Alternatives To Walking Down The Aisle bride walking down aisle


Both Take A Turn

Why not let the groom have his special moment too? Change it up and let your man walk down the aisle first, followed by the bridal party. This will work particularly well with same-sex couples as you can both have your limelight without the other feeling left out.


Meet In The Middle

Get rid of the traditional aisle walk idea and have you and your partner walk from separate sides during the ceremony and meet together at the altar. It will surprise your guests, and what a unique way it will be to start the rest of your life together!


Have Two Aisles

Why only have one aisle in your ceremony? This is the most important day of your life! Be spectacular by creating a bride aisle and a groom aisle. You could also mix up where your guests sit so that the two families can be united as one.


Go Solo

If your family is complicated and you can’t decide on who to walk you down the aisle…do it alone! Not only will it be a statement move to start your wedding, but it will be something everyone talks about for weeks to come!


Take The Trip Together

Why not let your spouse be the one who gets to walk you down the aisle? It will be one of the most precious moments of your lives and something to talk about when the wedding photos come out on your anniversary!


360° Ceremony

Eradicate the tradition altogether and sit your guests in a circular fashion around the action. You and your husband-to-be can walk through the crowd from different sides and meet in the centre, ready for your vows. Not only will it be a memorable experience for all involved, but your guests won’t have to peer above 10 rows of heads to see the newlyweds!


Happy Planning!

8 Essential Appointments To Schedule Before Your Big Day 8 appointments to book before your wedding day



There’s a fine line between looking pasty against your white dress and sporting the fake-baked look on your wedding day. Always try out a tanning salon well in advance of your wedding and know what shade of tan you like. That way, you won’t be looking overly bronze unexpectedly on the eve of your big day!



See a dermatologist several months before your wedding to find a recommended skincare routine suited to you. If acne is a problem, see your doctor to get your skin on track well in advance and get you glowing again. For a pre-wedding treat, you could also have a soothing facial on the week leading up to your special day to make you look and feel vibrant!



Get a manicure 1-2 days before your wedding so your nails look perfect in your ring shots! Don’t leave it too late though, otherwise there’ll be no time to rectify mistakes if there’s a problem. Remember that all important pedicure too!


Cut & Colour

Start early with hair appointments as you will want to maintain strength throughout your length! Get your tresses trimmed regularly to stop split-ends and weakened locks, and make sure you share your vision of hair colour with your colourist.


Hair Stylist

The important question – up or down? Again, make an appointment with your stylist well in advance so you can try out a few different options and choose your favourite. Make sure you bring along any accessories that you’re planning to wear in your hair, like a tiara or veil, so your stylist can incorporate it into your finished look.



Booking an appointment with your dentist is an essential one. Getting your teeth deep-cleaned will ensure you have a sparkling smile to show-off on your big day. Also consider teeth-whitening, and also Invisalign (an invisible alternative to braces) if you want to correct any wonky teeth.



Be open to ideas and try out lots of different looks in your make-up trials, as you may really like a style that you hadn’t previously thought would suit you! Really listen to your make-up artist as they will know what colours go with your skin to compliment your complete look. It will take time to get this right, so don’t leave it until the last few weeks!


Laser Hair Removal

If you think you’ve had enough of shaving, laser hair removal will do the trick for long-lasting smooth skin. However, you will have to prepare for it in advance as it can take up to 6 treatments to take full effect. In the end though, you’ll feel great knowing you won’t have to worry about stray hairs on your honeymoon!


Happy Pampering!

Wedding Planning Stress? Here’s How To Beat It

Are you suffering from wedding planning stress? Struggling to motivate yourself to just… get on with it? We’ve all been there. There’s just too much to do – and you don’t want to do any of it! Or you do, but you just… kind of… can’t? Well, never fear. Here’s our guide to getting back on track.

The Two-Minute Rule

The two-minute rule is a productivity technique used by high-flyers everywhere. To put it simply: if it’ll take less than two minutes, do it now!

A big reason you might be procrastinating your wedding planning is because you’re overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the task at hand. And we get it! But the two-minute rule means you start with the easiest tasks first – and once you’ve gotten them out the way, it’ll be easier to continue. An object in motion stays in motion unless something stops it, according to Isaac Newton. So does a wedding planner! So once you’ve started, it’ll be easier to continue.

But enough physics. Let’s get back to weddings. Choose an easy task like responding to an email from a photographer or sending an enquiry to a venue (hint: it’s as easy as clicking a button on your Bridebook!) and get that done. Feel the rush of ticking a task off your to-do list… then do another one!

Don’t Wait For Motivation

Waiting for motivation to strike is a risky game to play. We often hear people (*cough* ourselves *cough*) say, “I just don’t feel motivated to – .” But do you think an athlete jumps out of bed every morning, delighted to lace up their running shoes at 5am? Are they beaming as they step out into the cold, knowing everyone else is still tucked up in bed? We’re pretty sure the answer is, “Absolutely not.” Some people are naturally more driven than others but nobody is motivated all the time.

So what’s the athlete’s secret? It’s not that they have motivation – it’s that they have a goal. They know what they need to do – and they do it, regardless of how they feel. No waiting for motivation to strike.

The same goes for you and your wedding planning. Think about your wedding day as the goal. You don’t need to wait for motivation – you’ve got a wedding to plan! These tasks need to be done and no one else is going to do them. In fact, you’re going to do them so well that if those tasks could look at themselves in the mirror, they’d feel foolish because of how well you’re going to do them! You’re going to boss them! You’re going to smash it! Those tasks won’t even know what hit them!

… You get the picture. We might have gotten a little carried away there. Motivation struck.

Little But Often

What’s that? You’re sitting down once a week to face down a forty-task-long to-do list, three pots of coffee and an entire Victoria sponge in hand? Okay, now we get why you don’t want to plan your wedding. But we’ve got a simple solution. Set aside thirty minutes each night. Just thirty minutes. That’s just one rerun of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ worth of planning. Now turn the TV off, get focused and dedicate yourself to your planning. Doesn’t that feel better?

Breaking your planning down into small chunks of time makes it much less daunting than trying to do it all in one mega planning session. Plus, doing it little and often makes it easier to stay on top of everything as you can remember what you did the day before, instead of having to cast your mind back a week or two. Get into a routine and stick to it. Once you see how much progress you’re making, you’ll be on a roll! 

So there you have it: three easy ways to beat the wedding planning blues! We’re sure you’ll have blitzed through your to-do list in no time. And remember – you can always stay on track with your Bridebook checklist. It shows you exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it to have your dream day planned quicker than you can say, “I do!”

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Why You Need A Wedding Theme

Do you need a wedding theme? In our opinion, the answer is absolutely, “Yes, you do!” So here’s why we recommend couples choose a wedding theme – and how to get started picking yours.

1. A Wedding Theme Gives Your Planning Clarity

Look, we get it! Wedding planning is a stressful business. After all, it can feel like there are a million different things to sort: venues, flowers, table decorations, clothes, catering… Taking a little bit of time at the very start to pick a wedding theme will instantly streamline your planning by giving you a clear vision of what you want your big day to be like. Plus, when you search for venues and suppliers on Bridebook, you can filter by theme, reducing the number of suppliers you need to contact.

2. A Wedding Theme Will (Probably!) Make Your Wedding Look Better

If you don’t have at least some sort of theme, it’s incredibly difficult to make everything cohesive and you’ll probably end up with a complete mishmash of styles. Now, if “mishmash” is what you’re going for, go ahead… But isn’t that a theme? Remember, your theme can be as simple as choosing two or three wedding colours to help guide your choices. Sure, you might decide on an underwater pirate theme (and if you do, we’d love to see the photos!) – but you might also go for a sage-green wedding theme, adding pops of colour throughout your soft furnishings, stationery and floristry.

3. A Wedding Theme Helps Create Atmosphere

Your wedding theme is about more than just what your wedding looks like – it’s about how it feels, the sort of atmosphere you create. So think about the mood you want your guests to be in. Do you want them to feel a sense of glamour and luxury? Then maybe a black tie theme is for you. Or are you hoping for a more relaxed celebration where everyone can let loose? In that case, you might want to consider a more casual theme – say, something boho or rustic. Whatever you decide, it’s a huge part of what will make your wedding unique in your guests’ memories – so choose wisely!

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6 Marriage Proposal Mistakes to Avoid

Valentines Day is just around the corner and for those of you that have been a couple for a few years and are at a certain stage in their life… this could be the day your partner pops the question!   If you’re cringing at the thought,  turn away now! But if you are planning to propose on or around this special day…here are some common mistakes to avoid. Proposal mistakes
Photo by Pippa Mackenzie


Hiding the ring in your food

Try to ignore this cliche proposal if you can, and if you really can’t resist …make sure to have some distance between the ring and the food. Not sure about you, but I see no appeal in picking my engagement ring out of a lemon mousse. 

Flash mobs are a no, no! 

For the average bride-to-be, having a bunch strangers dancing around for you in a public place sounds more like a nightmare than a romantic gesture.  Be sure to stay away from this unless you know for sure thats what she would want. 

The go to bunch of red roses

If your partner loves red roses then by all means! We  find that a thought through bouquet with her favourite flowers will  go down a lot better than the go-to bouquet of red roses.

