Share The Love: How To Share Bridebook With Your Friends

Planning a wedding can be a whirlwind of excitement, but it’s even better when shared with those closest to you. With this link below, you can easily share Bridebook with your friends and family. 

To share Bridebook with your friends, simply copy and paste this link: into a message and send it to anyone. Once they click the link, they can download the app, create a free account like you did, and start enjoying Bridebook’s tools like our budget tracking, guest list management, and venues recommendations.

So go ahead, share the love and make your wedding planning experience even more special with Bridebook!

What Your Bridesmaids Should and Shouldn’t Pay For

On your wedding day, you’ll be surrounded by your friends and family. Among them, your bridesmaids will be some of the closest allies and will have a key role to play not just in the wedding itself, but as part of the build-up as well.

But, when it comes to what your bridesmaids should and shouldn’t pay for, how do you know who picks up the bill? Is it you, your family, or your bridesmaids themselves?

Your bridesmaids will do a lot to support you already, and as tough as it is to talk about costs, it’s a must. Establish from the beginning what they’re responsible for and what you’ll be covering for them. Then hopefully that’ll mean there are no awkward arguments during the lead-up to your wedding.

But, how do you know who pays for what? What are the traditions and the unwritten rules about what you should pay for and what your bridesmaids should pay for themselves? In this post, we’re going to explore exactly that, including who should pay for the bridesmaids’ dresses, who pays for the hen party, and what else you should be aware of as your big day approaches.

Who pays for the bridesmaids’ dresses?

One of the most difficult subjects to talk about with your bridesmaids is who pays for their dresses. Traditionally, the bride and her family are the ones who pay for the bridesmaids’ dresses. However, it’s becoming increasingly more common for bridesmaids to pay for their own dresses.

It’s also traditional for each of the bridesmaids to wear the same outfit, which will complement the bride’s beautiful dress. But, it’s also becoming more popular for each of the bridesmaids to wear a different dress, but one that usually sticks closely to the theme or colour scheme of the wedding.

Of course, this does depend on the costs involved. If the dress you’re asking your bridesmaids to wear comes with a high price tag, it’d be unfair of you to expect them to pay, so you’d probably want to foot the bill on that occasion.

Whatever you choose to do, or whatever your budget allows you to do, just make sure you’re open and honest with your bridesmaids at all times. If you’re asking them to pay, give them as much notice as possible, so they’ll have a long time to save. Asking bridesmaids at modern weddings to pay for their own dresses is relatively common, but it’s important to give them plenty of time to afford it. Saving for a $350 dress is a much easier task if your wedding is two years away, compared to just a couple of months.

Who pays for the bridesmaids’ shoes?

While many brides and their families offer to pay for the bridesmaids’ dresses, it’s not as common to offer to pay for their shoes. Shoes may be a part of their outfit, but there’s usually far more flexibility when it comes to footwear than the dress. So, this will often be something the bridesmaids pay for, whether it’s flats, heels or wedges.

Who pays for the bridesmaids’ accessories?

Similar to the shoes, it’s usually the responsibility of the bridesmaids themselves to pay for any accessories they might want to wear, such as any jewellery or bags.

How much do bridesmaids’ dresses cost?

The cost of bridesmaids’ dresses can vary hugely depending on whether you choose to buy dresses from a wedding boutique or an online retailer. Neither is the right answer – both offer wonderful dresses – it just depends on your style, taste and budget.

Specialist bridal shops that also sell bridesmaid’s dresses, have ranges that suit a variety of budgets, with prices starting from around $300.

Online retailers such as Billy J and Hazel & Folk offer a great selection of affordable bridesmaids’ dresses, with prices ranging between $100 and $300. There are also many platforms that provide the option to rent a dress, although this isn’t quite as popular with dresses as it is with wedding suits.

What if your bridesmaids can’t afford the dress you want them to wear?

If you’ve asked your bridesmaids to pay for their own dresses (which you’re well within your right to do) then you may face an additional challenge: what if your bridesmaids can’t afford it?

If you’re asking your bridesmaids to pay for their own dress, then you possibly already knew about their financial situation. Similarly, you hopefully gave them enough of a heads-up so that they could save money for their dress. Even then, you may face the awkward situation where they’re not able to pay for the dress.

If this happens to you, where possible we’d recommend that this is something you try to find a little more budget for, and offer to pay for your bridesmaid’s dress. It wouldn’t be fair on that particular bridesmaid to expect them to pay, especially if it means them getting into debt. The only other option would be to uninvite them from being a part of the bridal party, which will almost certainly cause tension and could damage your relationship with them forever.

It’s a tough situation, and one that’s hard to offer advice on, as every situation is different. Just make sure that you let your bridesmaids know they can speak to you about any concerns they have, because you definitely don’t want anyone to feel stressed or anxious because they’re struggling to find the funds to pay for their dress.

Do your bridesmaids pay for your hen party?

Often, your bridesmaids will cover the costs of arranging your hen party, such as travel, accommodation and activities. But, expect to pay for a few drinks for your hens along the way.

The only exception to this is if you’ve had a heavy hand in the planning process. It would be unfair to expect your hens to pay for a long weekend to Bali – especially if you were the one to suggest it. Travel can be pricey, and not all of your bridesmaids will be in a position to pay for additional costs, especially if they’re not exactly cheap to begin with.

Complete list of what your bridesmaids should and shouldn’t pay for

Check out our below guide to discover what you might ask your bridesmaids to pay for. Just remember, every wedding is unique – just like your bridesmaids – so these aren’t strict rules that you should stick to.

Your bridesmaids should pay for: 

Your bridesmaids should pay for their own shoes and accessories. However, a great gift to thank your bridesmaids for being a part of your big day would be a token piece of jewellery that they can wear on the day.

Your bridesmaids should pay for: 

Hen party costs are also up to the bridal party – they can split this between them and still give you the best pre-wedding party of your life. The only caveat to this is if you have ambitious plans, such as a trip abroad or something else on the pricier side.

Your bridesmaids should pay for: 

Travel and accommodation associated with your big day are the duty of your bridesmaids to organise and pay for. However, you could help them out by booking a block of rooms at a discount price, or if your venue is far away, you could arrange for a large group of you to travel together to cut down the cost.

Your bridesmaids should pay for:

If your bridesmaid chooses to give you a wedding gift (and they may not as they’ve already spent a lot of money and effort on your wedding) the cost is up to them. It may only be something small, but it will be a lovely keepsake to mark them accompanying you on your big day.

Your bridesmaids should pay for: 

Aside from any welcome drinks and wine/fizz with meals, unless you’re offering an open bar your bridesmaids will expect to pay for their own drinks, particularly as the evening reception begins.

Your bridesmaids shouldn’t pay for:

The bride is expected to pay for any floral accessories and the bouquets being held by the bridesmaids. Don’t forget about any extras, like corsages.

Your bridesmaids shouldn’t pay for:

If you choose to have your bridal party stay with you in your hotel suite on the eve of your wedding, that’s your responsibility, and you should cover the cost of this.

Your bridesmaids shouldn’t pay for:

Transportation on your wedding day is also up to the bride and her family to pay for. Your bridesmaids will have enough to think about on the day, so do them a favour and arrange how they’ll get from the altar to the reception. You could save these costs by having the ceremony and reception at the same location.

Your bridesmaids shouldn’t pay for:

This one almost goes without saying, but your bridesmaids shouldn’t have to pay for any food on the big day. This includes any pre-ceremony food as you get ready, such as salmon and scrambled eggs and a cheeky mimosa.

What about the grey areas?

As we’ve already highlighted, it’s entirely up to you and your budget to decide whether or not you offer to pay for your bridesmaids’ dresses. If you’re expecting your bridesmaids to wear a dress that’s on the pricier side, then this is something you should probably offer to pay for. One of the unofficial rules is that if you’re giving your bridesmaids certain ‘rules’ they have to stick to, then that usually means it’s something you should pick up the bill for.

Hair and makeup is another tricky one. If you’re not that fussed and want to save some pennies, ask them to do their own hair and makeup (they will look stunning anyway). However, if you specifically want a glamorous or particular look for your bridesmaids, you will have to pay for a professional. Your chosen hair and makeup artist can probably offer you a deal if they’re looking after several people in your wedding party. 

Alternatively, if your bridesmaids are being a little diva-ish and want to hire a professional without your requesting it, they’re probably better off picking up the cost – or you could split the bill in goodwill to keep them sweet. Remember, your wedding photos will last a lifetime, so make sure you’re happy with the final looks.

How to talk about money with your bridesmaids

The most important thing you can do is keep money talk open and honest. Talking about money can be difficult at the best of times, but doubly so when you’re asking someone to spend some of their own hard-earned cash. As soon as you know your plans, communicate them to your bridal party so they know exactly what’s expected of them and how much they’re going to have to save.

Plan your dream wedding with Bridebook

Here at Bridebook, we have all the tools and expertise you need to plan your big day. 

11 Wedding Guest List Arguments All Couples Have (And How To Resolve Them)

Cutting down your wedding guest list can feel like you’re Hercules battling the Hydra – cut one person, and two more grow back in their place! But it has to be done, whether it’s because you need to save a few bucks or because they just! won’t! fit! in your venue. Remember, a bigger guest list means a bigger budget… or choosing between a champagne reception and serving your uncle’s homebrew!

The moment when you and your partner combine lists and discover the number is bigger than you ever imagined is always a dark day. To avoid disappointment for either of you – and the ruthless cull that has to follow – try using our Guest List Tool. It’ll do all the adding up, sorting and tracking, meaning you both stay on top of numbers.

Sadly, as brilliant as our Guest List Tool is, it can’t fight your battles for you. (Not yet, anyway. We wish!) So if you think your other half is being unreasonable (or maybe you just need to get something off your chest!), we’ve got some tips to help you navigate the tricky terrain of the wedding guest list.

“Your parents have a longer list… But they’re not paying as much as mine!”

Straight in at the deep end! We can almost guarantee that both sets of parents will want to invite a long list of their friends, regardless of whether or not you like them…or whether they can pay towards the extra cost. As a rule of thumb, we’d say that if they’re not immediate family or your other half hasn’t seen them in the past ten years, you have a right to question them.

“I don’t want children!” (*pause* “At the wedding, not with you!”)

Now, this is a decision that lots of couples struggle to make personally, never mind between the two of them. But if a child-free wedding is what you want, you should be reassured that you’re not a bad person for requesting this. You’re also not the only one – lots of couples do. Not only is it an easy way to cut costs and numbers (and, dare we say, stress levels), but it might even be more welcome among your guests than you’d expect! After all, it gives parents a proper night off to enjoy themselves.

“You don’t even like your work friends!”

Work friends are tricky. The key question to start with is whether they’re friends your partner happened to make through work…or if they really are work friends. Either way, it’s worth considering that not only can a blanket ban rub your fiancé up the wrong way, it might well make for an awkward office atmosphere for them post-honeymoon. Why not compromise and invite a handful of them to the drinks and dancing, if not the ceremony? That way, everyone’s happy… But you’re still not paying full whack!

“Why are you inviting your ex?”

We’d never want to make assumptions, but this can be a ticking time bomb. Now, if you’re one of those lucky few who’s genuinely on good terms with their ex (and importantly, whose partner is on good terms with them too!), more power to you. Invite away! But there are no prizes for inviting an ex out of awkwardness or some kind of weird obligation – so if you don’t have a good reason to (e.g. you’re actually still close friends), we’d give it a miss. Remember, you’ll also be risking a fair few awkward conversations: “So, how do you know the happy couple?” “Oh, erm…” Our advice? Only invite exes in exceptional circumstances.

“It doesn’t feel like our wedding anymore!”

Managing a wedding can feel like a balancing act. Yes, you want the details to be perfect and to keep everyone happy… But you still need to think about the big picture (and vice versa!). This is never more apparent than when you’re putting together your guest list. Sure, maybe those extra six guests from Mum and Dad’s timeshare won’t actually feel like such a big deal on your big day… But if it’s overwhelming you right now, you need to let your parents know.

“Shall we just bloody elope?”

Every couple will have this moment… And you know what, some of you might decide you should! But take a minute and pour another glass of wine before making any hasty decisions. We promise that nine-and-a-half times out of ten, it’ll be worth it in the end!

“We’ll have to not invite some of your family.”

Chances are, one of you will have a significantly larger family than the other. To deal with this, try to assign rough portions of your guest list to each one of you early on so that you both know what you’re working with. You might do this equally and split the list into quarters: one for each of your families and one for each of your extras. Or you might decide to reflect on the size of your respective families: if your partner has a much bigger family than you (but is still close to them!), you could decide to give them a third for their relatives and yourself a quarter. Either way, your boundaries will be a bit more obvious – and so will overstepping them!

“We can’t not invite them – they’ve just got engaged.”

This is where you need to be firm with your decision. Lay down the law and stick to it – avoid any grey areas or sneaky exceptions. For example, many couples have a “No Ring, No Bling” policy, meaning a guest can only bring a plus one if they’re married or engaged. That said, given that many people choose not to marry nowadays, another way to keep your guest list a little leaner is by making decisions based on how long a couple have been together.

“Well, they invited us to their wedding…”

Look. Weddings aren’t tit for tat, and you should never feel obligated to invite someone to yours, just because they invited you to theirs. Planning a wedding is too hard (and too expensive!) for that. This is the bottom line: invite the people you want to spend the best day of your life with… And ideally, no one else!

“We’re treating our friends like they’re numbers!”

Maybe you are, but the reality is that this is what all couples have to do eventually. At one stage or another, you’ll start to feel like all your wedding guests have a pound sign hanging above their heads. Planning a wedding is a balancing act. Inevitably, you start to think about how one less guest means getting back their equivalent in booze, flowers or cake. But before you make any hasty decisions, think about how much that person means to you. This feeling won’t last forever – you’ll forget it as soon as they’re there at your big day. We promise, they’re worth every penny… But if you really don’t feel like they are, then it might be time to make a cut!

“It’s still! Too! Big!”

If you feel like you’ve done everything you can and your guest list is still just too big, it’s time to get pragmatic. Sit down with your partner and split your guest list into the A List and the B List. Sound cruel? Not at all! Many couples even plan ahead and print two sets of RSVP cards with different dates: an earlier date for the A List and a later date for the B List (to be sent out after the A List have said they can’t make it). A word of warning though: try not to let the B List know they’re the B List. Cher might get away with it in ‘Clueless’… But there’s no guarantee that you will too!

Got another guest list dilemma you want solved? Check out our Instagram, TikTok and YouTube channels. We might have already answered your question – and if not, drop us a line in the comments. But we reckon once you’ve sorted out these ones, you’ll be pretty much good to go. Send those invitations out – and once your RSVPs come flooding in, keep track of them with our state-of-the-art Guest List Tool. Then it’s onto budget blow-outs…

Wedding Etiquette: Who (Traditionally) Pays For What?

You’re engaged to your best friend, your partner in crime, your ride or die – now it’s time to start planning the biggest party you’ll ever throw.

The first thing on your mind is likely to be, ‘How much is all of this going to cost?’ In Australia, the average amount couples spend on their wedding is an eye-watering is approximately $34,000. Once you know that, the second question you might ask is, ‘How are we going to pay for it?’

No need to panic – we’ve got a super powerful budget tool which uses thousands of couples’ real budgets to estimate the total cost of your wedding and then break that down so you have a good idea of exactly what each part will cost. 

But, if you’re looking to do things a little more traditionally, and get generous family members involved, who pays for what in a wedding?

Some families offer to help the newlyweds-to-be celebrate the most magical day of their lives, and we’re here to give you the lowdown on who traditionally (a big emphasis on the traditionally) pays for what. Once you’ve calculated your budget and seen how much everything’s going to cost, you and your partner can both let your families know what they can help with. At the end of the day, it’s whatever works for you and your family.

If you don’t want to know about the why’s and how’s of these costs and want to get straight into what each side of the family should pay for, skip ahead to our quick reference cheat sheet!

Should the bride’s family pay for a wedding?

Beliefs and expectations have evolved, and in the 21st century, it’s no longer the case that the bride’s family are expected to pay. Now, in Australia and many cultures around the world, the bride’s family and the groom’s family – as well as the couple themselves – can help pay for a wedding.

The modern way to split paying for a wedding looks a little something like this:

  • Bride’s family – 25%
  • Groom’s family – 25%
  • The couple – 50%

With this in mind, based on the average cost of a wedding being $34,000, that still leaves you with around $17,000 you might have to save yourself – and that’s if your family can lend a hand.

Should you ask the bride’s family to pay for your wedding?

While it may have once been the traditional way to pay for a wedding, you should only ask the bride’s family to pay for your wedding if you know they can comfortably afford it. The same goes for asking the groom’s family. You’ll want to make sure they’re fully on board with your marriage plans, which might mean a lot of buttering up and being an exemplary son or daughter and future in-law.

The important thing to remember is not to go in expecting anyone to pay. Talking about money is personal, private and sometimes awkward. But, it can be done carefully without causing friction. 

Who traditionally pays for different parts of a wedding in Australia?

If you’re lucky enough to have family who want to help you pay for your wedding, then the below guide should give you an indication of who might pay for what.

Before we dive in, each of these traditions is based on there being a bride and groom. Many modern couples have two grooms or two brides – or perhaps neither. If you’re an LGBTQ+ couple planning your big day, we recommend that you try to evenly split what you ask your families to pay for and use the below as a rough guide.

Who traditionally pays for an engagement party?

This expense is traditionally covered by the bride’s family, since they often host the engagement party at their house as a way to welcome and bring together the two families (often for the first time). However, whichever family is feeling the most generous can offer to host or throw the engagement party. It all depends on space, funds and who wants to do the clearing up afterwards.

Who traditionally pays for the rehearsal dinner?

Since the bride’s family pays for the engagement party, the rehearsal dinner is traditionally paid for by the groom’s parents. They should only spend what they’re comfortable with, however, and hosting a small soirée the day before the wedding is more than enough.

Not all couples choose to have a rehearsal dinner, so you may ask for this contribution to go towards the big day itself, instead.

Who traditionally pays for the wedding venue?

The venue is usually the single biggest expenditure of your entire wedding, and no one is pleased to be handed an invoice with that many zeros on it. Traditionally, this would be something that the bride’s parents would pay for and covers the cost of the ceremony itself.

Because the average wedding venue costs between $14,000 and $17,000, this can be a heck of a cost to expect one family to pay for alone. So, for more modern weddings, this is something that many families – together with the couple – split the bill for.

Who traditionally pays for wedding catering?

This is another cost that traditionally lies with the bride’s family, which includes the cost of canapés and the evening buffet. The good news is that it’s not traditional for the bride’s parents to cover the cost of an open bar, with most weddings having a cash bar, so guests pay for their own drinks.

Who traditionally pays for the wedding reception?

The bride’s family traditionally pays for the wedding reception, though the costs do cross over with that of the venue, entertainment, decor and food.

Because of this, the more modern take on it is to split the cost between the bride’s and groom’s families, as well as the couple themselves.

Who traditionally pays for wedding transport?

Traditionally, wedding transport is paid for by both families. If you’re hiring transport for your guests, then this isn’t traditionally something your guests will be expected to pay for.

Who traditionally pays for a wedding photographer or videographer?

Your wedding photographer (and/or videographer if you choose to hire one) is traditionally paid for by the bride’s family.

For modern weddings, this might be something that the couple prefers to pay for themselves. 

Who traditionally pays for wedding flowers?

Traditionally, the groom pays for the bride’s bouquet. For an extra romantic twist, the groom could even pick wildflowers to be included as well. On the other hand, the bride’s side of the family will traditionally pay for all the floral decorations. 

For modern weddings, the flowers are something that the couple will pay for, including the bouquet and floral decorations.

Who traditionally pays for the wedding cake?

The wedding cake is traditionally paid for by the bride’s family, but this isn’t a tradition stuck to quite as closely as others. Many couples now choose to pay for their own cake, in part due to the traditions involved with cutting the cake and how it represents sharing everything. 

Who traditionally pays for the wedding dress?

One of the most closely stuck-to traditions is that the bride’s family will pay for the wedding dress. This also includes any accessories the bride may wear, such as a veil, a bag and shoes.

For modern weddings, the bride may want to pay for her own dress. But, the bridal party are still encouraged to attend fittings for all the fun and excitement that goes with it.

Who traditionally pays for the groom’s suit?

The groom’s family would traditionally pay for the groom’s suit and any accessories, such as a tie, shoes and pocket square. Nowadays, it’s more likely to be one of the expenses that the groom will take care of himself.

Who traditionally pays for wedding rings?

