Top 10 Mother of the Bride Speech Examples

Watching your little girl walk down the aisle is one of the best moments in a mother’s life. It’s a beautiful mix of nostalgia, pride, and joy set against the backdrop of the happiest day of your child’s life. What better way to express your love and happiness than through a heartwarming speech that tells everyone how proud you are?

However, writing the best mother of the bride speech can be tricky. It’s a delicate balance of heartwarming stories, genuine advice, special memories, and just a sprinkle of laughter. But don’t worry — whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or struggle with public speaking, we’ve got the advice to help you write a brilliant wedding speech.

In this post, we explain our top tips and guidance for writing the best mother of the bride speeches. We include some words of wisdom on how to structure your speech, some top tips for writing a great wedding speech, and our top 10 best mother of the bride speech examples.

What is a mother of the bride speech?

Mother and bride

A mother of the bride speech is a mother’s speech at a daughter’s wedding. It usually lasts between 5-7 minutes, and its main focus should be thanking your guests for joining you on this special day, and telling everyone how proud you are of your daughter. 

Typically, the mother of the bride’s speech is delivered after the father of the bride’s speech and before the groom’s speech. However, as a mother of the bride speech isn’t considered a traditional wedding speech, you can mix up the order of speeches however you want to include your heartfelt message.

What should you include in a mother of the bride speech?

When writing your mother of the bride speech, you might want to consider including the following key elements:

  • What makes your daughter so special. This is the perfect opportunity to let everyone know exactly what makes your daughter so special. Tell everyone about her amazing qualities, how kind and caring she is, and how proud you are of her. This is also a good opportunity to playfully tease her — maybe by letting her new spouse know how untidy she is, any lighthearted or embarrassing anecdotes, or any of her other quirks. Remember, the point isn’t to embarrass her on her special day. Instead, the stories you pick should highlight the special bond you share and showcase the wonderful person she has grown into.
  • The bond you share. The relationship between a mother and her daughter is like no other. It’s a unique and beautiful connection that spans a lifetime, filled with love, understanding, and unbreakable support. This speech is the perfect opportunity to share that bond with your guests and let everyone know just how much your daughter means to you. Be sure to let the guests know that she gets it all from you!
  • Childhood memories. You had the unique privilege of helping raise your daughter, and this is the perfect opportunity to share any special memories that have shaped your journey together. Share with your guests how you felt when she took her first steps versus how it felt to watch her walk down the aisle. Tell them about watching her grow up, the first moment you felt her, or when you met her future spouse. All these stories will evoke feelings of love and nostalgia, making your speech special and memorable.
  • A toast to the happy couple. The perfect way to round off a mother of the bride speech is to raise a toast. Raise your glass, and invite your guests to toast to the health and happiness of the new couple. Cheers!

Mother of the bride speech structure

If you’re worried about writing your mother of the bride speech, following a clear and logical structure is a good place to start. Try using the following structure to help you feel more confident as you plan your speech. 


Start off by introducing yourself to the guests and thanking everyone for attending. As the mother of the bride, it is likely you will already know most of the guests. However, it adds a nice sense of occasion to the speech and is always a strong starting point.

All about the bride

The second point in your speech should be talking about your wonderful daughter and the relationship that you share. Tell your guests how it feels to see your little girl all grown up, how proud you are of her, and what a beautiful bride she is. 

Share some happy memories

You can then move on to share some funny stories about your daughter’s childhood or the time you’ve shared together. These could be light-hearted or emotional, but should always reflect the unique and wonderful relationship you share with your daughter.

Welcome your daughter’s partner 

You should then turn your attention to your daughter’s partner and their parents. 

Reminisce about the first time you met, highlight their endearing qualities, and thank them for the happiness they bring your daughter. By incorporating your daughter’s partner into your speech, you demonstrate your wholehearted support for the relationship and nurture a strong bond between both families.

Offer guidance and wisdom

Now move on to sharing some pearls of wisdom with the newlyweds.

Feel free to speak from the heart about love, commitment, and their future together, as they embark on this beautiful journey as a married couple. Building a strong family is an essential aspect, and your insights will surely guide and inspire them.