Don’t just think about what you want

Don’t get too carried away with planning the proposal around only what you like! Remember this act is for the both of you! So if you’re considering proposing at a rugby match or dinner at your favourite pub, make sure it’s just as special for her as it is for you.

Try not to over-plan the proposal.

We understand that nowadays there is an awful lot of pressure on making sure your proposal is “insta-worthy”. But don’t let that bother you, sometimes even the simplest of proposals can mean far more than a planned-to-the-tee affair. 

Don’t put her off the scent (too much!) 

Don’t be one of those proposers was so preoccupied with keeping it a surprise that they go overboard and end up just p***ing off their partner!  A subtle nice romantic dinner and a movie is far less suspicious and far less likely to get you into trouble.

Happy Proposing! 

6 Ways To Announce Your Engagement 6 ways to announce your engagement

You’re engaged – massive congratulations! Soon enough you’ll be strutting down that aisle looking incredible. Before we start talking weddings though, you want to tell people about your fab news. We’ve compiled a few ways you can let people know what’s happened to sound excited but not rub-it-in-your-face-y. (And just because you’re not talking weddings publicly yet, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning! We’ve got the UK’s #1 Wedding Planning App and a whole host of super useful and free wedding planning tools to help. Let the planning commence!)



The best way to announce the news to your loved ones is by telling them in person. You don’t want the news spreading elsewhere before you’ve told the most important people! They will pick up on your excitement and feel included in the moment.


Publish It

Go old skool and get your engagement published in your local newspaper. Not only will your whole town get to hear about the big news, but your older relatives will be impressed!


Take To Social Media

Post on Facebook, Instagram or other social media sites to get the word out! Don’t forget a cute proposal photo showing off your ring, and of course, make it official by changing your relationship status to ‘engaged’!


Capture The Moment

If you managed to get photos or videos of your proposal, why not upload them? It will give an intimate edge to your engagement and allow your friends and relative to feel almost like they were there to witness your special moment in time.


Get Creative

Write your news in the sand, create a timeline of your relationship, or even get your pet involved! No-one will be able to resist their ‘aww’s when they spot your pooch bearing a message of engagement on behalf of it’s humans!


Host an Engagement Party

Put pen to paper and formally invite your family and close friends to an engagement do. Add the finishing touch to your news with music, champers and making an entrance with your new fiancé!


Happy Planning! 

8 Things Not To Miss When Planning Your Winter Wedding

Wrap Up!

In the process of dress shopping for your wonderful winter wedding, don’t forget the climate or it might spoil your day. Hunt for a warm fur shrug or a statement bridal cape to compliment your dress and keep you from feeling the cold on your big day. Don’t forget about your bridesmaids too!


Festive Food

Your guests will be amazed if you can offer traditional food and drink to add to the festive feel. Include hot chocolate, mulled wine and mince pies to make your loved ones feel warm and content inside.


Cosy Decor

Think candles, throws, and scatter cushions if you want to turn your reception into a warm and inviting atmosphere in the height of winter. Your guests will be rushing to take their seat!


Get Insured

With the chance of torrential weather on your wedding day, be prepared. Be it rain, hail, snow or ice, having wedding insurance will be a safety net in case anything should happen. It will take the pressure off you and allow you to enjoy the moment.


Be Colourful

Just because you’re getting married in winter doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have a white wedding. Don’t be afraid to experiment with bright, bold colours when choosing your theme – stand out and be unique! Winter Wedding Deco
Photo by Ten Twenty One


Sensible shoes

You may have dreamt about walking down the aisle in glittery 6-inch stilettos, however if you’re potentially contending with snow and ice you may want to reconsider. There’s nothing worse than a bride slipping and sliding her way to the altar, so make sure you’re wearing sensible footwear to walk (you can change back into the stilettos later!)


Don’t Overheat

Just because it’s reached sub-zero temperatures outside doesn’t mean it will be the same inside. Once everyone’s on the dancefloor, the sweat will start, so make sure you ask the venue to keep it to a comfortable heat. (Also, sweat patches ruin photos!)


Festive Favours

Give something to your guests that will wow them. Whether it’s a holiday-themed personalised gift, or a winter wonderland-inspired keepsake, make sure everyone takes something home that they won’t stop talking about for weeks!


Happy Planning! 

Bridal Workout Part 1 by That Girl

As promised, we bring you part 1 of our That Girl’s bridal workout series.   This workout is  based on moves to help define and tone your legs and butt whilst getting your heart rate up . Each week we will bring you extracts from, a fun intelligently designed workout series to help you feel better , look better and perform better.

Hot Tip! Receive 20% off your That Girl membership with discount code : bridebook20 that girl

How to do this routine: There are four moves in this workout , each 60 seconds long with 20 secs rest between each exercise . Aim to repeat the circuit 3 times through with 1 min – 2mins  rest between circuits




Why she does it: For a strong butt, great legs and the hip mobility you need to squat. We ass a little co-ordination challenge in this one too. Repeat 6 in one direction and then travel back the way you came


Position: Feet are flat on the floor and a little wider than hip width with toes slightly turned outwards. Your arms are by your sides.


How she does it: With a straight spine, hinge at your hips to sit your butt back and downwards until your hips lower just below your knees and swing your arms forwards. Pulse in the squat for 2 counts and as you return to standing take a half turn to face the other direction . Repeat 6 in one direction and then travel back the way you came.


Hot tip: As you squat you really want to root down through your heels to send the work into your butt. 



SQUAT KICKS That Girl Workout


Why she does it: This one maybe low impact but it will still get your heart rate up, whilst working your butt, legs and abdominals.


Position: Feet are flat on the floor and a little wider than hip width with toes slightly turned outwards. Your hands are clasped in front of your chest.


How she does it: With a straight spine hinge at your hips to sit your butt back and downwards until your hips lower just below your knees, your weight is in your heels. Immediately return to standing kicking the right leg out to the side, a little above hip level if you can.  Repeat on the left side.


Top Tip: I like to keep my hands clasped so I really work on balance and focus on my legs.





Why she does it: This unilateral movement challenges the difference between both legs. You will work on balance, co-ordination and strength


Position: You will need a study chair or bench. Standing tall, right heel close to the prop whilst your left leg is held out low and straight in front of you with the toes gently pointed. Both arms are stretched out at shoulder level.


How she does it: Hinge your hips backwards to lower your sit bones to touch the prop without actually sitting down. To return really focus on rooting down through the right heel as you come back to standing.  Split your 60 secs into  30 secs  each leg. 

Hot tip: The right knee should track inline with your toes rather than caving inwards or buckling outwards.




REPEAT 15-20 That Girl Workout


Why she does it: Great cardio boost to rev up your leg workout up whilst still maintaining muscle tone.


Position: Feet are a little wider than hip width with toes slightly turned outwards. Your hands are together in front of your chest.  Gaze is forwards.


How she does it: Keeping your spine in neutral hinge your hips backwards as if to sit on a chair keeping your hands clasped in front of your chest.  From your lowest point root down through your heels to return yourself back to the start position using your arms to assist the movement.


Repeat the squat but this time from your lowest point explosively jump up vertically as high as you can.  Land back into the squat position to complete one rep.


Hot tip: Be mindful to use your whole foot to jump and not just your toes.

Happy Exercising!’s Top Etsy Picks for Your Wedding

With an ever growing selection of creative individuals designing and hand crafting wedding pieces –  Etsy is the go to place for all your wedding needs. Whether you’re looking for last minute touches, wedding favours or even your wedding  dress, Etsy is sure to get those creative juices flowing. Here at we have pulled together a list of our favourite Etsy suppliers to help you add a personalised touch to your wedding day. Enjoy! Etsy


Etsy Supplier: Curious Me Design 

These guys design wedding stationery that’s completely personalised to you, telling the story of your unique adventure together. Miss Sarah Cakes

Etsy Supplier: Stamp It Store

A handmade, personalised stamp for fast,  easy and cheap save the dating. You’re welcome! Etsy article

Etsy Supplier: Katy In Edinburgh 

A must have for all you book lovers out there. Your very own personalised Penguin book of your Order of Service. Completely personalised to include your readings, pictures and quotes. Katy in Edinburgh 

Wedding Favours 


Etsy Supplier : Spice Kitchen UK

Unique, stunning tea favours for your wedding guests. Choose between a selection of teas and even add your own personal message to each glass bottle. Etsy article


Etsy Supplier: Wedding in a Teacup 

Treat your wedding guests with these gorgeous packets of wildflower seeds for them to take home. Each packet can be personalised with your name and wedding date. wedding teacup


Decorations and Tableware


Etsy Supplier: Gathered Table Supply

Perfect for you modern brides. These faux marble charger plates will make a fabulous addition to your wedding reception table. charger plates


Etsy Supplier: Miss Sarah Cake

Add that finishing touch to your wedding cake with these made to order cake toppers by Miss Sarah Cake.  Choose from a selection of different colours to suit any colour scheme. Miss Sarah Cakes


Etsy Supplier : The White Heart Gift Co

Save money on your wedding stationery by using these beautiful clay heart tags as unique place settings which also double up as wedding favours. Win, win! white heart gift co


