How Much Does Wedding Photography Cost in Australia?

Choosing the right wedding photographer for you is absolutely crucial to ensure you have an amazing wedding album that you’re proud to leave out on the coffee table and show everyone who pops over (guilty!). Your photo album will be a keepsake from your wedding that you’ll want to return to again and again, and may even cement itself as a family heirloom for your kids, grandkids and beyond. It’s almost guaranteed that you’ll use them as your profile pics on social media, too!

Each photographer brings their own unique style to capturing your wedding moments, from the way they use framing and lighting to their approach to composition. Pricing will also vary from one professional to another, influenced by factors like their experience, expertise, and individual approach.

So, when it comes to budgeting for your wedding, how much might you expect to pay for a wedding photographer? In this post we’ll take a look at the average cost of a wedding photographer, what their rates include, and what you need to be aware of before your big day.

What’s the average price of a wedding photographer?

Married couple kissing in a field

The cost of a wedding photographer can vary widely, but on average, couples can expect to pay between $4,000 and $8,000 for both photography and videography packages. If you’re looking for photography only, the price typically ranges from $2,000 to $4,000. While this may seem like a substantial investment, it’s important to remember that you’re paying for more than just the photographer’s time on your big day. Their fees also cover their skills, experience, and expertise, along with the time spent planning, shooting, and the detailed post-production work afterward.

It’s also important to note that the price may not include GST, which can impact the final cost of your wedding photography services.

What’s included in this cost?

Married couple kissing on a beach

What’s included in the price will depend on the package you choose. A basic package may include coverage on the day and your photographs on a USB, whereas a premium package will include this and much more. When making your decision, be prepared with the right questions to ask a wedding photographer to make sure you know exactly what your chosen package includes.

Depending on your choice, wedding photography packages may include many of the following:

  • A pre-wedding photography session
  • Coverage on the day
  • Post-production including photo editing
  • A second supporting photographer
  • Prints of your photos or digital download link 
  • A physical wedding album
  • Printed canvases
  • A ‘best of the day’ video

Most photographers offer a range of packages for you to choose from, with optional extras that allow you to customise your package. For a rough idea of what to expect for your budget, check out the table below:



$3,000 – $6,000

$2,000 – $3,000

Under $2,000

What may be included

This can offer you up to two experienced wedding photographers to follow you for the duration of your wedding day and a premium, leather-bound album with wedding photographs carefully chosen by you with optional personalizations.

This can offer you up to two photographers for eight hours and a set of beautiful high-resolution images, or just one photographer, an album and an engagement shoot.

This can offer you one photographer for six hours along with an engagement shoot, with all photographs available to view and share via your own private online gallery (or less commonly today, on a USB stick).

This can offer you up to four hours of coverage, with all photographs available to view and share via your own private online gallery (or less commonly today, on a USB stick).

What factors can affect the cost of a wedding photographer?

Winter wedding in the mountains

While these are general, average Australia wedding costs, there are plenty of other factors that can influence the cost of a wedding photographer. These include:

  • Your venue: How far does the photographer have to travel? Will they need to take public transport, or even fly to another state? Are you based in a major city or out in the country? All of these will affect how much a photographer costs.
  • Location: Where you are in Australia will impact costs. For example, photographers in Sydney will be more expensive than those outside.
  • Multiple photographers: Having multiple photographers means you have full coverage of the day both from your perspective and the perspective of your guests. It’s also a good idea for outdoor weddings in an expansive scenery,  for example Whitsunday or Tasmania. The more photographers there are the better the coverage will be, but the pricier it will be as well.
  • The date: During peak times, such as during the summer and at weekends, you can expect to pay more due to the higher demand. Many photographers are booked months (or even years) in advance during busier times of the year.  
  • How long they’re needed: Are you only looking for photos of the ceremony itself, or the entire day, including the wedding breakfast and evening reception?
  • Equipment: Will they need additional lighting, multiple lenses, or even drones?
  • The level of post-production: After they shoot a wedding, the photographer will spend time editing your photos, such as adjusting lighting, cropping, or tweaking your mom’s eyes because she blinked.
  • The type of album: Many photographers will offer your options to customise your album, such as leather-bound covers.

What else should you be aware of when it comes to the cost of a wedding photographer?

Married couple laughing with parents

As part of your package and one of the questions you should ask your photographer before hiring them for your wedding, find out what type of release  they offer (complete copyright, vs a personal use/printing release) and how it aligns with your budget and needs. 

By default, the copyright to your wedding photos belongs to your photographer. If you want to purchase the full copyright later, it can be a costly option, with some couples reporting unexpected expenses in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars. While this isn’t common, it’s worth considering when discussing terms with your photographer.