To the happy couple!

Finally, invite your guests to raise their glasses in a toast to the happy couple. Congratulate them on their big day, drink to their health, and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness. 

Mother of the bride speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Use this mother of the bride speech template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering the best mother of the bride speech  

Practice makes perfect

It’s natural to feel nervous before you present your speech. However, practice makes perfect, and the more times you’re able to rehearse, the more confident you’ll feel. Try practicing in front of a mirror, to trusted friends, or recording yourself on your mobile phone to watch back. You’ll be grateful you did when the nerves kick in.

Mother knows best

You know your daughter better than anyone, so you know what advice she’ll need to support her through married life. You know her dreams, her strengths, and her vulnerabilities, and that insight will continue to be invaluable as she navigates the journey of married life. Offer her your best pearls of wisdom during the speech: you were her guiding light during the early years of her life, and she looks up to you more than anyone — there’s no reason that should change now. 

Speak from the heart

In sharing your heartfelt words, remember that this is a moment of celebration and joy. Let your emotions flow freely as you speak from the heart. Your sincerity and genuine love for your daughter and her new spouse will surely resonate with everyone present.

If you’re really stuck, consider presenting a nice wedding reading, poem, or famous quote about love. Often, poets and creatives can articulate how you’re feeling in a way your own words can’t. 

Think about your audience

Each person in attendance holds a special place in either your daughter’s or her new spouse’s life. The guests will likely include grandparents, work colleagues, old friends, neighbours, and more. That’s why it’s important that you consider the audience when writing your speech. Steer clear of any stories that are too embarrassing or paint the bride or groom in a bad light. Keep it positive, upbeat, and warm.

Top 10 mother of the bride speech examples

Bride and her mother

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of great wedding mother of the bride speech ideas, from the short and simple, to the funny and personal.  Use them as templates for your own speech and personalise them with your own unique examples and anecdotes.

A lot of mother of the bride speech examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to your daughter’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: The Heartfelt Reminiscence

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m so happy to see all of you here today. Your presence makes this day even more special.”

All about the bride: “As I stand before you, I can’t help but reflect on the journey my daughter, [bride’s name] and I have shared. From the moment she took her first steps to this day, where she takes her first steps into marriage, my heart swells with pride and love.”

Share some happy memories: “Oh, the adventures [bride’s name] and I have had! From impromptu dance parties in the living room to our baking escapades that left the kitchen a flour-covered disaster zone. These memories are etched in my heart forever.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “And now, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to [partner’s name] and his wonderful parents. From the day I met [partner’s name], I knew he was the perfect match for my daughter. His kindness, humour, and unwavering love have brought immense joy into [bride’s name]’s life.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you both step into this new chapter, always remember to listen with your hearts, communicate openly, and treasure the simple moments that life offers. Your journey together will be filled with ups and downs, but facing them together will only make your bond stronger.”

To the happy couple: “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your love continue to grow, your days be filled with laughter, and your adventure together be nothing short of extraordinary. Cheers!”

Speech Example 2: The Playful Tribute

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I want to express my gratitude for joining us on this joyous occasion. Your presence truly warms our hearts.”

All about the bride: “From the moment [bride’s name] was born, my life gained an extra sparkle. Today, as I see her in that stunning gown, I’m reminded of the little girl who used to twirl around the living room, spreading laughter wherever she went.”

Share some happy memories: “Our journey has been filled with giggles and cherished moments. I’ll never forget the time [bride’s name] decided to give our cat a ‘makeover’ with her art supplies. Let’s just say Whiskers had a colourful personality for a while!”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Joining our family today is [partner’s name], a man who has captured [bride’s name]’s heart completely. His sense of humour, his passion for life, and the way he looks at her make me believe in true love all over again.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you both start this new chapter, remember to keep laughing, hold each other close during the tough times, and always communicate openly. Love is an incredible journey, and I have no doubt you two will make it a beautiful one.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your days be filled with shared dreams, boundless joy, and a love that only grows stronger with each passing year. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Nurturing Supporter

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m delighted to see all your familiar faces gathered here to celebrate this beautiful day. Your presence adds a touch of warmth to this special occasion.”

