TED tips for building creative confidence as a wedding professional

Wedding professionals are in the business of creativity.

As event planners and wedding suppliers we are expected to use our experience and imagination to create unique and beautiful wedding designs – whether in the form of floral arrangements, culinary creations or decorative inspirations, to name but a few.


But being continuously creative under pressure isn’t easy.

And subsequently, there may be times when your creative confidence is knocked and this can damage your ability to move on and continue creating.

Innovation and the pursuit of innovative ideas is the lifeblood of a successful wedding business.


So how do we continue to create when we’re busy, exhausted and feeling uninspired?

We’ve gathered tips from two creative experts (and their incredible TED talks) on how to stay innovative and creative – even when we’re feeling the opposite of those things.


David Kelley says “face the fear”

In his powerful TED Talk on Creative Confidence, David Kelley talks of unlocking the creative potential of people and organisations to ensure we* all *have the ability and the drive to innovate.

During his talk, Kelley explains that when creative confidence is knocked, that bruised feeling can become ingrained in us. But whether you consider yourself naturally creative or not, innovation is something we can all achieve.

Just as you’d overcome any fear, you need to face what it is you fear head on.


Is wedding photography what you were born to do? Well get out there and take photos – and lot’s of them.

Is wedding planning what makes you truly happy? Go to events, browse weddings online and find that source of inspiration that’ll get you excited about creating new weddings and forming new ideas for your 2018 wedding bookings.

It’s all about following steps to ease yourself back into the ‘creative room’. It’s about turning fear into familiarity.

Start working on things that are really important to you regardless of how creative you think you’re feeling. The more you work at it, the more ideas you’ll have.

You are naturally creative. Let your ideas fly. Do what you’re set out to do and you’ll naturally reach a place of creative confidence.


Julie Burstein – how to create in the face of challenge, self-doubt and loss

Radio host Julie Burstein shares four lessons about how to create in the face of challenge, self-doubt and loss in her acclaimed TED talk.

Burstein touches on how our creative conscience exists somewhere between our need for control and our ability to let go. She says that with creativity you need to let go at the very beginning of the creative process because creativity grows out of everyday experiences.


Paying attention to the world around us and being open to embrace all experiences is one of her fundamental rules for improving the ability to create.

This means switching off your phone for a period of the day; stopping, taking stock and being open to the experiences all around you because you never know which of them might change or inspire you.

She also explores how for many successful artists and creators, some of their best work is born out of some of their most difficult moments in life. As human beings, it’s important that we embrace challenges and learn from them. Try not to be discouraged by things that go wrong and when they do – because inevitably they will – pick yourself up and carry on.

Burstein places the following four factors at the centre of creativity: experience, challenge, limitations and loss.

She believes that a combination of all of these elements – whether we actively pursue them (the former) or come up against them by chance (the latter) – makes for a truly creative mind and the most original of ideas.


Similarly to Kelley, Burstein says that you must be driven by the need to do what you do best.

Possess the determination to push through boundaries and maintain a passionate optimism no matter how uninspired you may feel at times.


6 practical tips to help you unlock your creativity

In light of the wisdom we’ve garnered from these creative experts, here are six easy ways to help you unlock creativity when planning a wedding with your next happy couple…


1. Get visual

Visualising ideas is a great way to develop concepts. Get off the phone, step away from your laptop and book in some face to face time with couples to let your creative flair run wild.


2. Work backwards from the ‘dream’ end result

Clearly define what the couple you’re working with want from their wedding day. What is ‘the dream’? Now work your way backward from this and all the little pieces that help build the dream will seem obvious and things will fall right into place.


3. Write everything down

Carry a little notepad and pen with you and whenever a stroke of genius hits, write it down.

No thought is too small and no idea is too crazy! Anything could potentially add value to your business. You never know which little thought could spark your next big idea. Display some of your best ideas on the wall or on a whiteboard to help lead new brainstorming ideas.


4. Take mental breaks

Frequent mental breaks are so important when it comes to developing creativity and boosting morale. Whether you take a break to catch up with friends on social media or go for a walk at lunch time, step away from the everyday. It’s practically impossible to nurture creativity in yourself or others with a tired, burned-out brain.


5. Get physical

Regular exercise or engaging in any physical activity will help unlock creativity. Whether you run, walk, cycle or hit the gym, physical activity will relax your mind and enable you to think more clearly and creatively afterwards.


6. Just start

The hardest part of any creative process is getting started. And the best way to kick start your creative brain is to just start talking, writing and planning. No matter what the quality of the idea is at this stage, the fact that you’ve started and have a basis to build on will be enough to get ideas flowing.


Are you feeling creatively confident?

Let us know how you keep those creative juices flowing to ensure you consistently strive to deliver your best and most original weddings, year after year.

Groom Styling 101, by Turnbull & Asser

You’ve searched far and wide and have finally found the perfect suit for the big day. There’s no feeling quite like putting on a perfectly tailored suit for the first time, and with confidence at an all-time high, it’s easy to get carried away and assume the job is done. However, the subtle nuances of savvy tailoring and styling are often what takes you from a slightly-above-average Joe to an unadulterated style savant. 

So who better to dish their tips than the timeless Turnbull & Asser, who have dressed the likes of HRH The Prince of Wales, Charlie Chaplin, Sir Winston Churchill and James Bond! Enjoy as they break down the necessities to complete your wedding day look.


Bridebook.co.uk groom styling tips


The Tie

Presuming you’ve opted for a single breasted three-piece, your tie becomes your statement piece. Whilst tradition dictates that a bowtie is the go-to, there are a few equally-smart-and-a-lot-less-fiddly options that will make you look the part. In this case, go for an ornate or herringbone silk tie in a Prince Albert knot for added depth. Head of Design Dean Gomilsek-Cole recommends this knot over a regular 4-in-hand as it provides greater length. Ensure it matches your wedding’s colour theme and that your shirt is plain – allowing the tie to have pride of place.

Bridebook.co.uk groom tie tips


The Shirt

Take it from us when we say there are white shirts, and then there are white shirts. Our West Indian Sea Island Cotton bespoke shirt provides immeasurable quality and exceptional comfort. Double cuffs (or French cuffs) and a customisable collar will allow you to have, quite literally, the perfect shirt. You can’t go wrong with a classic T&A collar, but the beauty of bespoke is that you can create something to your exact shape and preference. 



The Cufflinks

Subtlety reigns supreme when it comes to your cufflinks. They need to stay on the right side of elegance, removing excess flashiness. A monogrammed pair add a heightened touch of sophistication and will remain as keepsakes from the best day of your life. Win-win.

Bridebook.co.uk cufflinks for grooms


The Collar Stays

Behind every successful man, is a woman rolling her eyes. Behind every collar, are collar stays keeping everything intact. Arguably the most subtle of details, they play a pivotal role in ensuring one never looks unkempt. Whether it’s sterling silver or mother-of-pearl, it’s an absolute necessity for every quality shirt. We’d also suggest having an additional pair at hand, for emergency’s sake.

Bridebook.co.uk groom styling tips


The Pocket Square

Go for a square that complements the tie, but avoid having a repeating pattern. Matching at times can look relatively lazy, and loses personality and flair. Your pocket square shouldn’t steal the show, however, but rather accentuate the tie. Opt for plain silk in an accent colour, or white with coloured piping.

Bridebook.co.uk groom style tips


The Socks

An exposed ankle is more of an established rule rather than a temporary trend nowadays, however, it forms a more casual take on sartorial. There’s a time and place for that and it’s most definitely not on your wedding day. We’d suggest a plain sock that works subtly with your outfit, ideally an off-black colourway. Avoid Colgate white at all times – the only man that could pull it off was Michael Jackson, and it should be kept that way.


Always remember, when it comes to the big day the aim is to look as handsome as possible, without ever taking attention away from the bride. Other than that, enjoy the day and all it brings, and to the next chapter that awaits!

To see more of what Turnbull & Asser has to offer the groom visit: turnbullandasser.co.uk

Happy Planning!

How wedding pro’s play the pricing game

How successful wedding suppliers maintain pricing power

You’re in a meeting with a newly engaged couple. You’ve bought into their wedding vision and they’re clear on how you can help them build their big day.

Then the couple looks at you – eyes wide and enthusiastic – and one of them says…”how much?”.


Handling pricing questions can be tricky. Here are 3 tips to help you handle pricing and secure the sale when meeting newly engaged couples:


1. Be transparent with your pricing

Let’s assume you’ve already provided some basic pricing information online and are confident that the couple sitting in front of you are there because you fall within their budget and they’re serious about engaging your services.

The best way to avoid pricing issues before they even arise is to discuss each of the fundamental components or services you offer upfront and to be transparent about which of those added extras will cost the couple more.

If you’re a wedding planner be sure to mention whether you offer an ‘on the day coordinator’ package which costs a little extra but means that you’ll be there from the start of their day until the last lady dances her way home.


If you’re a wedding venue manager be clear on what is included within the brochure price and highlight the additional extras available to the couple at an extra cost.

Focus less on selling added features and more on providing a list of options that the bride or groom can buy into.

By offering cost breakdowns in keeping with the couple’s specific requests you earn their trust and avoid any difficult pricing queries later down the line.


2. Support your price with reasons why you’re great value for money

The best way to avoid price becoming the main point of conversation is to explain why you charge what you charge, and to support the fact that you provide exceptional value for money.

If you specialise in making wedding cakes explain that your costs are slightly higher than some other local wedding cake companies because you create all of the iced flowers yourself by hand. Or perhaps you charge more because you provide detailed drawings and cake designs, and work with the couple to perfect their wedding cake regardless of how many revisions there are.


Whatever your reasons are for charging what you believe you’re worth, justify them.

Have you any reviews or recommendations that you can show the couple? By supporting your claim that ‘you do it better than anyone else’ you give the couple no reason to argue with your price. They either choose quality or they’ll compromise and choose the supplier with the lowest price.

Whatever you do, don’t undervalue yourself.


3. Be careful with discounting

If you’re open to discounting make it part of your pricing strategy. If you’re willing to reduce your costs you could build in a little extra on top of what you believe your wedding services are worth before applying a price to ensure you don’t end up working for less than you can justify.

Another way to approach discounting is to agree something in return. Perhaps you’ll reduce your costs ever so slightly if the couple pays you in full now or if you’re a wedding venue, you may ask the couple to agree to a minimum guest count.

Ultimately whether you decide to discount or not is up to you but stand by what you believe in and only negotiate on price if you feel it’s a fair deal.


Be sure to sell your specialism 

Gaining and maintaining pricing power is all about ensuring that the couple will want YOU to cater to their wedding day more than anyone else.