In most cases, a personal use license or a print release will suffice. These licenses allow you to print, share, and enjoy your photos freely, without needing to buy full copyright ownership.

Make sure to clarify the terms with your photographer upfront, so there are no surprises. Also, it’s always polite to credit your photographer when sharing un-watermarked photos on social media to show appreciation for their work.

What level of experience can you expect for your budget?

Newly wed couple in romantic venue with lights

As mentioned earlier, wedding photography prices can vary greatly depending on the photographer’s experience and services offered.

Less experienced photographers often charge lower rates, but this can carry some risk in terms of quality and reliability. On the other hand, full-time photographers, whose livelihoods depend on capturing weddings, usually charge higher prices but bring more experience and professional assurance. Part-time photographers or those shooting weddings as a side business may offer more budget-friendly options, though their level of expertise can vary significantly.

For a clearer idea of what to expect based on your budget, refer to the table below. It outlines typical pricing tiers and what kind of experience or service you can expect at each level.





Under $2,000

Level of experience

You’ll get a luxury or master photographer, who is admired in the industry. They may also have a second photographer working with them who also has plenty of experience.

You’ll get a very experienced photographer with a unique style.

You’ll get a photographer with a developing style and an increasing level of experience.

You’ll get an enthusiastic but less experienced photographer, who should still be able to produce fantastic photographs.

Ready to start planning your wedding?

Selecting the right wedding photographer is about finding the right balance between your budget, the photographer’s experience, and the services you need. Whether you go with a seasoned professional or an emerging talent, it’s crucial to communicate clearly and fully understand the terms of your contract. This ensures your special moments are captured just the way you envision, leaving you with beautiful memories that last a lifetime.

Planning your big day but not sure where to start? Join Bridebook and take all the stress out of planning your wedding!

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How to Write the Perfect Engagement Party Speech

An engagement party is a brilliant way to celebrate your engagement and surround yourself with your family and friends. Whether you choose to have a formal bash at a countryside hotel or an intimate barbecue in your back garden, everyone will be there to celebrate your engagement and talk about your future wedding plans.

As part of the celebrations, it’s common for there to be speeches at an engagement party to thank everyone for coming. It’s also likely that other members of your family, friends and future wedding party will want to say a few words as well, and offer you love and encouragement for the journey you’re about to take.

But what do you say in an engagement party speech? Should it be long? Funny? Lovey-dovey? Who should give a speech and do you have to give one even if you don’t want to?

In this post, we’re going to dive into everything you need to know about how to write the perfect engagement party speech so you can approach your speech with confidence and say exactly the right things.

Who gives a speech at an engagement party?

Friends toasting for an engagement party

Traditionally, you should be prepared to give a short speech at your engagement party. This could be one of you or both of you, depending on who feels confident enough to stand up and speak in front of your family and friends.

If someone is hosting the party, such as the father of the bride, then it’s also common for them to thank everyone for coming.

Depending on your guests, anyone else is also more than welcome to say a few words. This could be any of your parents, a member of your wedding party (such as the best man or maid of honour), your siblings or your friends. There are no hard and fast rules at an engagement party, so if anyone would like to wish you well and congratulate you, it should be encouraged.

Do you have to give a speech at your engagement party?

People toasting at an engagement party

While a speech at your engagement party isn’t required, it’s a thoughtful way to express gratitude to your guests. The formality of your party will often shape expectations. For a formal event with a full meal, DJ, and dancing, a speech is typically anticipated. On the other hand, at a more casual event, like a barbie and games night, it might not be expected. However, it’s still a lovely gesture to thank everyone for attending, regardless of the party’s tone.

What if you’re too nervous to speak at an engagement party?

Informal engagement party in a garden

If you’re really not happy to give a speech at your engagement party, then there are no rules stating that you have to. There’s always the option to have someone do it on your behalf, such as your mom or your best man.

If you can find the courage to do so, your guests would love it if you could give a very short speech. It doesn’t have to be a 20-minute stand-up routine, just 30 seconds to thank everyone for being there to celebrate with you.

When do you give a speech at an engagement party?

Couple making a speech

There aren’t any hard and fast rules for when to give a speech at an engagement party, unlike at a wedding. It largely depends on the vibe of the event. For a laid-back gathering, it’s best to give a quick thank you once everyone has arrived. At a more formal event, delivering your speech just before or after dinner works well, as that’s when guests are naturally gathered together.

Is an engagement party speech the same as a wedding speech?