Traditionally, the cost of the wedding rings is split between the two families. But, wedding rings are super personal – they’re pieces of jewellery the two of you will likely wear all day for the rest of your lives and have a huge amount of meaning. For that reason, many couples choose to pay for their wedding rings themselves these days.

Who traditionally pays for the engagement ring?

Traditionally, whoever proposes is the one who will pay for the engagement ring. Another option is to use a family heirloom which has been passed down from parents or grandparents.

Some modern couples will buy an engagement ring together. This might take away the element of surprise when it comes to the proposal itself, but it can be a lot of fun shopping for an engagement ring together. Other couples might choose to wear an engagement ring each, and those who do this might pay for the rings together.

Who traditionally pays for the bridesmaids’ dresses?

The bride’s side of the family traditionally pays for the bridesmaids’ dresses. But, with modern weddings, it’s becoming more common for bridesmaids to pay for their own dresses. It really depends on what your budget is, the type of dresses you want your bridesmaids to wear, and whether or not that’s within their price range. To avoid confusion later, we’d recommend discussing this as early as possible with your wedding squad.

Don’t know who should pay for your bridesmaid’s dresses? Read our guide on what your bridesmaids should and shouldn’t pay for.

Who traditionally pays for the groomsmen’s suits?

Unless they’ll be matching or require special suits, the ushers traditionally pay for their own attire. If the suits need to be tailor-made, however, it’s an expense that the groom’s side should cover.

Who pays for wedding guests’ accommodation?

Traditionally, each side of the family pays for their own guests’ accommodation. However, this really depends on what the families are comfortable with, as most guests pay for their own accommodation nowadays. Most hotels charge north of $200 a night, and if you decide to cover the bill, that could set you back thousands. Thankfully, very few couples offer to pay for their guests’ accommodation, so it’s not something they’ll expect.

Who traditionally pays for a hen party?

Traditionally, the hens will pay for most aspects of a hen party, with the maid of honour taking the responsibility of arranging everything and making those important bookings.

Today, there are no set rules – it entirely depends on budgets and plans. Make sure you and your hens discuss all your options and what everyone expects early on.

Who traditionally pays for the bucks party?

It’s tradition for the groomsmen attending the bucks party to pay, but it all depends on budgets and what the planned activities are. For something more expensive, like a trip abroad, it’s fine to ask the groom to contribute towards costs.

Who traditionally pays for a honeymoon?

Traditionally, it’s the groom who pays for the honeymoon. Today, however, most couples split the cost, with many also asking for donations towards their honeymoon instead of wedding gifts. This is a relatively new tradition, which likely stems from the fact that people are generally getting married later and often already live together by the time they tie the knot. That means they probably don’t need (or want) a new toaster or a 24-piece dinnerware set!

Who pays for what at a wedding: the quick reference cheat sheet

If you’re looking for a list of who traditionally pays for what, check out our quick reference cheat sheet below:

Who (Traditionally) Pays for What at a Wedding: Quick Reference Cheat Sheet

What does the bride’s family traditionally pay for at a wedding?

Traditionally, the bride’s family would pay for the majority of the major costs:

  • The wedding dress or outfit (and any accessories that come with it)
  • Bridesmaids’ dresses and accessories (NB. Nowadays, more and more bridesmaids pay for their own attire)
  • Any accompanying outfits for the bride (for example, going-away or honeymoon outfits)
  • Hair and makeup (along with other beauty treatments)
  • Transportation to the ceremony for the bridal party
  • Transportation to the reception venue for the bride and groom
  • Photography and/or videography
  • Flowers
  • Venue hire and decorations
  • Wedding cake
  • Catering
  • Wedding favours
  • Drinks
  • Entertainment
  • Wedding stationery
  • The groom’s wedding ring
  • Engagement party
  • Wedding insurance
  • Overnight accommodation for close family
  • Presents for the groom’s family

What does the groom’s family traditionally pay for at a wedding?

Traditionally, the groom’s family doesn’t have to pay as many wedding-related costs, but there are still plenty of ways they can get their hands in their pockets:

  • The groom’s outfit
  • The best man’s suit and ushers’ outfits (NB. As with the bridesmaids, these now tend to be bought by the groomsmen themselves)
  • Groom’s going-away outfit
  • Transportation to the ceremony for the groom and best man
  • Transportation for the bride and groom from the reception venue
  • Buttonholes for all the groomsmen
  • Civil or religious ceremony fees
  • Church fees (plus any extras like church music and bell ringing)
  • Registration office and other venue fees
  • Travel, accommodation (and if required: visas) for the honeymoon
  • Spending money for the honeymoon
  • Travel insurance for the honeymoon
  • Bride’s engagement and wedding rings
  • Presents for the bridesmaids, ushers and best man
  • Presents for the bride’s parents
  • Press announcement for the wedding
  • Wedding night hotel fees

Plan your dream wedding on Bridebook

While some couples and their families choose to abide by traditions, things are quickly changing, so you shouldn’t feel obliged to stick to any of them. It’s down to you and your family to decide who pays for what, so everyone feels included and no one feels pressured to spend beyond their means. 

Whatever you and your partner decide, make sure you keep on top of it with our free wedding planning tools, and everything will be just fine. Be sure to also download our free Bridebook app for quick and stress-free planning. 

Wedding Speech Examples

Wedding speeches are a crucial part of a wedding celebration, as they allow both the couple, family members, and friends to express their love, gratitude, and well-wishes for the newlyweds. However, giving a wedding speech can be nerve-wracking for many people, which is why having a few examples can be a great starting-point. 

Here are some simple wedding speech examples that can help you deliver a heartfelt, memorable, and enjoyable wedding speech. Feel free to use them as a template to inspire your own writing. 

And remember that these are just samples. Be sure to incorporate your own unique elements to personalise your speeches, which might mean having more gender-equal speeches compared to the traditional wedding speech line-up

Groom’s Speech & Bride’s Speech

The groom’s speech and bride’s speech is a chance for the couple to thank their families, friends, and wedding party for their support and to share their love for each other. Here is a sample of a shared groom and bride speech:

“Good evening everyone, we are [bride’s name and groom’s name], the newlyweds. We want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for being here to celebrate this special day with us. Our families, friends, and wedding party have made this day truly unforgettable, and we are so grateful for your love and support.

We also want to thank our parents for their love and guidance, and for raising us to be the people we are today. We are honoured to have both of our families come together to celebrate this special day with us.

And last but not least, we want to express our love for each other. [Groom’s name], you are my best friend, my soulmate, and my partner in life. I am so grateful to have you by my side, and I look forward to a lifetime of love, adventure, and happiness with you. [Bride’s name], you are beautiful, kind, and loving, and I feel so lucky to be able to call you my wife. I promise to always cherish and love you, no matter what life brings our way.

To our friends and family, thank you again for being here to share this special day with us. We are so grateful for your love and support, and we look forward to the memories we will create together.

Cheers to love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers to all of us!”

Check out our top 10 groom speech examples and top 10 bride speech examples for more inspiration if you’re each giving individual speeches rather than a shared one. 

Father of the Bride Speech:

A father of the bride speech is one of the most traditional and emotional speeches of the wedding. The father of the bride has the opportunity to both reflect on the love and relationship he has with his daughter and to welcome her new spouse into the family. Here is a sample:

“Good evening, everyone. Today is a very special day for me, as I stand here to give away my beautiful daughter [bride’s name]. She has grown into an amazing young woman, and I am so proud of the person she has become. [Groom’s name], I couldn’t have asked for a better match for my daughter. You are kind, caring, and loving, and I am honoured to welcome you into our family. [Bride’s name], [groom’s name], I wish you a lifetime of happiness, love, and adventure. To the newlyweds!”

Check out our top 10 father of the bride speech examples for more inspiration. 

Best Man Speech:

The best man speech is a fun and light-hearted speech that is often filled with anecdotes and humour. The best man has the opportunity to pay tribute to the groom and to share some memorable moments from their friendship. Here is a sample:

“Good evening everyone, I am [your name], the best man, and the groom’s closest friend. I have known [groom’s name] for [number of years], and it has been an honour to stand by his side today as he marries the love of his life, [bride’s name]. [Groom’s name], you are one of the kindest, funniest, and most genuine people I know, and I am so grateful to have you as my friend. [Bride’s name], you bring out the best in [groom’s name], and I know you will have a lifetime of happiness together. To the newlyweds, congratulations and here’s to a lifetime of love and laughter!”

Check out our top 10 best man speech examples for more inspiration. 

Maid of Honour Speech:

The maid of honour speech is usually given by the bride’s closest friend or sister and can be a combination of humour and sentimentality. Here is a sample:

“Good evening everyone, I am [your name], the maid of honour and [bride’s name]’s best friend. I have known [bride’s name] since we were [age], and I have never seen her as happy as she is today. [Groom’s name], you have brought so much joy into [bride’s name]’s life, and I am grateful to have you as my friend as well. To the newlyweds, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Congratulations and best wishes!”

Check out our top 10 maid of honour examples for more inspiration. 

Mother of the Bride Speech:

Mother and bride

A mother of the bride speech, while not always a traditional element in the order of wedding speeches, is becoming gaining increasing popularity in modern celebrations. This beautiful moment lets the mother share her heartfelt sentiments, commemorate her daughter’s journey, and extend a warm welcome to her daughter’s new spouse. Here’s a sample:

“Good evening everyone. Today holds great significance for me, as I stand before you to celebrate the union of my beloved daughter [bride’s name]. Watching her blossom into the remarkable woman she is today fills my heart with immense joy. [Groom’s name], from the moment you entered our lives, you’ve shown remarkable qualities of kindness, compassion, and love. Welcoming you into our family is an honour beyond words. [Bride’s name], [groom’s name], may your lives be filled with boundless joy, enduring love, and remarkable journeys together. To the newlyweds!”

Check out our top 10 mother of the bride speech examples for more inspiration. 

Plan your dream wedding on Bridebook

These are just a few examples of the different types of wedding speeches you may give on a wedding day. No matter what type of speech you choose, the most important thing is to be yourself, speak from the heart, and let your love for the newlyweds shine through. Best of luck and have a wonderful time celebrating the love and happiness of the newlyweds.

And for even more wedding tips and tricks, sign up to Bridebook today. We’ve got plenty of articles to help you with your wedding planning and celebrations. 

Top 10 Groom Speech Examples

The great thing about the groom’s speech is that it’s generally one of the easiest to write. You don’t need to stress about making everyone laugh like the best man or worry about whether your words are heartfelt enough, like the father of the bride. Instead, the groom’s speech is a lovely thank you note to everyone who has helped you plan the wedding.

As the groom, it’s a chance for you to express your love, gratitude, and appreciation to all the amazing people who have gathered to celebrate this joyous occasion. It’s a time to honour your beautiful bride, thank your parents, and embrace the opportunity to let everyone know how grateful you are for their continued support.

In this article, we’ve captured everything you need to know about writing the best groom speech ever. We have 10 brilliant groom speech examples for inspiration, a breakdown of the structure of the speech, and a list of all the little bits and bobs you may need to consider. Let’s get going!

What is the groom’s speech?

The groom’s speech is a heartfelt speech made by the groom during a wedding reception. It should be no more than 10 minutes long and usually goes second in the order of speeches, coming after the father of the bride speech but before the best man’s speech.

Consider this your opportunity to let your friends and family know how grateful you are for their support. You can also share stories and memories and thank all those who have played a significant role in the journey leading up to the wedding day.

In fact, the groom’s speech is usually positioned as a thank-you note to everyone involved in planning your wedding. For example, your parents, the bride’s parents, ushers, bridesmaids, the best man, the maid of honour, your wedding planner, and the wedding venue staff. It’s also a great opportunity to thank anyone who has supported your relationship thus far and a chance to tell some heartwarming stories about how you and your partner met.

What should you include in the groom’s speech?

Here are some key elements you should consider including in your groom’s speech:

  • Thank your family. They’ve guided you through life, helped you become who you are today, and probably contributed to the wedding somehow. It’s time to thank your parents for their support over the years. In addition, you should extend your gratitude to your new in-laws. Let them know how grateful you are to them for raising such a wonderful partner, welcoming you into their family, and for their continued guidance.
  • The meet-cute. Share some sweet stories and anecdotes about how you met your partner when you knew they were the one, and any adventures you’ve shared along the way. You could also share any laughs you’ve had leading up to the wedding day and maybe sprinkle in a few inside jokes. Just remember, keep it respectful and appropriate for all guests!
  • Compliment your new spouse. What better day to highlight how beautiful and special your partner bride is than on their big day? It’s time to let everyone know exactly what made you fall in love with them, their impact on your life, and the joy they bring you. Include all these topics and watch their smile light up the room.
  • A toast. Bottoms up! Finish your speech by encouraging your friends and guests to join you in a toast. Here’s to love and the incredible journey that lies ahead.

Groom’s speech structure

Although the groom’s speech can follow any structure you feel is best, we recommend sticking to the following framework. This way, you can feel confident that you’ve covered all your bases and delivered a well-rounded speech.


The introduction sets the tone for your speech, so it’s important to start with confidence. Take this time to welcome and engage your audience, as well as acknowledge everyone’s effort in attending the wedding. Express your gratitude, and let everyone know they look great. Keep it short and move on to the bulk of the speech.

Top tip: To guarantee a big cheer, start with “On behalf of me and my wife…”. It’s a winner every time!

Thank your family

Take a moment to express heartfelt appreciation to your family. Begin with your parents, thanking them for their unconditional love, guidance, and support throughout your life.

Recognise the sacrifices they have made along the way and for any help they have offered in wedding planning.

You can then move on to thanking your new in-laws. Emphasise the love and acceptance they have shown you, how they have supported your relationship, and their role in bringing you and your partner together. And, if appropriate, thank them for their child’s hand in marriage!

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen

Show appreciation for your best man, maid of honour, and the rest of the bridal party. Highlight their support, dedication, and efforts in making your wedding day special. You can also express your gratitude for their friendship, unwavering support, and their role in your special day.

Express your gratitude to the guests

Take a moment to express gratitude to all the guests for their presence and role in your lives. Highlight what their support means to you and the happiness they bring to the occasion.

Take extra time to thank anyone who has travelled long distances or made an extra effort to be there. Let them know how much you appreciate the efforts and how much it means to have them with you.

Thank the staff

Acknowledge the efforts of the staff, vendors, and wedding planners who have worked tirelessly to make your wedding day run smoothly. Show appreciation for their professionalism and attention to detail. After all, the day wouldn’t be possible without them!

Compliment your partner

Finally, express your love and admiration for your new spouse. Share heartfelt compliments that highlight their beauty, grace and the qualities that make them so special to you. Be specific and genuine in your praise. There won’t be a dry eye in the house!

Time for a toast

As you wrap up your speech, it’s time to invite your guests to raise their glasses and join you in a toast. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. Chin chin!

Groom’s speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Use this groom speech template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering a great groom’s speech  

Keep it upbeat

Although it’s an emotional day, keep the tone of your speech happy and upbeat. Save the tear-jerking stories for the father of the bride or best man speeches. Your speech should be focused on light-hearted gratitude.

Keep it clean!

Although light-hearted humour and anecdotes are appropriate in a groom’s speech, ensure your humour is tasteful and doesn’t overshadow the heartfelt moments! Remember, your new spouse is in front of all their family and friends, so they may not want to share any intimate or embarrassing stories. If you’re unsure whether your partner will be comfortable with the stories you’re sharing, consider running any stories you plan to use past them first.

Confidence is key

A few nerves are to be expected. However, this is your time to shine, and you should do it proudly. Stand tall, speak clearly, and make eye contact with the audience. Project confidence and belief in your words. Remember, the audience is filled with your family and friends who are gathered to have a good time and are all rooting for you!

Top 10 groom speech examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of great wedding speech ideas, from the simple and sentimental to the light-hearted and humorous. And remember that these are just examples. You can use them as templates for your own speech, but it’s important to speak from the heart, and add your own personal touch and unique family anecdotes.

A lot of traditional father of the bride speeches and examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to your daughter’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: The Heartfelt Appreciation

Introduction: “Ladies and gentlemen, family, and friends, thank you all for being here to celebrate this special day with [partner’s name] and me. Your presence means the world to us, and we are truly grateful for your love and support.”

Thank your family: “I want to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to my parents, [parents’ names]. Thank you for your unwavering love, guidance, and for always believing in me. You have shaped me into the man I am today, and I am forever grateful. And I extend my heartfelt thanks to my incredible new in-laws, [in-laws’ names]. Thank you for welcoming me into your family with open arms and showering us with your love and acceptance. I am truly blessed to have gained such wonderful additions to my life.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “I want to take a moment to thank my incredible best man, [best man’s name], and our wonderful groomsmen. Your friendship and support have been invaluable throughout this journey, and I am lucky to have you by my side. Thank you for standing with me today.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “To all our family and friends, thank you for being here to celebrate our love. Your presence fills our hearts with joy, and we are grateful for the love and support you have shown us. We are honoured to share this special day with all of you.”

Thank the staff: “A special thank you goes out to the amazing staff, vendors, and wedding planners who have worked tirelessly to make this day perfect. Your attention to detail and professionalism have made our wedding day unforgettable. We are incredibly grateful for all that you’ve done.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to the love of my life, [partner’s name]. Words cannot express the depth of my love for you. You are my rock, my best friend, and my partner in all of life’s adventures. Your beauty, both inside and out, continues to amaze me every day. I am the luckiest person in the world to call you my wife.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses as we toast to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness for [partner’s name] and me. May our love continue to grow and shine brighter with each passing day. Bottoms up!”

Speech Example 2: The Light-hearted Banter

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I must say, standing here in front of you all, I feel a mix of excitement and nerves. But hey, that’s nothing compared to the excitement of marrying the amazing person standing beside me, [partner’s name]!”

Thank your family: “I want to start by thanking my parents, [parents’ names], for their endless love and support. You have always been there for me, guiding me through life’s ups and downs. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. And now I will extend my sincere thanks to my incredible new family, [in-laws’ names]. Your kindness, generosity, and open hearts have made me feel like I’ve always been a part of this beautiful family. I am truly grateful for the love and support you have shown us.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “A big shout-out to my best man, [best man’s name], and our incredible groomsmen. You guys have been with me through thick and thin, and I couldn’t have asked for a better crew. Thank you for all the unforgettable memories and for keeping me sane throughout this wedding planning madness.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “To all our friends and family gathered here today, thank you for being a part of this joyous celebration. Your presence fills our hearts with warmth and happiness. We are truly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives.”

Thank the staff: “Let’s not forget to give a round of applause to the fantastic staff who have worked their socks off to make this day possible. From the venue coordinators to the catering team, your hard work and attention to detail have exceeded our expectations. Thank you for making our dream wedding a reality.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to the woman who has stolen my heart, [partner’s name]. You are a true blessing in my life. Your kindness, intelligence, and sense of humour brighten every moment we spend together. I am so grateful for the love and happiness you bring into my life.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising a glass to the incredible love and future of [partner’s name] and me. May our journey together be filled with laughter, adventures, and a lifetime of shared happiness. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Emotional Touch 

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. Today is a day filled with immense joy and gratitude as I stand here as the luckiest man in the world, ready to embark on a new chapter of my life with the love of my life, [partner’s name].”

Thank your family: “I want to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude to my parents, [parents’ names]. Your love, support, and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for the values you instilled in me and for the love you have shown me throughout my life. And to my incredible new in-laws, [in-laws’ names], I want to express my deepest appreciation for welcoming me into your family. Your love, warmth, and genuine care have made me feel like I’ve found a second home.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “To my best man, [best man’s name], and our incredible groomsmen, thank you for standing by my side on this special day. Your friendship and endless support mean the world to me. I am so grateful for the memories we have shared and for the bond we have formed.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “To all our beloved friends and family gathered here today, thank you for your presence and for celebrating our love. Your love, encouragement, and support have been a constant source of strength and inspiration. We are blessed to have you in our lives.”

Thank the staff: “A special thank you goes to the dedicated staff and vendors who have worked tirelessly to make this day unforgettable. Your professionalism, attention to detail, and hard work have made our wedding dreams come true. We are forever grateful for your contributions.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to the woman who has captured my heart, [partner’s name]. You are my rock, my best friend, and my biggest supporter. Your love and unwavering belief in me have brought immeasurable joy into my life. I am grateful for your beautiful soul, your compassion, and the way you make every day brighter.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising a glass to the love and happiness of [partner’s name] and me. May our love continue to grow and flourish, and may our journey together be filled with laughter, adventures, and endless love. Bottoms up!”

