Not only that, but the Egyptian cotton candles by Shearer Candles have a slight aroma of carnation, which calls back to your first anniversary flower last year.

10. A nice shirt

You really can’t go wrong by getting your partner a nice shirt that they can wear, either on an average day or to crack out on special occasions. And if you give it to them early in the day then they can always wear it in the evening if you decide to go out for a romantic meal or similar. Cotton Traders has loads of high-quality cotton shirts to choose from.

10 modern gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

If cotton’s not to your liking, the modern choice for a 2nd anniversary gift is china. Okay, perhaps china isn’t as modern as it was a hundred years ago, but it’s still a lovely gift that can be interpreted in lots of different ways. So, here are 10 china-themed gifts to give you some ideas.

1. A fancy china tea set

One of the most obvious china gifts you can give your partner is a fancy china tea set, especially if they enjoy a nice hot cuppa. There’s also a massive amount of choice available, from expensive bone china to sets that are a little (and a lot) more affordable. You can go quirky or posh or something for everyday use – the choice is yours.

2. A china rose

China is a hard gift to give someone, but you can surprise your partner with a little creative thinking. So, think outside the box and give your partner a handmade china rose, which is delicate and beautiful. And, if you get one through Not on the High Street, you can even personalise the petals with a message so your partner will always be reminded of your special day.

3. Some fine china

If your bowls and plates are in need of an upgrade, you could give your partner a lovely new set from a prestigious name, like Royal Copenhagen. China can be rather pricey, though, so it might not be a set you want to use every day – just for special occasions or whenever the mother-in-law pops around for tea.

4. A delicious Chinese meal

Remember, you’re free to interpret china however you like, so you could treat your other half to a delicious Chinese meal. Whether you spend the evening cooking a meal together, you snuggle under the duvet with a takeaway, or you get dolled up to visit a nice restaurant, just make sure you enjoy yourselves!

5. A delicate figurine

China can be used to create beautiful figurines which look amazing on a shelf or in a cabinet. These come in loads of of different styles from various artists and makers. You could choose something unique to your partner’s interests, or something that represents the love the two of you share. For example, The China Shop has a cute figurine that’s simply but appropriately named The Perfect Day.

6. Mr and Mrs mugs

You really can’t go wrong by giving your partner a mug. China mugs are delicate but feel special, and there are so many different options out there that you’ll be spoilt for choice. To keep things solely focused on you, you could even have them personalised, like a pair of espresso mugs from Susan Rose China.

7. An adorable trinket dish 

Whether your partner needs somewhere to keep their keys, their rings and other jewellery, or little bits that usually go amiss right when they need them, a trinket dish is always useful to have around. And a trinket dish from Becky Broome can be personalised to make it extra special.

8. A snack box from China

Another one that stretches the rules, but it’s your anniversary so do whatever you think will make your partner happy! And we bet that a box full of tasty snacks from China will be a fun and unique way to enjoy some treats on your anniversary.

9. A tealight dome

Fill your home with a warming glow cast by a tealight dome. They make for elegant and sweet little decorative items with the bonus of looking beautiful, especially when the sun starts to go down. Check out Nantucket Gifts for a great (and affordable) selection of tealight domes.

10. A china clock

Another brilliant use for china is as the face of a clock, which is surprisingly affordable and can be decorated with simple but effective designs. Thanks to the simplicity it’ll also look good wherever you choose to hang it. Susan Rose China has plenty you can choose from.

5 affordable gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

If you’re looking to give your partner a gift on your 2nd anniversary but only have a small budget to play with, then that doesn’t mean you can’t get them something thoughtful and on-theme. Here are five affordable gifts you can give your love to mark your 2nd anniversary.

1. Cotton candy

Why not give a gift that totally fits with the traditional second anniversary theme but at the same time is totally unexpected and affordable? Cotton candy is tasty, sweet and a cute token gift that still has a ton of meaning behind it. Sweet shops like So Sweet Shop have a bunch of different cotton candy treats to choose from.