If they can’t find anyone else to do precisely what you do as well as you do it at any price you’re in the strongest possible position.

Of course, if they don’t perceive a difference between what you do and what another wedding supplier does, the price will win.

Be transparent, be confident in your ability and know your worth, and the pricing game will be a much easier one to play (and win!).

How to network with wedding suppliers

Networking with other wedding professionals is one of the cheapest and most impactful ways to earn leads and secure bookings from engaged couples.

With that in mind, do you think you are doing it often enough or well enough?

Networking is something that comes naturally to some and fills others with dread. But don’t be fooled; being confident is *not *the most important factor in becoming a networking pro.

Successful networking is all about earning trust and taking the time to prepare beforehand.


Here are 6 ways that you can ensure you’re preparing well and giving yourself the best chance of securing bookings at your next networking opportunity…


1. Ask yourself why you are networking in the first place

Perhaps your sole purpose for networking is to spread the net far and wide in the hope that wedding suppliers across all areas might refer you to the brides and grooms they meet.

Perhaps your objective is more specific. Are you a wedding planner who has identified a gap in your partner portfolio? Perhaps you’re keen to get to know more wedding florists or cake makers so that you can offer your clients more options when it comes to helping them plan their wedding.

Perhaps you’re keen to strike up a partnership with your local wedding venue in the hope that they’ll include you on their supplier referral lists.

Whatever has driven you to focus on wedding supplier networking, know what your objective is and what you want to talk to people about before you turn up.


2. Be selective with who you want to speak to

Before you go to any networking event, take a look at the list of attendees and make a note of three people you’d like to meet. Don’t be afraid to ask the event organisers for an attendee list if it’s not listed online.


Giving yourself a target for when you arrive is likely to make you feel more confident about approaching those people. Plus by doing your homework beforehand you’ve already learnt a little about the people you’re approaching and can prepare a few specific questions and conversation topics that you’re confident will impress or engage that person.

Remember that your time is valuable so try not to get distracted and go off topic when you’re conversing with other wedding professionals. Yes, the conversation should feel natural and flow easily but try to bring it back to your core focal point if you feel you’re spending too long discussing holidays or the weather.


3. Be ready to start the conversation

Ensure you’ve rehearsed a brief elevator pitch so that you can confidently and succinctly talk about yourself and your wedding business.

Arrive at the networking event with three questions you want to ask fellow suppliers to kickstart the conversation and help you build the kind of relationship you want.

Remember, all relationships are a two way street so don’t force the conversation purely for your own benefit. Be prepared to answer questions about yourself and your wedding business, and try to let the conversation flow naturally rather than allow it to slip into a question and answer format.


4. Try not to see other wedding suppliers as competition

We speak to lots of wedding suppliers who see other businesses as competition and who are therefore reluctant to strike up a conversation with them or support them on social media with a few ‘likes’ and ‘shares’.

Change your mindset.

Whether businesses are similar to yours or completely different you’re missing a huge opportunity if you dismiss them on the basis of competition.

Think about it; when a qualified lead enquires about a weekend that another wedding supplier is already booked for, who will they recommend? Couples will inevitably ask this supplier if they can recommend anyone else and you could be the wedding supplier they choose.


5. Establish yourself as an expert in your field

Building a strong network is largely about earning trust and the best way to prove your worth is to ensure that the world knows you’re good at what you do without being boastful.

Positioning yourself as an expert verbally without saying “look how great I am” is an art, but there are a few easy ways to show you’re an expert online without seeming arrogant.

Showcase testimonials and recommendations on your website and in places that they’ll be seen, like the homepage or on your contact form. Include good feedback on your Bridebook profile from brides, grooms and other wedding suppliers so that other wedding professionals can see that you’re highly thought of by your clients and other wedding pro’s.

Set up a blog and share your expertise in the form of articles; writing about real wedding stories and giving insight into some ‘behind the scenes’ tips that help you prepare for a wedding and impress the couple you’re working with.

Knowledge sharing is to be encouraged. Other wedding suppliers can find answers to any question they need answering on the internet anyway, so be the one they turn to for this advice rather than worrying about protecting your trade secrets.

As your blog develops you may even be contacted by the media for interviews or opinion pieces as you’ll be seen as the number one expert in your field.


6. Make sure that you work at maintaining the relationship

Don’t let all of your efforts be for nothing!

Think of these supplier partnerships as friendships. You must continuously put work in to reap the true benefits.

Stay in touch with suppliers regularly so that you’re always at the forefront of their minds. Small added touches can go a long way, like sending Christmas cards and birthday cards.

Share your networks content on social media and include them when you write about real weddings they’ve worked on too on your blog.


Building supplier relationships should be your number one goal for 2017 / 2018

Building relationships with local suppliers is the best marketing tool you could ask for.

Creating a wedding dream team in the form of a community of wedding professionals all supporting each other allows you to grow professionally and you’ll see your business flourish as a result.

Plus those referrals and relationships often won’t cost you more than a cup of coffee and a little of your time.

Attend events at your local associations, meet people, exchange cards, and most importantly, follow up. Make sure that you’re easy to work with and try to position yourself as an invaluable resource of information.

Spend a little more time today nurturing your supplier network and reap the benefits in 2018 and beyond.

How to stand out in the wedding industry and win new business

5 ways wedding suppliers can win new business and improve sales skills.



Sales and bookings are the lifeblood of wedding business success. Without them, we wouldn’t be a business at all.

But it’s not always easy to understand why brides and grooms choose a competitor over you.

And in a highly competitive industry like the wedding and events industries, it’s important that you’re aware of how you approach closing a sale in order to be really good at it and to continue improving and securing more bookings.

We’ve spoken to several industry experts to find out what they think helps wedding businesses like yours stand out in today’s competitive market, and what you can do to secure more bookings.

Here are 5 ways in which you can win new business and improve your sales skills…


1. Identify what makes your business unique

It’s essential that you can instantly identify (and be prepared to discuss) your wedding business’ USP – your unique selling proposition.

You need to give potential clients a reason to choose you over the competition and to do this, you must have evidence to support what makes you different to everyone else.

What do couples say about you after you’ve finished working with them? What do they write in testimonials and reviews?


Be prepared to discuss your best assets and show proof of weddings you’ve worked on where these assets have come into play and made a couple overwhelmingly happy with what you’ve done for them.

2. Listen more than you talk

It’s easy to get carried away when meeting a prospective client and to talk about all the wonderful things you could do for them.

The most powerful sales tool at your disposal is the ability to listen.

Ask open ended questions and be sure to listen to their specific needs to show that you understand that their wedding is unique to them and to show that you’re willing to tailor what you’ve done in the past to suit them and their desires for their wedding day.

3. Consider your pricing strategy carefully

Why do you charge what you charge? How highly do you value your services?

Pricing competitively is important but providing great value for the services you specialise in is the most important thing.

Of course couples will be cost conscious but this doesn’t always mean that they’ll choose the cheapest wedding supplier.

Be prepared to explain why you charge what you charge and focus on the quality of the service you provide, the value you could add and support these claims with client feedback.


4. Pay attention to how interested the couple seem to be

Try to read prospective clients and be conscious of any buying signals they might be giving.

If they ask you about your availability for their wedding day or if they discuss their plans and reference your business specifically as being the wedding venue for them or mention you helping them with wedding planning, floral arrangements or their cake in conversations, they’re most likely ready to commit to you.

Similarly, if the couple seem disinterested or keen to wrap up the conversation, give them the space they need to reach a decision but prepare to move on to your next potential client.

5. Express your intent to close the sale and begin helping them build their dream day

It’s ok to be open about how much you’d like to work with the couple. Once you’ve reached this final stage, ask the bride and / or groom if they’d be ready to move forward and pay a deposit to secure your services.

And whilst it’s ok to let them know that you’re booking up fast, be sure not to put too much pressure on the prospective clients and make them feel forced into making a snap decision. A lot of people will feel uneasy and even a little suspicious if you focus too much on securing a deposit fast because of how busy you are.

If they choose not to pay a deposit there and then, make sure that you follow up with them after your meeting.


Be confident, be professional and success will follow

Approach ‘closing the sale’ with a quiet confidence in your wedding business and in your abilities as a wedding professional.

Prospective clients will pick up on how keen you are to work with them so a balance between interest, calm and professionalism is the most surefire way to impress couples and win bookings in 2018 and beyond.

How wedding suppliers impress couples at the first meeting


Secure wedding bookings in an instant with these handy tips from seasoned pros

Do you struggle to nail the first client meeting and secure wedding bookings?

Having a successful meeting that culminates in a booking is largely dependent on how you prepare for and approach meeting newly engaged couples, and on the kind of first impression you make.

Here’s how successful wedding professionals prepare to meet new couples and guarantee themselves a booking in 2018 and beyond…

1. Preparing for the first meeting 

As the saying goes, those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

It is so important that you prepare for the first meeting ahead of time and really do your research.


Treat this appointment as seriously as if you were going for an important interview. Find out as much as you can about the couple and their tastes before you meet. Send them a short, fun questionnaire to complete and return, or arrange a Skype call to guarantee some face time with the couple and ask them about their wedding style preferences.

Don’t ever assume you know everything and arrive at the meeting armed with lots of new ideas and fresh suggestions that reflect the kind of wedding you think the couple are looking to achieve.

Questions are your most important weapon at this first meeting. It is your job to ask, listen and make suggestions.

Tip: ask the couple to take a look at your website before you meet (which will of course, feature tons of great reviews – bonus!) and give them an idea of your costs. Most millennial couples will ask to know your prices before meeting anyway so it’s worth including pricing parameters on your website and Bridebook profile to save you time and ensure you don’t attract couples who aren’t genuinely interested in hiring you.


The final thing to consider before you meet is what you’re planning to wear to the appointment.

What do you know about the couple? If you know that you’re meeting a young, London based couple who work in advertising, for example, feel free to let more of your personality shine through and wear something informal that reflects who you really are.

But if the bride and / or groom you’re meeting haven’t given much away about themselves, dress conservatively as this shows professionalism and is a surefire way to make a good first impression.

2.How to make a good first impression

Making a good first impression is absolutely essential for wedding professionals when securing bookings and in securing a professional reputation for yourself amongst other wedding suppliers.

So how do you do it?

Well realistically, you’ve probably only got 2 minutes to make a good first impression and it’s all dependant on the words you use and the body language you choose. In fact, research shows that 60 to 90 percent of our communication with others is actually nonverbal.

