How to plan your wedding remotely

While we all continue to do our bit for the NHS by staying indoors, a lot of us are finding ourselves with a lot of spare time on our hands and with spirits that need some lifting.

If you’re recently engaged, now is the perfect time to start getting excited about planning for your big day.

Here at Bridebook, we know that it may seem a little daunting to plan your wedding from your living room, but with this expert guide, you’ll be getting started soon.

Getting started

Knowing where to start can be the trickiest part of planning a wedding, but with our handy wedding checklist, it couldn’t be easier. Simply start by working your way through the individual tasks and you’ll be rolling in no time!

Invite your partner to collaborate with you so that you can start assigning tasks to each other. At Bridebook, we strongly believe that wedding planning should be a joint effort, so get them involved if they aren’t already! 

Feel free to start browsing for inspiration at this stage too. The hashtags #wedding and #weddinginspo on Pinterest and Instagram are particularly #stunning.

Agreeing your budget

It’s good to sit down with your partner and talk about what you both want from your wedding: a small and intimate affair with close friends and family or a lavish party with hundreds of guests?

Once you’ve worked out what you both want, you need to decide how much you are willing to spend for your big day. With that in mind, let Bridebook do the hard work for you! With data from the 500,000 weddings we’ve helped to plan, we’ll help crunch those numbers. Just enter your total budget and we’ll tell you how much you should be spending on each item, from your venue to your cake.

Booking your Venue

Beautiful barn wedding venue with tables and chairs set up

Booking your venue is often the most exciting part of the wedding planning process, but it might seem a bit tricky to do from your sofa. But don’t fret! There are now loads of ways that you can use modern technology to get a feel for your venue without the need to visit.

Use Bridebook’s search tool to browse through thousands of venues that meet your specific needs and quickly narrow down by shortlisting your favourites. Look through our extensive picture galleries and read the reviews from our previous couples to start getting a feel for the place.

Next, get brochures from your favourites and reach out to see what remote viewings they can offer. Lots of venues are now offering virtual tours or videos that can help you get a better picture of your perfect wedding: all from the comfort of your own home.

Booking your suppliers

Again, Bridebook’s search tool comes in handy here, allowing you to look through all of our wedding suppliers in your preferred area and explore their photos and reviews.

Your venue can also be a great help here too. They will often have a list of preferred suppliers for their venue, which can help you narrow down your choices. This way you can be sure that the supplier knows the space well and that the venue trusts them to do a great job.

Managing your guests

Deciding who to invite to your big day can be a challenge for any couple, but with Bridebook’s guestlist tool, it’ll be a breeze.

Add all of your potential guests (or import them straight from your contacts to make it even simpler!), then choose if they are coming for the day, evening, or on the waitlist for now.

Then use our Guest Info Collector to gather their email and physical addresses, so that you can send them their save the dates and keep them updated throughout the planning process.

Wedding invitations with flowers presented on a wooden table

Start building your gift list

Getting married is not just about throwing a party, it’s also about the rest of your life too and a gift list can be a great part of helping you prepare for that.

Start thinking about what you want from your gift list: a gift registry, a honeymoon fund, or perhaps asking your loved ones to contribute to a charitable cause that’s close to your heart.

Check out our comparison of the various gift list options to see what best suits your needs.

Then, start adding your dream gifts, knowing that they’ll be with you sooner than you think!

Enjoy it

Weddings are very special. There is no better reason on earth to throw an epic party than two people falling in love. And the world is certainly going to need some incredible parties soon… and you are going to be at the very centre of them.

Make sure to take stock and enjoy planning this amazing event with your loved one, your friends and your family (virtually) by your side.

Covid 19 Wedding Advice For Couples

Hamish Shephard, CEO of Bridebook and owner of Hedsor House shares his Covid-19 advice for couples with weddings in March, April & May 2020.

Dear couples,

With the news from the government solidifying the ‘stay at home’ message, I know that you are concerned about what this means for your weddings in the coming days, weeks, and months.

Below we have outlined our advice based on the information that we currently have, based on feedback from couples, venues, other industry profiles, insurance companies, legal advice, and government recommendations. Of course, there will be nuances, and this will not apply to every single couple. Nonetheless, we hope that it is helpful for a large number of couples planning weddings in the coming months.

We know that the situation is far from ideal, but remember that one day it will be over, and you WILL get married to your partner in a wedding filled with love. However, at this time, we all need to be realistic, understanding and flexible.

Remember, also, that your venue and suppliers are going through an extremely stressful time too, trying to protect their livelihoods, while ensuring they do what is right for their couples. It is a time for all of us to come together and be understanding of a very difficult situation for everyone.

If your wedding date is in the next few months (March – May):

Our strong recommendation is that you should work with your venue and suppliers to postpone your wedding as soon as possible. This is the right decision on the basis of public health, your financial interest, and for the overall success of your wedding. If your wedding is scheduled any time between now and the end of May, your wedding will certainly be affected and may not be able to go ahead at all. Making postponement arrangements now with your venue will put you in the best position to find a date that works for you, and keep most of the plans and financial commitments that you already have in place. Priority no.1 is to talk through your options with your wedding insurer, if you have cover.

We next suggest you speak to your venue to discuss alternative date options, and then discuss with your partner and key guests which dates work best for everyone. Keep an open mind with off-peak seasons and non-Saturday wedding dates, as they will undoubtedly become desirable for the many couples rescheduling their weddings. Venues typically have greater availability in Autumn and Winter, and the industry as a whole already sees a trend for couples booking Thursday, Friday and Sunday weddings. These dates are going to be the solutions for many couples, and you should start considering them now.

It is important to recognise that your venue is likely having an extremely stressful time too. They are likely a small team, dealing with a huge amount of change and many very anxious customers. They will be doing their best handling these unprecedented challenges, which significantly threaten their livelihoods, so work with them and give them your support. They likely need support at this very tough time as much as you do.

If you are still considering going ahead with your wedding, please remember that the risk of losing your deposit or other financial commitments will be greater if you don’t make plans to rearrange your wedding date. Given that the government have now stopped public gatherings, your wedding will likely need to be cancelled or affected in a drastic way and it is not always clear who will be financially responsible for these cancellations. Since these are unprecedented times and there are so many unknowns, we suggest acting now rather than waiting with fingers crossed. There is a very real possibility that your wedding will not be able to go ahead as planned, and the costs may not be covered by your or the venue’s insurance policy.

If your wedding is planned for the Summer (Jun-Aug):

While your wedding may not be in immediate jeopardy, it has the potential to be disrupted, especially if you have overseas or elderly/vulnerable guests. Making a contingency plan now will give you the greatest opportunity to control the outcome and costs, and find a wedding date that works for you without the ongoing stress and anxiety of a potential cancellation or disruption. We recommend starting to have conversations with your partner now about alternatives that will work for you including the possibility of postponing your wedding or contingency plans if some guests are unable to attend. You don’t need to make any immediate decisions right now, but you should be having the relevant conversations. Remember to be patient with your venues and suppliers, as they are having to shuffle weddings that are supposed to take place in the coming weeks too.

If your wedding is in September 2020 or beyond:

Our advice at the moment is to keep monitoring the situation closely. Keep an eye on the latest information and consider thinking about basic contingency plans, should you need them. At the moment, we are hopeful that September weddings and beyond will go ahead as planned, but of course we need to monitor the situation closely.

Once again, I want to express my utmost sympathy with all of you going through this incredibly tough situation. Now is the time for you and your partner to stick together closer than ever and Bridebook will be there to support you too. Remember, this will be over and your big day will come.

Best wishes and keep safe,


Here at Bridebook, we believe strongly in the power of community during times like these, so we have set up a Facebook group for anyone involved in planning a wedding. Join here for some practical tips from our team of experts, as well as friendly support from others in a similar situation.

How Will Coronavirus Affect My Wedding? A 7 Step Guide to Dealing with the Outbreak.

At Bridebook, our mission is to make it easier for everyone to plan their weddings.  However, if you are getting married in the coming weeks and months, we understand that you have concerns about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic could affect your wedding day.  We’d like to help you navigate this tough time by providing a wedding-specific checklist to help you manage your wedding plans and any adjustments that you may need to make.

We also believe strongly in the power of community during times like these, so we have set up a Facebook group for anyone involved in planning a wedding. Join here for some practical tips from our team of experts, as well as friendly support from others in a similar situation.

1. Keep your loved ones safe

Wedding guests celebrating and clapping for the wedding couple

First and foremost, your number one priority should always be keeping you and your guests safe, especially those who are at a high risk (elderly people and those with underlying health conditions).  As weddings are often a gathering of generations including parents and grandparents, try to be understanding if your loved ones are not able to attend your wedding. There’s no doubt that you and your guests will be frustrated, but remember that it is possible to celebrate your wedding from afar.  

It also goes without saying that you should look to official sources (government, WHO, etc.) for specific guidance on what measures you and your wedding guests should take regarding gatherings, travel and social distancing.  These recommendations are changing regularly and may affect your wedding in different ways, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with official sources.

Bridebook tip: Continue to check the government and other official sources to keep up to date with what guidance is in place.

Bridebook tip: Start thinking about ways to allow guests to participate in your wedding from afar. Consider live-streaming or recording some of your event if you are in a situation where the wedding can go ahead, but not everyone can attend. Ask if your venue has these capabilities or look at other DIY options, such as Facebook Live, Skype, or Zoom.

2. Talk to your wedding venue and suppliers

Woman holding phone to contact her wedding suppliers

The wedding industry is facing a very difficult and stressful time ahead to maintain their businesses. We know that they are hugely sympathetic to you all. Industry professionals care passionately about making couples’ days special and go to extraordinary lengths to do so. They are now facing a whole new challenge to balance this, while considering the short, mid and long term impacts on their business and livelihoods.

While the government only has suggested guidelines in place rather than official closure, you may find that there is little they can do that’s outside of what is covered in the contract. Your best bet is to ask them what their policy is at the moment, but be appreciative of the fact that they have no more information than you and will likely be responding on a day-by-day basis, depending on what new information is provided.

Bridebook tip: Check in with your venue and suppliers, but be understanding that they are just as concerned as you about the situation.  They’ll likely have different policies in place so you’ll need to understand how your specific providers are managing these challenging circumstances.

3. Check your wedding insurance

Two people planning their wedding over a laptop

If you have wedding insurance, check what you are covered for and under what circumstances.  We understand that coverage varies across different insurance providers, so you’ll need to understand specifically what your policy entails regarding cancellations and postponements.  Once you get in touch with your policy provider, share the details with your venue and suppliers where possible.

Bridebook tip: Ask the following questions to your insurance provider where relevant:

a) If we ourselves have to self isolate, will you cover our wedding being postponed?

b) One of our parents/grandparents could fall into a category that is forced to self isolate (age, health conditions). If this scenario were to arise, would we be covered to postpone our wedding?

c) Our Best Man / Maid of Honour lives overseas and is banned from travelling – will a postponement be covered?

d) We have planned for 140 guests. Would you cover a postponement if the government officially limits gatherings to under 100, 50 or 10?

e) What is your policy based on the government’s current advice? If the wedding is formally banned under any future government ruling, will you cover the cost of postponement?

f) If the wedding is unable to go ahead but I am offered an alternative date which would usually be cheaper (e.g. off peak), will you cover the cost differential?

4. Understand the travel guidelines for guests and your honeymoon

Wedding couple sitting on a log at the beach

Living, as we do, in a globally connected world, many weddings have guests from all over the world. Check to see if guests from other countries can make it, but plan with the expectation that they may not be able to travel.  This may affect your guest transport and accommodation providers, so you should familiarise yourself with their policies if guests are unable to attend. Be aware that travel restrictions are changing daily, which may mean some people do not feel comfortable travelling at the moment.

Similarly, your honeymoon may be affected by travel restrictions.  You should check what travel restrictions are in place for your honeymoon destination, whether it is within the UK or abroad.  Check with your honeymoon transport and accommodation providers to see what policies are in place in the event of a cancellation or postponement.  Additionally, if you have purchased travel insurance you should contact your policy providers to understand your coverage.

Bridebook tip: Check the FCO pages about travel guidelines here.  

5. Discuss contingency plans with your partner

Couple holding hands while looking at a lake

With the situation changing on a daily basis, you may need to make contingency plans for your wedding.  While there may still be some unknowns, it is good to have a think about the different scenarios and what you would do in each case. Talk to your partner and see what they feel about these plans too.

Remember that the purpose of getting married is to bring your and your partner together, and during this time you’ll need to make decisions together and rely on each other for support.  Your wedding plans may get interrupted and altered which will be very frustrating, but you’ll get through these challenges together.

Bridebook tip: Discuss potential plans with your partner, so that you know what is important to both of you. Start with the following 4 questions:

a) If necessary, would you want to get legally married at the earliest opportunity but postpone the party? Or would you rather postpone both?

b) Who would need to be able to attend for you to be happy for the wedding to go ahead?

c) If we need to postpone the wedding, what would you rather do? Postpone for a short time (and use an off-peak season or weekday) or push back further to keep the plans as similar as possible?

d) What should we do about the honeymoon? Would you prefer to postpone it or change location (if possible)?

Bridebook tip: Prepare for potential changes to the event itself. Start by asking yourself these three questions:

a) What would we do if we need to reduce numbers to meet future government guidelines? How would we go about it? Use the Bridebook guest info collector in the guest list tool to collect email addresses. Just add five guests to the list and the feature will pop up.

b) How can we still make those not present part of the celebration? Can we arrange for someone to live-stream or record the ceremony?

c) What if a supplier has to pull out at the last minute? Do we have relatives or friends who can capture photos or videos for you, bake a cake, or create an amazing playlist? What really matters for the day?

