Top Pre-Wedding Bridal Beauty Tips from The Ritz Salon

It doesn’t get more pamper worthy than The Ritz Salon! Luckily for you, we’ve chatted with their very own Spa Manager Hannah Wood to get some insight on pre-wedding bridal beauty and pampering from the best of the best. So read on and get your comfy slippers and fluffy spa bathrobes at the ready! Hannah Wood Ritz spa manager


Below you will find Hannah’s recommended bridal beauty steps in the run up to a wedding from 6 months before to the night before:

6 months before

From six months, brides-to-be should starting going to the gym to make sure that they are toning their body, and especially concentrate on toning arms. Brides-to-be should also start to have regular facials from six months, and they should look to have one every four weeks so that they have at least five sessions before the wedding day. In The Ritz Salon, I recommend the Elemis Visible Brilliance Facial, which will help to brighten and illuminate the skin.

3 months before

Keep having the same facial every four weeks, unless you have a specific concern that you would like to focus on. With the Elemis Visible Brilliance Facial, we can prescribe the facial and adjust a few of the products depending on the clients skin concerns. I would also recommend for the Bride to have a good hair cut three months before the wedding, and then a trim a couple of weeks before.

1 month before

One month before the wedding is now getting really close and I recommend having a hair and make-up trial at this time. Your skin will be bright and glowing after the facials and a make-up trial is essential as this, especially, can be subject to personal taste. If you colour your hair, I recommend doing this at least one week before the wedding, just in case any changes are necessary (even if you have the same stylist and same colour it can still look different to normal so to avoid any last minute disasters and ensure it is done in plenty of time to correct it). At one month, start growing your nails, so that they are at a perfect on the day (all of the guests will be asking to look at your ring!). Cuticle oil is one of my hero products to strengthen and hydrate the nails. Exfoliate your body two or three times a week, and use a good moisturiser morning and night. Do a face mask twice a week from one month as well. I would also suggest to have a massage to de-stress you for the big day.

1 week before

With one week to go, your body should be ready. Have your waxing done if necessary and keep your body as a clean canvas if you are wanting to tan the night before.

The Night Before

The night before is dependent on your skin type, but I would exfoliate and use a mask on the eve of your wedding, but no new products. Use eye pads as well to make sure your eyes are sparkling for the big day. Drink lots and lots and lots of water. No alcohol. The day before have a manicure and pedicure and wash your hair if you are having your hair put up on the day. Day old hair is the best as it has better hold than if it is fresh clean hair.

Next up, Hannah’s tried and tested facial treatments for brides-to-be: bridal facial pre-wedding

For De-Puffing

On the wedding morning, put teaspoons in the freezer. Run them under a tap before placing them on your eyes – this really works to de-puff the eye area quickly before your make up is applied. The Elemis Procollagen Hydra Eye Masks are amazing as it really works de-puffing eyes, getting rid of dark circles over time, brightening the eye area and making the eyes more open and refreshed.

For Skin Clearing

I recommend a microdermabrasion facial. This type of facial gets rid of the top layers of skin, and works well to resurface the skin and helps eliminate any recent scarring or imperfections on the skin.

For Skin Smoothing

A good moisturiser for your skin type is essential and use this morning and night. Do make sure that your moisturiser is right for you – drier skin types should use a thicker moisturiser and if you are have more oily skin, go for a gel based moisturiser. At The Ritz Salon I definitely recommend the Elemis Visible Brilliance Facial. It is a brightening and illuminating facial which is exactly what you want for wedding ready skin. I love exfoliating the skin to take away all the dead skin, and then if you put a mask on the face straight away, you can see instant results.

Hair Removal Timing

A week before for the lip and eyebrows depending on your hair growth. Legs can be done closer to the day. I also recommend waxing and tweezing (rather that threading as the hair can come back thicker). We recommend for our brides to have their eyebrows shaped in The Ritz Salon a week before because if any spots or irritation occur they can be completely gone by the wedding day. bride in dress showing her legs

Tanning Tips

For streak free tan, in the driest areas of your body (such as your elbows, knees, feet -especially your heels – and the back of your wrists which are noticeable), always cover them in a thick moisturiser first. Apply the tan using a mitt in order to get an even coverage all over. I would recommend that brides apply the tan themselves if they are an experienced tanner or have a professional do this but not to get a spray tan. Always make sure you do a test run and that you exfoliate properly before.

Bridal Pampering

I personally find facials very relaxing, and brides-to-be should be having these regularly. A relaxing 50 minute or 80 minute Swedish Massage in The Ritz Salon is very relaxing because it focuses on the areas which carry the most tension, such as the shoulders and scalp especially. three young women enjoying a day at the spa

Don’t Forget!

An often overlooked area is the thigh area. People can get cellulite no matter how skinny they are and the thighs are often neglected. Cellulite is caused by poor circulation and the toxins get trapped. I recommend daily dry body brushing with an Elemis dry body brush every morning before you shower – always on dry skin. It’s painful but the results are very worthwhile and noticeable, always brush up towards the heart and not downwards.

Hair is also so important. Brides to be should do hair masks regularly to get a nice shine. You can also get a Wella shine spray from The Ritz Salon for the day of the wedding which looks unbelievable in pictures. We use this on all of our Ritz Brides. bride having her hair prepped

Want to book yourself in for some of these expert treatments? You can contact the Ritz Salon directly through their Bridebook profile!


Professional Wedding Dance Tips from Strictly Come Dancing’s Kristina Rihanoff!

Written by Kristina Rihanoff

Kristina Rihanoff is a world professional ballroom dancer, dance instructor and dance choreographer.

We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to interview professional dancer and choreographer and Strictly Come Dancing veteran Kristina Rihanoff! With her recent launch of Bespoke Ballroom, a luxurious high end dance platform offering performances and classes, there’s no better time to read up on her pro dancing tips in time for your wedding. Kristina Rihanoff portrait

Please can you tell us more about Bespoke Ballroom? What made you decide to start it?

I always loved teaching !! I had my 1st teaching job when i was only 16! It makes me really happy to see people improve on  the dance floor regardless of level they dance at. I truly believe dancing is for everyone and all ages. With BB services I want to bring the magic of Strictly come dancing to anyone who loves dancing and wants to learn !

Through the Bespoke Ballroom concept, I aim to make the sport accessible to a wide spectrum of audiences and offer an exclusive dance experience that includes VIP private tuition, seminars and private events.

The Bespoke packages can be tailor-made to meet your every need and form the perfect accompaniment to a variety of events all over the world. I even offer wedding entertainment and dance shows, as well as first wedding dance lessons that can be completed in the privacy of your own home.

Have you always wanted to work in weddings?

I love being a part of something so special. Weddings are pure joy to be involved in and I love performing at such wonderful occasions. I also love teaching the first  – every wedding dance I taught is very unique. It’s so lovely to see couples learning to dance and have this wonderful experience together.

What is your favourite thing about weddings and working/performing at weddings?

My favourite thing is to see the happiness of everyone involved. Wedding is a wonderful occasion with all generations of families coming together to celebrate love.

Which is your favourite style of dance for a wedding and why?

Most of the times I’m asked to perform the waltz or foxtrot. I think it suits the wedding so well because these dances are very graceful and timeless. Ballroom dances with lifts and lots of romantic movement are always a couple and crowd pleaser! Kristina ballroom dancing

What goes into your consideration when creating a bespoke choreography for a client’s wedding?

First of all the dance must be easy enough to learn as I don’t want the couples to be stressed about the wedding dance. They have enough to worry about before the wedding !!

I always make my choreography easily adoptable to any ability of the clients. Clients send me their music ahead of my lessons so I can prepare the dance and I also ask about the space where they will be dancing  so I can think of the suitable steps.