2. Plain socks

A decent pair of cotton socks don’t need to break the bank. They’re a handy little gift that will always be put to good use. A lot of high street retailers sell multipacks of socks for next to nothing for the perfect practical present.

3. Cute mouse decoration 

Not all second anniversary ornaments have to be pricey. Rather than thinking china, why not think cotton instead, with a cute mouse sat on top of a cotton reel ornament? It’s adorable and fits the traditional theme, as well as being super affordable.

4. Moisture gloves

Okay, hear us out. Cotton moisture gloves might seem like a random gift, but it’s just the prelude to a larger gift you could give to your partner, in the form of a romantic pamper evening. Use them as part of a personal pamper party by spending the evening exfoliating, moisturising and relaxing in face masks.

5. Cotton bag

If you’re really not sure what to give your partner that fits with the traditional theme, why not pick up a cotton bag and fill it with goodies, like snacks, games and other treats? That way, you’re giving your partner something you know they’ll love while still including a little touch of tradition.

5 DIY gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

A DIY gift shows that you really care and put thought into your gift, because it takes a little more effort than popping to the shops or ordering something online (which is totally fine too!). But, you probably have a lot on so might struggle to find the time. Thankfully, not all DIY gifts have to take ages to make. So, here are five DIY 2nd anniversary gift ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

1. Grow your own cotton

You’ll have to start early for this one, but if you have a greenhouse or similar you can grow your own cotton plant here in the UK. Cotton seeds are very cheap, and given the right environment, can flourish. Then, right before your anniversary, you can pick them, arrange them in a vase and present them to your love.

2. Cotton bunting

Cotton is a brilliant material to make bunting from, whether from old t-shirts you don’t wear anymore or sheets you can pick up from a craft shop. But, the more personal you can make it the better, and it’ll look great hung up as you celebrate your big day. There are video tutorials on how to make bunting which can help you get started.

3. Cotton flowers

If you have some cotton wool, potpourri, thread and a glue gun, you have everything you need to make some super cute DIY cotton flowers! You don’t need any experience to make them, and your partner will love the effort you put into them. Check out this easy-to-follow video tutorial on how to make cotton flowers for instructions.

4. Some personalised embroidery

Embroidery is a really rewarding hobby because you can produce an unlimited number of incredible designs, so why not have a go at embroidering something that’s associated with something your partner loves? If you’re not sure where to start, you can pick up embroidery kits that include everything you need.

5. Cotton handkerchiefs

If you have some old cotton offcuts or a t-shirt you no longer wear, why not have a go at turning them into handkerchiefs? That way, your partner will have something lovingly handmade by you that’s already close to them, with the added bonus of being useful! Tiny Trash Can has simple instructions you can follow that don’t require any sewing.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

One of the most exciting ways to spend your anniversary is taking part in an activity or experience. But what experiences can you do that tie into your 2nd anniversary? Here are five suggestions for cotton and china-related activities.

1. World of Wedgewood factory tour

Stoke-on-Trent is famous for its history of pottery making, and there are plenty of factories in the area that still operate today. And thankfully, some of them offer factory tours so you can see how they make such beautiful pottery and china. If you’re not far from Stoke-on-Trent, why not treat your partner to a tour, like at the world-famous Wedgewood factory, where they’ll teach you all about this fascinating industry?

2. A relaxing spa day

This one slightly bends the rules but it still counts, because you’ll most likely be sitting around relaxing all day while wearing comfy cotton dressing gowns! A spa day is a wonderful way to hang out with the love of your life, enjoy some tasty food and unwind. Champneys has a selection of spa day options at their locations across the UK.

3. A Scream movie night in

For an affordable and snuggly but perhaps scary night in, why not sit down to enjoy a Scream movie marathon with a takeaway? This one’s a bit of a stretch, but one of the characters (played by Liev Schreiber) is named Cotton, so we think it totally counts! 

4. Sock creature kit

Couples who craft together, stay together. That’s not an official saying, but there’s no doubt that crafting is a cute way to spend time. And to link it to your second anniversary, Not on the High Street offers make-your-own sock animal kits.