6. Update your guests

Woman typing on a laptop while sitting on a bed

Whatever tools you are using to communicate to your guests (wedding website, email, paper), keep them informed about any changes in wedding plans that may affect them.  Also, let them know how best to contact you if their RSVP status changes.

Bridebook tip: Communicate with your guests as early as possible, and let them know how to communicate with you.  

7. Join our Bridebook community group on Facebook

We know that this is a stressful time for everyone planning a wedding at the moment, so we have created a Facebook group for all couples to join. We hope we can all help each other with practical tips, as well as find and connect with other people in similar situations. You are not alone!

Bridebook tip: Join the Facebook group today and find some comfort and support in these tough times.


We hope that you found this article useful and we look forward to seeing you in the Facebook group, so that we can offer more support in the coming weeks.

Stay strong, keep safe, and know that this will all be over at some point. In the meantime, we hope that Bridebook can be a source of support for you.

Finally, give us a follow on Instagram if you would like some funny/cute/inspirational distraction from the news.

Useful Links:

The UK Wedding Report 2020 by Bridebook

The UK Wedding Report 2020 is here!

Cover of the UK Wedding Report 2020

Bridebook is thrilled to present the 4th annual UK Wedding Report, featuring insights from thousands of couples across the country.  With couples spending £6,286 on their venues and £1,193 on their wedding dresses, it’s easy to see how wedding costs can add up to £20,731 when all the bits and bobs, including engagement ring and honeymoon, are included.

Click here to read the full report!

So who are today’s marrying couples? They’re in their early thirties (31.4 and 33.3 to be exact), they’re engaged for an average of 23.5 months, and they’re spending 25% or more of their household income on their weddings.

With so much at stake, today’s couples realise that the most expensive weddings are not necessarily the best, and in fact they’re finding innovative ways to save on wedding costs.  They’re increasingly choosing non-Saturday wedding dates (43%), they’re trading paper for digital invitations (8%) and save-the-dates (12%), and they’re enjoying honeymoons locally within the UK (15%) rather than traveling abroad.  Budget-conscious and more environmentally-friendly too!

With all these cost-cutting measures, couples still prioritise a unique and personal wedding.  They’re increasingly interested in venue-hire only packages (39%) where they can fully personalise the look and feel of the space, and they want to host their ceremonies directly at their reception venues, and they’re interested in having friends and family share in the preparations for the festivities like making the wedding cake (35%).

When it comes to wedding inspiration, couples who married in 2019 showed a greater interest in rustic wedding themes (34%) and barn venues (18%), indicating that today’s couples are more into a less formal, relaxed and casual wedding vibe.

But while these couples may aim for a relaxed style on their wedding day, their engagements can sometimes be anything but. Couples rely on reading reviews (18.7 venue reviews) to help get a feel for businesses they are considering, and find these reviews to be more important than everything else except for touring the venue itself. On the planning side, couples mention wedding planning challenges from guest management issues, keeping everything organised to family politics, to stressful decision-making processes for their venues and suppliers. Most of all, they just want to stay within budget (16%). We hear ya. 

Luckily, Bridebook is here to help with many of these challenges.  With Bridebook, couples can get personalised budgets outlined based on the specifics that they want to include in their wedding, which keeps them on track with spending throughout the engagement. The wedding checklist highlights specific tasks to complete and when, featuring useful advice and tips throughout.  Searching venues and suppliers couldn’t be easier with reviews, photos and all sorts of helpful information to aid in decision-making. Bridebook’s Guest List allows for easy guest management on the go, with an easy Guest Info Collector feature that allows guests to input their own address information, and voila, it’s updated.  Wedding challenges averted!

Click here to read the UK Wedding Report 2020!

30 Fun and Inspiring Engagement Party Ideas

An engagement party is the perfect way to celebrate your happiness with your family and relatives. It’s a chance to unwind, have a couple of drinks and enjoy your engagement before the craziness of wedding planning gets into full swing. So, until you walk down the aisle, your engagement is the best way to share the joy among your guests and allows you to show off your engagement ring to a chorus of oohs and ahhs.

An engagement party can be anything you want it to be and you can be as wild or as low-key as you like. Whatever your style, taste and budget, there’s an engagement party type out there for you.

But where do you start? There’s so much to choose from, how do you know what’s right for you? In this post, we’ll run through more than 30 unique engagement party ideas so you and your loved ones can party the night (or afternoon, or weekend or brunch…) away in style.

Once you know what kind of party you want to throw, read our post on how to plan an engagement party to get things moving and make sure you don’t forget a single thing.

30 fun and unique engagement party ideas

If you’re looking for some inspiration for creative ways to throw a memorable engagement party, then look no further. Below are 30 ideas for throwing the perfect engagement celebration bash.

1. Hawaiian Luau party

Pineapple juice with colourful party hats

Because we don’t have quite as many white sandy beaches and crystal blue oceans in the UK, Hawaiian Luau parties are pretty rare, so it’ll make for a fun and unique way to celebrate your engagement. With great Hawaiian party food (just no pineapple on your pizza, please), decorations and games, your Hawaiian Luau-themed party will amaze your guests and add a lot of fun, excitement and limboing to your engagement party.

2. Glamping party

Outdoor glamping campfire party

Glamping parties are one of the trendiest engagement party ideas that will give a whole new look and feel to your engagement celebrations. You can enjoy games, BBQ, S’mores and some drinks as you envelop yourself in nature, play some games and tell spooky stories around the fire. It’s a great way to shut yourself off from the rest of the world and enjoy spending time with loved ones.

3. Casino night

Casino night engagement party

As you’ve already won the jackpot of your life by finding your soulmate, you can keep that winning feeling going by arranging a casino party at your place. Get some dice and a couple of packs of cards and let your guests have fun in your very own casino. You could also hire casino tables and dealers to give it that proper Las Vegas feeling. Just remember it’s all for fun, so don’t bet all your wedding savings on black!

4. Couples costume party

Couple wearing costume sunglasses

A couples costume party is one of the trendiest engagement party ideas you can go for, bringing extra fun and mischief into the party mix. You can invite your guests to dress up in costumes related to famous couples, which will add a fun twist to your engagement party.

From Posh and Becks to Romeo and Juliet, your guests will enjoy getting into the celebrity couples’ characters. You can also make a game out of getting your guests to guess who everyone is dressed as.

5. Dessert party

Selection of desserts at a dessert party

If you have a sweet tooth, then throwing a dessert party for your guests is a great way to get your taste buds tingling. Instead of a standard buffet or sit-down meal, you can add a variety of desserts to your engagement menu and watch as your guests get high on your sugary supply.

From silky smooth white-chocolate parfait to unctuous chocolatey truffles with strawberries, you can offer a little slice of heaven. You can even plan to serve up a selection of various famous dessert wines like Riesling, Tawny Port and Sauternes to complement each dish.

6. Desert party

Cupcakes decorated with desert-themed paper cutouts

This one will really get your guests’ minds working. Surely they meant it’s a dessert party, they’ll say. Throw expectations on their head by throwing a party themed around deserts, with cactus-decorated cupcakes, cowboy-inspired barbecue food and even crispy salt and pepper scorpions. In the evening, you could sit around a campfire and crack out the guitar to sing a few tunes.

7. Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras themed party

Let your hair down with extravagant outfits, flying beads and mouth-watering Cajun cuisine. In the UK, Mardi Gras is still a relatively new trend, so be ahead of the curve with this fun-filled way to party into the night.

8. Oktoberfest party

Oktoberfest party

Embrace your German side with an Oktoberfest-themed engagement party. All it takes are some steins of beer, tasty sausages, salty pretzels and your finest lederhosen. Throw in a Bavarian Oompah band and you’ve got everything you need to get the party started whatever time of year it is.

9. Wine and cheese tasting

Wine and cheese party

If you plan to throw your engagement party in the spring or summer, a wine and cheese tasting party is a brilliant option.

Hosting a wine and cheese tasting party is the best way to kick off the summer season with your family and friends. You can even embrace the beauty of the surroundings by adding flowerbeds, lights, candles, and as many decorations as you’d like. Just remember to get a wide selection of cheeses, both for those who like the smelly stuff and those who aren’t particularly adventurous.

10. Movie night

Move night themed party

A movie night is one of the best options to enjoy and relax at your engagement party. Hire a projector and turn your engagement hall into a movie theatre, or your back garden into a makeshift drive-in.

To make your guests feel even more comfortable, you can keep it laid back by organising a cosy and comfy setup along with bundles of treats for guests, including classic cinema snacks like popcorn, nachos and pick ‘n’ mix. If you’ve invited friends and family with kids, remember to choose films a little closer to Jumanji than Scarface.

11. Beach bonfire

Bonfire on the beach

A bonfire at the beach adds a lovely vibe to your engagement party as you sit back, enjoy some food and drinks and talk with loved ones, all while the waves lap gently against the shore. You can also take a Bluetooth speaker and use your phone to play a few tunes as you hang out.

You can time the party in such a way that the guests have a moment to meet during the daylight before the orange and pink hues cover the sky. The whole setup makes for a romantic and memorable party. Just make sure you have permission to light a fire if you’re using a public beach.

12. Murder mystery

Detective's work area with magnifying glass

A great way to add fun and mystery to your engagement party is by organising a convoluted murder for you and your guests to solve. It’s impossible not to enjoy interacting with actors as you try to figure out who committed such a terrible act – you or your fiance might even be the murderer or the victim – or both. Scandalous!

There are plenty of murder mystery companies and am-dram groups that will come to you to host the game to make sure you have a killer engagement party.

13. Retro arcade party

Couple at a retro arcade

If you want to bring out your inner child, a retro arcade party is the perfect option for you and your guests. Retro arcade parties offer a unique and competitive twist to your celebration, especially if you grew up playing a lot of the old classic machines.

From pinball to Pac-Man to Space Invaders, your guests can enjoy getting stuck in blasting, jumping and flying through various games. You can even book the arcades that have bars as well so that your guests can enjoy adult beverages while having fun – that’ll appease Grandma while the rest of you play a few games.

14. Roller disco party

Pair of rollerskates at a disco

Another retro favourite, a roller disco party is an amazing way to add fun to your engagement celebrations. You can arrange an adult-only disco party where you and your friends knock back a couple of drinks to help cushion the occasional fall, or include the kids for a crazy, laugh-filled skate-a-thon.

Throw in some classic tunes, a few slices of pizza and a cheeky drink or two, and you have all the makings of an unforgettable engagement party.

15. Brewery party

Beer party

Breweries are fabulous venues for parties, with plenty of delicious drinks at your fingertips. Whether it’s a simple get-together among friends and family or a more elaborate engagement party with a featured brewmaster, organising the ultimate brewery party is as simple as… organising a booze up in a brewery!

16. Hollywood red carpet event

Movie star glamour party

Add some Hollywood A-lister glitz and glamour to your engagement party with a red carpet, paparazzi and a few glasses of bubbles. You and your guests will feel extra special as you lord it up for the evening.

17. Globetrotter party

Map with travel items including sunglasses and hat

Celebrate the next adventure the two of you are about to go on by reliving your previous travel memories together. Serve international food and drinks and fill your venue with maps so your guests can plot their own around-the-world trip.

18. Masquerade ball

Masquerade ball

To add a unique and elegant feel to your engagement party, why not throw a masquerade ball? You can invite your guests to dress in their finest outfits and encourage them to design their own creative and extravagant masks.

To embrace the theme, you can serve your guests cocktails and Venetian-inspired food, and even decorate the venue in plenty of gold, with twinkling fairy lights and flickering candles to set the mood.

19. Garden party

Garden party with outdoor fairy lights

A garden party is a great idea that will enhance the beauty of your engagement day. Put on a beautiful spread, cover the garden in fairy lights and glowing lanterns, and watch as the garden gets enveloped in magic as the sun starts to set. Keep food and drink on theme by offering elderflower and lavender cocktails and serving a selection of tasty plant-based dishes.

20. Pool party

Pool party with palm trees and sunny skies

A classic pool party is a huge crowd-pleaser, and because it’s not common in the UK, it has a massive WOW factor. Throw on some tunes, serve some mocktails and enjoy the sun as you play games and relax in the water. Check with your local pool or lido to see what kind of private party packages they offer.

21. Backyard BBQ

Back garden BBQ party

Why not keep things simple with a backyard BBQ? Everyone knows what to expect; some slightly overdone food, some ice-cold drinks and a few pesky wasps – but there’ll also be some laughs, music and fun with a relaxed and chilled atmosphere.

22. Cooking class

At home cooking class

For something fun, different and challenging, a cooking class led by a professional chef is a wonderful way to get stuck in and make some delicious food. There are dozens of different cuisines you could try, from making sushi rolls to tossing pizza dough. And the best part is, you can sit down to enjoy your food and a few drinks afterwards.

23. Game night

Friends playing games including code names and jenga

There’s nothing quite like a game night, so why not bring a bunch of people together and play Charades or Pictionary, or some quick-fire versions of some of the classics? Guess Who?, Twister, Jenga, Hungry Hungry Hippos and if you’re really feeling brave, Monopoly. You could even play a selection of relationship- and couples-themed games, or a quiz all about your journey towards being engaged. Just remember not to get too worked up – it’s only a game after all!

24. Arts and crafts party

Pottery painting

Crack out your creativity and rope your guests into taking part in some arts and crafts. It could be knitting, pottery painting, or even some still-life drawing if you’re feeling adventurous. Encourage your guests to take their creations home as a keepsake.