Accessories and Fashion


Etsy Supplier: This Modern Love Bridal 

UK based wedding dress designers, This Modern Love Bridal make truly gorgeous wedding gowns to suit any budget. Bespoke and made to order dresses are available as well as fittings at their studio in Brighton. this modern bridal


Etsy Supplier: S Hargreaves Jewellery 

If you’re looking for an eye-catching wedding band then look no further than this beautiful 9ct rose gold, rugged bark like textured ring.  Suitable for both men and women. ring


Etsy Supplier: Joanna Reed Bridal 

This beautiful hair piece  is designed to sit around the back of the head and looks striking in any bridal  up-do. Etsy piece


Mens Fashion 


Etsy Supplier: Kiatek Gifted Hands

Custom made cufflinks made of vintage world maps creates a very personalised gift for your groomsmen. Let people remember your special day for ever. Everyone smiles when they see a map of a place thats close to their heart. personalised cufflinks



Etsy Supplier: Posh Totty Designs

Celebrate your wedding day by presenting this frame to your loved one, or bring another smile to the newlyweds face and present it as the perfect wedding gift. posh potty


Etsy Suppier: Lily Belle London 

This beautiful hand poured candle makes a  unique and very special keepsake.  Each glass candle  is engraved with names and dates of the big day. Lily Belle London hand poured candle


Etsy Supplier: Clouds and Currents

The ideal wedding gift for all members of your wedding team, from the groomsmen and best man to the father of the bride! clouds and currents


Happy Shopping! 

How to Save Money on Wedding Flowers

Depending on the style you’re going for, chances are there’ll be a vast array of different flower arrangements at your wedding. The list includes bouquets, centrepieces, boutonnières, welcome arrangements, altar arrangements, bridesmaids’ bouquets, wedding cake flowers… and the list goes on. There’s nothing quite as lovely as wedding flowers and the joy and spectacle they bring.

Wedding flowers being so beautiful and plentiful, they tend to cost. In the UK, couples spend an average of around £1,100 on wedding flowers, which is a not-insignificant proportion of the average overall cost of a wedding at £20,775.

Some couples won’t have a budget anywhere near the national average or want to spend over a grand on flowers, but still want to have beautiful blooms at their wedding. If this is you, there are still plenty of options out there for you.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at all the ways you can save money on wedding flowers while still making sure your venue is full of gorgeous florals. 

Why are wedding flowers so expensive?

Photo © The Flower Mill | See their Bridebook profile

A wedding is a fabulous occasion, and like many celebrations, flowers are the go-to decorative item for adding colour, luxury and elegance. Flowers are also a popular symbol of love, which is why they’re so perfect for a wedding.

As a result, many couples love to use flowers throughout their big day, from the moment their guests arrive at the ceremony to the moment they leave the reception. And because they play such a prominent role, the price of wedding flowers can be somewhat on the high side.

But why exactly are they so expensive? There are plenty of reasons why you may pay a premium for wedding flowers, most notably: 

  • Volume – From bouquets to boutonnières, many different flower arrangements feature in a wedding
  • Quality – When it comes to weddings, florists often use the crème de la crème of flowers
  • Service – Bespoke florals will involve a personalised design process and conceptualisation to bring your vision to life
  • Details – It’s not just about the flowers – think vases, vessels, ribbons, even props – everything you need to create a gorgeous display
  • Availability – Most flowers are seasonal, particularly in the UK, so it can be expensive to import certain flowers
  • Expertise – Florists use their skill and experience designing show-stopping arrangements
  • Time – Wedding flowers often take a lot of time to design and arrange
  • Delivery – Your florist will need to deliver and set up your flowers at the venue

Do you need flowers at your wedding?

Photo © Amarante London | See their Bridebook profile

Whether or not you have flowers at your wedding is entirely your decision. It all depends on your budget, your style and – ultimately – your preference. While there’s nothing written in stone that says you need to have flowers at your wedding, your guests will likely notice if you choose not to have them.

Flowers are one of the biggest wedding traditions there is, and the pure presence of flowers denotes elegance and love. That said, there could be several reasons for not wanting to have flowers at your wedding, for example, due to allergies, or you simply aren’t interested in anything floral. 

15 ways to save money on wedding flowers

Photo © West Dorset Wedding Flowers | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding flowers are a big expense, but they’re a non-negotiable for many couples. If you do choose to have flowers at your wedding, but don’t want to spend an amount even close to the UK average, then there are ways around it. Below are 15 ways you can save money on wedding flowers.

1. The bigger the better

Photo © One Splendid Day | See their Bridebook profile

Choose flowers with big heads where possible. Not only do they look stunning, but the bigger the flowerhead, the fewer stems you need to fill out an arrangement, which means you’ll also generally spend less money.

For example, for every peony or hydrangea you have in an arrangement, you would need two or three roses to fill up the same amount of space. The bigger the flowers, the less you’ll spend in the long run.

2. Avoid popular flower choices

Photo © Emly & Me | See their Bridebook profile

Flowers like roses, carnations and tulips symbolise love, which makes them popular choices for floral arrangements. That means they can also be quite pricey, as demand is high. Instead, why not consider flowers which are both beautiful but which aren’t commonly seen at weddings, such as chrysanthemums, daisies and Peruvian lilies?

3. Be creative with your bridesmaids

Photo © The Flower Alchemist | See their Bridebook profile

Be a trendsetting bride and instead of full bouquets, give your bridesmaids corsages to wear on their wrists or boutonnières to fix onto a neckline or waistband. It will leave their hands free (to fluff out your dress if need be) and provide the perfect accessory for their outfits. Not to mention it will save you a lot of money, especially if you have four or five bridesmaids.

4. Use flowers as focal points

Photo © Cloud Hill Flowers | See their Bridebook profile

Use flowers as your focal points. Positioning some at the bar and on the central table will draw the eye and let you get away with much smaller pieces on the other tables. This will make the room seem full to the brim with floral decoration, whereas actually, you’ve just been clever with how you use them. The key is to position them in a way that works for them and the space. 

5. Less can be more

Photo © Vista & Bloom | See their Bridebook profile

We may have already mentioned that bigger blooms can be more cost-effective, but if you’re going for a minimalist and sophisticated theme, then that can also be a great way to save some money. Instead of having big bunches of flowers on every table, try putting single stems in tall elegant vases as eye-catching centrepieces. Because of the impressive height, the room will still look decorated throughout, but this way you’ll use fewer stems and your guests will be able to truly appreciate the flowers you’ve hand-selected.

Roses are fabulous flowers which work well like this, but speak to your florist about which flowers will fit best within your specific budget.

6. Switch petals for paper

Photo © Paper Bouquets UK | See their Bridebook profile

Did you know you can still have flowers even if you don’t want real ones? Switching real flowers for faux or paper-made flowers works a treat and can cost less than the real deal. For example, at Paper Bouquets here on Bridebook, prices start from as low as £8! As an added bonus, you’ll have gorgeous floral paper creations to treasure long after the big day itself. For an extra touch of personalisation, you can also tie it to your wedding theme by making flowers from pages out of your favourite book or sheet music from your wedding playlist.

To save even more cash, you might want to consider making some paper flowers yourself. It’s not like they’ll wilt over time, so if you start early enough you should be able to make plenty. There are loads of paper flower tutorial videos on YouTube to get you started. Though these are unlikely to rival the masterful creations of a professional, if cheap flowers are your no. 1 priority, then the DIY approach can be both cost-effective and fun!

7. Double up

Photo © Honour Farm Flowers | See their Bridebook profile

After the wedding ceremony, your bridesmaids will probably have little use for their bouquets, so why not make them work extra hard and reuse them at the reception? Place them at certain focal points, or even use them as centrepieces on some of the tables. It’s unlikely that your guests will even notice!

8. Choose flowers that are in season

Photo © Pumpkin and Pye | See their Bridebook profile

The time of year at which you’re getting married can have a big influence over the cost of your flowers, particularly if there are specific flowers you have in mind, because seasonality plays a huge part in cost. For example, peonies, when not in season, can be four times more expensive than roses. This includes cabbage roses, which look almost exactly the same.

To keep costs down, choose flowers that are in bloom during the time of year when your wedding is taking place, for example:

  • Spring: tulips and snapdragons
  • Summer: freesias and irises
  • Autumn: roses and dahlias
  • Winter: poinsettias and amaryllis

9. Choose a venue with floral beauty

Photo © Colonnade Florist | See their Bridebook profile

You might not have to as much much money on flowers if you choose a venue that has plenty of floral beauty of its own. An inner-city hotel might need a little extra help in the flower department, whereas a countryside manor will likely have landscaped gardens, wonderful artwork and stunning decor which means you won’t need to rely on having many flowers to add any additional beauty.

For a bit of inspiration on finding a venue with gorgeous natural spaces, check out our post on 35 beautiful outdoor wedding venues in the UK.