Speech Example 4: The Humorous Twist

Introduction: “Ladies and gentlemen, family, and friends, thank you for being here today to celebrate this incredible milestone in my life. I must say, I’m feeling a mix of excitement and relief that I managed to tie my tie correctly. It’s a big day for me!”

Thank your family: “I want to begin by expressing my deepest gratitude to my parents, [parents’ names]. Thank you for your constant support, for always believing in me even when I doubted myself, and for teaching me the importance of love and commitment. And let’s not forget a special thank you to my fantastic new in-laws, [in-laws’ names]. From the first time we met, your clever banter and quick comebacks kept me on my toes. It’s a true pleasure to be part of a family with such a sharp sense of humour. Thank you for the laughter, the wit, and the warm welcome into your incredible clan.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “A big shout-out to my incredible best man, [best man’s name], and our awesome groomsmen. You guys have been with me through all the highs and all the lows, and I can’t thank you enough for being my sidekicks in life’s adventures. I’m honoured to have you by my side.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “To all our amazing guests, thank you for being here and sharing in the joy of this special day. Your presence makes this celebration even more memorable, and we are truly grateful for the love and support you have shown us.”

Thank the staff: “Let’s also take a moment to appreciate the hardworking staff and vendors who have made this wedding day unforgettable. From the venue team to the caterers, thank you for going above and beyond to make everything run smoothly. You’re the real MVPs!”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to the person who has stolen my heart, my beautiful [partner’s name]. You are my everything. Your love, warmth, and infectious laughter bring so much happiness into my life. I’m grateful for the adventures we’ve shared and the ones that lie ahead.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses as we toast to the incredible love and future of [partner’s name] and me. May our love be a never-ending source of laughter, support, and growth. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and shared dreams. Cheers!”

Speech Example 5: The Poetic Reflection

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. Today, I stand before you with a heart full of gratitude and love. This is a day that marks the beginning of a beautiful journey, and I’m honoured to share it with all of you.”

Thank your family: “I want to start by thanking my parents, [parents’ names]. Your unconditional love and unwavering support have shaped me into the person I am today. Thank you for your guidance, sacrifices, and for always believing in me. My heartfelt thanks also go to my wonderful new in-laws, [in-laws’ Names]. You have welcomed me into your family with open arms and treated me as one of your own from the very beginning.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “A special shout-out to my amazing best man, [best man’s name], and our remarkable groomsmen. You guys have been there for me through thick and thin, and I’m grateful for the friendship and memories we’ve created together.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “To all our cherished guests, thank you for gracing us with your presence on this joyous occasion. Your love and support mean the world to us, and we are beyond grateful to have you here as we celebrate our love.”

Thank the staff: “I also want to extend my gratitude to the hardworking staff and vendors who have made this day possible. Your dedication and attention to detail have transformed our vision into reality. Thank you for creating such a magical atmosphere.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to my incredible partner, [bride’s name]. Your beauty, both inside and out, continues to amaze me every day. Your love and undying belief in me have given me strength and courage. I’m blessed to have you by my side.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising a glass to the extraordinary love and future of [partner’s name] and me. May our journey be filled with love, adventure, and the fulfilment of all our dreams. So let’s all raise a glass!”

Speech Example 6: The Joyful Adventure 

Introduction: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! First and foremost, let me take a moment to express my gratitude for being here today on this wonderful day of celebration. Thank you all for joining us!”

Thank your family: “I want to start by thanking my parents, [parents’ names]. You have been my guiding lights, and my biggest cheerleaders. Thank you for your amazing love and support throughout the years. “I also want to express my deepest appreciation to my amazing new family, [in-laws’ names]. From the moment we met, you embraced me with open hearts and made me feel like a cherished member of the family. Your love, support, and guidance mean the world to me, and I am truly blessed to call you my in-laws as I embark on this new adventure with your daughter.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “To my wonderful best man, [best man’s name], and our fantastic groomsmen, thank you for being my partners in mischief and for standing by my side. Your friendship and laughter have made this journey all the more memorable.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “To all our incredible guests, thank you for gracing us with your presence today. Your love, well wishes, and dance moves are what make this celebration truly special. Let’s continue to create unforgettable memories together.”

Thank the staff: “A special shout-out to the incredible staff who have made this wedding day a seamless experience. From the event coordinators to the DJ who knows just the right tunes to keep the party going, you have all been instrumental in creating an unforgettable night.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to the love of my life, [partner’s name]. From the moment we met, you have filled my days with laughter, love, and countless adventures. Your beauty, both inside and out, leaves me in awe. I’m so lucky to call you my partner.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses as we toast to the extraordinary love and future of [partner’s name] and me. May our days be filled with laughter, our hearts with love, and our lives with endless joy. Cheers!”

Speech Example 7: The Sentimental Journey

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. Today, as I stand here before all of you, I can’t help but be overwhelmed with emotions. This day represents the culmination of an incredible journey, and I’m honoured to share it with each and every one of you.”

Thank your family: “I want to start by expressing my deepest gratitude to my parents, [parents’ names]. You have given me the most incredible gift of love and support, and I will forever cherish the values you have instilled in me. And I am filled with gratitude for my exceptional new family, [In-Laws’ Names]. Your love, acceptance, and genuine kindness have made me feel like a beloved member of the family from the very beginning.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “To my phenomenal best man, [best man’s name], and our incredible groomsmen, thank you for being my pillars of strength and for standing by my side throughout this entire process. Your friendship means the world to me.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “To all our beloved guests, thank you for gracing us with your presence on this beautiful day. Your presence and well wishes have filled our hearts with immense joy and love. We are blessed to have you in our lives.”

Thank the staff: “A heartfelt thank you to the dedicated staff and vendors who have worked tirelessly to make this wedding a truly magical experience. Your attention to detail and professionalism have exceeded our expectations. We are forever grateful.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to the love of my life, [partner’s name]. Your presence in my life has brought an indescribable happiness that words can’t fully capture. Your love, strength, and unconditional support have made me a better person. I’m beyond fortunate to call you mine.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in raising a glass to the extraordinary love and future of [partner’s name] and me. May our journey be filled with endless love, cherished moments, and the realisation of all our dreams. Cheers to us!”

Speech Example 8: The Inspirational Touch 

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! Today is a day filled with love, joy, and celebration. I stand before you as a grateful man, ready to embark on this incredible journey with my soulmate by my side.”

Thank your family: “I want to start by expressing my deepest appreciation to my parents, [parents’ names]. Your unconditional love, guidance, and sacrifices have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for the values you have instilled in me. I am truly grateful to my wonderful new family, [in-laws’ Names]. From the moment I met you, you embraced me with open arms and made me feel like part of the family. Your love, support, and acceptance have touched my heart deeply, and I am honoured to be a part of this loving family.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “To my amazing best man, [best man’s name], and our wonderful groomsmen, thank you for your constant support, laughter, and friendship. You have stood by my side through all of life’s wild adventures, and I’m honoured to have you as my chosen family.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all our esteemed guests. Your presence here today is a testament to the love and support you have shown us. We are deeply touched by your presence and grateful for the memories we will create together.”

Thank the staff: “A special shout-out to the incredible staff and vendors who have worked to the bone to make this day a literal dream come true. Your attention to detail, professionalism, and dedication have made this celebration truly exceptional. Thank you for going above and beyond.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to the love of my life, [partner’s name]. You have brought light into my world, and I’m grateful for every moment we’ve shared. Your beauty, both inside and out, captivates me. I promise to cherish and protect our love for all my days.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses as we toast to the incredible love and future of [partner’s name] and me. May our love be a guiding light, leading us to a lifetime of happiness, adventure, and unbreakable bonds. Cheers to us!”

Speech Example 9: The Heartfelt Tribute

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. Today is a day of immense joy and gratitude as we gather here to celebrate the union of two souls deeply in love. Thank you for joining us on this momentous occasion.”

Thank your family: “I want to take a moment to express my deepest appreciation to my parents, [parents’ names]. Your unconditional love, guidance, and support have been the foundation of my life. I’m forever grateful for everything you have done for me. “My heartfelt thanks go to my incredible new in-laws, [in-laws’ names]. Your love, warmth, and genuine acceptance have made me feel like I’ve always been a part of this beautiful family. I am grateful for the memories we’ve shared, and for bringing [partner’s name] into my life.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “To my brilliant best man, [best man’s name], and our outstanding groomsmen, thank you for being my brothers, confidants, and partners in crime. Your friendship has been an invaluable gift, and I’m honoured to have you by my side on this special day.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “To all our beloved guests, thank you for gracing us with your presence and for sharing in the love and joy of this moment. Your presence fills our hearts with warmth, and we are so grateful for the love and support you have shown us.”

Thank the staff: “A special thank you to the remarkable staff and vendors who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this day perfect. Your professionalism, creativity, and attention to detail have transformed our vision into reality. We are in awe of your talents.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to my beautiful soulmate, [bride’s name]. You are my rock, my inspiration, and my best friend. Your love has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. I’m forever grateful for your unwavering support and the endless joy you bring into my world.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses as we toast to the extraordinary love and future of [bride’s name] and me. May our journey be filled with boundless love, adventure, and beautiful memories. Here’s to a lifetime of love and happiness. Cheers!”

Speech Example 10: The Light-hearted Celebration

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! Today is a day of celebration, laughter, and love. Thank you all for being here as we embark on this incredible journey together. Let’s make some unforgettable memories!”

Thank your family: “I want to begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to my parents, [parents’ names]. You have been my biggest cheerleaders and a constant source of love and support. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. To my amazing new family, [in-laws’ names], I want to express my sincere appreciation for welcoming me into your lives. Your love, kindness, and genuine hospitality have made me feel like a beloved member of the family. Thank you for letting me love your incredible daughter.”

Thank the bridal party and groomsmen: “To my phenomenal best man, [best man’s name], and our incredible groomsmen, thank you for adding laughter, adventure, and a whole lot of fun to my life. I’m grateful for the memories we’ve created and the ones we’ll continue to make.”

Express gratitude to the guests: “Thank you to all our wonderful guests for being here and sharing in the joy of this special day. Your presence makes this celebration even more memorable, and we appreciate the love and warmth you bring to our lives.”

Thank the staff: “A special shout-out to the amazing staff and vendors who have bent over backwards to make this wedding day a fantastic experience. From the delicious food to the beautiful decorations, you have made this day truly extraordinary.”

Compliment your partner: “And now, to my incredible partner in crime, [partner’s name]. Your smile lights up my world, and your love fills my heart with happiness. I’m honoured to call you my wife and excited for all the adventures that await us.”

Time for a toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses as we toast to the love and future of [partner’s name] and me. May our lives be filled with endless laughter, joy, and shared dreams! Now let’s make this the best celebration ever!”

The bottom line on the groom’s speech 

The groom’s speech is your opportunity to thank everyone around you for their involvement and support with your wedding.

Take the time to personalise your speech, infuse it with genuine compliments, and practice, practice, practice! Strike a balance between sincerity and lightheartedness, and let the love and happiness that fills your special day shine through. Remember: keep it upbeat, keep it clean, and deliver it with confidence.

If you’re still unsure where to start, sign up to Bridebook for some top tips, tricks, and inspiration for writing a brilliant groom’s speech. Best of luck!

Top 10 Maid of Honour Speech Examples

Are you gearing up to help your bestie walk down the aisle? Or maybe you’re a sister bestowed with the great honour of being the bride’s right-hand man? Well, first off, congratulations! Being chosen as the maid of honour to the bride is no small feat. It’s a role filled with joy, emotion, and, yes, a touch of nerves too. But fear not, because we’ve got your back!

Writing a wedding speech that resonates with both the bride and the audience can be tricky. It’s about finding the right balance of funny anecdotes, genuine love, and a sprinkle of nostalgic shared memories to write the best maid of honour speech. 

In this post, we explore what you should include in your wedding speech, some top tips to consider when writing a great speech, and our top 10 maid of honour speech examples. Let’s dive in!

What is a maid of honour speech?

A maid of honour speech is a beautiful and heartfelt speech made by the maid of honour during a wedding reception. Traditionally, the maid of honour doesn’t make a speech during the wedding reception, just as there isn’t usually a bridesmaid speech. That means you have some flexibility as to where you fit into the overall wedding speech order

A maid of honour speech should last between 5-7 minutes and should focus on the relationship between you and the bride, how wonderful she is, and the lovely year running up to the wedding. 

What should you include in a maid of honour speech?

When writing your maid of honour speech, you might want to consider including the following key elements:

  • Lots of love. The bride might be your sister, she might be your neighbour, but she’s definitely your best friend. This is the perfect opportunity to let everyone know exactly what makes her so special. You can tell everyone how funny she is, what a caring person she can be, and all about how you’ve supported each other through life. Let the couple know how proud you are of the relationship they’ve built and how honoured you are to be there with them on their special day. 
  • Wedding planning foibles. It’s likely that you helped the bride with a good portion of the wedding planning. As such, you probably have lots of stories about the trials and tribulations of wedding planning. Share some funny maid of honour speech stories, like how stressed she was about finding the right shape of confetti, or how many samples you tried when trying to design the wedding cupcakes! Make sure any stories you tell are appropriate for her family and acquaintances to hear, and avoid referring to her as a ‘Bridezilla.’ Trust us; it’s not as funny as you think. 
  • Their love story. Being the bride’s bestie, you probably remember the day the bride met her new spouse. Consider sharing some happy stories from the early days of their relationship, when the bride told you they were the one, or when her partner told you they were going to propose. These stories are always a winner with the audience and bring a heartwarming touch to your speech.
  • Your unwavering support. Above anything else, let everyone know how much you love and support the bride’s new marriage and how you’ll continue to be there for her, just as you were before the wedding.

Maid of honour speech structure

Use this maid of honour speech template to guide your writing

The good thing about the maid of honour speech is that it’s untraditional. This means there are no expectations, and you can include whatever you’d like!

However, this open-ended approach can be a little daunting. Try using the below structure to outline your maid of honour speech and help you feel more confident. 


The first step of any great speech is to introduce yourself to the audience. Let them know who you are, how long you’ve known the bride, and how you met. Express your gratitude for being part of their special day and acknowledge how happy you are to be the maid of honour. 

Stories about the bride

You can then move on to some funny stories about your relationship with the bride. Share some light-hearted anecdotes, funny quotes, or special memories that you’ve shared with the bride over the years. This will not only capture the attention of the audience but will set the tone for your speech. 

The couple’s love story

You can then move on to some happy memories about how the bride and groom met. You can share their initial impressions of each other, a funny story from their first date, and how their relationship blossomed over the years. Be sure to include any funny or heartwarming anecdotes from the early days of their relationship or when the bride first told you her partner was the one!

The proposal

Telling everyone about the proposal is sure to be a winner. It’s the perfect chance to spill the beans about the ingenious proposal plans or when they finally got down on one knee. Share the part you played by picking out the ring, helping with the surprise, or sneakily standing in the background to take pictures. 

Heartfelt advice

Follow up with some heartfelt advice about love and commitment. Feel free to use some popular quotes about love, poetry, readings, or try writing a few vows of your own if you feel it’s appropriate. For example, “I will support you in married life just as I have through single life,” or “I promise to be the coolest auntie to your kids and tell them all about how wild their mum used to be!” 

Toast to the couple

The final step should be a toast to the happy couple. Raise your glass and invite your audience to do the same, and toast to the health, love, and happiness of the new couple. Be sure to introduce them by their new shared name and take a sip from the glass. Cheers!

Top tips for delivering the best maid of honour speech

Be mindful of the audience

Remember, there will be lots of family and old friends in the audience, so it’s important to be mindful of the types of stories you tell. Err on the side of mildly embarrassing, and make sure any anecdotes are family-appropriate!

There are no expectations!

The best thing about a maid of honour speech is that there are no expectations; There’s no rigid script to follow. Instead, it’s your chance to let your personality shine, and your unique relationship with the bride take centre stage. This freedom means you can craft a speech that’s as genuine and heartwarming as your relationship with your bestie, so make it count.

Practice, practice, practice

Practice will perfect your timing, hone your speech delivery, and increase your confidence when making your speech. Stand before a mirror, share your speech with a close friend, or even record yourself to capture your progress. Embrace each rehearsal as an opportunity to smooth out any rough edges and enhance your storytelling. You’ll be glad you did when the big day rolls around.

Top 10 maid of honour speech examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of the best maid of honour speech ideas! Use them as templates for your own speech and personalise them with your own unique examples and anecdotes.

A lot of maid of honour speech examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to your daughter’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: The Lifelong Friend

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [your name], and I’ve had the absolute privilege of being [bride’s name]’s partner-in-crime since primary school. Today, I have the honour of standing by her side as her maid of honour.”

Stories about the bride: “From building pillow forts to surviving our teenage years, [bride’s name] has been my partner in every adventure. I remember the time we tried to bake a cake from scratch and ended up with a kitchen covered in flour – and yes, our masterpiece was inedible!”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been nothing short of magical. From their first awkward hello to the moment they realised they were meant for each other, their journey has been a testament to true love.”

The proposal: “And then there was the proposal – let me tell you, I’ve never seen [bride’s name] so shocked in her life! [Partner’s name] had orchestrated this amazing surprise, complete with twinkling fairy lights and her favourite song playing in the background.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you both embark on this beautiful journey, remember that love is not just about the grand gestures, but also about the little things – like making each other laugh when life gets tough or sharing late-night ice cream runs.”

Toast to the couple: “So, here’s to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a love story that deserves all the happiness in the world. May your days be filled with laughter, your hearts forever intertwined, and your adventures together never-ending. Cheers!”

Speech Example 2: The Dynamic Duo

Introduction: “Hey there, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve had the incredible privilege of being [bride’s name]’s best friend since college. Today, as her maid of honour, I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate this beautiful journey with her.”

Stories about the bride: “From surviving all-night study sessions with gallons of coffee to our impromptu road trips that ended in hilarious mishaps, [bride’s name] has made every moment unforgettable.”

The couple’s love story: “When [bride’s name] introduced me to [partner’s name], I knew there was something special. Their love story has been a whirlwind of laughter, adventures, and stolen glances that have melted my heart.”

The proposal: “And let’s talk about the proposal, shall we? [Partner’s name] pulled out all the stops, arranging a scavenger hunt that led [bride’s name] to their favourite park, where he popped the question under a sky full of twinkling stars.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you journey together, remember that true love means supporting each other’s dreams and creating a partnership built on respect and understanding.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the ultimate dynamic duo. May your love continue to be as strong as your friendship, and may your days be filled with endless joy and shared laughter. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Adventure Buddies

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve had the joy of being [bride’s name]’s sister and partner-in-crime in countless escapades. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m beyond excited to stand by her side.”

Stories about the bride: “From spontaneous road trips to conquering our fears together, [bride’s name] has been my adventure buddy. I’ll never forget the time we hiked up a mountain, only to realise we were on the wrong trail!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been an incredible journey. Their love is like a grand adventure, filled with twists, turns, and the promise of new horizons.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal – [partner’s name] transformed a quiet night into a dreamy scene from a romance movie, complete with fairy lights and a heartfelt speech that brought tears to [bride’s name]’s eyes.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you navigate the exciting path of marriage, remember that love is an ever-evolving journey. Embrace each new chapter with open hearts and a sense of wonder.”

Toast to the couple: “Here’s to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], two souls embarking on life’s greatest adventure together. May your love be as thrilling as your explorations, and may your days be filled with joy, laughter, and boundless love. Cheers!”

Speech Example 4: The Childhood Confidante

Introduction: “Hi, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve been lucky enough to share every stage of life with [bride’s name] since we were children. As her sister and maid of honour, I’m absolutely honoured to be part of this beautiful day.”

Stories about the bride: “From playing dress-up in the attic to having heart-to-heart conversations under the stars, [bride’s name] has been my confidante and best friend since day one.”

The couple’s love story: “Witnessing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like watching a favourite movie unfold – full of romance, laughter, and unforgettable moments.”

The proposal: “And then, of course, there was the proposal – a charming surprise at their favourite restaurant, complete with singing waiters and a hidden videographer.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you step into this new chapter, remember that love is built on a foundation of friendship, trust, and shared dreams. Keep your hearts open and your communication strong.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a match made in heaven. May your love story continue to be as beautiful and captivating as the journey that brought you together. Cheers!”

Speech Example 5: The Soul Sisters

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and if you see a whirlwind of laughter, adventures, and endless support, chances are you’re in the presence of [bride’s name] and me. Today, as her maid of honour, I am over the moon to share in this beautiful moment.”