Could you walk us through your typical process with a couple you are helping with their first dance choreography?

I prepare the choreography which goes well with the music but once I start teaching it I usually change a few steps to make it easy and comfortable. I  don’t believe in trying for hours something very hard. If the step doesn’t work for a while it’s best to change it to something else.

I had the same attitude on Strictly come dancing with my celebs. You have to be cleaver and find the right steps for your clients so they feel confident when performing.

How do the bride and groom roles vary in the wedding dance?

The man always leads and lady follows. That is the main rule of the ballroom. But if the lady more experienced in dancing she can help with leading some of the steps. Most of all the bride and groom must remember that there  is no judges or right and wrong steps! They just have to enjoy their special dance and smile!! Kristina dancing with her partner

What type of couples do you usually see coming to you to train for a first dance? What would you say to a couple who think they’d love to do a dance but don’t believe they can/ doubt their ability to?

I have all sorts of couples coming to me for wedding dance or just for dance lessons. I really enjoy helping the students to learn dances and improve their skills. Dancing is for everyone , all ages and shapes! It’s a wonderful way for men and ladies to do something together!

Which is your absolute favourite dance you have performed and what was it like?

I think it was the rumba I performed with Beyoncé on my first year on Strictly. It was very overwhelming to perform with such superstar. Beyoncé was so gracious and in the end of the dance she said she really loved our performance ! I will never forget it!

Do you have any top tips for couples on their first dance?

You just have to enjoy it and don’t be afraid to make a mistake! Nobody knows your dance so just go for it! An make sure to wear whatever is most comfortable – though definitely practice in the shoes you’ll be wearing on the day. Kristina smiling during her dance

The best moves for getting fit for your wedding – different moves for different parts of your body?

Just taking dancing lessons themselves can help a bride get fit. I often hear remarks from clients about how much fitter and slimmer they feel from the lessons. Any type of dancing really helps to tighten the mid drift naturally.

Latin cha cha cha, and salsa, and waltz are both high energy and burn lots of calories because of how much movement is involved. On top of that, dancing is a very fun way to get fit as it doesn’t feel like a workout like going to the gym does.

Most impressive move someone could pull off?

A lift! All dance choreography that I put together has a lift as it’s such a couple and crowd favourite. It always brings the house down, and is so sweet and special for the day. And beginners shouldn’t be scared by lifts either. With my experience on Strictly Come Dancing, I know exactly how to teach beginners. Kristina doing a dance lift

Finally – what would your dream wedding look like?

I think my dream wedding would be when all of my loved once are around me. I miss my family and friends in Russia so much. As long as they are with me on that special day I will be more then happy and complete!

Have a browse at some of our other expert wedding articles:

How To: Choose Your Plus One

It’s always exciting receiving a wedding invitation, especially when you see the words “and Guest” written next to your name. But after the excitement wears off about not being a lone solider at the  wedding, you might be stuck wondering who to bring. You’re suddenly left with a big responsibility.  After all, nobody wants to be the one who brings the guest who takes advantage of the free bar and spends the rest of the night in the toilet. Follow our tips to save you any potential embarrassment! wedding invitation


Will Your Guest Actually Show Up?

Everyone is flakey now and again but not showing up to a wedding is a big deal. Make sure the person you are inviting is responsible and reliable and they’ll actually block off the date of the year. Weddings are expensive and the price per head is no small matter. You don’t want to be in the situation where you’re making excuses for their absence.  

Have You Seen Them in a Social Situation?

You’ve been out for the occasional drink but have you seen them in any social situations? Some people act differently when they are in big groups of people and may end up being a big cause of embarrassment on the day of the wedding. You want to be able to feel relaxed, without having to keep a watchful eye on your guest. Make sure he/she has manners and will heed the dress code.


Beware of The Exs’.

You don’t want to be the one who brings any drama to the wedding. Make sure the person you are bringing isn’t someone’s ex or anyone you know might make another wedding party member or guest feel uncomfortable. Consider the to-be-weds feelings—and the feelings of other guests too. 

Introduce Your Plus One to The Happy Couple.

If the couple doesn’t know the person you’re inviting, be polite and introduce your plus one to them at some stage of the day– it’s a nice thing to do since they are paying for them to be there.


Happy Planning!


How To: Get Enough Sleep Before Your Wedding

So your wedding is one of the biggest events in your life meaning you’re unlikely to get a ton of sleep on the night before the big day. Bridebook is here to help with our top 5 tips to help get those zzzzzs. bride trying to sleep

Avoid the Booze

Although having a glass (or two) of wine before bed sounds like a great idea at the time, it can actually effect your quality of sleep. Opt for mug of de-caffeinated herbal tea instead.

Lace Up Your Trainers

Exercise is the best way to ‘de-stress’ and take your mind off things. Try going for a run or a light stroll an hour or so before bedtime.

No More Phones

Take advantage of your ‘Do Not Disturb’ setting on your phone so you’re not distracted or woken up in the middle of the night.


Drinking plenty of water is really important to aid a good night’s sleep. It also helps keep your skin plump and well hydrated.

Don’t Dwell On It

Accept and embrace the fact you may not get the best night’s sleep before your wedding, but don’t be hard on yourself about it! Try creating a ‘sleep’ playlist on Spotify to help calm all your emotions you may be feeling.


Happy Planning!  

Browse other similar articles:


Wedding Survival Kit: 28 Items You’ll Need

Whilst we hope and pray that nothing goes wrong on your wedding day, it’s always better to be prepared. Here at Bridebook, we’ve compiled a list of some essential items you’ll need for those ‘just in case moments’. These should be readily available at the ceremony and wedding reception. Maybe put your maid of honour in charge of this one! bride's make-up bag

28 Items You’ll Need In Your Wedding Day Survival Kit

  1. Pain killers
  2. Plasters (normal and blister plasters)
  3. Large bottle of water
  4. Tic Tacs or Smints
  5. Money (just in case!)
  6. Chalk (to cover up any  smudges or smears you may get on your wedding dress)
  7. Comb or hair brush
  8. Dental floss 
  9. Eye drops
  10. Emergency extra earring backs
  11. Hairpins or ponytail holder
  12. Hair spray
  13. Makeup (for quick touch-ups)
  14. Matches
  15. Mini portable sewing kit
  16. Mirror
  17. Nail file
  18. Perfume
  19. Deodorant
  20. Safety pins
  21. Cellotape
  22. Small  scissors
  23. Straws (so you can drink without messing up your lipstick)
  24. Tampons
  25. Tissues
  26. Tweezers
  27. Snacks
  28. Wet wipes

Want some more helpful ‘on the day’ tips ? Have a read of our wedding day tick list


Deciding between ‘boho chic’ or ‘classic romance’ can be a hard enough decision when it comes to wedding planning. However, couples nowadays are faced with a much bigger conundrum: The Wedding Hashtag! Over 55% of couples incorporate a hashtag into their big day, so here’s how to choose yours. wedding hashtag

Be Unique

The last thing you want is for the photos of your big day to get mixed in with someone else’s. Make sure to check the social-sphere to check it hasn’t already been taken.


Throw It Out There

Once you have decided on the perfect hashtag make sure to ‘announce it to the world’! Include it on the save the dates, invitations or even cocktail napkins so everyone can get tagging and tweeting those photos!


Include Both Your Names

Get brainstorming with those ideas. Whether you want to include your first, last or nick names, write them all down to get those creative juices flowing. If you’re really struggling you can opt to use a wedding hash tag generator… yes, these things do exist. Wedding Hash Tag Wall is a popular one.


Make It Short and Sweet

Don’t make it too complicated. Steer clear of words that can be easily misspelled. If guests are confused and not sure what it is they are likely to use the wrong one AKA: bride’s worst nightmare.


Happy Hashtagging! 