10. Consider forgoing boutonnières and corsages

Photo © Laurel Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

Depending on the number of groomsmen and bridesmaids you and your partner will have, one thing that bumps up the cost is the number of boutonnières and corsages you’ll need. Two ways to reduce costs is by cutting them altogether or getting creative to bring those costs down. Why not design your own with faux or paper flowers? Or you could pick them up for less than £2 each by using a website like TEMU or Wish. Just make sure you know what you’re willing to compromise on (obviously cheap alternatives to professionally-crafted florals are unlikely to match the quality and design of the real deal).  

11. Go green

Photo © The Wild Garden Florist | See their Bridebook profile

While flowers are beautiful and vibrant, and can make for some truly breathtaking displays, the more you have in an arrangement, the more you’ll have to pay. So, why not fill some of that space with a little greenery, instead? More greenery, like ruscus and baby’s breath, can bring new textures and shapes to an arrangement and accentuate the flowers so that they pop even more. Not to mention it will help keep the costs of your flowers down. Win win! 

12. Consider dried flowers

Photo © The Botanical Bunch | See their Bridebook profile

Dried bouquets are versatile and unique, and work whether you’re going for a vintage or more modern style at your wedding. They’re also more affordable due to the fact they last far longer than fresh flowers. Not only that, but you’ll be able to take them home afterwards and they’ll last for months, or even years. Dried florals works particularly well if you’re going with a rustic venue

13. Use your green fingers in the garden

Photo © Abbey Meadow Flowers | See their Bridebook profile

Fancy yourself as something of a gardener with particularly well-attended flower beds at home? If so, you might consider putting together some arrangements of your own? Or, if you’re not quite that adventurous, you could take just a few single stems, such as from a rose bush, to use in tall vases that would work as simple, yet elegant and highly personal, centrepieces on each table. 

As always with the DIY approach, remember that there’s always a risk. Growing and then designing your own bouquets will be no mean feat, and won’t come with the same level of service and quality as working with a professional florist. Your flowers might not turn out exactly as you wanted them or your bouquets might not come together as you’d envisaged them, and they might get damaged on the day, either in transit or at the venue itself. So, carefully weigh up whether saving money is your no. 1 priority, or if you’d rather go for a more hands-off and stress-free approach (which will of course come at a cost). 

14. Choose a local florist

Photo © The Cadogan Flower Company | See their Bridebook profile

When searching for a florist to design your flower arrangements for your wedding, make sure you choose one that is local to you. If you choose one based on price alone, you may be in for an unwelcome surprise when it comes to the cost of delivery and setup. Make sure you double-check the catchment area of the florist you hire so you don’t pay any additional delivery costs.

The only exception to this rule is if your wedding is taking place in London. Hiring a London-based florist is often more expensive than hiring one from outside the capital. So, if sticking to a tight budget is important to you, we recommend comparing prices to see if it’s worth hiring one that has to travel a little further, as it could save you money. Just remember to get plenty of quotes and weigh up which offers the best value for money.

Browse our huge range of florists and find fantastic floral experts close to you.

15. Sweep the supermarket for cheap deals

Photo © Bradgate Flowers | See their Bridebook profile

Almost all of the big-name supermarkets sell decent flowers, and if you (or someone you trust with the job) get there early enough on the day, you’ll have a reasonable selection to choose from. You might not want a bunch of supermarket flowers as your bouquet or centrepieces, but they can work well as welcome flowers or accents, and are considerably cheaper than the flowers you’d get from a florist. Though they won’t match the quality or complexity of design of a bespoke creation, they’re a valid choice if you’re on a tight budget.

Plan your dream wedding with Bridebook 

At Bridebook, we have all the tools, tips and tricks you need to plan your perfect wedding day. Sign up today and start your planning journey!

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How to Save Money on a Wedding Dress

Whether you’ve dreamed of yourself in a beautiful, flowing white dress since you were five-years-old, or you’ve only started to even consider it post-ring, the bridal dress is often a major component of a wedding. There are so many styles available that searching for and trying on dresses can be a long, fun and exciting journey for both the bride and the entire bridal party.

Many wedding dresses are made with premium materials and involve complex and intricate designs. As a result, the perfect dress naturally comes with a corresponding premium price tag. In the UK, the average amount spent on a wedding dress is £1,300, though it can often be double or even triple this. When you consider that the average cost of a wedding is £20,775, this may sound like a lot, but it’s proportionate with the cost of many other professional wedding services, including photographers and videographers. 

However, there are plenty of ways to save money on a wedding dress. In this post, we’re going to explore the tips and tricks you can use to help you stick to your budget while still getting to wear a gorgeous gown on your big day. 

Why are wedding dresses so expensive?

Photo © Kate Joseph Bridal | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding dresses come with a premium price tag for several reasons:

  • They’re made using very high-quality materials
  • They can come with complex and intricate adornments 
  • They’re often handmade by a highly skilled and experienced dressmaker
  • They’re highly customised both in terms of style and fit
  • It’s tempting to choose a well-known, high-end designer to mark the occasion
  • They usually involve tailored service and consultations to get it just right

As well as these, wedding dresses have great sentimental value and are massively important to many brides. As a result, many brides-to-be are willing to pay premium prices to get the dress of their dreams. After all, this isn’t any old day. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime celebration, which deserves an outfit like no other. 

Do you need to wear a bridal dress on your wedding day?

Photo © Oui Madame Bridal Atelier | See their Bridebook profile

While a white dress is traditionally worn by a bride in western countries specifically, you by no means have to wear one on your own wedding day. What you wear at your wedding is down to you, the style and theme of your wedding, and any religious traditions you may wish to stick to.

A white dress may be what many brides choose to wear, but there are plenty who don’t and opt for an alternative instead. Examples of these include:

  • A non-traditional dress, which may feature colours or be black
  • Religious or cultural attire, such as a saree, kimono or hanbok
  • Trouser suits or jumpsuits, which are stylish and modern but still elegant
  • A two-piece ensemble, such as a skirt and top

Many non-bridal dresses can also be expensive, but are often far more affordable than traditional dresses worn by brides in the West. 

12 ways to save money on your wedding dress

Photo © Rachel Lamb Bridal Design | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re keen to wear a traditional dress on your big day, there are plenty of ways to save money if you’re willing to compromise a little. Below are 12 ways you can make a saving when buying your wedding dress. And for more tips, check out our ultimate guide to saving money on your wedding.

1. Browse affordable designer ranges

Photo © Catherine Blades Couture | See their Bridebook profile

Have you always wanted a stunning Vera Wang gown to get married in but aren’t sure your budget can stretch that far? Well, did you know that most wedding dress designers have a cheaper line available at bargain prices? That means you can go to your favourite designer and not have to break the bank to buy a dress. And for reference, for Vera Wang, it’s the White collection.

2. Look out for sample sales

When it comes to gorgeous designer gowns, boutiques and designers themselves will host sample sales at the end of seasons. You can find some absolute gems hidden among the endless racks; so as long as you’re willing to forego the typical bridal boutique shopping experience and service, they’re definitely worth it. Contrary to what some believe, the dresses are rarely permanently damaged – although they sometimes come with minor easily repairable flaws. In sample sales, all sales are final, which means no returns – so inspect your potential dress carefully for any imperfections before you buy.

Photo © Georgina Scott Bridal | See their Bridebook profile

3. Check out some local charity shops

Photo © Bridal Reloved | See their Bridebook profile

Why not consider a preloved gown from a local charity shop? Remember, most brides will only wear their dress once and only for half a day, so the majority of the dresses you’ll find in a charity shop will be as good as new. It’s also a lovely sentiment to wear a dress that’s previously given so much joy to a happy couple. The only thing to bear in mind is that it’s unlikely you’ll find a dress that fits you perfectly, so you’ll have to take it for alterations and be prepared to compromise. 

4. Buy an off-the-rack dress

Photo © Lucy Hart Bridal | See their Bridebook profile

A great tip to save some pennies is to buy a dress that’s made ready to wear. It may need a little bit of tweaking, which can ramp up the cost, but the price of an off-the-hanger dress will generally be much lower than that of a made-to-measure gown. This approach can also save time, as it doesn’t require many months of creation and fittings. That said, if the creation and fitting experience is important to you, and you want a bespoke gown, you can’t expect to pay cheap off-the-rack prices. That level of service, and quality, is naturally going to cost. So it’s important to weigh up what’s most important to you when shopping around.

5. Shop vintage

Photo © Fairytale Occasions | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re having a vintage-themed wedding, vintage shops are great places to find stunning dresses in a great variety of styles. In fact, you might not even buy a dress that was intended for a wedding at all. White Gatsby-esque evening dresses can look just as impressive as a specially made gown. When browsing, make sure to check the dresses for signs of wear and tear (especially on the hem and the armpits) and think of any potential alterations you might want to make ahead of buying. Then, you can put your bridesmaids in dresses of a complementary style.

6. Call in some favours

Photo © TH&TH Bridesmaids | See their Bridebook profile

This one might be a bit of a stretch, but if you happen to know a fantastic seamstress or dressmaker, you’re one lucky bride. It’s sometimes cheaper to have a dress made by a seamstress (especially if they’re not that experienced), and even more so if you ask for mates’ rates.