Stories about the bride: “From singing in the rain to staying up all night solving life’s mysteries, [bride’s name] and I have created a treasure trove of memories. One of my favourites? Our impromptu dance-offs in the living room!”

The couple’s love story: “The way [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fell in love is something out of a fairy tale. Their story is a testament to fate and the magical connection that brought them together.”

The proposal: “Speaking of magic, the proposal was straight from the heart. [Partner’s name] transformed their back garden into a wonderland, and when he dropped to one knee, even the stars seemed to shine brighter.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you embark on this journey of love, remember that it’s the everyday moments that truly matter. Celebrate each other’s victories, be each other’s shoulder to lean on, and never underestimate the power of a spontaneous dance party!”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a love story that radiates joy and magic. May your days be filled with endless giggles, late-night conversations, and a love that continues to sparkle. Cheers!”

Speech Example 6: The Laughter Architects

Introduction: “Hey there, lovely people! I’m [your name], the one responsible for countless giggles and sidesplitting laughter shared with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m beyond thrilled to raise a glass to the love story we’re celebrating.”

Stories about the bride: “From our ‘secret’ language to the unforgettable pranks we’ve pulled, [bride’s name] and I have a laughter-filled journey that keeps getting better. One time, we dressed up as ninjas and accidentally scared the mailman!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a masterful comedy unfold – with witty banter, funny quirks, and a heartwarming connection that’s pure gold.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal – a hilarious yet heart-melting scene that had us all in stitches. [Partner’s name] got down on one knee, and [bride’s name] was so shocked that she briefly lost her ability to speak!”

Heartfelt advice: “As you navigate the wonderful world of marriage, remember that laughter truly is the best medicine. Keep finding joy in the little things, and never let go of the hilarious moments that make your love story uniquely yours.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the architects of laughter and love. May your days be filled with continuous chuckles, inside jokes, and a bond that only grows stronger with time. Cheers!”

Speech Example 7: The Creative Companions

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], the lucky one who’s shared a canvas of creativity and countless memorable moments with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I couldn’t be more excited to raise a toast to her love story.”

Stories about the bride: “From painting masterpieces that Picasso would envy to attempting a DIY home improvement project that didn’t quite go as planned, [bride’s name] and I have crafted a world of creativity.”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a beautiful masterpiece unfold – with vivid colours of laughter, strokes of affection, and an undeniable chemistry.”

The proposal: “Speaking of creativity, [partner’s name] proposed in a way that perfectly captured their story. He reenacted their first date, complete with the same restaurant and the same song that played during that magical evening.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you step into the realm of marriage, remember that love is a canvas where both of you hold the brushes. Paint it with kindness, patience, and the vibrant colours of trust and understanding.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the creators of a love story that’s both imaginative and heartwarming. May your journey be filled with artistic adventures, endless inspiration, and a love that continues to paint your lives with beauty. Cheers!”

Speech Example 8: The Travel Enthusiasts

Introduction: “Hey, everyone! I’m [your name], the crazy friend who has navigated the wild world of adventures with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m over the moon to celebrate this incredible journey.”

Stories about the bride: “From getting lost in foreign cities to bonding over bizarre local cuisine, [bride’s name] and I have embarked on some unforgettable journeys. I still can’t believe we accidentally ordered snails!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love is like watching a captivating travel documentary – each chapter filled with exciting destinations, new experiences, and a growing sense of unity.”

The proposal: “Speaking of travels, [partner’s name] took [bride’s name] on a surprise trip to their favourite city, where he proposed atop a breathtaking viewpoint. It was a moment as memorable as the stamps on their passports.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you journey through the uncharted waters of marriage, remember that love is an adventure filled with twists and turns. Embrace the unexpected, cherish the beauty of every sunrise, and hold each other’s hand through every storm.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the explorers of love and life. May your days be filled with exhilarating discoveries, shared laughter, and a bond that’s as unbreakable as the compass that guides your hearts. Cheers!”

Speech Example 9: The Dance Partners

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], the one who’s twirled through life’s ups and downs with [bride’s name]. Today, as her proud maid of honour, I’m absolutely thrilled to share a few words about this extraordinary journey.”

Stories about the bride: “From mastering the latest dance crazes to our legendary karaoke duets, [bride’s name] and I have had our fair share of dance parties that could rival any club. Let’s just say, we’ve got moves!”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a beautiful dance unfold – each step graceful, each move synchronised, and the chemistry between them undeniable.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal, a moment choreographed with love. [Partner’s name] swept [bride’s name] off her feet and, just like a perfectly timed dip on the dance floor, he asked the most important question.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you waltz into the realm of marriage, remember that love, like dance, requires trust, communication, and a willingness to follow each other’s lead. May your journey be filled with harmonious steps and synchronised hearts.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the dance partners who’ve found their perfect rhythm. May your days be filled with joyful twirls, passionate dips, and a love that dances on forever. Cheers!”

Speech Example 10: The Daring Duo 

Introduction: “Hey there, everyone! I’m [your name], the bestie who’s shared countless adventures and endless laughter with [bride’s name]. Today, as her beaming maid of honour, I’m beyond ecstatic to raise a toast to her love story.”

Stories about the bride: “From planning epic pranks to taking spontaneous road trips, [bride’s name] and I have a history of being partners in crime. One time, we decided to bake a cake at 3 AM – and let’s just say, it was a happy disaster!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love is like witnessing a heartwarming heist – a perfect blend of planning, excitement, and the sweet reward of finding their soulmate.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal, a surprise that could rival our most daring escapades. [Partner’s name] orchestrated a scavenger hunt that led [bride’s name] to the place where their journey began – and to a future she couldn’t resist.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you embark on this grand adventure called marriage, remember that love, like a perfect caper, requires teamwork, trust, and the ability to overcome any obstacle together.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the partners in crime who have stolen each other’s hearts. May your days be filled with thrilling escapades, shared secrets, and a love that’s as unbreakable as the bond between co-conspirators. Cheers!”

The bottom line on maid of honour speeches

The maid of honour speech is a beautiful and memorable part of your bestie’s big day. While crafting a great maid of honour speech can be tricky, with careful planning, a few funny stories, and plenty of love, you’ll write a beautiful and heartfelt speech. 

Be sure to share plenty of stories about the bride and groom, describe the proposal, and toast to the happy couple. Make sure you consider the audience when sharing any funny stories, let your personality shine through, and get plenty of practice in the run-up to the big day!

If you’re still feeling nervous, we’re here to help you. Sign up to Bridebook today, and let’s dive into the secrets of creating a speech that’s not only funny and beautiful but also straight from the heart. You’ve got this!

Top 10 Best Man Speech Examples

He’s your best mate. Your partner in crime. You’re brothers in spirit, if not always in blood. And now, you’re his best man. Congratulations!

The honour of being the best man is a true testament to your friendship and the faith the groom puts in you. The best way to pay him back is to write a best man speech that will have everyone in stitches and teary-eyed at the same time. 

Writing a best man’s speech might not be easy for everyone. But there’s no need to panic! Whether you were born for the stage or a little more reserved, we’ve got these best man speech ideas and examples to help you get started. Prepare to craft the perfect speech to make your guests laugh, cry, and reminisce on your best friend’s big day.

What is the best man speech?

The best man speech is a speech made by the best man during the wedding reception. It should be about 5 minutes long and include some anecdotes, jokes, and your favourite memories about the groom. These stories should highlight your friendship, adventures, and any lessons you’ve learned together. 

The best man’s speech is usually third in the order of speeches: first is the father of the bride’s speech; second is the groom’s speech; and third is the best man’s speech. It can be delivered after the main meal or between courses. This will give guests a break from the monotony of long speeches and capture the attention of everyone present.

What should you include in the best man speech?

Here are some key elements you should consider including in your best man speech:

  • Thick as thieves. Engage the guests from the get-go with captivating stories about your time with the groom. It’s the perfect time to share your adventures and describe your escapades surrounded by the people who love your groom the most. It’s important to strike the right balance between sharing your craziest moments and not embarrassing the groom too much on their special day!
  • Share their story. You likely knew the groom before he met his partner. Try sharing some stories of how they met, when he decided to propose, or when he told you they were the one. These special, intimate moments will no doubt make the couple smile and pull at the guest’s heartstrings. 
  • A playful roast. Throw in a few light-hearted (and appropriate) jabs at the groom. Keep it clean; keep it playful. The goal is to make everyone laugh, including the groom himself. Balance the teasing with genuine admiration, support, and love, and you won’t go far wrong.
  • Toast the happy couple. Raise your glass and lead the crowd in a toast to the couple’s future health and happiness. It’s the perfect opportunity to end your speech on a high note and leave everyone feeling uplifted.

Best man speech structure

Following a clear structure can help you feel more confident when writing a best man’s speech. Try using this structure to get you started: 


The first part of your speech should be focused on introducing yourself and explaining your relationship to the groom. You’re his best man, but are you also his childhood best friend, partner in crime, brother, or new brother-in-law?

This is your opportunity to build rapport with your audience and share some light-hearted anecdotes about how you met or your journey so far. 

Acknowledge the happy couple

Once you’ve introduced yourself, it’s time to shift your focus to the happy couple. This is the perfect opportunity to highlight how beautiful the bride looks and how much you admire her positive qualities. Express how happy you are for the newlyweds, your excitement for their special day, and explain how the bride has positively influenced the groom’s life. 

Stories and anecdotes

The next portion of your speech should be concerned with sharing your favourite stories about the groom. These stories could showcase his character, quirks, and any memorable moments you’ve shared. 

Balance your jokes with sincerity, ensuring the stories reflect the groom’s best qualities, highlight your friendship, and don’t embarrass him too much in front of his new family!

Reflect on your friendship

This portion of your speech should talk about how you’ve supported one another through the trials of life. You should discuss how you met, the lessons you’ve learned together, and how much your friendship means to you.

Although these types of speech may not come naturally to all, today is a sentimental day and the perfect opportunity to express your gratitude for their friendship over all these years.  

Closing and toast

Now is the time to close your speech and raise a toast to the happy couple. Thank all the guests for attending, express gratitude to the couple’s parents, and end on a heartfelt note before raising your glass to the happy couple. Cheers, you did it!

Best man speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Use this best man template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering a great best man speech  

  1. Don’t stress. It’s natural to feel nervous when making a speech in front of a large group. However, keep in mind that you couldn’t ask for a better audience! The guests will have already listened to two speeches, are expecting yours, and are likely to have met you before. Take deep breaths, speak slowly and clearly, and maintain eye contact with the audience. Remember, everyone is there to support you, and the couple will appreciate your efforts regardless.
  2. Respect boundaries. Avoid sensitive or controversial topics that could offend or upset anyone in attendance. Some light-hearted roasting is appropriate, but stay away from any stories that may embarrass the couple or make them uncomfortable. If in doubt, check with the groom what stories he’s happy for you to use and disclose beforehand. This way, you can make sure he’s comfortable with the stories you’ll share while keeping your speech’s content a secret.
  3. Practice makes perfect. As with anything – practice makes perfect! Rehearse your speech multiple times before the big day. Try practising in front of a mirror, to trusted friends, or even record yourself making the speech to watch back. This will help you feel more comfortable, ensure a smooth delivery, and help you remember the key points you want to cover. If you’re still feeling anxious, check out our speech delivery skills to help you prepare for your best man’s speech.
  4. Toasting etiquette. This may be one of the first times you’re instigating a toast, so it’s important to have proper toasting etiquette. When raising a toast, ensure your glass is filled with the drink of your choice beforehand. This is traditionally champagne. However, prosecco or a non-alcoholic fizzy drink is also acceptable. Make eye contact with the couple and raise your glass towards them. Encourage others to join in by signalling or making a simple gesture.

Top 10 best man speech examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of great best man wedding speech ideas, from the short and simple, to the funny and personal! 

A lot of traditional best man speeches and examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to the groom’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: Best Friend’s Journey

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [your name], and I have the honour of standing here as [groom’s name]’s best man. We’ve been through thick and thin together, from childhood adventures to navigating the ups and downs of adulthood.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But today is all about celebrating the love between [groom’s name] and [partner’s name]. I’ve never seen [groom’s name] happier than when he met [partner’s name]. Their love is truly special, and I couldn’t be happier for them.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Now, let me share a couple of stories about [groom’s name]. I remember when we were kids, [groom’s name] always had an uncanny ability to get into mischief. Whether it was pranks or daring adventures, we were partners in crime. And that mischievous spirit has never left him.”

Reflect on your friendship: “As we grew older, our friendship deepened. [Groom’s name] has always been there for me, offering a helping hand and a listening ear. We’ve supported each other through heartbreaks, career challenges, and everything in between. [Groom’s name], I am truly grateful to have you as my best friend.”

Closing and toast: “In closing, I want to raise a toast to [couple’s names]. May your journey together be filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 2: The Brother’s Tribute

Introduction: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! As [groom’s name]’s brother and best man, I have the privilege of sharing some stories about the man of the hour. Growing up together, I’ve witnessed his transformation from a mischievous little brother to the amazing man he is today.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But today is not just about [groom’s name]. It’s about celebrating the love he has found with [partner’s name]. [Partner’s name], thank you for bringing so much happiness into [groom’s name]’s life. You are truly his perfect match, and we are thrilled to have you as part of our family.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Now, let’s get to the fun part. I could tell countless stories about [groom’s name], but let me share a classic one. Remember that time when we tried to build a treehouse and ended up getting stuck? It was a true test of our problem-solving skills, and [groom’s name] never fails to surprise me with his resourcefulness.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our bond as brothers goes beyond shared memories and adventures. [Groom’s name] has been my rock, my confidant, and my partner in crime. We’ve faced triumphs and trials together, and I am grateful for his unwavering support and friendship.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your love be as strong as the bond between brothers, and may your journey be filled with love, joy, and endless happiness. Here’s to a lifetime of love and laughter. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Childhood Shenanigans

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I stand before you as [groom’s name]’s best man, and it is an honour to share some stories about our lifelong friendship. From playground adventures to adulthood, we’ve been partners in crime every step of the way.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But tonight, we gather to celebrate [groom’s name]’s love story with [partner’s name]. Seeing the way they light up each other’s lives is truly inspiring. [Partner’s name], thank you for loving [groom’s name] unconditionally and bringing so much joy into his life.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me take you back to our childhood when [groom’s name] had this uncanny ability to charm everyone around him. I remember one time we got into a little trouble at school, and [groom’s name] managed to talk our way out of it with his smooth talking and infectious smile.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship has been a constant source of support, laughter, and growth. We’ve weathered storms and celebrated milestones together. [Groom’s name], thank you for always being there for me, and I’m honoured to stand by your side on this special day.”

Closing and toast: “Let us raise our glasses to [couples’ name]. May your journey together be filled with laughter, adventure, and an abundance of love. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 4: The Unbreakable Bond

Introduction: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! As [groom’s name]’s best man, it is both an honour and a privilege to stand before you today. We’ve been through countless adventures, embarrassing moments, and unforgettable experiences that have solidified our bond.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But today, we gather to celebrate the love between [couples’ names]. Their love is truly remarkable, and it’s an honour to witness the joy they bring to each other’s lives. [Partner’s name], thank you for loving [groom’s name] with all your heart.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me share a story that perfectly encapsulates [groom’s name]’s adventurous spirit. We once decided to go skydiving, and as the plane ascended, [groom’s name] turned to me and said, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ Needless to say, we survived, but it’s moments like these that remind me of his fearlessness.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship is built on trust, laughter, and shared experiences. Through thick and thin, we’ve been each other’s support system, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. [Groom’s name], I am grateful to have you as a best friend.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your love be as unbreakable as the bond between best friends. May your journey be filled with joy, laughter, and endless adventures. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 5: The Lifelong Journey

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I am honoured to stand here as [groom’s name]’s best man and share some heartfelt words about our incredible journey together. From the moment we met, our friendship has been filled with laughter, support, and unforgettable moments.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But tonight, we gather not only to celebrate our friendship, but also to celebrate the love between [couples’ names]. Their love story is a testament to the power of true love and compatibility. [Partner’s name], thank you for bringing so much happiness into [groom’s name]’s life.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me take you back to a hilarious memory that perfectly captures [Groom’s Name]’s wit and charm. We were on a road trip, and when we got lost, [Groom’s Name] convinced us that he had a perfect sense of direction, only to end up at the wrong destination. We laughed it off and turned it into an adventure.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship has stood the test of time, and I couldn’t be more grateful. [groom’s name] has been there for me during my highest highs and lowest lows. We’ve shared dreams, goals, and late-night conversations that have shaped who we are today.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with love, happiness, and endless adventures. As you embark on this new chapter, know that you have a friend for life in each other. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 6: The Dynamic Duo

Introduction: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! As [groom’s name]’s best man, it’s an absolute pleasure to share some stories about our unforgettable adventures and the unbreakable bond we share.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But tonight, we’re not only celebrating [groom’s name]’s journey but also the love between him and [partner’s name]. [Partner’s name], thank you for accepting [groom’s name] and becoming an integral part of our dynamic duo.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me share a story that perfectly captures our mischievous side. We once decided to crash a karaoke night, and let’s just say our rendition of a classic hit cleared the room in record time. We may not be the next American Idol, but we sure know how to have a good time.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Throughout the years, [groom’s name] has been more than a friend to me – he’s been a brother. We’ve supported each other through thick and thin, celebrated victories, and picked each other up during the tough times. [Groom’s name], thank you for always having my back.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with laughter, love, and endless adventures. May you continue to be the dynamic duo that lights up every room you enter. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 7: The Epic Bromance

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I stand before you as [groom’s name]’s best man and partner-in-crime. Our bromance has weathered the test of time, and today, I have the honour of sharing some memorable moments with all of you.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But tonight, we’re not just celebrating our epic bromance. We’re here to celebrate the love between [couples’ names]. [Partner’s name], thank you for bringing out the best in [groom’s name] and being the one who truly completes him.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Now, let me take you back to a legendary moment that embodies our bromance. We once decided to participate in a hot chilli eating contest, thinking we were invincible. Let’s just say the aftermath was not pretty, but it’s a story we laugh about to this day.”

Reflect on your friendship: “[Groom’s name] has been more than a best friend; he’s been a brother to me. We’ve laughed, cried, and conquered challenges together. His unwavering support and loyalty have been a constant source of inspiration in my life.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with love, adventure, and the same epic bromance you’ve shared with each other. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and unforgettable moments. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech 8: Ride or Die

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! As [groom’s name]’s best man, I have the pleasure of sharing some stories about our incredible bond. We’ve been through it all together, and today, I want to celebrate that bond and the love between [couples’ names].”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But first, let’s raise a toast to the lovebirds. [Partner’s name], thank you for not only capturing [groom’s name]’s heart but also for accepting us, his loyal friends, into your life. Your love for each other is inspiring, and we couldn’t be happier for you.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me take you back to a wild adventure that epitomises our ride-or-die mentality. We once decided to embark on a spontaneous road trip with no destination in mind. It may not have been the most well-planned journey, but the memories we created along the way are priceless.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship is built on trust, loyalty, and a shared love for spontaneity. [Groom’s name] has always been the one person I can count on, no matter the circumstances. He’s been there through the highs and lows, reminding me that we’re in this together.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with unwavering love, unforgettable adventures, and the same ride-or-die friendship that has brought us all here today. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech 9: The Comedy Duo

Introduction: “Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! As [groom’s name]’s best man, I have the pleasure of sharing some hilarious moments that capture the essence of our friendship. Laughter has been the foundation of our bond, and tonight, I want to celebrate that laughter and the love between [couples’ names].”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But before we dive into the comedy, let’s take a moment to celebrate the lovebirds. [Partner’s name], thank you for embracing [groom’s name]’s sense of humour and bringing even more laughter into his life. Your love story is like a romantic comedy we all want to watch.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me transport you to a moment of pure comedy gold. We once decided to take an impromptu dance class, thinking we were the next Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Let’s just say we were far from graceful, but the laughter we shared was priceless.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship has been a constant source of fun and joy. [Groom’s name] has the incredible ability to make any situation hilarious, and his infectious laughter is contagious. I’m grateful for the countless memories we’ve created together.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with endless laughter and joyful moments. May you continue to be each other’s comedic partners for life. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 10: The Supportive Sidekick

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! As [groom’s name]’s best man, it is an absolute honour to be by his side on this special day. We’ve been each other’s support system, cheerleaders, and partners in crime, and today, I want to celebrate our friendship and the love between [couples’ names].”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But first, let us raise a toast to the happy couple. [Partner’s name], thank you for being the love of [groom’s name]’s life and for being the perfect match for him. Your unwavering support and belief in him have made him a better person.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me take you back to a moment when [groom’s name] showed incredible courage and determination. We decided to go skydiving together, and as the plane door opened at 10,000 feet, I could see the mix of excitement and nervousness on [groom’s name]’s face. But he took a deep breath, stepped out into the open sky, and embraced the exhilarating free-fall. It was a testament to his courage and willingness to embrace new experiences.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship has stood the test of time and distance. [Groom’s name] has been my rock, always there to lend a listening ear, offer advice, and provide unwavering support. He’s taught me the value of friendship and loyalty.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with love, support, and countless shared adventures. May you continue to be each other’s biggest supporters and find strength in your love. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

The bottom line on the best man speech

The best man speech is the perfect opportunity to share stories of your adventures, honour the groom on his big day, and celebrate the newlyweds’ love. 

