Hidden Wedding Costs Every Couple Needs To Know About

Hidden wedding costs can sneak up on even the most diligent of couples. It’s easy to forget to check whether a supplier’s service charge is included, for example… Only to find out a week before your wedding that you need to cough up an extra few hundred pounds! Nightmare.

So what should you look out for? Well, luckily for you, we’ve asked our experts and got the inside scoop. Read on to find out the hidden wedding costs you’d never think the budget for. We promise your wallet will thank you!

Psst! If you want to make even bigger savings, Bridebook is home to the most powerful wedding budget planner available. Simply enter your total wedding funds and in just one click, you’ll have your personalised wedding budget breakdown. Wave goodbye to spreadsheets and penny-pinching!

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1. If you’re getting married in a church and want an organist, bellringer or choir, check if it’s included. It rarely is, meaning you’ll need to budget extra for the add-on.

2. Watch out for where you’re getting married when estimating costs! An off-site civil ceremony tends to cost more than a ceremony at a registry office.

3. Remember that you’ll rarely pay the base rate for your wedding dress. Wedding dress prices often don’t include the cost of any potential alterations – and you’ll usually need around three fittings to get it just right!

4. Don’t forget any delivery costs that come as extra. Many suppliers, from florists and cakemakers to hair and makeup artists, will charge a premium when delivering from a certain distance.

Bridebook.co.uk wedding stationary tips and prices

5. It’s a sneaky one, but check whether or not envelopes are included in the price of your wedding stationery. Can you believe they sometimes aren’t?!

6. Another stationery-related one for you: consider the cost of stamps – especially if you have family abroad! Depending on the weight of your invitations and how far they’ll have to travel, stamps can rack up fast.

Bridebook.co.uk wedding catering hidden costs

7. Feeling peckish? Plan in advance what you and your wedding party will snack on while you’re getting ready on the big day, even if it’s just some homemade sandwiches. Remember, you’ll probably be nervous. You might also have had a little something to drink… And we all know how easy it is to spend a small fortune on takeout when hunger strikes!

8. While reusing flowers from your ceremony at your reception can be a quick way to save a few bucks, you’ll need to check beforehand if you’re travelling between venues that it’s actually as cost-effective as you think. Your florist may well charge a fee for the extra work they’ll do to relocate displays between different locations.

9. If you’re filming your wedding, some musicians may charge a fee to have their performance filmed. Ask in advance so you’re not surprised on the day!

10. Don’t forget to tip! Make sure your wedding venue (or caterer) includes any compulsory service charges in their bill from the start. It can be an unpleasant (and costly!) surprise to have another 12.5% added to your bill at the last minute.

11. Something many couples forget is that their wedding team (think your photographer, videographer, entertainer, band or DJ, etc.) – may well be expecting to be fed. They won’t necessarily expect the same meal you’re serving your guests – although this can be an easy way to kill two birds with one stone – but do check their contracts, as some will stipulate hot meals be provided. Whether it’s part of their contract or not, we’d always advise that best practice is to make sure your suppliers are provided for.

12. Definitely don’t forget about corkage fees. This is a charge many venues will add onto alcohol bought elsewhere – and it can add up fast. This means that even if you found alcohol for sale at bargain prices, it might no longer be cheaper than buying from the venue once you consider how much the venue will charge you to serve it.

13. If you’re having a marquee at your wedding, make sure to take out insurance to cover any potential damage. It’s not worth the risk of going without!

14. One detail it’s easy to forget – but impossible to avoid – is transport! How are you getting to your ceremony, from there to your reception, and finally back to your accommodation? Whether you need a car, a tractor or a horse, factor the cost of that wedding transport in.

15. We know, we know – we sound like a broken record. But don’t forget about VAT! Check whether or not it’s included and read the small print to avoid any surprises.

16. Your main focus might be on your wedding day but it’s important to budget for any post-wedding spending, as these costs can be significant. For example, you might need to dry clean clothing, buy thank you notes for your guests, and so on.

