Why it’s more important than ever to be transparent with your pricing

More often than not, one of the very first questions wedding venues and suppliers will be asked by couples is “how much do your wedding services cost”.



Price transparency has been a highly fractious debate within the wedding industry for as long as we can remember, and for years wedding suppliers have battled this ‘opening question’ by couples – discussing frustrations and seeking advice on pricing strategy from like-minded suppliers, and in some instances even attempting to persuade couples that price is not the most important factor.

Except that often – at this early supplier shortlisting stage – it actually is one, if not THE of the most important factor for couples; particularly for 2017/2018 weddings.


If the price is right, you’re through to the next round!



Of course, as creators, artists, planners and wedding venue hosts the last thing we want to do is reduce our services to numbers and subject our passions to bidding wars.

But as human beings, with special reference to millennial couples, we know that the process for any decision making procedure relies on completing intense research, cementing boundaries and budgets, and setting priorities.

And owing to an abundance of online wedding checklists, budgets and advice blogs (not to mention the thousands of venues and suppliers couples now have to choose from) brides and grooms are likely to want to understand within which pricing perimeters you’re operating before they fall in love with you – only to realise they can’t afford you. Saving both them and you time.


The pricing positives


Let’s look at the positives of getting the “how much is an average wedding photographer/cake/venue [insert as appropriate]” question out of the way, upfront.

When you’re transparent with your pricing, you’re unlikely to experience time-wasters asking you for all the important things that prospects need to know, only to decide that they believe they can find your services for cheaper elsewhere.

You know that couples who get in touch with you are doing so because they’re genuinely considering hiring your wedding venue or engaging your supplier services to help them create their perfect wedding and that they can afford you.



However, as we all know, wedding plans evolve and develop as couples decide they’d like to “add drones” to their wedding photographer hire package, for example.

In this instance, it’s essential that wedding suppliers include a “from” price, and ideally a “to” price so that you’re being completely transparent with the spectrum of costs your clients are dealing with. This avoids any surprises for soon-to-be newlyweds later down the line and saves you the stress of having to have that awkward conversation.


Setting your price parameters


When it comes to answering pricing questions and setting your ‘average price’ parameters on directories such as Bridebook, it’s essential that you think about the true value of your services and never just attempt to compete on price.

A number of hours you put into your work should be a key factor, however, remember that couples are also investing in your expertise, your personality, your skill and your support. The key to setting a successful pricing strategy is to position your business as the most knowledgeable, dedicated, and high-quality option.

Don’t undervalue yourself. You must walk away from your documented ‘guide price’ happy, and know that by the time couples have read about your wedding services, your price will become less important to them.



If you’re interested in understanding more about average wedding supplier costs in the run-up to peak wedding season, view The UK Wedding Report 2017.


Update your pricing information and stay relevant by logging in and editing your Business Account HERE. Once updated, you will instantly increase your profile searchability and are able to connect with our community of 40,000 couples open and honestly. 

Want more tips and tricks? Like the Bridebook Business Facebook Page and receive weekly updates from industry experts and thought leaders across the UK.

How to make more time for yourself during peak wedding season

Ask yourself; what activities that I do today will make my future better?


3 self-preservation techniques for wedding suppliers 2017


The sun is out, the sky is blue, there’s not a cloud to spoil the view but you’re waning…

What is now the most wonderful time for soon-to-be-newlywed couples is sure to be the most stressful time for wedding suppliers, and how you manage that stress and make time for yourself during peak wedding season is as important as you delivering your best wedding yet.

It’s not always easy to stop when you’re on a roll but we’ve compiled 3 easy ways to help you step back, take stock and stay on top of your game when the going gets tough…


1. Start your morning right

All the breakfast cereal ads say it – “start your day right” – because the way you start your day has a huge effect on your performance and mindset throughout the rest of the day.

Here are a few simple things you can do to start your mornings off on the right foot:

Set your alarm a little earlier


Yes, I know it sounds painful but some of the most successful entrepreneurs swear by this technique and use the early hours to get in some productive me-time before the rest of the world rises.

If you don’t believe us, read Entrepreneurs “The Power of Mornings: Why Successful Entrepreneurs Get up Early”. Just get to bed a little earlier to make up for any lost sleep.


Make mornings about you – not about work


Whether you choose to go for a run, practice yoga, meditate or simply read the newspaper with a cup of coffee, make the first hour of your day about you and your needs. You’ll feel a lot better responding to the needs of your brides and grooms if you’ve already had your own down-time.


Eat breakfast


Yes indeed, those wily fibre-loving, heart-health oriented cereal ads really do know their stuff. Eating breakfast really does kick start brain function and will set you up for a productive day. You’ll be less likely to feel lethargic around mid-morning and less likely to snack on the wrong things. So all in all, breakfast is a great way to ensure a healthy mind and body.


2. Plan out your week

During peak wedding season, to-do-lists are a must to avoid you missing any important tasks and becoming unnecessarily stressed.


Assign your top priorities for the week at the start of each week so you know what you absolutely must get done in the time you’ve got. Then build in time around these key tasks to sort through emails and manage other projects.


3. Take stock and ask yourself; am I happy?

If you feel constantly overwhelmed by your work then it’s time to step back and be honest with yourself about your priorities, your work style and your work-life balance.

Once you’ve gotten to grips with your ideal work scenario and established what is realistic for you in terms of hours and earnings, you can facilitate a happy medium.


Separating work and personal time is important. Signal the start and end of a working day by creating a routine of sorts. Whether that’s taking the dog for a walk with your partner at the end of the day or sitting around a breakfast table with the family before any emails are read in the morning, it’s important that you tell your brain when it’s time to work and when it’s time to switch off.


Looking after yourself really is the most important thing

Ask yourself; what activities that I do today will make my future better?

Ultimately, we’re all trying to live as happy a life as we can whilst earning a living, pursuing our passions and making sure we spend quality time with those closest to us.

If something isn’t right, fix it. And remember, YOU are the master of your own destiny. Nobody expects you to be superman or superwoman – you’re placing that pressure on yourself.

Make some simple changes today to ensure you really are looking after number one and you’ll see just how enjoyable the peak wedding season can be.



Want more tips and tricks? Like the Bridebook Business Facebook Page and receive weekly updates from industry experts and thought leaders across the UK.

Keep your Bridebook profile up to date and relevant by logging in and editing your Business Account HERE. Once updated, you will instantly increase your profile searchability and are able to connect with our community of 40,000 couples. In short, spend a little time adding photos, videos, and information you love about your business now, and benefit later! 

How Savvy Wedding Suppliers use Instagram to get Bookings in 2017/18

If you’re not already present on Instagram or you think you could be doing something better, these are just some of the ways in which wedding venues and suppliers can see a dramatic uplift in online engagement through relatively little effort.


Ever heard of the saying “a picture paints a thousand words”? Well, this statement rings particularly true when it comes to marketing in the wedding industry, and we’re urging all UK wedding suppliers to start painting their story online to secure bookings now and into the future.

Giddy couples busily building a vision of their dream wedding will scour the web for visual inspiration – saving or pinning pictures, building collages and following popular wedding accounts on social media that keep them abreast of the latest and greatest styles and trends to hit the marital market.

And amongst all the ‘wedding bell’ noise out there in the online world, one visual-specific social platform reigns above all others. It is of course, Instagram.


Instagram facts for wedding suppliers

Now the seventh-ranked social media platform in the world, the video and image-sharing app that we know and love as Instagram boasts over 600 million monthly active accounts. To put this into perspective, YouTube currently stands at 1 billion active monthly users and this globally renowned video-sharing site has been on the scene for 5 years more than Instagram (that’s practically 500 years in the world of online!) and had faced significantly less competition when it started.

In other words, Instagram is doing very well and is becoming increasingly popular.


The younger generations constitute the bulk of Instagram demographics as the latest statistics from the Pew social media report and Instagram press page report:

  • 59% of 18–29-year-olds use Instagram.
  • 33% of 30–49-year-olds use Instagram.

The report also confirms that the dominant gender using the photo-sharing site is still women (38% of women online use Instagram compared to 28% men).

This means that Instagram constitutes the perfect target audience for the wedding industry and is, therefore, an essential marketing platform for all wedding suppliers, including wedding venues, wedding photographers, wedding makeup artists, hair stylists, cake makers and more.


By marrying a photobook-style library of images and videos with the core target age for people getting married right now, Instagram becomes a match made in heaven for wedding suppliers looking to secure new bookings.


How to use Instagram to get bookings as a wedding supplier


Keep your content light

Instagram is loved by young people and famed for topics such as celebrity, beauty, fashion, travel and weddings. Instagram is a place for fun content and it should be used to showcase approachable and welcoming wedding venues, confidently creative wedding photographers and daringly different wedding florists – it is not a place for serious or corporate messages.

Content should be light, fun and engaging. Never use Instagram to post salesy messages. You’ll be Insta-ntly Insta-shamed (see what we did there).


Get hashtag happy

Hashtags are a great way to improve the reach of your posts and help you get featured in feeds that are relevant to your craft.

Use hashtags that are relevant to your wedding business, such as #weddingdress and #weddingphotography, and include location where possible for refined targeting over volume targeting, e.g. #weddinghairessex.

An easy quick-win is to incorporate daily hashtags in your posts such as #MondayMotivation and #TuesdayTips to ensure your posts are relevant by day and to get you involved in the conversations that count. What’s better for soon to be #brides than a little #weddingvenue #mondaymotivation to get them through the day?

Sandhole Oak Barn is a great example of a wedding venue that knows how to use relevance (e.g. the weather) in the subject of the post and location-based wedding hashtags for optimum reach.


Tip: try including a few extra hashtags in the comment section of your post rather than listing them all in the status field. This gives you the added reach you’re looking for without cluttering the core text you use to annotate your image or video.

You should be using Instagram search to find the hashtags that are trending in your field rather than just making them up. Although that being said, creating innovative and unique hashtags that are specific to your brand can also help you build a highly engaged audience who are specifically interested in you and your brand.

A mix of both established and new makes for a great combination.

And another great way to find new hashtags relevant to your wedding business is to visit the profiles of successful competitors in your area and make a note of the hashtags they use in their posts. Think about the kinds of hashtags engaged couples are likely to search for on Instagram and make sure you use those as well.

Use every opportunity available to share interesting content

Everything interesting that happens in your wedding company is a photo-sharing opportunity.

Take photographs or use video to show how your wedding venue looks before and after it has been decorated for your next wedding.


Use #TBT (Throwback Thursday) as an opportunity to showcase previous weddings you’ve catered for and pick out a few unusual or popular ideas that couples have incorporated into their wedding day.

Cooling Castle Barn wanted to share their latest cocktail with Instagram followers, and why not?


You must post regular content to keep your account at the top of people’s minds.

Interact with other wedding suppliers

As well as being used as a marketing channel that helps you to connect with and engage potential brides and grooms building their dream wedding, Instagram should also be used to interact and network with other wedding suppliers.

Tag wedding hair stylists or wedding cake makers in your posts to show your followers who you’ve worked with at your venue, and to project an image of your wedding services as being connected and all-encompassing. These kinds of partnerships are highly valuable and show like-minded wedding suppliers that you are actively involved in the wedding community.

Here, wedding venue Newton Hall has done a great job of sharing a beautiful picture of a fellow wedding suppliers wedding cake, tagging the cake maker and using a great selection of industry and location-specific hashtags in their post.


The added benefit of supporting fellow wedding suppliers? Well a good deed done will surely be reciprocated and you’ll likely find other suppliers you’ve worked with will start tagging your wedding venue or business in their own Instagram posts on their own accounts.

This is how referrals and recommendations work, and the importance this kind of personal and professional affirmation plays in generating bookings should be fully realised.

Reach out to engaged couples on Instagram

Spend some time searching for hashtags that you believe local, engaged couples may use in their own posts and you will, in turn, find engaged Instagram users to follow and engage with (as well as identify some of the hashtags you could be using in your own posts).


You can also track down local, engaged couples (i.e. your target market) by visiting the Instagram profiles of other local wedding suppliers. Wedding photographers will often tag couples in engagement shoots which provides you with a great opportunity to start engaging with the posts of these couples whilst they’re in the wedding planning stage.

By spending just five or ten minutes per day liking posts and following newly engaged couples on Instagram, you should begin to see more couples following you and engaging with your posts. The bookings will follow.


Instagram is the Wedding Industry’s best friend

If you’re not already present on Instagram or you think you could be doing something better, these are just some of the ways in which wedding venues and suppliers can see a dramatic uplift in online engagement through relatively little effort.

Using a platform like this is about training your mind to think like a millennial couple. Share the things that matter to your business, be present in the places your couples hang out and engage with the content that they like to read and share.



Want more tips and tricks as to how to grow and market your wedding business? Like the Bridebook Business Facebook Page and receive weekly updates from industry experts and thought leaders across the UK.

Keep your Bridebook profile up to date and relevant by logging in and editing your Business Account HERE. Once updated, you will instantly increase your profile searchability and are able to connect with our community of 40,000 couples. In short, spend a little time adding photos, videos, and information you love about your business now, and benefit later! 

Supplier Stories: Wedding Stylists Hattie & Flora on Creativity and Collaboration in the Industry

Welcome to this week’s Supplier Story! ‘Supplier Stories’ is an original Bridebook Business article series, where we go behind-the-scenes and into the wedding world through those that know it best – the experienced and talented venues and suppliers across the UK.

So whether this is your first story or 10th, enjoy as we look into the industry as a whole, and celebrate a true story in itself! Who says couples have all the fun?


Hattie & Flora’s Supplier Story:



What do you get when you take two best friends, add bundles of talent and then finish it off with creativity, colour and fun? The answer is suppliers like our guests this week: Harriet and Jodie from Hattie & Flora, a wedding stylist company that creates bright, festive layouts for a couple’s big day. Having worked as events stylists for Jamie Oliver, The Savoy, BBC’s Children In Need and more,  the team know exactly how to make a day magical and let a couple’s personality shine through.

So without further ado, Harriet over to you! 


1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?

We are Harriet and Jodie – Directors of Hattie & Flora Ltd. I’m (Harriet) a trained florist and Jodie studied Theatre Design at the Arts University Bournemouth – these skills seemed to  ‘marry’ (forgive the wedding pun!) perfectly to create our Event Decoration company!


2. Share the story of Hattie & Flora?

We met when we were 8 years old and almost immediately started a jewellery company called Bohemian Beads – we’ve been destined to run a colourful business together from the beginning! Bo’ Beads fizzled out as we discovered you can spend your profits on sweets and panda pops…  However, it was the start of our adventures in the world of business and 16 years later, after studying for our degrees, we were thrown back together by fate!  I was working on a large Indian wedding creating lots of varmala garlands; Jodie was living back at home and freelancing as an event designer so I got her on board to help me out.  We had so much fun together that we agreed we would make it a regular thing!