To write a killer speech, throw in a few (respectful) jokes, compliment the groom’s partner, and keep an upbeat pace. These tips will help you strike a balance between comedy and sincerity and ensure that you leave a lasting impression on their wedding day. 

Leave plenty of time to write your speech and look up plenty of best man speech examples. Whether you’re the groom’s brother, friend, or new brother-in-law, these top 10 best man speech examples are sure to inspire your writing.

If you’re still feeling stuck, sign up to Bridebook for some top tips, tricks, and inspiration for writing a brilliant Best Man’s speech. Best of luck! 


Top 10 Bride Speech Examples

Your big day is approaching – the happiest day of your life! You’ve organised the wedding favours, your bridesmaids are suited and booted, and you’ve got your something old, new, borrowed, and blue. All the “i”s are dotted, and all the “t”s are crossed. Just one thing remains – are you going to make a speech?

While untraditional when compared to a father of the bride’s speech or the groom’s speech, the bride’s speech can be a real tear-jerker. It’s a moment of pure happiness when the bride gets to share her thoughts, gratitude, and love with everyone gathered to witness your special day.

In this post, we explore what the bride should include in their wedding speech, the structure of a great speech, and some top tips to help you nail your delivery. Listen up, future brides! This one’s for you. 

What is the bride’s speech?

The bride’s speech is a heartfelt and personal speech made by the bride during their wedding reception. It’s the perfect opportunity to thank your bridal party, parents, and guests for their support leading up to the wedding and throughout your life. 

The bride’s speech is non-traditional, but future brides should seriously consider incorporating a bride’s speech into the wedding speech order. It’s a chance to not only express gratitude but also to share your own journey, hopes, and dreams with those who have gathered to celebrate your special day.

What should you include in the bride’s speech?

When writing your bride’s speech, you might want to consider including the following key elements:

  • Acknowledge your partner. This is the perfect opportunity to address your new spouse. Let them know how happy you are to have them by your side, reflect on your journey together, and express excitement for the future ahead of you. 
  • The stresses of wedding planning. Although planning a wedding can be stressful, it’s all over now! Share a few funny anecdotes or stumbling blocks when wedding planning, or even tell the guests about any plans that went totally haywire! It all worked out in the end, so no harm done. 
  • A recap of your vows. Although you’ve just delivered them, consider giving a recap of your vows to remind your new spouse about your promises and dedications. Share your dreams for your shared future and remind them how loved they will be every day.
  • Thank your guests. Express your deep gratitude to all your friends, family, and loved ones for joining you on your special day. These people have watched your love story from the very start, and this day marks an important milestone in your journey. Their presence here is a testament to the love and support that surrounds you both as you step into this new chapter of your lives.

Bride’s speech structure

The great thing about the bride’s speech is that it isn’t bound by tradition. There are no expectations or traditional framework, which means you can put your own special spin on the speech and create a heartfelt moment that reflects who you are as a person and as a couple. 

However, following a loose structure can help you feel more confident. Try using the below speech structure to help you get started:


The first step of a speech is to greet all your guests with a warm welcome. Thank them all for attending your special day and for listening attentively to all the speeches.

Share your gratitude 

Take a moment to thank everyone who played a role in your journey – your family, friends, and of course your partner and the suppliers who made your big day possible. Share why each person is important to you and how they’ve contributed to your love story as well as the wedding itself.

Stories about wedding planning

Wedding planning is challenging – there’s no doubt about it. However, now that’s firmly in the rearview mirror, it’s the perfect time to share any funny stories or anecdotes you encountered while planning the big day. Share any hiccups with a pinch of irony and a big smile and thank your bridal party for their support through every twist and turn.

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour

This is the perfect segue into thanking your bridesmaids and maid of honour for their unwavering support during this process. Thank them for being your pillars of strength, for keeping you smiling, and sharing a laugh with you throughout the process. 

Acknowledge your work 

Don’t forget to acknowledge all the hard work you’ve done, too! Planning a wedding is a huge achievement, and you should be proud of yourself for all the hard work you’ve put in. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back, and take pride in the beautiful day you’ve created. 


Finally, it’s time for a toast! Ask your guests to raise their glasses to you and your new spouse. Here’s to health, love, and happiness. Cheers!

Bride’s speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Use this bride speech template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering the best bride’s speech  

Delivery style

Speak clearly, slowly, and confidently. Don’t rush through the speech due to nerves or skip over parts you’ve rehearsed. Instead, take a deep breath, look around the room as you speak, and give the audience time to absorb your words. 

Body language

Pay attention to your body language and gestures while delivering your speech. Stand up straight with your shoulders back, maintain eye contact, smile, and use hand gestures as you talk to emphasise your points and make you appear more confident.

Practice makes perfect

Rehearse your speech multiple times. Practice with trusted friends, in front of the mirror, or even record yourself to watch back if necessary. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback to help you improve. 

Speech order

The best thing about a bride’s speech is that there’s no traditional wedding speech order to follow. Consider holding it after the father of the bride’s speech and groom’s speech, but before the mother of the bride’s speech

Everyone there knows you and loves you

As difficult as it may be to relax, remember – everyone there knows you and loves you. You’re in front of the best audience you possibly could be, so take a deep breath, savour the moment, and let your words flow naturally as you tell all your guests how much you’re enjoying your big day. You’ve got this!

Top 10 bride speech examples Bride

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of great bridal speech ideas! And remember that these are just examples. You can use them as templates for your own speech, but it’s important to speak from the heart, and add your own personal touch and unique family anecdotes.

Speech Example 1: Our Shared Journey 

Introduction: “Hello everyone! I’m [your name], and I can’t express how grateful [partner’s name] and I are to have you all here celebrating this incredible day with us.”

Share your gratitude: “Before we dive into the fun stories, I want to thank each and every one of you. Our families, friends, and loved ones – you’ve been our pillars of strength, and your presence today means the world to us.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Now, let’s talk about wedding planning. They say it’s a rollercoaster, but I’m pretty sure rollercoasters don’t come with seating charts! I’ll never forget the day I spent hours debating between rose gold and blush napkins, only for [partner’s name] to tell me they looked the same. But hey, at least I’m now a napkin colour expert!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “I’m blessed to have the most incredible bridesmaids and my rockstar maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name]. From helping me pick out dresses to calming me down during those last-minute jitters, you’ve made this journey unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “And speaking of journeys, planning this wedding has been a ride. I never thought I’d be a wedding-planner-in-training, but here I am, a proud graduate! And [partner’s name], thank you for being my partner through every decision, debate, and DIY disaster.”

Toast: “So, here’s to us – to the journey we’ve taken, the love we’ve built, and the adventure that lies ahead. May our laughter be never-ending, our love ever-growing, and our napkin colour choices always clear. Cheers!”

Speech Example 2: Love Beyond Borders

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m overjoyed to see all your smiling faces here as we celebrate the love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being a part of our story, for witnessing our journey, and for surrounding us with your warmth and love.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning brought us laughter, tears, and even a few hilarious mishaps. Who knew that choosing between wedding cake flavours could be so challenging? But, in the end, it’s been a beautiful adventure we wouldn’t trade for the world.”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My wonderful bridesmaids and my incredible maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my backbone throughout this journey. From dress fittings to dance rehearsals, you’ve made every moment unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning a wedding is like building a puzzle – every piece has its place. And [partner’s name], you’ve been my partner in every decision and late-night DIY project. You’re the reason why our wedding is not just a day, but a reflection of our love.”

Toast: “To the pieces that make up our beautiful puzzle – our families, friends, and all the memories we’ve created. Here’s to us, to love that knows no borders, and to the chapters we’re about to write together. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Adventure of Us

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and it fills my heart with joy to see you all gathered here to celebrate the love story of [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for supporting us, and for being a part of this incredible journey. Your presence makes our day even more special.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning, they say, is a glimpse into married life – compromise, laughter, and a few unexpected surprises. Like the time we couldn’t agree on the playlist and had a dance-off to decide. [Partner’s name] won that one, but I’ve got the moves for our next adventure!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my amazing maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my cheerleaders throughout this journey. From helping me pick the perfect dress to reminding me to breathe when things got hectic, you’ve been my unwavering support.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was like creating a masterpiece – every detail contributing to a bigger picture. And [partner’s name], you’ve been my partner through it all, and in building a life full of adventures.”

Toast: “Here’s to us, to the beautiful masterpiece we’ve created, and to the adventures that lie ahead. May our journey be filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Cheers!”

Speech Example 4: The Magic of Love

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m thrilled to stand before you on this magical day celebrating the love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you all for joining us, for being a part of our lives, and for your endless love and support. Your presence warms our hearts.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like weaving a tapestry – a beautiful blend of colours, emotions, and a touch of chaos. Like the time [partner’s name] and I tried to create the perfect seating chart, which was like solving an elaborate puzzle with missing pieces. But in the end, our tapestry is beautifully woven.”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my incredible maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my guiding stars during this journey. Their laughter, advice, and late-night chats made every step of the way unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was a labour of love, and it’s a reflection of the love [partner’s name] and I share. We’ve worked side by side, blending our dreams into a reality that’s even more beautiful than we imagined.”

Toast: “So here’s to us, to the magical journey we’ve embarked upon, and to the love that shines brighter than any star. May our days be filled with laughter, our nights with sweet dreams, and our hearts forever entwined. Cheers!”

Speech Example 5: Love Through the Seasons

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and it’s an honour to stand before you as we celebrate the love story between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for supporting us through the seasons of life, and for being a part of this special day that marks the start of a new chapter.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning has been like navigating through the changing seasons – moments of excitement, challenges, and the promise of something beautiful to come. Like the time [partner’s name] and I debated whether to have an outdoor or indoor ceremony, only to choose both and experience the magic of both worlds.”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my amazing maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my rocks throughout this journey. They’ve weathered every planning storm with me, ensuring that every step was filled with laughter and joy.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was a labour of love, a reflection of the journey [partner’s name] and I have taken together. We’ve nurtured this dream side by side, building a foundation that’s as strong as our love.”

Toast: “So here’s to us, to the changing seasons of life and the love that remains constant. May our journey be filled with warmth, laughter, and the promise of beautiful days ahead. Cheers!”

Speech Example 6: Grand Adventure

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m so excited to stand before you today to celebrate the love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you all for being here, for adding your love and warmth to this day, and for being part of our grand adventure.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like embarking on a grand adventure – full of excitement, surprises, and a few detours along the way. Like the time [partner’s name] and I accidentally ordered twice as many flowers as we needed and ended up with a garden in our living room. But at least it smelled amazing!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my wonderful maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my partners in this adventure. They’ve navigated through dress fittings, cake tastings, and the occasional panic attack with me, making every moment unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was hard work, for sure, but there was also so much joy along the way. Every decision, every detail, is a testament to our love and partnership.”

Toast: “To us, to the adventure we’re embarking upon, and to the love that’s stronger than any challenge. May our days be filled with laughter, our nights with dreams, and our hearts united as one. Cheers!”

Speech Example 7: Love’s Tapestry

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and it’s a privilege to stand here among you, celebrating the love story between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for adding your joy and love to this celebration, and for making this day even more special.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning has been a journey of weaving together moments of joy, laughter, and a few surprises. Like the time [partner’s name] and I spent hours debating the perfect shade of blue for the decorations, only to realise there are more shades than stars in the sky.”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my incredible maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been the threads that have woven this tapestry of love. They’ve stood by me through every decision, every challenge, making the journey unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding has been a labour of love, a reflection of the journey [partner’s name] and I have taken together. Together, we’ve created a masterpiece that’s a testament to our love and commitment.”

Toast: “To us, to the beautiful tapestry of love we’ve created, and to the journey that’s just beginning. May our days be filled with laughter, our hearts with love, and our lives forever intertwined. Cheers!”

Speech Example 8: Love’s Symphony

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m thrilled to stand before you, sharing the incredible journey of love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for lending your smiles and cheers to this day, and for being part of our symphony of love.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like composing a symphony – each note representing a moment of joy, a challenge overcome, and a memory to cherish. Like the time [partner’s name] and I tried to pick the perfect song for our first dance, only to realise that we had more favourite songs than dance moves!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my wonderful maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been the harmonies in this symphony of love. They’ve sung along with me through every decision, every laugh, and every heartfelt moment.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was a labour of love, a reflection of the journey [partner’s name] and I have taken together. Each detail, each choice, tells the story of our love.”

Toast: “To us, to the symphony of love we’ve created, and to the melody of our lives intertwining. May our days be filled with music, our hearts with joy, and our love forever harmonious. Cheers!”

Speech Example 9: Love’s Canvas

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I honoured to stand before you, sharing the canvas of love that [partner’s name] and I have painted together.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for contributing your love and presence to this beautiful day, and for being a part of our masterpiece.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like painting a canvas – each brushstroke representing a moment of joy, a challenge, and a touch of humour. Like the time [partner’s name] and I debated between a cake with fondant or buttercream, even though we really cared more about the taste than the look!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my incredible maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my paintbrushes in this masterpiece of love. They’ve added colour, vibrancy, and laughter to every step of the journey.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was as exciting as it was rewarding. We’ve painted every detail with the hues of our love and commitment.”

Toast: “To us, to the canvas of love we’ve created, and to the beauty that lies in our future. May our days be filled with colour, our hearts with joy, and our love forever vibrant. Cheers!”

Speech Example 10: Love’s Adventure Awaits

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m excited to share the incredible adventure of love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for gracing us with your presence, for being a part of our story, and for adding your love and joy to this special day.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like embarking on an adventure – filled with twists, turns, and the promise of a beautiful destination. Like the time [partner’s name] and I tried to choose between a traditional wedding cake or a dessert bar, only to decide that dessert is dessert, and we love it all!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my amazing maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my fellow adventurers in this journey. They’ve climbed every planning mountain, crossed every decision river, and made every step unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding has been an adventure worth undertaking. We’ve navigated through every decision, every detail, and every dream side by side.”

Toast: “To us, to the adventure of love that awaits, and to the joy that comes from sharing life’s journey. May our days be filled with laughter, our hearts with love, and our love story an inspiration to all. Cheers!”

The bottom line on the bride’s speech 

Although unconventional, the bride’s speech can be a beautiful and tear-jerking part of your wedding day. They offer a wonderful opportunity for brides to share their thoughts, emotions, and gratitude with their loved ones.

The bride’s speech isn’t a traditional part of the order of speeches at a wedding. As a result, there are no expectations as to what you should include or the structure of your speech. It’s your time to shine and show your unique personality and beautiful love story. Whether you opt for a speech packed with jokes, sentimental stories, or a mix of both, the key is to speak from the heart and let everyone know how you feel about your new spouse.

So, take a deep breath, hold your partner’s hand, and step into the spotlight. Stand up straight, speak slowly and clearly, and practice, practice, practice, before your big day. Whether you focus on heartfelt thank-yous or personal stories, this speech will be a wonderful and memorable part of your big day. It’s a gift that will resonate long after the last toast, so make sure you give it the care and attention you’ve given every other part of your big day. 

But, if you’re still feeling nervous, Bridebook can be your guide in writing a cracking bride’s speech. Ditch the stresses and embrace the excitement of crafting a speech that truly reflects your love story. You’ve got this!

How to Write a Wedding Speech for a Best Friend

They’re your best friend; you’ve been through thick and thin, through hell and high water, and now they’re standing on the precipice of the rest of their life. You’ll obviously be by their side on the big day, but now they’ve asked you to make a speech! Feeling nervous? Don’t worry – it’s natural!

A best friend’s speech is quite traditional if it takes the form of the best man speech or maid of honour speech for a best friend or sister. But you don’t have to be the best man or maid of honour to make this speech. All that matters is making the speech as unique and special as the bond you share. 

In this post, we look at how to write a killer best friend’s wedding speech that’s funny and engaging, but also heartfelt and loving overall. We cover what you should include in your best friend’s wedding speech, a best friend’s speech structure, and the most important things to consider when writing your speech. 

What is the best friend’s speech at a wedding?


A best friend’s speech is a speech made by the best friend of the bride or groom during the wedding reception. It may be a funny maid of honour speech, a sincere best man’s speech, or even a sentimental tribute from a close friend who’s stood by the newlyweds throughout their relationship. Either way, the ‘best friend getting married’ speech is a beautiful and memorable part of any wedding reception. 

A traditional wedding speech is usually between 5-7 minutes long and includes your favourite memories of the bride or groom, your honest advice, and maybe even a few light-hearted jabs at the bride or groom. A best friend’s speech can fit anywhere into the order of wedding speeches. The maid of honour speech can similarly fit flexibly into the order of speeches as it’s untraditional. By contrast, a best man’s speech traditionally comes after the groom’s speech (though there’s no pressure to stick to this structure if you don’t want to).

What should you include in a best friend’s speech?

  • Heartfelt advice. A best friend’s wedding speech is the perfect time to reflect on your own experiences and extend some tender advice to the newlyweds. You don’t need to be an expert in relationships or marriage to give them a few pointers on their new life together; you just need a heart full of love and advice on communication, compromise, and how the couple can grow together. 
  • Fun anecdotes about the bride or groom. The best friend’s speech is the perfect opportunity to give an insight into the bride or groom’s personality, quirks, and special skills. Whether it’s an anecdote about how you met or a funny story about the adventures you’ve shared over the years, these fun tales will add a personal touch to your speech and ensure the audience hangs on your every word. 
  • Your hopes for their future. Expressing your hopes and dreams for the couple’s future is a heartwarming and memorable part of any best friend’s speech. You can talk about how much you’ve enjoyed watching their love story unfold, how you envision their time together, and wish them a lifetime of love, joy, and adventures. 
  • A playful and celebratory toast. As you wrap up your speech, raise a toast to the happy couple. Don’t be afraid to make it fun, playful, and even cheeky! Incorporate a touch of humour by adding a memorable inside joke that resonates with the couple to the end of your toast.

Best friend’s speech structure 


The first step of your speech should be introducing yourself to those who don’t know you. You should then explain your relationship to the bride or groom and express your gratitude for being asked to be part of their special day. 

Acknowledge your best friend

You should then specifically acknowledge your best friend. Tell them how much they mean to you and how grateful you are to have them by your side. You can then move on to let the guests know what makes your bestie so unique and how proud you are of them for taking the next step in life. 

Share a funny story

You should then move on to sharing a funny story or light-hearted anecdote about your friend over the years. Remember that their direct family, work colleagues, and neighbours may be in the audience, so make sure it’s a story that your best friend would be happy for them to hear! If you’re unsure, consider running it past them first. 

Loving advice

You can then offer your advice to the newlyweds as they begin their new journey together. Draw from your own experiences and share meaningful advice on love, commitment, and friendship. Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned in your friendships, relationships, and life in general. If you’re unsure what advice you could offer, you can always switch this out for some love quotes, a tender poem, or some examples of wedding vows.


You should then end your speech with a toast to the happy couple. Raise your glass high, invite the guests to join you in a toast, and greet the couple by their names. End with a big smile and take a seat. That’s it!  

Best friend’s speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Use this best friend speech template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering a killer best friend’s speech 

Wedding speech order

It’s important to find out where the bride and groom would like you to fit into the overall wedding speech order. The best man’s speech typically happens after the groom’s speech, but it doesn’t have to! On the other hand, the maid of honour’s speech can fit however you’d like into the overall wedding speech order. Clarify with the bride and groom when they feel your speech should come.

Nail the delivery

Shoulders back, chin up, and speak directly to the audience. Presenting your best friend at the wedding can be nerve-wracking, but you need to remember that the audience all know and love the bride and groom, and ultimately you’re here to praise them! 

Take inspiration

If you’re unsure how to begin your speech or what to include, don’t be afraid to take inspiration from wedding readings or love quotes. Often, the most challenging part of writing your speech is the beginning, and these short stories and poems can give you a jumping-off point for your own speech. 