Speech at a wedding or an engagement party

Engagement party speeches and wedding speeches have a lot of similarities, but they’re not exactly the same. Read our article on wedding speech examples to see the sort of thing they include. There are a few subtle differences that mean they’re not exactly interchangeable. These include:

  • The tone is more relaxed and informal in an engagement party speech. You may not even choose to write a speech, and instead speak from the heart to thank your guests for coming.
  • Wedding speeches are often a lot more sentimental and emotional.
  • Unlike a wedding speech, you might not choose to talk about your relationship at all and save that for the wedding. However, if others choose to speak, don’t be surprised if they talk about you a lot.
  • Engagement party speeches are short, sharp and to the point, whereas wedding speeches can last a comparatively long time.

Can an engagement party speech be funny?

Woman giving a speech and laughing

Your engagement party speech can be as flexible as you like. Whether you want to lighten the mood with a few jokes or keep it brief with a heartfelt thank you, it’s entirely up to you.

If others speak, expect a range of tones: the best man may bring humour, while parents may lean towards sentimentality. To keep it funny, consider sharing light anecdotes about how you met, but avoid too many inside jokes. Remember to balance humour with sincerity and always end by expressing gratitude to your guests.

How long should your engagement party speech be?

Friends cheering at an engagement pary

Unlike a wedding speech, which can stretch to 10 minutes or more, an engagement party speech is typically much shorter. Aim for just a couple of minutes, leaving the bulk of your thoughts for the wedding day. The key message to convey is your appreciation for your guests attending and celebrating with you. Keep it brief, heartfelt, and focused on gratitude.

What should you include in an engagement party speech?

Speech at an engagement or wedding party

Depending on who’s giving an engagement party speech, there’s different information you might want to include:

You’re giving a speech at your own engagement party:

  • Thank everyone for coming and how much it means that they’re there to celebrate with you and your new fiancé.
  • Acknowledge your loved ones and the loved ones of your fiancé.
  • You might want to talk about the proposal and how it felt. Highlight anything funny that might have happened and make a joke out of it.
  • Reference how you feel about your partner and how you’re excited to take this next step in your relationship together.
  • Talk about what you have in store for your wedding. If you haven’t secured a date yet, keep this part relatively vague.
  • Raise your glass and thank your guests again for being there.

You’re giving a speech at someone else’s engagement party:

  • Introduce yourself and how you know the couple.
  • Congratulate the couple and how excited and happy you are for them.
  • Share something personal, such as an anecdote. This is a great opportunity to be funny, but keep things as positive as you can.
  • Offer compliments about the strength of the couple and how great they are together.
  • Express your support for the couple and offer to help them should they need it throughout their wedding planning journey.
  • Acknowledge friends and family, and thank everyone for being there.
  • Wish the couple luck for the future and raise a toast.

When giving a speech at your engagement party or someone else’s, keep it light, brief, and sincere. Save your best stories and jokes for the wedding, as the engagement party is just a teaser for the main event!

Tips for writing the perfect engagement party speech

Friends hugging at an engagement party

Before you sit down to think about what to say in your engagement party speech, think about these tips:

  • Don’t forget to let the guests know who you are. There might be some guests you haven’t met which can be quite confusing for them.
  • Don’t be afraid to be truthful and honest. You might not want to shed a tear in front of people, but it’s about two people falling in love and getting engaged – tears are practically expected.
  • Don’t outstay your welcome – no one expects an engagement party speech to go on longer than two minutes or so.
  • Make notes about what you want to say, and learn your speech by heart. That way, it’ll come across as more natural and not like you’re reciting lines.
  • Practice, practice, practice.
  • Avoid too many in-jokes. If you have to include one, try to give the rest of your guests some context.
  • Short is most definitely sweet.

Engagement party speech examples

Child and adults toasting at an engagement party on the beach

Ready to start writing your engagement party speech but need a little more inspiration to help you get started? Here are a couple of engagement party speech examples you can use as a starting block for your own.

Example 1: the humorous yet heartfelt one (for those who don’t mind public speaking):

Good evening everyone. I’m Jackson, and on behalf of my beautiful new fiance, Rebecca and I, I’d like to thank you all for coming to our engagement party. We’re so happy you could all be here tonight to celebrate with us. You all get to spend the next few hours in my company, which is a shame for you all, but you can at least be thankful you’re not Rebecca, who now gets to spend the next fifty plus years with me.

For those of you who don’t know, I proposed to Rebecca in Sydney, in the shadow of the Opera House at night. Yes, cliché, I know.

Rebecca, I just wanted to say that I’m so excited about our future together. You saying yes was one of the greatest moments of my life and I know what we have in store will continuously top it. We’ve already started browsing venues and you’ve already made what will be a long and difficult challenge so much easier by just being yourself. You make me a better person and I can’t wait to undertake this journey together.

Thank you so much, everyone, for being here, it means the world to Rebecca and me. So, I’d like to raise a glass to say you’re all fantastic and we both love you all very much. Cheers!