7. Shop on the high street

Photo © Lisa Lyons Bridal | See their Bridebook profile

Many high-street retailers, like John Lewis and Next, have a beautiful range of bridal dresses that are fabulous, elegant and – most importantly, if you’re on a budget – affordable. Dresses from popular high-street brands can cost as low as £60, but make sure you shop early in case you need to take it for minor alterations. And again, weigh up your priorities, and manage your expectations. A high-street dress is unlikely to rival a bespoke custom-made designer dress, but if you’re on a budget, may be the best option for you personally. 

8. Consider renting a dress

Photo © Wilden Bride London | See their Bridebook profile

It might not be something you immediately think of as an option, but did you know that, along with wedding suits, you can also rent wedding dresses? If you’re excited to wear a gorgeous, flowing dress but can’t stretch your budget enough to cover the cost, renting can get you into that perfect bridal gown. The only downside is that you’ll have to give it back, so won’t be able to hold on to it for sentimental reasons. Plus, just make sure you’re aware of the return policy, because if you return it late, the fees can sting.

9. Choose a dress with a minimalist style

Photo © Laura Loves Bridal | See their Bridebook profile

As we’ve already covered, one of the reasons wedding dresses can be so expensive is because of the high-quality materials and craftsmanship that go into creating them. So, one great way to lower the cost is by choosing a dress with a simple or minimalist design. The fewer intricate details there are, the less work it will generally take, which can help keep costs down.

10. Hire an up-and-coming local seamstress

Photo © Sew Handy | See their Bridebook profile

Sometimes it can be more affordable to hire a seamstress – particularly if it’s a seamstress with less experience. Of course, a seamstress with decades of experience will produce a fantastic dress, but it will come at a price. By using a less-experienced and local seamstress, you’ll get a beautiful bespoke dress but not have to pay as much. Also, if they’re local (and outside of London) you won’t have to pay for shipping or as many travel costs.

11. Shop online

Photo © HEMYCA | See their Bridebook profile

Online retailers, such as ASOS, can have a wide range of dresses to suit a selection of tastes, styles and budgets. The cost of a dress will often start around £100, but if you keep your eye out for a sale you might be able to pick up a stunning dress for as much as half this amount. The main risk is that you might not like it as much in person as you did when you saw the images, so make sure you know the returns policy before purchasing.

And again, the quality is not going to match a custom-made ensemble, in the same way that the experience of browsing online will be vastly different to trying on dresses in an independent boutique with your bridal party. Part of the service involved in choosing a bridal boutique is getting fitted by a professional with years of experience and benefiting from their expert advice through tailored, one-on-one consultations. But if a finding a cheap and serviceable dress is your only priority, this is of course a perfectly reasonable option. 

12. Sell your dress after your wedding

Photo © Sarah Willard | See their Bridebook profile

Know you absolutely want to wear a certain dress, which means that renting, borrowing or buying online are out of the question? You can still splurge and buy an extravagant dress, because there’s always the option of selling your dress once you’re done. Unless you’re particularly sentimental or want to pass it on as an heirloom, sites such as Vinted, Stillwhite or even Facebook Marketplace are great. You more than likely won’t get your money back, but you could still get a huge chunk of it, which you could then reinvest into your honeymoon.

Plan your dream wedding with Bridebook 

Here at Bridebook, we have a fabulous selection of brilliant dressmakers and bridal boutiques to suit any style and budget, including The Bride’s Wardrobe, The Dressing Rooms and Anita Massarella Design Couture. Sign up today and start planning your dream wedding!

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Wedding Day Timeline

The Expected Timeline of Pippa Middleton’s Wedding Day

The TWO-venue extravaganza is expected to last over 22 hours!, the UK’s leading wedding planning app, has helped thousands of couples plan their wedding day to perfection. Here is how we believe Pippa’s big day will run like clockwork:

6.00am – Hair and makeup

Pippa and her bridesmaids will be up early to start their beauty regimes with a team of 2 stylists to work on Pippa’s hair and makeup, and an additional 2 or so team members for the mothers of the bride and groom, and the bridal party.


9.00am – Usher’s breakfast

James and his groomsmen gather in their tails for the Usher’s breakfast. Likely to be in a local pub or at one of their hotels. A Scottish whiskey shot at the end to send them on their way.


9.30am – Flowergirls and pageboys arrive

The flowergirls and pageboys, including Prince George and Princess Charlotte, arrive at Englefield House, the house where the Bridal party will be staying to get ready.


10.30am –  Guests begin to arrive

Ushers need to be at the ready for the arrival of the guests and co-ordinating the seating. James will likely be outside greeting guests on arrival to keep any nerves at bay.


11.30am – The bride arrives and marriage service begins

Pippa travels the short distance from the spectacular Englefield house in their wedding transport with her parents, and bridal party . The doors to the Church will be closed before Pippa enters ready to walk down the aisle with her father, everyone catching the first glimpse of the glorious bride and dress before the ceremony begins. Only 150 of the closest family and friends will be present for a traditional wedding service led by the Rev Nick Wynne-Jones. 


12.45pm – They’re married!

Pippa and James walk down the aisle as the new Mr and Mrs Matthews! There may be some formal lineup photos at the church whilst guests wait outside.


1.00pm – Church Departure

Guests will be set up for a picture perfect confetti throw. Key friends and family positioned close to the entrance of the church, a flower arch around the entrance, and biodegradable flower petal confetti.


1.30pm – Guests arrive for drinks reception at Englefield House

Pippa, James and guests will walk to nearby Englefield House (with umbrellas at the ready) for the first and more intimate drinks reception at the home of a ceremony guest and close family friend, Conservative MP Richard Benyon.



1.45pm- The Englefield House drinks reception

The first drinks reception will run with champagne and light canapes. Music will be provided, potentially a bagpipe performance as a nod to James’ Scottish heritage. This is the opportunity for Pippa and James to personally greet and chat with their closest guests.


2.15pm – Father of the Bride speech

Michael Middleton will welcome the guests and deliver his Father of the Bride speech to this more intimate gathering, on a stage built especially for speech delivery. It is likely James will deliver his main speech then too or wait to do it in the evening with the other speeches. 


3pm – All guests depart

The time provided for guests to return home to change into specially-requested second outfits and prepare for the festivities ahead at the Middleton family home.

3pm-5pm – Photos and Outfit change

Pippa and James will have this time to take private photos with their photographer in the grounds of the Englefield house, relax and spend quality time together alone. They will then both change into their evening’s outfits, with Pippa having her makeup redone and her hair style changed for the evening.


5pm – Evening Reception at the Middleton Family Home

The ceremony guests head to the Middleton family home joined by 200 additional evening guests. It is likely some elderly ceremony guests may not join for the evening. A champagne drinks reception will happen throughout the gorgeous Middleton garden, or within the spectacular glass marquee if the weather is not ideal.


5.30pm – Mr & Mrs Matthews’ Grand Arrival

Having travelled from Englefield house in a fleet of Bentleys, Pippa and James will be joining the guests with a dramatic entrance as Pippa reveals her second dress of the evening.


6.15PM – Spitfire flyby

A flyby of two vintage WW2 Spitfires are expected to wow the guests out on the lawn. Clear umbrellas will likely be provided for all the guests, so that regardless of wet weather they can still enjoy the flyby.


6.30pm – Guests called through for dinner

The Master of Ceremony will call everyone through into the incredible glass marquee to find their tables and be seated for dinner, with the wedding party taking their seats at the top table.


7pm – Dinner begins

An extravagant four-course dinner by top caterers The Admirable Crichton is served which is  expected to have predominant Scottish themes throughout. The 15-chefs and up to 70 staff will be streaming out of the huge connected catering marquee to ensure everything is perfect.

The rest of the wedding speeches, including Best Man and Groom speeches, will take place between the 3rd and 4th course, and before the cutting of the cake.


9.45pm – Cutting of the cake and First Dance

Mr and Mrs Matthews stand to do the ceremonial cake cutting, potentially with a saber for ceremonial gravitas. Guests will gather around the dance floor for the couple’s first dance.


10.00pm – Party begins with 1st band

Bars will open by the dance floor serving champagne and signature cocktails. Begin playing as guests continue drinking and socialising as the party heats up.


10.30pm – Cake and Cheese available for guests

The caterers will have laid out the cut up wedding cake and platters of luxury cheese in a separate space for guests to eat as and when they like.


12.00am – DJ and Late Night Food

The entertainment shifts to a DJ for the late night partiers. The caterers will also provide late night food and midnight treats to help keep the guests going. These midnight treats are likely to be scottish and british-themed comfort food.


1am to 4am – Carriages

Some guests will be leaving as soon as 1am, with others likely to stay until the early morning hours.




For further information, interviews and images please contact

Harriet or Sarah-Jane at Harriet Hunt Communications

T: 0208 871 2246  M: 07886 96908


Notes To Editor: is the UK’s leading wedding planning platform with over 40,000 couples currently planning their weddings on the website and app.

Launched in 2016,‘s state-of-the-art wedding planning toolkit with personalised Wedding Checklist, Wedding Budgeter and Wedding Guestlist Manager, enables couples to plan their entire wedding from any device, anytime, anywhere, all in one place…for free.  With over 70,000 wedding venues and suppliers in its directory, increases the digital presence of industry professionals and connects them directly with local couples. has also partnered with leading experts such as Mary Berry, Bobbi Brown and Jimmy Choo to provide genuine expert advice and inspiration to its couples. was founded by Hamish Shephard, an industry professional and recently married groom who used to plan his own May 2016 wedding. Visit online and the App on the iTunes App Store and Google Play Store.