25. Karaoke night

Karaoke night

If you and your loved ones love belting out a few numbers after a drink or two, a karaoke night is a hilarious way to get everyone in the mood to party. To keep it related to your engagement, select a playlist of romantic tunes or songs that mean something to the two of you.

26. Fairground fun

Woman at a fairground holding candyfloss

Enjoy some candy floss, toffee apples and burgers while trying to hook a duck or win at the coconut shy. You could even have a cake themed to a carousel with sugar work horses. Everyone loves the fun of the fair, so bring that joy to your engagement party.

27. Fairytale party

Halloween-themed blood-red toffee apples

For a magical engagement party, embrace fairytales or Disney classics and ask your guests to come dressed as their favourite prince or princess. Themed food options could be not-so-poisoned apples, the grey stuff (we hear it’s delicious) and Mickey Mouse-shaped waffles.

28. Boat party

Boat party

Instead of partying on dry land, why not take to the seas (or a lake or canal) in a boat? Let the current take you as you knock back some drinks, chill out with loved ones and soak in some sunshine.

29. Bollywood night

Indian girl dancing at a party

Embrace good food, a brilliant atmosphere and great entertainment with a Bollywood-themed party, complete with vibrant colours and fabulous Bollywood dancing.

30. Comedy club night

Comedy club night with microphone and live audience

Tickle your funny bone by organising a trip to your local comedy club, where you can enjoy some drinks and a few sets by local comedians. Just make sure you sit on the front row so the two of you get picked on by the comics – it’ll leave your guests howling with laughter and give the two of you great memories of your big night.

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After your engagement party, you can focus on planning your perfect wedding. Sign up to Bridebook today to use our free resources and tools to plan your big day.

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Happy Planning!

Wedding Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Proper wedding etiquette begins the moment you start planning your wedding. From the guest list to the cheese-board, to the actual nitty-gritty details of wedding planning! However, one of the best ways to plan a wedding as smoothly as possible is to know exactly what to avoid when planning your wedding.

Whether you’ve been waiting to plan your wedding since you were a child or you have no idea where to begin, these 43 wedding planning mistakes to avoid will be your saving grace.

No bride or groomzillas here, just bride and groom-chillas. And with’s free and easy-to-use wedding planning tools (from your wedding checklist to your budget), you’ll be planning pro in no time.

The wedding planning video course: common mistakes to avoid

In this video, Bridebook founder (and qualified wedding planner!) Hamish Shephard rounds up the most common wedding mistakes he sees couples make during their wedding planning and shares his expert advice on what to do instead. Whether you’re a bride- or groom-to-be, noting down these wedding tips and tricks on your wedding to-do list will set you well on the way to your dream day.

Here are 43 wedding planning don’ts to avoid! Sunny wedding bride and groom just married

Want daily wedding inspiration, advice and tips? FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM!

1. Don’t leave everything to the last minute. Winter is the ideal time to get organised with Bridebook as your planning companion.

2. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your wedding. You are going to be surrounded by your best friends for the party of your life with the love of life.

3. Don’t forget to download the Bridebook App (iOS and Android) if you haven’t already. Netflix and sofa time is the perfect time for some smart wedding planning.

4. Don’t wait to buy your alcohol. Buy it now at the Christmas supermarket sales and save around £2000! Sorry, Tesco.

5. Don’t race through all your planning and make the most of each step instead, like having a boozy family Sunday lunch to pick your wedding wines.

6. Don’t bankrupt yourself. Most couples overspend when they don’t need to. There are loads of ways to save – see our top tips – and use your Bridebook’s budget tool to look at what you should be spending on each item.

7. Don’t do anything until you have found your venue. This will set the date, style, location and capacity of your wedding. 

8. Don’t lick 100 envelopes. Do yourself a favour and buy a gluestick!

9. Don’t book your venue until you have your budget breakdown (Our budget tool with do this for you). Renting a jaw-dropping castle is awesome, not being able to afford any food because of its cost isn’t!

10. Don’t wish the planning stage away too much. Whether it is getting a hotel bartender to design you personalised cocktails for the big day, or spending time making your wedding playlist, enjoy those moments and savour the thoughts behind them – your actual wedding day will go by in a flash on the day!

11. Don’t fall into the usual trap of trying to do everything at once. You have plenty of time. So set up your personalised checklist here, and we will guide you through everything in the most stress-free way and make sure you don’t miss a thing!

12. Don’t have the bar too far from the dance floor… when Spice Girls comes on, all the men will leg it to the nearest pint. And when Mr Brightside comes on, they’ll all sheepishly make their return.

13. Don’t use spreadsheets! You are getting married, not doing your accounts!  Our guestlist tool is much more fun and easy. Purposefully built to save you time and to spare you from those unwanted guest list arguments!

14. Don’t decide to have your stag do too close to the big day.  We all know broken bones take time to mend and eyebrows need time to regrow.

15. Don’t rush up and down the aisle. Take it slowly.  All your guests want to see the happy couple. Especially Grandma! 

16. Don’t have a receiving line (this is when you and your parents greet every guest – as you come into the meal) at your wedding.  If you do want one, do it as you go into the venue but keep it far back from the bar area so guests can move through and start on the champagne quickly.

17. Don’t have any seating too near the dancing area. People-watchers and non-dancers will frighten off the self-conscious. 

18. Don’t sit your badly-behaved friends near your younger family members. Uncle Bob won’t approve! 

19. Grooms – don’t forget to pack a spare white shirt! Accidents happen, no one’s judging. Groom polkadot blue bowtie

20. Don’t split the party up by having a  ‘guys’ room’.  A whiskey room sounds like a great idea but only in theory. Save it for the stag do instead. 

21. Don’t make the bar too big as guests will use it as the perfect place to congregate.  

22. Don’t forget the all-important baby wipes. You’ll be amazed as to what they can get out of a wedding dress.

23. Don’t forget to ask someone to film the bride’s final dress fitting. This will make the MOB’s and chief bridesmaid’s life much easier when strapping them in on their wedding day!

24. Don’t forget to have a boogie with your parents. It will be one of their favourite memories of the day.

25. We advise you don’t put the cheese board anywhere near the dance floor.  Cheesy music is great. Cheesy smell… less so. 

26. Try not to make pre-dinner drinks go on for too long.  Your guests will start moaning about sore feet which can be a dangerous mood killer!  

27. Don’t let your wedding day be the first time both families meet. Arrange a pub lunch weeks or months beforehand. It may save some heated drunken disagreement on the day! Newlywed photos winter wedding scenery

28. Don’t have your wedding speeches written on a scrappy piece of paper that’s easy to lose. Have the final version on a neat piece of paper, or on an iPad that you can ask one of your bridal party to look after until you need it slipping under your chair in preparation.

Need some wedding speech writing pointers? Here are our top tips for brides writing their wedding speeches

29. If you decided against having a videographer at your wedding, don’t forget to ask a reliable friend to film all the speeches on their phone. You’ll want to look back on them after the wedding! 

30. Don’t rely on a guest to be your only photographer. They won’t fully enjoy the day and may not produce the results you were quite after. Get our best wedding photography saving tips here!

31. Don’t show everything off at once. Reveal the photo booth or the magician later on in the day as this will create more of a buzz. There’s nothing quite like tipsy twenty-eight-year-olds when they realise there’s a candy floss machine around.

32. But at the same time, don’t spring any unwanted surprises on your wedding guests. Compulsory dance competition?  Maybe not.

33. Don’t serve seriously garlicky dishes on the day of your wedding – you don’t want to be reminded of it all night on the dance floor.

34. Don’t spend a small fortune! If you have your eye on a venue that is out of your budget, decide to have a midweek wedding instead and save yourself 50%. 

35. Don’t forget to make copies of all the paperwork for the big day and keep them safe in a ‘wedmin’ file.  

36. Don’t let guests spend ages queuing up for a drink at the bar while you’re off having your photos taken as a newly married couple. Ask the venue or catering company to ensure some drinks are pre-poured ready for guests to grab and go. Waiter pouring glasses of champagne waiting for guests to arrive

37. Don’t forget to gently sandpaper the bottom of your new shoes! You don’t want them hindering your dance moves or be slipping around the dance floor!

38. Don’t forget that you will need to feed your suppliers at some point. Pre-ordering a nice takeaway is likely to be the cheapest option, or you can ask your caterer to prepare a large dish of something easily shareable like lasagna or shepherd’s pie.

39. Hallucinating on your wedding day? Don’t try new sleeping remedies the night before. Test it out a few weeks before instead.

Read our top tips for battling wedding anxiety here.

40. Know your dress’ limits. Your wedding day is not the time to practice your cartwheels if you’re in a close-cut slinky fishtail number. 

41. Don’t be shy about telling your suppliers your budget up front. Get a quote from them. If it’s too pricey, tell them what your budget is and see if they can work around it. 

42. Don’t wear your heels for the first time on the day. Instead, do a test run in them to the supermarket, so you have the trolley to help you!

43. And one more to finish with… don’t forget to enjoy every moment of it! It will most likely be the best day of your life!!! Couple kissing in reflection of dresser mirror

Want to plan your wedding like a pro? 

Be sure to download the FREE Bridebook wedding planning app and familiarise yourself with all of our incredible tools for a stress-free engagement!

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Did you like this article? Then you will love these! 

21 Questions To Ask Your Wedding Venue

Tips To The Groom: Writing Your Wedding Speech 

Hidden Wedding Costs Every Couple Needs To Know About

The Ultimate Wedding Budget Breakdown

Don’t know what you should spend money on for your wedding? Well, luckily for you, Bridebook is home to the most powerful wedding budget planner available.

Simply enter your total wedding funds, give us a few basic details, and in one click you’ll have your very own expert breakdown of your wedding costs. You’ll know exactly where to spend your money for your special day – and the real fun of planning can begin!

Find out how you should allocate your wedding funds!

Want to get started with ballpark figures? Below you’ll find a complete wedding budget breakdown, based on the average total costs of UK wedding suppliers. The average amount spent by UK couples on their wedding in 2024 comes to £20,775 (or £25,952 including the engagement ring and honeymoon). If you want to find out how to stay on budget, take a look at our other articles for some of our top wedding saving tips. We’ve got advice on how to save on photography, flowers, invitations and more.

Now, let’s break it down…

The Average Total Cost of a Wedding in 2024 = £20,775 (excluding ring and honeymoon) or £25,952 (excluding ring and honeymoon)

Wedding Budget Breakdown Infographic
Wedding costs breakdown, by supplier category, based on the 2024 UK average

The expert wedding budget video course: learn how to break down your wedding budget

Creating a wedding budget breakdown is one of the most important steps to tick off on your wedding planning checklist, whether you’re planning a more affordable DIY wedding on a budget or a more extravagant celebration. In this video course, Bridebook founder (and qualified wedding planner) Hamish Shephard explains how to set and manage your wedding budget, and reveals how you could save thousands on your wedding venue, catering and other suppliers.

Average cost of a wedding venue:


Photo © Dorfold Hall | See their Bridebook profile

Your wedding venue is easily the single most important part of your planning – so it’s no surprise that it’s also the most expensive part of your wedding budget! Choosing your wedding venue really is step one of your wedding planning journey, and it affects every aspect of your big day.

Not sure where to start when it comes to choosing your venue? Well, don’t worry, we’ve got you! We don’t mean to brag, but we’ve the largest wedding venue directory in the UK.

With our wedding venue search tool, you and your partner can find your dream venue faster than you can say, “I do!” If you know exactly what you’re looking for, you can kick things off by searching by name, location or style. If you’re just getting started with your venue search, try using filters such as “barn” or “city” and “budget” or “luxury” to get an idea of what’s out there.

Average cost of wedding catering:

£5,700 (80-90 guests on average; varies on the number of guests)

Photo © Pure Indulgence Catering | See their Bridebook profile

As you might expect, the total cost of your catering will be 100% dependent on the number of guests you invite to your wedding. Your guest list will have a big impact on what you’ll spend on your wedding overall as well, so we recommend making some rough decisions about the size of your guest list as early as possible in your wedding planning if you can.

Since caterers usually charge by the head, cutting some co-workers or +1s from your guest list might be your first move if you’re looking to save a few hundred pounds on your wedding. Another easy way to cut costs is to go for food trucks, sharing plates or a buffet over a set menu or traditional sit-down meal. Not only is this a great option for couples planning a wedding on a budget, but it’s also ideal for those wanting a more relaxed atmosphere on their big day.

For even more ways to save on your wedding catering and make your budget go further, check out our top tips on slashing the price of your wedding breakfast.

Average cost of wedding photography:


Photo © Jennifer West Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Your wedding is one of the most important days of your life, so it’s important that those memories last forever. That makes choosing the right wedding photographer one of your key decisions. After all, you’ll be looking at their photos for years to come, so it’s absolutely worth the investment!

Not sure where to start? We’ve pulled together some expert tips on choosing your wedding photographer, as well as some key questions to ask before booking them for your big day.

How much you pay will depend on the photographer, the service you want and the specific package you choose. If you want to cut costs and make your budget go further, ordering a digital album instead of a hard copy can save you some serious cash.

Average cost of wedding videography:


Photo © Affordable Wedding Videos | See their Bridebook profile

You might be asking yourself, “Why do I need a wedding videographer when I already have a wedding photographer?” Well, while a photographer can capture the key moments and highlights in a few snapshots, we’re betting you’ll want to remember every second of your wedding day – and having a designated wedding videographer will allow you to do just that.

As with wedding photographers, some videographers cost more than others. If having an absolutely jaw-dropping video is a priority for you, consider cutting back on some of your other suppliers to make room in your wedding budget.

If you don’t know how or where to find wedding videographers in your area, try using our wedding supplier search and then selecting the “Videographer” category. And be sure to check out our top tips on choosing your wedding videographer before you book yours!