5. Pottery painting 

Continuing the craft theme, why not spend an afternoon painting pottery together? Places like Social Pottery won’t let you paint fine china, but you could have a go at painting anything from a money box to a garden ornament. They then fire it for you in a kiln and you can collect your masterpiece a few days later.

10 2nd anniversary gifts that contain garnet

Garnet is a gorgeous gemstone that’s usually a deep shade of red but can also come in a range of different colours.  That means it’s super versatile and fits with loads of different types of jewellery, whether it’s classic silver, gold, platinum or anything else your partner might love. Here are 10 suggestions for jewellery you can consider that’s set with garnet:

  1. Earrings
  2. Cufflinks
  3. A ring
  4. A necklace
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A bracelet
  8. An anklet
  9. A nose stud
  10. Belly button ring

Plenty of high street jewellers will have a selection of jewellery pieces and accessories that are set with garnet, so next time you’re in town have a browse to see what they have. You can also check out the range of wedding jewellers we work with here at Bridebook, as they have lots of beautiful options.

5 floral gifts for a 2nd wedding anniversary

The traditional 2nd anniversary flower is lily of the valley, an incredibly delicate and dainty flower that symbolises purity and youth. Here are five ideas for second anniversary floral gifts closely linked to lily of the valley.

1. A lily of the valley bouquet

Nothing’s going to be quite as stunning as a lily of the valley bouquet, a really stunning arrangement with bold greens and pops of white. Just remember to find an alternative if you have pets at home as they can be toxic to cats and dogs.

2. Lily of the valley sculpture

For something a little more pet-friendly but still just as beautiful, a lily of the valley sculpture from David Shuttle is every bit as elegant as the real thing. And the best thing is it’ll never wilt so you’ll always have something to remember your anniversary by.

3. Lily of the valley gift and soap box

Lily of the valley has a delicate sweet scent that lends itself perfectly to soap and other body and soap products. So, a lily of the valley hand and body gift box smells amazing and is also a brilliant way to treat your partner on your anniversary. 

4. Lily of the valley brooch

Lily of the valley is such an eye-catching flower that it deserves to be shown off as much as possible, and a lily of the valley brooch is the perfect way to do that. It captures the elegance of this plant brilliantly!

5. Lily of the valley night light 

How about a floral gift that’s three in one… a crocheted lily of the valley nightlight in a pot! It’s eye-catching, unique and full of character, making it a great gift for your big day.

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1st Wedding Anniversary Gifts: 50 Anniversary Gift Ideas

At the end of your first year as a married couple, your wedding probably feels like a really long time ago, but also like it only just happened yesterday. What an amazing and magical time as you and the love of your life took the plunge to spend eternity together.

To mark such a momentous time in your marriage, you might want to give your partner a special gift. But what should you give your partner for your first wedding anniversary? Of course, you could give them whatever you or they want – there are no set rules you have to follow. But, if you’d like to give them a gift that symbolises something, there are traditional and modern anniversary gifts that many couples like to give.

So, if you’d like to give your partner a 1st anniversary gift with meaning and history, then we have all the information you’ll need below. We’ll let you know the traditional and modern gifts for a first anniversary, as well as the traditional gemstone and flower. That way, you’ll know the meaning behind them and why they make for such a thoughtful gift. We’ll also offer you plenty of ideas that fit the theme, so you can give your partner a wonderfully memorable gift to commemorate your first wedding anniversary.

For more information about what different wedding anniversary gifts you can give from 1 to 90 years, read our complete year-by-year wedding anniversary gift guide.

What are traditional and modern gifts for a 1st wedding anniversary?

The traditional and modern 1st wedding anniversary gifts

If you’re looking to give your partner a 1st anniversary gift with meaning or something that has special significance, you can give them a traditional or modern gift. Or, there’s always something that features the traditional gemstone or flower.

Traditional 1st anniversary gift – Paper

Paper might seem like a small and inexpensive gift (you still might be feeling the effects of paying off your wedding after all) but it symbolises new beginnings, which is just perfect. Paper can be used for such a wide variety of things and can be the start of amazing things – just like your marriage. It also offers you plenty of opportunities for creative gifts.