3. What drew you to the wedding world?

The big wedding that sealed the deal was that of a Channel 4 producer for whom Jodie was the prop stylist.  She needed a florist and asked me to join the team. We were asked by so many people at that wedding for a business card, so we went home and made some that night!  The name Hattie & Flora comes from our original businesses – I had a floristry business called Flora’s Garden, and Jodie had a hat/fascinator company called Hattie Pom Pom.   After that we went on to work for Mercury Events designing the look and feel for Bluewater Wedding Fair, and also began collaborating with Jamie Oliver on his annual festival The Big Feastival.  Although we now work on many types of events such as festivals and parties, we do love the personal one to one nature of working on weddings – you really get to know the bride and groom so well, it’s wonderful.


4. What do you see as the biggest challenge in the wedding industry currently?

With social media platforms such as Pinterest you find that many brides and grooms are getting really hands on with their own weddings and making their own decorations. However, on the flip side, we’re also finding that this means that their ideas and visions are more ambitious so are coming to us to help with some of the more wild and wonderful creations!


5. What wedding trends are you seeing in the industry?

We’ve seen a rise in the popularity of botanical inspired design – from terrariums and miniature greenhouses to eucalyptus chandeliers, it’s a beautifully natural and wild look that we adore putting together.


6. What is the biggest challenge you face on the wedding day itself? We often have a short space of time to achieve a high level of decoration – from laying out all the flowers, sometimes creating floral archways on the morning of the wedding, to hanging hundreds of ceiling decorations.  We make sure to have a strict time plan in place but also make sure that we still enjoy the process!


7. How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Social media platforms such as Instagram and tools such as Pinterest have really helped us to communicate with brides and grooms visually, not only for marketing purposes but during the design process too.  And of course apps such as Bridebook are helping us to connect with suppliers and potential clients in a big way!


8. What has been your biggest time saver this year?

We have invested in an awesome vinyl printing machine which means we can design and print bespoke vinyls for signage.  Some couples prefer a hand painted look but for those wanting a slick design the vinyl option can still be really effective!


9. How do reviews affect the industry?

Reviews and testimonials are so important in a competitive industry where word of mouth and recommendation is key.  People want suppliers they can trust but how else would they know to trust a supplier they’ve never used before?  We always ask for a simple review or testimonial, either via email or posted directly to social media. 


10. How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

We always meet the couple for consultations prior to the wedding, and also site visits so we can visualise the décor together.   We make sure to build up a great relationship via email and are in constant contact with our couples up to the big day.


11. What do you think makes Hattie & Flora?

It’s all about confident use of colour and magic! The process has to be enjoyable for both us and the couple we are working with. We have a lot of fun designing and brainstorming with our couples and we are often told that we make the process exciting even to those couples who haven’t got a natural eye for creative details. That being said, we thrive on working with the super creative couples too and we have a reputation for creating quirky and unique decorations. We’ve heard people saying ‘this must be a Hattie and Flora wedding!’ which is so flattering!


12. What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

A wedding which is true to the couple, and reflects the couple on a personal level, will always work.  The more uptight you are, the more formal and less relaxed a wedding is in our experience!  We tell our couples to enjoy every process – you (hopefully) only get to do this once in your life, so why let it be stressful?!


13. What’s your favourite wedding memory?

We were honoured to be bridesmaids for a best friend of ours, so Jodie and I wrote and performed a playful song for her at the wedding – we played ukuleles too! There were lots of giggles and happy tears!


14. What do you love about Bridebook?

It connects us with a range of couples and suppliers whilst providing a place for us to show all our wedding experience in one simple but amazing way!  A company like ours, who work on a range of events (not just weddings) needs Bridebook to help couples see all our wedding photos and services in a focused way.


A huge thank you to Harriet and Jodie for sharing their Supplier Story. Check out their jaw-dropping work in their Bridebook profile.


Want to feature in your own Supplier Story? Get in touch with Beth at beth@bridebook.co.uk.

Supplier Stories: Insights from Award-Winning Wedding Florist and Blogger Thoughts of You Flowers

Welcome to this week’s Supplier Story! ‘Supplier Stories’ is an original Bridebook Business article series, where we go behind-the-scenes and into the wedding world through those that know it best – the experienced and talented venues and suppliers across the UK.

So whether this is your first story or 10th, enjoy as we look into the industry as a whole, and celebrate a true story in itself! Who says couples have all the fun?


Thoughts of You Flowers’ Story: 

thoughts of you flowers bridebook supplier  story wedding florist industry insight

This week we’re talking to Amy Crammond, florist extraordinaire at Thoughts of You Flowers. Thoughts of You Flowers are an attentive and creative team of two who make eye-catching floral arrangements out of fresh and silk flowers. Their adaptability and ability to recreate their couples’ vision earned them the North of England Wedding Awards for Outstanding Customer Service 2015, and is the linchpin of their work.

So without further ado, Amy over to you! 


1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a wedding florist, wedding blogger and a published writer, basically, if it involves weddings and flowers, I’m on board! I love to learn new things, whether it’s a new floristry technique, a new tip or trick for social media or something to improve my website. This year I have even purchased a ‘proper camera’ in the hope of learning how to take some better photos of my work – currently, I’m using my trusty Samsung camera phone. So, the amazing photos you are seeing of my work are by some of the very talented photographers we have had the pleasure of working with.


2. Share your story?

Having trained as a florist in 2008 and worked at various local florists in the area, in 2013 I opened my own florist shop creating flowers for all occasions, including weddings. In 2015 we won a regional award for Outstanding Customer Service for wedding flowers in the North East. After we won the award our wedding bookings have just kept increasing and increasing! We decided it was time to focus on ‘just’ being wedding florists, so on Christmas Eve in 2016 we closed the florist shop and became a wedding only florists. We entered the Bridebook Wedding Awards this year and our couples were very so supportive of us. We’re now looking to the future and finding a new studio to work from for 2018, to create lots of lovely wedding flowers in and to keep growing our business.


3. What drew you to the wedding world?

It’s really simple: weddings are lovely happy occasions. Being involved in the planning of someone’s wedding day and then seeing them on their wedding day is amazing, building up the relationship and trust and then delivering the final product. It’s really special and we love it!

4. What do you see as the biggest challenge in the wedding industry currently?

I think a potential issue at the moment is the number of companies who are not fully insured or fully registered as businesses. Lots of these types of businesses are run as a hobby and may not have the correct insurance policies or experience to produce high-quality work or offer high service levels. There are so many businesses that are amazing at what they do and are fully insured – these are the wedding industry professionals that brides and grooms should be looking to have as suppliers for their wedding day.


5. What trends are you seeing in the industry?

It’s all about the relaxed, informal approach – with the ever increasing popularity of barn or country hall wedding venues and relaxed styling to match. With green being the Pantone colour of 2017 using foliage is a huge wedding flower trend, with some weddings using more foliage than flowers – in buttonholes, bouquets, garlands on the tables and foliage on the chair backs and even on the cake. It really is all about the green!


6. What is the biggest challenge you face on the wedding day itself?

For me, it’s trying not to show how stressed I am. I always stress the day before and the day of the wedding, once the flowers are delivered and I get that happy hug from my brides (and/or grooms) I relax! It’s an ongoing joke that I am so relaxed when helping with the wedding planning and consultation stages that my couples would think I was a different person if they saw me the day before and morning of their wedding day. I guess this shows how passionate I am about my work, delivering the end result and knowing my couple are happy with my work. Receiving a lovely email, text, call or review within a few days of the wedding is always lovely too!


7. How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

Pinterest is giving brides and grooms so much more choice and inspiration. It is so handy for a bride or groom to pin their ideas to one place and then be able to show their ideas to any supplier, so if they talk to me about wanting some flowers for their cake they can then show me a photo of said idea for cake and the flowers to go onto it so quickly. Another ongoing joke – what the heck did we do before Pinterest? How did anyone manage to plan a wedding without it?! Instagram and Facebook are also becoming more important for helping to source inspiration and suppliers for couples, especially seeing photos and reviews from past couples. Of course websites are still vital for couples to view, but social media is a huge tool for suppliers to show their work and for couples to find suppliers, especially when using hashtags.


8. What has been your biggest time saver this year?

Honestly, I’ve not found a time saver yet, if I stopped going on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest when I was meant to be getting on with my to-do list I’d save hours each day. I’m sure we are all guilty of that though, aren’t we? #procrastination


9. How do reviews impact the industry?

Positive reviews and happy customers can make your business but negative reviews and unhappy customers can break it. We all aim to create amazing work for our couples with amazing service to match and I am sure every professional wedding supplier would do everything they could to turn an unhappy customer into a happy customer before it turns into a bad review.


10. How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

We spend time with them, be it through face to face consultations, emails, Facebook messages or phone calls. We ask lots of questions – sometimes they may seem silly or irrelevant but every answer helps us to find out more about the couple’s ideas and personality. One question we always ask is if they are messy or tidy, to get a feel for whether they’d want a neat, structured look for their flowers or a more relaxed style. We ask to see photos of anything and everything they have organised for their weddings – particularly the bride’s dress, bridesmaids’ dresses and the groom’s suit. It’s handy to know as much as possible and it’s nice for the couple to see us showing an interest and getting excited about their wedding. When we post on social media we know that certain couples will like certain posts – some of them can’t get enough of our archway and others just adore an over the top unstructured bouquet.


11. What do you think makes Thoughts of You Flowers unique? 

I suppose it’s our award-winning customer service that makes us unique. We try to be as relaxed and helpful as possible throughout the planning stages for our couples. Any questions our couples have we answered as soon as possible and if a couple is struggling with any part of wedding planning we do our best to help, whether it’s finding a certain supplier or thinking of that all-important colour scheme. We work using the ‘your style is our style’ idea, meaning we do create any style of wedding flowers that are requested by our couples – nothing is too ‘out there’ or ‘not us’. From the first enquiry until the wedding day our couples get to build a relationship with us, and then on the wedding day we can make sure that the flowers are everything they wanted (or hopefully even better). We also like to add a personal touch, calming any nerves they may have and wishing them all the best. 


12. What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

A wedding that reflects the couple – their tastes, personalities, lifestyles and hobbies. We love it when table names are places that are important to the couple, or the songs played are important to them in some way. We also love to include any flowers or foliage that are sentimental in some way to the couple. One groom had always bought pale pink carnations for his bride, so pale pink carnations were a must for their wedding flowers. Another of our past couples were worried that they would forget their wedding vows so we included rosemary in the groom’s buttonhole and the bride’s bouquet as rosemary means ‘remembrance’.


13. What’s your favourite wedding memory? 

It has to be at my cousin’s wedding, when in the groom’s speech he thanked my team for their hard work and patience helping my cousin to choose the flowers for their wedding day (she’s very indecisive!) to match with their colour scheme (pale blue and purple (‘Eeyore blue’)). It was so lovely to be mentioned and thanked in the speech although when all the guests then clapped and cheered it was a little embarrassing!


14. What do you love about Bridebook?

I love how easy it is to use for me as a supplier and for brides and grooms. I also love that the staff are all very helpful and friendly and clearly want to help both suppliers and couples.


A huge thank you to Amy for sharing her Supplier Story. Check out her gorgeous arrangements in her Bridebook profile.


Want to feature in your own Supplier Story? Get in touch with Beth at beth@bridebook.co.uk.

Supplier Stories: Wedding Personalisation And Insights From Wedding Venue Woodhill Hall

Welcome to this week’s Supplier Story! ‘Supplier Stories’ is an original Bridebook Business article series, where we go behind-the-scenes and into the wedding world through those that know it best – the experienced and talented venues and suppliers across the UK.

So whether this is your first story or 10th, enjoy as we look into the industry as a whole, and celebrate a true story in itself! Who says couples have all the fun?


Woodhill Hall’s Story:


This week we’re handing the proverbial microphone to Rachel Fenwick (photoed above), Marketing and Communications Manager for the romantic and quirky Woodhill Hall. At Woodhill Hall, every nook and cranny is crammed with personality and every tiny detail is taken and made their own. The wedding team’s hard work and dedication to their couples has earned them several awards, including “Most Romantic Wedding Venue 2016” for the English Wedding Awards.

So without further ado, Rachel over to you! 


1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your team?

I’m Rachel and I work as Head of Marketing at Woodhill Hall. Our team is very much like one big family – works well together, always helps each other out and loves a good cocktail party!

Wedding Venue Woodhill Hall


2. Share the story of Woodhill Hall so far?

Woodhill Hall was bought by Corrinne and Chris back in 2005 as a holiday let, but in 2009 they fell into weddings after a local lady asked if they could use the venue as a place to hold their wedding reception. It was then Corrinne had that ‘light bulb’ moment and realised this was an industry she’d like to be involved with more and that her day job, working as a divorce solicitor of all things, just wouldn’t cut it anymore. It was at that point the business started on a whirlwind fairytale adventure but still keeps to its core values:

  • Allowing couples to feel at home at a fully exclusive venue.
  • Giving as much flexibility as possible so couples have their day their way – if they want to create their own wedding breakfast menu then why not!
  • To create the best possible atmosphere for a two-day celebration without a corporate feel.


3. What drew you to the wedding world?

I’d always worked in marketing, however, in October 2016 I actually got married at Woodhill Hall – a match made in marketing heaven some would say. A month after the wedding I was thrilled to be offered the Marketing Manager position by Corrinne and immediately felt at home with the team. So in essence, what drew me to the wedding world was my experience of having a brilliant wedding venue with a fab team.

Wedding Venue Woodhill Hall on Bridebook.co.uk


4. What’s your favourite aspect/room/part of Woodhill Hall?

It’s very difficult to choose at Woodhill as there are so many parts to the venue! If I had to choose I’d say the Elephant Courtyard. As a bride at Woodhill, I remember it being a hive of activity with everyone chilling out in the space with drinks and for photographs. On a work level, I love sitting back and relaxing in the courtyard, on a warm sunny day, like today, you feel like you’re abroad – it’s so hot, peaceful and all you can hear are the birds in the background!


5. What do you see as the biggest challenge in the wedding industry currently?

The current struggle we are seeing a number of venues face is couples wanting to really personalise their day and expecting more from their venues. Knowing a number of wedding professionals in the sector, we know some have struggled in recent years to cope with the demand from couples when they come forward with ideas of personalising their day or changing packages to want they want. We’re one of a few venues in the North-East that offer a two-night experience which really helps us work with couples to do this. It also helps with us being family run that we’re not restricted to corporate guidelines so can be flexible with timings on the day, helping them decorate and also delivering a truly personal experience.