Average cost of wedding flowers:


Photo © Foxgloves & Roses | See their Bridebook profile

How much do wedding flowers cost? Well, that depends on the type of flowers you want at your wedding. Though, in our opinion, our best bet is to go with seasonal flowers. It’s a great aesthetic, can mean big savings if you’re on a budget, and can even bag you some sustainability points! But whatever you do, never, ever underestimate how much flowers can transform your wedding!

If your heart’s still set on elaborate floral decorations but you’re worried about breaking the bank, check out our top wedding flowers penny-saving tips. You’ll be amazed how much you can save on your wedding flowers without sacrificing the “wow” factor.

Average cost of wedding decor & marquee hire:

£1,500 (decorations) + £4,200 (marquee)

Photo © The Rustic Wedding Company | See their Bridebook profile

Decoration isn’t just about the flowers! Don’t forget that many venues require you to hire all your furniture and other decorative features (especially “blank canvas” venues). This might be from the venue itself, your caterer, or a third party – but either way it’s an additional cost to factor in.

Something that can also eat up a big chunk of your wedding budget is marquee hire. If you’re hiring an outdoor venue for a winter wedding (or, let’s face it, probably for summer too!), you’ll definitely need one. If marquee hire isn’t included, this extra cost will add a few hundred pounds to your budget. So our top tip? Aim to book an all-inclusive venue which offers a two-in-one decoration and hire package. That way, you won’t have to worry about extra costs later on!

Average cost of a wedding cake:


Photo © Edible Essence Cake Couture Co. | See their Bridebook profile

The wedding cake is one of the best bits of any wedding (or at least, we think so!). So, before you decide on your wedding cake, make sure to first ask your cake maker these key questions.

There are two main things that will affect the cost of your wedding cake. The first is the number of tiers you go for. This comes down to how many people you’re trying to feed and what kind of look you want. At the end of the day, more cake means more money…but one sneaky way to cheat the system if you’re on a budget is to order a cake that uses dummy layers.

The second factor is whether you want a traditional fruit wedding cake or a more modern sponge with fresh fruit. While the former can be made further in advance, the latter will need to be baked the night before or even the day of the wedding itself, which makes them that bit more expensive.

If you have a baker in the family, why not ask them to bake your wedding cake? They might offer you “mates rates” or even make it for free as their wedding gift to you. Then you can use the money you save to invite a couple more guests…or put it towards your honeymoon!

Average cost of wedding entertainment & wedding music:

£800 (non-music entertainment) & £1,800 (wedding music)

Photo © Illusion Fireworks Ltd | See their Bridebook profile

With a million-and-one amazing options to choose from, deciding on your ideal wedding entertainment is no easy decision. You’ll want to think carefully about three things. Firstly, what do you and your partner want? Do you see yourself and your partner swaying to a romantic live band, or is techno not something you’re giving up on your big day? Secondly, what will your guests enjoy? And finally, what will fit in with the style and vibe of your wedding?

When it comes to pricing and budgeting, the first question is whether or not you have your heart set on live music. A DJ is almost always cheaper than a live band and can be just as good.

But before you agree to have your third-cousin-twice-removed play his banjo all night, first take a look through Bridebook’s fantastic range of entertainment and music suppliers!

Average cost of a wedding dress:


Photo © Bow Belles Bridal Boutique | See their Bridebook profile

There’s a breathtakingly beautiful wedding dress out there for everyone – and it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg! Our handy list of wedding dress saving tips will help you find that dress of your dreams…even if you’re trying to avoid the (shockingly large) average dress cost of £1,424!

Not included in this total are your bridesmaids’ dresses! Whether you’re taking the hit yourself, splitting the cost or asking your main girls to pay, you can find our favourite places to buy your bridesmaid dresses here. From budget to luxury, your girls will look fabulous no matter the choice!

Average cost of wedding accessories:

£200 (wedding shoes) + £300-400 (other accessories)

Photo © Joanna Reed Bridal Accessories | See their Bridebook profile

Don’t overlook the shoes! You want to look both fabulous and comfortable — and that comes at a price. Some brides will go with simple ballet flats so they can take the dance floor by storm, while others are comfortable in stiletto heels for all eight hours of their wedding day. If you want to save on shoes, just go with the favourites in your wardrobe. But if that perfect pair of brand-new wedding shoes is something you’ve been dreaming of since your engagement, why not step into Jimmy Choo’s wonderful world of weddings shoes guide right here on

And don’t overlook the other wedding fashion accessories! From the classic bridal veil to belts and sashes or hats and capes, accessories are a great way to make a statement, especially if you’re on a budget. A bit of sparkle is a sure-fire way to liven up a more affordable, simple gown.

Average cost of wedding beauty (hair & makeup):

£360 (hairdressing) + £330 (makeup)

Photo © Kristina Gasperas Makeup Artist | See their Bridebook profile

The way a bride envisions her wedding is simple: she looks drop-dead gorgeous next to her prince or princess. And who makes all of this possible? Trick question! All you need to look absolutely stunning is a beautiful, happy smile…but yeah, a little hair and makeup will help too!

With thousands of fantastic hair and makeup artists all over the UK, we can help you find your dream wedding make-up artist and hair stylist no matter your budget.

Average cost of wedding suits (groom and ushers attire):


Photo © Le Colonel | See their Bridebook profile

When it comes to figuring out how much you should spend on each part of your wedding, most couples overlook the groom’s attire and menswear But the groom and groomsmen will want to look gorgeous on their W-Day just as much as the bride and bridesmaids will, so why not let Bridebook help you decide on the perfect groom and ushers attire for your wedding day?

Our top tip? Communication. Make sure both your ushers and your bride are comfortable with what you choose to wear. You don’t have to be all “matchy-matchy”, but when your wedding comes together as a whole, the groom will be one of its central pieces…so keep that in mind!

Average cost of wedding rings:

£2,000 (engagement ring) + £1,000 (wedding rings) + £1,000 (other jewellery)

Photo © Ailsa Ritchie Jewellery | See their Bridebook profile

Factoring your wedding jewellery into your budget is just as important as the wedding dress itself, as it can really add up. From necklaces and earrings, to bracelets and hairpieces, sourcing the dreamiest jewellery is crucial if you want to look fabulous walking down the aisle. 

And as small as they are, don’t forget your wedding rings! They might just be the most significant detail of your wedding. After all, they’re a lasting symbol of your love and commitment to your partner, and will be with you both for the rest of your lives. Just like engagement rings, they’re also an added cost to your overall wedding budget…but definitely one you shouldn’t cut! Having trouble deciding on which metal and design to go for? We’ve put together a handy guide on all the different types of wedding bands available and their pricing.

Average cost of wedding stationery:


Photo © Wonder Wedding Stationery | See their Bridebook profile

You may feel a bit overwhelmed when it comes to choosing your wedding stationery. After all, when there’s everything from save-the-dates and invitations to programmes and place cards to consider, it’s not easy to know where to start. But, luckily for us, Papeterie Eugenie (who did George Clooney’s wedding stationery) shared their insider knowledge with us to help make picking out your stationery a piece of (wedding) cake, no matter your budget.

Do also keep in mind that this figure can vary widely depending on your unique needs and preferences. While both DIY or online invitations (such as those from Paperless Post) can cost next to nothing, bespoke and handcrafted stationery can cost closer to £800 or more.

Average cost of a registry office wedding

£300 (registry fees alone) / £1,000-£1,300 (registry office wedding) 

Photo © Kensington and Chelsea Register Office | See their Bridebook profile

Yes, yes, we know…organising your registrar isn’t exactly the most exciting part of your wedding, but it is very much one of the most crucial. Despite that, they’re an often overlooked expense that can come as a bit of a shock if you’re not expecting it! Even the royals have to pay their registrar fees, and it’s the one cost on this list where there are no sneaky loopholes or cost-cutting measures.

If you’re looking to save money on your wedding, or simply want an intimate  legally binding affair, a registry office wedding is by far the cheapest option. 

Average cost of a wedding planner & celebrant/toastmaster:

£2,400 (wedding planner) + £500 (celebrant/toastmaster)

Photo © Creating Ceremony | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re on a budget, consider hiring a wedding planner. Adding in this extra cost might sound counter-intuitive, but it could work out in your favour in the long run. Wedding planners have invaluable industry connections and a knack for haggling down prices – so they’ll likely have access to deals us mere mortals can only dream of!

If you’re looking for a less traditional and more personalised wedding ceremony, you’ll want to hire a celebrant. They’ll give you the freedom and flexibility to truly personalise how you celebrate your love with your partner. Just bear in mind that celebrant ceremonies aren’t legally recognised in England, Wales and Ireland (but are in Scotland). So hiring a celebrant will be an additional cost – you’ll still need to make provisions for the legal paperwork to be done at a registry office.

To ensure your wedding day runs smoothly, consider hiring a toastmaster as well. A lot of couples overlook toastmasters, but they play a vital role on the wedding scene. In addition to working with fellow wedding suppliers, they’re responsible for announcing toasts and introducing the speakers, and making sure your guests are in the right place at the right time. Hiring a toastmaster may eat up some of your budget, but it’ll leave you to enjoy your big day stress-free.

Average cost of wedding favours:


Photo © Green Manatee | See their Bridebook profile

Who doesn’t like wedding favours? They’re a great way of giving  your guests something to remember your special day by. We’ve kept the number on the lower side, based on 2024 average wedding costs (check out our ideas for affordable wedding favours), but favours can be as big or as small as you like, depending on your budget and preferences (and how many guests you have.

And remember, you don’t have to give favours at all! A lot of couples wonder whether or not wedding favours are a necessary cost – and honestly, it depends! For many of your guests, attending your big day will have been enough of a gift. But if you have money left in your budget…go for it! We actually get this question a lot on our Bridebook Instagram page, which you should follow immediately if you want wedding tips, inspiration and a little bit of Bridebook silliness.

Average cost of wedding transport:


Photo © The Cotswolds Campervan Company | See their Bridebook profile

Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you organise taxis for your entire guest list! But whether you’re thinking of making a low-key arrival or even planning on flying down the aisle (no, seriously, it’s been done before!), don’t overlook your own wedding transport. From vintage cars and carriages to tandem bikes and trucks, you’ll find the wedding transport to suit you on Bridebook.

When making decisions about your transport, a key consideration is how far your ceremony is from your accommodation and the reception venue. So maybe don’t choose to make your entrance on a tandem bike if you’re getting married five miles away from your wedding breakfast! And if you’re looking to cut this cost completely, why not ask a friend or relative if you can borrow their super cool car? Not only will they be flattered, but you’ll also save some £££!

Average cost of a honeymoon & other hidden wedding costs:

£4,300 (honeymoon) + £1,500 (other hidden costs)

Photo © Ebourne Images | See their Bridebook profile

Don’t forget your honeymoon, and any other hidden wedding costs (think organists and choirs, delivery costs, accommodation for your guests and suppliers, service charges, feeding your suppliers on the day, insurance, VAT). Your main focus might be on the wedding day itself, but it’s important to budget for any post-wedding spending too, as these costs can be significant. For example, you might need to dry clean clothing, buy thank you notes for your guests, and so on. For a more complete list, check out our post on hidden wedding costs every couple needs to know about.

The honeymoon is understandably a big post-wedding cost. According to our 204 Wedding Report, while older couples are more likely to stay within England, younger Gen Z couples are looking to travel more, favouring the beaches of the Maldives, Caribbean, Greece and Italy for their honeymoons. 

Plan your dream wedding on Bridebook 

So, that’s how a wedding breaks down for the average couple in 2024. Now it’s time to find out what your personalised budget breakdown will be, so you can get cracking with your planning!

See your personalised wedding budget breakdown now!

And if you’re looking for ways to save money on your wedding, we’ve got plenty of cost-cutting hacks, so you can have your dream wedding without going over your budget. From venue saving tips to guest list considerations, we’ve got you covered.

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Happy Planning!

22 Questions To Ask Your Wedding Venue

Okay, so you’ve found two or three wedding venues you love – now it’s time to quiz ‘em! But what should you ask? Well, we’ve got you covered. Here’s twenty-two questions to ask your wedding venue before you make it official.

Psst! Still looking for your dream wedding venue? Then check out Bridebook’s state-of-the-art Venue Search Tool and unlock the UK’s biggest (and best!) wedding venue directory. With the ability to search by location, style and capacity, you’ll find your perfect match in no time.

The wedding planning video course: questions to ask your wedding venue

In this video, Bridebook founder (and qualified wedding planner!) Hamish Shephard gives the lowdown on the questions you should ask your wedding venue, as well as some expert tips and tricks on coming up with wedding venue ideas and finding your wedding venue. And all this while keeping your wedding budget on track!

1. Which Dates Are Available In Our Chosen Month?

We wish we could guarantee that your dream venue will be available on your dream date… But that’s just not how it works. Make sure to ask your venue what dates are available as soon as you get in touch to avoid disappointment – and try to stay flexible if possible. Remember that weekends (especially Saturdays) in spring and summer are particularly popular choices for weddings, with these dates often getting booked up over a year in advance. If you’ve found your dream venue, you might want to consider a weekday wedding instead – and here’s why.

2. How Many Guests Can You Accommodate?

On the whole, most couples start by making their guest list then look for a venue that can accommodate it. Others, however, are more willing to shape their guest list to fit their dream venue. Whichever camp you fall into, you’ll still want to know how many guests your venue can host, as well as whether this number varies between rooms and locations.

Top Tip: If you search for wedding venues using our Venue Search Tool, let us know how many guests you expect to be hosting and we’ll only show you venues that can accommodate that.