Example 2: the short and sweet one (for those not fond of public speaking):

I just want to take a moment, on behalf of myself and my new fiance, to thank you all for coming tonight. We really appreciate everyone taking the time to come and celebrate our engagement with us. So I’d just like to raise a glass in appreciation for you all being here tonight. Thank you!

Plan your dream wedding with Bridebook

After your engagement party, the real fun begins as you and your fiance dive deep into planning your perfect wedding. Sign up to Bridebook and use our helpful tools and resources to plan your wedding with ease.

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How Much Does Wedding Catering Cost in Australia?

When it comes to hosting a memorable wedding, food and drink are a huge contributing factor. Including canapés and arrival drinks, a three or four-course wedding breakfast and a spread for the evening buffet, your guests will spend a large portion of their time at your wedding enjoying some delicious food and drink.

But how much does wedding catering cost in Australia? So you know exactly how much of your budget you need to dedicate toward keeping your guests fed, watered (or wined!) and – ultimately – happy!

In this post we’re going to take a look at the average cost of catering a wedding and what can affect that cost – including the alcohol.

How does the pricing work?

Shrimp dish at a wedding
Photo © Crystalbrook Byron | See their Bridebook profile

The first thing you need to know is that, depending on the venue, catering can often be done in-house. But, if the venue doesn’t offer catering that suits your taste, you can hire caterers to come to your venue separately. Venues that include catering are usually priced per head, meaning there will be a set price for every guest which will include food (a buffet or sit-down meal), the venue rental and sometimes half a bottle of wine per person for the meal and some bubbly for the toasts.

If a venue is priced at a lump sum, it usually means that catering is not included and what you are paying goes towards securing the venue. For more information, check out our post on the cost of a wedding venue.

What is the average cost of catering a wedding?

Wedding sign Eat, Drink and Be Married

How much your wedding catering costs depends entirely on how many people you’re looking to invite. The more people you invite, the more hungry mouths there will be, and of course the higher the cost will be.

In our ultimate guide to budgeting a wedding, we outlined that Australian couples spend an average of $5,000 to $7,000 on catering.

Of course, these numbers can vary depending on the size and extravagance of the wedding. For a wedding with around 40 guests, the average catering cost is approximately $5,000, while for a 160-guest wedding, you’re looking at around $20,000.

Here’s a breakdown based on budget:

  • Affordable: $50 – $100 per guest
  • Moderate: $100 – $150 per guest
  • Luxury: $150 – $200 per guest
  • Super luxury: $200+ per guest

Is it cheaper per head the more guests there are?

Groom eating from a wedding buffet

You might expect the cost per person to decrease as the guest list grows, but this isn’t always true for wedding catering. Several factors influence the cost, such as the venue, the number of kitchen and serving staff, and the dining format.

For instance, buffet-style meals or food trucks generally cost less per person compared to a formal four-course meal, regardless of guest numbers. The overall style and service level significantly impact the final price.

How much does a wedding breakfast cost?

Sweets at a wedding buffet

If you opt for a formal wedding breakfast, it’s likely to be one of the priciest elements of your reception. These multi-course meals are meticulously prepared, resembling a fine dining experience, which accounts for the higher costs.

The average cost for a wedding breakfast typically ranges from $70 to $100 per guest, though premium venues or high-end caterers may charge significantly more depending on the menu and service level.

How much does an evening buffet cost?

Evening dinner for a wedding with decorative lights
Photo © Contour Hotel Katherine | See their Bridebook profile

An evening buffet offers a more relaxed, budget-friendly option with a variety of dishes and fewer servers needed. It’s perfect for guests attending only the evening reception.

Buffet costs typically range from $50 to $80 per guest, depending on the food selection. Simpler options like chicken and chips are more affordable than premium choices such as sushi or gourmet canapés.

What else can affect the cost of catering a wedding?

Outdoor wedding buffet from above

The above costs are all averages, and you’ll make plenty of choices that will make that cost go either down or way (WAY) up. These include:

  • Style of service: the cost of a buffet, sit-down meal, or food truck can vary hugely. For example, for a sit-down meal, you would have to factor in the wages of the waiters (it’s recommended to have 1 per 11 guests) and a buffet would have a wider selection of food options. 
  • Menu choice: The more options you offer your guests outside of the standard meat, fish or vegetarian/vegan, the more you’re likely to pay.
  • The venue: Does it have its own catering team? If you’re hiring a catering team separate from the venue, you may also need to factor in the cost of hiring a marquee and portable kitchen. These costs can quickly add up, adding several thousand to the cost of your catering. Some venues have a list of preferred caterers, so make sure you ask your chosen wedding venue if there are limitations.
  • The food: Some food is cheaper to make than others. If you’re keen to offer oysters and caviar, don’t be surprised if it’s more expensive than if you were to offer sandwiches and barbecue.
  • The ingredients: Some caterers may offer premium ingredients, and if imported or organic produce is important to you then expect to pay a little extra.
  • The number of courses: Are you happy with a three-course meal, or would you like to offer hors d’oeuvres, a fish course, palate-cleansing sorbets, and mignardise? The more courses there are (and the more complex they are to make) the pricier it will be.
  • The date: You can expect to pay higher rates during peak times, such as during the summer and at weekends.