Don’t panic

It can be scary to stand up in front of a big crowd and make your speech. The most important thing is not to panic. Make sure you practice beforehand, familiarise yourself with the overall speech order, and take a deep breath before you stand up to make your speech. Remember, even the most seasoned speakers experience jitters; it’s all part of the excitement that comes with being part of the big day.

Best friend’s speech examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our samples of great best friend speech examples. This includes best man speech examples and maid of honour speech examples.

The bottom line on the best friend’s speech 

Being asked to make a best friend’s wedding speech is an honour. It’s a true testament to you and your bestie’s bond, and as you stand before the happy couple, remember that you’re not just giving a speech – you’re a key part of the biggest celebration of their life! 

Your words will become a part of their journey that they’ll remember forever, and your only goal should be to do them justice on their big day. Balance light-hearted stories and jokes with kind and caring words about the special bond you share. 

So, embrace the nerves, channel your love, and speak from the heart to deliver a brilliant best friend’s wedding speech. For more expert advice and top tips on all things wedding-related, sign up to Bridebook today. 


Top 10 Mother of the Bride Speech Examples

Watching your little girl walk down the aisle is one of the best moments in a mother’s life. It’s a beautiful mix of nostalgia, pride, and joy set against the backdrop of the happiest day of your child’s life. What better way to express your love and happiness than through a heartwarming speech that tells everyone how proud you are?

However, writing the best mother of the bride speech can be tricky. It’s a delicate balance of heartwarming stories, genuine advice, special memories, and just a sprinkle of laughter. But don’t worry — whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or struggle with public speaking, we’ve got the advice to help you write a brilliant wedding speech.

In this post, we explain our top tips and guidance for writing the best mother of the bride speeches. We include some words of wisdom on how to structure your speech, some top tips for writing a great wedding speech, and our top 10 best mother of the bride speech examples.

What is a mother of the bride speech?

Mother and bride

A mother of the bride speech is a mother’s speech at a daughter’s wedding. It usually lasts between 5-7 minutes, and its main focus should be thanking your guests for joining you on this special day, and telling everyone how proud you are of your daughter. 

Typically, the mother of the bride’s speech is delivered after the father of the bride’s speech and before the groom’s speech. However, as a mother of the bride speech isn’t considered a traditional wedding speech, you can mix up the order of speeches however you want to include your heartfelt message.

What should you include in a mother of the bride speech?

When writing your mother of the bride speech, you might want to consider including the following key elements:

  • What makes your daughter so special. This is the perfect opportunity to let everyone know exactly what makes your daughter so special. Tell everyone about her amazing qualities, how kind and caring she is, and how proud you are of her. This is also a good opportunity to playfully tease her — maybe by letting her new spouse know how untidy she is, any lighthearted or embarrassing anecdotes, or any of her other quirks. Remember, the point isn’t to embarrass her on her special day. Instead, the stories you pick should highlight the special bond you share and showcase the wonderful person she has grown into.
  • The bond you share. The relationship between a mother and her daughter is like no other. It’s a unique and beautiful connection that spans a lifetime, filled with love, understanding, and unbreakable support. This speech is the perfect opportunity to share that bond with your guests and let everyone know just how much your daughter means to you. Be sure to let the guests know that she gets it all from you!
  • Childhood memories. You had the unique privilege of helping raise your daughter, and this is the perfect opportunity to share any special memories that have shaped your journey together. Share with your guests how you felt when she took her first steps versus how it felt to watch her walk down the aisle. Tell them about watching her grow up, the first moment you felt her, or when you met her future spouse. All these stories will evoke feelings of love and nostalgia, making your speech special and memorable.
  • A toast to the happy couple. The perfect way to round off a mother of the bride speech is to raise a toast. Raise your glass, and invite your guests to toast to the health and happiness of the new couple. Cheers!

Mother of the bride speech structure

If you’re worried about writing your mother of the bride speech, following a clear and logical structure is a good place to start. Try using the following structure to help you feel more confident as you plan your speech. 


Start off by introducing yourself to the guests and thanking everyone for attending. As the mother of the bride, it is likely you will already know most of the guests. However, it adds a nice sense of occasion to the speech and is always a strong starting point.

All about the bride

The second point in your speech should be talking about your wonderful daughter and the relationship that you share. Tell your guests how it feels to see your little girl all grown up, how proud you are of her, and what a beautiful bride she is. 

Share some happy memories

You can then move on to share some funny stories about your daughter’s childhood or the time you’ve shared together. These could be light-hearted or emotional, but should always reflect the unique and wonderful relationship you share with your daughter.

Welcome your daughter’s partner 

You should then turn your attention to your daughter’s partner and their parents. 

Reminisce about the first time you met, highlight their endearing qualities, and thank them for the happiness they bring your daughter. By incorporating your daughter’s partner into your speech, you demonstrate your wholehearted support for the relationship and nurture a strong bond between both families.

Offer guidance and wisdom

Now move on to sharing some pearls of wisdom with the newlyweds.

Feel free to speak from the heart about love, commitment, and their future together, as they embark on this beautiful journey as a married couple. Building a strong family is an essential aspect, and your insights will surely guide and inspire them.

To the happy couple!

Finally, invite your guests to raise their glasses in a toast to the happy couple. Congratulate them on their big day, drink to their health, and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness. 

Mother of the bride speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Use this mother of the bride speech template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering the best mother of the bride speech  

Practice makes perfect

It’s natural to feel nervous before you present your speech. However, practice makes perfect, and the more times you’re able to rehearse, the more confident you’ll feel. Try practicing in front of a mirror, to trusted friends, or recording yourself on your mobile phone to watch back. You’ll be grateful you did when the nerves kick in.

Mother knows best

You know your daughter better than anyone, so you know what advice she’ll need to support her through married life. You know her dreams, her strengths, and her vulnerabilities, and that insight will continue to be invaluable as she navigates the journey of married life. Offer her your best pearls of wisdom during the speech: you were her guiding light during the early years of her life, and she looks up to you more than anyone — there’s no reason that should change now. 

Speak from the heart

In sharing your heartfelt words, remember that this is a moment of celebration and joy. Let your emotions flow freely as you speak from the heart. Your sincerity and genuine love for your daughter and her new spouse will surely resonate with everyone present.

If you’re really stuck, consider presenting a nice wedding reading, poem, or famous quote about love. Often, poets and creatives can articulate how you’re feeling in a way your own words can’t. 

Think about your audience

Each person in attendance holds a special place in either your daughter’s or her new spouse’s life. The guests will likely include grandparents, work colleagues, old friends, neighbours, and more. That’s why it’s important that you consider the audience when writing your speech. Steer clear of any stories that are too embarrassing or paint the bride or groom in a bad light. Keep it positive, upbeat, and warm.

Top 10 mother of the bride speech examples

Bride and her mother

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of great wedding mother of the bride speech ideas, from the short and simple, to the funny and personal.  Use them as templates for your own speech and personalise them with your own unique examples and anecdotes.

A lot of mother of the bride speech examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to your daughter’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: The Heartfelt Reminiscence

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m so happy to see all of you here today. Your presence makes this day even more special.”

All about the bride: “As I stand before you, I can’t help but reflect on the journey my daughter, [bride’s name] and I have shared. From the moment she took her first steps to this day, where she takes her first steps into marriage, my heart swells with pride and love.”

Share some happy memories: “Oh, the adventures [bride’s name] and I have had! From impromptu dance parties in the living room to our baking escapades that left the kitchen a flour-covered disaster zone. These memories are etched in my heart forever.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “And now, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to [partner’s name] and his wonderful parents. From the day I met [partner’s name], I knew he was the perfect match for my daughter. His kindness, humour, and unwavering love have brought immense joy into [bride’s name]’s life.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you both step into this new chapter, always remember to listen with your hearts, communicate openly, and treasure the simple moments that life offers. Your journey together will be filled with ups and downs, but facing them together will only make your bond stronger.”

To the happy couple: “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your love continue to grow, your days be filled with laughter, and your adventure together be nothing short of extraordinary. Cheers!”

Speech Example 2: The Playful Tribute

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I want to express my gratitude for joining us on this joyous occasion. Your presence truly warms our hearts.”

All about the bride: “From the moment [bride’s name] was born, my life gained an extra sparkle. Today, as I see her in that stunning gown, I’m reminded of the little girl who used to twirl around the living room, spreading laughter wherever she went.”

Share some happy memories: “Our journey has been filled with giggles and cherished moments. I’ll never forget the time [bride’s name] decided to give our cat a ‘makeover’ with her art supplies. Let’s just say Whiskers had a colourful personality for a while!”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Joining our family today is [partner’s name], a man who has captured [bride’s name]’s heart completely. His sense of humour, his passion for life, and the way he looks at her make me believe in true love all over again.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you both start this new chapter, remember to keep laughing, hold each other close during the tough times, and always communicate openly. Love is an incredible journey, and I have no doubt you two will make it a beautiful one.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your days be filled with shared dreams, boundless joy, and a love that only grows stronger with each passing year. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Nurturing Supporter

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m delighted to see all your familiar faces gathered here to celebrate this beautiful day. Your presence adds a touch of warmth to this special occasion.”

All about the bride: “Today, as I look at my radiant daughter, [bride’s name], I can’t help but feel a mixture of emotions – pride, joy, and a touch of nostalgia. It feels like just yesterday she was picking wildflowers in the garden.”

Share some happy memories: “From tea parties with stuffed animals to late-night heart-to-hearts, [bride’s name] and I have shared countless precious moments. I’ll always treasure the laughter that echoed through our home.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to [partner’s name] and his lovely parents. From the day we met, I could see the love and happiness he brings into [bride’s name]’s life. We are truly blessed to have [partner’s name] as part of our family.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you embark on this beautiful journey of marriage, remember that a strong marriage is built on patience, understanding, and unwavering support. Through life’s twists and turns, always hold each other close.”

To the happy couple: “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your days be filled with shared dreams, endless laughter, and a love that continues to blossom with each passing day. Cheers!”

Speech Example 4: The Best Friend 

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [bride’s name]’s mum, and I want to thank you all for joining us in celebrating this wonderful day. Your presence means the world to us.”

All about the bride: “Today is a rainbow of emotions – the little girl I held in my arms is now a stunning bride before us. [Bride’s name], you’ve grown into a remarkable woman, and my heart is bursting with pride.”

Share some happy memories: “As [bride’s name]’s confidante and partner-in-crime, we’ve shared countless laughs, secrets, and even a few late-night snacks. Our bond has always been a very special one.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Joining our family is [partner’s name], a man who has shown us that love is patient, kind, and enduring. His presence has brought immense happiness to [bride’s name]’s life, and we couldn’t be more grateful.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “Remember that a strong marriage is built on mutual respect, open communication, and a willingness to grow together. Through the highs and lows, you have each other to lean on.”

To the happy couple: “Here’s to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], two souls who have found their perfect match. May your journey be filled with love, laughter, and countless beautiful moments. Cheers!”

Speech Example 5: The Colourful Adventure

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! What a joy it is to have you all here to celebrate [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]’s love story. Your presence makes this day even more special.”

All about the bride: “As I stand here today, I see not just a beautiful bride, but a reflection of all the love, care, and nurturing that went into raising [bride’s name]. My heart swells with pride.”

Share some happy memories: “From the finger-painting masterpieces to the ‘secret’ bedtime stories, [bride’s name] has always kept life colourful and imaginative. She has taught me that laughter truly is the best medicine.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Joining us today is [partner’s name], a man whose warm smile and kind heart have stolen [bride’s name]’s heart. From the first moment we met, it was clear that he is a perfect match for our family.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “In this beautiful journey of marriage, always cherish the little moments, for they are the ones that create a lifetime of memories. And remember, love is an art that you both are mastering together.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your love story continue to be as vibrant and inspiring as the colours on a canvas. Here’s to a future filled with endless love and happiness. Cheers!”

Speech Example 6: The Proud Mother

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! Your presence today is a true testament to the love and support that surrounds [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. Thank you for being part of this memorable day.”

All about the bride: “As I look at [bride’s name] today, I am reminded of the incredible journey we’ve shared. She has grown into an amazing woman, and my heart is overflowing with pride.”

Share some happy memories: “From adventurous road trips to late-night movie marathons, [bride’s name] has filled our lives with unforgettable moments. Her laughter has been a constant source of joy.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “I want to extend a warm welcome to [partner’s name] and his wonderful family. From the moment we met, it was clear that his love and devotion to [bride’s name] run deep.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you navigate the path of marriage, always remember that open communication, empathy, and a good sense of humour are your strongest allies. Embrace each other’s individuality and grow together.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your journey be filled with exciting adventures, shared dreams, and a love that only deepens with time. Cheers!”

Speech Example 7: The Poetic Reflection 

Introduction: “Greetings, dear friends and family! Today, we gather to celebrate the enchanting union of [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. Thank you for being part of this magical day.”

All about the bride: “From the moment [bride’s name] was born, I knew I was in for a beautiful adventure. She’s grown into a gorgeous bride, and I feel truly blessed to witness this moment.”

Share some happy memories: “As a child, [bride’s name] had a wild imagination. We would have tea parties with teddy bears and go on imaginary expeditions. She has brought boundless joy into my life.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Today, we not only gain a son-in-law in [partner’s name], but also a dear friend. His presence has brought an extra sprinkle of joy to our lives.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “In the journey ahead, may you both nurture your love like a delicate flower. Water it with kindness, the sunlight of understanding, and the gentle breeze of laughter.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your marriage be a fairy tale filled with love, laughter, and countless ‘happily ever afters.’ Cheers!”

Speech Example 8: The Lyrical Musings

Introduction: “Ladies and gentlemen, it warms my heart to see so many beloved faces gathered here. We are here to celebrate the radiant love between [bride’s name] and [partner’s name].”

All about the bride: “In [bride’s name], I found a confidante, a best friend, and a bundle of joy. Today, as I look at her, I’m reminded of the beautiful journey we’ve shared.”

Share some happy memories: “From the impromptu dance parties in the living room to the heartfelt conversations under the stars, [bride’s name] has filled my life with precious moments.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Let’s extend a warm welcome to [partner’s name] and his family. Our hearts have been enriched by his presence, and his love for [bride’s name] shines brightly.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you begin this new chapter, may your love story be a tapestry woven with patience, understanding, and a touch of spontaneity. Embrace each moment.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your journey be a symphony of love, and may each day be a verse of happiness. Cheers!”

Speech Example 9: The Heartwarming Touch 

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! Your presence today fills our hearts with gratitude and joy as we celebrate the union of [bride’s name] and [partner’s name].”

All about the bride: “As I stand before you today, I see a strong, independent woman in [bride’s name]. She makes a remarkable bride, and I couldn’t be prouder.”

Share some happy memories: “From baking mishaps to spontaneous road trips, [bride’s name] has kept our lives full of laughter. Her adventurous spirit has taught me to cherish every moment.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Let’s give a warm welcome to [partner’s name], a man whose love and dedication to [bride’s name] shines brightly. Our family has been enriched by his presence.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “In the journey of marriage, remember that it’s the small gestures and shared smiles that build a strong foundation. May your love story be a beautiful mosaic.”

To the happy couple: “Let’s raise our glasses to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. May your days be filled with simple joys, and may your love grow stronger with each passing year. Cheers!”

Speech Example 10: The Happy Wishes

Introduction: “Good day, dear friends and family! We gather here to celebrate the wonderful union of [bride’s name] and [partner’s name]. Thank you for joining us on this happy occasion.”

All about the bride: “As I look at [bride’s name] today, I’m reminded of the spirited child who filled our home with laughter. She has transformed into a beautiful bride, and my heart bursts with pride.”

Share some happy memories: “From science experiments gone awry to impromptu dance-offs, [bride’s name] has brought endless delight into our lives. Her creativity knows no bounds.”

Welcome your daughter’s partner: “Let’s warmly welcome [partner’s name], a man who stole not only [bride’s name]’s heart, but ours as well. His presence has marked a wonderful new chapter in our lives.”

Offer guidance and wisdom: “As you embark on this journey together, remember that life is a grand adventure. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity, and may your love be the compass.”

To the happy couple: “Here’s to [bride’s name] and [groom’s name], the architects of their own love story. May your journey be filled with laughter, adventure, and a love that defies the ordinary. Cheers!”

Plan your mother of the bride speech today!

The mother of the bride speech is a beautiful, but non-traditional, part of a wedding reception. As such, you have the freedom to make what you want of it without the pressures felt by more traditional speeches (such as the best man’s speech or the father of the bride’s speech). 

This is your chance to tell the world how amazing your little girl is and highlight how beautiful she looks on her big day. Speak from the heart, share your favourite childhood memories of your daughter, and offer your advice and guidance to the newlyweds on their happy day. 

If you’re still feeling nervous, we can support you in writing a brilliant mother of the bride speech here at Bridebook.  Sign up today and learn all about making your mother of the bride speech funny, beautiful, and from the heart. 


Wedding Traditional Speech Order: Who Says What & When

Wedding speeches are a cherished tradition at weddings, and an essential part of the wedding reception. They’re a way for the bride and groom, as well as their loved ones, to express their love and appreciation for each other on their big day, and can set the tone for a fun, emotional, and memorable evening.

But with so many speeches to include, it can be difficult to know the order to give them in. In this post, we’ll provide a guide to the traditional order of wedding speeches as well as possible adaptations, to help make your wedding day as unique as possible.

The origins of the traditional wedding speech order

The traditional order of wedding speeches has evolved over time, reflecting changing societal norms and values. Historically, the speeches have centred around the groom and the bride’s father, with the best man offering a light-hearted conclusion. As gender roles and wedding customs have evolved, the traditional order has adapted to include more diverse perspectives, with maid of honour speeches now the norm, and sometimes also bride and mother of the bride speeches too. Understanding the roots of these customs can help you appreciate the significance of each speech and the order to give them in at your wedding.

Traditional wedding speech order: cheat sheet

Before we dive into the details, take a look at the cheat sheet below to see how the different speeches at a wedding all flow and fit together. First is the father of the bride’s speech, then the groom’s speech, then the best man and maid of honour, and finally, any other speakers from the wedding party. 

Use this cheat sheet as a guide on the traditional order of speeches at a wedding

1. The father of the bride’s speech

Bride and the father

Traditionally, the father of the bride is the first to give a speech. The father of the bride’s speech is typically a touching and emotional tribute to the bride, expressing the father’s love and pride for her, and wishing her happiness in her marriage. The father of the bride will usually welcome the guests, thank the groom for loving and caring for his daughter, and make a toast to the happy couple.

Check out our top father of the bride speech examples for inspiration and a complete breakdown on how to structure your speech. 

2. The groom’s speech

Bride and groom

The groom’s speech is next in the order and is a time for him to express his love and gratitude to his bride, as well as to thank the wedding party, guests, and parents of the bride and groom. The groom may also take this opportunity to tell a few anecdotes or share memories of his relationship with his bride. This speech is usually light-hearted and humorous, but it should also be sincere and heartfelt.

3. The best man’s speech

The best man’s speech is one of the most anticipated speeches of the wedding reception. This is the best man’s chance to share some memories of the groom and offer some humorous anecdotes about him. The best man may also offer a toast to the happy couple and offer some words of advice for their future together. This speech should be light-hearted and entertaining, but it should also be respectful and appropriate.

Check out our top best man speech examples for inspiration and a complete breakdown on how to structure your speech. 

4. The maid of honour’s speech (if applicable)


If the bride has chosen to have a maid of honour, she will typically give a speech next. The maid of honour’s speech is a time for her to express her love and appreciation for the bride, as well as to share some memories of their friendship. This speech should be heartfelt and emotional, and the maid of honour may also offer a toast to the happy couple.

5. Other speakers

If there are any other speakers at the wedding, they may give their speeches after the best man and maid of honour. This may include the mother of the groom, close friends, or other members of the wedding party. These speeches should also be heartfelt and sincere, and the speakers may offer a toast to the happy couple.

Check out our wedding speech examples for inspiration and ideas on the kind of speeches you can give, including a joint speech given by the couple. 

How to write a successful wedding speech

Regardless of the order of speeches at a wedding, there are a few essential elements that can make a wedding speech memorable and engaging:

  1. Speak from the heart: Genuine emotions and heartfelt expressions resonate deeply with the audience. Be sincere in your words and share your true feelings.
  2. Keep it concise: Aim for a speech length of 5-7 minutes to maintain the audience’s attention and keep the reception on schedule.
  3. Balance humour and sentiment: A well-rounded speech strikes a balance between humour and heartfelt sentiment. While humour can keep the audience entertained, sharing genuine emotions and personal stories can make the speech more meaningful.
  4. Practice makes perfect: Rehearse your speech multiple times before the big day to ensure a smooth delivery and to calm any nerves.