What hashtag have you decided on for your big day? Leave a comment below. 

And while you are busy having your wedding photos taken? Have a read of ways to entertain your wedding guests.  


Your ‘On The Day’ Tick List

Here at Bridebook we believe your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life. For all your lovely brides to be out there we have come up with a ‘On The Day’ tick list. Follow our top 5 steps: tick list bride


Fuel Your Day

Start the day off right with a filling and energising breakfast, such as a bowl of porridge or a bagel and Greek yogurt. If the weather is nice, take yourself off for a 15-minute stroll. This will really help calm your nerves and give you a little ‘me time’ before the celebrations commence. Freshen up with a nice cool shower. Gently exfoliate and moisturise your body. porridge with nuts and berries



You may be tempted to start on the champagne early. Only allow yourself one glass. You want your skin to look fresh, not blotchy. Read more about making your skin look flawless in our article written by Bobbi Brown. Lay out your wedding dress and get everything ready including your survival kit so you are prepared for any emergency situations.  You’ll most likely be wearing heels all day so remember to pack a pair of flats, and savour the moments your feet can relax. bride drinking champagne with bridesmaids


Stay Calm

Take a minute to yourself to breathe and calm down. Do some simple relaxation exercises to help manage wedding day stress. No one should be phoning you on your wedding day, but if it does ring make sure to forward  your calls on to your maid of honour or a bridesmaid. bride relaxing


Thank Your Parents

Your parents probably had a lot to do with making this day special; by helping fund your day and all the time and advice they put in to help make your vision happen. bride with parents


Go Get Married!

And breathe! You’ve been dreaming of this day since you were a little girl, so go and enjoy it!


The Very Best Stands and Brands at the 2016 Brides The Show Brides the Show entrance and showguide


On Friday September 30th, the Bridebook team were lucky enough to attend the fabulous Brides The Show – and what a treat! We were blown away by the outstanding quality of exhibitors and stand management. After spending all night at the show (no seriously, we were the last to leave!) we got to meet some of the best of the best of the wedding industry. Brides the show entrance

So if you were unable to attend or aren’t from the London area, don’t fret! We’ve put together a list of all of our favourite stands and brands in attendance at this year’s show. And even better, we got them each to write us a little description of their experience so you can really feel like you were there! A big, big thank you to Brides Magazine in particular for hosting such a fabulous show.


The Wedding Shop wedding shop branded vip area

The Wedding Shop not only had some of the loveliest ladies at their stand expertly walking us through all of their features, they also sponsored the gorgeously decorated VIP area – or VIB for those in the know (Very Important Bride!). 

“The atmosphere at Brides The Show is like no other bridal show, the Conde Nast team put on such an incredible production curating inspirational ideas for every aspect of wedding planning. We love to be there as it enables us to showcase our services and product in an creative environment that seems to only gets better and better every year.”

Philippa Craddock beautiful show stand by philippa craddock

Philippa Craddock’s stand blew us away the moment we walked through the doors. Decked head to toe in the most beautiful and ethereal flowers and plants it was the perfect haven amongst the excitement of the show.

“The weekend was an enormous success.  We love Brides the Show as it gives us the opportunity to meet, face to face, a huge number of brides and to receive direct feedback on the things that are most important to them.  It is also a super opportunity to catch up with everyone at Brides, fellow suppliers, planners who we might not have seen for a few months over the busy summer and to meet new planners who are just starting their journey into the wedding world.”



Twobirds Bridesmaids gorgeous bridesmaid dress colour options from twobirds

Twobirds Bridesmaids has such a stunning array of different dress colours and materials it was only natural that their stand lived up to their reputation! Whether you want your bridesmaids classical or mix-matched modern, Twobirds is for you.

“Brides the Show is always spectacular and this year was no exception.  With luxury suppliers from every facet of the wedding industry under the same roof, couples were treated to wall to wall inspiration.  We always have a fantastic time at Brides the Show and it’s always fantastic to introduce ourselves to people who haven’t yet seen our beautiful gowns in person.”


Prezola Prezola champagne bar

Prezola may have been one of the favourite brands at this year’s show! Their gorgeous Prezola Bar serving champagne all evening was a hit with most of the attendees and really captured the fun and excitement that wedding planning and gift lists are all about!

“We love being a part of Brides the Show as it’s so inspiring to see all corners of the wedding industry come together and everyone is so creative! This industry is ever-changing and we’re always excited to see what happens next! We thought having a Prezola Bar this year was the perfect opportunity to reach out to brides-to-be in a fun and whimsical way, as boring is something we never do!”


David’s Bridal David's Bridal pink ballgown dress

The legendary American bridal brand is making quite an impression on the UK industry! Brides are falling for their countless gorgeous designs and range of pricing and, if their wonderful show staff are anything to go by , their spot on customer service too!

“David’s Bridal loved exhibiting at Brides The Show as it was the perfect opportunity for us to meet so many lovely Brides and Bridesmaids and have them experience a selection of our newest styles of David’s Bridal Designer Gowns and Bridesmaids collections. The show is definitely one not to be missed as it provides inspiration and ideas for women who want the very best expertise, advice and to see all the latest style trends. It has a fantastic atmosphere and really brings the magazine to life.” Terrie Kasianczuk, David’s Bridal UK Regional Director


Wedding Smashers wedding dj at the Brides show

Keeping the party alive from start to end were the wonderful Wedding Smashers. A personal favourite of the Bridebook office, any party with a Wedding Smashers’ DJ in attendance is sure to be a blast!

“Wedding Smashers has been providing the sound track to BRIDES for the past 3 years and our stand is positioned at the entrance to the show. We love being able to DJ to guests as they arrive and exit the show and it’s a great opportunity for us to showcase our technical DJ skills to potential Bride & Grooms’ as well as chat to couples that have already booked us and just want to come and say hi! We love the social aspect of the weekend and being able to network with other suppliers in the industry is a great way to work out what trends are going to be popular next year!”


Richard Murgatroyd beautiful photographer's stand

With some of his most jaw-droppingly gorgeous imagery on display it’s no wonder Richard’s stand was such a hit. I guess that’s what you should expect of an award winning and National Geographic featured photographer!

“What I love most about Brides the Show is that they have managed to keep a lovely, informal and fun feeling to the show whilst assembling the finest wedding suppliers in the country. You’ll not meet a nicer group of people, all totally dedicated to helping you realise your dream wedding.”


Zita Elze Flowers white fairytale flowers at the Brides show

Zita Elze’s stand blew everyone away. Decked head to toe in the most gorgeous flowers, it felt like walking through a magical fairytale! Truly a sight to see and any bride would have been lucky to book them!

“This year’s concept for Brides The Show was pure white, modern chic with sparkling transparent notes, a 21st century fairytale – I was so thrilled to win a gold design award for the stand! The show is such a great opportunity to connect with brides and their grooms and also to mix with friends and colleagues from the wedding industry. Among our latest wedding ideas we included some finely scripted engraved perspex discs, hung from a tree laden with blossom, to announce the wedding guests’ seating. The wedding design was completed by Elizabeth’s Cake Emporium‘s elegant and romantic 6 tier petal shaped wedding cake which I dressed in fresh white flowers.”


Domino Purchas selection of three wedding cakes

Domino Purchas’ cakes are the sort that capture your imagination in staggering ways. With a perfect balance of contemporary visuals and classic elegance, brides were flocking to this stand!

“The vibe at Brides was wonderful! There was a wide range of potential clients with varying budgets and very different tastes, which made for a fascinating and engaging three days. It was also great to be exhibiting with a range of leaders in this industry, from exciting new venues to some staggering dress designers.”

Happy Planning!


Take advantage of all of Bridebook’s amazing free wedding planning tools today!