How to Save Money on Wedding Transport

Depending on your plans for the big day, you may end up spending a fair amount of time in the back of a car. You might travel from home to the venue, then to have photographs taken, then to the breakfast, then be whisked off with your new spouse at the end of the night.

So, you might be keen to hire a luxurious car to be transported from A to B like royalty. Or, you might want to hire a bus so you and your entire wedding party can get around without having to worry about driving and parking.

Whatever you choose to do, you’ll have to account for it as part of your budget. In the UK, couples spend an average of £700 on wedding transport, which is a decent chunk of the overall average wedding budget of £20,775.

But, there are ways to save money so you don’t have to spend anything close to the average. In this post, we’re going to explore the many ways you can save money on wedding transport and can still arrive at your wedding in style.

What’s the cheapest type of wedding transport?

Photo © VW Wedding Campers | See their Bridebook profile

There are plenty of options available to hire fabulous wedding transport but pay way less than the average. Among the most affordable are modern, luxury cars, such as a Mercedes Benz S-Class or a Jaguar XJ.

Many wedding transport providers have rates that start from as low as £100, such as DS Executive Cars in High Wycombe, Classic Bridal Cars in Wirral and Kent and Coastal Wedding Cars in Whitstable. Each has a range of vehicles available, and provides further savings by offering discounts exclusive to Bridebook.

You can also browse from our huge list of wedding transport providers to find fantastic and affordable options near you.

12 ways to save money on wedding transport

Photo © BookAclassic London | See their Bridebook profile

Have your eye on a specific type of car or vehicle but looking for some ideas to cut costs? Below are 12 ways you can save money on wedding transport. You can also read our comprehensive guide on how to save money on your wedding for even more ways to slash spending for your big day.

1. Choose a venue close to home

Photo © Fiat 500 Hire | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding cars can be quite pricey, especially if the distance between the pick up and drop off locations is far. Many wedding transport companies will charge a per-mile surcharge if they have to travel outside of their usual level of service.

If you’re getting married in a church, try having it close to home or not too far from your reception venue. Factor this in when you’re searching for your perfect venue, because the further you have to travel, the more it’ll cost you for transport.

2. Choose an all-in-one venue 

Photo © Honey’s Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

You can cut transport costs right down by hiring a venue that allows you to have the ceremony, breakfast and reception all in one. You’ll make further savings if your venue also doubles as a hotel, so you don’t have to jump in the car again at the end of the night.

3. Ask a friend or family member to drive you

Photo © Deluxe wedding cars | See their Bridebook profile

Got an uncle who spends all his time tinkering with his E-Type Jaguar in the garage? Give him the opportunity to show it off and drive you to the venue. Calling in a favour with someone you know who has an extra special car is a brilliant way to save money and also give them a unique role in your wedding. Just make sure the car they have has a big enough back seat to fit you and your partner at the end of the night!

4. Go for something unique and quirky

Photo © Grasmere Girl | See their Bridebook profile

If a vintage or luxurious modern car isn’t necessarily for you, you may be able to save money by going for more alternative and quirky options. If you’re having a countryside wedding, why not climb into a tractor for your last drive as a single person? Or if your brother is a fireman, why not arrive at your venue in a fire engine for a more explosive entrance? Ask around and see what you can get that’s one-of-a-kind (and inexpensive).

5. Hire a taxi

Photo © Lil & Blue | See their Bridebook profile

For your grand exit at the end of the reception, consider forgoing a luxury vehicle and simply hiring a taxi. The experience might not be quite the same, but if your priority is to keep costs down at all costs, this can often be a more affordable option, costing a fraction of the price of a luxury mode of transport. If you’re having a London wedding, taxis are an iconic car choice in themselves. You will want to secure a fixed rate to avoid any last-minute hidden surprises or extra fees on the day (due to unforeseen traffic, for example). 

For an example of what you might pay, prices at Wedding Taxis in Greater London start from as low as £30 – you can’t argue with costs that low.

6. Have an off-peak wedding

Photo © The Cotswolds Campervan Company | See their Bridebook profile

During the most popular seasons (April through to September), and on the busiest days of the week (Fridays and the weekend), vendors’ rates will be at their most expensive – this includes transport. So, to keep costs down across your entire wedding, consider getting married during the quieter winter months in the middle of the week. If you do, you’ll pay significantly less, and will be able to get much more for your budget.

7. Hire from a local company

Photo © Dorset Dubhire | See their Bridebook profile

Make sure you hire from a local company, because part of their quote will include the miles they drive before you even get in the vehicle. With fuel as expensive as it is, you can expect to pay less if a vendor is based a couple of miles away compared to one that takes an hour to get to you.

The only exception to this is if you’re in London. Vendors based in the capital often have rates that are higher than those elsewhere, so it’s worth browsing from a range of companies and comparing their rates. Check out our huge list of wedding transport providers to find fantastic options near you.

8. Go vintage

Photo © Splitty Wedding Hire | See their Bridebook profile

You might expect vintage wedding cars to be expensive, but they’re actually fairly budget-friendly. Costs generally start from around £250, so you can ride in the back of a vintage VW, Rolls Royce or Bentley and still pay way under the UK average. Great vintage wedding car companies include Bridal Carriages in Northamptonshire, Splitty Wedding Hire in Hampshire and EWC Wedding Cars in Essex.

9. Book in advance

Photo © Aquarius Wedding Cars | See their Bridebook profile

When you know your date and you’ve secured your venue, make it your mission to book your transport as far in advance as possible. The more popular and affordable options will soon get booked up, so you could end up paying more than you’ve budgeted for. And, if you book far enough in advance, many vendors offer early bird rates.

10. Ask for recommendations

Photo © The Campervan Wedding Co | See their Bridebook profile

Ask friends and family for recommendations on which company they used when they got married. That way, not only can you be confident that you’ve hired a dependable service, but it can also be a great way to secure a discount. Another option is to browse the range of wedding transport we have here at Bridebook. Many vendors offer exclusive discounts if you book through Bridebook, so it’s worth taking a look – you could save a lot of money.

11. Rent by the hour, not by the day

Photo © Bus and Bug Vintage | See their Bridebook profile

If you only need to use the services of a car and chauffeur for a certain number of hours, make sure you book an hourly rate, rather than a daily rate. A day rate will be much more expensive and you’ll end up paying way more than you need to. Paying an hourly rate means you only pay for the time you use, meaning you don’t waste any of your precious budget.

If a vendor doesn’t appear to offer an hourly rate, ask them for one. Chances are they’ll be happy to give you a quote.

12. Use your negotiation skills

Photo © The Vintage Wedding Drive | See their Bridebook profile

As the saying goes, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. Before securing your booking, ask your chosen company if they’d be happy to offer a discount. Just because they quote you a certain price doesn’t mean it’s set in stone. Business owners often expect a bit of back and forth, so will may well have a bit of wiggle room that allows them to lower the price. Even just a tiny discount can make all the difference when you’re planning something as extravagant as a wedding.

Plan your dream wedding with Bridebook

Here at Bridebook, we provide you with everything you need to plan your wedding stress-free and save money as you go. Sign up and start planning your big day today!

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Meet That Girl, London’s Favourite Fitness Programme!

Here at Bridebook we are super lucky to have teamed up with the amazing ‘That Girl‘ to provide you with exclusive exercises to help achieve that dream wedding body. Before we get started let’s meet Christina Howells, one of the UK’s leading female trainers and co-founder of That Girl with Charli Cohen, London’s favourite fitness program.

Hot Tip! Receive 20% off your That Girl membership with discount code : bridebook20 that girl trainer

Tell us about That Girl and how is it different from other fitness programs?

That Girl is different, and we are proud of our brand and what we offer.  That Girl is of course great workouts all designed by me but we are more than just great workouts! That Girl is a holistic lifestyle approach addressing physical, mental and spiritual health. Sometime good training and nutrition isn’t enough to help someone make the changes they want but most plans don’t look at what else might be happening such as hormonal imbalances, excessive stress and low body confidence.  That Girl is a community and we work alongside some of the best globally renowned experts in the wellbeing industry including London’s leading Life Coach, Jacqueline Hurst and nutritionist Robert Hobson. This enables us to meet more of our customers needs than ever.

When you join That Girl community or train with us in person we want it be one of the best deacons of your life and the best part is you will have finished your workout in the time it takes you to get to the gym and back. 

You’re “the fashion industry’s favourite trainer” – what do you think it is about your training style that appeals to so many?

There are a number of things that I think appeal to my clients, certainly my intense passion to help both women and men achieve their results, my knowledge and experience and my ability to emphasise with each individuals world and work with their unique person they are. I remind my clients they are more than their measurements and together we focus on their health and well-being as well as body aesthetic. I help them to see “they can” by regressing an exercise to progress them to where they want to be.  