Here are some tips (verbal and nonverbal) to help you make the best first impression…

  • Check your posture – keep your back straight, your shoulders relaxed and your head raised to give off an air of confidence
  • Mirror the body language of the person (or people) you’re meeting. This shows that you are in agreement and that you like the person you are with
  • Align your body with the person you’re talking to and lean in so that you appear engaged
  • Always remember to greet others with a firm handshake – but not too firm. This is probably one of the most important elements of body language because it sets the tone for the entire conversation
  • Introduce yourself and your business with assurance
  • Make eye contact and give the couple a genuine smile. By nodding and smiling in a natural way as you communicate with a couple you are showing them that you understand, agree, and are listening to their opinions
  • Use your hands to gesture when you speak as this improves your credibility with the listener. Did you know that there is evidence to suggest that gesturing with your hands while speaking actually improves your thinking processes?
  • Speak slowly and clearly to couples as this brings a sense of calm and control to the conversation

3.Start the conversation strong

Ensure that you’ve prepared and rehearsed your elevator pitch in time for the meeting.

As a wedding supplier, this ‘introductory speech’ should be relaxed yet professional. Think of it as a well articulated introduction of yourself, your wedding business and your experience which will set the tone for a positive conversation thereafter.

Keep your intro to less than 30 seconds and make sure that you smile, pause often and leave space for the couple to ask any questions or interject with details about themselves and their wedding desires.


Don’t forget to ask questions and remember to use this first meeting as an opportunity to show – not tell – the couple about your experiences.

Share stories of recent weddings where you’ve helped another loved up couple realise their wedding dreams. Bring a portfolio to the appointment and showcase your best weddings of 2017; making sure you pre-select just a few examples in keeping with the couple’s preferred style so that they can relate to the weddings you’re showing them.

Use the examples as prompts for the new wedding you’re trying to build for this new couple and explain how you could apply similar elements to their very own special day. This should be your constant focus so don’t get too preoccupied with weddings you’ve catered to in the past.

This meeting is all about helping a new couple create future memories.

Tip: Remember that you’re there to learn about the couple as much as they are there to learn about you. Ask lots of questions and listen more than you talk. Your contribution to this meeting shouldn’t feel like a sales pitch – it should be centred on how you can help this particular couple plan and build their wedding.

Are you ready to make this first client meeting your best yet?

Approach your next client meeting confidently knowing that you’ve done all you can to prepare for it; both literally (with research and portfolios) and mentally (by rehearsing how to make a good first impression).

If upon meeting the new couple you feel that for some reason you aren’t the right fit for their wedding, be honest with them early on. They’ll probably appreciate it and will be more likely to share your name with their engaged friends.

But the chances are that if you’ve taken the time to get to know the couple a little before you meet and if you prepare the kind of information you think they’ll appreciate, the meeting will go well and result in a booking for your business.

We hope we’ve left you with a great impression of what a little prep and a little forethought can do for you at your first client meeting.

Go get that booking!

5 tips to guaranteeing wedding show success


Can you believe we’re already reaching that period when wedding bookings begin to slow but the number of national and local wedding fairs begin to ramp up in anticipation of 2018 / 2019 bookings?

The smartest wedding pros will already be signing up to showcase their unique supplier services at wedding events from September through to November so we thought “what better time to take stock and remind ourselves of exactly how to stand out at a wedding supplier show?!”

Whether you’re preparing for your very first wedding show or are an established wedding show exhibitor, check out these top tips from wedding industry experts that’ll help you maximise your return this year and make the most out of the opportunities that present themselves at UK wedding fairs in 2017…

1. Preparation is key

Tell people you’re going 

At least one week before you’re due to exhibit at a wedding show, use social media and email to advertise your appearance and let your followers and prospects know that you’ll be there.

If you’re lucky enough to have a list of contact numbers from interested prospects, call them and invite them to come along too. Remember to let couples know which number your stand will be at.


Prepare post event communications before the event

It’s really important that you set aside some time to prepare follow up communications for after the wedding show in advance. You’ll want to be able to follow up as soon after the show as you can, and having pre-prepared templates will enable speedy yet effective post event communications.

The last thing you want to do is rush to put something substandard together after the wedding show or leave it too long only to find that your prospects have already booked with another supplier.

Prepare separate email templates for ‘interested parties’ versus ‘appointments’ so that you’ve got very separate communications ready to tailor to each individual you’ve met. For more information on the importance of personalising your emails and how to construct effective email communications, read this article.

2. Make sure your wedding stand stands out

There are probably going to be a lot of other wedding suppliers competing for the attention of brides and grooms at this event so it’s imperative that you stand out.


Here are three easy ways to say “look at me” at your next wedding show…

  • Try to build some height when dressing your stand so that you can be spotted from across the room and don’t be afraid to use lighting and colour.
  • Use professional signage that’s easy to read from a distance and again, put it up high so that more people can see it.
  • Make sure that your stand reflects what you do. If you’re a wedding florist create a showstopping booth made up of your most creative and impressive blooms and floral combinations. If you make wedding cakes, construct a tower that will draw “oohs” and “ahhs” from engaged couples looking to impress at their weddings next year.

3. Give away good freebies

It’s no secret that we all love a freebie and it’s a great way to attract crowds to your stand. True, some attendees will just be interested in the free goods but you’ll definitely reel in interested couples too.

The trick to separating the freebie-lovers from the serious bookers is this…when people approach your stall qualify them by asking when their wedding day is and which suppliers they’ve already secured so that you don’t waste time with the ones who aren’t going to convert to bookings.

Don’t sit down in your booth or stand with your arms crossed. Be open, friendly, smile and encourage couples to approach you and communicate.

Wondering what freebies you could offer?

Sweets and cupcakes always work well, as do gimmicky toys or gadgets that could help couples in their wedding planning journey. If you can, make sure that whatever you give away has your business name and contact information on it for maximum promotion.


You could try running a competition and include a bigger giveaway such as a romantic meal for two or an overnight stay at your wedding venue and gather contact details in exchange for entries.

4. Set a clear goal

Are you trying to make sales, book appointments or just gather as many contact details as you can from interested prospects?

Decide what your objective is beforehand and stick to it as best you can. When couples approach you, know what you want from them before you start discussing your wedding services.

Talk to as many couples as you can. Gather their details and if you need to offer something extra to get them to commit to an appointment you could offer them 10% off if they book your wedding venue or services within a 2-4 week period.

Remember to follow up with your appointments and contacts soon after the wedding show to give yourself the best chance of securing bookings whilst your wedding services are fresh in their minds.

5. Network with other wedding suppliers

One of our favourite benefits of a wedding show is that it gives you a chance to network with other wedding suppliers on a national and / or local level.

Arrive early so that you can meet other wedding professionals whilst you’re setting up and trade business cards or details so that you can keep in touch with them after the wedding show.

Creating networks between like minded suppliers is the best way to help boost referrals between yourselves.


Make wedding shows work for you

Now you’re armed with some of the best tips we have to offer it’s time to go and put your stamp on the industry.

How will you stand out from the crowd at 2017 wedding fairs?

The importance of ‘email’ in the UK wedding industry today


How we communicate with couples as wedding suppliers is probably the most important part of our job.

There is no ‘wedding planning’ without communication and in order to give yourself the best chance of securing that booking, impressing that client and winning rave reviews, you need to be communicating in a way that couples appreciate and understand.

In Bridebook’s 2017 Wedding Report, 84% of couples said that email was their preferred method of liaising with wedding suppliers.

No matter how much you advocate phone calls or how frustrated you get at couples for avoiding actual voice on voice contact, you can’t change a Millennial.

Why Millennial brides and grooms aren’t big on phone calls

The reason behind this generation’s preference for online communication is fairly simple. The Millennial generation grew up with the internet, social media and smartphone technology, and they’ve fully experienced the evolution of information consumption.


Millennials are used to consuming information fast; absorbing one thing and then quickly moving on to something else. And they’re spending more time online.

This renders them big on multitasking and put simply, whizzing an email across to you listing out succinct details of what they’re after is preferable over a phone call involving pleasantries and a degree of chit chat.

Seeing as most calls need to be followed up with an email of action points anyway, we can kind of see where they’re coming from.

Think about it; in a world where “Likes” are a way of showing you appreciate content without having to spend time on writing actual words, you too need to adapt.

So you’ve come around to the idea of email over phone call. How do you now ensure your email etiquette is on point?

4 easy ways to make email work for your wedding business

Here are four things you need to be doing to ensure you’re nailing the communication game in 2018…

1. Be responsive

51% of couples said that responsiveness was a factor they looked for when planning their wedding in 2017 so you need to make sure you reply as promptly as possible.

Leaving couples ‘hanging’ for more than 48 hours will not only lose you a booking it will also damage your reputation as a wedding business. Take time to reply to all enquiries.

2. Tone and consistency is important

As this is probably the first impression you’ll be making on the couple, think carefully about your email ‘tone of voice’.

Don’t spend ages editing your emails but do think about the words you’re using and be sure to inject some of your personality into your response. You should try to convey your excitement to the couple as best you can so that they in turn, feel excited reading your email.


And although nowadays, emails are often used informally in communication make sure that you always check your punctuation, spelling and grammar so that you come across as intelligent and professional.

Consistency in the way you communicate with couples is an essential component in building a strong brand for your wedding business.

3. Get personal

Generic emails that could apply to anyone aren’t going to win over newly engaged couples – or anyone for that matter.

Personalise your emails by addressing the person you are emailing by name and include the name of their partner (if you know it at this stage). Refer to the details they’ve included in their enquiry to show you’ve taken the time to read their message and consider their request.

4. Use emails efficiently

As mentioned earlier, phone calls with couples are usually followed up with emails and action points anyway, so use emails to your advantage and include as much detail as you can in each to ensure communication is efficient AND to give yourself more time to focus on other things.

Really think about what you want to say and you’re more likely to receive positive responses from your recipients.

Email is a wedding suppliers best friend

Millennials like to take charge of their own organisation and work at their own pace. Email allows for this and further still, the team at Bridebook supports this by enabling couples to contact venues and wedding suppliers directly (via an email direct to your inbox).

Win new clients and win positive feedback from existing ones when you choose to liaise with couples over email.

Be responsive, be polite and embrace email! Of course there’s a place for phone calls, texts and website contact forms but lead with email and you shouldn’t go far wrong.

Should we – as Wedding Suppliers – embrace social media at weddings or discourage it?

How do you feel about social media at weddings? Wedding suppliers…it’s time to join the debate!


Social media at weddings – it’s like marmite.

No matter how long you’ve been working in the wedding industry for, we can all appreciate that there’s something about the simplicity of watching a wedding with your eyes rather than through the screen of a smartphone that makes the old fashioned way seem more meaningful and appealing.