Modern 1st anniversary gift – Clocks

The modern gift for a first anniversary is a clock, which is something else that provides you with different possibilities, from a lovely wristwatch to a brand new smartwatch, or perhaps even an ornate grandfather clock to put in the hallway of your home. Clocks represent time and the eternal love you have for your partner.

1st anniversary gemstone – Gold

Okay, gold isn’t actually a gemstone, it’s a precious metal, but that preciousness is a status that describes your marriage to a tee. Gold is a luxurious gift, and fits with a wide range of gifts and jewellery.

1st anniversary flower – Carnation

Carnations are big, eye-catching flowers that come in an array of bright and bold colours. Carnations represent love and devotion, so could there really be a more appropriate flower for your first wedding anniversary?

How do you choose a gift for a 1st wedding anniversary?

How you choose what type of gift to give your partner for your 1st wedding anniversary depends on you, your budget and your preferences. While you might love to give your other half a gold watch, it might not be possible. And that’s perfectly okay! But bear these points in mind when thinking about what to give your partner to mark your very first wedding anniversary.

  • Do you follow traditions or not? They’re only there as guidelines, and both the traditional and modern gifts were created in the early 20th century, so might not fit with what you’re looking to give as a gift. Speak to your partner about your plans and expectations ahead of time.
  • Do you have the appropriate budget? Gold can be expensive, as can clocks and fresh flowers. A paper gift can be affordable and can be interpreted in lots of different ways.
  • Do you choose something personal? Personalised gifts show that a lot of thoughtfulness went into your gift.
  • What are their interests? Is there something your partner might like in particular and has dropped hints about or asked for?

If you’re a friend or family member, you might also like to give a traditional or modern gift – they’re not exclusive to the couple themselves. So if you want to join in with the fun and give them something papery or clocky (not their technical terms) then go ahead, they’ll definitely love the thought and symbolism behind your gift!

50 ideas for a 1st wedding anniversary gift

Looking to give your partner a thoughtful gift to mark your 1st anniversary but not sure where to start? Below, we have 50 ideas to help you think of the perfect gift for the love of your life. And if you’re someone with a loved one soon celebrating their 1st anniversary, our choices below should also give you plenty of inspiration for a thoughtful gift.

10 traditional gifts for a 1st wedding anniversary

The traditional gift to give to mark a 1st wedding anniversary is paper, so here are 10 paper gifts to consider giving your other half on this special occasion.

1. Commission an artist to draw or paint your favourite wedding photo

One of the highlights of your whole wedding was no doubt getting your photo album back so you could look through your photos and relive your big day over again. You could reignite those same feelings all over again by commissioning an artist to draw or paint one of your partner’s favourite wedding photos. Digitally produced artwork can easily be printed and framed, which fits nicely with the theme of paper. 

You could hire an artist on Etsy, or otherwise speak to an artist you admire by contacting them through their website or on social media.

2. Create an anniversary-themed comic book

If you and your partner have a shared love of comic books or graphic novels, you could create a personalised comic book that features your incredible love story. There are templates you can follow, like the one on Not on the High Street, to create a comic book using photos that are automatically stylised. Or, you could ask a comic book artist to draw something truly unique to you.

3. Frame your wedding vows

Many couples love to write their own wedding vows, which is a super passionate and personal way of telling your partner how you feel in front of your friends and family during your wedding ceremony. To forever immortalise those wonderful words, you could print your vows on high-quality paper, or hire a calligrapher to pen them in handwritten ink. Websites such as Calligraphy Studio offer a bespoke service.

4. Give your partner paper jewellery

Jewellery is always a popular gift, but how can you combine that with the traditional first anniversary gift? Well, there are very talented jewellers out there who can hand-craft delicate and beautiful pieces of jewellery out of paper – everything from bracelets to necklaces. Check out Wire Moon and Li-Chu Wu who are both super-talented paper jewellery designers.