What about the alcohol?

Champagne at a wedding

While it’s tempting to offer an open bar, this can quickly become very costly, especially since guests often enjoy several drinks at weddings. Many Australian couples opt for a more budget-friendly approach: providing a bottle or two of wine per table, plus some sparkling wine for toasts. Guests can then purchase additional drinks from a cash bar.

If you bring your own wine or bubbly, venues may charge a corkage fee, typically ranging from $10 to $20 per bottle.

You’ll also need to consider alcohol licensing requirements for your venue. Most venues already have a liquor licence, but if you’re hosting your wedding at a private property without one, you’ll need to apply for a Temporary Liquor Licence. These permits vary by state, so be sure to check local regulations regarding alcohol service and consumption.

Ready to plan your big day?

Need a hand (or two) with wedding planning? Join Bridebook and get all the tools you need to plan your big day from start to finish. Plan your wedding budget, find your wedding venues and suppliers, organise your guest list and more.

And if you’re looking for ways to save money on your wedding catering, we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to help you keep costs down. 

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Happy Planning!

Tips: Father Of The Bride Speech

The father of the bride speech is a highly anticipated part of a wedding reception where the father of the bride addresses the all the guests and offers words of congratulations, gratitude, and well wishes to the newlyweds. It’s no wonder that many fathers of the bride get a little nervous at the thought of delivering a speech to their nearest and dearest, so let’s have a closer look at all you need to know about writing and delivering a brilliant father of the bride speech.

What is a father of the bride’s speech?

The father of the bride speech is usually the first speech of the evening, during the wedding reception. It’s a heartfelt expression of love for the bride, offering advice to the couple, and welcoming the groom into the family. This speech gives the father a special moment to show support for his daughter and express gratitude to the guests for sharing in the celebration. It’s a beautiful opportunity to highlight the bond with the bride and extend warm wishes to the newlyweds.

Father of the bride delivering his speech

How should I write the perfect father of the bride speech?

There are three key stages to crafting the perfect Father of the Bride speech –  preparation, content and delivery and we are here to walk you through each step.

Preparing the father of the bride speech

Planning and preparation are crucial for delivering a successful father of the bride speech. It allows you to organise your thoughts and ideas, and to structure the speech in a way that flows naturally and makes sense to the audience. It also gives you the chance to tailor the speech to the audience, so that it’s appropriate and relevant to the guests.

By taking the time to plan and prepare for the speech, you can ensure your words are well-received and that the speech is a memorable and meaningful part of the wedding celebration.

When it comes to researching and gathering information for your wedding day, let’s have a look at some tried and tested ways to help you begin your speech writing journey.

  • Start early – The earlier you start preparing for your speech, the more time you’ll have to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.
  • Talk to your daughter – Your daughter will be a great source of inspiration and material for your speech. She can tell you about the special moments and memories she shares with you and her partner, and give you an insight into their relationship.
  • Talk to your future son-in-law – It’s also a good idea to talk to your daughter’s partner and get to know them better. You could ask them about their thoughts on marriage, future plans with your daughter and what they love about her.
  • Find wedding speech inspiration – Look back at old family albums, videos, and pictures: It can be a great source of inspiration for the speech and can even be incorporated into the speech itself.
  • Check out other father of the bride speech examples – There are countless examples of father of the bride speeches that you can look at for inspiration, just be sure not to directly copy any work you find.

By doing this, you will be able to gather a wealth of material that you can use to craft a heartfelt speech that truly captures the love and affection you have for your daughter.

As the father of the bride, what should I include in my wedding speech?

Writing a father of the bride speech can feel daunting, but it’s actually straightforward. There are a few key elements to include, and most speeches follow a familiar structure. Focus on these essentials, and you won’t go wrong.

Typically, a father of the bride speech includes the following:

  • Well wishes for the newlyweds – Start by congratulating the couple on their marriage.
  • Personal anecdotes and memories – Share personal stories and memories of your daughter that show your guests more of her character and upbringing.
  • Expressions of pride – Let your daughter know how proud you are of the person she has become and how much you love her.
  • Welcome the groom into the family – Formally welcome the groom into your family, and express your happiness that he will be a part of your daughter’s life.
  • Thank the guests – Show your gratitude to the guests for being a part of the special day.
  • Offer words of advice or wisdom for the couple – Share any words of wisdom or advice you have for the couple as they begin their life together.
  • Toast to the couple – End your speech by raising a toast to the couple and wishing them a lifetime of love.