Couples have probably spent a fair amount of time and money on making their big day one to remember and being present to fully experience the wedding is something guests didn’t have to be asked to do just a few years ago. They’d just do it.

But many millennial couples are embracing social media as an official part of their ‘wedding package’ and are encouraging guests to snap away and document their day. To be fair to them, the next generation of brides and grooms grew up on the internet and for many of them, their wedding simply wouldn’t seem official or complete unless it’s posted on a few social newsfeeds. It’s unnatural for them not to post.


Newlywed millennials change their status to “married” on Facebook or Instagram before they’ve even gone down to breakfast the morning after their nuptials.

There’s no denying that wedding professionals who incorporate wedding hashtags and make it easy for couples to share, tag and find wedding photos and videos on Facebook, Snapchat  and Instagram have an advantage with younger couples compared to wedding suppliers who won’t entertain the idea at all.

The question is, which side are you on? 

Are you willing to facilitate the move to real-time online weddings by making it easy for couples and their guests to upload and share photos and videos with just one click?

Or are you on team “unplug” – determined to preserve the sanctity of weddings by refusing to encourage all guests to become photographers?

Embracing the plugged in wedding

The main focus of every wedding day is on making sure that the newlyweds are happy. Does everyone being glued to their phones add to their big day or detract from it? The decision to plug or unplug should ultimately be the couples.

If you choose to be open about plugged in weddings and offer to support digi-savvy couples, you’ll need to work closely with each of them to come up with ways to share content in real time.


Use wedding hashtags, ask if couples use Periscope and impress them by asking if they’d like to stream live, behind the scenes footage of them each getting ready for their wedding day! And of course, ensure that your couples can easily upload and download any pictures and videos you take after the wedding.

Tip: ask plugged in couples to follow your wedding business on any social channels you’re present on and ask them to tag you in any posts they share. This way you’ll benefit from some free social advertising.

Standing strong as an unplugged wedding ambassador

You’re completely against it. The unappointed guest paparazzi don’t just ruin the wedding for themselves AND for the couple getting wed, it also affects your ability as a wedding professional to do the best job possible.

You refuse to be a part of something where guests are removed from the experience and more interested in editing pics of themselves than toasting the happy couple.

Own your opinion and lead the charge! Become an advocate for couples who want to experience every moment and encourage their guests to be present in the moment.

How do you feel about social media at weddings? 

When it comes to the marmite of millennial weddings, do you love it or hate it?

UK wedding venues have discovered the secret to free marketing and more bookings

Isn’t it about time your wedding venue gained a free Bridebook Business profile?!


UK wedding venues have discovered the secret to free marketing and more bookings.

Don’t you love it when leads come flooding in without you having to do very much at all?

What’s that now? You’re still working hard to book weddings at your venue?

Well we may have just the answer…

Introducing Bridebook Business

Something pretty exciting is happening at Bridebook HQ and we want to shout it from the rooftop (of your wedding venue, preferably)…

UK wedding venues are now choosing to ‘couple up’ with Bridebook Business and feature for free on our wedding planning platform as part of their lead generation strategy, and we couldn’t be more thrilled about it.

We’re huge advocates of wedding supplier networking and in wedding venues and businesses working together to support each other.

That’s why we’re so keen to encourage more wedding venues to register with Bridebook for free and take advantage of these kinds of blissful benefits:

  • Access to more than 40,000 couples who are registered on Bridebook right now

  • Exposure to our 250,000 social media followers

  • Connections to over 14,000 wedding businesses keen to share knowledge and support each other with local referrals

  • Opportunities to chat with couples via direct email enquiries

  • The chance to show off your portfolio, awards and client reviews and testimonials

  • Enhance your SEO with a featured listing on our high ranking wedding planning platform

How does it work?

Your job is to set up and manage your venues’ personal business account which is quick and easy to do. It only takes 10 minutes to set up your account and then you can spend as much time as you like adding to it.

Of course the more information you provide the better, as couples on Bridebook can filter supplier searches by capacity, style and location, meaning that the more information you include on your profile the better matched you’ll be to newly engaged couples and the higher you’ll rank in searches.


Plus you’ll be more likely to impress the couples that land on your wedding venue profile page and subsequently, they’ll be more likely to get in touch with you and enquire about a visit.

Management-wise, it’s just a case of making sure that all of your wedding venues’ details are kept up to date and relevant – particularly with regards to contact details, pricing and images.

Once your account is set up you’re ready to start attracting the thousands of couples who are searching for wedding venues just like you.

What can wedding venues include on their Bridebook profile?

You really can add as much information as you’d like to your Bridebook profile and if you’ve any recommendations for us in terms of developing our platform to allow for more information to be featured, please feel free to get in touch.

Here’s what you can include…

  • Unlimited photos

  • Direct Contact Details

  • Description of services

  • Links to Social Media

  • Pricing Information

  • Client reviews & testimonials

  • Supplier recommendations

  • Unlimited videos

  • Selection of products

  • Industry awards and features

  • FAQs

  • A personal message from the Manager of your venue

How couples get in touch with your wedding venue

Couples can contact you directly through our direct messaging system (which goes straight to your email inbox) so it’s really important that you keep your contact details up to date to avoid missing out on enquiries.

It’s about time your wedding venue gained a Bridebook Business profile

Wedding venues in particular benefit from a presence on the Bridebook platform simply because choosing a venue is one of the greatest decisions a couple will make when planning their wedding, and using an online directory to shortlist all of the venues in their chosen location is the method of choice for most brides and grooms.

If you’re not visible alongside other wedding venues in your area, you could miss out on those all important bookings.

Effortlessly pack your calendar with weddings in your area whilst also filling your mid-week, off season and late availability dates without stress when you get in touch today or get started on your free Bridebook Business profile.

3 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Wedding Professional

3 things wedding suppliers can do to stay motivated as we near the end of peak wedding season 2017.


Wedding suppliers are often believed to have one of the best jobs in the world. Working with giddy couples to build their dream wedding sounds just wonderful doesn’t it.


And although we know you really do love what you do it’s OK to admit that sometimes the behind-the-scenes client meetings, venue walkthroughs, contract negotiations and paperwork can leave you feeling a little fed up.


But being demotivated is a luxury that wedding suppliers can’t afford to indulge in for too long.


Being on top of your game for each and every wedding you work on for each and every couple you work with is essential. It’s unfair to the couples you work with to be anything other than 100% dedicated to making their wedding day everything they dream it will be.


3 ways to stay motivated for the weddings you’re working on now

Here are 3 things you can do to help you stay motivated and push through any weariness as we approach the end of peak wedding season 2017.


1. Stop procrastinating

Research into motivational factors discussed in Psychology Today suggests that people who just get the job done procrastinate less and are more motivated to move on to the next task than those who spend too long thinking about and assessing one individual task.

We all know how great it feels to check something off of our to-do list. It’s great for motivation and self esteem. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and demotivated, begin by completing the smaller tasks and this feeling of accomplishment will spur you on to tackle the bigger ones.


2. When it gets too much, step away

Some days, no matter what you do you just can’t bring yourself to tackle that mountain of ‘urgent tasks’ and sitting at a desk staring at your screen is only going to make you feel worse.

When you’re feeling utterly uninspired, the best thing to do is unplug, step away from the workplace and take a break. Go for a walk, go grab a coffee, do some reading or hit the gym. Do whatever it takes to help you switch off and unwind so that you can return to your to-do-list with a clear head and a revitalised outlook on the task at hand.


3. Think about the bigger picture

When helping plan a wedding, it’s easy to get lost in the detail of all the subtasks that need addressing and lose sight of what it is you’re really doing and why.

Think about why you chose to run a wedding business or work in the wedding industry in the first place.** **

Weddings are your passion! Remind yourself of all the things you love about being a wedding venue or wedding supplier and write down all the fantastic things you’ve accomplished. Read good feedback from newlywed couples whose dream wedding day was achieved because of things that YOU did.

Feeling uninspired is a horrible feeling but step back and look at the bigger picture. This fed up feeling will soon pass and you’ll be back to your best. Sometimes, a little mental refocusing is all we need to pull us through the tough times.

Stay motivated by addressing ‘autonomy, mastery and purpose’

If you’re particularly interested in finding out more about what motivates people in business, we’d recommend you read Dan Pink’s Drive: the Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.


He focuses on three intrinsic elements to motivation at work: autonomy, mastery and purpose.


Having the power to direct your own life and control the activities you manage is essential. Having the desire to continually improve at something you love to do really matters. And knowing that what you do makes a difference to someone, somewhere is what drives us.


Do you have autonomy, mastery and purpose when it comes to managing your wedding business?

How UK Wedding Suppliers can get the most out of Engagement Season

By preparing just a few small things now in time for November your wedding business will guarantee more bookings for 2018.


It barely feels as though we’ve gotten going with peak, summer wedding season but lo and behold, engagement season is just around the corner.

Statistics show that around 40% of couples who will be engaged in the next 12 months will do so between November and February, which means wedding suppliers only have a couple of months to get their house in order in time for the prime wedding business bookings period.

Here are 4 things wedding suppliers like you need to be doing NOW to ensure you’ve the best chance of winning bookings throughout engagement season…

1. Review your online presence

Just as we advised you to prepare your online business for the 2017 peak wedding season, it’s now time to readdress and revisit your website and all online profiles to check that all of your business information is correct and that your wedding portfolio is up to date.


Your brand image and contact information must be consistent across all online platforms and you must make it as easy as possible for engaged couples to find you and get in touch. If your information isn’t instantly accessible and readily available, newly engaged millennial couples won’t waste much time searching for it before moving on to your competitors.

Is your Bridebook Business profile complete, relevant and up to date? Share your best photos, include up to date pricing information and post good feedback from the couples you’ve worked with throughout wedding season 2017 on your profile to really maximise your chances of being spotted and shortlisted on this platform.

Remember, your professional image could suffer if you’re presenting your wedding services in a different way in different places online. Pricing information, images and contact information must be consistently included and updated wherever your business features on the web.

And finally, don’t neglect your social media accounts.


Remember to update them with fresh content regularly and tag couples in your posts to encourage engagement and show you’ve forged good relationships with the couples you’ve worked with this year.

Potential new clients will often check out the social media profiles of wedding businesses they’ve shortlisted before they get in touch to get a feel for the service you offer, to see pictures of weddings you’ve catered for this year and to find out what other happy couples have to say about you.

2. Publish and promote the reviews and recommendations you’ve collected this wedding season

We’ve already highlighted the importance of reviews when it comes to helping wedding suppliers secure new bookings so we just want to take this opportunity to reiterate that recommendations from couples you’ve worked with this wedding season are your best asset when it comes to attracting newly engaged couples and securing bookings for 2018.