One rule though, when you work with me exercise is a non-notable part of their day, it does not have to be the gym but it has to be movement and hopefully my enthusiasm becomes so infectious this becomes more of an enjoyable habit to my clients. that girl article


Do brides-to-be have to secure a personal trainer to get their dream body or can they have just as much success following online plans like yours?

There are so many free workouts on the web you certainly need to find a good structure if you want to get results. On line training is now far more advanced and some of the most sought after trainers in the industry offer online programmes, which allows you to train with the best at a fraction of the cost. Of course having a one to one trainer is still the ultimate but with plans like that girl that have supported systems such as our Facebook page and options to email for help you can get closer than ever to a one to one session.  If you have the budget then yes a trainer is a fantastic experience and of course will always be more individualised.   


What’s your favourite thing about your job, and in particular working with brides-to-be?

The best part about my job is I don’t feel like I go to work, as I love what I do and its part of my life. Brides usually have clear goals, which are a great start, but as a trainer it’s very important to help the bride to be to also focus on her health, stress reduction, eating nutritious food rather than extreme dieting and exercise. It’s about making long-term changes that last way beyond your wedding – they are for life.

What parts of the body do you get the most requests for help with by brides-to-be?

That depends a lot on the dress, at first the bride will come with her areas she is most concerned about which gives me a starting point and of course are important as this is hopefully the start of the new them. Once the dress is chosen I do adjust the training to ensure she looks the best she can on her big day.

If there was just one piece of advice you could give to brides-to-be looking to get fit and healthy for their wedding, what would it be?

Don’t focus on others and what they are doing or not doing but rather focus on you and what you need and want to achieve for you.


What is your favourite go to move you can do anywhere, anytime?

Lunges as you can do so many variations that you really do get to work the entire leg musculature and butt.

Don’t Forget! All Bridebook users receive a  20% discount with the code bridebook20 the free online wedding planner

The Wedding Industry Awards 2017

Anyone who is anyone in the wedding world knows that The Wedding Industry Awards are the event of the year. And with so many incredible wedding suppliers across the nation the awards sets the wedding industry bar very high. 
But that only makes us even more excited to shout about all of our amazing suppliers nominated in The Wedding Industry Awards 2017! We could not be more thrilled to host so many incredible suppliers on Bridebook for all of our brides to choose from.
So if you’re looking for the cream of the crop for your big day, start enquiring with some of these TWIA nominees today!
Good luck and may the best suppliers win! wedding dress

Accessory Designer

East Midlands
East of England
London and South East

North West

South West


London and South East
North West


Bridal Retailer

East Midlands  
East of England
London and South East 
North West
West Midlands
North East 
South West 

Cake Designer

London and South East 
North East
East of England 
West Midlands
South West
North West 


London and South East 
East of England
South West 
East Midlands

Countryside Venue 

London and South East
East of England 
North West 
West Midlands 
East Midlands
South West
North East


East of England 
London and South East
North East
South West

Dressmaker or Designer

East Midlands
London and South East 
North East
North West 
West Midlands 

Event Team 

East Midlands 
East of England
London and South East
North East
North West
South West
West Midlands


East Midlands 
East of England

London and South East

North East
North West 
South West
West Midlands


West Midlands

Hair Stylist 

East of England
London and South East 
North West 
West Midlands

Make Up Artist

East Midlands 

London and South East 

North West 
South West 
West Midlands

Marquee Provider

North West 
East Midlands
North East 

Menswear Supplier 

West Midlands
South West 

Musical Art

East of England
London and South East
South West 


East Midlands
East of England
London and South East 
North East

North West 

South West 
West Midlands 


East Midlands
East of England
London and South East
North East

Special Touch 

East Midlands
East of England
London and South East
South West
West Midlands


East Midlands
London and South East
North East
South West

Town or City Venue

East Midlands
East of England
London and South East
North East
North West
South West
West Midlands

Transport Supplier

London and South East
  • City of London Black Taxis Limited

Venue Stylist 

East Midlands 
East of England
London and South East
North East 
North West


London and South East 
North West
South West
West Midlands

Good luck!

Wedding Stationery – In Vogue for 2017

It’s been an exciting year in the world of wedding stationery, with couples daring to be different and create something really personal to them. Papeterie Eugenie’s bespoke service means we are perfectly placed to pinpoint emerging trends, with the help of our inspirational clients.  So, we’ve decided to share a few of this year’s favourites – predicted to vogue throughout 2017

Share Your Story With an Illustration the free online wedding planner

We must start with this imaginative customised map, heroed by Bridebook’s very own Hamish & Rosie.  Bespoke illustration is the perfect way to connect with guests and personalise your special occasion. No-one else will have the same!

2017 trend predictions:  Customised maps, Mr & Mrs silhouettes, magical fairy-tales.

Create Your Own Brand the free online wedding planner

Create an emblem unique to you both.  Monograms motifs are our hottest prediction.  Beautiful and personal, these can be used on everything from your wedding cake to your dance-floor lighting!

2017 trend predictions:  Monogram motifs, foiled or letterpressed across your stationery.

Embrace the Romance the free online wedding planner

Our recent showstoppers – delicate, beautiful and romantic!  Marry a monogram motif with letterpress, blush papers and pearlised lazer-cut.  Add a dreamy quote – could we get any more on trend!

2017 trend predictions:  Luxury lazer-cuts, soft palettes, extreme romance.


Couture Crafting the free online wedding planner

Taking super luxe to the extreme.  Bespoke letterpress crest, tissue lined boxes, artesian hand-crafting, signature seals and miniature bow-ties…  choose your style and impress with serious hand-craftmanship!

2017 trend predictions:  Couture crafting, fabric touches, statement stationery.

Elegant Metallics the free online wedding planner

Elegantly understated, a metallic hint adds luxury to classic stationery. We’ve created meaningful motifs, family crests or beautiful borders pressed into each item – the list is endless.

2017 trend predictions:  Chic metallic hints of rose gold, dusky blues and muted gold.

2016 top trends, set to continue…

Entwined initials – classic, elegant and timeless.

Personalised bookmark menus – contemporary, personalised, a lovely keepsake.

Venue illustrations – include old-school sketches of your desirable wedding location.


More Examples of Papeterie Eugenie’s Incredible Work… the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner the free online wedding planner


Happy Planning!

Wedding Stationery Ideas – Smart Wedding Invitations by Paperless Post paperless post collage

Here at Bridebook we tend to consider ourselves slightly tech obsessed (as is obvious from the super exciting state-of-the-art planning tools we created just for you!), so when we had a chance to chat with the modern stationary extraordinaires at Paperless Post we got very excited.

Leader in all things eco-friendly, forward thinking, and stylish, Paperless Post is the go-to for all couples who love beautiful design paired with seamless technology. So who better to guide you through the ins and outs of stylishly smart  wedding stationery? Read on below to get some insight from the pros: the free online wedding planner

You’ve got enough to worry about before the big day. With our wedding invitations timeline, we’re making every aspect of your wedding stationery—from picking a colour palette and designing a custom invitation to managing and writing your thank you notes—stress-free and easy. We’ve laid out everything you’ll need to do and when you need to do it so you can relax and enjoy the experience. paperless posts save the dates

The early bird gets the long weekend.

You’ll need to find a venue and settle on a date first, but once you have, the save the date should be sent out as soon as possible. We recommend sending them out 4-6 months before your wedding date to ensure that your guests are available to attend. All the save the date needs to include are your names, the date, and a city—just enough information for guests to start thinking about travel plans, but not enough to give everything away (especially if the details aren’t totally settled yet).

We often suggest sending save the dates out online—not only because getting the word out early is key, but because our online save the dates can collect guests’ mailing addresses for your paper invitations with ease. paperless post wedding suites

Wedding invitations that reflect your personal style.

The official wedding invitation should follow the save the date within a couple of months, about 2–4 months before the wedding, after a majority of the event details are ironed out. Paper invitations—available on flat-printed, foil-stamped, engraved, letterpressed, or thermographed—are a beautiful keepsake for guests to remember your wedding by. (Plus, if you collected mailing addresses with your online save the date, it’ll be easy to order pre-addressed envelopes for each of your guests.)

Depending on the style of your wedding, you might want to choose an invitation designed by one of the world’s leading fashion houses—like Oscar de la Renta, Vera Wang, or Kate Spade New York—or contact our Personal Design Service specialists to order custom artwork based on your venue or vision. wedding invitations by paperless post on ipad

Hens, I do.

In the months approaching your wedding date, there will be plenty of parties thrown in your honour, most importantly your hen party. The hosts of the event will most likely take care of all the heavy lifting, sending out the invitations about one month before each event and including links to the event’s gift registry. All you need to do is relax and enjoy the party. paperless post wedding menus with a lslice of cake

Walk the aisle, then wine and dine.

As your wedding date approaches, it’s time to start thinking about day-of stationery items like menus and programs that are useful for tying your entire event together. If you didn’t already select a matching set of menus and programs while ordering your wedding invitations, order a pair that complements the colours and feel of the venue.

Order them no less than one month before the wedding day to ensure that they arrive with plenty of time to spare. paperless post stationery with pen

Thank you and you and you.