All about the bride: “Today, as I look at my radiant daughter, [bride’s name], I can’t help but feel a mixture of emotions – pride, joy, and a touch of nostalgia. It feels like just yesterday she was picking wildflowers in the garden.”

Share some happy memories: “From tea parties with stuffed animals to late-night heart-to-hearts, [bride’s name] and I have shared countless precious moments. I’ll always treasure the laughter that echoed through our home.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to [partner’s name] and his lovely parents. From the day we met, I could see the love and happiness he brings into [bride’s name]’s life. We are truly blessed to have [partner’s name] as part of our family.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you embark on this beautiful journey of marriage, remember that a strong marriage is built on patience, understanding, and unwavering support. Through life’s twists and turns, always hold each other close.”

To the happy couple: “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your days be filled with shared dreams, endless laughter, and a love that continues to blossom with each passing day. Cheers!”

Speech Example 4: The Best Friend 

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [bride’s name]’s mum, and I want to thank you all for joining us in celebrating this wonderful day. Your presence means the world to us.”

All about the bride: “Today is a rainbow of emotions – the little girl I held in my arms is now a stunning bride before us. [Bride’s name], you’ve grown into a remarkable woman, and my heart is bursting with pride.”

Share some happy memories: “As [bride’s name]’s confidante and partner-in-crime, we’ve shared countless laughs, secrets, and even a few late-night snacks. Our bond has always been a very special one.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Joining our family is [partner’s name], a man who has shown us that love is patient, kind, and enduring. His presence has brought immense happiness to [bride’s name]’s life, and we couldn’t be more grateful.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “Remember that a strong marriage is built on mutual respect, open communication, and a willingness to grow together. Through the highs and lows, you have each other to lean on.”

To the happy couple: “Here’s to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], two souls who have found their perfect match. May your journey be filled with love, laughter, and countless beautiful moments. Cheers!”

Speech Example 5: The Colourful Adventure

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! What a joy it is to have you all here to celebrate [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]’s love story. Your presence makes this day even more special.”

All about the bride: “As I stand here today, I see not just a beautiful bride, but a reflection of all the love, care, and nurturing that went into raising [bride’s name]. My heart swells with pride.”

Share some happy memories: “From the finger-painting masterpieces to the ‘secret’ bedtime stories, [bride’s name] has always kept life colourful and imaginative. She has taught me that laughter truly is the best medicine.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Joining us today is [partner’s name], a man whose warm smile and kind heart have stolen [bride’s name]’s heart. From the first moment we met, it was clear that he is a perfect match for our family.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “In this beautiful journey of marriage, always cherish the little moments, for they are the ones that create a lifetime of memories. And remember, love is an art that you both are mastering together.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your love story continue to be as vibrant and inspiring as the colours on a canvas. Here’s to a future filled with endless love and happiness. Cheers!”

Speech Example 6: The Proud Mother

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! Your presence today is a true testament to the love and support that surrounds [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. Thank you for being part of this memorable day.”

All about the bride: “As I look at [bride’s name] today, I am reminded of the incredible journey we’ve shared. She has grown into an amazing woman, and my heart is overflowing with pride.”

Share some happy memories: “From adventurous road trips to late-night movie marathons, [bride’s name] has filled our lives with unforgettable moments. Her laughter has been a constant source of joy.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “I want to extend a warm welcome to [partner’s name] and his wonderful family. From the moment we met, it was clear that his love and devotion to [bride’s name] run deep.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you navigate the path of marriage, always remember that open communication, empathy, and a good sense of humour are your strongest allies. Embrace each other’s individuality and grow together.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your journey be filled with exciting adventures, shared dreams, and a love that only deepens with time. Cheers!”

Speech Example 7: The Poetic Reflection 

Introduction: “Greetings, dear friends and family! Today, we gather to celebrate the enchanting union of [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. Thank you for being part of this magical day.”