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Engagement Selfie Rules Engagement ring in box Proposal

You’re engaged… congratulations! Now it’s time for the fun stuff. Before you start planning your wedding day (using all of’s free wedding planning tools, of course) you must remember to take that all important engagement selfie. Follow our fail safe tips to ensure you capture the perfect one:

Perfect Excuse For a Mani

Moisturise, push back those cuticles and apply a nice colour to compliment your engagement ring. And if you only do the one hand for the photo, we won’t judge – just remember to do the correct hand!

It’s All About That Lighting

Natural light is the best way to show off your bling, but beware of shadows ruining your shot. Alternatively, use artificial light to your advantage and show off your rock’s shine and sparkle.


We’re trying to avoid Chandler’s “claw” – no creepy hands here please. Natural relaxed hands look so much nicer, so find a prop to rest your hand on. If you are finding the whole thing too stressful (who knew  you could worry so much about hands that have got you through your whole life so far?!), forget about hands altogether and maybe just use your ring box to display your ring instead. Obvious, but effective. 

Mind Your Surroundings 

Choose a background that is visually interesting but fairly simple (like a cool texture or colour). There is nothing worse than a cluttered backdrop for a photo with a specific point of attention, as it’s super distracting and detracts from the main point (you’re getting married!).

See No Price Tag  

If you know how much your partner splashed out on your ring, try not to include it in the caption. It’s not what it’s about, after all, and not what you’re trying to convey with your photo. You want to share joyful news with your friends, family and loved ones, not share smug information on how much your partner saved up to ask you to marry him.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Filters

Remember Instagram have made it easy for anyone to take share-worthy photos, so if you have tried all the tips and tricks and still don’t love your ring selfie, don’t be afraid to add a filter! Cool, fresh filters tend to work better, so unless you want to set a heady, dramatic tone to your upcoming nuptials, avoid dark and heavily-saturated filters. 

And now, share away! This is your moment to show off your brand new bling and let all your family and friends know your incredible news. Then it’s time to start planning the nitty-gritty; move over filters, enter finance. But don’t fret, we’re here every step of the way – let our free budget tool become your best friend.


Happy Planning!


Kirsty & Luke in Wales (Umbrellas + Fascinator)

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas


This wedding is a perfect mix of classic and special touches. We love the classic car, the hints of yellow and the ‘dancing shoe’s (flip flops!).


Photographer: Art by Design Wedding Photography | Wedding Venue: Llansantffraed Court 


Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

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Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

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Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

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Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Abergavenny | Scotland | Monmouthshire | Abergavenny | Summer | Classic | Military | Yellow | Manor House | Real Wedding | Art By Design Photography #Bridebook #RealWedding #WeddingIdeas

Words from the bride:

“Steve was absolutely fantastic on our big day! Got some excellent creative shots as well as capturing special moments from the day when you weren’t expecting him to take pictures! We are so pleased with our photos, they tell the story of our day and bring back the feelings and memories perfectly! The hardest part is choosing photos from such a large selection of fantastic shots! Thank you Steve! “

Congratulations Kirsty & Luke and thank you Art by Design Wedding Photography for letting us share these beautiful photographs to help remember a very special day!


More beautiful wedding inspiration:

Laura & Marko in London (London Eye + Lace Veil)

Tanith & Conner in Oxfordshire (Outdoor + Autumn)

Prisha & Paul in Stratford (Saris + Purple)

Gemma & Damien in Buckinghamshire (Coral + 9 Bridesmaids)

Kate & Chris in Buckinghamshire (Plum + Letter Decor)

Rach & James in London (Hyde Park + Pink Socks)

View More

My Beauty Matches’ Must Read Bridal Beauty Secrets

This article is a beauty based must read for all you brides to be. When the big day arrives, and all those months of meticulous planning have paid off the last thing you want to worry about is smudged mascara ruining your photos or risk being too heavy handed  and making you look less blushing bride and more over-blushed bride!

As the beauty editor of My Beauty Matches the first (and smartest) personalised product matching site for beauty, as well as the largest beauty retailer in the world, I’ve picked up some incredible tips from some of the best makeup artists out there. Not only am I a dab hand at creating the perfect palette of bridal nudes for all skintones, I am also privy to makeup tips from what can only be described as the makeup oracles (Bobbi Brown, Charlotte Tilbury to name a few). But I’ve also whittled down my kit to the products that I know will last the distance; and outlast even the most energetic bride on the dancefloor. bride in wedding dress and wedding makeup

These tips are a bride-to-be must read. From necessary pre-wedding preparations to knowing what products will give you a gorgeous glow (even if sleep has been somewhat lacking in the run up) and are sweat, crease, smudge resistant and let’s not forget waterproof. Because who doesn’t love a good cry at a wedding? Read on for my tried and tested wedding makeup tips:

Do a trial run with a makeup artist

Never try something new on the big day, you are just asking for a disaster. Take photos of the look you want to your makeup trial and check the results in a few different lighting settings to ensure the colours match your skintone.

Don’t skip the moisturiser

This is an essential wedding makeup tip. Worried about getting a shiny face in photos, and think skipping the moisturiser will help? Wrong for so many reasons. If you have dry skin, the products will settle in the fine lines and wrinkles, making you look tired. If you are going to be indoors most of the day we recommend using a moisturizer without SPF as too much can leave you with a ghostly sheen. La roche Posay Hydreane Light 40 £13.50 is a light, oil free moisturiser that will nourish your skin leaving it comfortable and shine free all day long. two brides in wedding dresses running in field

Do use a silicone free primer

Silicone based primers can be slippy, especially in the heat and your makeup will just slide right off. Try Laura Mercier Foundation Primer Radiance £28.50 which will give your more base staying power.  Don’t let eyeshadow creases ruin your big day and use a primer for your eyes too, pat on Clinique All About Shadow Primer For Eyes £16.00 before your eyeshadow to give it lasting hold even through the happiest of tears.

Do use long – lasting formulations

Being camera ready all day is demanding enough, so make your products work hard, so you don’t have too. Look for crease proof, sweat resistant, long lasting and waterproof for products  for some serious staying power. Armani Lasting Silk Uv Foundation 6.5 £36.50 is a high resistance, fresh foundation that will give a luminous semi-matte finish that lasts all day. bride in wedding dress with bridal team

Do blend

One of the biggest wedding faux pas is having a different colour face to your neck and chest, wearing white will only make this show up even more. Use a damp sponge to blend your foundation all the way from your face to your decolletage for a soft, airbrush-worthy finish then use Daniel Sadler Invisible Veil Face Powder for a flawless finish that won’t rub off on your dress.

Do use a concealer that matches your foundation

Don’t go one shade lighter in an attempt to brighten the under eye area. You will just end up looking like a panda in photos. Shiseido Perfecting Stick Concealer £24.00 camouflages blemishes and dark circles without creasing or drying out the delicate eye area. bride in wedding dress and bridal hair on horse

Don’t contour, Nontour!

Your wedding is not the time to go for a heavy contour. Think ethereal not Kardashian. Use a highlighter on the areas that would naturally catch the light for a gorgeous bridal glow. This is one of my favourite wedding makeup tips and I’m currently obsessed with this one shade suits all (literally EVERYONE) Perricone Md No Highlighter Highlighter £29.00. Apply to the top of your cheekbones, down the middle of your nose, cupids bow, between the brow bones and the middle of your chin and blend with a fan brush to diffuse it beautifully into your skin. For those wearing a strapless dress blend a little on your collarbones and shoulders to catch the light as you move.

Do use a powder

Prevent shine ruining your fun by dusting a little translucent powder. Daniel Sandler Invisible Blotting Pressed Powder £18.50 has a permanent place in my makeup kit. It doesn’t cake, dry out the skin or change the shade of your foundation, or natural skintone. It’s so super lightweight, that the only thing you will notice whilst wearing it is the shine free results.