After the wedding has come and gone, it’s time to relax and enjoy life as a newlywed. Don’t worry about writing your thank you notes until after the honeymoon, but do order the stationery beforehand so there are no to-dos looming over you while you holiday (do yourself an even bigger favour and order pre-addressed envelopes for each guest while you’re at it.)

As long as you order them some time before you leave for your trip, a pristine box of thank you notes will be waiting for you when you get back. paperless post modern style wedding invitations

When all is said and done, we want you to be able to look back on the wedding planning process with a sigh of nostalgia, not relief. To make good on that wish, we have a talented, kind team of design specialists at the ready to help you every step of the way. Whether you need a custom watercolour motif for your stationery suite or just a little hand-holding, we’re here to make everything just a little bit simpler.

Happy Planning!

Top 7 Wedding Trends For 2017

Curious about what 2017 has in store for the wonderful world of weddings? Well, not to panic, because it’s here: Bridebook’s list of the Top 7 Wedding Trends you should expect to see in 2017.  And don’t forget, we’re not just trend spotters, but also problem solvers. We have all the wedding planning tools you’ll need in the run-up (better yet, they’re free!), as well as the UK’s #1 Wedding Planning App. We’re your new best friend – and thrilled to be so, too. wedding trends 2017


Original Forms of Transport

2017 will bring new and modern ways of arriving at your wedding. We’re talking speed boating, parachuting, rowing (check out the amazing boat photo by Lars May below!) or even paragliding down the aisle! Never mind the wind swept look, it will add a complete WOW factor to your big day. Not feeling brave enough? Get some encouragement from our “Flying Bride” article; yes, a bride that actually flew down the aisle being held up by 250 helium filled balloons (all thanks to The Molecule Show)! rowing boat transport flying bride


Blank Canvas Venues

This year, we’re saying ENOUGH to the hair-pulling vision-ruining frustration that can accompany short approved supplier lists and no blu-tack rules. Instead, couples are taking their wedding by the horns, and looking to fairly blank venues to be able to make their big day completely their own.  of the spreadsheet and hair-pulling nonsense that has been associated with wedding planning for so long. Instead, introduce yourself to the UK’s largest wedding venue directory, where you can find the perfect place for your big day – whether that’s a renovated farm or a disused pickle factory. bride and groom in front of white wall 

Dress Less Bride

Who says you have to wear a dress at your wedding? The “dress-less” bride is one of the hottest wedding trends that has continued on from 2016. Look no further than bridal companies, House of Ollichon and Yolan Cris who will kit you out head to toe with a completely unique look. modern bride


Half Day Weddings

If you have a half day wedding, you could save yourself a small fortune. Have fun getting inventive with your eating options and serve your guests high tea or brunch instead of a full-blown wedding breakfast. Your guests will still love the food you serve and love the experience, but you’ll have saved some cash that could go elsewhere. high tea wedding table set up


Dessert Wine 

Instead of the usual champagne toast,  serving dessert wine instead is actually much cheaper. Plus it has the extra benefit of being nice and sugary to get your guests all fired up for the dance floor! dessert wine toast


Sharing Plates

Continuing the wedding breakfast theme – sharing plates are another hot 2017 wedding trend.  They’ll create a great atmosphere around the table as your guests all share a meal together. It also allows your guests to be in control of their portion sizes. More roast potatoes for me, please! Top tip – make sure your table isn’t too cluttered with glassware, flowers or centerpieces to allow ample space for you and your fellow diners. the free online wedding planner


Virtual Reality – Film Your Wedding in 360

The rise of wedding videography has been well documented, and 2017 is going to see it get an upgrade. The Christmas present of choice, Virtual Reality, is set to be the next big thing. With VR videographers and apps soon to pour into the market you’re going to want to have your big day filmed in 360, so you can re-live your big day, anytime you like! Wedding videographer in field 

Happy Planning! 


How To: Look After Your Engagement Ring

Congratulations, you’re engaged!  You’ve been dreaming of this ring for years, and now that it’s a permanent fixture on your left hand, you’re going to want to ensure it stays looking sparkly and new for many more. After all, you need to guarantee that you can see the glint in your peripheral vision when you’re searching for venues in our online directory, right? engagement ring



This should be first on your list of things to do – you never know what could happen to your brand new piece of bling. It sounds like an obvious thing to do, but we hear far too many heartbreaking stories about rings being lost or stolen…make sure you don’t have one of these to tell! Remember to add this to your specific total on our free budgeting tool, too; that way you can keep all of your costs together in one place.


Leave it to the professionals 

Schedule regular maintenance and cleaning of your ring with professionals. Whatever you do…don’t do this at home, because you run the risk of damaging the ring more. With regular maintenance and cleaning, you can ensure your diamond stays in tip-top condition and stays firmly in place.


Avoid harsh chemicals 

Fancy a bit of spring cleaning? Your best bet is to take your ring off! But remember to store it in a safe, dry place. You could, of course, alternatively wear gloves, but if your ring has a stone or a setting, it’s likely to rip the material. 


Take Care

Yes, diamonds are famed for their strength as one of the world’s hardest natural materials, but that doesn’t mean they can’t chip! Be careful not to knock your ring against other hard surfaces.  

Happy Planning! 


More wedding planning advice below: 

Tips to The Groom: Writing Your Wedding Speech 

Wedding Survival Kit: 28 Items You’ll Need

73 Must-See Wedding Venues in The UK

Wedding readings for all denominations

Do you need help choosing the readings at your wedding? Is it an inter-faith ceremony, Jewish, Christian or secular. Below are examples of Bridebook’s favourite readings! vicar standing with order of service
By Chris Giles


A reading from the Book of Genesis 1:26-28, 31a (Catholic)

Then God said:
“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
the birds of the air, and the cattle,
and over all the wild animals
and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.”
God created man in his image;
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
God blessed them, saying:
“Be fertile and multiply;
fill the earth and subdue it.
Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air,
and all the living things that move on the earth.”
God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good.
The word of the Lord. guests sitting listening to wedding readings
By John Lennie


Winnie-the-Pooh, AA Milne (book)

Wherever I am, there’s always Pooh,

There’s always Pooh and Me.

Whatever I do, he wants to do,

“Where are you going today?” says Pooh:

“Well, that’s very odd ‘cos I was too.

Let’s go together,” says Pooh, says he.

“Let’s go together,” says Pooh.

So wherever I am, there’s always Pooh,

There’s always Pooh and Me.

What would I do?” I said to Pooh,

“If it wasn’t for you,” and Pooh said: “True,

It isn’t much fun for One, but Two,

Can stick together, says Pooh, says he. “That’s how it is,” says Pooh. bridesmaid reading from a piece of paper
By Luis Holden


Les Misérables, Victor Hugo (book)

“The future belongs to hearts even more than it does to minds. Love, that is the only thing that can occupy and fill eternity. In the infinite, the inexhaustible is requisite.

Love participates of the soul itself. It is of the same nature. Like it, it is the divine spark; like it, it is incorruptible, indivisible, imperishable. It is a point of fire that exists within us, which is immortal and infinite, which nothing can confine, and which nothing can extinguish. We feel it burning even to the very marrow of our bones, and we see it beaming in the very depths of heaven.” reading being said at the lectern
By Miki Photography


Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte (book)

“I have for the first time found what I can truly love – I have found you. You are my sympathy – my better self – my good angel; I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, wraps my existence about you – and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.” couple saying their vows in a beautiful church
By Raw Silk Photography


1 Corinthian 13 (Church of England)

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.  For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. bride and groom signing the register with the priest
By Ten Twenty One Photography


3) Time In A Bottle by Jim Croce (song)

“If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I’d like to do, is to save every day ‘till eternity passes away, just to spend them with you. If I could make days last forever; if words could make wishes come true; I’d save every day like a treasure and then, again, I would spend them with you. If I had a box just for wishes, and dreams that had never come true; the box would be empty, except for the memory of how they were answered by you. But there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do, once you find them. I’ve looked around enough to know that you’re the one I want to go through time with.” bridesmaids reading from the order of service
By Simon Biffen Photography


The Seven Benedictions The Sheva Brachot (Jewish)

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has created everything for your glory.

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Creator of Human Beings.

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has fashioned human beings in your image, according to your likeness and has fashioned from it a lasting mold. Blessed are You Adonai, Creator of Human Beings.

Bring intense joy and exultation to the barren one (Jerusalem) through the ingathering of her children amidst her in gladness. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who gladdens Zion through her children.

Gladden the beloved companions as You gladdened Your creatures in the garden of Eden. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who gladdens groom and bride.

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who created joy and gladness, groom and bride, mirth, glad song, pleasure, delight, love, brotherhood, peace, and companionship. Adonai, our God, let there soon be heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of gladness, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the grooms’ jubilance from their canopies and of the youths from their song-filled feasts. Blessed are You Who causes the groom to rejoice with his bride. jewish wedding
By David Pullum Photography


Saptapadi (Hindu)

Now let us make a vow together. We shall share love, share the same food, share our strengths, share the same tastes. We shall be of one mind, we shall observe the vows together. I shall be the Samaveda, you the Rigveda, I shall be the Upper World, you the Earth; I shall be the Sukhilam, you the Holder – together we shall live and beget children, and other riches; come thou, O sweet-worded girl!