Adapting the traditional order to a modern wedding

While the traditional order of wedding speeches provides a solid foundation, many couples choose to adapt the format to suit their preferences or to include additional speakers. Modern weddings may feature speeches from the bride, the mother of the bride or groom, the maid of honour, or even close friends and family members. The key is to find a balance between tradition and personalisation, ensuring that the speeches reflect the unique character and dynamics of the couple and their loved ones.

If you’re looking for some non-traditional ideas, here are some examples of speech ideas other Bridebook couples have shared with us. Feel free to incorporate them into your own wedding speeches to make for a more unique and personalised speech structure. 

  • Joint couple speech (bride and groom)
  • No speech from either the groom or the bride
  • Gender-equal speeches (including bride and mother of the groom speeches)
  • Mother and father of the groom speeches
  • Sibling or children speeches (of both the bride and groom)
  • Bridesmaid and groomsmen speeches
  • A mob speech instead of the traditional father of the bride speech
  • Opening up the floor to whoever wants to speak
  • Alternative pre-recorded speech featuring multiple speakers
  • No speeches or vows in the traditional sense (pub quiz style instead)

Top tips for customising the traditional speech order

If you choose to modify the traditional order of wedding speeches, consider the following tips:

  1. Keep the flow: When rearranging the speech order, ensure there is a smooth flow between speakers, transitioning from more formal and sentimental speeches to lighter, more humorous ones.
  2. Communicate with your speakers: Inform your speakers of any changes to the traditional order and provide clear guidance on their roles and expectations.
  3. Consider the audience: When adding new speakers or rearranging the order, be mindful of your guests’ attention span and strive to maintain engagement throughout the speeches.
  4. Embrace diversity and variety: Incorporating a variety of perspectives can enrich the wedding speeches, providing a more comprehensive reflection of the couple’s journey and relationships.

Start planning your wedding on Bridebook

For more wedding tips and tricks, sign up to Bridebook today. We’ve got a host of fantastic articles to help you with your wedding planning and celebrations. 

Top 10 Father of the Bride Speech Examples

The father of the bride’s speech is the top Daddy duty on your little girl’s big day. It’s a much-anticipated, heartfelt, and tear-jerking speech filled with joy and bittersweet nostalgia.

But writing a great father of the bride speech can be tricky. How do you strike the right balance between wit and sentimentality? How do you keep your audience engaged after a long wedding service? How do you properly capture your love, pride, and hope for their future in one 5-7 minute speech? Don’t stress. We’ve got you covered.

In this post, we’ve captured everything you need to know about writing a heartfelt and funny wedding speech. We break down what you should include, the structure of the wedding speech, a few top tips, and those 10 all-important examples of brilliant father of the bride speeches.

Ready to get going? Let’s jump right in!

What is a father of the bride speech?

Bride and the father

A father of the bride speech is the speech made by the bride’s father during the wedding reception. It should be 5-7 minutes long and end with a heartfelt toast to the new couple.

The father’s wedding speech is a beautiful mix of happy memories, heartfelt advice, and funny anecdotes about the bride. Typically, the father of the bride speech welcomes your new son- or daughter-in-law to the family, is an opportunity for a father to reflect on his relationship with his daughter, and offers some words of wisdom to the happy couple as they start this new journey together.

What should you include in a father of the bride speech?

Here are some key elements you should consider including in your father of the bride speech:

  • All about the bride. Talk about how wonderful your daughter is. Tell her guests about your love for her, her amazing accomplishments, and fabulous qualities. Be sure to let them know she got it all from you!
  • Welcome the bride’s partner. This is the perfect opportunity to welcome your new son- or daughter-in-law to the family. Share positive thoughts about them, their character, and your hopes for their future together.
  • Anecdotes and memories. Remember when your daughter came home a little too merry from her first grown-up party? This is the perfect opportunity to share funny, endearing, or slightly embarrassing memories with your daughter. But remember, the point isn’t to make a joke of her on her special day. Any stories you pick should ultimately highlight the special bond you share.
  • Some pearls of wisdom and advice. Offer some sage words of wisdom to the newlyweds. Draw from your life experience and share insights about love, marriage, and building a strong, lasting relationship.

Father of the bride speech structure

When structuring your father of the bride speech, following a clear and organised framework can be helpful. Try using this structure to get you started:


The first part of your speech should focus on introducing yourself and thanking everyone for attending. Your role is to ensure that everyone feels welcome and appreciated at the reception.

Take a moment to acknowledge and express gratitude to those who have travelled to attend and those who have supported the wedding, whether morally or financially.

The thank yous

You should then move on to thank those who have helped organise the wedding. Give a shout-out to the bridesmaids, the ushers, and other friends and family who have been involved.

It’s also a nice idea to thank the wedding planner (if they used one) and the staff working on the wedding day. They’re as much a part of making the big day happen as everyone else.

This is also a good opportunity to remember any family members who could not attend or are no longer with you. Keep it upbeat, but it’s a nice way to remember those you’ve lost who were a big part of your daughter’s upbringing.

The bride

Now is the time to discuss your special relationship with your daughter. It’s the perfect chance to talk about her childhood, accomplishments, and the little quirks that make her so special. Share any funny stories or special adventures you’ve shared. These anecdotes will add a touch of nostalgia and humour to your speech, creating a heartfelt connection with the audience.

End this portion of the speech with how proud you are of the person she’s become. Talk about her loving relationship with her new partner, and don’t forget to sprinkle in a genuine compliment about how stunning she looks on her wedding day – a moment that will surely make her smile even brighter.

The happy couple

You should then welcome your new son- or daughter-in-law and their parents to your family.

It’s a great time to talk about the groom and your experiences with them. You can reminisce about the first time you met, share funny moments you’ve shared together, or highlight some of their endearing traits. By including the groom in your speech, you’re showing your support and building a bridge of connection between families.

Some words of wisdom

You should then move on to sharing some pearls of wisdom with the newlyweds.

You can draw from your experiences and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. You can talk about love, commitment, their future, and building a strong family.

If it’s more appropriate, some carefully chosen quotes about love and marriage or a nice reading are also great options. Remember to deliver your words with clarity and calmness, whatever path you choose. This is the penultimate part of your speech; you want to round it off well.

The toast

You should then invite everyone to join you in a toast to the happy couple. Raise your glass, and present the couple with their new shared name. Congratulations, you did it!

Father of the bride speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Use this father of the bride speech template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering a brilliant father of the bride speech  

  1. Know where you fit into the overall wedding speech order. The father of the bride traditionally gives the first speech at the wedding reception. That means you go before the groom’s speech and are the first family member to address the guest. How you deliver your speech will set the tone for the rest of the reception, so keep it upbeat, funny, and light-hearted.
  2. Don’t panic! Pre-speech jitters are natural. But remember, this is one of the best audiences you could be put in front of. Everyone there knows your daughter or her new partner, and everyone is there to celebrate and have a good time. Embrace the excitement and joy of the moment, and let that energy carry you through your speech.
  3. Let your own personality shine through. This is a unique opportunity to connect with the audience on a personal level using charm and wit. Inject your speech with your personal touch, sharing heartfelt stories, cherished memories, and insights only you can provide. Embrace your authentic self and let your love for your daughter be the guiding light in your words.
  4. Include a few jokes. Humour can lighten the mood, enhance feelings of joy, and engage the audience. Keep the jokes tasteful and relevant to the occasion. Share some light-hearted anecdotes or playful teasing about the bride or groom, keeping it in good spirits. It’s about making the audience smile and creating connections on this special day.

Top 10 father of the bride speech examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of great father of the bride speech ideas, from the simple and sentimental to the light-hearted and humorous. And remember that these are just examples. You can use them as templates for your own speech, but it’s important to speak from the heart, and add your own personal touch and unique family anecdotes.

A lot of traditional father of the bride speeches and examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to your daughter’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: The Classic Touch

Introduction: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am [your name], the proud father of the bride. On behalf of my partner, [partner’s name], and our entire family, I want to extend a warm welcome and express our deepest gratitude for joining us on this joyous occasion.”

The thank yous: “We would like to take a moment to thank all of you who have travelled from near and far to be here today. Your presence means the world to us. We are also incredibly grateful to our friends and family who have contributed their time, support, and resources to make this day possible.”

The bride: “As I stand here today, I can’t help but reflect on the beautiful journey my daughter, [bride’s name], has taken. From the first time she wrapped her tiny fingers around mine to the accomplished woman she has become, it has been an honour to witness her growth. [Bride’s name], you radiate love and happiness, and I’m so proud to call you my daughter.”

The happy couple: “Now, let me welcome our new son-in-law, [groom’s name], and his wonderful parents [parents’ names]. From the moment we met [groom’s name], we knew he was the perfect match for [daughter’s name]. His kindness, sense of humor, and unwavering love for her have brought us immeasurable joy. We are thrilled to officially welcome him into our family.”

Some words of wisdom: “As you begin this new chapter together, my wish for you is to always cherish and respect one another. Remember to communicate openly, be each other’s biggest cheerleaders, and embrace the journey that lies ahead. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day.”

The toast: “Please join me in raising a glass to [couple’s names]. May your lives be filled with an abundance of love, laughter, and countless beautiful memories. To the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 2: The Light-hearted Twist

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [your name], the proud father of the bride. Before we dive into the heartfelt moments, let’s take a moment to appreciate the fact that my jokes will be the second-best thing tonight. The first, of course, being my daughter, [bride’s name]!”

The thank yous: “I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for gracing us with your presence today. We truly appreciate your love and support. A special thank you goes to our wedding planner, [planner’s name], for transforming our vision into reality, and to the incredible staff who have worked tirelessly to make this day unforgettable.”

The bride: “[Bride’s name], my sweet daughter, it feels like just yesterday you were teaching me how to change nappies. Today, I stand here in awe of the remarkable woman you’ve become. Your determination, kindness, and ability to put up with my terrible jokes are truly admirable. You look absolutely stunning, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

The happy couple: “Now, let’s welcome the man who has stolen [bride’s name] heart and made her laugh louder than I ever could…[groom’s name]! From the first time we met, I knew [groom’s name] was the one for our girl. His genuine heart, contagious smile, and endless dad joke repertoire instantly won me over. [Groom’s name], welcome to our more than slightly eccentric family!”

Some words of wisdom: “As you embark on this incredible journey together, remember that laughter is the secret ingredient to a happy marriage. Life will throw challenges your way, but facing them with humor and a dash of silliness will make them more bearable. Keep making each other laugh, and your love will always shine bright.”

The toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses as we celebrate the union of [couples’ names]. May your lives be filled with never-ending laughter, adventure, and joy. To the bride and groom!”

Speech Example 3: The Sentimental Tribute

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. I’m [your name], the father of the bride. Today, we gather to celebrate love, family, and the beautiful journey that lies ahead. Thank you all for joining us on this momentous occasion.”

The thank yous: “Before we proceed, I want to express our heartfelt appreciation to each of you for being here today. Your love, support, and presence mean the world to us. We are also immensely grateful to the incredible team of suppliers who have worked tirelessly to create this magical day.”

The bride: “As I look at my radiant daughter, [bride’s name], I am reminded of all the cherished memories we have shared. From tea parties to late-night heart-to-heart conversations, she has filled my life with immeasurable joy. Samantha, you are not only a beautiful bride but also a remarkable woman, and I am so proud to be your father.”

The happy couple: “Now, let’s welcome [groom’s name], the man who has captured [bride’s name]’s heart. From the moment I met [groom’s name], I knew he was someone truly special. His unwavering love, loyalty, and devotion to [bride’s name] are evident in every interaction. [Groom’s name], today, we gain a son, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Some words of wisdom: “As you begin this incredible journey together, my advice to you is to always choose love. Cherish one another, celebrate your shared dreams, and support each other through life’s ups and downs. May your love continue to grow and flourish, and may your marriage be filled with endless happiness.”

The toast: “Please raise your glasses as we toast to the happiness and love of [couples’ names]. May your hearts always beat as one, and may your lives be filled with infinite love, laughter, and beautiful memories. To the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 4: The Quirky Antics

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I have the incredible honour of being the father of the bride. I must warn you, though, my sense of humor can be a bit questionable. So, brace yourselves for a few dad jokes along the way!”

The thank yous: “I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for joining us today. Your presence here is a testament to the love and support our families and friends have showered upon us. We also extend our appreciation to the catering staff for keeping our bellies full and the dance floor energetic!”

The bride: “My beautiful daughter, [bride’s name], has always been full of surprises. From her knack for disappearing in supermarkets to her endless passion for art, she has brought laughter and adventure into our lives. [Bride’s name], you are a brilliant artist and an extraordinary woman. Seeing you as a radiant bride today fills my heart with overwhelming pride.”

The happy couple: “Let’s give a warm welcome to [bride’s name] partner in crime, [groom’s name], and his amazing parents, [parents’ names]. [Groom’s name], I have watched you and [bride’s name] create countless memories together – some hilarious, others heartwarming. Your shared sense of humor and love for adventure make you a perfect match. Welcome to our wonderfully wacky family!”

Some words of wisdom: “As you embark on this exciting journey of married life, my advice is to never stop embracing your inner child. Laugh together, play pranks, and find joy in the little things. May your marriage be filled with endless laughter, happiness, and a dash of mischief.”

The toast: “Please raise your glasses high as we toast to the incredible bond of [couples’ names]. May your lives be blessed with a lifetime of laughter, love, and whimsical adventures. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 5: The Poetic Musings

Introduction: “Greetings, dear friends and family. I am James, the proud father of the bride, and it is an absolute delight to see you all gathered here today to celebrate the love between our families.”

The thank yous: “Before we proceed, I want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has played a part in making this day truly magical. From our extended family to the dedicated team of suppliers, your contributions have made this celebration possible.”

The bride: “As I stand here, my heart swells with love and admiration for my daughter, [bride’s name]. From the day she was born, I knew she was destined for greatness. [Bride’s name], you have blossomed into a strong, compassionate woman, and witnessing your growth has been the greatest privilege of my life.”

The happy couple: “Let us warmly welcome [bride’s name] partner in life, [groom’s name], and his wonderful parents, [parents’ names]. [Groom’s name], from the moment we met, your kind heart and unwavering devotion to [bride’s name] have touched our souls. We are overjoyed to welcome you into our family with open arms.”

Some words of wisdom: “As you embark on this remarkable journey together, my dear [couples’ names], I offer you this advice: nurture your love like a garden. Plant the seeds of trust, water it with patience, and watch it bloom into a beautiful oasis of love and happiness.”

The toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, let us raise our glasses in celebration of [couples’ names]. May your love be as timeless as the stars, as pure as a morning sunrise, and as enduring as the ocean waves. To the happily married couple!”

Speech Example 6: The Thoughtful Reflection

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. I am [your name], the father of the bride, and it warms my heart to see all of your smiling faces as we gather here to celebrate love and family.”

The thank yous: “Before we continue, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for joining us today. Your presence is a true testament to the love and support our families have received throughout the years.”

The bride: “As I look at my daughter, [bride’s name], standing before me today, I am reminded of the beautiful journey we have shared. From her first steps to her achievements as a confident, compassionate woman, every moment has been a blessing. [Bride’s name], you are the embodiment of grace and strength, and I am incredibly proud to be your father.”

The happy couple: “Please join me in welcoming [groom’s name], the man who has captured [bride’s name] heart and become an integral part of our family. [Groom’s name], your love for [bride’s name] shines through in everything you do. Your kindness, intelligence, and unwavering support have touched us deeply. Welcome to our family, [groom’s name].”

Some words of wisdom: “As you begin this new chapter together, I offer you this advice: never underestimate the power of small acts of kindness. Embrace empathy, forgiveness, and patience in your journey. Remember that a single act of love can have a ripple effect, changing lives and bringing light to the world.”

The toast: “Let us raise our glasses high as we toast to the love, commitment, and future happiness of [couples’ names]. May your hearts always be filled with love, and may your path be blessed with joy, understanding, and a lifetime of shared dreams. To the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 7: The Personal Reflection

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. I am [your name], the father of the bride, and it fills my heart with joy to see all of you gathered here today to celebrate this remarkable moment.”

The thank yous: “Before we continue, I want to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for being here. Your presence is a testament to the love and support we have received throughout this journey.”

The bride: “My daughter, [bride’s name], has always been a ray of sunshine in our lives. From her infectious laughter to her unwavering determination, she has brought immense happiness into our family. [Bride’s name], your strength, resilience, and beautiful spirit make me immensely proud to call you my daughter.”

The happy couple: “Let us warmly welcome [groom’s name], the man who has swept [bride]s name] off her feet and into a world of love and adventure. [Groom’s name], from the first moment I saw the sparkle in [bride’s name]’s eyes whenever she was with you, I knew you were the one. Your kindness, integrity, and love for [bride’s name] are truly extraordinary.”

Some words of wisdom: “As you embark on this journey together, my wish for you is to never lose sight of the importance of cherishing one another. Treasure every moment, celebrate your successes, and support each other through life’s challenges. May your love be the guiding light that illuminates your path.”

The toast: “Please raise your glasses as we toast to [couples’ names], two souls destined to be together. May your love continue to grow and flourish, and may your journey be filled with unending joy, love, and shared dreams. To the happily married couple!”

Speech Example 8: The Humorous One

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], the proud father of the bride, and I must say, it’s an incredible honour to stand before you all today. Now, don’t worry – I promise to keep my speech sweet and simple, and certainly shorter than the time it takes for my daughter to get ready!”

The thank yous: “Before we proceed with the fun, let’s take a moment to express our gratitude. Thank you all for joining us on this special day. Your presence means the world to us, and we appreciate the love and support you’ve shown our family.”

The bride: “Today, I have the pleasure of talking about my daughter, [bride’s name]. From her mischievous pranks as a child to her caring and determined nature as an adult, she has always kept us on our toes. [Bride’s name], your free spirit and zest for life inspire me every day. You look lovely and I couldn’t be prouder.

The happy couple: “Now, let’s give a warm welcome to [bride’s name]’s partner in crime, [groom’s name], and his amazing parents, [parents’ names]. [Groom’s name], from the first time I met you, I knew you were the perfect match for our adventurous girl. Your shared love for hiking, pizza, and terrible puns solidified my belief in true love. Welcome to our quirky family!”

Some words of wisdom: “As you embark on this crazy rollercoaster called marriage, remember to embrace the silly moments, laugh at each other’s quirks, and never take yourselves too seriously. May your marriage be filled with laughter, inside jokes, and an endless supply of funny GIFs.”

The toast: “Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses as we toast to the love, laughter, and happily ever after of [couples’ names]. May your lives be a series of amusing anecdotes and unforgettable adventures. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 9: The Heartfelt Journey

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I am [your name], the proud father of the bride, and it fills my heart with joy to welcome you all here today as we celebrate the love between [couples’ names].”

The thank yous: “Before we continue, I want to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for being a part of this joyous occasion. Your presence and support mean the world to us, and we are grateful for the love that surrounds our families.”

The bride: “Today, I stand before you with overwhelming pride as I talk about my daughter, [bride’s name]. From her first steps to her academic achievements, she has always impressed us with her determination and compassion. [Bride’s name], you are an extraordinary woman, and seeing you as a beautiful bride today fills my heart with immense joy.”

The happy couple: “Let us warmly welcome [groom’s name] into our family. From the moment I met him, I knew he was the perfect match for [bride’s name]. His intelligence, kindness, and unwavering support have made our daughter’s life even more radiant. [Groom’s name], thank you for loving [bride’s name] and bringing such happiness into her life.”

Some words of wisdom: “As you begin this incredible journey together, remember that a strong marriage is built on love, trust, and communication. Cherish and respect one another, be each other’s biggest supporters, and face the challenges of life as a team. May your love grow deeper and stronger with each passing day.”

The toast: “Please raise your glasses high as we toast to the happiness and love of [couples’ names]. May your days be filled with endless love, laughter, and shared dreams. To the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 10: The Genuine Connection

Introduction: “Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. I am [your name], the proud father of the bride, and I want to thank you all for joining us today to celebrate the love between [couples’ names]. Your presence here is deeply appreciated.”

The thank yous: “Before we continue, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this beautiful day. From the family and friends who have travelled far to be here to the dedicated wedding team who have made everything run smoothly, thank you all.”