Did you know that the average couple reads 7.6 reviews before contacting wedding professionals? Make it your goal to publish any reviews you’ve gathered on your website, social media accounts and on your Bridebook profile. If you’re still waiting for feedback from some of the couples you’ve worked with, chase them up now.

Newlyweds love to talk about their wedding and the majority will be more than happy to write a few words on how you contributed to making their day so special. In fact, 70% of customers will leave a review for a business if you ask them for it.

What are you waiting for?!

3. Check that your calendar is up-to-date

Your availability is going to be a hot topic during engagement season. Couples will need to know exactly when you’re available and when you’re not, and being able to access this information and reply to their queries quickly will give you the best chance of securing their booking.

Try to fill in your calendar with as many details as you can about your bookings for wedding season 2018, not forgetting to factor in time for site visits, travel and administrative tasks too. Don’t be overly optimistic with your time – be realistic. You don’t want to let couples down because you’ve incorrectly estimated time commitments and you don’t want to put unnecessary pressure on yourself to fulfil everyone’s needs either.

4. Do your research and make a good first impression

Once you’ve clarified your availability and agreed a time to meet with a newly engaged couple, the real work begins.

Making a good first impression depends largely on whether you’ve done your research. Take the time to learn a little about the couple you’re meeting and you’ll make a great first impression.


Check back over your email conversations to get an idea of the style of wedding the couple you’re meeting are looking for. Open your meeting by asking the couple questions about themselves and how they met, and ask them to tell you their engagement story. Facilitating this kind of personal connection will help you secure bookings and work together with the couple more harmoniously during the wedding planning process.

And finally, be prepared to discuss the latest wedding trends and arrive at the meeting armed with a portfolio of your weddings from 2017 to demonstrate the kinds of things other couples are choosing to include on their wedding day.

Make engagement season work for you

Engagement season shouldn’t be made to feel like a relentless continuation of peak wedding season that demands late nights, early mornings and difficult requests.

By preparing just a few small things now in time for November your wedding business will be best placed to attract couples looking to wed next year with little time investment required from yourself.

How wedding suppliers get published in PR


A wedding supplier’s guide to gaining exposure through great content

We’ve highlighted some of the ways in which wedding professionals can approach the creation of newsworthy PR stories guaranteed to boost bookings but how do you then deliver that story into the right hands and in the right way?

It’s all well and good having a fantastic story to share about your company, your successes or your sector but how do you get the attention of the right people in the media?

Think about how many other wedding industry professionals like you are currently researching or writing an engaging piece of content. Now imagine being an editor and having one space to fill in your next supplement but 50-100 content submissions to sift through?

Standing out in the crowd is the difference between PR success and failure.

How wedding suppliers should approach content submissions

Here are 5 steps you should take to ensure you’re giving your wedding business the best chance of exposure through publication of your content…

1. Check that your wedding website is up to scratch

The first thing to do before you kick start any PR campaign is to review your company website. Make sure that all of your information is up to date and that your content is conveying the right message for you and your brand.

Believe it or not, the success of story submissions can often be down to how professional you seem as a wedding supplier. Editors aren’t going to want to associate their media publications with businesses that appear out of date or unprofessional.

Plus, you’re unlikely to convert business from press stories if your website falls short!

2. Produce a shortlist of relevant media contacts

Do your research and create a wishlist of websites, blogs and publications you’d like to feature in; making sure that the media you pursue are relevant to your target audience and if possible, local to your business.

Take a look at the kinds of content each media outlet is showcasing to decide whether your work and your writing suitably matches their tone, style and subject.

Tip: getting your work published takes time and whilst it may be tempting to email every media outlet you know of, the best approach is to properly research the publications that best suit your brand and location.

3. Review submission guidelines

It is so important for you to spend time reading submission guidelines on the websites of media outlets you’re hoping to contact.

So many businesses don’t do this and fall short as a result. Follow submission rules and you’re already ahead of much of the competition.

4. Include a detailed summary with your submission

When submitting your story to the press, it’s important that you provide a detailed excerpt that succinctly describes exactly what your story is about.

Take time preparing your pitch and highlight the key details of your content AND your business, e.g. state that you specialise in unique wedding cakes, modern floral design or bespoke wedding dresses, and include details of where you’re based. Many local media outlets will be more inclined to publish stories from local businesses.

Tip: remember to tailor your pitch to each media outlet. A few sentences aimed specifically at the publication you’re contacting could be the ones that catch the eye of an editor looking for a wedding supplier who’s done their research.

5. Attach images

If you take the task of having to source imagery away from editors, they’ll love you for it. Plus, when you accompany text with images it instantly makes a story stand out. Photos are excellent at instantly conveying emotion and telling their own story; even without the support of written words.

PR success is just a carefully crafted submission away

Getting content published is tough but when you start to enjoy the fruits of your labour you may find that the exposure is exactly what you need to take your wedding business to the next level.

Approach PR in a strategic and controlled way; knowing who you want to reach, the message you want to convey and where best your content will succeed.

Ensure that your efforts are measurable through google analytics and contact forms and remember that there are multiple benefits to PR aside from direct business, such as brand awareness, third party credibility and links to your website (for SEO points).

So in the words of Benjamin Franklin, all that’s left to do now is “write something worth reading or do something worth writing about”.

Get out there and leave your mark on the wedding industry because in PR, we create our own luck.

Is your wedding website deemed ‘relatable’ by couples of today?

Nowadays, wedding suppliers can expect to work on weddings of couples differing in body shape, age, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation.


The importance of building an inclusive wedding business online 

Spend a few moments thinking about the couples you’ve worked with in the past year or two.

Think about what they looked like, how their personal styles differed and whether they surprised you by being that little bit different to others you worked with years ago.

These days, wedding suppliers can expect to work on weddings of couples differing in body shape, age, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. Society is becoming increasingly diverse and thankfully, increasingly accepting of diversity too.

But the media and the online wedding world is still playing catch up and we’re not seeing widespread diversity when it comes to advertisements, magazines and websites. Here are the top Google image results for the phrase ‘UK wedding magazine’:


Not astoundingly diverse results, are they.

We can see that no men feature on the front of any of these magazines, nor do any older people. And the only addition of any ethnic variation comes from a magazine specific to ‘Black Brides’.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of wedding websites, social networks and advertisements still only cater to one type of client.

And yet according to a recent Wedding Industry Insights fact sheet, 40% of straight grooms and 50% of brides and grooms of color admit that it’s difficult for them to relate to, or see themselves reflected in the content and imagery of magazines and online media. Same-sex couples agree that this is a challenge for them when wedding planning.

So how can we, as wedding industry professionals, ensure that we’re being inclusive and welcoming all clients with open arms on our business website, social networks and in our marketing materials?

How wedding professionals can portray an inclusive online presence

Ask yourself; are all of your recent clients (from the past year) reflected, represented and considered in your marketing content?

If your answer is no, here are five simple ways in which you can incorporate diversity and ensure your content is applicable to all modern day couples on your website:

1. The simplest way to ensure your website is relatable to millennial couples is to showcase a diverse assortment of visual content. Include same sex couples and couples of varying ethnicity in your main website image and ensure that your photo albums and video content also includes men and women of all ages and body types.


2. Ensure that your diverse portfolio of images is mirrored on all social media profiles you own. Consistency in image content and tone across all online platforms (blogs, social media and website) is the most effective way of building a brand with couples of today.


3. List out all of the types of weddings you service on your website to make it clear that you’re open to working with same-sex couples. You could detail the types of weddings you cater to on your services page or even on the FAQ section of your website.


4. If you’re struggling to gather original imagery that represents all the types of weddings you have – or would – cater to, purchase stock imagery that doesn’t necessarily focus on people. Use high quality images of wedding decorations, wedding cakes or wedding flowers instead to avoid alienating potential clients.


5. Ensure you’re using inclusive language on your wedding website and in all marketing materials. Ditch the term ‘bride’ in favour of the word ‘couples’ whenever you can so that same sex couples can relate to the words on your pages.


As we near 2018, we should expect to see more wedding businesses portraying a more diverse and inclusive brand image to potential couples – both online and offline.

Avoid being left behind and ensure your wedding business isn’t deemed ‘out of touch’ with couples of today by addressing your image now and ensuring you’re speaking to real couples in the right way.

How wedding businesses like yours are using PR to bag bookings

How wedding suppliers can educate others and begin to carve a reputation as a thought leader in the wedding industry.


If you’ve had an epic year working on some of the best weddings yet, you want the world to know about it, right?

Getting your brand out there and letting newly engaged couples know what you do and where you do it will help you secure bookings now and into 2018, and it will also help you build your reputation amongst other suppliers AND build your profile generally in the wedding industry.

But to shout about your successes and unique selling points takes skill, tact and, well, a strategic and well-implemented public relations (PR) campaign.

The first step in organising any kind of campaign is to know and understand your audience and to have something really great to talk to them about.


Success in PR is fundamentally down to whether you have an attention grabbing, newsworthy story because there’s a lot of noise out there and to have your story published by an editor, it needs to stand out.

So what makes a story newsworthy?

Empowerment, progression and inspiration

Wedding planner, Sharn Khaira, had her story published in the Swindon Advertiser and earned a link to her website after sharing her entrepreneurial journey in a bid to empower Asian women and encourage them to take the plunge and get into business.


Her website Desi Bride Dreams ranks number one in Google for Asian wedding blog and she has since gone on to host workshops aimed specifically at Asian women in business and founded a group called AFEC where she can now interact with like-minded women. The group now boasts over 300 members.

If you’re sitting on a success story that challenges cultural expectations, demonstrates progression and empowers others to succeed, it’s time to share.

Win an award

If you really are the best of the best, you should most definitely be entering local and national awards. And if you go on to win, it’s likely you’ll feature in published press releases without even having to prepare anything yourself.

That’s what happened to Gemma from Castledawson when she was recently named as Cake Designer of the Year in Ireland’s prestigious Wedding Journal Reader Awards. Her story features in the Mid Ulster Mail and is likely to drum up some attention amongst locals.


Contribute unique insights

You’re working at the front line of the wedding industry which means that nobody on the outside possesses the unique insight you do when it comes to knowing what’s happening with weddings right now.

Gather stats or highlight trends in your wedding sector that you think couples and other wedding suppliers would find interesting and informative.

Data and insights gathered by Bridebook enabled the team to commission an article titled: Pippa Middleton’s Wedding Is Expected To Cost £246,949, and this piece earned over 100 engagements in more than 30 countries.