3. Can We Have Our Ceremony Here Too?

Not every venue is able to host wedding ceremonies as well as wedding receptions as this requires a special license. Even if they can, you may only be able to hold your ceremony in certain locations at the venue – so make sure to check out your options. Use our Venue Search Tool to filter for venues with a marriage license to narrow things down if you know you want to hold your ceremony and reception at the same venue.

4. How Long Do We Have The Venue For?

Restrictions vary from venue to venue, but as a rule, we expect venues in more densely populated areas (like cities) to have noise restrictions or even a full curfew. Hotels, for example, may set a firm end time for celebrations. If you go for a rural barn or manor house, on the other hand, you’re much more likely to be able to party until dawn. Make sure to check before you book so you can make plans to accommodate this.

5. Will You Be Hosting Any Other Weddings At The Same Time?

If you want complete privacy for your wedding, this is what’s called “exclusive use” and you can filter for it using our Venue Search Tool. If you don’t have exclusive use, it’s possible that not only will there be other people in the venue but that there might even be other weddings taking place at the same time. This is most common in hotel wedding venues which will be hosting other guests. Now, there isn’t much you can do about this – so make sure you know in advance.

6. When Can We Start Setting Up?

Usually, you’ll be able to start setting up the day before or early in the morning the day of your wedding – but make sure to find out for sure. You’ll want to communicate this to your other suppliers as well as to your wedding party if they’ll be helping you out. When it comes to it, use our article on the final wedding checks you’ll need to do so you don’t miss anything.

7. What Kind Of Decorations Can We Have?

Some venues have restrictions surrounding the use of candles and confetti or on flash photography (particularly if they’re an art gallery or museum). Make sure you know exactly what your venue does and doesn’t allow to avoid any conflicts or nasty surprises later down the line. You don’t want to spend hundreds of pounds on tealights – only to find you can’t light any of them.

8. What Do You Provide And What Should We Rent?

A lot of venues will offer a package that includes decorations and furniture as well as glassware and table linens. If you choose to do this rather than providing your own, make sure to get all the details in writing – otherwise, they might change their colour scheme and you’ll end up with clashing colours!

9. Do You Have A List Of Preferred Caterers?

At some venues, you won’t be permitted to bring in external caterers and you will need to choose one from their list. Other venues will have caterers they suggest but don’t insist on. Either way, it’s always good to find out who they recommend.

10. Can We Bring Our Own Alcohol? Do You Charge Corkage?

Not all venues will allow you to bring in your own alcohol and may ask that you purchase it from them directly. If they do, they will likely charge you “corkage” – a surcharge on every bottle that you open. Sometimes, these corkage fees can be so high that it actually works out cheaper to buy from the venue instead so make sure to discuss what they offer. And if you’re feeling stuck, check out our guide to wedding alcohol where we go into much more depth on every aspect of wedding alcohol.

11. Is A Cash Bar An Option?

You might not want to provide alcohol at all, instead asking your guests to pay for their own drinks. If that’s the case, you’ll want to know whether this is an option – and if it is, make sure to find out if there’s a minimum spend. Otherwise, you might find yourself facing unexpected costs at the end of the day!

12. Can We Have A Band or DJ?

Even if you haven’t already booked your band or DJ, you’ll want to find out whether or not your venue can actually accommodate their needs. You don’t want to have booked your dream DJ, only to find out that there are no electrical sockets available for them or that there’s nowhere to set up their equipment.

13. Do You Have Any Special Facilities For Children?

If there is a spare room that could be used for children, we’d always advise you to use it! Having somewhere where you can put on a Disney movie or set up a few games is a great way to occupy children at a wedding, leaving the adults to enjoy themselves.

14. Do You Have Disabled Access?

If anyone on your guest list has access needs, make asking your venue about accessibility a priority.

15. When Do We Need To Pay Our Holding Deposit? Are There Any Other Fees?

When you pay your deposit, you secure your venue for the agreed date. Be clear about when this payment is due to avoid disappointment. And now’s a good time to ask about any other potential fees, taxes or service charges too. For more information about the hidden costs couples can encounter in the run up to their wedding day, check out this article.

16. Will There Be A Venue Coordinator Available On The Day?

If there is a venue coordinator available, we’d always recommend at least looking into working with them. They’ll be the person who’s most familiar with the venue, so they can ensure that everything runs smoothly and you have a stress-free experience on the day.

17. Is VAT Included In The Price?

Always, always, always check whether VAT is included in the price. You might think you’ve bagged yourself a bargain – only to find that this was exclusive of VAT and the real cost is as much as 20% higher.

18. What Are Our Bad Weather Options?

This is only really relevant if you’re planning an outdoor wedding – but if so, it absolutely is! Find out what inside spaces will be available to use as a back-up and make sure to view them so you can give at least a little thought to how you might use them. If there aren’t any suitable inside spaces, you’ll need to hire a marquee instead – and this can cost a pretty penny.

19. Are Fireworks Allowed?

Not every venue permits fireworks, so if ending your big day with a fabulous fireworks display is a must for you, make sure to check this nice and early.

20. What Car Parking Is Available On The Day?

If you’re not arranging transport for your guests, question number one is whether there’s enough parking spaces for everyone driving in. This is particularly important if you have elderly relatives who may find it difficult to travel any great distance to your venue. If it’s not obvious, you’ll also want to check whether there will be someone to show your guests how to get from the carpark to the venue. And don’t forget to reserve spaces for your suppliers too.

21. Is There Anywhere Guests Can Stay Overnight?

If you’re expecting to have guests coming from all over the country (or even from abroad), it’s good to get an idea of what possibilities there are for accommodation well in advance. It could be a dealbreaker for you and your partner if there’s no accommodation available. If your guests can stay at the venue, fantastic, but if not, can the venue recommend anywhere nearby? Remember, you might not need it but you’ll want to include this information on your wedding information sheet later.

22. Do You Have Liability Insurance?

We’re keeping everything crossed for you – but you can’t plan for everything! Put your mind at rest by asking your venue whether they’re covered for any (thankfully unlikely) accidents that may happen on your big day.

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How Much Does a Wedding Cake Cost? The 2024 Average Revealed

A wedding cake plays a huge part in your wedding. Not only is it a centrepiece at the wedding reception, but also acts as a talking point – with the added benefit of your guests getting to eat it too.

But exactly how much a wedding cake costs depends on a lot, from the number of tiers to the flavour. You may want an elegant, traditional fruit cake, or a towering chocolate explosion – the choices are endless.

In this post, we’ll take a look at everything to do with the cost of a wedding cake, including the average cost, what can affect the price, and what type of cake you might expect for your budget.

What’s the average cost of a wedding cake?

Photo © Edible Essence Cake Couture Co. | See their Bridebook profile

In our ultimate wedding budget breakdown, we revealed that the average cost of a wedding cake in the UK is £400-£500. However, what you’ll actually pay could be lower – or much, much higher, depending on what you’re looking for.

For example, if you have a tighter budget, then a two-tier, lightly decorated vanilla sponge will be more affordable. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for a touch of extravagance, a four-tier cake with multiple flavours and intricate detail will need a considerably more generous budget.

Number of Tiers





£250 – £300


£650- £750


£300 – £350

£450- £500

£850- £900


£400 – £450

£550- £600

£950- £1,000

If you’re on a budget, check out our post on ways to save money on your wedding cake. Do note that there are always compromises if you opt for the DIY approach.

By contrast, if you’re looking for a designer wedding cake which is completely custom-made, you can expect to pay well over £1,000 on average, even for cakes starting with relatively few tiers. This is because you’re paying for one-of-a-kind artistry, craftsmanship and unrivalled expertise, and there’s a lot of labour involved with making an elegant bespoke cake. Plus, there’s a very personal, and extended, level of service involved – a large, complicated designer cake can start months in advance, involving many consultations and back-and-forth communications to get the design just right for you and you alone, and take days to decorate once everything has been finalised. 

How much should you pay for a wedding cake?

Photo © Wedding Cakes by Lisa Broughton | See their Bridebook profile

How much you should pay for your wedding cake is down to what works for you – there is no right or wrong answer. If a wedding cake is something you want to include as a formality (or to appease Grandma), then you may want something small purely for the sake of your photos and to give your guests an extra dessert (once again, appeasing Grandma). In fact, if you’re not interested in traditions, you don’t need a wedding cake at all – something unique, like a pie or a jelly, works just as well and makes for a great talking point.

Do bespoke wedding cakes cost more?

Photo © Daisy Molly and Me | See their Bridebook profile

Yes, a bespoke wedding cake will cost considerably more than a ‘generic design’, as we’ve already touched upon above, due to the amount of time it takes the cake maker to design and make a one-of-a-kind cake which also doubles as a showstopping work of edible art. This could include having to create new techniques, sourcing new cake moulds, or crafting sugar models and patterns.

Store-made cakes are also made in large batches and often frozen before they’re bought, whereas bespoke cakes are freshly made. It can still be a lovely cake to both admire and eat, but a bespoke cake adds that unparalleled touch of quality, and so naturally comes with a premium price tag. 

How many tiers does your wedding cake need?

Photo © By Yevnig | See their Bridebook profile

Traditionally, a wedding cake will have three tiers, but that’s not to say that your cake should stick to this. It’s your wedding, and if you want your cake to have two tiers (or 14 if you’re so inclined – you do you) then there’s nothing stopping you.

The only thing to be mindful of is how many guests your cake may need to feed. The more guests you have, then if you plan on letting everyone have a slice the bigger it’ll need to be.

What about novelty cakes?

Photo © Sherry Hostler Cake Artistry | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re keen on cake but not big on tradition, a show-stopping novelty cake can work as a great centrepiece. A three-tier cake will turn some heads, but a novelty cake shaped like something other than a cake is a great way to add another layer of personalisation to your wedding. Whether it’s a mountain if you enjoy hiking, a carousel if you both love going to the fair, or a pile of books if you’re both big readers, there are a million and one options for a creative – but still elegant and classy – wedding cake. However, because novelty cakes take a lot of work, they can cost a lot more – but are definitely worth it.

Another option to consider is a selection of cupcakes, such as from The Costa Cupcake Company and The Daisy Chain Bakery. The number of cupcakes can be customised to the number of guests you’ve invited, so everyone gets one. Cupcakes can be decorated to complement your style or theme, and there’s also the benefit of them being a huge crowd pleaser, too.

Does the number of decorations affect the cost of a wedding cake?

Photo © Pasticceria Lorena | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding cake prices can increase depending on the number of sugar decorations that you have, so think carefully before committing to a dozen sugar flowers on each tier. A ready-made sugar flower sold separately from the cake can cost £6.75, and bespoke flowers like peonies and roses for crowning the cake can add another £30 – £40. Many couples choose to decorate their cake with real or plastic flowers, both of which save a considerable amount of money and still look absolutely amazing.

What other factors can affect the cost of a wedding cake?

Photo © Claire Arscott Cake Design | See their Bridebook profile

When it comes to your wedding cake, there are plenty of factors that will affect how much you’ll pay. The following are the most important: 

  • Tiers: The more tiers there are, the more your cake will cost.
  • Location: Where your cake makers are based will affect the cost. For example, those located in London will naturally have higher rates than those outside.
  • Design: A more complex or intricate cake design will take more time and skill than a simple or more subtle design, bumping up the cost. 
  • Techniques: The techniques involved are another potential variable in the cost, for example, whether the cake will be hand-painted, or airbrushed with stencils, or whether it needs to be sculpted free-hand, or is of a simpler shape. 
  • Toppers: Cake toppers offer a cute way to personalise your cake, but can take a lot of time to craft, especially if they’re bespoke. 
  • Flavour: A basic sponge cake will be more affordable than luxurious triple chocolate or alcohol-soaked fruit cake.
  • Dummy layers: If you want more tiers but not necessarily more cake, dummy layers will lower the cost by (though not always by as much as you might think). 
  • Ingredients: If organic or premium ingredients are important to you then you’ll need a budget to reflect it. Ingredients for the decoration will also add to the cost – for example, if there’s sugar, buttercream, or even fresh flowers. 
  • Stand: A basic cake stand will be more affordable than one that’s extravagant.
  • Delivery and setup fees: If delivery and setup take a long time, especially for large and elaborate cakes, then expect to pay a little extra.

What else should you bear in mind?

Photo © Tees Bakery | See their Bridebook profile

You’ll be the first to slice your cake, but don’t expect to have to cut every guest a slice yourself. When speaking to your catering team, ask them exactly how you want your cake to be sliced. If you have a fruit cake, the denseness and richness mean you don’t need to be overly generous with size like you might with a more delicate sponge. Another way to ensure a better cost-per-slice ratio is with square slices instead of wedges.

When it comes to taste, vanilla, chocolate and lemon are the most popular wedding cake flavours, and luckily they’re also among the cheapest. A fruit cake made with fresh fruit will be more expensive, but as we mentioned above, its intense (and more acquired) taste means it’ll go further. Also, rolled fondant and marzipan will cost more, as they take more time to smooth and can tear easily if not applied carefully.

What about dummy layers?

Photo © Lotti & Lu | See their Bridebook profile

Dummy layers are a crafty way to add extra tiers to your cake while ensuring the cost doesn’t spiral out of control. Dummy layers are made from styrofoam and covered in the same icing as the other layers, so your guests will be none the wiser. They’re a great way to save if you’re keen on a five-tier cake but only need 70 servings. A fake layer (or two) can add drama and extra height, without the need for a filling or unnecessary weight. The layer itself doesn’t cost a lot, but it’s worth bearing in mind that lots of detail will still drive up the price.