5. A print of your favourite place

After spending so much time together, you probably have a favourite place where the two of you love to hang out, whether it’s your favourite city, a romantic spot somewhere deep in the woods, or beach vista where you like to watch the sunset. Etsy has a huge selection of city art and more which would look wonderful hung up in your home.

6. Where you met heart map

Looking back, there’s nothing quite like the moment you met the person you went on to marry. It might have been a chance encounter at the pub, or you sat beside each other in a university lecture, or you went to see a film together at the cinema after meeting online. Wherever you met, you can have it framed and pinpointed on a heart-shaped map. Check out Positive Prints who can do all the work for you.

7. Printed sheet music for your first dance song

Without a doubt, you’ll always remember the song you had your first dance to for the rest of your lives. Whenever you play it on Spotify or it comes unexpectedly on the radio, you’ll look at your partner with a loving smile (and maybe dance around the lounge, why not?). You can have those wonderful notes and perfect words printed and framed so you can always be reminded of their special meaning. Blim & Blum offers lots of great customisations and styles so they’ll go in any room.

8. Personalised notebooks

If your partner studies or writes a lot of notes for work, or they’re a keen writer, they’ll probably have a lot of notebooks lying around. Combine practicality and thoughtfulness by giving them personalised notebooks, which could include some of your favourite wedding snaps. Getting Personal has a huge variety of different notebooks you can choose from to personalise in loads of different ways.

9. Mini photo book keyring

Your wedding album is possibly one of your most precious possessions, but the problem is that it’s probably quite chunky – not exactly pocket-sized. Well, why not rectify that, with a mini photobook keyring, like the one offered at Wanapix? You can put together a personalised photobook filled with your favourite photos from your wedding, which is dinky enough to attach to a pair of keys and pop right there in your pocket or bag.

10. Paper craft kit

If you and your partner love getting crafty together, you could pick up a paper craft kit, so the two of you can hang out on your anniversary and do some crafting. Makebox has a range of wonderful high-quality paper craft kits available that look great on a shelf or desk once you’re done.

10 modern gifts for a 1st wedding anniversary

If you’re not sure about a paper-themed gift to give to your partner on your anniversary, the modern choice is a clock, which initially might not feel like it opens up your selection, but it does. So, here are 10 clock-themed gifts to consider giving your partner on your first anniversary.

1. Paper clock

You could combine the meanings behind a paper gift with the meaning of a clock-themed gift, by giving your partner the best of both worlds in the form of a paper clock. A clock made from recycled paper has a brilliant meaning to it, with the added bonus of looking smart and being practical.

2. Amazon Echo Show

Smart-home tech is the future, and an Amazon Echo Show not only lets you tell the time (or ask Alexa for it if you’re busy), but is also a handy gadget for cooking, communicating, finding out the weather, setting reminders and more. Plus, it’s always fun to start the day by asking Alexa to tell you a joke (even if they can be a little bit cringe).

3. Personalised clock

A clock might not seem like a super exciting gift, but if you personalise it so that the numbers are photos of your wedding instead, it suddenly means so much more. A personalised clock is unique and thoughtful and unlike any other personalised gift you might give the love of your life.

4. A unique cuckoo clock

Is there anything more beautiful than an ornate cuckoo clock? They’re eye-catching works of art that look great in any home. And they don’t need to be the traditional Swiss cuckoo clock either – like those available at The Bradford Exchange, which are themed to Star Wars, Disney and Ghostbusters among others.

5. An engraved clock

Tell your partner how much the last year has meant to you, and how much you’re looking forward to the future, with an engraved clock. The Engraved Gifts Company has plenty of styles and designs to choose from to suit a wide range of budgets, and they allow you to personalise them with a loving message.

6. A garden sundial

Remember, clocks haven’t always ticking hands that tell the time. Before the clock was even invented, everyone had to use the sun to figure out the time of day using a sundial. Sundials have the added bonus of looking fantastic in your back garden, and come different styles, like those available at Discount Garden Statues. It’s an unexpected historical twist on this modern gift!

7. A gold watch

Not only is your first anniversary linked closely to clocks, but also to gold – so a gold watch seems like a nice meaningful gift. And the good news is, watches come in more shapes, styles and sizes than you can count, plus they can fit a budget of any size. Check out your favourite high-street jeweller as a handy starting block.