Do set your makeup

Use a makeup setting spray for makeup that won’t budge an inch until you want it too. NYX Cosmetics Make Up Setting Spray Matte Finish/long Lasting £8.00 is a professional product at high street prices and all my makeup artist friends swear by it on shoots as even under hot lights, makeup won’t melt, smudge or crease. bride and groom with hair and makeup done with entire family

I hope you enjoyed these wedding makeup tips! Read more at My Beauty Matches including How to get wedding perfect makeup in under 15 Minutes  Take our free personalised beauty quiz to find the best bridal makeup matches for your big day and have one less thing to worry about.

Happy Planning!

Ready to find the perfect make-up artist for your dream wedding? Search through all of the U.K’s best suppliers by what matters most to you on Bridebook today! Just check out our state-of-the-art supplier search tool.

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A Letter To All Future Brides


Dear Brides of 2018/19!

I wanted to write to you about something I feel is important, especially in our world today.

I would like to encourage you, as the bride, to make a speech at your wedding. Whether this is something you’d never dream of doing, or something you’ve been toying with, I want to share with you why I think there is no better time than now. 

Why am I, a groom and man, writing to you about brides’ speeches? A recent experience has made me believe that here at Bridebook, a wedding platform with access to 1 in 3 engaged couples, we have a duty to do the most we can to encourage growth, change and empowerment amongst our users. 

I recently attended my great friend Katie’s wedding. Katie has never liked being the centre of attention and surprised us all by making a speech. It was so heartfelt and meaningful, and left us all bursting with pride seeing her do it. (The pic I took of her is below). She is still gushing how happy she was she did it. It being her opportunity to say how much she loved her husband and her family, and a chance to say thank you.

Most striking to me, though, was the effect it had on the other guests. The room was blown away by her speech. It also ignited  discussion of why it is so rare to hear a bride’s speech? Many recently-married brides were incredibly frustrated for not giving a speech themselves. They had just “stuck to tradition”.

Well, this tradition of only having the men give speeches at weddings is ready to be challenged by brides like you. Brides that have just as much to say and to express as the groom and the father of the bride. Brides that have just as much love to share and thanks to give.

It’s time for change.

Please, think about breaking the mould and making a speech at your wedding. It doesn’t need to be long. It doesn’t need to be side-splittingly funny. It can just be a special moment of gratitude that you share with your closest friends and family. And you might just inspire and empower many people in the room to feel free to speak up in the future.  Whether that is other brides-to-be in the room. Or your beautiful little flower girls in their futures.

And this follows for all wedding traditions. You don’t have to feel entrapped by them, you can feel confident to select whichever appeal to you. If Meghan Markle can have a gospel choir singing Stand By Me in front of the Queen, you can do whatever you want : )  Whether that is making a speech, or being walked down the aisle by your mother, or something much bolder. Go for it! Your wedding is a just one big party celebrating you finding each other and falling in love, with all your nearest and dearest cheering you on for the future. Embrace it!

So I would love you to make a speech. To be part of a great change to wedding tradition for the future. It has the potential to inspire, empower and make your guests and partner burst with pride. And I would love you to make the most of this once in a lifetime opportunity.

If you are up for it – say so! Just add your name here so we can keep a tally of our change makers!

And if you want to encourage others, do share this letter, and the hashtag #BridesSpeakUp

Wishing you the happiest marriage ahead,

Kind regards,

Hamish Shephard

Founder of


The beautiful bride giving her speech

Katie, the beautiful bride mid speech! Taken by Founder Hamish Shephard.

20 Wedding Dogs that Definitely Stole the Show

KT Merry Photography


Olga Plakitina Photography
Patricia Lyons Photography
SMS Photography
Mint Photography
Nicole Ryan Photography
Melanie Osorio Photography
Jacque Lynn Photography
Indium Photo
Marta Locklear Photography
KT Merry Photography
Mint Photography
Ashley Lester Photography
melanie duerkopp photography
Briana Arlene Photography
Bryan Gardner Photography
Clean Plate Pictures
Laura Murray Photography
Honey Honey Photography
Heather Hawkins Photography
Volatile Photography
Vue Photography
Jose Villa Photography

Happy Planning!


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Smashing the Glass on What Makes a Truly Great Jewish Wedding

Our Jewish wedding expert is back again to share some of her wisdom with all of our wonderful Bridebookers! Karen Cinnamon’s, founder of the amazing blog Smashing the Glass, last guest post guided us through the top Dos and Donts for a Perfect Jewish Wedding and this time she’s going even more in depth with all of her expert insight into what makes a truly great Jewish wedding. So whether you’re planning a Jewish wedding or not, read on to get some tips from a pro who really knows her stuff! Karen Cinnamon at work
Karen Cinnamon in action by Babb Photo

“Simply put, a great wedding is about two people, in love, declaring that love in an individual way. So the short answer to what makes a truly fabulous wedding is don’t have a cookie-cutter day! Try and make decisions based on what makes you happy, not what friends, family, or the rabbi / priest recommend or what’s perceived to be sensible, suitable or the done thing.

Stay True to Yourself

During the planning process, do your very best to cut out the ‘white noise’ and tune into what’s really important to you and your partner. Think about the things you really love, not those you simply like, and if thats’s a certain style, colour, era, or even a piece of music, build a theme around it! The best weddings capture the heart, soul and style of the couple, so give your guests a glimpse into your life, and allow them to feel that that they’ve had a one-of-a-kind experience and were part of something special.

It’s OK to take inspiration from a blog, magazine, or another bride’s amazing taste, but add a pinch of your own magic to make it your own.

My Jewish wedding blog,, showcases hundreds of creative and original Jewish weddings, and whilst each one is amazing and wonderful in its own way, I’ve selected 5 weddings that will always stick in my mind for their brilliance. Each wedding has a gorgeous story, personal details, and two people hopelessly in love.

Jessica and David

Jessica and David incorporated so many personal touches into their wedding… and it shows. From the patchwork chuppah made by all their friends and family, and sewn together by the groom’s mum, to the “Balkanistic” boogie band and the jukebox filled with 100 of the couple’s favourite songs that guests played between sets. This was a Smashing The Glass wedding to remember. collection of 3 jewish wedding photos
By Alex Brenner via Smashing the Glass

Danny and Aaron

Danny and Aaron both work in the music and television industries, and loved the idea of riding down the aisle to their chuppah atop a tallit-wearing unicorn (or Jew-nicorn, as they dubbed it!) to the tune of Madonna’s ‘Like a Virgin’…so they did! What’s more Joss Stone (yes, THE Joss Stone) undertook the role of chazan, and a 16 person gospel choir was on hand for a few of the ceremony songs as well. Danny says, “you can create new traditions by adding a personal flare to the more traditional Jewish wedding rituals, making your wedding unique to you as individuals and as a couple.” unicorn wedding
By Maya Myers Photography via Smashing the Glass

Sarah and Nick

Sarah and Nick got married in a smoked salmon factory in London’s Olympic Park, and traveled through the streets of the capital from their synagogue to reception in a red convertible Mustang. Oh and Sarah rocked a leather biker jacket and Ray-Bans over her Pronovias dress. These two have serious style. cool and stylish jewish london wedding
By Reportage By via Smashing the Glass

Stacey and Jono

Stacey and Jono’s Jewish wedding was held on New Year’s Eve in an old arthouse cinema (the oldest still operating in the UK) and they invited their guests to sport fancy dress which made for a very inclusive, and genuinely special, atmosphere. jewish couple at their wedding
By Martin Beddall via Smashing the Glass

Gena and Tony

Gena and Tony used an assortment of tissue paper honeycomb shapes, as well as paper garlands and a calico roof to create a chuppah that truly represented them. Gena also went for a supersize bouquet filled with flowers of every possible hue, glitter, ribbons, and pom poms, and what’s more, their very cute dog took centre stage during the ceremony too. colourful wedding details
By Lara Hotz via Smashing the Glass

I’ll close with a brilliant piece of advice from Shiri, another Smashing The Glass bride who invited just 20 of her and her husband’s closest family members for brunch and then surprised them with a chuppah! Shiri’s brilliant words of wisdom are “the spiritual significance of a Jewish wedding is often lost in all the madness of putting it together. If there is one piece of advice I would give a bride it would be to try to experience the pure and blessed side of a Jewish wedding as much as possible”.