All about the bride: “From the moment [bride’s name] was born, I knew I was in for a beautiful adventure. She’s grown into a gorgeous bride, and I feel truly blessed to witness this moment.”

Share some happy memories: “As a child, [bride’s name] had a wild imagination. We would have tea parties with teddy bears and go on imaginary expeditions. She has brought boundless joy into my life.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Today, we not only gain a son-in-law in [partner’s name], but also a dear friend. His presence has brought an extra sprinkle of joy to our lives.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “In the journey ahead, may you both nurture your love like a delicate flower. Water it with kindness, the sunlight of understanding, and the gentle breeze of laughter.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your marriage be a fairy tale filled with love, laughter, and countless ‘happily ever afters.’ Cheers!”

Speech Example 8: The Lyrical Musings

Introduction: “Ladies and gentlemen, it warms my heart to see so many beloved faces gathered here. We are here to celebrate the radiant love between [bride’s name] and [partner’s name].”

All about the bride: “In [bride’s name], I found a confidante, a best friend, and a bundle of joy. Today, as I look at her, I’m reminded of the beautiful journey we’ve shared.”

Share some happy memories: “From the impromptu dance parties in the living room to the heartfelt conversations under the stars, [bride’s name] has filled my life with precious moments.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Let’s extend a warm welcome to [partner’s name] and his family. Our hearts have been enriched by his presence, and his love for [bride’s name] shines brightly.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you begin this new chapter, may your love story be a tapestry woven with patience, understanding, and a touch of spontaneity. Embrace each moment.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your journey be a symphony of love, and may each day be a verse of happiness. Cheers!”

Speech Example 9: The Heartwarming Touch 

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! Your presence today fills our hearts with gratitude and joy as we celebrate the union of [bride’s name] and [partner’s name].”

All about the bride: “As I stand before you today, I see a strong, independent woman in [bride’s name]. She makes a remarkable bride, and I couldn’t be prouder.”

Share some happy memories: “From baking mishaps to spontaneous road trips, [bride’s name] has kept our lives full of laughter. Her adventurous spirit has taught me to cherish every moment.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Let’s give a warm welcome to [partner’s name], a man whose love and dedication to [bride’s name] shines brightly. Our family has been enriched by his presence.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “In the journey of marriage, remember that it’s the small gestures and shared smiles that build a strong foundation. May your love story be a beautiful mosaic.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your days be filled with simple joys, and may your love grow stronger with each passing year. Cheers!”

Speech Example 10: The Happy Wishes

Introduction: “Good day, dear friends and family! We gather here to celebrate the wonderful union of [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. Thank you for joining us on this happy occasion.”

All about the bride: “As I look at [bride’s name] today, I’m reminded of the spirited child who filled our home with laughter. She has transformed into a beautiful bride, and my heart bursts with pride.”

Share some happy memories: “From science experiments gone awry to impromptu dance-offs, [bride’s name] has brought endless delight into our lives. Her creativity knows no bounds.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Let’s warmly welcome [partner’s name], a man who stole not only [bride’s name]’s heart, but ours as well. His presence has marked a wonderful new chapter in our lives.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you embark on this journey together, remember that life is a grand adventure. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity, and may your love be the compass.”

To the happy couple: “Here’s to [bride’s name] and [groom’s name], the architects of their own love story. May your journey be filled with laughter, adventure, and a love that defies the ordinary. Cheers!”

Plan your mother of the bride speech today!

The mother of the bride speech is a beautiful, but non-traditional, part of a wedding reception. As such, you have the freedom to make what you want of it without the pressures felt by more traditional speeches (such as the best man’s speech or the father of the bride’s speech). 

This is your chance to tell the world how amazing your little girl is and highlight how beautiful she looks on her big day. Speak from the heart, share your favourite childhood memories of your daughter, and offer your advice and guidance to the newlyweds on their happy day. 

If you’re still feeling nervous, we can support you in writing a brilliant mother of the bride speech here at Bridebook.  Sign up today and learn all about making your mother of the bride speech funny, beautiful, and from the heart.