8. A projection alarm clock

An obvious choice for a clock-themed gift is an alarm clock, but how can you elevate the humble alarm clock into becoming a unique gift? Well, why not get an alarm clock that both of you can see at the same time, with one that projects the time onto the ceiling? Plus, they have customisable options so it fits with your bedroom and even doubles as a handy mirror.

9. A clock kit

Clocks are complicated to put together, but a clock-making kit means your partner can have the satisfaction of creating something with the functionality of a fabulous-looking clock. Magic Holz has a range of quirky designs, that just so happen to be wood – so they’re technically made from paper, too!

10. A personalised map clock

What could be more lovely every time you glance at the clock, than to be reminded of the place where you and your partner met, or the venue where you both said I do? A clock that features a map makes for a brilliantly unique gift, like those offered by Bombus.

5 affordable gifts for a 1st wedding anniversary

If you’d love to give the love of your life a thoughtful first anniversary gift but you don’t have a big budget (and who can blame you after paying for your wedding?), then don’t worry – there are still plenty of options available. Here are five affordable first anniversary gifts to treat your partner with.

1. A personalised line drawing

Not all personalised gifts come with a big price tag. A personalised line drawing is a simple and effective gift, and one that’s super personal and extremely affordable too. It also looks amazing when hung on the wall.

2. Anniversary toilet paper

Okay, so this one is a bit of a joke gift, but it totally fits with the paper theme of your big day! Anniversary toilet paper is cute and funny, and for a limited time, you’ll be reminded of your anniversary every time you do your business!

3. Love coupons

For something very affordable but also thoughtful and funny, love coupons give your partner the right to cash them in whenever they please. From a car wash to a snuggly movie night in, it gives you an excuse to add a little fun to doing chores and date night.

4. A tiny paper flower

Combine a floral gift with a paper gift, and don’t pay much in the process – three birds with one stone! Plus, it looks incredibly cute and is full of thought, so make that five birds with one stone. Not on the High Street has a selection of lovely paper flowers.

5. A book in their favourite genre

There’s nothing quite like escaping into a good book. If your partner loves to read, you can usually pick up a paperback from your local bookshop for around £8. If you know the sort of book they enjoy reading, read a few blurbs at your local bookshop and ask for some recommendations so you can pick them up something they might love.

5 DIY gifts for a 1st wedding anniversary

Add an extra level of personalisation to your anniversary gift by creating it yourself. Many ideas don’t need a lot of time or skill, just a little bit of creative thinking. Here are five DIY 1st anniversary gift ideas to get you started.

1. A ‘what I love about you’ journal

You no doubt have a ton of really complex feelings about your partner – it’s why you married them in the first place! A what I love about you journal gives you plenty of space to get those thoughts and feelings down on paper, which they can always look back on with love and fondness.

2. A bouquet of paper flowers

Because the traditional gift of a first anniversary is paper, you could hand-craft a bouquet of paper flowers to surprise your love. That might sound tricky, but there are plenty of paper flower video tutorials available, and you can craft them from coloured paper or something meaningful, like the pages of a book or a map of your favourite place. So if you give yourself enough time, you can create a lovely little bouquet that has extra special sentimentality.

3. Paper bunting

Bunting looks great hung up to celebrate any occasion, and homemade paper bunting that features personalised decorations is a wonderful way to tell your partner how you feel. It could feature photographs, ticket stubs, maps, memorabilia… anything you can think of. There are also paper bunting video tutorials to help get you started.

4. Dates in a jar

If you have a sheet of paper and a spare jar, you have everything you need to make a sweet and thoughtful gift. Write down a bunch of ideas for date night (watch a romantic comedy under the covers, have a pizza picnic in the park, read a book together…) and either fold them carefully or tie them up with some string. Once you have enough, you can give them to your partner and ask them to pick one at random every time it’s date night!

5. Homemade scavenger hunt

Write some clues and leave them around your house so your partner has to go on a scavenger hunt. The clues can get progressively harder, and build up to something special at the end, like tickets to a show or co-ordinates to your favourite restaurant.