Or perhaps you’re a wedding caterer and you’ve had a myriad of odd food requests this year that you think would entertain and delight an editor and your target audience.

The content queens at Huffington Post recently featured an article on Food Trends For Weddings 2017. Could you have contributed or produced something similar?


Data is the hardest thing to come by when editors are looking to place content into the media, so make a note of the changes you notice and the numbers you gather and provide unique and insightful content to the media that’s got a great chance of getting published.

Are you ready to get started?

Start gathering ideas today for topics you could educate others in and begin to carve a reputation for yourself as a thought leader in the wedding industry.

For more PR tips check out our How to Get Published in PR article.

Wedding Venues in Newcastle and Beyond.

Fed up of trawling round boring venues that all end up moulding into one? It’s time for a venue change-up, and Bridebook.co.uk is here to help! We’ve found 25 of the best wedding venues near Newcastle that will put a spin on your big day. 

Hopefully, you love these stunning venues as much as we do…but if you’re still not satisfied, take a look for yourself using our Wedding Venue Search tool.

1.Assembly Rooms

Bridebook.co.uk Assembly Rooms

Newcastle’s Assembly Rooms is a premier banqueting venue that offers a unique ambience and a classy way to dine on your wedding day. Just sit back, relax and take in the beautiful sights of this venue!

2. The Mansion House

Bridebook.co.uk The Mansion House

This classic Victorian Mansion House is a great choice if you require an elegant backdrop and impressive location for your wedding. Celebrate your nuptials in style, with this lavish venue!

3. As You Like It

Bridebook.co.uk As You Like It

The incredibly quirky As You Like It, just outside the city centre, really is a one-of-a-kind venue. This hidden gem strives to make your day extra special with heaps of imagination and maybe even a surprise or two.

4. Theatre Royal Newcastle

Bridebook.co.uk Theatre Royal Newcastle

The recently restored Theatre Royal Newcastle are where dreams become reality! This incredible spaces has plenty of grace and class for your magical day – now it’s your turn to step into the spotlight!

5. Vallum Farm

Bridebook.co.uk Vallum Farm

Just a stone’s throw away from the city lies the oasis of Vallum Farm. This versatile venue offers rustic country features while still being uber-glam for your special day. Enjoy a laid-back barbecue or a fine dining experience at this incredible venue – where anything goes.

6. Mafton Hall Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk Maften Hall Hotel

Surrounded by 300 acres of picturesque parkland, Mafton Hall Hotel is a magnificent building with lots of character. Head down the spectacular Great Hall staircase before saying ‘I Do’ in front of the feature fireplace. We couldn’t think of a more stunning ceremony moment!

7. Event Northumbria

Bridebook.co.uk Event Northumbria

If you’ve got a particular theme in mind, Event Northumbria is the blank canvas to create it! In the grounds of Northumbria University campus, this venue takes creativity to a whole new level with it’s range of flexible spaces and nearby location to the local registry office.

8. The Biscuit Factory

Bridebook.co.uk The Biscuit Factory

We fell in love with it’s name instantly…but now we love the venue! The Biscuit Factory is an art, craft and design gallery in a former Victorian warehouse, becoming a contemporary backdrop for your wedding. With a focus on culture and individuality, it is sure to be a hit!

9. Castlegate

Bridebook.co.uk Castlegate

In the heart of Newcastle, Castlegate offers the versatile space of the Turbine Hall, ideal for painting your perfect day as you dream it. It can comfortably accommodate larger weddings under it’s stunning structure, allowing you to invite everyone and not cut down the guestlist!

10. Whalton Manor

Bridebook.co.uk Whalton Manor

If you’re looking for something more intimate, Whalton Manor is a glorius venue set in a quaint countryside village just 30 minutes from Newcastle. The stone-built summer house and exquisite architecture are marvellous additions to your big day!

11. Lumley Castle Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk Lumley Castle Hotel

Lumley Castle Hotel has 600 years of history and boasts views over nine acres of parkland and the River Wear. The state rooms make a great set up for a grand dining experience, to make sure it is as spectacular on the inside as it is on the outside.

12. Laing Art Gallery

Bridebook.co.uk Laing Art Gallery

Art lovers – pay attention! Fancy hosting your most special day at an incredibly memorable venue, among Newcastle’s finest art? Laing Art Gallery is the place to choose if you want to say your vows next to your favourite works – your guests will be impressed too!

13. South Causey

Bridebook.co.uk South Causey

Situated 20 minutes away from the city, South Causey is a barn and wedding suite set up with a garden overlooking the Beamish Valley. The beautiful chapel-style Tanfield suite is the perfect place to begin your marriage, as this venue brings a warm and romantic vibe to the day of your dreams.

14. Royal Station Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk Royal Station Hotel

The Royal Station Hotel is a well-recognised building from the exterior, but have you seen inside? With a range of opulent suites to choose from, the world is your oyster with this magnificent venue.

15. The Quayside Exchange

Bridebook.co.uk Quayside Exchange

Searching for an alternative venue with a quirkiness to it? The Quayside Exchange is ideal! Choose from the Grand Room, the Quayside Suite with nautical features, or the Vaulted Suite in the basement to sway your wedding theme whichever way you want to take it!

16. Crook Hall

Bridebook.co.uk Crook Hall

This one doesn’t need much explaining! If you’ve ever fancied being Queen of your own grand residence, Crook Hall is the place to be it! Enjoy spectacular landscapes of the Secret Walled Garden and a candlelit ceremony in the Medieval Hall.

17. Blackfriars Restaurant

Bridebook.co.uk Blackfriars Restaurant

This 13th Century friary in central Newcastle offers authentic features including stained-glass windows, chandeliers and rustic stone walls. The medieval Banquet Hall of Blackfriars Restaurant is an inncredible place to wine and dine your guests!

18. Queen Elizabeth High School

Bridebook.co.uk Queen Elizabeth High School

The former glasshouse and ‘Winter Gardens’ of Queen Elizabeth High School is a rather alternative wedding venue! It is airy and spacious with lots of natural light, plus you can enjoy the lush greenery even from indoors!

19. Healey Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Healey Barn

This venue needs no introduction! The stunning Healey Barn is a short drive away from the centre of Newcastle, combining Northumbrian countryside with rustic romance. Delightful!

20. Sage Gateshead

Bridebook.co.uk Sage Gateshead

Riverside views and breath-taking architecture means you have arrived at Sage Gateshead! This versatile venue is rated in the Independent’s top 50 venues from across the globe, and we totally understand why! Impressive.

21. Jesmond Dene House

The grand exterior of Jesmond Dene House and it’s wood-panelled Great Hall offers plenty of character to really add an edge to your special day. There are also lots of more intimate spaces too, as well as 40 bedrooms to accommodate your guests after your unforgettable event!

22. Great North Museum

Bridebook.co.uk Great North Museum

Fancy saying your vows under a T-Rex? Want your guests to dine among the Living Planet creatures? The Great North Museum is a spectacular way to entertain your guests and keep them talking about your wedding for several weeks after!

23. North Of England Institute of Mining & Mechanical Engineers

Bridebook.co.uk North Of England Institute of Mining & Mechanical Engineers

This is undoubtedly a rather quirky venue…but it really could make your wedding! This Gothic-style Victorian Institute building has a choice of spectacular rooms that are versatile enough for you to put your spin on it.

24. High House Farm Brewery

Bridebook.co.uk High House Farm Brewery

Within 200 acres of magnificent parkland, High House Farm Brewery boasts views of Hadrian’s Wall and is ideal for a rustic, rural theme. Bails of hay will complete the look for your ultimately bespoke wedding!

25. Horton Grange Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk Horton Grange Hotel

Only 10 miles away from the city centre, Horton Grange Hotel is situated in an area of oasis! Perfectly landscaped gardens, charming period features and a relaxing ambience come with this Grade II listed stately home.

So, that’s our top 25 picks for interesting and quirky venues near the city of Newcastle! If you’re looking elsewhere in the UK, use Bridebook.co.uk’s Wedding Venue Search and type in your preferred location.

If you’ve still got heaps to do with your wedding planning, Bridebook.co.uk can help! Use our guest listbudget and wedding checklist to make sure you don’t forget a single thing on the lead up to your big day.

Happy planning!

Wedding Venues in Brighton and Beyond

Crowned as the happiest place to live in the UK and full of culture and vibrance, the seaside city of Brighton is a popular one! If you’re lucky enough to live in or around Brighton and are searching for the perfect wedding venue in the area, you’re in the right place!

Bridebook.co.uk has hunted down 25 of the most unique places to get wed, so you can sit back and enjoy the rest of your planning process! If you’re still stuck, use our Wedding Venue Search tool and marvel in wonder as you find your ideal venue.


Bridebook.co.uk Fabrica

In central Brighton, Fabrica is a one-of-a-kind venue with an unusual interior and striking exterior. Used as a contemporary art gallery, this unique space has a stained glass feature wall and gorgeous wooden balcony panels. Do with it what you will, as this exclusive use venue can be shaped into any theme you desire!

2. All Saints Chapel

Bridebook.co.uk All Saints Chapel

If you’re hunting for the wow factor, this venue is surely the one! All Saints Chapel in nearby Eastbourne offers intricate decor and breathtakingly high ceilings. The grade I listed chapel was built in 1874 and would be the most stunning backdrop for your romantic day.

3. Gate Street Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Gate Street Barn

Just an hour away from Brighton, Gate Street Barn lies on a working organic farm with beautiful landscaped gardens. It was built using wood from oak trees that were lost on the farm during a hurricane, so this venue has plenty of history and character to add to your special day.

4. Lewes Castle

Bridebook.co.uk Lewes Castle

Have a grand wedding ceremony in the stunning grounds of this beautiful castle for the ultimate romantic setting. Lewes Castle is an incredibly historical venue that has been standing for 1,000 years and is surrounded by the picturesque South Downs countryside.

5. Preston Manor

Bridebook.co.uk Preston Manor

On the outskirts of Brighton, Preston Manor is an exquisite manor house with an air of elegance and grandeur. This Edwardian building makes quite the intimate setting for your wedding day celebrations, where you can enjoy fine dining and sweeping views across Preston Park.

6. Laughton Barns

Bridebook.co.uk Laughton Barns

Thinking of a country wedding? Laughton Barns is the perfect venue for you! Expect rustic features such as gothic chandeliers and exposed beams, and the barns have been built with local oak, brick and stone. With panoramic views of the South Downs, this could be your ultimate country wedding setting!

7. West Street Loft

Bridebook.co.uk West Street Loft

The quirky elements of West Street Loft will make your wedding unforgettable! With plenty of space to decorate, and even a cinema screen to utilise during speeches, the relaxed and bohemian feel to this venue stands out from the rest.