Wedding Venue Woodhill Hall with Bridebook.co.uk


6. What wedding venue trends are you seeing in the industry?

In terms of venues, it seems as if year on year there’s a big trend, so last year was barns and this year it seems to be warehouses in the North-East, but you can guarantee next year it will be something different.


7. What is the biggest challenge you face on the wedding day itself?

Facing the unexpected! From having a dad lose their entire wedding speech, to florists not turning up on time, we’ve faced it all! It’s all about being able to remain calm in the situation and doing your best to help resolve the issue without causing unnecessary stress for the couple.


8. How do you feel technology is changing the industry?

I think being in a digital age now, couples – whether they’ve booked or not booked with you – require quick response times to queries. For example, Facebook now allows people to see when you’ve read your message regardless of if this is 11am or 11pm, where we can we’ll always respond to enquiries as a wedding is a huge investment and therefore all customers should receive a first class service.


9. What has been your biggest time saver this year?

Directing brides to our handy costs calculator online.  At Woodhill we don’t run set packages, this allows couples to create their own wedding and make it more personal to them. The calculator allows couples to go through all our options and also work to their budget online – we’re pleased to say we’ve received such great feedback from couples on the tool too.


10. How do reviews affect the industry?

Reviews are so important in the industry!  For example, with my wedding, I booked my photographer, videographer and florist based on word of mouth recommendations. At Woodhill, we receive such wonderful feedback from our couples and try to showcase it online wherever possible.

Woodhill Hall Wedding Venue with Bridebook.co.uk


11. How do you get to know your couples before the big day?

At Woodhill, we pride ourselves on knowing our couples prior to their big day! Wherever possible we have a dedicated coordinator to see the couples at all points on their journey, from serving them on their food tasting evening to running their planning meetings and, of course, being there on the big day. It’s a really important part of the process for us and it’s not just the couples we know by the big day, it’s their families too.


12. What do you think makes Woodhill Hall unique? 

Well, how many venues do you know that have giant grass elephants in their courtyard?

Aside from the quirky décor, we like to think we’re unique in our approach to weddings. Being a family run venue means we get to know our couples really well and they definitely feel like family after 2 nights staying with us. In addition, there are additional extras which definitely help couples feel at home with us. For example, we allow couples to personalise their wedding breakfast menu on their big day. We had a couple in which the groom was from Italy and the bride was from a lovely farming family in the UK and therefore they had an Italian based starter, venison lasagne and a fruit crumble with their favourite fruits for their dessert.

We also offer couples free use of the prop shop on-site which houses hundreds of items from copper lanterns to candelabras, wooden crates, log slices and so much more, As a bride, this was such a cost saver! I was quoted £295 for the items I wanted to hire for my wedding, but was thrilled to find they were all in the prop shop after I booked the wedding!

Wedding Venue Woodhill Hall with Bridebook.co.uk


13. What do you think makes for the perfect wedding?

A great atmosphere with fab friends and family.


14. What’s your favourite wedding memory?

My all-time favourite wedding memory was standing on the orangery terrace as the sun was setting with my other half, having a quiet moment away from the guests and saying goodbye to a few guests, namely my grandparents.

It was always touch-and-go as to whether my Grandma would make it as a few months prior she became wheelchair bound. The venue was great and was fully disabled-friendly which put us at ease on the day for sure. I remember my Grandad came to give me a hug to say goodbye, but unlike his usual hugs this one was different. He whispered to me “What a great day hunny, you looked beautiful. But what am I going to do now… I’ve lost my little girl”.

In that moment, albeit 20/30 seconds I realised how important I was to my Grandad. They say weddings are wonderful family occasions and they really are, but I’ll never ever forget that memory for that reason and also it was the first and only point in the whole day I cried my eyes out – luckily I had my makeup artist on hand to sort me out!

My Grandad unexpectedly passed away a few weeks after the wedding which makes the moment even more memorable. I’m just so pleased I have a brilliant photographer and videographer there to capture the moment – a huge tip to couples is to invest well in your photographers and videographers as they will capture some of the most important memories in your life.


15. What do you love about Bridebook?

We love the look and also how easy it is to use! We also love how we can put some of our favourite suppliers on the site, ones who are familiar with Woodhill and know the venue well.

A huge thank you to Rachel for sharing her Supplier Story. Check out the charming Woodhill Hall in their Bridebook profile.



Want to feature in your own Supplier Story? Get in touch with Beth at beth@bridebook.co.uk.


Alice & Brad in Bridgnorth, Shropshire (garden party + pale pink)

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Alice and Brad were all smiles at their totally chilled Bridgnorth wedding with amazing garden party reception in Autumn 2016. Rather than hosting a traditional wedding breakfast after the church ceremony, Alice and Brad chose to invite guests back to the family home for a huge garden party and buffet into the night!  Music on the day included a performance from Megan Reece, a finalist on The Voice in 2016!

Venue: Marquee at bride’s family home in Bridgnorth, Shropshire

Photographer: Nick Brightman Photography

Florist: Inspired by Chelsea | Catering: Vintage Chefs | Videographer: Cam3 Video | Wedding Dress Designer: Allure Bridal | Wedding Dress Shop: Adele Louis Bridal | Music: Megan Reece (finalist from The Voice 2016) | Menswear: Peter Posh, Wolverhampton 

Season: Autumn | Colours: Pink | Styles: Outdoor, DIY-Inspired, Vintage, Marquee / Tipi, Casual, Natural 

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography

Real wedding of Alice and Brad in Bridgnorth, featured on Bridebook.co.uk.  Photo by: Nick Brightman Photography


Words from the beautiful bride, Alice, describing the lovely wedding:

“Just full of love, from the ceremony to the amount of people there and the reception back at our family home. Everyone just got on no matter their age or background (people from uni, school, parents friends, grandparents friends, my friends, Brads friends) and had a good time filled with laugher, love and good food, drink and dancing.”

Talented photographer, Nick Brightman, recalls how relaxed and memorable the wedding was:

“One of the most chilled weddings that I’ve been to. After the church wedding all the guests walked back through Bridgnorth High Town for a party at the Bride’s family home complete with performance from a finalist from The Voice!”

Congratulations to Alice & Brad and thank you Nick Brightman Photography for sharing these beautiful images of this relaxed wedding!


View more real weddings

11 Wedding Guest List Arguments All Couples Have (And How To Resolve Them)

Bridebook.co.uk Guests drinking champagne

Cutting down your wedding guest list can feel like you’re Hercules battling the Hydra – cut one person, and two more grow back in their place! But it has to be done, whether it’s because you need to save a few bucks or because they just! won’t! fit! in your venue. Remember, a bigger guest list means a bigger budget… or choosing between a champagne reception and serving your uncle’s homebrew!

The moment when you and your partner combine lists and discover the number is bigger than you ever imagined is always a dark day. To avoid disappointment for either of you – and the ruthless cull that has to follow – try using our Guest List Tool. It’ll do all the adding up, sorting and tracking, meaning you both stay on top of numbers.

Sadly, as brilliant as our Guest List Tool is, it can’t fight your battles for you. (Not yet, anyway. We wish!) So if you think your other half is being unreasonable (or maybe you just need to get something off your chest!), we’ve got some tips to help you navigate the tricky terrain of the wedding guest list.

“Your parents have a longer list… But they’re not paying as much as mine!”

Straight in at the deep end! We can almost guarantee that both sets of parents will want to invite a long list of their friends, regardless of whether or not you like them…or whether they can pay towards the extra cost. As a rule of thumb, we’d say that if they’re not immediate family or your other half hasn’t seen them in the past ten years, you have a right to question them.

“I don’t want children!” (*pause* “At the wedding, not with you!”)

Now, this is a decision that lots of couples struggle to make personally, never mind between the two of them. But if a child-free wedding is what you want, you should be reassured that you’re not a bad person for requesting this. You’re also not the only one – lots of couples do. Not only is it an easy way to cut costs and numbers (and, dare we say, stress levels), but it might even be more welcome among your guests than you’d expect! After all, it gives parents a proper night off to enjoy themselves.

“You don’t even like your work friends!”

Work friends are tricky. The key question to start with is whether they’re friends your partner happened to make through work…or if they really are work friends. Either way, it’s worth considering that not only can a blanket ban rub your fiancé up the wrong way, it might well make for an awkward office atmosphere for them post-honeymoon. Why not compromise and invite a handful of them to the drinks and dancing, if not the ceremony? That way, everyone’s happy… But you’re still not paying full whack!

Bridebook.co.uk Guests Sharing Food

“Why are you inviting your ex?”

We’d never want to make assumptions but this can be a ticking time bomb. Now, if you’re one of those lucky few who’s genuinely on good terms with their ex (and importantly, whose partner is on good terms with them too!), more power to you. Invite away! But there are no prizes for inviting an ex out of awkwardness or some kind of weird obligation – so if you don’t have a good reason to (e.g. you’re actually still close friends), we’d give it a miss. Remember, you’ll also be risking a fair few awkward conversations: “So, how do you know the happy couple?” “Oh, erm…” Our advice? Only invite exes in exceptional circumstances.

“It doesn’t feel like our wedding anymore!”

Managing a wedding can feel like a balancing act. Yes, you want the details to be perfect and to keep everyone happy… But you still need to think about the big picture (and vice versa!). This is never more apparent than when you’re putting together your guest list. Sure, maybe those extra six guests from Mum and Dad’s timeshare won’t actually feel like such a big deal on your big day… But if it’s overwhelming you right now, you need to let your parents know.

“Shall we just bloody elope?”

Every couple will have this moment… And you know what, some of you might decide you should! But take a minute and pour another glass of wine before making any hasty decisions. We promise that nine-and-a-half times out of ten, it’ll be worth it in the end!

Bridebook.co.uk Bride and groom walking down drive

“We’ll have to not invite some of your family.”

Chances are, one of you will have a significantly larger family than the other. To deal with this, try to assign rough portions of your guest list to each one of you early on so that you both know what you’re working with. You might do this equally and split the list into quarters: one for each of your families and one for each of your extras. Or you might decide to reflect on the size of your respective families: if your partner has a much bigger family than you (but is still close to them!), you could decide to give them a third for their relatives and yourself a quarter. Either way, your boundaries will be a bit more obvious – and so will overstepping them!

“We can’t not invite them – they’ve just got engaged.”

This is where you need to be firm with your decision. Lay down the law and stick to it – avoid any grey areas or sneaky exceptions. For example, many couples have a “No Ring, No Bling” policy, meaning a guest can only bring a plus one if they’re married or engaged. That said, given that many people choose not to marry nowadays, another way to keep your guest list a little leaner is by making decisions based on how long a couple have been together.

“Well, they invited us to their wedding…”

Look. Weddings aren’t tit for tat, and you should never feel obligated to invite someone to yours, just because they invited you to theirs. Planning a wedding is too hard (and too expensive!) for that. This is the bottom line: invite the people you want to spend the best day of your life with… And ideally, no one else!

“We’re treating our friends like they’re numbers!”

Maybe you are, but the reality is that this is what all couples have to do eventually. At one stage or another, you’ll start to feel like all your wedding guests have a pound sign hanging above their heads. Planning a wedding is a balancing act. Inevitably, you start to think about how one less guest means getting back their equivalent in booze, flowers or cake. But before you make any hasty decisions, think about how much that person means to you. This feeling won’t last forever – you’ll forget it as soon as they’re there at your big day. We promise, they’re worth every penny… But if you really don’t feel like they are, then it might be time to make a cut!

Bridebook.co.uk Wedding Party Sequinned Bridesmaids dresses and sunglasses

“It’s still! Too! Big!”

If you feel like you’ve done everything you can and your guest list is still just too big, it’s time to get pragmatic. Sit down with your partner and split your guest list into the A List and the B List. Sound cruel? Not at all! Many couples even plan ahead and print two sets of RSVP cards with different dates: an earlier date for the A List and a later date for the B List (to be sent out after the A List have said they can’t make it). A word of warning though: try not to let the B List know they’re the B List. Cher might get away with it in ‘Clueless’… But there’s no guarantee that you will too!

Got another guest list dilemma you want solved? Check out our Instagram, TikTok and YouTube channels. We might have already answered your question – and if not, drop us a line in the comments. But we reckon once you’ve sorted out these ones, you’ll be pretty much good to go. Send those invitations out – and once your RSVPs come flooding in, keep track of them with our state-of-the-art Guest List Tool. Then it’s onto budget blow-outs…

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Happy Planning!

3 Ways to Survive Wedding Season 2018 (that don’t involve wine)

It’s lurking on the horizon…peak wedding season 2018. And whilst we can’t really complain about being busy, we also are. 

Fortunately we’ve rustled up three essential survival tips to help you face wedding season 2018 head on. We’re ready for you…

3 Tips to Help You Survive the Wedding Season 2017


Savvy wedding suppliers know that the best time to build their business is during the quieter months, and that the most surefire way to guarantee optimum efficiency during the peak wedding season is to plan well ahead of time.

Well wave goodbye to spring and brace yourselves folks; the wedding season is upon us!

Whether you’re ready and raring to get started or are a little apprehensive about how well prepared you are for the marital mayhem that lies ahead, we’ve got three essential survival tips to help you make sure that wedding season 2018 is your best yet.

1.Get your house in order 

Don’t panic! There’s still time to take stock and make sure you’re organised and prepared for peak wedding season. 

Tick these 5 quick wins off your to-do list…

  1. Address those niggly admin tasks that you’re always tempted to leave until the last minute. Stop putting them off…
  2. Renew or sign up for relevant, professional wedding licences, memberships and certifications, like The UK Alliance of Wedding Planners or the National Association of Wedding Professionals.
  3. Wedding venues may need to renew music licences and check insurance premiums.
  4. Dust off your equipment and check that all of your wedding supplies are still suitable and in good condition.
  5. Conduct a quick stock count to make sure you’ve enough of everything to easily meet demand (with contingency built in too of course).

3 Tips to Help You Survive the Wedding Season 2017

Is your website up to date? 

It’s easy to let things slip in quieter periods but actually maintaining your online presence all year round is essential, as although most weddings may take place between now and October, the wedding supplier ‘window shopping period’ for couples happens all year round.

And if you’ve been a little quiet on social media, it’s time to start a conversation and get your followers excited for wedding season 2018/2019.

Did you know that leaving your website stagnant and not updating it with new awards and wedding portfolio pictures can seriously affect your rankings in search results?

Google rates your site based on relevance and freshness, and an easy way to keep things fresh is to start a blog on your website and / or regularly update your portfolio with photographs and editorial coverage of weddings you’ve catered for. Try not to save all your updates and bulk upload them to your website. Drip feeding fresh content onto your site is always best.