Plan your dream wedding with Bridebook

Sign up to Bridebook and effortlessly plan your wedding today! We have a huge selection of amazing wedding cake makers to make your wedding cake dreams come true!

And if you’re looking for ways to save money on your wedding cake, we’ve put together our top tips to help you cut costs without cutting out all the best bits. 

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Happy Planning!

What To Include On Your Information Sheet

Starting to put together your wedding invitation suite? Then a big well done from us because that likely means you’ve sorted your Guest List – and that’s no mean feat! Now, if you haven’t already, you’ll want to take a look at our introduction to your wedding stationery and start off by getting to grips with all the different items you’ll need. Done that? Then read on to learn all about your wedding information sheet.

Psst! Need to know where to send your invitations? Try using our handy Address Collector to sort it all out in just one click.

What Is Your Wedding Information Sheet For?

Well, as we always say, your wedding is the celebration of the century – and while that means tons of fun, it also means lots of logistics! Since your wedding invitations only include the very basics (date, time, location), your wedding information sheet lets your guests know everything else: how to get to the venue, where they can stay, what they should wear… Plus, it lessens the chance that you’ll have to field a ton of last-minute queries on the day! order of service written on a blackboard
By Guy Hearn

What Information Should You Include On Your Wedding Information Sheet?

Well, every wedding is different – so your wedding information sheet will be specific to the details and requirements of your own wedding. The easiest thing to do is to put yourself in the shoes of one of your wedding guests and think about what questions they might have! To get you started, here are a few things we’d expect to find on most information sheets:

1. Directions

Always include directions to your ceremony and/or reception venue. You may also want to include maps of surrounding area for guests who aren’t familiar with the location. Bonus points if you throw in a list of local attractions and your recommendations for any guests combining your wedding with a getaway!

Psst! If you’re still looking for the perfect place to tie the knot, why not use our Venue Search Tool?

2. Transport Links And Taxis

It’s always helpful to add a list of transport links (eg. the closest train station, the best airport to fly into) for guests who don’t drive or are coming from further afield. It’s also a good idea to provide your guests with the contact details of local, reputable taxi firms or the details of any nearby car parking. guests sitting on hay bells
By Weddings Vintage

3. Accommodation

It’s more likely than not that at least a few of your guests will want to stay nearby so make sure to offer them a few recommendations for accommodation. If you’re not sure, ask your wedding venue where they recommend guests stay. And if you can, why not reserve a few rooms at a local hotel or bed and breakfast in advance? That way, you’ll know they’re not fully booked and you can just let your friends know to mention your name to secure a room.

4. Dress Code

If your wedding has a dress code, you will most likely have included it on your invitation – but now’s your chance to go into a bit more detail. For example, if you’re getting married in a marquee, you might want to let your guests know they’ll need “lawn-friendly” shoes. Or if you’re planning an outdoor ceremony in mid-winter, make sure to mention to your guests that they’ll want to pack their mittens!

5. Children

Are you planning on having children at your wedding? Your wedding invitation will most likely indicate in some way if you’re planning a “child-free” wedding but it’s always worth reiterating on your information sheet to make sure everyone’s got the message! If you will be including children but you’ve made any special arrangements (eg. providing a crêche), here’s where to go into detail.

cards and gifts table with a suitcase
By Guy Hearn

6. Presents

If you’re nervous about mentioning your gift list – don’t be! If you don’t put the details of your gift list on your wedding information sheet, your guests will just ask you directly instead. Or, if you want to be a little more subtle, you could always have your gift list details printed separately onto small cards you can slip into your envelopes alongside your invitations.

7. The Bar!

If you already know you’ll be having a cash bar, now’s a good time to let your guests know. Make sure to let them know any extra details too, like which cards the bar accepts and whether or not they’re cashless. 

Psst! If you need some help deciding between an open bar and a cash bar, check out our guide to wedding alcohol here.

8. Carriages

Ever struggled to get everyone out at the end of a house party? Well, “Carriages” is an easy way to avoid that happening at your wedding! It lets your guests know the latest time by which they’ll need to leave the venue. Including it on your information sheet means they can make arrangements for getting home in advance.

9. The Day After

Are you planning activities for the day after? Whether you’ll be hosting brunch or organising a golfing trip, let your guests know the details so they can plan accordingly.

Of course, you don’t have to send out an information sheet – and not all couples do. A great alternative – whether it’s because you want to cut costs or reduce waste – is to set up a wedding website and include the URL on your invitations. Then you can host all the above information there – and update it for everybody any time. Make sure to include your contact details, as well as those of your best (wo)man or maid/man of honour, so that your guests can ask any additional questions.

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How Much Does Wedding Catering Cost? The 2024 Average Revealed

When it comes to hosting a memorable wedding, food and drink are a huge contributing factor. Including canapés and arrival drinks, a three or four-course wedding breakfast and a spread for the evening buffet, your guests will spend a large portion of their time at your wedding enjoying some delicious food and drink.

But how much does wedding catering cost, so you know exactly how much of your budget you need to dedicate toward keeping your guests fed, watered (or wined!) and – ultimately – happy?

In this post we’re going to take a look at the average cost of catering a wedding and what can affect that cost – including the alcohol.

How does the pricing work?

Photo © Pure Indulgence Catering | See their Bridebook profile

The first thing you need to know is that, depending on the venue, catering can often be done in-house. But, if the venue doesn’t offer catering that suits your taste, you can hire caterers to come to your venue separately. Venues that include catering are usually priced per head, meaning there will be a set price for every guest which will include food (a buffet or sit-down meal), the venue rental and sometimes half a bottle of wine per person for the meal and some bubbly for the toasts.

If a venue is priced at a lump sum, it usually means that catering is not included and what you are paying goes towards securing the venue. For more information check out our post on the cost of a wedding venue.

What is the average cost of catering a wedding?

Photo © The Wedding Kitchen | See their Bridebook profile

How much your wedding catering costs depends entirely on how many people you’re looking to invite. The more people you invite the more hungry mouths there will be, and of course the higher the cost will be.

In our ultimate guide to budgeting a wedding, we outlined that to cater an 80- to 90-guest wedding you can expect to spend an average of £5,700 overall. This may initially sound like a lot, but it actually equates to just over £65 per person, which is quite reasonable when you consider it’s their food for the entire day. However, it’s also enough to make you think twice when liberally handing out those +1s.

Of course, if your wedding is more intimate than that – or more grandiose – it can drastically change that figure. Based on this, to cater a 40-guest wedding the average cost will be around £2,600, and a 160-guest wedding will cost around £10,400.

This is of course based on the average, and depending on your budget there’s a range of options available:

  • Affordable – £20 – £40 per head
  • Moderate – £40 – £60 per head
  • Luxury – £60 – £80 per head
  • Super luxury – £80+ per head

Is it cheaper per head the more guests there are?

Photo © Create | See their Bridebook profile

You may expect the price per head to reduce depending on the greater the number of guests there are, but this isn’t always the case when it comes to catering a wedding. It will usually depend on several factors, including the venue, the number of kitchen and wait staff required, and the dining style.

For example, the price per head will be cheaper if you provide buffet-style food or food trucks than it would with a four-course meal, regardless of how many guests are attending.

How much does a wedding breakfast cost?

Photo © Lettice Events | See their Bridebook profile

The wedding breakfast will generally be one of the most expensive parts of your wedding reception. They’re usually multi-course sit-down meals that are meticulously run from a busy kitchen like a well-oiled machine – and that kind of operation comes at a cost.

The average cost of a wedding breakfast will be around £30-40 per head, but certain venues and vendors can charge more than three times this amount.

To make sure you get all the information you need, check out our post on what questions you should ask your wedding caterer.

How much does an evening buffet cost?

Photo © Dine | See their Bridebook profile

Your evening buffet is a far more relaxed meal, which offers a greater choice of food and the need for fewer servers. It also offers you the chance to fill the bellies of your guests who could only come to the evening reception.

The average cost of a buffet is usually around £20-30 per head, however, this can also vary depending on the selection of dishes on offer and the type of cuisine. For example, chicken and chips will be far more affordable than hand-made sushi!

What else can affect the cost of catering a wedding?

Photo © Le Mange Tout | See their Bridebook profile

The above costs are all averages, and you’ll make plenty of choices that will make that cost go either down or way (WAY) up. These include:

  • Style of service: the cost of a buffet, sit-down meal, or food truck can vary hugely. For example, for a sit-down meal, you would have to factor in the wages of the waiters (it’s recommended to have 1 per 11 guests) and a buffet would have a wider selection of food options. There are thousands of caterers offering a wide variety of options to suit all tastes and budgets.
  • Menu choice: The more options you offer your guests outside of the standard meat, fish or vegetarian/vegan, the more you’re likely to pay.
  • The venue: Does it have its own catering team? If you’re hiring a catering team separate from the venue, you may also need to factor in the cost of hiring a marquee and portable kitchen. These costs can quickly add up, adding several thousand to the cost of your catering. Some venues have a list of preferred caterers, so make sure you ask your chosen wedding venue if there are limitations.
  • The food: Some food is cheaper to make than others. If you’re keen to offer oysters and caviar, don’t be surprised if it’s more expensive than if you were to offer sandwiches and vol-au-vents.
  • The ingredients: Some caterers may offer premium ingredients, and if imported or organic produce is important to you then expect to pay a little extra.
  • The number of courses: Are you happy with a three-course meal, or would you like to offer hors d’oeuvres, a fish course, palate-cleansing sorbets, and mignardise? The more courses there are (and the more complex they are to make) the pricier it will be.
  • The date: you can expect to pay higher rates during peak times, such as during the summer and at weekends.

What about the alcohol?

Photo © Caper & Berry | See their Bridebook profile

While it can be tempting to offer an open bar, a wedding is one of those rare occasions when people tend to let their hair down. As a result, many of your guests will want to partake in a drink or two (or five or six). The cost of an open bar can quickly become eye-wateringly expensive, which is why many couples opt instead for a bottle or two of wine per table, plus a glass of bubbles on arrival and for the toasts. Then, if guests would like any other drinks, they’re free to choose what they like from a cash bar.

Remember, if you choose to supply your own fizz or bottles of wine, the venue may charge a corkage fee, which can be around £5-11 per bottle.

For more information check out our ultimate guide to wedding alcohol.

Ready to plan your big day?

Need a hand (or two) with wedding planning? Join Bridebook and get all the tools you need to plan your big day from start to finish. Plan your wedding budget, find your wedding venues and suppliers, organise your guest list and more.

And if you’re looking for ways to save money on your wedding catering, we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to help you keep costs down. 

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Happy Planning!

Outdoor Wedding Venues in London

We’re here to help you choose from our list of outdoor wedding venues in London, from the countryside to seaside, with nature’s scenery in your eyeline and wholehearted happiness in your heart.

There are so many ways to get married al fresco, and these London wedding venues don’t disappoint!  From waterfront hotels and museums to manor houses and marquees, London is blessed with a multitude of open-air options. Here are a few you might want to check out!

1. Royal Botanic Gardens

Outdoor Wedding Venues in London

The large, open plan design of the Orangery makes it the ideal venue for your wedding. With high ceilings and grand, arched windows, the room is filled with natural light. During the summer months, your guests can enjoy the large terrace with its spectacular views of the Gardens.

2. WWT London Wetland Centre

wwt london wetland centre set up for wedding ceremony.

WWT London Wetland Centre offers an unrivalled setting for civil partnership and marriage ceremonies. The venues, which are approved for ceremonies, are the Observatory and Wetland Living.  Bringing the countryside into London, this is an amazing alternative wedding destination.

3. Chelsea Physic Garden

bride poses in chelsea physic garden

The Chelsea Physic Garden is a botanical garden venue with a large marquee as an optional hire.  This outdoor wedding venue with glorious spaces is available for dry hire and has a Wedding Ceremony Room available for up to 70 guests but blessings in the gardens are welcomed.

4. Hill Garden and Pergola

Hill Garden and Pergola wedding venue.

Tie the knot in one of London’s secret beauty spots.  The Pergola and Hill Garden is a licenced venue for weddings and civil partnerships. This beautiful and secluded place makes a wonderful location for such ceremonies.  

5. Chiswick House Gardens

Chiswick house gardens decorated with flowers all over.

Do you dream of a wedding that is stylishly simple, or is your heart’s desire an elaborate party with every trimming?   Chiswick House & Gardens is a hidden gem in the heart of West London, 65 acres of glorious landscaped gardens where your wedding will be truly unique and memorable.

6. The Hurlingham Club

wedding dinner at the hurlingham club.

As far as UK Country wedding venues go, this one is both unique and memorable. Many happy couples have made their special vows in the Club’s beautiful venue with many a celebration!  They’re able to accommodate wedding parties between 8o to 1,000 for decadent sit down wedding breakfasts, to more informal buffets and dancing.

7. The Conservatory at Painshill

Lake at conservatory at painshill

You’ll love saying your I Do’s within this stunning setting of a 160-acre park.  The purpose-built marquee is situated within Painshill’s private walled gardens, creating a breathtaking venue for any special occasion.

8. Vanstone Park

Vanstone park tents at night.

You can find this beautiful woodland venue just outside Hertfordshire, close to both Hitchin and Stevenage. This marquee wedding venue partners with Country Tipis to add a fun factor to your wedding, and guests always enjoy them – They provide a great talking point.

9. Paradise Wildlife Park

newlyweds look at tiger at paradise wildlife park

The Marquee is located in a private area of the Park with a beautiful secret garden with pergola, stream and bridge; perfect for wedding photos either before or after the ceremony. Complete with a fully licenced bar and resident DJ our private marquee makes the purrrfect venue for your wedding ceremony and reception.