8. Pekes Manor Estate

Bridebook.co.uk Pekes Manor Estate

Pekes Manor Estate is set within the natural beauty of the East Sussex Weald just a 40 minute drive away from Brighton city. Full of character and original wooden features, this Tudor house is sure to stun every single one of your guests!

9. Duke of York’s Picturehouse

Bridebook.co.uk Duke of York's Picturehouse

Opened in 1910, this iconic art house cinema is now available for your unique wedding! Duke of York’s Picturehouse is a kooky venue that is perfect for film and cinema fans, while still creating the ultimate romantic feel that any Bride and Groom would require!

10. Pangdean Old Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Pangdean Old Barn

Pangdean Old Barn boasts magnificent oak-framed surroundings and rustic features for your big day. Built in 1720 and since having been excellently restored, the barn of this working farm provides a spectacular backdrop as you exchange vows.

11. Busbridge Lakes

Bridebook.co.uk Busbridge Lakes

Busbridge Lakes is a stunning marquee wedding reception venue with 3 lakes and it’s own private valley on site. Set in the grounds of a Heritage garden, this mesmorising place will stun guests young and old as they marvel at the sights.

12. The Royal Pavilion


The exotically beautiful building of The Royal Pavilion shows off it’s early 1800’s splendour with intricate Indian architecture and exotic interiors. It is situated in the heart of cultural Brighton – imagine the photo opportunities in front of this magnificent monument!

13. Blackstock Country Estate

Bridebook.co.uk Blackstock Country Estate

Amidst 70 acres of panoramic farmland, Blackstock Country Estate offers two lovingly restored barns to be the scenic backdrop for your big day. At just over 20 miles from Brighton, this beautifully rustic venue is also conveniently located close to the local church.

14. The Star Alfriston

Bridebook.co.uk The Star Alfriston

A mixture of historical features and contemporary additions make The Star Inn Alfriston a timeless choice of wedding backdrops. This newly refurbished setting is in the heart of a small Tudor village close to Brighton and can accommodate any size of wedding party!

15. Stanmer House

Bridebook.co.uk Stanmer House

Steeped in history, this elegant 18th Century manor house is one-of-a-kind. Stanmer House boasts 5,000 hectares of scenic grounds, opulent decor and luxurious chandeliers to give you the classy feel you require as you celebrate with loved ones.

16. Yoghurt Rooms

Bridebook.co.uk Yoghurt Rooms

So you’ve dreamt up your wedding theme, and now you need somewhere to make it happen…that’s where Yoghurt Rooms comes in! Make your dreams become reality on this stunning oak-framed blank canvas and let your imagination run wild as you sit back and enjoy the scenic surroundings.

17. The Old Ship Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk The Old Ship Hotel

The Old Ship Hotel is definitely a quirky choice of venue, with 450 years of history within it’s walls on the Brighton coast. The charismatic wine cellars hold more intimate weddings, while the Paganini Ballroom can hold up to 180 guests in a grand setting.

18. Peelings Manor Barns

Bridebook.co.uk Peelings Manor Barns

Peelings Manor Barns is a unique venue perfect for a DIY wedding! The charming features of this barn warmly welcome you Sussex,  while remaining fairly basic to allow you to put your own spin on it. Bring on the festival themed weddings!

19. Broyle Place

Bridebook.co.uk Broyle Place

The grade II listed Elizabethan manor house belonging to Broyle Place is surrounded by ancient oaks and ponds. In the heart of rural Sussex, this venue offers a touch of sophistication to your magical summer wedding.

20. Brookfield Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Brookfield Barn

The winding lanes of the Sussex countryside lead up to Brookfield Barn, a newly built structure with contemporary features yet retaining a rustic feel. The sunny terrace, atmospheric lighting and wood burning stoves are lovely touches to this cosy setting.

21. Gildredge Manor

Bridebook.co.uk Gildredge Manor

With plenty of gorgeous rooms to choose from in this Georgian manor house, the world is your oyster! Gildredge Manor has a large focus on luxury and creating the ultimate bespoke experience for each bride and groom that come through the doors.

22. Angel House

Bridebook.co.uk Angel House

Overlooking the seafront of Brighton and Hove, Grade I listed Angel House is the only Historic Regency Town house wedding venue in the area. It holds the finest and most elegant decor with sweeping sea views to enjoy, which makes it stand out from the crowd!

23. Old Police Cells Museum

Bridebook.co.uk Old Police Cells Museum

Getting married in the Old Police Cells Museum…seems like a kooky idea! Located in the basement of Brighton Town Hall, this unusual museum puts a major spin on weddings – and you might even learn a thing or two as you celebrate!

24. Dorset House Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Dorset House Barn

A short 30 mile journey out of the city takes you to Dorset House Barn, which is nestled within 40 acres in a quaint village. Expect stunning river views, a Medieval walled garden, and a unique ampitheatre for outdoor blessings. Just perfect!

25. Barnsgate Manor

Bridebook.co.uk Barnsgate Manor

Barnsgate Manor offers a romantic venue with panoramic views over the forest of the South Downs. With a combination of stone structures and wooden panelled walls, this venue is sure to be a fantastic backdrop for your unforgettable day.

If you’ve still not found your dream venue or you live elsewhere in the UK, extend your search by using Bridebook.co.uk’s Wedding Venue Search tool and type in your preferred location. You might only be a few clicks away from your fairytale venue!

Did you know we can also help you with your entire wedding planning process?! Fill in your guest list, budget and use our wedding checklist to make sure you tick all the boxes in the lead up to your big day.

Happy planning!

Wedding Venues in Leeds and Beyond

Leeds is one of the leading bustling and vibrant cities in the North, so it’s no wonder why so many people are looking to get married there! Are you looking for a venue with a difference in or around the city?

Bridebook.co.uk has found 25 of the best nearby wedding venues in Leeds that are stunning, heaps of fun, or just plain kooky! Take a look at these incredible places, or hunt for yourself using our Wedding Venue Search tool.

1.Allerton Castle

Bridebook.co.uk Allerton Castle

This beautiful gothic revival castle really is a venue to behold! Allerton Castle provides a stunning backdrop for your fairytale wedding day as you walk down the aisle in the Gothic Great Hall.

2. The Engine Shed

Bridebook.co.uk The Engine Shed

The Engine Shed is an utterly unique venue that really has the wow factor! This Grade II listed building is set over two magnificent floors and can become the blank canvas for your special day.

3. The Priest’s House

Bridebook.co.uk The Priest's House

Set in the ruins of the Barden Tower and surrounded by picturesque hills and rivers, The Priest’s House is a stunning venue for your intimate wedding celebrations. Check out the stone interiors!

4. Lineham Farm

Bridebook.co.uk Lineham Farm

Lineham Farm is a country chic venue in a secluded area with surrounding woodlands to host your idyllic day. The farmhouse dates back to the 17th Century and has retained all the charm and character that you could wish for!

5. The Hospitium

Bridebook.co.uk The Hospitium

The 14th Century Hospitium is a gorgeous wedding venue with medieval stone walls and plenty of character included! Less than an hour away from the centre of Leeds, this versatile building is overlooked by the ruins of St Mary’s Abbey – a photo opportunity not to be missed!

6. Holdsworth House Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk Holdsworth House Hotel

The beautiful Jacobean Manor that is Holdsworth House Hotel dates back to 1633 and is brimming with history. Sunny courtyards, interesting architecture and pretty gardens can be found on site, as this venue comes to life on your very special day!

7. Wharfedale Grange

Bridebook.co.uk Wharfedale Grange

Just a stone’s throw away from Leeds lies Wharfedale Grange, the perfect spot to pitch your wedding tent! With this versatile area of farmland, you can do what you wish and watch your dream day come to fruition.

8. The Box Tree Restaurant

Bridebook.co.uk The Box Tree Restaurant

This old Yorkshire stone farmhouse has been lovingly converted to form the intimate Box Tree Restaurant. With tons of character, three Michelin stars, and just a half an hour journey from the city, this unique venue is the perfect place for your wedding breakfast.

9. The Majestic Hotel

Bridebook.co.uk The Majestic Hotel

The Majestic Hotel boasts elegance, grandeur and is definitely majestic to say the least! Situated in nearby Harrogate with 8 acres of beautiful gardens, this Victorian hotel is the ideal place to host a very majestic wedding!

10. Skipbridge Country Weddings

Bridebook.co.uk Skipbridge Country Weddings

Skipbridge Country Weddings is a green field venue complete with natural surroundings and even farm animals! It has homely cottages on site and plenty of space for camping or glamping, so you can truly make your wedding weekend a fab experience for all guests.

11. National Railway Museum

Bridebook.co.uk National Railway Museum

Stun your guests by having your wedding on a train platform at the National Railway Museum! This impressive and spacious venue will pull out all the stops (literally!) to guide you in your journey to married life.

12. East Riddlesden Hall

Bridebook.co.uk East Riddlesden Hall

The warm feel of East Riddlesden Hall will comfort you and your partner as you step into the Grade II listed barn. Dance the night away under exposed oak beams and fairy lights less than an hour from the centre of Leeds.

13. Hazlewood Castle

Bridebook.co.uk Hazlewood Castle

Amongst peaceful woodlands and the beauty of rural Yorkshire, Hazlewood Castle is a venue for a king and queen. Say your vows in the medieval chapel and let this historical setting make your wedding day dreams come true.

14. The Faversham

Bridebook.co.uk The Faversham

The unforgettable vibe of The Faversham is the perfect place to celebrate with your nearest and dearest. On the edge of Leeds City Centre, this venue offers a bespoke service within unique walls – especially the beautiful conservatory!

15. New Craven Hall

new craven hall

In the developing industrial area of Leeds sits New Craven Hall, a modern and vibrant wedding venue, perfect for a unique celebration. The New Craven Hall team offers a completely bespoke service, which means you can make all of your wedding day dreams come true. 

16. Chilli Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Chilli Barn

This converted stone barn in rural West Yorkshire has become the beautiful Chilli Barn, an intimate wedding venue. Surrounded by endless meadows and woodland, the decor shows off character features with a modern touch.

17. Priory Cottages

Bridebook.co.uk Priory Cottages

The stunningly restored barns of Priory Cottages are undoubtedly a very special place to say your ‘I Do’s. Set in the idyllic countryside, this venue has a perfect mix of romance and enchantment to suit every couple that passes through it’s doors.

18. Waterton Park Hotel & Spa

Bridebook.co.uk Waterton Park Hotel & Spa

With it’s very own lake in a scenic valley of rolling parkland, Waterton Park Hotel & Spa is the ultimate setting for your special day. Gorgeous accommodation awaits you…but be sure to get a photo on the bridge first!