Happy Planning!

Ready to find the perfect suppliers to make your dream Jewish wedding a reality? Search through all of the U.K’s best venues and suppliers by what matters most to you on Bridebook today! Just check out our state-of-the-art supplier search tool.

Take advantage of all of Bridebook’s amazing free wedding planning tools today!

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Every Hot 2016 Wedding Trend You’ll See This Wedding Season wedding trends collage

Let’s face it – who runs the wedding world? Bloggers. Wedding bloggers are the ones who tirelessly provide us with endless wedding inspo to swoon over, give us tips on the best venues and suppliers, and pick up on the biggest trends long before any of us could. They are the mavens of the wedding world, our knights in pearly armour.

So when we held our Bridebook Blogger’s Summit we were incredibly excited to get all of the UK’s top wedding blogger’s top trend predictions for the 2016 wedding season. Read on to get an insight into what it’s like to be a trend setter – and keep your eyes peeled to see if you or a friend’s wedding are a la mode this season!

1) More Involved Grooms bride and groom
By Margherita Calati Photography

The days of bridezilla are over! Now more than ever, grooms are getting in on the fun of wedding planning. You’ll be a team in your marriage, so you may as well be a team in the planning right? And with Bridebook, it’s now easier than ever to share your planning with your fiancée, family and friends so everyone can get in on the action.

Tip-off courtesy of Smashing the Glass‘s Karen Cinnamon

2) The Dress-Less Bride bride in a blush jumpsuit
Jumpsuit by House of Ollichon

Jumpsuits are set to be a permanent feature in the wedding world, so keep your eyes peeled. Whether you splash the cash on a designer jumpsuit, or take advantage of Bridebook partner House of Ollichon’s gorgeous pieces, dress-less is the way to go!

Tip-off courtesy of Whisper & Blush

3) Short-Wedding Dresses London bride and groom with bride in a short wedding dress
By Viva Wedding Photography

Not ready to take the plunge and wear the trousers yet, but still want to go non-traditional? Then you’re in luck as short dresses take center stage. The best part about short dresses is that you get to show off your gorgeous shoes.

Tip-off courtesy of Bridal Musings

4) Tropical tropical themed wedding invitations
Stationery by Paperchase Press

The tropical theme is making quite the splash this year and we couldn’t be more excited. Tropical themes are perfect for colour-obsessed couples and it’s near impossible not to have a great time in paradise.

Tip-off courtesy of Etsy’s own blogger, Jenny Gresham

5) Healthy Canapés healthy avocado wedding canapes
Canapés by Blissful Basil

We’re all too familiar with those overdone wedding canapés and menus. Lucky for us, a sure fire to keep your guests grateful is to keep your canapés light and fresh. Not only is healthy, delicious food super on trend at the moment, but it keeps your guests from getting too sluggish or filled up before the wedding breakfast.

Tip-off courtesy of Whisper & Blush

6) Dark Wedding Dresses wedding couple with a black wedding dress

Admittedly not for the faint of heart, but if you want to pull it off it looks so incredibly gorgeous. We say go for it!

Tip-off courtesy of Nu Bride

7) Naked Wedding Cakes naked wedding cake by Frances Quinn
Cake by Frances Quinn

A double-punch trend here, as it both looks beautiful and budget friendly – perfect! Check out this gorgeous naked cake by Bridebook’s very own expert contributor and Great British Bake Off winner Frances Quinn.

Tip-off courtesy of The Wedding Fairy

8) Industrial Venues bride and groom in an industrial wedding venue
By IZO Photography

We’re lucky to live in a country with so many beautiful and historic wedding venues, but if you want to take it up a notch, why not opt for a less traditional venue? Industrial spaces are perfect for couples who want to add their personal stamps on a relatively blank canvas while still keeping a stylish edge.

Tip-off courtesy of Bumpkin Betty

9) Colourful Wedding Shoes bride with light blue wedding shoes
By Tiffany Hughes Photography

In line with both trend 2 and 3, colourful wedding shoes are now more in than ever! Whether they’re your ‘something blue’ or rainbow coloured, this is your day to show off killer shoes. Sorry dress, but it’s not all about you anymore! Be sure to get more shoe tips from Bridebook’s expert contributor Jimmy Choo.

Tip-off courtesy of BLoved

10) Unplugged Weddings same sex wedding in Scotland
By The Kitcheners

One of our personal favourites. While we all love a wedding hashtag, the last thing you want is for you or your guests to be so pre-occupied with snapping pics and snapchat that they miss being present in what is one of the most important days of your life.

Tip-off courtesy of Smashing the Glass

11) Rose Gold Engagement Rings rose gold engagement ring
Ring by Emitations

Rose gold has been hot in the fashion world for a while now, and we’re excited to see it finally making it into the wedding world! We all know how flattering rose gold can be on certain skin tones, so we don’t blame you if you’re excited to have a chance to wear it every day.

Tip-off courtesy of Sparkles, Pearls & Lace

12) Dresses with…wait for it… POCKETS! wedding dress with pockets
Dress by Rosa Clara

Another Bridebook favourite! Not only do pockets lend themselves nicely to effortlessly cool wedding photo poses, it’s also incredibly practical. Never be unprepared and have a tissue and your lipstick always at the ready.

Tip-off courtesy of the Save the Date Podcast

13) Bold Lips and Nails bride in white with red lips and nails
By Greg Finck

The perfect way to up the style notch without much effort. A beautifully paired red lip with your nails looks so striking and glamorous.

Tip-off courtesy of So You’re Getting Married

14) Hollywood Glamour bride in hollywood glamour style
By Julie Vino

Talking of glamour, another theme that is set to be hot this season is old school hollywood glamour. Boho brides are old news now, and who can resist a bit of show?

Tip-off courtesy of The Wedding Fairy

15) Foliage and Herb Bouquets herb and foliage bridal bouquet
By Bethany Small

Another great trend that is both stylish and cost-efficient. With looser bouquets becoming more and more popular, foliage and herbs have also started making their stand by adding beautiful lush colours to any bouquet.

Tip-off courtesy of Bridal Musings

16) Two Piece Dresses two piece wedding dress
Dress by Solo Merav

We can’t seem to get enough of all these dress trends! This trend is perfect for those of you who want something a little different but still maintaining that touch of femininity. We especially love this trend when paired with a full skirt on the bottom.

Tip-off courtesy of Sparkles, Pearls and Lace

17) Tiaras bride and groom outdoors with a tiara
By Tec Petaja

Talking of femininity – what’s more princess-like than a tiara? Flower crowns are out and the more refined tiara is most definitely in. Now you can really complete your fairytale wedding from head to toe.

Tip-off courtesy of Bumpkin Betty

18) Gold gold accented wedding cake and decor
By Zoe Clark Cakes

Another trend that is steering us away from boho and more towards glam. But the best thing about this trend is that you can embrace it as little or as much as you want. Whether it’s the staple of your theme or just incorporated with subtle accents, it ‘s sure to look great!