10. Selsdon Park Hotel & Golf Club

newlyweds pose with their classic car in front of seldsdon park hotel & golf club

Weddings here come with beautiful views stretching out across the gardens onto 200 acres of Surrey countryside grounds. As the only wedding venue in Croydon licensed to host outdoor ceremonies, you can also say your vows outside in a pretty pagoda in the hotel’s secret gardens.

You’ve chosen to have an outdoor Wedding for the space, where your guests can enjoy being outside instead of struggling to squeeze past each other at an indoor venue.  Obviously, outdoor wedding venues in London are a lot of fun, unique and ideal for brides who don’t mind their guests bringing children to the venue (Bless them)!

If you enjoyed our list and want some more ideas, take a look at our outdoor wedding venues in Essex.  When you’re about to start looking at wedding venues, it might be about time to look at some tools we have just for you like our Budget Planner, Checklist and even help with your Guestlist!

Don’t delay… Get booking today! From all of us at Bridebook,

Happy Planning!

Barn Wedding Venues in Cheshire

So you’re looking at Cheshire wedding venues, for something unique… something a little quirky and different.  A barn wedding venue can offer an abundance of space for your big day.  We think that barns make great wedding venues because they’re a blank canvas for creative couples.

We’ve found some awesome Barn wedding venues in Cheshire for you to take a look at.  These rustic and charming, elegant and inspired spaces are the perfect place to begin a future with the person you love.

1. Sandhole Oak Barn

wedding ceremony set up at sandhole oak barn.

For your special day, nothing could be more idyllic than saying ‘I do’ in this stunning oak barn beside a tranquil lake. Sandhole Oak Barn’s wedding venue is set in 400 acres of rolling Cheshire countryside and offers a magnificent setting for your wedding day.

2. Heaton House Farm

Barn Wedding Venues in Cheshire

Nestled on the hillside of a working farm and surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Cheshire and Staffordshire, the gorgeous setting for this incredible wedding venue awaits. This Family-run establishment will help you with something big and extravagant, or quaint and intimate.

3. Owen House Wedding Barn

newlyweds pose outside owen house wedding barn

One of the most beautiful Barn wedding venues in the UK and set on a working farm that is family run and offers a truly unique wedding experience.  Situated in a stunning location you wouldn’t want to leave, allows for holding your ceremony and celebration at the same venue!

4. The Plough Inn

the plough inn wedding lunch.

The Plough Inn is licensed to hold Civil Ceremony Weddings and offers the perfect setting for your special day.  The historic Barn is ideally situated for formal or informal ceremonies and promises to make your wedding distinctive and unique with delightful gardens making the perfect setting for wedding photography.

5. The Oak Tree of Peover

gorgeous dining room with oak beams at the oak tree of peover.

Oak Tree of Peover is a unique contemporary venue is set in the heart of Cheshire surrounded by stunning countryside views. Oak beams and lots of natural light makes this venue fresh and bright whilst subtle lighting in the evening gives it a magical, romantic feel.

6. Stock Farm Wedding and Events Barn

stock farm wedding

Set within beautiful farmland situated on the edge of Tatton Park in Cheshire, one of the prettiest Farm wedding venues in the UK, Stock Farm wedding & Events Barn offers the perfect setting for your special day in an exclusive location with idyllic countryside views giving you and your guests complete privacy.

7. The Holford Estate

outdoors wedding ceremony amongst the trees in the holford estate.

One of our Barn wedding venues in Cheshire is a real hidden gem, The Holford estate secluded idyllic setting, is steeped in history, alongside stunning formal gardens and a state of the art contemporary wedding Barn.

8. Styal Lodge

Beautiful large wedding lunch decorated with long sheets  and styal lodge.

A family run venue in the beautiful National Trust Village of Styal, in the grounds of Styal Golf Club. Built in 2009 a beautiful Lodge filled with natural light, a blank canvas & private gardens.

9. Curdlands Barn

guests gather outside curdlands barn

Of all the UK Country wedding venues, this stunning location boasts unrivalled views over the Cheshire plains towards the Welsh hills and gives you complete exclusivity on your special day.  The Barn is an airy indoor space with a fabulous terrace, perfect for the drinks reception or evening soirée.

10. Duddon Mill Farm

Duddon mill farm.

Duddon Mill Farm is a wedding and events venue situated near Tarporley in the heart of rural Cheshire.  With mature apple orchards, pond, barns and a stream running right through the middle of the estate, there are endless photo opportunities for lovers of the outdoors.

Wow, we don’t envy you! There is just so much to choose from. Remember, your wedding can be as extravagant, or as intimate as your imagination allows.  Choosing your wedding venue will be a big decision you’ll make as a couple, and it’s good to think of your options straight away.

To help you, we’ve created some handy tools for your Budget, your Checklist (very important!) and, of course, your Guestlist.  And if all of the above venues aren’t nearby, check out our barn wedding venues in Essex or our barn wedding venues in Yorkshire.

For more wedding venues in the UK, go to Bridebook’s Wedding Venue Search to apply your own custom filters and find ‘the one’.

Well? What are you waiting for?  HAPPY PLANNING!

Small Wedding Venues in Yorkshire

With modern weddings becoming bigger and more expensive than ever before, many couples are starting to turn to smaller, more personal options.  So whether it’s in a Church, Chapel, Castle or Priory, there is something special and heartwarming in choosing one of these Yorkshire Wedding Venues.  

Now we know that big is beautiful, but here in Yorkshire, EVERYTHING is beautiful, and sometimes dynamite comes in small packages.  From urban history to the rural panoramas, these are truly some of the best intimate wedding venues in Yorkshire.

1. Grays Court

grays court and gardens on a sunny day.

Whatever your event might be, there is plenty of room for you and around forty guests at this beautiful house steeped in history.  Take pleasure in the antique character and luxury of your surroundings as they work hard to ensure that your memorable day runs smoothly.

2. The Grange Hotel

the grange hotel at night

A special venue for your perfect day!  The Grange is an exclusive, privately owned, 41 bedroom Regency townhouse of great charm and character, superbly restored and luxuriously furnished in classic country house style.

3. The Kilnwick Percy Resort

the kilnwick percy resort.

If you are looking for modern and unique wedding venues in Yorkshire, then look no further! Regarded as being one of the best small wedding venues in Yorkshire, this space overlooks 180 acres of glorious woodland and Yorkshire Countryside; providing the perfect setting for your wedding photos!

4. York Castle Museum

york castle museum

This venue pick for your intimate wedding at the beautiful Hospitium at York Castle Museum is not only oozing with character and style, it’s also a sensational venue for that idyllic fairytale wedding day that you’ve been dreaming of.

5. Howsham Hall

howsham hall gardens

This one has made it onto our small wedding venues in Yorkshire, but by no means is it minor! Full event management and catering service is offered at this stunning Grade I listed Jacobean treasure near York. What a stunning venue for a perfect wedding!

6. Bedern Hall

bedern hall

With its soaring beamed ceiling, arched windows and warm stone walls, Bedern Hall in York is an intimate and individual setting for your wedding ceremony and reception.  This cosy and authentic wedding venue is the perfect place to say I Do!

7. Applewood Weddings Ltd

applewood weddings

Applewood provides the perfect backdrop for your romantic outdoor wedding. With ceremony area, seating areas, woodland walks and large decking in the heart of the trees with a large open area for your wedding structure that is reached by following the fairy light lit pathways.

8. Owston Hall Hotel

Small Wedding Venues in Yorkshire

You’ve found the perfect partner, and now you’ve found the perfect place to celebrate your love, surrounded by friends and family. Whether you’re looking for an intimate celebration or a lavish party, if you’re looking at hotel wedding venues in the UK, look no further, you’ve found a Gem.  

9. Pontefract Town Hall

pontefract town hall.

Pontefract Town Hall is an 18th Century architectural jewel located in the heart of the town’s ancient historic centre and is a lovely venue for your wedding day, with a beautiful building, good facilities and an excellent location.

10. Burythorpe House

burythorpe house

This is a truly idyllic and romantic manor house wedding venue.  Burythorpe House holds a civil license, allowing couples to host civil weddings and civil partnerships at the hotel. This enables you to hold your ceremony, wedding reception and evening celebrations all at the same venue!

11. Marmadukes Town House Hotel

marmadukes town house hotel

With a central location in York, Marmadukes Town House Hotel is an elegant small wedding venue with an award-winning restaurant and cosy spaces that is sure you make your wedding day extra special.

12. Priory Cottages

priory cottages.

Surrounded by the stunning North Yorkshire countryside, the barns offer an intimate setting for smaller weddings or a marquee that can accommodate larger groups in this gorgeous setting.

There are many positives to having a small wedding.  For instance, trimming the size of your Guestlist not only means you will save money, but it also means you can use your resources for quality, rather than quantity.

Make sure you have everything ticked off your Checklist!  This is important.  Use this tool to ensure things run smoothly.

Another helpful tool is for your Budget. With more flexibility, you have the option to splurge on the things that matter most, whether it be a stunning designer gown or a gourmet wedding breakfast!

If you’re looking for something further afield, we have a list of some of the best small wedding venues in London and small wedding venues near Essex.

And of course…. HAPPY PLANNING!!!

Top 10 Best Asian Wedding Venues in Birmingham

If you’re looking for a Birmingham Wedding Venue and have a wedding date for later this year or in 2020, planning the perfect Asian wedding takes time and patience.  Your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event that will represent who you and your partner are as a couple, whilst seamlessly integrating your cultural beliefs so that you have the perfect fairytale wedding.

So, whether you’re planning a traditional Asian wedding or a more intimate affair, there are a variety of different options to explore to make sure your wedding is everything you want it to be. To help, we’ve put together a list of Asian Wedding venues in Birmingham to assist you in your wedding planning.

1. SK D’Grand Cabana, West Midlands

dining room at SK D'Grand Cabana

A premium wedding and banqueting venue suited to weddings in the Midlands. The New Owners are renowned for their Banqueting and Wedding Halls back in India with of over 15 Hotels and Banqueting Halls under their profile.

2. Hilton Hall, Staffordshire

beautiful outdoors ceremony at hilton hall.

Hilton Hall is a stunning 17th Century country house Wedding Venue on the outskirts of Wolverhampton. This impressive and romantic grade I listed building offers complete privacy and promises to be the perfect setting for your flawless asian wedding.

3.  Nailcote Hall Hotel, Golf & Country Club, West Midlands

beautiful lake and gardens at nailcote hall hotel

Nailcote Hall Wedding Venue provides a picturesque backdrop for your Wedding, thanks to our 17th Century Country House Hotel, complete with panoramic views and an idyllic setting.

4. Ramada Solihull Birmingham, West Midlands

wedding dinner set up in tones of purple at ramada solihull.

This lavish venue, fondly known locally as ‘The George’ will ensure your  Wedding is memorable for all the right reasons. They offer a flexible approach to each event, allowing you to make your special day individual to you.

5. Alrewas Hayes Events Ltd, Staffordshire

Asian Wedding Venues Birmingham

Alrewas Hayes is a Grade II listed Queen Anne residence in the heart of rural Staffordshire and set in beautiful parkland, providing a venue which is exclusively yours for the day. This Manor House wedding venue provides an exceptional setting for all special occasions, with beautiful scenery and grounds for those picture perfect photos.

6. Holiday Inn, Birmingham

Holiday Inn, Birmingham.

This Asian Wedding venue in Birmingham is proudly able to offer weddings suited to your cultural needs. Their weddings coordinators are experienced in arranging multicultural weddings and will endeavour to tailor their venues to your needs as much as possible.

7. Ramada Park Hall Hotel, West Midlands

Wedding lunch at ramada park hall hotel.

This Grade II listed Georgian hotel is one of the most elegant and prestigious wedding venues in the West Midlands. Set within five acres of stunning landscaped gardens with distant views of the rolling Staffordshire countryside, this is the perfect location for outdoor wedding ceremonies.

8. Walsall Football Club, West Midlands

walsall football club asian wedding.

You are at the beginning of a very special journey, and this is a once in a lifetime occasion. why not have an unusual wedding venue and blow everyone’s mind!  Enjoy your wedding at the home of Walsall Football Club, with flexible packages to provide the perfect Asian wedding experience.

9. The Belfry, Warwickshire

beautiful gardens at the belfry wedding venue.

This is the perfect venue for the most unique and memorable Asian wedding. With enough space to cater for up to 276 guests, The Belfry has the capacity and facilities to ensure an unforgettable celebration.

10. Heart Of England Conference and Events Centre, Warwickshire

wedding dinner set up at heart of england.

One of the most beautiful and unique wedding venues in Warwickshire, the Heart of England is the ideal place to start your new lives together.  This venue has become increasingly popular as an Asian wedding venue and with photographic opportunities… Who can blame us!

All of these venues have a wealth of experience in hosting Asian weddings and we hope we have provided the finest inspiration for both extravagance and tradition and they don’t come any more special than these wonderful Asian wedding venues in Birmingham. If you’re looking for something completely different, go to our wedding venue search and find the perfect venue for you!

For more inspiration or if you’re looking further afield, why not see our finest London venues for Asian Weddings and, if you’re interested in that area, we have put together some beautiful Asian wedding venues in Essex for you to look at!

Please help yourself to our wedding tools to assist with your planning.

  1. Wedding Budget
  2. Wedding Planning Checklist
  3. Guest List

From all of us at Bridebook, HAPPY PLANNING!

Unusual wedding venues in London

London is home to some very unique wedding locations if you are looking for a different kind of celebration. All of the unusual wedding venues in London offer picturesque settings you won’t find anywhere else. Indoors, outdoors, private or public … you name it, London has the perfect location for your big day!