19. Denton Hall

Bridebook.co.uk Denton Hall

Seeking some luxury just outside of Leeds? Denton Hall offers charming 18th Century decor, crystal chandeliers and spectacular views across Yorkshire – have it as your very own exclusive country house for the entire weekend!

20. Northorpe Hall Barn

Bridebook.co.uk Northorpe Hall Barn

The peaceful grounds of Northorpe Hall Barn warmly welcome you to this alluring venue. Exposed wooden beams and stone walls enclose you and your guests and you celebrate your special day – and the best bit is that any profits from your day helps fund local projects for young people in need.

21. Heaton Mount

Bridebook.co.uk Heaton Mount

Just 30 minutes away from Leeds, Heaton Mount lies between a winding driveway and immaculate lawns. Dating back to 1864, this Italianate mansion boasts exquisite decor and breath-taking views for you and your guests.

22. The Sun Pavilion, Harrogate

Bridebook.co.uk The Sun Pavilion

The fairytale setting of The Sun Pavilion was built in the 1930’s but has recently been restored to become an utterly unique venue. It hosts an Art Deco glass dome and is home to stunning views over Harrogate’s Valley Gardens, to really bring the natural beauty indoors!

23. The Old Barn at Esholt

Bridebook.co.uk The Old Barn at Esholt

This 200-year-old barn, situated just 10 miles down the road from central Leeds, could be the ultimate romantic backdrop for your big day. The Old Barn at Esholt sits in a quaint location with plenty of character features to feast your eyes upon!

24. Goldsborough Hall

Bridebook.co.uk Goldsborough Hall

This spectacular country mansion with 11 acres of stunning ground has become Goldsborough Hall. The oak-panelled Jacobean library and beautifully designed drawing rooms are the ideal places to host your wedding celebrations.

25. The Queens

Bridebook.co.uk The Queens

The Queens venue offers a stylish backdrop overflowing with glamour for a totally classy wedding day. Right in the centre of Leeds, you will have spectacular views across the city from the terraced balcony of this beautiful building, as well as a bespoke service that will serve the largest or most intimate of wedding parties.

26. Cookridge Hall 

cookridge hall wedding venue

Cookridge Hall is the perfect backdrop for your big day. Located in North Leeds this beautiful grade II listed old hall was built in 1721 and set amongst an 18 hole golf course. If you are looking for a scenic wedding venue, look no further!

27. Woodlands Hotel

woodlands hotel wedding venue

Have your special day at this stylish and incredibly romantic wedding venue in Leeds. Woodlands weddings are designed just for you in one of the best wedding venues in Leeds!

If you’re still unsure about which wedding venue to choose or you’re looking elsewhere in the UK, Bridebook is here! Use Bridebook.co.uk’s Wedding Venue Search and type in your preferred location, and we’re sure you will find ‘the one’!

Bridebook.co.uk doesn’t only help you find that perfect venue – it can also make the planning process much easier by assisting you with your entire wedding planning process. Fill in your guest list, budget and use our wedding checklist to make sure you don’t forget a single detail of your special day.

Happy planning!

5 easy ways to prepare your wedding business for the slow season during peak season

5 quick and simple things to bear in mind today that will help you attract newly engaged couples and secure more wedding bookings around autumn / winter time.


Chances are you’re so busy preparing for the weddings you’ve booked for right now that the last thing you’ve got time to think about is keeping your wedding business ticking over in the slower, winter months.

But with winter weddings becoming more popular thanks to better value for money, more availability and the romance of winter settings gaining greater appeal, you could find yourself with a few fantastic slow-season booking opportunities if you put in a tiny bit of prep work now.


Fortunately, we’ve prepared a checklist of 5 quick and simple things to bear in mind today that will help you attract newlywed couples around autumn / winter time and beat the competition to the punch!

1. Ask for testimonials and reviews as you finalise each wedding

As you come to the end of each wedding you cater for, be sure to ask for and chase up reviews, recommendations and testimonials as the chances are, if you sit back and wait for them to trickle in, newlyweds will forget to send them at all.

According to a recent survey, 70% of customers will leave a review for a business if you ask them for it.

Recommendations play a significant role in winning new business and securing more bookings as a wedding supplier, and it is a pretty quick and straightforward way to ensure you’re ahead of the competition as we approach off-peak wedding season.

To read more on the impact reviews have on wedding bookings and how best to approach gathering recommendations, view this article.

Upload all good feedback to your Bridebook Profile as you collect it, as it’s better for SEO and for generating new business steadily if you can publish new content regularly rather than bulk upload it.

2. Make sure your Bridebook profile is up-to-date and complete

With more and more newly engaged couples opting to use wedding directories to search for wedding suppliers, it is essential that you ensure all profiles you own are complete and up to date – particularly with regards to contact details, pricing, reviews and photographs.

It should take no more than 30 minutes to fully complete your profile on Bridebook and with exposure to around 40,000 wedding-planning couples, it’s a marketing channel that pretty much takes care of itself whilst you’re busy managing your bookings during peak wedding season.


Wouldn’t it be nice to benefit from SEO, exposure and a valuable database of leads and contacts to follow up as we approach off-peak wedding season without having to do very much at all?

3. Share photographs of your weddings as you go

Get into the habit of taking photographs and uploading them to Facebook and Instagram as you prepare for and complete each of your summer weddings.

By creating a presence for yourself online now during peak wedding season, you’re much more likely to have your content discovered online during off-peak wedding season.

Wedding suppliers who attempt to upload photos all at once will find themselves at a distinct disadvantage to competitors who have been present online and keeping their content relevant throughout the spring and summer months.

4. Keep an eye out for local wedding fairs you’d like to attend 

Most wedding fairs take place during off-peak season and these events often provide a golden opportunity for you to show off your summer portfolio and book new clients.


National wedding fairs are good for inspiration and large scale networking but can often carry a high cost. Keep an eye out for local wedding fairs (or host your own) and put your name down as an attendee early on to ensure you guarantee your place for a great price.

The clear benefit of attending local wedding fairs is that you’re likely to meet local engaged couples – your core target audience – as well as local suppliers who you can network with for the sake of recommendations and repeat business.

5. Offer deals and special packages

Towards the end of peak season you could start promoting special offers and deals to attract off-peak brides and grooms.

If you choose to adopt this strategy, make sure that you prepare marketing material a few months beforehand and that you start promoting your special deals on social media towards the end of the summer and at any wedding fairs you attend.

This requires a little more time than the other tactics we’ve listed above but can be a very effective way to secure last minute bookings.

Are you prepared to peak during the slow season?

If you’re planning to stay busy as the wedding season draws to a close why not try out a few of the above techniques to keep your wedding business brand front of mind for engaged couples preparing for a winter wedding.

Most of these tips are considered best practice anyway so get into good habits now and you’ll benefit from bookings and exposure in the long term.

Using local SEO to attract local brides and grooms

Location plays a huge role in the search terms and phrases couples use when planning their wedding. Here are 5 simple ways to dominate local SEO in the wedding industry.


5 simple ways to dominate local SEO in the wedding industry

We’ve already discussed why content is key to SEO success and how to make it work for your wedding business so now we want to hone in on the importance of location-based SEO and targeting.

Location plays a huge role in the search terms and phrases couples use when planning their wedding and to be frank, they’re unlikely to search without it.

Think about it; which millennial couple would search for the term ‘wedding venues’ which returns almost 22 million results (most of which will be irrelevant) when they could search for ‘wedding venues in London’ and be presented with just over 2 million relevant results?

It’s a no brainer.

Here are 5 simple ways to ensure your website is optimised for local search.


1. Ensure you’re including specific local areas in all of your content

Rather than describe your business as a ‘beautiful wedding venue in London’ be as specific about your wedding business in your content as possible.

Narrow the search field and conduct research into keyword volume and competition for terms like ‘wedding venues in East London’ or ‘wedding venues in Hackney, London’.

The more specific you can be the better, as although you’ll be optimising for a smaller search volume there will be less competition for these super long tail keyword phrases and the improved intent of those searchers will mean that they’re more likely to convert to actual bookings.

Remember that Meta Descriptions and Title Tags matter too, and you should customise these so that they reflect the content on your page and the location or area you’re looking to target.

The more relevant your content is to those looking for a wedding supplier like you, the more likely you will be to boost traffic to your website, increase your website rankings and boost wedding bookings.


What’s happening in your local area this month? By incorporating details of what’s happening in your town and how you and your business are getting involved in your content, you’ll earn ‘Google points’ for relevancy that will help you gain authority for local wedding searches.

When you write about local wedding-related events remember to include the names of wedding venues, cities, towns and regions.

Top Tip: why not offer to link to other wedding suppliers in the local area in return for them sharing your content with their contacts and social media followers?


3. Ensure you’ve claimed your Google My Business page

You know those bulleted businesses that show up underneath a map at the top of most Google results when you include location in your search?

Those businesses are featured there because they’ve set up a Google My Business page.

Here’s an example of the wedding venues that feature when we search for ‘wedding venues in London:


It’s totally free to set up a business page and the amount of local interest and ‘click throughs’ you’re likely to earn for featuring here is well worth the small amount of time needed to set everything up.

As far as local targeting goes, this one is the biggie. Set up your free Google My Business listing today.


4. Reviews matter

In the wedding industry, reviews and recommendations play a huge role in winning new business. According to a recent survey, 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation, and seven out of 10 customers will leave a review for a business if asked.

Focus on publishing reviews on your website but also on your wedding business’s Facebook page and Google My Business page. Having good reviews on these sites will attract local prospective clients and support your business in local results, as reviews and star ratings will appear alongside your contact details once you’re set up on Google My Business (as demonstrated in the example above).


5. Feature in online directories

One of the easiest ways to shortcut your way to more wedding bookings when it comes to local search is to feature on free online wedding directories.

The majority of these wedding directories have a lot more resource to throw at optimising their site for SEO, so rather than compete with them for space in the top 3 results, get listed on their site and you’ll be top of the search results anyway.

Some wedding directories even feature above local listings in the search engine results page which means it really is very important that you include complete and up to date information in your wedding business profile.

Is your Bridebook profile complete and up to date with your address, contact details, pricing and pictures?


Wedding location makes a world of difference

Let newly engaged couples know *where you are *to really drive online bookings for your wedding business.

Competition for local space is hotting up this summer and you can bet if you’re not on top of your rankings, your competitors will be.

Follow our 5 simple tips to get a head start and claim your space as the number one local wedding supplier in your area.