Tip-off courtesy of Creme de la Bride

19) Pink Champagne mini pink champagne bottles as wedding  favours
By Annamarie Akins

Our very own Founder and CEO, Hamish Shephard (certified wedding planner and on his own wedding planning journey!) is tipping off pink champagne as his top trend of this year’s wedding season. As more and more couples invest more time, effort and money into their weddings no stones get unturned. So why not extend your styling to your beverages for the night? Cue pink champagne for the ultimate final touch! 

Tip-off courtesy of Bridebook’s Hamish Shephard

20) Bridebook! bride planning her wedding on Bridebook
By Mike Garrard

Last but certainly not least… Bridebook of course! With our state of the art digital planning toolkit, thousands of UK suppliers and amazing expert articles by the likes of Bobbi Brown and Mary Berry – Bridebook is the wedding trend of 2016!

 Happy Planning!


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Everything You Need To Know About Semi-Permanent Makeup

Worried about crying too much on your big day? Bracing yourself for the tropical temperatures of your wedding destination? Well this beauty trick may just be perfect for you! More and more brides are turning to the incredible technological developments in the beauty industry to ensure they look absolutely perfect on their big day, and for many days after. Semi-permanent makeup is leading the pack as it looks more natural than ever. So if you’re considering semi-permanent makeup for your big day, read on to get the complete low down on the treatment by one of the greats – winner of the 2015 London Hair and Beauty Awards, Sian Dellar. Sian Dellar portrait

“Every bride wants to look perfect on their wedding day. After months of planning and preparing, the big day can seem overwhelming. Plenty of tears, kisses and high temperatures can hinder maintaining a flawless look all day.

Enhancing your natural beauty, permanent makeup can be your answer to flawless makeup on your wedding day. Whether you need a few subtle touches or prefer a full glamorous effect, our permanent makeup treatments address all of your makeup needs on your big day. Allowing you to enjoy your day and forget about touching up your makeup, our treatments can avoid the early morning bridal rush and ensure you look flawless all day long.

Helping to replicate everyday makeup, permanent makeup is great way to boost confidence on your special day.

What Is Permanent Makeup?

Perfect for any bride that is looking to enhance their natural beauty on their special day, permanent makeup is a new and manual method to create a natural look using a needle to place pigmented granules beneath the upper layers of the skin.

Using similar cosmetic techniques to tattoos, permanent makeup can help to define eyebrows, contour lips and enhance the eyes. Using fine and natural strokes, our permanent technicians work closely with your colour shade, along with the natural contours of your face.

Helping to correct imperfections from scars, permanent makeup can also benefit those who suffer with alopecia, trigonometrical or any other condition that causes hair loss. Creating a natural hair stroke to suit your facial symmetry, our permanent treatments can enhance the face, lips, and eyelids. Sian Dellar at work

The Process

Delicately adding hypo-allergenic pigments in a range of shades to the outermost layers of your skin, most commonly the eyebrows, eyes and lips, our permanent makeup address all of your makeup needs.

With everyone’s routine and beauty styles varying, here at Sian Dellar we ensure a specifically tailored look is provided to each bride to achieve your desired results. We work along the natural contours of the face and with your hair colour, however this can be altered if you would like something different to your current appearance.

Completely safe and effective, permanent makeup works by implanting pharmaceutical grade pigments of your choice into the chosen treatment area. The treatment is often described as ‘permanent’ makeup due to the colour is being introduced into the upper dermal layer of skin and although the pigment will fade over time, it will often remain in the skin even if not completely visible. Sian Dellar measuring brows


Helping to define and shape the natural contours of your face, eyebrows can help to enhance your facial features. Along with previous trends and ageing, overtime eyebrows can begin to lose shape and appear thin and shapeless.

Especially on your special day, we want eyebrows to look flawless, without looking too shaped using eyebrow products. With our permanent eyebrow treatment, we ensure we create the most natural looking eyebrows. Using crisp, thin strokes, we can fill and shape brows, imitating added hair growth using a natural look. before and after eyebrown picture


Throughout your wedding day, every bride desires the perfect pout. A plump shape along with a soft outline, our permanent lip treatment helps to create a gentle flush of colour to lips. Staying put during all those kisses and in particular when sealing your marriage, our permanent lip treatment can create volume and shape to lips.

We can also correct any imperfections on lips, as well as minimise ageing on lips and loss of colour. semi permanent lip work


Especially on your big day, eyes are one feature that many brides want to accentuate on their wedding day. Eye-liner is a perfect way to define the shape of eyes, but also to accentuate your eye colour. However, with many brides being particular about their eye makeup, many find their makeup artists can’t quite achieve their look and it can also be prone to smudge and wear off during the day.

In particular, during a few emotional speeches and special moments, we want our eyeliner to stay put. Our permanent eyeliner treatment can make your eyelashes look thicker and more defined by applying soft, natural colour between your lash line closeup eyebrow measuring


Important after-care instructions will be given to you after your treatment to ensure you take care of the treated areas for the following 7 days. You will also be given an after-care leaflet and balm to be applied for 7 days.

Here at Sian Dellar, we specialise in permanent makeup treatments and strive towards making every bride feel beautiful. So if you’re ready to transform your beauty regime, contact us today sian dellar with a client

Read more about our Bridal Make-Up tips  here. 

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Nu Bride’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Make-Up Artist for Your Skin Tone

Finding the perfect make-up artist can seem like a daunting task. But luckily for all of our Bridebook users, we have the champion of all things inclusive in the wedding industry here to help! Introducing Nova of the Nu Bride blog, the one stop shop for the modern couple packed with fun and informative posts for women and men of all ethnicities. So read on to get expert insight to guide you through finding the perfect wedding make-up artist for you. brides of all skin tones
John Nassari | Nu Bride Bridal Beauty Shoot | Makeup by Joyce Connor

“Hello gorgeous,

One of the most frequent requests I am asked from readers is to recommend a make-up artist who can work with all skin tones. At first I used to find this request quite ironic. I mean, a lot of professional makeup artists are able to transfer their skills, techniques and work on ALL skin tones, especially with the body of make up products available. Skin is skin right?

Choosing an inclusive make-up artist for your wedding should be simple, but for some it can be a frustrating and unexpected challenge, often struggling to find examples of what make up looks will look like on your own skin tone. Most of us search for wedding make up ideas and inspiration online. A quality and inviting website with diverse examples of an make-up artists’ work is so important. Research has proven over and over again that,  as consumers, we are more likely engage with a product or service if we see a ‘version’ of ourselves in the marketing. We often need to see an example of ourselves to feel confident in booking or purchasing a product or service. Without it, this is where some are left feeling stuck.

Below I’ve put together some tips to help you find an inclusive make-up artist who know their craft and can effortlessly rock their make-up brush on ALL skin tones. beautiful bride holding bouquet
Photo by Binky Nixon via Nu Bride | Makeup by Natalie Danielle


Before booking any supplier, always do your research and compare three like-for-like services. The world-wide-web is your oyster, take your time to do your research. Read reviews, follow their social media and always view their portfolio to get a feel of their work. If you like what you see, enquire. A make-up artist’s website and social media are indeed their shop window, so many professional makeup artists will use this to showcase various examples of their skill set in their portfolio. This is a good way to check if they have experience working on brides with diverse skin tones. asian bride and black groom smiling
Photo by Helen Russell Photography via Nu Bride | Makeup by Kasia Fortuna

Consider Style

Explore the make up look you want to achieve. Use magazines or websites such a Pinterest to gather examples of make up looks that appeal to you, taking into consideration my point above! Always look for a make up artist whose individual style represents the overall look you want for your wedding day. bride and groom walking hand in hand
By AO Photography via Nu Bride | Makeup by NARS Cosmetics

Hit the High Street

Another way to search for a reputable make-up artist is to hit the high street and head to a make up counter like MAC for example and ask for a demo and book a make up lesson to test them out, if you like what you see enquire about booking their services. bride and groom in front of door
By Victoria Mitchell Photography via Nu Bride | Makeup by Nelson Catarino

Word of Mouth

You cannot go wrong with word of mouth referrals. Taking another bride’s word that has experienced the service in full, is a great endorsement. Ask friends and family or colleagues. If you have attended a recent wedding and loved the bride’s look, ask who their make-up artist was and, more importantly, if they would recommend them. Aside from their talent, their personality and work ethos also have a huge bearing on whether or not you want them to be surrounding you on what is likely to be one of the most important days of your life.