3 Tips to Help You Survive the Wedding Season 2017

Do you have an online presence elsewhere?

It’s also essential that you keep your online profile consistent across all platforms.

Is your Bridebook business profile complete, relevant and up to date?

Your professional image could suffer if you’re telling a different story about your product or services in different corners of the web.

2. Check your resources

As you’re gearing up for the get go, conduct a quick SWOT analysis of your team and identify where any strengths and weaknesses lie in your team’s skill sets. If necessary, provide training. Otherwise, make sure every member of your team understands the valuable role they play in delivering the best possible service and ensuring this year’s wedding season is one to remember.

Your people are your best brand assets and advocates so ensuring that they are confident, organised and fully informed of their duties will reflect well on your brand when they’re working at your events.

3 Tips to Help You Survive the Wedding Season 2017

Try and coach your team to a level of efficiency and mastery that enables you to delegate some of the ‘doing’ to them, therefore freeing up more of your time during the busy wedding season. You can then dedicate your efforts on building your business, winning bookings, being present at events and developing your brand.

You could consider outsourcing certain tasks and responsibilities without adding the pressure of a full time overhead. Look into using virtual assistants or freelance / part time receptionists, bookkeepers and marketers. If you think your time is better spent on managing and developing your craft, enlist the help of administrative support to help you keep on top of the day to day necessities. A freelance junior marketer or admin assistant could keep your website, social media channels and online profiles up to date.

3. Prepare a plan

Use your bookings calendar to work backwards from each wedding you’re booked for and ensure you’ve plenty of time to complete all the tasks you need before each of your client’s big days. You should go into the wedding season with a clear idea of what is needed and by when to avoid any last minute panicking.

Don’t allow your schedule to get out of hand and make sure you build in some time to actually run your business and complete necessary tasks like emails, calls and website and social media updates. You should also schedule in weekly or monthly business performance recaps if possible to ensure everything is on track and that your wedding business is running as smoothly as possible.

3 Tips to Help You Survive the Wedding Season 2017

And lastly but by no means least. be sure to book in some ‘me time’ to help you recharge your batteries. If you don’t give yourself the down time you deserve, you won’t perform to the best of your abilities and you could risk burning out.

You’re ready to take the wedding season 2018 by storm

Peak wedding season is a really exciting time to be a wedding supplier and you deserve to enjoy it too.

The key to sailing through the season and having your best year yet lies in the preparations you make today. Remember, those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

We plan to sail.

Want more tips and tricks as to how to grow and market your wedding business? Like the Bridebook Business Facebook Page and receive weekly updates from industry experts and thought leaders across the UK.
 Keep your Bridebook profile up to date and relevant by logging in and editing your Business Account HERE. Once updated, you will instantly increase your profile searchability and are able to connect with our community of 40,000 couples. In short, spend a little time adding photos, videos, and information you love about your business now, and benefit later! 

How to deliver personalised weddings in an impersonal online world

Here are a few easy ways in which wedding suppliers can offer couples a detailed and personalised experience online with very little effort required!

How to deliver personalised weddings in an impersonal online world

The internet opens minds; that’s undoubtedly true. It provides answers to questions we’d once ponder but perhaps never resolve. It provides inspiration for pretty much everything we do – or could do. And it encourages many of us to share our own stories, dreams and desires with the world.

Indeed, this applies to all people in all industries but we’re struggling to think of a dreamier one than the wedding industry. In a time when heads are firmly in the clouds and couples are on an engagement high, envisioning their big day and all the little details that will make it personal to them, where will they turn in an attempt to make their dream a reality?

They’ll head online, of course.


Wait…where are you?


As wedding suppliers, you need to be where your brides and grooms are and you need to be available ‘in theory’ as their ‘personal consultant’ whenever they need you.

Modern couples are conditioned to expect fast responses and unlimited access to whatever important information they need, as and when they need it.

Now, we’re not suggesting that you have the time (or inclination) to be at the beck and call of all potential clients and their wedding whims but there are a few easy ways in which you can offer couples a detailed and personalised experience online whilst you’re busy doing other things.


1.Ensure online information about your wedding services is current and comprehensive

Make sure that your website and all other online listings (that includes your Bridebook profile and social networks) are up-to-date and clearly communicate all the essential information couples will want to see, such as galleries, reviews, contact details and pricing.

How to deliver personalised weddings in an impersonal online world


2. Add a little personality to your online portfolio

Don’t be afraid to advertise your wedding business in a tone of voice and style that reflects who you are and what you’re about.

Personality and a unique take on age-old wedding traditions will guarantee that you stand out against other wedding suppliers who play it safe and ‘stick to what they know’. Stay abreast of the latest online wedding trends and add your own, expert flair.


3. Listen to the needs of modern day couples 

Weddings in 2017 and beyond are all about personalised experiences which are subject to wedding suppliers *listening *to the needs and preferences of the couples they work with.

Brides and grooms are expressing themselves online throughout their wedding journey; from the planning stage to their actual wedding day and afterwards too.

It all begins with couples announcing their engagement on social media. Digital save the date invitations are probably next – perhaps linked to a personalised wedding website where guests can informally RSVP prior to the official invitations.

Did you know, an estimated 64% of brides are now opting to use paperless invitations for at least some part of their wedding journey?

How to deliver personalised weddings in an impersonal online world


If you’re a wedding stationery supplier, it’s vital that you listen to these industry changes and adapt your offering. Showcase your products elegantly and stylishly online (because printed wedding stationery will likely never go completely out of fashion) and if possible, develop your offering to include digital invitations, ‘evites’ and save the date cards to avoid isolating the ‘pro paperless’ segment of the Millennial wedding market. For inspiration, Paperless Post specialise in beautiful online invitations.


4. Join the #wedding conversation

We’re seeing more couples than ever before embracing personalised wedding hashtags as an accompaniment to their big day, so that guests can upload their shots to Twitter and Instagram for the entire wedding party to enjoy.

Hashtags are a great way of organising wedding snaps and of documenting real-time footage of a couple’s wedding day.

All wedding suppliers – but particularly wedding venues – should look at creating their own #wedding hashtag and you should encourage couples to use it when they’re sharing content online. This acts as free advertising and brand promotion for your wedding business, and the most impactful form of promotion for any business is that which uses raw emotion to convey a message.

Couples captured enjoying the best day of their lives at your wedding venue, eating your wedding cake or wearing a wedding dress from your collection is one of the best ways possible for you to advertise your product or services online.

How to deliver personalised weddings in an impersonal online world


Be sure to engage with online comments from your clients so that third party viewers can see that you’re emotionally invested in the couples you work with, and to show that you personally care about making their wedding day completely perfect.

Get personal with your couples and the online wedding world will notice

Couples in 2017 / 2018 are fully embracing the digital age and as wedding suppliers of today and tomorrow, we need to take note.

Listen to industry changes and the couples you work with, and don’t forget that you have a voice too. Talk about your experiences online, share good feedback and join in with the conversation!

Your couples dreams are just dreams before they meet you. Help them make their ideas a reality and challenge yourself to try new things and offer something different.

Because it’s time to get personal.



Want more tips and tricks as to how to grow and market your wedding business? Like the Bridebook Business Facebook Page and receive weekly updates from industry experts and thought leaders across the UK.

Keep your Bridebook profile up to date and relevant by logging in and editing your Business Account HERE. Once updated, you will instantly increase your profile searchability and are able to connect with our community of 40,000 couples. In short, spend a little time adding photos, videos, and information you love about your business now, and benefit later! 

Why reviews and recommendations are a wedding suppliers best friend

According to the latest UK Wedding Report 2018, couples now rank reviews (62%) as the most important resource when finding wedding suppliers.

Why reviews and recommendations are a wedding suppliers best friend


Think about it. Whether you’re married or not, wouldn’t you choose a venue, photographer or florist that has 5-star reviews over another very similar supplier that has no documented feedback on their services?

And whilst advertising your supplier products or services online via your website, through paid and organic social media posts or at wedding fairs is important for building awareness and supporting decision making, couples are likely to base their final booking decisions on recommendations and reviews.

Why reviews and recommendations are a wedding suppliers best friend


So we’ve gathered that they’re important. Now it’s time to consider how we best request and collect the feedback from our dearly beloved clients.

Whilst many elated couples will assure you that they are going to write you a review after the big day, wedding suppliers often find that actually getting clients to follow through with writing the recommendation can be difficult and time-consuming.

Why not remind brides and grooms to leave you a review using one of these decidedly different tactics:


1. Put it on Paper

Send your happy clients a ‘congratulations on your wedding day’ card and inside it, just after you sign off the card, ask them if they’d kindly post a review for you. This may cost money and demand a little extra thought and time than an email would but it is far more personal and will mean more to couples, which is likely to inspire action.

Plus the cost of a congrats card far outweighs the benefits of a great review. Think of it as your next potential booking costing 99p!

You could even go one step further and send your clients a first-year anniversary card. The likelihood is that they’ll have engaged friends of a similar age and this gesture could result in a personal recommendation and potential new client coming your way.

Why reviews and recommendations are a wedding suppliers best friend


2. Subtly remind the world of how great you are

Use social media to share some of your existing reviews. Not only does this act as promotion for your wedding business but – assuming that they have followed you or liked your page – your latest clients will come across this feedback on their feeds which will act as a subtle memory jog for them to write you that stonking review at long last.

Tip – if you pressure people too much it can actually put them off of leaving you a review. Similarly, be careful not to make your social media accounts too self-promotional. Let past, ‘happy clients’ do most of the talking for you.

The trick to building reviews is to perfect at which point you verbally ask for a review (when your client is happy, relaxed and impressed) and in how you follow up this request. You’ll have gotten to know the personalities of your clients and whether they’re more ‘formal email’ people or social media savvy millennials, so tailor your communications to suit each of them for the best chance at succeeding.


3. Share your Bridebook profile

Did you know that registered venues on Bridebook with reviews and testimonials are 2.3 times as likely to receive an enquiry? 

Ping out your Bridebook URL on social media channels and ask couples you’ve worked with to share their feedback, just as wedding venue Hedsor House has.


So once you’ve gathered your reviews, where to post them?

The first place to post any reviews is on your wedding website – and not just on the testimonials page. Be sure to leave reviews and recommendations on all pages to maximise the chances of them being seen, and to validate your wedding supplier services throughout the customer journey.

Next, make sure you include good feedback on all marketing collateral. Everything you send out or use to promote your business should be supported by the opinions of happy clients.

Why reviews and recommendations are a wedding suppliers best friend


That includes featuring reviews on pricing information, business cards, promotional content and videos, emails, blogs, social media posts and even at wedding shows.

Wedding venues should remember to take a photo of any thank you cards and upload them to their website too. Remember reviews come in all formats, and as couples read an average of 7.6 reviews before booking a wedding supplier it’s important that you collect as many as you can and ensure that your reviews are easy to find.

Tip: don’t forget to upload your reviews on Bridebook and then share your profile URL with the world.


Reviews are the best way to showcase your business

Knowing that a supplier has been ‘pre-approved’ naturally gives couples confidence in your ability to provide top notch wedding services for the most important day of their lives.

Get out there are start building your online credibility to win business – and ‘likes’ – in 2017 and beyond.


Want more tips and tricks as to how to grow and market your wedding business? Like the Bridebook Business Facebook Page and receive weekly updates from industry experts and thought leaders across the UK.

Keep your Bridebook profile up to date and relevant by logging in and editing your Business Account HERE. Once updated, you will instantly increase your profile searchability and are able to connect with our community of 40,000 couples. In short, spend a little time adding photos, videos, and information you love about your business now, and benefit later! 

Wedding Planning Tips for the Introverted Bride or Groom

Most people think of a wedding as a lavish party with friends and family, centred around a couple in love. For an introvert, however, being the centre of attention can be scary – even on their special day. If you’re an introvert (or marrying one), we’ve put together a few easy tips to follow to ease your stress as you plan your wedding. 

bridebook.co.uk bride and groom holding hands

Low-Key is Lovely

Some people want loud music, heartfelt speeches, and lots of guests at their wedding. But if you don’t, that is completely ok! A small, intimate event with the most important people in your life is more than fine.

Remember, this is your day. Plan your wedding around your priorities. If you want a small guestlist, go for it! If you want a casual backyard BBQ, fire up the grill. Your happiness (and your spouse’s) is what matters most.

Know Your Strengths (and Weaknesses)

Introverts often feel overwhelmed in social settings, which can make planning a wedding (one big social event) very stressful. But you have innate strengths that can make planning easier than you might have realised.

For example, many introverts are great at making plans and organising. This skill is a godsend when you’re planning a wedding – armed with our wedding planning tools, you can take over the world. With so many elements to keep tabs on, an organised mind can keep everything running smoothly from day one, which everyone will appreciate.

However, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to other people if they aren’t your cup of tea. Do you hate negotiating? Send your future spouse or a member of the main wedding party to book vendors for you. Not only will this take some stress off you, but playing to the strengths of your family and friends will help your wedding be even better.

Bridebook.co.uk Wedding Planning Cherry Blossom Desk

Don’t Let Facebook Freak You Out

From the minute you post that engagement ring pic, your social media feed will be flooded with well-wishes, advice, and questions about the day. Seeing the notifications stack up can be overwhelming, but take a breath and you’ll be fine. Remember, you don’t have to reply to every single message. Thank the people who congratulate you, but don’t worry about all the questions and suggestions. They can wait! Also, ask a  family member or member of your party to handle your social media on the big day, so you can live in the moment. There’s a time and place for social media, and your wedding day doesn’t need to be it!

Do a First Look

Some brides feel particularly anxious as they walk down the aisle. It doesn’t matter that they’re in a gorgeous dress, heading towards the love of their life. The fact remains that – gulp – all eyes are on them.

One way to alleviate that stress is to have a “first look” with your spouse before the ceremony begins. This private moment between the couple (and occasionally the photographer) can remind both partners what that day is all about: each other. With that in mind, even the most introverted bride can walk down the aisle a little more care-free. 

Bridebook.co.uk bride and groom first look

Make Sure There’s “Me Time”

There is no doubt that planning a wedding is stressful. From the day you say “yes” to the day you say “I do”, you’ll be busy with seating charts, invitations, decorations, and a whole lot more. You’ll also be celebrating a lot; bridal showers, engagement parties, and hen dos are all par for the course for a wife-to-be. Somewhat raucous stags are expected for the husbands-to-be, too.

All of this can leave an introvert exhausted. That’s why it is very important that you schedule time to recharge throughout the wedding planning process. In fact, you should even carve out some “me time” on your wedding day, to help calm your nerves and make the day much more enjoyable.