Father of the bride speech examples

It’s important to make the father of the bride speech your own and not rely wholly on just one source of inspiration.

To get you started, here a few examples of quotes that you could include in your father of the bride speech. You’ll find longer examples here

  • “I’ve always known that my daughter would find someone special, but I never imagined she would find someone as amazing as [partner’s name].”
  • “I’m so grateful to have [partner’s name] as an in-law. He has not only won my daughter’s heart, but mine too.”
  • “To my beautiful daughter, [bride’s name], I couldn’t be happier for you on your special day”.
  • “You have grown into an amazing woman, and I am so proud of the person you have become.”
  • “I want to welcome you to our family. You have brought so much love and happiness into our daughter’s life, and we are grateful to have you as part of our family.”
  • “A wise man once said, ‘The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.’ And that is exactly how [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] make each other feel.”

Should I write a funny father of the bride speech?

Some people wonder whether a father of the bride speech should be funny. It really depends on your personality and the tone of the wedding. Humor can help lighten the mood and keep the audience engaged, but it’s important that it feels natural and appropriate.

If you’re naturally inclined toward humour and feel comfortable, adding a few jokes can work well. However, an entertaining speech doesn’t have to rely on humor. Focus on preparation, practice, and authenticity – tailoring your speech to your personal style and relationship with your daughter.

Speech delivery

Delivering your speech well shows your love and support for your daughter. The father of the bride speech is typically one of the first speeches of the reception, and it sets the tone for the rest of the event. A well-delivered speech can help to create a positive and excited atmosphere that will be enjoyed by all the guests.

Practise your father of the bride speech

Practicing your father of the bride speech is crucial as it helps you become more confident with both the content and delivery. Rehearsing allows you to spot areas for improvement and make adjustments, ensuring a smoother, more polished speech when the big day arrives.

Beat the nerves

Giving any speech, especially at a big event like your daughters wedding, can be nerve-wracking, but there are some things you can do to help calm your nerves and deliver your speech with confidence.

  1. Prepare thoroughly: The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel. Practise your speech out loud and in front of friends and family.
  2. Use positive visualisation: Close your eyes and picture yourself delivering your speech with confidence and ease. Imagine the guests clapping and enjoying your speech.
  3. Take deep breaths: Before you begin your speech, take a few deep breaths to help calm your nerves. This will also help to steady your voice and slow down your heart rate.
  4. Speak slowly: If you’re feeling nervous, it’s easy to rush through your speech. Speak slowly and clearly, and pause between sentences to give yourself time to gather your thoughts.
  5. Make eye contact: Make sure to make eye contact with different members of the audience. This will help to engage them and make them feel more included in your speech.
  6. Practice, practice, practice: Did we mention… practice?!

A well-crafted and delivered father of the bride speech can set the tone for the celebration, create a bond with the guests, and leave a lasting impression. Putting in the effort to prepare will ensure everything goes smoothly on the big day. The key ingredients are preparation, practice, and confident delivery. By following these guidelines, you’ll deliver a heartfelt, meaningful, and unforgettable speech that will be cherished by everyone.

Need Tips & Advice?

If you’re searching for guidance on writing a Father of the Bride speech, you’ve found the right spot! As the father, your daughter’s wedding is an incredibly special occasion. Did you ever imagine this day when you first held her in your arms?

Now it’s here, and you’ll (traditionally) be the first to speak. But don’t stress! Follow these tips to deliver a memorable toast. If your daughter is also speaking, share our examples for writing her wedding speech!

 father of the bride reading his speech as bride and groom laugh
By Simon Biffen Photography

1) Welcome the guests:

It is your job to welcome everyone to the reception and acknowledge all those who have financially contributed to the wedding (probably best not to mention actual sums!). It is also a good idea to give a special welcome to the guests who came from other states, and maybe even from abroad, to be there and thank them for participating in the celebration.

2) The thank you’s:

Thank everyone who helped put this wedding together, the ushers, the bridesmaids, even the staff! You can also thank the special people in your daughter’s life, who helped raise her and make her who she is today! Take a trip down memory lane and remember your loved ones. 

3) Praise the bride:

Every father-daughter relationship is unique. Some are filled with humour and playful banter, while others are more sentimental. Your speech should reflect that. This part requires the most planning, so break it down into sections: share stories from her childhood, highlight her personal, academic, and professional achievements, and most importantly, express how proud you are of the incredible woman she’s become. Don’t forget to mention how beautiful she looks on her wedding day! - father giving speech as groom bride and mother laugh
By John Lennie

4) Welcome the new additions to your family:

You should also welcome the groom and his parents into your family.  Many Fathers also take this opportunity to tell the groom what he has got himself into: this is the funny part of your speech, where you can joke about the bride. Talk about your daughter’s adorable little quirks and lighten the mood after the more emotional part of your speech.