5 experience or activity gifts for a 1st wedding anniversary

A great way to spend your anniversary is by giving your partner an experience that the two of you can share together. Thankfully, because tickets are often paper, it also lets you tie your gift into the traditional first anniversary theme! So, here are five experience gift ideas for you to consider.

1. Tickets to a cinema with beds

If you’re a cinephile, you might go to the cinema quite regularly, so where’s the sense of special occasion in that? Well, did you know that some cinemas now have beds in them? It’s a simple way to elevate a cinema trip to the next level. It’s true – even big cinema chains like Odeon have seats at the front that allow you to lay down and get snuggly… just no funny business, okay?

2. Theatre tickets

A trip to the theatre is always magical, so why not catch a play or a musical in London or at your local theatre? Check out sites like London Theatre Direct to get a discount on a show you and your other half would love to see.

3. Afternoon tea for two

Is there anything more quaint than afternoon tea for two? Treat your partner to cucumber sandwiches, delectable sweet treats and yummy creamy scones. And if you say ‘time for tea’ it loosely (continuing the tea humour here) connects it to clocks, too! Okay, it’s a bit of a stretch, but afternoon tea is always a winning gift. Virgin Experience Days offers plenty of choice up and down the UK.

4. A night in a nice hotel

Escaping from reality is a great way to spend your anniversary, which you can do by spending a night in a nice hotel. It could be somewhere you’ve been to a thousand times before, or somewhere completely new. Wherever you go, it’ll be lovely to spend time relaxing in each others’ company. Buyagift has some great options for overnight stays.

5. A game of giant Monopoply

Remember shuffling through piles of paper money when you land on someone’s hotel while you’re playing Monopoly? Well, you can do that on a huge scale thanks to lifesized Monopoly! The only thing we ask is that you play nice, because Monopoly is a serious (but extremely fun) game.

10 1st anniversary gifts that contain gold

The first anniversary gemstone (even though it is actually a precious metal) is gold. And of course, gold is one of the most luxurious and eye-catching precious metals there is. Gold jewellery goes with almost anything, and also suits a huge range of styles and budgets. So, you could consider the following types of jewellery that look great in gold:

  1. Earrings
  2. A ring
  3. A necklace
  4. A bracelet
  5. A broach
  6. A locket
  7. A watch
  8. An anklet
  9. A hairpin
  10. Cufflinks

Many high street jewellers will have different items of gold jewellery, so whatever your budget you’ll likely find something that your partner will love. Or, you could check out the range of wedding jewellers we work with, many of which also offer lots of other types of jewellery, too.

5 floral gifts for a 1st wedding anniversary

The traditional anniversary flower to give when celebrating your first anniversary is the carnation, but there are lots of variations to make it extra special. Here are just five floral gift ideas to give your partner something blooming wonderful on your first anniversary.

1. A big bunch of carnations

There’s fabulous meaning behind anniversary carnations, as they symbolise love and devotion, plus they have the added bonus of being big and colourful. They tend to last around two weeks, so they won’t go anywhere fast if you keep them watered and give them flower food.

2. A paper bouquet

Tie the themes of flowers and paper together with a bouquet of paper flowers that are guaranteed never to wilt. Paper Tree offers a lovely bouquet that’s sure to hit the spot.

3. A scented flower card

The anniversary card to top all other anniversary cards, complete with a gorgeous watercolour flower and authentic floral scent. A showstopping 3D flower card is sure to be a gift that your partner will never forget. Check them out at The Luxe Co.

4. Carnation seeds

If you have a garden and space to plant some flowers, carnations will grow quite happily in the UK. If you plant the bulbs after the last frost of winter, you should have some incredible blooms at the end of spring and into later summer. You should be able to find carnation bulbs at your local garden centre.

5. An origami flower

What’s more romantic than a single rose painstakingly crafted using ancient origami techniques from the page of a book? Absolutely nothing. Visit The Origami Boutique to choose the perfect floral gift for your partner.

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