The bride: “As I stand here today, reminiscing about the beautiful moments we’ve shared, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride for my daughter, [bride’s name]. From her first steps to her accomplishments as a talented writer, [bride’s name] has always radiated warmth, creativity, and love. [Bride’s name], you are a shining light in our lives, and I couldn’t be prouder.”

The happy couple: “Let’s take a moment to welcome [groom’s name] into our family. From the first time I met him, I knew he was a kind-hearted, genuine person. His love for [bride’s name] is evident in every glance, every smile they share. [Bride’s name], thank you for bringing happiness and love into [bride’s name]’s life. We are over the moon to have you as part of our family.”

Some words of wisdom: “As you embark on this incredible journey together, my wish for you is to always cherish the small moments. Life is made up of a million tiny fragments, and it’s in those fragments that love thrives. Embrace each other’s quirks, be each other’s confidants, and build a home filled with love, laughter, and endless memories.”

The toast: “Let us raise our glasses high to celebrate the love and future of [couples’ names]. May your lives be filled with happiness, love, and countless shared adventures. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Start planning your father of the bride speech today!

The father of the bride speech is one of the most anticipated parts of the wedding reception. It’s your chance to tell the world how amazing your little girl is and how proud you are of her.

Make sure you leave plenty of time to plan your wedding speech. This way, you know you’ll be happy with the content and have plenty of time to practice. Follow a time-honoured structure, throw in a few jokes, and let your personality shine through. You’ve got this!

If you’re still feeling nervous, we can support you in writing a brilliant father of the bride speech. Whether you want to keep it simple or make it funny and heartfelt, we have plenty of wedding speech ideas to give you inspiration. Sign up to Bridebook today and write a cracking speech!

The Best Wedding Day Timeline

When planning your perfect wedding day, you might not be sure where to start. You might know what your ideal ceremony, venue, food, cake and everything else looks like, but one of the biggest questions you may have is how exactly they all fit together.

Organising a wedding is a little bit like putting a jigsaw together, only you don’t have instructions, so you have to do it the best you can. One of the key parts of this is creating a wedding day timeline, so everyone knows where they have to be, what time they have to be there and what’s going to happen once they’re there.

In this post, we’re going to explore what the best wedding day timeline might look like, including what order everything happens throughout the typical wedding day, how long each part usually takes and the most popular time couples choose to have the ceremony.

Do all weddings follow the same timeline?

No, not all weddings follow the same timeline. However, every wedding you go to will generally follow a timeline that is at the very least reminiscent of every other wedding you might have been to. Whether you choose to have a traditional wedding, religious wedding, registry office wedding, destination wedding or something else entirely, there will always be some similarities – especially at the ceremony itself, which has to follow certain legal processes.

Some of the major factors that can influence a wedding day timeline include:

  • Cultural and religious traditions – For example, many Indian weddings span over several days and there are a lot of other cultural wedding traditions that also go beyond the big day.
  • The type of wedding – A traditional wedding will often last from late morning through until late at night, while a destination wedding might only last a couple of hours.
  • The time of the ceremony – Traditionally, couples get married around lunchtime, but twilight weddings are quickly becoming more popular and start much later in the day.
  • The formality – Less formal weddings will usually have a more relaxed structure, as they’re often far more intimate.
  • The size of your guest list – The larger your guest list is, the more likely you’ll need to allow extra time for arrivals, transport, seating, photos and more.
  • The time of year – Believe it or not, the season your wedding takes place in can also have an effect, especially during the winter when you might need to account for icy or snowy conditions.
  • The location of your venues – The location of your venues (if your ceremony and breakfast/reception venue aren’t at the same place), specifically if they’re far apart from each other, can potentially slow things down.
  • Personal preferences – Finally, your own personal preferences can dictate your wedding day timeline. At the end of the day, it’s your big day, so do whatever makes you happy.

What time does a wedding ceremony usually take place?

The majority of weddings in Australia usually start between 2pm-4pm. However, depending on the type of wedding you have, this can vary. For example, many religious wedding ceremonies start in the late morning, while ceremonies at registry offices tend to start in the afternoon. Of course, if you’ve chosen to have a twilight wedding, it will start much later in the day, often as it starts to get dark, which can be at different times depending on the season you’re getting married in.

What is the longest part of a wedding?

Generally, the longest part of your wedding day will be the evening reception, which will last around four or five hours (though this can be longer if you’ve invited a few party animals). 

What is the shortest part of a wedding?

Believe it or not, despite months (or even years) of planning, the shortest part of a couple’s wedding day is often the ceremony itself. The ceremony takes approximately 45 minutes from the moment the procession starts, though it can sometimes be longer, such as with a religious ceremony where there might be hymns and readings.

A registry office wedding or civil ceremony can be as short as 10 minutes, but  longer if you want to include extras like readings, or if you’ve hired a celebrant.

How long do various parts of a wedding day take?

To give you an idea as to how long various parts of your wedding day will take, you can use the below times as an approximation when planning your big day.

Getting ready (including hair, makeup and getting dressed) – Approximately two hours. This may take longer if the artist you’ve hired is also doing the bridesmaids’ hair and makeup.

Pre-wedding photos (bridal party and groomsmen) – 30 to 45 minutes.

Ceremony – 45 to 60 minutes, but this can vary depending on whether it’s a religious ceremony or you have specific personal preferences. Registry office weddings can be as short and sweet as 10 minutes.

Photographs – Around one hour, but it can depend on the size of your wedding party and whether you have to travel to a specific location to take photos.

Reception drinks – Approximately an hour, which may start while you and your new spouse are having photos taken. It gives time for everyone to have a drink and unwind before the breakfast. You might want to add 10 or 15 minutes if you’re having a receiving line to welcome guests to the reception venue.

Evening reception – Once evening guests arrive, usually between 6pm and 8pm, the evening reception will go on for the rest of the night, which depends on you, your guests and the venue. The evening reception will usually last at least four hours and will often include food, such as a buffet, as well as drinks and music (and some dancing, of course). The speeches and the cutting of the cake also take place during this part of the evening.

  • Speeches – This varies depending on who’s giving a speech, but there are usually at least three speeches; the father of the bride, the groom and the best man. Allow 10 minutes per speaker, so around 30 minutes in total, though this might be longer if others wish to say a few words as well.
  • Cutting of the cake – 5 to 10 minutes, but most of that is the time taken getting everyone together and allowing people to take photographs.

What is a typical wedding timeline?

Depending on the type of wedding you have, wedding timelines can have a few key differences. Below are some examples of how you might expect a wedding day to look based on some of the most popular types of weddings couples go for.

Example traditional wedding day timeline

As we highlighted above, traditional wedding ceremonies commonly start between 2pm-4pm. The below example of a traditional wedding day timeline is what your day might look like if your ceremony were to start at midday.

9am – Your alarm goes off and it’s time for a shower (speak to your hairstylist beforehand about whether you should wash your hair that morning or not).

9.30am – Breakfast. Don’t skip this step because you’ve got a long day ahead of you. You might want your bridesmaids/groomsmen to join you and start the celebrations early with a mimosa.

10am – If you’ve hired a photographer, they’ll arrive to capture everyone getting ready. Your hair and makeup artist(s) will likely arrive around the same time.

10.15am – Hair and makeup starts on the bridal party (if they’re doing it for them).

11am – The flowers and bouquets are delivered and the vendors you’ve hired will arrive at the venue to start setting everything up.

11.30am – The bride’s hair and makeup start.

12.30pm – The bride gets dressed. At the same time, the groom will head to the venue to begin greeting guests.

1pm – Bridal party photos and the wedding transport arrives (if you need it).

1.30pm – The bride sets off for the venue as your final guests arrive.

1.45pm – Your guests are asked to take their seats.

1.55pm – The bride arrives at the venue and everyone takes their place. The photographer will take some last-minute photos of the bride and whoever she is walking down the aisle with.

2pm – The ceremony starts.

2.45pm – The ceremony ends and the couple leaves the venue with the photographer for photographs, also joined by friends and family.

3pm – Time for family photos (and photos with close friends of the couple). Other guests leave to the venue where the cocktail hour is being held.

4.30pm – The couple and those involved in the photos arrive at the cocktail hour. Time to mingle and for any additional photos to be taken.

5pm – Evening guests begin to arrive

5.30pm – Guests start being seated for dinner service.

6pm – Dinner service begins.

7.15pm – Dinner service ends and the wait staff pours fizz for the speeches to begin. The cutting of the cake may also take place during this time. 

7.45pm – The speeches start, usually with the father of the bride. If you’d like golden hour photos, do these around this time (or a little earlier, depending on the season) and shift the timeline accordingly.

8.15pm – First couple dance and parents dance.

8.30pm – Open dance floor! Time for you to celebrate with your guests! 

11.45pm – The couple leaves the venue.

12pm – The evening reception finishes and your guests leave the venue.

Example registry office wedding day timeline

Registry office weddings are often the most affordable type of wedding, which means they don’t usually include as many individual steps. If you’re having a registry office wedding, it might follow something similar to the following timeline:

8am to 10.30am – A leisurely morning, ensuring you have a good breakfast. If you have a small budget, this is a great time to visit a hairstylist and make-up artist, as going to them rather than them coming to you keeps costs down.

11am – Get ready with family and friends close by.

12.30pm – Set off for the registry office.

12.50pm – Arrive at the registry office and your guests take their seats. If you’ve hired a photographer they will begin taking photos.

1pm – The ceremony begins.

1.15pm – The ceremony ends.

1.30pm – A short photography session outside the registry office with the couple and friends and family.

2.15pm – A meal at a local restaurant or hotel, including the speeches.

6pm – The wedding party moves on to a different local venue, such as a bar or hotel, to host a party for wider family and friends. This will include the cutting of the cake, the first dance and a buffet. However, this all depends on your budget and preferences.

Example twilight wedding timeline

A twilight wedding starts much later in the day, which means there’s not as much time as with a traditional wedding. However, many of the same things are still included, just condensed, which makes it great for getting married on a budget.

8am to 2pm – A leisurely morning and lunchtime spent with family and friends. You may take the time to relax (a morning spa session with the rest of the bridal party goes down a treat) or visit your local beauty stylist to save money on hair and makeup.

3pm – You start to get ready as vendors arrive at the venue to prepare. If you’ve hired a professional stylist and photographer, they’ll also arrive around this time.

4.30pm – The groom arrives at the venue to welcome guests.

5pm – The bride gets dressed.

5.30pm – The bride leaves for the venue.

5.45pm – Guests take their seats.

5.55pm – The bride arrives at the venue and everyone gets into position.

6pm – The ceremony begins.

6.45pm – The ceremony ends.

7pm – The couple and their guests take photographs to take advantage of the setting sun (depending on the season, the timing of this would need to shift slightly).

8pm – Now it’s time for the evening reception and dinner to begin. This will also include the speeches, cutting of the cake and first dance.

11.45pm – The couple leaves the venue.

12pm – The reception finishes and your guests leave the venue.

Plan your perfect wedding with Bridebook

Now that you know some rough timelines that wedding days often follow, you can start planning your own big day exactly as you like it. Sign up to Bridebook to get access to all the tools, information and resources you need so you can plan your perfect wedding.


The Ultimate Australian Wedding Budget Breakdown

Don’t know what you should spend money on for your wedding? Well, luckily for you, Bridebook is home to the most powerful wedding budget planner available.

Simply enter your total wedding funds, give us a few basic details, and in one click you’ll have your very own expert breakdown of your wedding costs. You’ll know exactly where to spend your money for your special day – and the real fun of planning can begin!

Find out how you should allocate your wedding funds!

Want to get started with ballpark figures? Below you’ll find a complete wedding budget breakdown, based on the average total costs of Australian wedding suppliers. The average amount spent by Australian couples on their wedding comes to $37,000. 

Now, let’s break it down…

The Average Total Cost of a Wedding = $37,000 

The expert wedding budget video course: learn how to break down your wedding budget

Creating a wedding budget breakdown is one of the most important steps to tick off on your wedding planning checklist, whether you’re planning a more affordable DIY wedding on a budget or a more extravagant celebration. In this video course, Bridebook founder (and qualified wedding planner) Hamish Shephard explains how to set and manage your wedding budget, and reveals how you could save thousands on your wedding venue, catering and other suppliers.

Average cost of a wedding venue:


Your wedding venue is easily the single most important part of your planning – so it’s no surprise that it’s also the most expensive part of your wedding budget! Choosing your wedding venue really is step one of your wedding planning journey, and it affects every aspect of your big day.

Not sure where to start when it comes to choosing your venue? Well, don’t worry, we’ve got you! We don’t mean to brag, but we’ve got the largest wedding venue directory in Australia.

With our wedding venue search tool, you and your partner can find your dream venue faster than you can say, “I do!” If you know exactly what you’re looking for, you can kick things off by searching by name, location or style. If you’re just getting started with your venue search, try using filters such as “barn” or “city” and “budget” or “luxury” to get an idea of what’s out there.

Average cost of wedding catering:

$5,000-$7,000 (varies on the number of guests)

As you might expect, the total cost of your catering will be 100% dependent on the number of guests you invite to your wedding. Your guest list will have a big impact on what you’ll spend on your wedding overall as well, so we recommend making some rough decisions about the size of your guest list as early as possible in your wedding planning if you can.

Since caterers usually charge by the head, cutting some co-workers or +1s from your guest list might be your first move if you’re looking to save a few hundred dollars on your wedding. Another easy way to cut costs is to go for food trucks, sharing plates or a buffet over a set menu or traditional sit-down meal. Not only is this a great option for couples planning a wedding on a budget, but it’s also ideal for those wanting a more relaxed atmosphere on their big day.

Average cost of wedding photography:


Your wedding is one of the most important days of your life, so it’s important that those memories last forever. That makes choosing the right wedding photographer one of your key decisions. After all, you’ll be looking at their photos for years to come, so it’s absolutely worth the investment!

How much you pay will depend on the photographer, the service you want and the specific package you choose. If you want to cut costs and make your budget go further, ordering a digital album instead of a hard copy can save you some serious cash.

Average cost of wedding videography:


You might be asking yourself, “Why do I need a wedding videographer when I already have a wedding photographer?” Well, while a photographer can capture the key moments and highlights in a few snapshots, we’re betting you’ll want to remember every second of your wedding day – and having a designated wedding videographer will allow you to do just that.

As with wedding photographers, some videographers cost more than others. If having an absolutely jaw-dropping video is a priority for you, consider cutting back on some of your other suppliers to make room in your wedding budget.

Average cost of wedding flowers:


How much do wedding flowers cost? Well, that depends on the type of flowers you want at your wedding. Though, in our opinion, our best bet is to go with seasonal flowers. It’s a great aesthetic, can mean big savings if you’re on a budget, and can even bag you some sustainability points! But whatever you do, never, ever underestimate how much flowers can transform your wedding!

Average cost of wedding decor & furniture hire:


Decoration isn’t just about the flowers! Don’t forget that many venues require you to hire all your furniture and other decorative features (especially “blank canvas” venues). This might be from the venue itself, your caterer, or a third party – but either way it’s an additional cost to factor in.

Something that can also eat up a big chunk of your wedding budget is marquee hire. If you’re hiring an outdoor venue for a winter wedding, you’ll definitely need one. If marquee hire isn’t included, this extra cost will add quite a few hundred dollars to your budget. So our top tip? Aim to book an all-inclusive venue which offers a two-in-one decoration and hire package. That way, you won’t have to worry about extra costs later on!

Average cost of a wedding cake:


The wedding cake is one of the best bits of any wedding (or at least, we think so!). There are two main things that will affect the cost of your wedding cake. The first is the number of tiers you go for. This comes down to how many people you’re trying to feed and what kind of look you want. At the end of the day, more cake means more money…but one sneaky way to cheat the system if you’re on a budget is to order a cake that uses dummy layers.

The second factor is whether you want a traditional fruit wedding cake or a more modern sponge with fresh fruit. While the former can be made further in advance, the latter will need to be baked the night before or even the day of the wedding itself, which makes them that bit more expensive.

If you have a baker in the family, why not ask them to bake your wedding cake? They might offer you “mates rates” or even make it for free as their wedding gift to you. Then you can use the money you save to invite a couple more guests…or put it towards your honeymoon!

Average cost wedding music:


With a million-and-one amazing options to choose from, deciding on your ideal wedding music is no easy decision. You’ll want to think carefully about three things. Firstly, what do you and your partner want? Do you see yourself and your partner swaying to a romantic live band, or is techno not something you’re giving up on your big day? Secondly, what will your guests enjoy? And finally, what will fit in with the style and vibe of your wedding?

When it comes to pricing and budgeting, the first question is whether or not you have your heart set on live music. A DJ is almost always cheaper than a live band and can be just as good.

Average cost of a wedding dress:


There’s a breathtakingly beautiful wedding dress out there for everyone – and it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg! Many large online retailers now have a bridal section, where you’ll find lovely, more affordable wedding dresses. Brides that are looking for affordable and more sustainable options may also opt for a vintage or second-hand wedding dress.

Average cost of wedding beauty (hair & makeup):


The way a bride envisions her wedding is simple: she looks drop-dead gorgeous next to her prince or princess. And who makes all of this possible? Trick question! All you need to look absolutely stunning is a beautiful, happy smile…but yeah, a little hair and makeup will help too!

With thousands of fantastic hair and makeup artists all across Australia, we’re sure you’ll find your dream wedding make-up artist and hair stylist no matter your budget.

Average cost of wedding suits (groom and ushers attire):


When it comes to figuring out how much you should spend on each part of your wedding, most couples overlook the groom’s attire and menswear. But the groom and groomsmen will want to look gorgeous on their W-Day just as much as the bride and bridesmaids will.

Our top tip? Communication. Make sure both your ushers and your bride are comfortable with what you choose to wear. You don’t have to be all “matchy-matchy”, but when your wedding comes together as a whole, the groom will be one of its central pieces…so keep that in mind!

Average cost of wedding rings (incl. engagement ring):


As small as they are, don’t forget your wedding rings! They might just be the most significant detail of your wedding. After all, they’re a lasting symbol of your love and commitment to your partner, and will be with you both for the rest of your lives. Just like engagement rings, they’re also an added cost to your overall wedding budget…but definitely one you shouldn’t cut! 

Average cost of wedding stationery:


Wedding stationery includes everything from save-the-dates and invitations to programmes and place cards to consider. Therefore, the money you spend on this can vary widely depending on your unique needs and preferences.

While both DIY or online invitations can cost next to nothing, bespoke and handcrafted stationery can cost closer to $1,000 or more.

Average cost of a celebrant:


If you’re looking for a less traditional and more personalised wedding ceremony, you’ll want to hire a celebrant. They’ll give you the freedom and flexibility to truly personalise how you celebrate your love with your partner. 

Average cost of wedding favours:


Who doesn’t like wedding favours? They’re a great way of giving your guests something to remember your special day by. Favours can be as big or as small as you like, depending on your budget and preferences (and how many guests you have).

And remember, you don’t have to give favours at all! A lot of couples wonder whether or not wedding favours are a necessary cost – and honestly, it depends! For many of your guests, attending your big day will have been enough of a gift. But if you have money left in your budget…go for it! We actually get this question a lot on our Bridebook Instagram page, which you should follow immediately if you want wedding tips, inspiration and a little bit of Bridebook silliness.

Average cost of wedding transport:


Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you organise taxis for your entire guest list! But whether you’re thinking of making a low-key arrival or even planning on flying down the aisle (no, seriously, it’s been done before!), don’t overlook your own wedding transport. From vintage cars and carriages to tandem bikes and trucks, there are lots of options to make your transport fit the vibe of your wedding.

When making decisions about your transport, a key consideration is how far your ceremony is from your accommodation and the reception venue. So maybe don’t choose to make your entrance on a tandem bike if you’re getting married five kilometres away from your wedding venue! And if you’re looking to cut this cost completely, why not ask a friend or relative if you can borrow their super cool car? Not only will they be flattered, but you’ll also save some $$$!

Average cost of a honeymoon


The honeymoon is understandably a big post-wedding cost. Trends suggest older couples are more likely to stay in Australia, while younger Gen Z couples are looking to travel more, favouring the beaches of the Maldives, Indonesia, Fiji and Italy for their honeymoons. 

Plan your dream wedding on Bridebook 

So, that’s how a wedding breaks down for the average Australian couple. Now it’s time to find out what your personalised budget breakdown will be, so you can get cracking with your planning!

See your personalised wedding budget breakdown now!

And if you’re looking for ways to save money on your wedding, we’ve got plenty of cost-cutting hacks, so you can have your dream wedding without going over your budget. From venue saving tips to guest list considerations, we’ve got you covered.