Bridebook.co.uk Woman Holding Wedding Dress

And Remember…

Not every wedding needs to be a huge event. Even the most quiet introverts can have a beautiful, memorable ceremony that they will remember forever – as long as they plan accordingly. If you stick to your guns and plan the wedding that you know will make you happy, you’ll find that everyone else will be happy with you.

Happy Planning!

Article by Shannon Lochwood

How To Manage Your Parents’ Expectations Whilst Planning The Wedding You Actually Want

Whether you have 2 parental figures at the wedding or 8, all of them will likely have certain expectations and some firm opinions on your big day, and will want to play a part in it. This can be one of the most challenging aspects of planning your wedding, as juggling the desires of so many people you hold so dearly can be really tough. It is natural to be strongly affected by it, especially if you are relying on their support (both emotionally and financially) to make the wedding happen.  When your W-Day is looking set to be more like D-Day, it takes some of the fun away from the process – so here are our 5 Tips for Managing Your Parents’ Expectations.


bridebook.co.uk mother of the bride helping with wedding dress

Plan with your partner first before anyone else

First and foremost, remember that it’s your day, so it’s imperative that you and your partner talk about what the most important (and realistic) aspects of your wedding are from the outset, and then  keep tracking of them with our wedding planning tools. All the way through, keep why you’re doing it in mind, and why it’s all worth it. 

Involve your parents in the planning

Traditionally, the bride’s parents paid for and hosted the wedding, whilst the groom’s did a lot of prep and liaison, but times are changing and many couples would rather do it themselves. However, parents would still love to be involved somehow,  and it can be done suitably: by visibly taking their considerations on board (though not necessarily putting them into action), and taking the time to understand one another and explain the decision you come to. Try and discuss this with your partner first to predict what your parents may be keen on. 

Take accountability for your parents

When relationships get really strained, it usually helps to manage your own parent’s expectations, and let your partner deal with theirs. This allows conversations to be held with much more honesty and authenticity, rather than the veiled politeness you may feel you owe your partner’s parents. Also, remember that every relationship is different: your partner’s relationship with their parents is likely to be different to your relationships with yours, so one solution may not fit all. Be supportive of your partner throughout, and they’ll be supportive of you too. 

Prepare for telling them how you feel

Relatedly, steel yourself for the potential for some tough love if needed. You may be an adult, but in your parent’s eyes you’ll always be seen as their baby – especially in the run-up to a wedding! However, this doesn’t mean they can take over the planning, and you should prepare yourself to have to tell them that. It’s not necessarily a comfortable conversation to have, but at this point, your parents will hopefully remember you’re a fabulous full-grown human in your own right (thanks to them, mostly) and can make decisions for yourself.

Remember they have your best interest at heart

Although the key thing is that you both get your dream day, it’s good to remember that that’s all your parents are aiming for too, albeit in a considerably different way sometimes!  A nice way of publicly showing you realise how much they care is in the speeches – if you’ve had a rough time dealing with parents’ expectations in the lead up, then acknowledging how grateful you are for everything they’ve done in the reception speech can be a lovely way to draw a line under it. Alternatively, make a joke out of it if you think it will go down well! 

bridebook.co.uk groom practicing speech in car

Ultimately they want you to have the most amazing day of your life, but if they can have a great day too….well, that would also be lovely. Weddings are crazy, heady, emotional times for everyone, but at the root of it all, it’s all about celebrating you two and your life together – sometimes those involved just need a nudge in remembering that. Now for the fun bits – the cake tasting and the champagne drinking…


Happy Planning!


Content audited by thinkenterprise.co.uk

How Much Did Pippa Middleton’s Wedding Cost? £736,706 ($946,961 USD)


Bridebook.co.uk, the UK’s leading wedding planning website and app, has broken down the final costs of Pippa Middleton’s wedding. Whilst the average UK wedding costs £16,842 in 2017, Pippa Middleton’s wedding cost almost 44 times as much at £736,706 ($946,961 USD, €844,780 EUR)

The high price tag of the 17-hour spectacular was due to having one glass palace, two venues, two receptions, two dresses, three wedding cars, two photographers, two videographers, three florists, but fortunately the couple have two multi-millionaire sets of parents who could help cover the cost.

The porta-palace glass marquee is believed to be the most expensive marquee available in Europe, costing £250,000, with the air-conditioning estimated to have cost £50,000 and the blossom trees to decorate it costing £31,500 on top.

Bridebook.co.uk, who work with over 70,000 businesses in British wedding industry, and have over 40,000 couples planning their weddings on the Bridebook wedding planning app, have broken down the costs:

Bridebook.co.uk pippa middleton's wedding cost breakdown
Credit: Bridebook.co.uk

Download the wedding cost breakdown here

The Glass Marquee – £300,000

Being hosted at the Middleton’s family home and with over 350 guests expected, a super-sized luxury marquee was needed. Whilst a luxury 350-person marquee will start at £25,000, Pippa’s porta-palace was a completely different league and the most expensive marquee option you can hire. The marquee required a huge reinforced structure for it to sit upon, plus two additional supersized marquees, and road tracking. On top of this, from talking to leading specialists, the glass marquee would have required huge generators to power extensive air-conditioners to stop the glass house overheating and this is expected to have cost £50,000 on the air conditioning alone. This marquee is only available from Belgian company PBI, whose team would have transported the marquee from Belgium, adding significantly to the cost. The effect of Brexit will have meant the weak pound will have likely added £30,000 to the marquee bill alone.

Bucklebury Manor – Free

The evening reception was held at Bucklebury Manor – the stunning home of Pippa’s parents, overlooking rolling fields and British countryside, so fortunately had no charge, but will likely need some time for their croquet lawn to recover.

Luxury Toilets – £4,000

The highest quality mobile toilets from top providers will cost £4000 to cater for 350 guests.

Church – £456

Pippa and James will have paid the church their marriage fees, but whilst this is the most important part of the marriage, it had the smallest price tag of all.

Englefield House – £20,000

To hire a luxury country house will cost around £20,000 for two-days over a summer weekend, including Friday night accommodation, where Pippa stayed, plus an evening dinner, plus the Saturday wedding reception.

Ceremony Catering – £14,000

During the 2-hour wedding reception, the 150 guests would be expected to eat 5-canapes hour per hour. These 1500 luxury canapes alone would cost around £6000 , but with serving staff, linen, crockery, chefs and decoration on top, the likely cost was £14,000.

Ceremony Drinks – £6,750

Guests would be expected to drink 2-glasses of champagne per hour. This equates to 50 magnums of Ruinart Blanc de Blanc at £120 per magnum, which was the champagne of choice, so £6,000, plus some soft cocktails on top.

Evening Catering – £80,000

The luxury caterers Top Table, would charge over £170 per guest for catering including all food, chefs and staffing, glassware and crockery hire, and linen hire. With it being a marquee wedding, an extra level of staffing would have been required to look after the 350 guests ,than at a venue, so it will likely be around £200 per guest. The evening food stations of hand carved serrano hams and parmesan, would be add an additional cost on top.

Evening Drinks – £31,475

Around 233 bottle of champagne will have been drunk by the guests during the evening drinks reception and speeches. Nyetimber 2010 Blanc de Noir Millington was said to be served, at £75 per bottle, costing around £17,475. On top of which fine wines for the dinner (around 200 bottles), and cocktails until 4am to be added.

Dress – £38,000

Giles Deacon designed Pippa’s bespoke designer dress. Giles previously designed Abby Clancy’s stunning wedding dress for her marriage to England footballer Peter Crouch which cost £10,000. Top London couture designers estimate the dress would have cost £38,000.

Church Floristry – £5,000

With the overflowing flower arch of the church, the huge displays at the church entrance, and every pillar and pew bursting with flowers within the church, luxury florist Lavender Green Flowers’ bill for this will likely have hit the £10,000 mark.

Engelfield House Floristry – £5,000

Lavender Green Flowers also decorated Engelfield House for the reception. The likelihood of the church flowers ‘look’ being carried through is high, so this will likely have added on another £6,000.

Marquee Floristry – £32,000

Pippa’s second luxury florist of the day, Djordje Varda was flown in from St Barths to work with yet another celebrity florist, Rob Van Helden, to bring the 350ft glass palace to life.

The Middleton family paid for the wedding and ceremony whilst the Matthews family paid for the evening reception, hence the different florists and teams.  Each of the 35 table centres were filled with perfect blooms as was the rest of the marquee, Bridebook.co.uk luxury suppliers expect £32,000 would have been spent on the marquee floristry by these top florists, not including the blossom trees….

Blossom Tree Hire – £31,500

The focal feature of Pippa’s stunning evening reception was her blossom trees filling the height of the marquee. Most likely hired from London-based luxury greenery hire company Palmbrokers, each 5-metre blossom tree costs £900 to hire. With 35 tables, on trees alone that is £31,500

Photography – £9,000

Dorset-based Millie Pilkington was the wedding photographer as Bridebook.co.uk was first to predict. Millie was the private wedding photographer for the William and Kate’s wedding also. Just like Pippa had two venues, she also had two photographers with luxury wedding photographer Matt Porteus also shooting the day. A top wedding photographer, including a gorgeous album, will cost around £3,500, but with additional photographers to cover 350 guests and two venues and very long day, it could likely be even more.

Videography – £10,000

Just like Pippa has two photographers, Bridebook.co.uk can reveal she also had two videographers, James O’Garra of Jim & Tonic Films and an award-winning German filmmaker and director Patrick Gather. Keep your eyes peeled in this years Oscars for this high-budget production.

Cake – £2,600

A stunningly-decorated cake from a top cake maker will start from £2,600 and need to be six-tiers to give a slice to each of the 350 guests. The cakemaker is thought to London-based Domino Purchas.

Stationery – £5,125

From Save-the-dates, to the full invitation, to the Order of Service, to menus, and don’t forget the stamps! Stationery from a top stationer will cost around £11 per invitation alone, such as Mount Street Printers who are rumoured to be the chosen wedding stationer. Luckily they saved on design costs as a drawing by the Duchess of Cambridge was used on the Order of Service.

Music – £8,750

From bells ringers and the organist, to Jazz trio for the ceremony reception at Englefield House, to acoustic musicians for the evening reception, to the wedding band, to DJ and saxophonist for the party, Pippa has it all. A top London 5-piece wedding band will cost over £3,000 with everyone else on top.

Veil – £2,000

Celebrity milliner Stephen Jones designed Pippa’s stunning bespoke veil which likely cost £2,000.

Tiara – £4,000

Pippa wore her earrings from being Maid of Honour at Kate’s wedding, and accessorised with a diamond Maidenhair fern tiara by Robinson Pelham estimated at £4,000

Hair and Makeup – £1,700

Pippa had a top team on hand to ensure she was looking absolutely radiant. Celebrity hair stylist Pol Garcia did her hair. Hannah Martin of Bobbi Brown, who also did Kate’s wedding makeup for the Royal Wedding, is rumoured to have done her makeup.

Wedding shoes – £2,000

Pippa wore a Manolo Blahnik pump, in an ivory satin with bespoke pearl detailing which cost £2,000.

Wedding Rings – £1,600

Their wedding rings are said to be from Robinson Pelham. Both James and Pippa opted for simple gold bands, more understated than expected, but following suit of the Queen and the Duchess of Cambridge, which will have costed around £800 each.

Page Boys Outfits – £2,400

With Prince George was centre stage in his Pepa&Co bespoke outfit along with his 3 fellow page boys. The catalogue items are £350 each, so for fully bespoke they were likely £600 each.

Bridesmaids Outfits – £2,400

The average number of bridesmaids a bride has is 3.4 in the UK, so Pippa’s three mini-bridesmaids, including Princess Charlotte, were perfect. The Pepa&Co catalogue items are £520 each, so for fully bespoke they were likely £800 each.

Groomswear – £9,050

Dashing James Matthews wore a bespoke tailor made tailcoat, waistcoat and trousers. A bespoke tailcoat from a top tailor will cost around £4400 alone. His Edward Green shoes were £900. A new tailored dinner jacket and trousers for the black-tie evening reception would have cost another £3000 from a top tailor.

Second Dress – £6,000

With two venues, two photographers, two videographers and two wedding cars, of course Pippa had to have two dresses. Believed to have also been a Giles Deacon creation estimated at £6,000.

Wedding Favours – Free

Pippa’s brother James came to the rescue with 350 custom marshmallows from his company Boomf. We hope he didn’t charge for them.

Church & Reception Production – £6,000

With screens and speakers in the church, as well as production for Englefield House, including a platform built for Michael Middleton’s father of the bride speech, production would have likely be £6,000 between both.

Evening Production – £20,000

The Matthew’s family flew in their production team from St Barths along with London experts Starlight, whose incredible lighting and production could be seen miles away across the valley.

Wedding Transport – £7,400

With a vintage Jaguar for the bride to arrive with her father, and another for the pageboys and bridesmaids, each would cost around £1200. The Jaguar E-type, which is the oldest surviving of its type, would have likely cost £5,000 for such an incredibly rare car.

Entertainment – £11,500

From a spitfire flyby (£4000), projections mapped of the the happy couple on top the family home (£5000), a photobooth (£1500) and table tennis (£1000), the guests had plenty to amuse themselves with.

Guest transport – £45,000

Guests were transported in 50 Range Rovers. A full-day hire with security vetted chaffeurs will have cost around £900 each.

Private Security – £30,000

With royal guests, Hollywood stars, and sporting legends, security at the event was extremely tight. Whilst much of the security would have been provided by the police at no charge due to the Royal guests, an additional £30,000 of private security is estimated to have been on hand.

Total: £736,706 ($946,961 USD, €844,780 EUR)

Hamish Shephard, founder of Bridebook.co.uk, says:

“Weddings have become increasingly lavish over recent years mainly due to couples getting married when they are older, and hence being able to spend more, and social media raising everyone’s expectations of a wedding. Couples don’t need to spend hundreds of thousands to have an incredible day, today’s savvy couples find ways to save on average £10,147 on their big day so get very happily married without breaking the bank. With the month of May being outside the expensive peak summer wedding months, even Pippa and James will have likely had some discounts from their suppliers. ”

“Traditionally the bride’s parents would pay for the whole wedding, however this is only the case in 23% of weddings now, so it is likely both the couple themselves and the groom’s parents are contributing, so Carole and Michael Middleton likely won’t have been lumped with the whole bill.”

“If you are fortunate to have a large budget, what better way to spend it than celebrating finding the love of your life with your closest friends and family around you.”

“Endless inspiration and ubiquitous luxury have caused expectations to rise and made aspirations increasingly obtainable, which all lead to weddings becoming increasingly expensive. Whether you dream of an Italian silk dress from a top designer, or a ginormous glass marquee, if you can dream it, you can now have it, but sadly you (or your generous parents) will have to pay for it too.”