While we can’t guarantee that covers absolutely everything, those are the top things we’d look out for – and even they could save you hundreds of pounds! One final tip is to make sure you note everything down in one place and make sure the terms of all your arrangements are crystal clear to both parties. That way, you’re on top of everything – and you won’t need to worry about any unexpected surprises!

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Happy Planning!

8 Things To Do Now That You’re Engaged

You’re engaged, congratulations! You’re about to embark on one of the most amazing journeys of your life – and you’ve got your soulmate by your side. You’re on this rollercoaster together, and we promise it’s going to be full of love, surprises and celebration. So enjoy the ride!

As the realisation of what’s to come sets in, you might be wondering what happens next. Where do you start? Who do you tell first? How do you tell them? When should you start planning your wedding? How do you start?

Because there are so many things to do, things can get overwhelming quite quickly. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you in the right direction and help make the next couple of weeks a lot easier, with a checklist for making sure you have everything covered.

So, in this post, we’re going to outline a step-by-step guide for everything you should do after you get engaged, from the order you should tell your family and friends to when the right time is to start making those bookings.

The wedding planning video course: kickstart your wedding planning

Now that you’re engaged, it’s time to start planning your dream wedding, but where to start? In this video, Bridebook founder (and qualified wedding planner!) Hamish Shephard breaks down your wedding organisation into 5 easy steps so you can plan stress-free and kickstart your wedding to-do list.

1. Spread the Word

You’re engaged to the love of your life – and it’s time to let everyone know! Call your nearest and dearest to tell them your big news.

 2. Call in the A Team

We bet some of the first people you call will end up being key players in your wedding party. They might be your maid of honour or your best man, if you have one. Make an event of it and ask them to be by your side at your wedding over a drink or a meal out. Then start having a think about who else you want involved. Our number one piece of advice is to choose the people you love – not the people you feel obligated to have. You should be surrounded by your favourite people in the world. 

3. Make the Papers

It’s not for everyone, but you might want to follow tradition by announcing your engagement in the local (or even national) newspaper. It’ll make your parents’ days, for sure. Historically, engagement announcements included lots of details about the couple’s backgrounds, families and so on. Nowadays, though, it’s up to you what you include. 

4. The Social Media Shout Out

If there was ever a time to shout about something on social media, it’s now! Whether you post a cute engagement selfie with your partner to your Instagram, update your Facebook relationship status or even make a cheeky TikTok, savour this moment. It’s time to pop the champagne… Again! 

5. Look After Your Ring

Have you ever worn anything so precious? So thoughtful, so sentimental, so valuable… Okay, now we’re freaking ourselves out thinking about losing it! Get your ring insured. ASAP. Then you can stop worrying and start showing it off! “Sorry, just let me hold that for you. Oh, this? Just my engagement ring. What’s that, I’ve shown it to you already? My bad…” You’re only engaged once – milk it!  

6. Get the Party Started 

It’s party time. Get a date in the diary to celebrate with everyone that matters. Just remember that anyone who’s invited to your engagement party is likely to expect an invitation to the wedding too… But that’s only according to “tradition” (who’s that?) – so if you want a blow-out bash, go for it! Plus, if you anticipate having to fill your guest list with second cousins at your parents’ behest, now’s the time to leave them off the list and party on down with your nearest and dearest. 

7. Get Papped!

We’re sure you’ll want to remember this period in your lives forever so make sure to document it with an engagement photoshoot! It’s a great opportunity to get to know your photographer and to get used to being in front of the camera. Think of it as a test run before your wedding – so get your smiles ready! 

8. Think Big Picture

Before you make any proper decisions about your wedding date, start off by sussing out what’s going to work for your nearest and dearest. Are there any other weddings happening that year? Does anyone have a big holiday booked? You don’t want to commit to a date, only to find out your best friend can’t make it. If you already know where you want to get married, have a think about when it’ll look its best. Will it really shine in summer or is it the perfect location for a winter wedding? (If you don’t know where to start looking, check out our wedding venue directory – it’s the best in Europe!)

There you have it: the first eight things to do after you get engaged. Now, isn’t it time for you to pour yourself another drink and go celebrate some more?

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Happy Planning!