We also think it’s a nice touch when the Father of the Bride talks about the groom – whether that be the first time you were introduced, or when the groom asked for your daughter’s hand in marriage, or just some funny moments or nice traits. Want to help your future son-in-law out? Send him our tips to the groom: writing your wedding speech!

5) A word of wisdom:

Finish with some advice to the newlyweds. This is a great time to mention your personal marriage experience and what you’ve learnt about love and family. If you don’t want to go down that route, then carefully chosen quotes about love and marriage can be just as effective. Whatever you decide to say, make sure to do so clearly and calmly, as the audience want to hear from you! We find that gesticulating when talking can ease the nerves too.

6) The toast:

End your speech by asking everyone in the room to stand up and toast the newlyweds!

And here is our Final Tip:

Don’t act the Alpha Male and threaten to hunt down the groom if he misbehaves! This never sounds as funny to the groom…

Sneaky tool: Calculate how long your speech will take to read –! - father giving speech as bride smiles
By Allister Freeman

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How Much Does a Wedding Venue Cost in Australia?

When it comes to planning your wedding, there will be plenty of important choices to make – ranging from the enormous to the teeny tiny. Many of these choices will be optional, but one of the biggest will be making sure you choose the right venue. After all, it’s where you and your guests will spend the entire day and can’t be changed once the big day arrives.

As you work out your wedding budget, you’ll need to make sure you dedicate enough toward your ideal venue. Whether it’s a hotel, a golf course, a vineyard, a village hall, or anywhere else you want to marry that special someone, you’ll need to budget accordingly. 

Below, we’re going to take a look at the average cost of a wedding venue, what’s included in that cost, and any unexpected fees you should look out for.

How much does the average wedding venue cost?

Couple getting married at Bebeah Farm, Australia
Photo © Bebeah Farm | See their Bridebook profile

With the average total cost of a wedding in Australia rising to $37,000, over a third of that cost is likely to go towards the venue. In 2024, the average cost of a wedding venue is around $14,000-17,000. Of course, this figure can vary dramatically depending on different factors, including the type of venue and where in the country the venue is located.

For example, on average, venues are $2,000 to $3,000 more expensive in urban areas, like Sydney or Melbourne, than in rural or remote locations like Tasmania. However, that’s not to say that one is better than the other – it’s all a matter of taste, what’s right for you, and how far you and your guests want to travel.

How can the cost of a wedding venue vary?

Average wedding venue prices in Australia
Data gathered from the average venue costs of Australian couples on Bridebook in 2023 and 2024.

There’s a range of wedding venues available across Australia, so whatever your budget you shouldn’t have any trouble finding something to your taste:

  • Affordable: $5,000 – $10,000
  • Moderate: $10,000 – $15,000
  • Luxury: $15,000 – $22,000
  • Super luxury: $22,000+

How does the type of venue affect the cost?

Wedding venue prices in Australia per venue type
Data gathered from the average venue costs of Australian couples on Bridebook in 2023 and 2024.

The type of wedding venue you choose affects the price, with certain types of venue costing significantly more than others on average. According to our 2024 Wedding Reports, couples are more likely to spend the most on venues for weddings at castles, stately homes and country houses, and the least on registry offices, places of worship and restaurants.

Here’s a breakdown of the average cost depending on the venue type, based on data gathered from couples planning their wedding on our platform in 2024:

  • Castle: $25,000 – $30,000
  • Stately home: $20,000 – $25,000
  • Country house: $18,000 – $22,000
  • Golf course: $14,000 – $18,000
  • Event venue: $12,000 – $15,000
  • Hotel: $11,000 – $14,000
  • Barn: $9,000 – $12,000
  • Outdoor: $8,000 – $11,000
  • City venue: $10,000 – $15,000
  • Restaurant: $7,000 – $10,000
  • Place of worship: $5,000 – $7,000
  • Registry office: $1,000 – $3,000

What does the cost of a wedding venue include?

The Mouses House Rainforest Retreat, wedding venue in Australia
Photo © The Mouses House Rainforest Retreat | See their Bridebook profile

The cost of the venue will include rental of the space itself, however, it can also include additions and the use of certain facilities, such as:

  • Tables and chairs
  • Linens, such as tablecloths, napkins and chair covers
  • Lighting and sound
  • Wine and bubbles for the tables
  • Bar services
  • Catering
  • Coordination and setup

Exactly what’s included in the cost of the venue is something that you’ll need to confirm with the venue. For example, some venues won’t have catering facilities and will require you to arrange your own vendors. 