“It’s not only the couple who spent a lot, the guests likely spent a total of £67,485 to attend too.  According to our latest Bridebook.co.uk survey, the average cost of a couple attending a wedding this summer is £385.63 (including gifts, accommodation, transport and fashion) and with Royal guests it was likely far higher for this wedding too.”

Although the Middleton wedding exceeds six figures, the other 4333 brides tying the knot that same day are likely to be spending substantially less. In comparison, the Bridebook.co.uk Wedding Report 2017 found the average costs for a UK wedding to be as follows:

Venue Hire: £5,819, Marquee: £4,413, Catering: £4,787, Wedding Dress & Accessories: £1,329, Photography: £1,211, Rings: £1,058, Videography: £1,056, Music Entertainment: £941, Flowers: £777, Venue ‘Dressing’: £723, Other Wedding Outfits e.g. bridesmaids: £625, Menswear: £577, Non-Music Entertainment: £520, Transport: £470, Hair & Make-Up: £337, Wedding Cake: £318, Stationery: £290 and Other: £1,779.

For more details of this year’s wedding trends and spending habits analysed by Bridebook.co.uk, view the Bridebook.co.uk Wedding Report 2017.

For further information, interviews and images please contact

Harriet or Sarah-Jane at Harriet Hunt Communications

harriet@harriethunt.com sarahjane@harriethunt.com

T: 0208 871 2246  M: 07886 96908

Notes To Editor:

Bridebook.co.uk is the UK’s leading wedding planning platform with over 40,000 couples currently planning their weddings on the website and app.

Launched in 2016, Bridebook.co.uk‘s state-of-the-art wedding planning toolkit with personalised Wedding Checklist, Wedding Budgeter and Wedding Guestlist Manager, enables couples to plan their entire wedding from any device, anytime, anywhere, all in one place…for free.  With over 70,000 wedding venues and suppliers in its directory, Bridebook.co.uk increases the digital presence of industry professionals and connects them directly with local couples.  Bridebook.co.uk has also partnered with leading experts such as Mary Berry, Bobbi Brown and Jimmy Choo to provide genuine expert advice and inspiration to its couples.  Bridebook.co.uk was founded by Hamish Shephard, an industry professional and recently married groom who used Bridebook.co.uk to plan his own May 2016 wedding. Visit Bridebook.co.uk online and the Bridebook.co.uk App on the iTunes App Store and Google Play Store.

29 Beautiful Barn Wedding Venues in South West England

Are you dreaming of a beautiful barn wedding in South West England? Then go no further! Barns are spacious, versatile and offer heaps of character and charm to your special day. There are so many incredible barn wedding venues across the whole of the UK, but here are our top 29 barns based in Devon, Somerset, Dorset and even more that we’ve fallen in love with!

If you’re after a stunning barn to tie the knot in your area, use Bridebook.co.uk’s Wedding Venue Search, and choose ‘Barn’ in the filters. Happy planning! 


1. Trenderway Farm, Cornwall

Trenderway Farm, a barn venue Cornwall

Trenderway Farm is a Grade II listed farmhouse and restored barns based in the lush countryside of Cornwall. With beautiful oak beams and an original stone interior, this venue has lots of character to add to your magical day.


2. Cripps Barn, Gloucestershire

Cripps Barn, Gloucestershire

Within rural countryside sits Cripps Barn, a real gem of the Cotswolds. High stone walls and classic features such as the open fireplace and flagstone floors give this venue an incredibly romantic feeling for your special moment.


3. The Barn at Cott Farm, Somerset

the barn at cott farm

Offering a quaint Barn and stunning country views, The Barn at Cott Farm is a perfect spot to host your wedding. This spacious country wedding venue even gives you the option of having your ceremony outdoors! How perfect. 


4. Symondsbury Estate, Dorset

Symondsbury Estate wedding venue

The Tithe Barn within the Symondsbury Estate is a 14th Century English barn in a tranquil village in Dorset. Glass entrances, stone floors and exposed oak beams give the venue interior a really elegant vibe for when you tie the knot!


5. Quantock Lakes, Somerset

Quantock Lakes a barn in Somerset

Somerset’s no.1 wedding venue comes in the form of Quantock Lakes. With 200 acres of grounds and picturesque waterside views, the location of the newly-built Quantock Barn couldn’t get any better. Natural light and exposed wood beams make this barn a stunner!


6. The Great Tythe Barn, Gloucestershire

The Great Tythe Barn, barn wedding venue in Gloucestershire

The Great Tythe Barn, with its highly versatile space and lush lawns right outside, makes the ideal backdrop for any barn wedding. For a quaint ceremony or a lively reception party, this venue can handle it all!


7. Hyde House & Barn, Gloucestershire

 Hyde House & Barn, Gloucestershire

Nestled in the Cotswolds, Hyde House & Barn offers a blank canvas for you to draw upon your creativity. The sleek-looking interior and elegant exterior of this venue allows you to put your own stamp on your wedding day.


8. Winkworth Farm, Wiltshire

Winkworth Farm, barn venue Wiltshire

The airy feel of Winkworth Farm makes it stand out from other barn venues. Natural light floods in, restored stone walls surround the space, and you can focus on having the party of a lifetime. What’s more, your guests can spill out onto the gardens and many acres of farmland.


9. River Cottage HQ, Devon

River Cottage HQ, one of the most popular barn wedding venues in the UK

Including an original farmhouse, threshing barn and organic farmland of 65 acres, River Cottage HQ totally suits a barn or country theme! Let your guests explore the land and relax in the yurt, while you host a celebration to remember!


10. The Victorian Barn, Dorset

The Victorian Barn, Dorset a lovely room to get married in

The Dorset countryside wherein The Victorian Barn stands is the idyllic location for the best day of your life. The high ceilings and brick doorways give this venue just enough character for your wedding day without stealing the limelight from the Bride and Groom!


11. The Barns at Wick Farm, Somerset

The Barns at Wick Farm, barn wedding venue in Somerset

37 acres of countryside just south of Bath lies the 16th Century Barns at Wick Farm. Based on a farm with livestock and a duck pond, these 2 adjoining barns offer gorgeous stone walls and wooden beams that will set the most romantic tone to your wedding.


12. Huntstile Organic Farm, Somerset

Huntstile Organic Farm with blue skies, a barn and farm wedding venue Somerset

Nestled in the heart of Somerset and 200 acres of countryside, Huntstile Organic Farm is a 15th Century farmhouse with attached dining marquee. With a choice of ceremony rooms and even pet pigs on site, this unique farm is what dreams are made of!


13. Monks Withecombe, Devon

A newly married couple kisses in Monks Withecombe, a barn wedding venue in Devon

Within Dartmoor National Park, Monks Withecombe brings sunny courtyards, stunning gardens, and several rooms to host your wedding celebrations. From intimate ceremony spaces to the meadows that can be filled with a marquee and hundreds of guests. Time for a barn dance!


14. The Barn at Barons Hill Farm, Devon

the barn at baron hill

Acres of lush countryside surrounds The Barn at Barons Hill Farm, where spectacular views can be seen. Rustic on the outside, yet contemporary on the inside, this venue is ideal for making your dreams come true.


15.  Eggbeer Farm, Devon

a candlelit table for many wedding guests in Eggbeer Farm, Devon

This superbly unique and eco-friendly venue oozes rustic charm from every inch. Eggbeer Farm is a versatile space, perfect for holding weddings, and the barn is a stunning area for your themed celebrations!


16. Duvale Priory, Devon

duvale priory barn wedding venue

Based right on the edge of a picturesque Devonshire lake, the barn of Duvale Priory offers a spectacular place to host your wedding celebrations. With lush green surroundings and idyllic views, no fairytale wedding would be complete without this location!


17. Middle Coombe Farm, Devon

Duvale Priory, a wedding venue in Devon, decorated with flags and tables set for many wedding guests

400 acres of land and a stunning thatched exterior welcome you to Middle Coombe Farm. The high-ceilings and magical vibe of the Cider Barn interior is sure to make your celebration special, while the exclusive use of the woodlands would be an incredible backdrop for your wedding photos!


18. The Manor Barn, Wiltshire

Bridebook.co.uk The Manor Barn

As a distinctive 17th Century boutique building, The Manor Barn is undoubtedly breathtaking. It’s a traditional brick and flint stone barn with vintage gardens and is restored with a contemporary feel. Sat right on the doorstep of Stonehenge Heritage site, this venue is a real rustic retreat.


19. Kingston Country Courtyard, Dorset

barn wedding venue in dorset

With iron chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and farm tools covering the stone walls, this venue is incredibly memorable. Kingston Country Courtyard has tons of character, ample outdoor space, and even it’s own wishing well. Let the party begin!


20. Launcells BartonCornwall

Bridebook.co.uk Launcells Barton

The elegance of the Georgian house and the country charm of the Mill barn come together to create the ultimate wedding venue, Launcells Barton. Original features shine through on the interior and exterior of this wonderful site, and views of the Cornish countryside give you all you need for your barn wedding.


21. Oxleaze Barn, Gloucestershire

Oxleaze Barn is a classic wedding venue with lots of rustic charm

Set on a farm amid the rolling countryside of the Cotswolds, Oxleaze Barn is a classic venue with lots of rustic charm to build your own bespoke wedding theme. The barn has been beautifully restored to reflect the earthy goodness and beauty of its surroundings, with exposed beams and stonework, an open fireplace and wide doorway that opens onto a private courtyard and garden.


22. The Great Barn, Devon

Bridebook.co.uk The Great Barn

Sat in a beautiful valley just down the road from Exeter, The Great Barn is a simply stunning wedding venue inside and out. Known as the “thatched cathedral”, the high ceilings and restored beams of this building offer plenty of space and inspiration for your barn wedding.


23. Cripps Stone Barn, Gloucestershire

Bridebook.co.uk Cripps Stone Barn

Nestled in the Gloucestershire countryside, Cripps Stone Barn is a gem of South West England. Gorgeous stone work will surround you and your guests as you celebrate your big day, while the rustic metal exterior makes a brilliant backdrop for photo opportunities. What more could you want?


24. Rye Hill Barn, Wiltshire

wedding venue in wiltshire

400 acres of Wiltshire countryside is home to a working farm and the relaxed feel of Rye Hill Barn. Plenty of natural light and exposed wooden beams will make you feel at home in this lovely barn setting.


25. Lower Stockbridge Farm, Dorset

Bridebook.co.uk Lower Stockbridge Barn

The spacious feel to Lower Stockbridge Barn in the Dorset countryside makes this venue truly unique. Everything from the magnificent exterior to the exposed wooden panelling inside set it apart from other barns and will add a very special backdrop to your wedding day.


26. Nancarrow Farm, Cornwall

Bridebook.co.uk Nancarrow Farm

Only a few miles from the Cornish coast, this barn is based on a working farm. With original wood features and a contemporary restoration inside, the world is your oyster at Nancarrow Farm!


27. Froginwell Vineyard, Devon

Bridebook.co.uk Froginwell Vineyard

Nestled within the Devonshire countryside, Forginwell Vineyard is an idyllic wedding setting. With plenty of outdoor spaces to entertain guests and distinctive vintage items around the site, your barn wedding will be unforgettable.


28. The Corn Barn, Devon

the corn barn, wedding venue in dorset

In the heart of Devon lies The Corn Barn, a wonderfully converted barn ideal for a wedding. Following through the building is a theme of tasteful exposed brickwork, and wooden beams give a rustic edge to this venue.


29. Crasken Eco Centre, Cornwall

With a 6000-year history and having been built on the site of an Iron Age stone circle, Crasken Eco Centre is a mysterious and enchanting backdrop for your wedding. Surrounded by wonderful courtyards and green gardens, this barn is definitely not one to forget!


If you’re still struggling to find the perfect venue near you, try our Wedding Venue Search – and you may just stumble across the one. Bridebook.co.uk can also help you with all your other planning worries, such as suppliers, your personalised wedding checklist, and that all important budget!

Still looking for wedding venues in the UK? Here’s some inspiration to get you started: 

27 Budget Wedding Venues In The UK

31 Small Wedding Venues For Your Intimate Wedding

The 30 Best Winter Wedding Venues in the UK


Happy planning!

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  7. The rating score and number of reviews will appear at the top of your profile page.



How can I collect reviews?

One thing that stands out in The UK Wedding Report is that couples read an average of 7.6 reviews before booking a supplier! Recognising the importance of reviews, Bridebook.co.uk has launched a reviews-collecting tool on your free wedding business profile.  Simply share your profile page URL with past clients, and ask them to click “Add a Review” to write about their experience working with you.

You can find your profile’s URL by logging into your free profile at Bridebook Business, and clicking “Preview your Profile” in the upper right corner.  Keep your photos, pricing and details up-to-date so couples can get a true sense of your business before clicking to email your directly via your profile.

15 Wedding Trends from Pippa Middleton’s Wedding

It felt like the whole world was watching Pippa’s big day, with brides-to-be in particular keeping their eyes peeled for any extra inspiration. Thankfully, Bridebook.co.uk, the UK’s leading wedding planning app and website, has done all the leg work and compiled all of the new trends Pippa has set into motion in the wedding world with her big do. Whatever your budget or wedding style, you might just find something you’d like to re-create for your own big day.

The main trend from Pippa’s wedding is the embracing of traditions. From the choice of flowers and church location, to the outfits of the pageboys and bridesmaids and the wedding transport,  to the design of her own dress and bouquet, Pippa’s wedding will have likely started a renaissance for tradition in weddings. 


Wedding Dress Trends:

Tradition is the trend here. Gone are the days of strapless dresses and nude mesh cutouts. Instead, we’re seeing a shift to embracing the history and tradition of styles that are timelessly classical such as Pippa’s high neck, cap sleeves, chapel length train, and heavy embroidery. Want to re-create the look? Discover wedding designers and boutiques near you.



Pippa opted to have just children in her bridal party for the Church ceremony, as opposed to her adult friends. This is sure to become a more popular trend especially for brides who have too many close friends to choose from or would like to avoid the politics and save money by not paying for bridesmaids dresses and makeup. Plus, they look positively adorable!


Glass Marquees

The infamous glass marquee, costing a whopping £110,000, is going to set the trend of glass marquees like wildfire. You’ll be seeing couples leaving behind the boxy and restricting canvas marquee feel, and instead opt for the glamorous ‘greenhouse effect’. Track down your UK glass marquee today!


“Unplugged” Weddings

Just as we saw a spike in ‘plugged in’ weddings complete with wedding hashtags and live Instagram feed displays, we are sure to see couples return to the more authentic experience, including social media bans and no photos allowed, as was sure to be the case throughout Pippa’s day.