Picture a beautiful wedding at the country’s most visited sites or walk down the aisle in one of London’s historical churches, which bring an element of rich history and old-fashioned elegance to any ceremony.  Any way we spin it, we are sure you’ll find your happy place at one of these top London Wedding Venues.

1. ArcelorMittal Orbit

the arcelormittal orbit

Say your vows at 250ft at the lower viewing platform, before moving to the upper viewing platform at 262 feet to experience a spectacular wedding breakfast, all set against the stunning panorama of London’s stunning skyline!

2. House Of Commons, Palace Of Westminster

house of commons set up for wedding dinner.

Steeped in history, the Houses of Parliament / Palace of Westminster in London provides a unique setting for a wedding celebration. Dominating the banks of the River Thames, the Palace’s façade heralds this UNESCO World Heritage site as one of the most iconic in the world.

3. The Kings Oak Hotel

newlyweds pose in front of the pool and the kings oak hotel

Whatever time of year you want your special day to be, the Kings Oak Hotel bordering Essex and London, and nestling in the beautiful Epping Forest will enchant you and your guests and provide Lifelong memories, not to mention the WOW factor!

4. RSA House

confetti shot in front of RSA house

With its graceful Georgian architecture, stunning interiors and central location, the RSA House is the perfect venue for a quintessential London wedding offering Georgian grandeur, contemporary style and some surprising spaces all under one roof.

5. ZSL London Zoo

Bride and owl at ZSL zoo in London.

If you’re looking a quirky and unusual wedding venue in London, look no further!  ZSL London Zoo has an event space to suit you. This usual wedding venue will blow your mind! Add some animal magic to your event, enjoy a roaring wedding celebration and arrange an animal encounter for your guests, making it a rip-roaring success!

6. HMS Belfast

newlyweds kiss outside in the HMS Belfast ship.

We think this is one of the most iconic and unique Wedding Venues in London. Steeped in history and naval charm, HMS Belfast promises an event your guests will never forget.  Permanently moored between London Bridge and Tower Bridge, HMS Belfast is the most significant surviving Second World War Royal Navy warship.

7. Southbank Centre

Southbank centre illuminated with fairy lights at dawn.

For a wedding venue with unforgettable views and an esteemed cultural heritage, Southbank Centre is the perfect choice. Our pavilion spaces in Royal Festival Hall offer unique locations in a Grade 1 Listed building with romantic riverside views over central London and the Thames.

8. The Yacht London

chairs set up for an outdoors ceremony at the yacht in london.

The Yacht London is a permanently moored 1927 luxury steam yacht with a fabulous history. Situated on the North Bank of the Thames, between Waterloo Bridge and Blackfriars, in what is known as “The Mayfair of the River”. This is one of the most unique wedding venues, offering you fantastic views of the London skyline for a memorable and picturesque wedding.

9. Shoreditch Studios

Unusual wedding venues in London

Shoreditch Studios is a beautiful railway arch warehouse and studio space licensed for ceremonies and receptions.  Unlike traditional London wedding venues which offer only fixed wedding packages restricting catering or decor, this unique wedding venue in London is a blank canvas at which you can unleash your creativity and make your own.

10. V&A Museum of Childhood

Gorgeous dinning room flooding with light and long tables.

This is one of London’s best-loved museums and offers a unique and historical venue on the edge of the City. In this magnificent, grade II listed Victorian building are remarkable spaces and many original 19th century features, including the elegant and historic Marble Floor laid by female prisoners from Woking gaol.

11. Cecil Sharp House

colourfully decorated wedding lunch setting at cecil sharp house.

An iconic Grade II listed 1930’s building near Regent’s Park in London, has 5 spaces to hire that can accommodate weddings of all sizes.  As Cecil Sharp House is the home of the English Folk Dance and Song Society they would be happy to assist you with booking entertainment for your event.

12. London Eye

views from above the london eye.

At 135 metres above the majestic sights of London,weddings at the London Eye include a flight in a private capsule, beautifully decorated with flowers for 2 rotations (one hour). Wedding capsules can accommodate up to 16 people in the ceremony capsule including the happy couple.

13. The National Gallery

the balcony of the national gallery

Have you ever pictured yourself entertaining next to the world’s greatest artworks? Located at the very heart of London, The National Gallery is one of the best-loved art galleries in the world. This alternative wedding venue with a difference is full of culture, interest, elegance and romance.  

14. Garden Museum

newlyweds coming down the stairs as guests cheer at the garden museum.

Situated by the River Thames and next to Lambeth Palace, The Garden Museum provides the perfect location for wedding receptions.  From initial site visit up until the day of the event itself, they are on hand to offer advice, inspiration and practical ideas for making your celebration a unique and memorable experience.

15. Hoxton Hall

artistic newlyweds shot at hoxton hall.

This beautiful Victorian Music Hall is perfect for your quirky East London wedding. Tie the knot in style in a beautiful venue home to artists, performers and pillars of the community.  Each wedding at Hoxton Hall is unique and perfect for ceremonies, wedding breakfasts, banquets and parties.

16. Swan, Shakespeare’s Globe

fairy tale style wedding dinner at Shakespeare's globe.

There are few places that evoke centuries of romance like the Globe Theatre. From the youthful passions of Romeo and Juliet to the comic lovers in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, love has always been at the heart of Shakespeare’s plays at the theatre. A stunning exclusive use wedding venue in the heart of London with views looking out onto the Thames.

17. OXO2

wedding lunch at OXO2

This stunning riverside wedding venue in the iconic OXO building is a truly unique way to celebrate your Big day!  OXO2 is a truly special place for couples to start their life together. The chic, contemporary space of OXO2 makes a breathtaking romantic setting for your wedding day.

18. Chelsea Physic Garden

Bride posing in the beautiful autumn gardens.

Hidden in the heart of London, Chelsea Physic Garden is a beautiful and magical setting for your special day. Chelsea Physic Garden provides the perfect backdrop for your wedding day, it is quite simply the ultimate garden wedding venue!

19. The Oyster Shed

newlyweds first dance at the oyster shed.

A wedding on the banks of the Thames – what could be more perfect? How about a wedding on the banks of the Thames in your very own elegant pub with a feast of glorious gastronomy? Thought so!  This unique wedding venue in London boasts amazing views of The Shard through the impressive curved floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

20. Selhurst Park Stadium (Crystal Palace Football Club)

wedding lunch with tones of yellow and orange the selhurst park stadium.

The ideal venue for a football fan or someone looking for an alternative setting for their big day.  Selhurst Park is a truly special place and provides a unique personal wedding venue filled with glamour and class.

We hope you’ve loved our list of unique and quirky wedding spots to say I do in!  We had a lot of fun picking them out just for you. If you still couldn’t find “the one” on this list, head over to Bridebook’s Wedding Venue Search, when you will find the perfect place to tie the knot!

To help you get your planning underway, go over to our budget tool where we show you how easy it is to do all the planning yourself!  We also have a checklist tool and even a guestlist tool that you can use free of charge!  


How To Design Your Perfect Wedding Menu

Whether you’ve already booked your wedding caterer or are still considering options, you’re probably starting to think about what’s going to be on the menu. But half the time, it’s hard enough to decide what to eat for dinner on Tuesday night – let alone what to serve at your wedding! So here’s our five step guide to designing the perfect wedding menu.

1. What’s Your Theme?

If you have a theme (and we recommend you do!), use this to guide your decisions when it comes to your wedding menu. A hog roast, for example, is perfect for an informal, outdoor celebration – but not so good for a black tie wedding, where you’re more likely to want to serve elegant canapés and petit fours.

2. Do (Most) People Like It?

Well, there’s a reason chicken is such a wedding staple! More adventurous options like veal, venison, lamb and lobster can be more divisive and may result in some of your guests forcing down food they’d rather avoid. So you have two options: stick with something safe (and of course, what this is depends on the cuisine you and your guests are used to) or offer a few different options to make sure there’s something for everyone.

3. Do You Like It?

It’s your wedding – so what do you want to eat to celebrate marrying the love of your life? Remember, you’ll almost certainly need to accommodate the dietary requirements of at least a few guests – so if you can, serve what you want but offer alternatives for those who may not share your taste.

4. Will It Keep You Full?

You don’t want to end up in a food coma before the speeches – but we’d always avoid light bites in favour of something with at least a bit of substance. Remember, weddings can stretch on well into the night – and the last thing you want is your guests nipping out to McDonalds for a late night snack! Plus, we’re sure any guests who are drinking will appreciate the opportunity to line their stomachs…

5. Is It Low Risk For Allergies?

If you can, stay away from well-known allergens like peanuts, shellfish and soy – especially if you know one of your guests is at risk. Even if you can provide them with an alternative, avoiding allergens altogether will put your mind at rest.

Ask yourself these five questions and you’ll be well on your way to designing your dream menu. And if you’re still on the hunt for your perfect wedding caterer, why not check out our fabulous directory here?

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Wedding Films : 4 Reasons Why You Should Book a Videographer

Book a Videographer

A wedding photo album is a wonderful thing! It captures the moments of your special day that can instantly be re-lived via a physical album or on-screen photos. For this reason, almost everybody books a wedding photographer. Without one, there would be no record of your day and you would be solely reliant on your own memory. Not so many people, on the other hand, book a wedding videographer. Many still do, but it’s not seen as a necessity. Here are 4 reasons why we think you should book a videographer.

1. Film trumps photo in capturing the moment

A picture speaks a thousand words. But a film speaks ten thousand. Capturing the sounds and movements of your day is a priceless treasure. The sounds of talking, music and laughter may seem insignificant, but they really do add an extra dimension. In the same way, facial expressions, hugs and dancing all come to life in film in a way they never could in a photo. The best way to demonstrate this is to look at a video on your smartphone and compare it to a photo. Which one captures the moment better?

2. Ceremony

The most important part of your wedding day! You don’t want to miss a moment. Guaranteed to be emotional and joyful all at the same time. A photo will capture this moment beautifully, but to capture the words, tears and wobbly voices, a film is the only option.

3. Speeches

You may or may not want to remember the speeches depending on whether you are the one who is giving one. The speeches however are often filled with lovely moments. Not just the jokes, quotes and touching sentiment, but also the unexpected moments of participation from the guests. A film of the wedding speeches is not something you would watch every day, but it is a beautiful memory to keep a record of. And in this case, a photo just won’t cut it!

4. First dance

The first dance includes many aspects that your photographer won’t capture: The first dance song, the cheers of your guests and…..the actual dancing. The first dance is one of the most intimate parts of your wedding day and this is reflected far more effectively in a short 3 min film.

Your wedding day is jam-packed with moments that you want to remember. You will of course be able to capture these moments in photos…..and you definitely should! Don’t do away with the photographer! But strongly consider booking a videographer too! Sure, it’s an extra expense, but this is a purchase that you benefit from for the rest of your life. If you need to cut costs with your decorations to make the funds available to book a videographer, it’s probably worth the sacrifice. Many wedding purchases last only 1 day(your wedding day), but a film of your wedding is a pleasure you can keep for life.

Are you convinced? Read our videographer checklist before booking.

How to Confirm Your Wedding Music List

Wedding Music List

The time has come to finalize your list of music with the band or DJ. If you haven’t created a playlist yet, read our guide on choosing your wedding music.

Once you have your final evening music list, pass this over to your band or DJ. If you have hired a band, they may not be able to play everything on your list but might be willing to learn a few songs. It’s best to ask bands for their song list before hiring them to ensure they will be able to play the songs you want. If you have hired a DJ however, they should be able to play anything you ask them to. You can read more about choosing a wedding band or DJ in our guide.

Once you have provided the band/DJ with your playlist, check with them if there is enough material to cover their set length. If there isn’t, they may be willing to add other suggestions to fill the gaps to save you some time. If you choose to go with this option, make sure they show you the final playlist before the big day or, alternatively, you can provide them with a “do not play” list which would include a list of songs that you DON’T want played. This is for the adventurers among us who want a musical surprise on the wedding day. This can be a fun option if you want to experience your wedding as your guests are experiencing it.

If you want to go SUPER ADVENTUROUS, try this. Provide your band/DJ with a small playlist of 4-5 songs and ask them to play other songs of a similar style. This is the “shuffle” of the wedding music world.  You don’t know what’s coming next.

How to Write Wedding Invitations – A Template

How to Write Wedding Invitations

These days, customised wedding invitations are extremely popular. Beautiful designs and low prices make this a great option for many couples as it saves hours of making and writing invitations.

For this reason, much of the art of invitation writing has been forgotten with pre-built invitations being delivered to you needing nothing more than a name and address. This isn’t a bad thing as it’s one less thing for you to think about(let’s face it! You’ve got enough to do!). But, if you do want to write your own, where do you start? What is the correct wording?

Well the truth is….there is no correct wording. Wedding etiquette traditions have been reworked by a new generation as we have seen a rise of informal language gracing our wedding stationery.

Although the etiquette has been remodelled, it’s still important that you give your guests all the information they need. So here is everything you need to include on your wedding invitations. The order and wording is up to you. Just make sure it’s all on there:

  1. Name of person and any +1’s
  2. “You are invited to the marriage of” [a line making clear that they are invited]
  3. Bride’s name &
  4. Groom’s name
  5. Date
  6. Time of day
  7. Location of wedding – Name of venue and full address
  8. Reception information
  9. Gift list information

If one(or both) of your parents are hosting, you can add the following at the beginning:

  • Names of parents
  • Request your presence(replaces line 2 above)
  • At the marriage of their daughter/son

Next up, it’s time to send your invitations

You may also find our hack on writing save-the-dates useful