Once you’ve seen their work, try to meet with them and / or book a trial. Their professionalism, manner and personality also matter. Keep all of these factors in mind and you’ll find the perfect make-up artist for you in no time!

Go forth beautiful one!” gorgeous laughing bride
By Vitae Photography via Nu Bride | Makeup by Nikki Makeup

Nova is founder and editor of Nu Bride: a modern wedding blog for the stylish bride, offering planning advice, a pinch of personality and a splash of diversity. Founded in 2012, Nu Bride is now a multi-award-winning wedding blog, dedicated to encouraging the UK mainstream wedding industry to be more visually inclusive with the way it markets bridal beauty. Nova is also an established wedding expert, freelance writer for national wedding publications and Life Coach. Nova of Nu Bride
The wonderful Nova herself! Photo via Nu Bride


Ready to find your perfect make-up artist? Search through all of the U.K’s best beauty experts by what matters most to you on Bridebook today! Just check out our state-of-the-art supplier search tool.

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The Real Bride Column: Bridal Bootcamp with Bodyism

The fourth and final part of our Real Bride column exploring Bodyism’s fitness and health classes for pre-wedding grooming is here! Our wonderful real bride, Rosie, is back to give the final verdict on her experience with Bodyism. If you’ve read the last 3 columns on this series it will likely come as no surprise that Rosie only has good things to say about her Bodyism experience and is feeling refreshed, healthy and slim for her big day! Read on to find out exactly how Bodyism has Rosie looking and feeling fabulous for when she walks down the aisle. Bodyism workout
Our amazing Real Bride columnist superman-ing her way to her dream bridal body!

“The biggest news from the past few weeks with Bodyism is that it has totally worked! And in all the right ways too. My goal was to loose 6lbs, tighten my flabby tummy, firm up my arms (bingo wing syndrome) and reduce inflammation in my face (which has tendency to be chipmunky) caused by fluctuation of sugar levels. Not only have all of those things happened, but I feel like I have gained a whole new approach to my health and fitness. This has left me feeling like I have undergone more of a lifestyle change than a bootcamp.


My favourite part of my experience at Bodyism was the signature group class called ‘Clean and Lean’.  This was a frightfully civilised affair with only 2 other people (who literally looked like Victoria Secret models!!). Pilates meets Yoga meets ballet style combination, all with the aim to tone and sculpt into a beautiful body.


This style of exercise could not be more different to my usual rough as ready circuit training and I leave the studio feeling refreshed, rather than retched. If you think you can only see results with intensive cardio bursts you’re wrong! Remember the flabby tummy and puffy face I’ve been trying to battle? Well it turns out that a big reason for this is stress and increased levels of Cortisol.  And what could be more relaxing than planning a wedding!?! Said no one ever. This is why most of Bodyism experience – be if training or Pilates or classes is gentle exercises, ensuring that You don’t produce additional cortisol often creates with excess intensity in exercise.


So with me and my scale happy, as well as my overall feeling of glowing health it is fair to say that I am officially hooked to the Bodyism experience and I can now understand why it’s all the top models’ fitness go to. Though I won’t be walking down a catwalk any time soon, I can’t wait for my own big moment down the aisle!” Bodyism pilates workout
What happy and refreshing workouts should feel like!

Be sure to read Rosie’s past three articles in our Real Bride column here!

The Real Bride Column: Bridal Bootcamp with Bodyism

Welcome back brides! Part III of the Real Bride Bootcamp with Bodyism will take an in-depth look at the gym and exercise regime – AKA the one part of shaping up that everyone dreads. Why is it that being told to cut out sweets seems relatively manageable, but 20 burpees and running? Actual physical exertion? Even the thought has us running to the snack cupboard. So when Rosie, our wonderful real bride, couldn’t stop gushing about her incredible workout experiences at Bodyism, we had to learn more. Could this really be the bootcamp to end all bootcamps and have us actually enjoy getting fit? Read on to find out!

“And so to the gym! Or the very swanky private studio designed purely for 1-2-1 personal training. Instructor number one, Berti, was firstly so good looking, I considered calling off the wedding right there and then! (Sorry Hamish!) Bodyism fitness instructor Berti
The one and only ‘Gorgeous Bertie’

We started with an extended warm up called Movement Preparation designed to prevent injury. To my surprise, this took around 25 minutes of rolling out muscles using foam rollers, stretching as you would usually when cooling down, and some Pilates style postures- all really quite relaxing!


We then jumped into circuits covering 30 seconds each of intense training- squats, lunges, mountain climbers and planks with a two minute rest in between- less relaxing. Gorgeous Bertie then introduced me to a piece of apparatus called The Climber- a sort of suspended step machine meets ladder. The never ending 30 seconds felt like I was fighting for my life. Real bride Rosie at Bodyism
Real Bride Rosie in action in the gorgeous Bodyism studio.

This meant two things. Firstly, that I started turning pink, red and finally purple and secondly, my light glow turned into a full on deluge of sweat. Gorgeous Berti was very encouraging, standing over me like a living billboard for this lifestyle, but  the marriage is certainly back on- Berti will never have me!


But in regards to the workout? Despite the not-so-pretty-picture that was me by the end, I really felt like this was a workout I could get behind. The commitment to loosening and prepping my muscles at the beginning of the session made sure that I didn’t injure myself in the strenuous portion of the workout, as well as helped me with my form. This in turn ensured I got the most out of each exercise so therefore an even better work out! The sets themselves, though exhausting, really felt like I was targeting, blasting and tightening all of my problem bits (tummy, bum and arms). So all in all, the perfect combination of therapeutic warm ups and real hard work that are sure to get my body aisle worthy in no time!”

Up Next in the Real Bride Guide series:

Bodyism’s amazing ‘Clean and Lean’ classes and the final verdict!

Be sure to read Rosie’s past three articles in our Real Bride column here!


Why You Shouldn’t Have Drones At Your Wedding! drone hits bride gif

Tired of being warned about becoming the dreaded Bridezilla? Worried that you’ll never be able to pull off your dream wedding with everything else going on in your life? Convinced there must be an easier way to stay on top of your planning? Luckily for you, Bridebook is here to solve every single one of your wedding woes! And not only that, but we’ll make sure your engagement is as fun and stress-free as it deserves to be – all for free.

Banish the nerves and endless spreadsheets and stay on track with – the world’s first free online wedding planner. With our state-of-the-art planning tools, your wedding is sure to go off without a hitch (or shall we say without any drone-induced bruises?). With Bridebook’s budget, guestlist, and checklist tools every stage of your wedding planning is covered. Browse thousands of the UK’s best wedding suppliers, filtering your search by what matters most to you, to put together your dream team in no time. Want a break from the planning? Let our amazing experts, from Mary Berry to Jimmy Choo, inspire and guide you with their insider tips.

So what are you waiting for? You have absolutely everything you need to plan every detail of your dream wedding all in one super easy to use place with Bridebook. And the best part? It’s completely free.

And if you need any more inspiration, just check out this video. Don’t let anything catch you by surprise – in drone form or otherwise – and plan your dream wedding today!

Can’t resist these fantastic wedding blooper videos? Check out this one where the Best Man forgot the rings! Amazing hilarity ensues – and well worth sharing with your best man to make extra sure he doesn’t make the same mistake!

Happy Planning!