Wedding Flower Trends

Another ‘back to tradition’ trend here. Floral trends have been leaning heavily on bright, diverse and exotic combinations of flowers in the recent years, however Pippa’s choice of going traditional with a focus on pale pink English roses is an indication of a shift in preference for organic and natural flower choices. Pick your wedding florist from the best of Britain on Bridebook!


Two Venue Weddings

Pippa chose to split her big day into a two tier event, the more formal and traditional morning ceremony followed by the big bang of a party in the evening. As couples get married later in life and struggle juggling the expectations of the older generations with the party expectations of their friends, this is a structure that is sure to become more and more popular. Plus who doesn’t love browsing gorgeous wedding venues?


Black-tie Receptions

Usually associated with big American weddings, the black-tie evening event is experiencing a resurgence, just like we saw for Pippa’s evening event in the glass marquee. A great way to add that extra dose of celebration to your evening.


Two Dresses

Just like two part weddings are becoming a trend, so are two dresses! A formal more traditional gown for the morning ceremony, and then a more relaxed cut in the evening. Not only is this practical (no trains or big skirts to deal with during the dancing), it also adds that extra level of theatrical oomph as the bride reveals her second outfit.


Unique Entertainment

Whilst everyone loves a good magician, expect to see couples trying to get more creative and unique with their wedding entertainment (even if it’s not quite a Spitfire flyby).


May Weddings

Summer months have long reigned supreme for weddings, but we’re glad to see the appreciation for spring months increasing. While you may have to risk wet weather, the advantages are boundless. From fewer conflicting occasions, the gorgeous colours of British springtime, and the exciting energy that comes with the run up to summer, we’re happy to see May getting the attention it deserves.



Vintage is back in style! Pippa’s vintage Jaguar was a showstopper in itself, and much more classical looking than the newer luxury white sedans that have been popular as of late. Besides, when else would you have the excuse to ride in a gorgeous vintage car?


Exotic Guest Hats

Previously reserved for Ascot, expect guests to go big on hats! Not only does it make the congregation look fabulous as the Church is filled with different colours and shapes, it’s also an extra bit of excitement and fun for the guests. We’re hoping to see some more feathers in particularly, as one of Pippa’s guests so perfectly demonstrated.



Pippa wore the same earrings on her wedding day as she did when she was Kate’s bridesmaid in 2011. We all know the ‘something old’ requirement, but tying in objects that have familial meaning and that can be passed on to your children on their wedding day adds that special touch.


Mix-matched Groomsmen Wear

Whilst the Middleton and Matthews men stayed very traditional with their tails, tie pins, and double breasted waist coats, they injected it with what is sure to become a popular trend. Balancing the traditional morning suits with pops of contrasting colours such as orange ties and baby blue satin waistcoats, with different groomsmen wearing different colours.


Family Involvement

More and more couples are embracing multi-generational family involvement in their big days. While there is a draw to involve your uni friends, there is a traditional and loving quality of opting to build your wedding party from family alone. Whether it’s your sister as Maid of Honour, or your adorable 5 year old second cousin, it’s good to keep it in the family!


Planning your wedding?

While all these trends are undoubtedly wonderful and very welcome, it can be easy to assume it would be too pricey or stressful to try and re-create for yourself. But fear not! Bridebook.co.uk, the UK’s #1 wedding planning app and website, have all of the wedding planning tools you need to ensure you can plan your wedding without the stress, and without the price tag!

The Top 100 UK Wedding Venues for a Summer Wedding

Searching for that perfect venue ideal for your summer wedding? Bridebook.co.uk have done the hard work for you by listing the top 100 best wedding venues for the summer! These are the best of the best – and they suit sunny weddings down to the T.

If you want to look more locally for your dream venue, there’s always our huge  Wedding Venue Search, with every venue you could possibly think of. You’re welcome!

1. Fennes, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Fennes

The stunning manor house of Fennes set in the countryside of Essex is home to breath-taking gardens, perfect for hosting a summer ceremony. The bridge over the lake makes for incredible photo opportunities! 

2. Sopley Mill, Dorset Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Sopley Mill

The wonderful Riverside Sopley Mill offers views over the Avon meadow lakes and a grade II listed mill. Let the summer reception begin!

3. East Quay Venue, Kent Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk East Quay Venue

The shabby-chic style of East Quay Venue is perfect for a summer seaside theme. With a shingle beach and beach huts right on its doorstep, this makes it one of the best wedding venues in the UK!


4. Newton Hall, Northumberland Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Newton Hall

Boasting landscaped gardens, luxury hotel suites and specialising in unique outdoor ceremonies, Newton Hall is great for a sunny wedding.

5. Hedsor House, Buckinghamshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Hedsor House

The grand Hedsor House sits on spectacular grounds that will brilliantly suit any summer wedding. Just add fireworks and you’re set!

6. Lains Barn, Oxfordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Lains Barn

With a magnificent lawned courtyard, the oak-beamed Lains Barn is a wonderfully restored venue. Let the barn dance commence!

7. Moor Park Golf Club, Hertfordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Moor Park Golf Club

Let your dreams be reality with the elegant Moor Park manor house, alongside golf club grounds for the perfect summer view.

8. The Granary Estates, Suffolk Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Granary Estates

The Granary Estates offer two incredible barns with a central private courtyard, this is one of the best wedding venues on the list, and it’s ideal for hosting a summer outdoor wedding reception.

9. Heaton House Farm, Cheshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Heaton House Farm

As a former dairy farm, Heaton House Farm is home to rustic sandstone barns and infinite rural views, making it a brilliant setting for an outdoor ceremony. If a farm sounds like the perfect place to get married, check out 20 farm wedding venues we’ve put together for you!

10. Hengrave Hall, Suffolk Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Hengrave Hall

Hengrave Hall is a stunning Tudor mansion in the Suffolk countryside and is a gem of the area’s medieval history. If you dream of a castle wedding on a summer night, this is the venue for you.

11. The Hospitium, North Yorkshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Hospitium

The 14th Century venue The Hospitium overlooks the ruins of St Mary’s Abbey. Stun your guests with these incredible views during the summer months.

12. Leez Priory, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Leez Priory

An outdoor wedding ceremony wouldn’t be complete without the backdrop of Tudor venue Leez Priory. 40 acres of parkland will ensure you have stunning surroundings on your special day.

13. Old Thorns Manor Hotel, Golf & Country Estate, Hampshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Old Thorns Manor Hotel

Within the Hampshire countryside, Old Thorns offers a regal estate and a picturesque scene for your dream wedding.

14. Great Fosters, Surrey Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Great Fosters

Elizabethan country house Great Fosters is set in 50 acres of beautifully romantic gardens with lakes galore. A summer wedding dream!

15. Cooling Castle Barn, Medway Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Cooling Castle Barn

Always dreamt of a castle wedding? Let the turrets and surrounding farm landscape of Cooling Castle Barn be your wedding venue.

16. Clearwell Castle, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Clearwell Castle

While we’re on the theme of castles, this one is hidden in an enchanted forest. If you’ve always had the idea of a summer fairytale venue, check out these UK castle wedding venues!

17. Boreham House, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Boreham House

Boreham House is a striking venue with gorgeous lake views and gardens that are ideal for elegant outdoor drinks receptions in the warm weather. 

18. Woodlands Hotel, Leeds Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Woodlands Hotel

With a beautiful setting and astonishing lawned grounds, Woodlands Hotel would be a great venue for a summer outdoor wedding.

19. Doxford Barns, Northumberland Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Doxford Barns

This truly unique venue offers heaps of character and class with plenty of stunning surroundings. Doxford Barns is perfect for a summertime wedding!

20. Lympne Castle Enterprises, Kent Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Lympne Castle

This grand castle is fit for a King and Queen, with spectacular views across the Kent countryside. Feel on top of the world with a sunny wedding at Lympne Castle!

21. Fanhams Hall, Hertfordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Fanhams Hall

The incredibly impressive Fanhams Hall is a Jacobean mansion with a modern interior and endless fairytale gardens.

22. Iscoyd Park, Shropshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Iscoyd Park

Heaps of character, history and warmth come with award-winning venue Iscoyd Park. The beautiful grounds are ideal for summer games and outdoor entertainment to charm your loved ones. Certainly one of the best wedding venues in the UK.

23. Priory Cottages, North Yorkshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Priory Cottages

The barns of Priory Cottages are the ideal setting for a more intimate wedding party, without compromising on style or beautiful countryside views!

24. Beaumont Estate, West Berkshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Beaumont Estate

This white Palladian mansion boasts a 19th Century chapel and 40 acres of grassy surroundings, making Beaumont Estate perfect for your summer celebrations.

25. High House, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk High House

Set on 6 acres of meadows, High House showcases itself to be a striking summer wedding venue. With a Monet-inspired bridge over the pond, your wedding photos will look impressive!

26. Elmore Court, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues

The 750-year-old  Elmore Court overlooks the Cotswolds and the River Severn, making it a great location to host a grand wedding. Elemore Court is a Grade 2 listed mansion house Elmore Court is a place of fun and maximum celebration. With an estate which is now rewilding and a wild swimming lake you could stretch your celebration over a weekend of festivities. Your summer wedding could take place in the walled garden, on the lawn, in the beautiful house or church nearby. Then let the party continue late into the night in the sound proof ‘future rustic’ Gillyflower, finishing round the fire pit in the meadow and back to the house for a night cap and a beautiful bed.

27. Warwick House, Warwickshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Warwick House

The beautiful country house comes complete with exquisite decor and high ceilings to make your special day feel like a dream. With Warwick House, you can dream away!

28. Bury Court Barn, Surrey Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Bury Court Barn

The stunningly converted Bury Court Barn has plenty of rustic charm, and sits within the hilly countryside of Hampshire.

29. Parklands Quendon Hall, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Parklands Quendon Hall

With 100 acres of surrounding parkland to feast your eyes on, you and your husband-to-be can plan a fairytale wedding at Parklands Quendon Hall.

30. The Lawn, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Lawn

The Lawn is an elegant Georgian mansion with beautifully kept gardens, and is an ideal setting for an outside ceremony.

31. Cripps Barn, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Cripps Barn

Flagstone floors, an open fireplace and heaps of character encompass Cripps Barn. With fire pits and sunny gardens, this is the ideal venue for the ultimate summer wedding.

32. Quantock Lakes, Somerset Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk  Quantlock Lakes

As Somerset’s number one venue, Quantlock Lakes boasts striking barn conversions and magnificent views across the water.

33. Kilminorth Cottages, Cornwall Wedding Venues

Kilminorth Cottages

Kilminorth Cottages is a beautiful wedding venue completely surrounded by countryside. So romantic! If you can picture yourself getting married in a setting like this, check out these 20 beautiful barn wedding venues!

34. Symondsbury Estate, Dorset Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Symondsbury Estate

Symondsbury Estate is comprised of a 14th Century barn in a truly tranquil setting.  The whole location echos vibes of a warm wedding!

35. Skitby, Cumbria Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Skitby

Skitby offers original beams and stone with a contemporary chic feel. In the heart of rural Cumbria, this venue can bring a lot to the party!

36. Fulham Palace, London Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Fulham Palace

A stunning red brick Tudor courtyard is the grand entrance to Fulham Place, a beautiful country house with lovely surroundings. You’ll forget you’re in London if you host your summer wedding here!

37. Dodmoor House, Northamptonshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Dodmoor House

Dodmoor House is an award-winning grade II listed barn venue with four acres of grounds and a rustic courtyard, perfect for a breezy wedding celebration.

38. Winkworth Farm, Wiltshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Winkworth Farm

As a restored stone barn, the light and airy space of Winkworth Farm offers an ideal location for a wedding in the summer months – not to mention the 200 acres of organic pastureland!

39. Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Chicheley Hall

At the end of the magnificent driveway stands Chicheley Hall, a grade I listed Georgian country house that awaits your summer wedding!

40. The Old Vicarage, Dorset Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Old Vicarage

On the edge of The New Forest National Park, The Old Vicarage is a country house and versatile outdoor space, which would be the ultimate venue for wedding garden games.

41. Braxted Park, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Braxted Park

As one of the finest wedding venues in Essex, Braxted Park provides surroundings of grandeur and elegance for your special day.

42. Hunters Hall, Norfolk Wedding Venues


Set on a secluded farm in rural Norfolk, Hunters Hall is a barn venue that brings tons of character and romance to your big day.

43. The Bull Hotel, Buckinghamshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Bull Hotel

The lush gardens of The Bull Hotel, in Gerrards Cross, is a superb location for a quaint summer ceremony.

44. Hayne House, Kent Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Hayne House

As a traditional country house with plenty of immaculately landscaped gardens, Hayne House is a brilliant venue for celebrating in summer.

45. Nonsuch Mansion, London Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Nonsuch Mansion

With a boutique interior and Georgian features, Nonsuch Mansion is excellent for an outdoor wedding – and you’d half expect to see something similar in a Disney movie!

46. Woodhill Hall, Northumberland Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Woodhill Hall

Woodhill Hall is a truly unique venue full of character. With quirky outdoor features and stylish bedrooms, this location is perfect for a totally bespoke wedding.

47. The Kings Oak Hotel, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Kings Oak Hotel

If you’re after a venue that’s rich in glamour and luxury, The Kings Oak Hotel may just be the one. Set in Epping Forest, the gorgeous building and outdoor pool are perfect for partying on a summer night.

48. Highfield Park, Hampshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Highfield Park

The 17th Century Queen Anne style Mansion House of Highfield Park stands elegantly among 35 acres of countryside and stunningly polished gardens. A perfect venue for a regal outdoor wedding. 

Discover the 23 best UK country wedding venues!

49. Maiden’s Barn, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Maidens Barn

Echoing a combination of rural simplicity and modern luxury, Maidens Barn is ideal for hosting your summer wedding.

50. Clevedon Hall, Somerset Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Clevedon Hall

Stunning grounds surround the immensely grand Clevedon Hall. With lake views and rural landscapes, this venue makes a great choice for a wedding in the summer months.

51. Stratton Court Barn, Oxfordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Stratton Court Barn

The wonderfully rustic yet romantic feel of Stratton Court Barn is ideal for your bespoke wedding theme. Party into the night with plenty of space on the barn grounds!

52. Greenwoods Hotel & Spa, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Crabbs Barn

The 17th Century manor house Greenwoods Hotel & Spa is set in dazzling extensive grounds, ideal for a picture perfect wedding day. Choose to get married in the summer under the pretty gazebo and you’ll create a memory that will never be forgotten!

53. Barnham Broom Hotel & Golf Club, Norfolk Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Barnham Broom Hotel

Boasting a stylish interior, a striking backdrop and a spa, Barnham Broom Hotel is a great venue for a relaxing wedding day.