Why are wedding venues so expensive?

Married couple at Petrichor Farm
Photo © Petrichor Farm | See their Bridebook profile

Mark Dawson, the former owner and operator of Brookfield Barn in England and expert on all things venue-related, explains why wedding venues are often so expensive:

“Couples benefit from being “one-time customers” that venues are trying to attract and therefore price is a key lever. The venue market has become extremely competitive with diminishing margins. So many features at the top of couples’ lists come with high maintenance costs. For example, listed and historic buildings, extensive grounds. Remember you are paying such that the venue is maintained in a way to be at its best on your big day – and every other couple has the same expectation.”

“Exclusivity on your day means you are the sole revenue stream for the venue. So when faced with budget challenges, take time to prioritise what is most important. Is it exclusivity on the day for your wedding, is it the historic setting, is it the extensive grounds, is it having it for multiple days to set up and clear up, is it having lots of staff support from the venue for planning it all – they all drive the price point that the venue needs to continue to operate.”

What factors can affect the cost of a wedding venue?

Stonebarn wedding venue in Australia
Photo © Stonebarn | See their Bridebook profile

We’ve already highlighted how the type and location can affect the cost of a venue, but there are plenty of factors that can contribute towards how much you might pay for your dream venue.


Naturally, the higher the number of guests you’d like to invite, the larger the venue will need to be. Of course, it makes sense that a venue with a 30-person capacity will usually be more affordable than one that can accommodate several hundred.


Where you are in Australia significantly affects how much you’ll pay for a wedding venue. For example, couples in major cities like Sydney or Melbourne tend to pay around 30-40% more than the national average. In contrast, venues in smaller towns or rural areas, such as those in Tasmania or Western Australia, are typically much more affordable. For instance, the average cost of a venue in New South Wales is around $15,640, while in Tasmania, it’s closer to $12,842​.


As you might imagine, venue prices vary depending on the season. When it comes to choosing a wedding date, spring, summer, and even fall dates are more popular than winter. As a result, you’ll likely find that it’s more affordable to secure a date in July or August than it is in January or February.

Similarly, Fridays and the weekend – particularly Saturday – are more expensive than weekdays, as well as specific dates like Valentine’s Day or New Year’s Eve.

It may be possible to grab a bargain if you’re open to a last-minute booking during off-peak times or based on a cancellation – though this risks you missing out by catching vendors and guests off-guard. Here at Bridebook, we offer late availability deals at many of our partner venues – just filter by ‘Special Offers’ when searching for a wedding venue.


The majority of wedding venues will have packages that can include anything from a glass of bubbly for the guests on arrival to a free stay for the newlyweds on the night. If you definitely don’t want one of these, you can ask your chosen venue if they can exclude some items to give you a lower price.


According to recent data on Australian weddings, a significant portion of couples prefer venues that include catering as part of their package. For example, in cities like Sydney and Melbourne, many popular venues offer all-inclusive packages that bundle catering, which can significantly increase the overall cost. Venues that include catering can add several thousand dollars to the total spend. In Australia, couples typically spend $12,000 to $15,000 on venues with catering, significantly more than venue-only options where external catering is brought in. Venues without catering are often the cheaper option if you’re focusing solely on the venue hire cost.

Exclusive use

Exclusive use of the wedding venue means that you and your guests will be the only ones on the premises during your special day, so you don’t need to worry about anybody accidentally stumbling in and helping themselves to the buffet. Normally, venues that offer exclusivity will charge slightly more, but it’s definitely worth it.

What are some unexpected costs or fees at a venue?

Beach wedding

When speaking with the venue, you should clarify early on what is and isn’t covered, otherwise you may find yourselves being hit with one or two (or six or seven!) surprise costs that can cause your budget to spiral.

Some potential hidden fees to be mindful of include:

  • Taxes
  • Gratuities
  • Security deposit to cover loss and damages
  • Cleaning fees
  • Insurance
  • Overtime fees
  • Corkage fees

How much does it cost to decorate a wedding venue?

Wedding venue in Australia
Photo © Centennial Vineyards Restaurant | See their Bridebook profile

Once you’ve chosen your venue and signed on the dotted line, there may be additional costs to bear in mind to make sure it’s decorated to perfectly match your tastes. Decoration hire, such as unique lighting and features, may not be included in the cost and is another cost to factor into your budget.

Have you discovered your dream venue? 

Are you planning your wedding and umming and ahhing over the perfect venue? Bridebook’s wedding planning tools provide you with everything you need to plan your wedding stress-free!

And if you’re looking for ways to save money on your wedding venue, we’ve got plenty of money-saving tips to help you stay firmly within your budget.

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Happy Planning!