54. Lyde Court, Herefordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Lyde Court

The 400-year-old barn of Lyde Court is a beautifully preserved venue. With a quirky interior and versatile outdoor space, this is a unique location to help your dreams to come true.

55. Sandhole Oak Barn, Cheshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Sandhole Oak Barn

In the rolling Cheshire countryside sits Sandhole Oak Barn. With it’s lakeside location and decked outdoor space, it is an idyllic venue for a wedding in warm weather!

56. Pembroke Lodge, London Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Pembroke Loge

A sweeping driveway and incredible gardens are just the beginning of what Pembroke Lodge has to offer. This Georgian mansion also has remarkable views to enjoy on your special day.

57. The Ashes, Staffordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Ashes

Fifty acres of stunning landscape is located on the edge of the Peak District, and comes in the form of rustic yet romantic wedding venue The Ashes.

58. Gosfield Hall, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Gosfield Hall

The Georgian mansion of Gosfield Hall has scenic grounds and a very grand interior. It is the place to be if you want a rather royal wedding!

59. Ringwood Hall Hotel, Derbyshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Ringwood Hall Hotel

Set near the Peak District, Ringwood Hall Hotel offers plenty of impressive landscapes and an elegant interior, perfect for a summer celebration.

60.  Shustoke Farm Barns, West Midlands Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Shustoke Farm Barns

The red brick 18th Century buildings of Shustoke Farm Barns are striking on the outside and inside. The gorgeous courtyards are ideal for celebrating with your loved ones in the summer months.

61. Down Hall Country House Hotel, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Down Hall Country House Hotel

The beautiful Down Hall Country House Hotel dates back to 1322, and has lush lawns, perfect for a picnic or outdoor games on your wedding day.

62. The Barns Hotel, Bedfordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Barns Hotel

With a striking exterior and riverside surroundings, the 13th Century barn at The Barns Hotel is a wonderful location for your special day. If getting married in a hotel sounds about right, check out these hotel wedding venues we’ve put together for you!

63. Ladywood Estate, Leicestershire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Ladywood Estate

Made up of a country house, pavilion, and picturesque gardens, Ladywood Estate is ideal for making your summer wedding bespoke.

64. The Garden Barn, Suffolk Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Garden Barn

An amazingly restored 18th Century barn is set on stunning grounds and provides heaps of character and charm for your wedding day. This venue is The Garden Barn!

65. Grosvenor Pulford Hotel & Spa, Chester Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Grosvenor Pulford Hotel & Spa

The award-winning Grosvenor Pulford Hotel & Spa is home to countryside backdrops, an Asian Sensory Garden, and a gorgeous lake. What more could you possibly want from a venue?

66. Albright Hussey Manor Hotel, Shropshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Albright Hussey Manor Hotel

The characteristic exterior and lawned grounds of Albright Hussey Manor Hotel is perfect for a sunny wedding ceremony. What a beauty!

67. Lumley Castle Hotel, Durham Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Lumley Castle Hotel

Lumley Castle Hotel offers 9 acres of parkland, river views and an inner courtyard with plenty of shade. Perfect for a sizzling wedding!

68. Belle Epoque, Cheshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Belle Epoque

With it’s Art Nouveau architecture and stunning decor, Belle Epoque is a really unique venue for a classy celebration.

69. Wotton House, Surrey Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Wotton House

The grounds of Wotton House have stone pillars, water fountains, and a rather grand building to match. Where else would you want to host your summer wedding?

70. Oatlands Park Hotel, Surrey Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Oatlands Park Hotel

The 18th Century historic mansion of Oatlands Park Hotel sits within 10 acres of scenic parkland and was once home to Kings and Queens! Very posh.

71. Q Vardis & The Mallard Suite, London Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Q Vardis & The Mallard Suite

The picturesque lake and river surround Q Vardis & The Mallard Suite. It’s interior is contemporary, meaning you can party in style!

72. Holdsworth House Hotel, West Yorkshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Holdsworth House Hotel

The Jacobean Manor of Holdsworth House Hotel has enticing gardens, rooms full of character and 3 acres of stunning grounds. Wake up and smell the flowers – quite literally!

73. Knockerdown Cottages, Derbyshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Knockerdown Cottages

The distinct buildings of Knockerdown Cottages, along with a countryside vibe, will make your wedding a truly special one.

74. London Shenley Club, Hertfordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk London Shenley Club

With the idyllic Hertfordshire countryside as a backdrop, London Shenley Club is a unique summer venue that will bring your wedding to life.

75. China Fleet Country Club, Cornwall Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk China Fleet Country Club

China Fleet Country Club exudes tranquillity and romance for your big day. Sitting on the banks of the River Tamar, you also get magnificent views wherever you roam.

76. De Vere Tortworth Estate, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk De Vere Tortworth Estate

Complete with regal features and 30 acres of spectacular land, the Victorian manor house of De Vere Tortworth Estate is fit for the finest King and Queen!

Discover the 28 most luxurious wedding venues in the UK!

77. Brampton Grange Estate, Northamptonshire Wedding Venues

A gravel driveway and elegant grounds lead you to the spectacular Brampton Grange Estate, where you’ll enjoy finding great spots for your wedding photos!

78. Hyde House & Barn, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Hyde House & Barn

Compromising a classic house with a contemporary barn, Hyde House & Barn is definitely one of the best wedding venues on this list! Imagine your summer night party going ahead here.

79. Wood Hall Hotel & Spa, West Yorkshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Wood Hall Hotel & Spa

Oozing tons of grandeur and luxury, Wood Hall Hotel & Spa really delivers for a summer wedding day – but why stop there? Make it a wedding weekend and take full advantage of the spa.

80. Orchardleigh House & Estate, Somerset Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Orchardleigh House & Estate

Offering 2 wedding venues and 500 acres of private parkland, Orchardleigh House & Estate is an elegant stately home that can cater for the ultimate summer wedding.

81. River Cottage HQ, Devon Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk River Cottage HQ

A 65-acre organic farm is where River Cottage HQ resides. With plenty of versatile indoor and outdoor space, this is a great venue to host the wedding bash of the season.

82. Healey Barn, Northumberland Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Healey Barn

Traditional stone farm buildings and a wonderful sheltered courtyard belong to Healey Barn, an ideal setting for the most romantic of summer celebrations!

83. Crockwell Farm, Northamptonshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Crockwell Farm

The pretty stone exterior of Crockwell Farm radiates rustic beauty, while the gardens give you the perfect location to celebrate with loved ones and enjoy the sun.

84. Cockliffe Country House Hotel, Nottinghamshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Cockliffe Country House Hotel

The 17th Century Cockliffe Country House Hotel is enchanting and decadent, and surrounded by sunny grounds where you can celebrate your big day.

85. Dumbleton Hall Hotel, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Dumbleton Hall Hotel

The elegant manor house of Dumbleton Hall Hotel is situated alongside the lake and backs on to extensive gardens with views of the Cotswolds. A perfect summer venue!

86. Swancar Farm Country House, Nottinghamshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Swancar Farm Country House

This 16th Century country house offers traditional charm with a contemporary twist. Your summer wedding at Swancar Farm Country House is sure to be one of romance and elegance!

87. Southend Barns, West Sussex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk  Southend Barns

The 200-year-old Threshing Barn and original rustic features, along with a modern vibe of the outdoor Collecting Yard, give you all you need to host the perfect summer night celebration at Southend Barns.

88. Hintlesham Hall, Suffolk Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Hintlesham Hall

The long, grand driveway invites you in to the Grade I listed Hintlesham Hall. It has a charming interior and is nestled in the serene Suffolk countryside – brilliant for a tranquil wedding experience.

89. Brasted’s, Norfolk Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Brasted's

With multi-award winning catering and a breath-taking setting, Brasted’s will stun your guests as they turn up to your summer wedding!

90. The Conservatory at Painshill, Surrey Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Conservatory at Painshill

This spectacular purpose-built marquee sits within Painshill’s private gardens and has a glamorous feel inside. Not forgetting The Conservatory‘s fabulous outdoor space to entertain your guests!

91. Blakelands Country House, Staffordshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Blakelands Country House

Surrounded by the Staffordshire countryside, and with a fishing lake right on it’s doorstep, Blakelands Country House is a one-of-a-kind venue that will make your  wedding day truly unforgettable.

92. Moor Hall Hotel & Spa, West Midlands Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Moor Hall Hotel & Spa

The grand country house of Moor Hall is set on lush lawns and beautiful landscapes, perfect for enjoying your special day in the summer months. The unique sunken garden is a great photo opportunity!

93. Peterstone Court Hotel, Powys Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Peterstone Court Hotel

Within Wales’ Brecon Beacons lies the magical wonderland that is Peterstone Court Hotel. Overlooking the Pen Y Fan mountain range, you can spend your summer wedding day enjoying the breath-taking country landscape.

94. Château Rhianfa, Isle of Anglesy Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Chateau Rhianfa

Just off the North coast of Wales, Chateau Rhianfa and it’s architectural beauty stand tall over beautiful gardens and sea views. Let your dream come alive with a summer wedding here! 

Do historical venues tickle your fancy? Here are the top 29 historical wedding venues in the UK!

95. Prested Hall, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Prested Hall

The stylish country mansion of Prested Hall is surrounded by stunning parkland and tranquil waters. Spend your wedding day here in the summer and you’ll have the most magical backdrop for your celebrations.

96. The Venue at Kersey Mill, Suffolk Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk The Venue at Kersey Mill

The Venue at Kersey Mill is set in the Suffolk countryside and offers many versatile spaces to make your wedding bespoke. Beams and original brickwork are displayed, and the Kiln Room is the perfect space for an intimate and romantic ceremony.

97. Rookery Manor Hotel & Spa, Somerset Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Rookery Manor Hotel & Spa

Perfectly-preened lakeside gardens could be the setting to your summer ceremony. The 16th Century Rookery Manor Hotel not only brings beauty and class, but plenty of luxury too – in the form of a spa!

98. Birtsmorton Court, Worcestershire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Birtsmorton Court

The spectacular Birtsmorton Court has it’s own moat, so while you’re getting stunning photos taken, your guests can enjoy drinks in the sun and picturesque views from the court.

99. Trunkwell House, West Berkshire Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Trunkwell House

The Victorian country building and it’s lush gardens belong to Trunkwell House, which offers a luxury marquee for all of your guests and a truly unforgettable outdoor ceremony set up.

100. Friern Manor Country House Hotel, Essex Wedding Venues

Bridebook.co.uk Friern Manor Country Hotel

The Georgian Friern Manor boasts perfectly manicured lawns and exquisite menus to celebrate your first day as Mr and Mrs!

So, that’s our top 100 summer wedding venues to take into account when planning your celebrations within the summer months, wherever you are. Make sure you check out the rest of our wedding planning tools too – we’ve got a really powerful budget tool, an awesome guestlist function, and a directory overflowing with amazing suppliers to give you the day of your dreams.

If you liked what you saw here, check out some more wedding venue inspiration articles we’ve put together for you: 

21 Stately Home Wedding Venues

33 of the UK’s Most Unique Wedding Venues

30 Beautiful Outdoor Wedding Venues in the UK

The UK’s Best Beach Wedding Venues

Happy planning!

The Royal Wedding: Bridebook’s Guide to May 19th

After months of anticipation, the Royal Wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is only a couple of days away! There will be parties all over the UK, with pubs extending their hours and miles of bunting stretched across the country, but the most important celebration is happening at Windsor Castle, where Harry and Meghan will get married.

Bridebook.co.uk – the UK’s most popular wedding planning app, – has broken down the Royal Wedding by its costs, numbers, and planning details… So whether you are sitting on the couch, watching from the pub, or sharing the moment with your family, below is our guide for May 19th!

Here’s a timeline of the day:

an infographic showing the timeline for the royal wedding on may 19th

Hamish Shephard – Bridebook’s CEO, – will be LIVE on E! News all day on Saturday to talk about the wedding industry, royal traditions and to comment on the events! Be sure to tune in! 

hamish shephar photo next to e! news logo

WATCH NOW: Hamish Shephard on BBC Business News Worldwide!

Join in on the Royal Wedding fun!

Take The Great British Royal Wedding Quiz and cast your predictions on Harry and Meghan’s day!

royal wedding quiz cover photo blue harry and meghan and flower girl

Download our printable ballot so you can play with your friends!

Finally, don’t forget to follow us on social media where we will be posting all day and updating you on the latest Royal Wedding news: 

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Happy Royal Wedding Celebrations!!!

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As Featured On: Personalised Bridebook Business Badges For Your Business.

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 The Bridebook Business team strives to help and support venues and suppliers pack their calendars full of wedding bookings. We do this daily by matching your business profile to relevant couples searching directly for your business type.

 But, what’s the best way to get even more wedding bookings? Spreading the word, of course! Bridebook has launched 3 types of digital badges that can be personalised to your business which, once added, link directly to your Bridebook profile.

 Instantly build your industry reputation by adding your personalised Bridebook.co.uk badge to your website or email signature and showcase your profile to potential couples and fellow suppliers.


Here’s a little more about how to find and add your badge:


Where do I find my Bridebook badge?

Your badge is waiting for you in your Bridebook Business account. Simply head to business.bridebook.co.uk, login to your account and select ‘Profile Settings and badges’.


Which badge should I use?

We would recommend using the third badge given that it’s small, link-filled and definitely packs a bright blue Bridebook punch!

However, you have three badges to choose from (lucky you!) and the choice is completely yours. Whether you choose to use one badge or all three, we are happy for you to edit and share them all.


Where should I add my badge?

That is once again up to you! We would recommend sharing the badge proudly on your homepage, but alternatively, if you have a page specifically about weddings that would be great too.


How do I add my Bridebook Badge to my website?

  1. Select the badge you wish to use.
  2. Add your business name to the text box provided and your badge will be ready to integrate into your website faster than you can say ‘wedding booking’!
  3. Select ‘copy to clipboard
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Sound confusing? Not to worry! You can either contact us at business@bridebook.co.uk OR ask your website developer for a quick helping hand.


How do I add my Bridebook Badge to my email signature?

  1. Copy the second badge image.
  2. Go to your email settings, and paste the image into your signature text box.
  3. Highlight the image and select ‘add link’.
  4. Choose either your bridebook profile url or the bridebook.co.uk url and paste the url into the web address link box.
  5. Select save and you’re good to go.


Over to you!

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Who can I contact for help?

For any questions about your Bridebook Business or your free wedding business account on suppliers.bridebook.co.uk, email our friendly supplier success team at business@bridebook.co.uk who always want to hear from you.  We look forward to helping make 2017-2018 a fantastic year for your wedding business!