Top 10 Maid of Honour Speech Examples

Are you gearing up to help your bestie walk down the aisle? Or maybe you’re a sister bestowed with the great honour of being the bride’s right-hand man? Well, first off, congratulations! Being chosen as the maid of honour to the bride is no small feat. It’s a role filled with joy, emotion, and, yes, a touch of nerves too. But fear not, because we’ve got your back!

Writing a wedding speech that resonates with both the bride and the audience can be tricky. It’s about finding the right balance of funny anecdotes, genuine love, and a sprinkle of nostalgic shared memories to write the best maid of honour speech. 

In this post, we explore what you should include in your wedding speech, some top tips to consider when writing a great speech, and our top 10 maid of honour speech examples. Let’s dive in!

What is a maid of honour speech?

A maid of honour speech is a beautiful and heartfelt speech made by the maid of honour during a wedding reception. Traditionally, the maid of honour doesn’t make a speech during the wedding reception, just as there isn’t usually a bridesmaid speech. That means you have some flexibility as to where you fit into the overall wedding speech order

A maid of honour speech should last between 5-7 minutes and should focus on the relationship between you and the bride, how wonderful she is, and the lovely year running up to the wedding. 

What should you include in a maid of honour speech?

When writing your maid of honour speech, you might want to consider including the following key elements:

  • Lots of love. The bride might be your sister, she might be your neighbour, but she’s definitely your best friend. This is the perfect opportunity to let everyone know exactly what makes her so special. You can tell everyone how funny she is, what a caring person she can be, and all about how you’ve supported each other through life. Let the couple know how proud you are of the relationship they’ve built and how honoured you are to be there with them on their special day. 
  • Wedding planning foibles. It’s likely that you helped the bride with a good portion of the wedding planning. As such, you probably have lots of stories about the trials and tribulations of wedding planning. Share some funny maid of honour speech stories, like how stressed she was about finding the right shape of confetti, or how many samples you tried when trying to design the wedding cupcakes! Make sure any stories you tell are appropriate for her family and acquaintances to hear, and avoid referring to her as a ‘Bridezilla.’ Trust us; it’s not as funny as you think. 
  • Their love story. Being the bride’s bestie, you probably remember the day the bride met her new spouse. Consider sharing some happy stories from the early days of their relationship, when the bride told you they were the one, or when her partner told you they were going to propose. These stories are always a winner with the audience and bring a heartwarming touch to your speech.
  • Your unwavering support. Above anything else, let everyone know how much you love and support the bride’s new marriage and how you’ll continue to be there for her, just as you were before the wedding.

Maid of honour speech structure

Use this maid of honour speech template to guide your writing

The good thing about the maid of honour speech is that it’s untraditional. This means there are no expectations, and you can include whatever you’d like!

However, this open-ended approach can be a little daunting. Try using the below structure to outline your maid of honour speech and help you feel more confident. 


The first step of any great speech is to introduce yourself to the audience. Let them know who you are, how long you’ve known the bride, and how you met. Express your gratitude for being part of their special day and acknowledge how happy you are to be the maid of honour. 

Stories about the bride

You can then move on to some funny stories about your relationship with the bride. Share some light-hearted anecdotes, funny quotes, or special memories that you’ve shared with the bride over the years. This will not only capture the attention of the audience but will set the tone for your speech. 

The couple’s love story

You can then move on to some happy memories about how the bride and groom met. You can share their initial impressions of each other, a funny story from their first date, and how their relationship blossomed over the years. Be sure to include any funny or heartwarming anecdotes from the early days of their relationship or when the bride first told you her partner was the one!

The proposal

Telling everyone about the proposal is sure to be a winner. It’s the perfect chance to spill the beans about the ingenious proposal plans or when they finally got down on one knee. Share the part you played by picking out the ring, helping with the surprise, or sneakily standing in the background to take pictures. 

Heartfelt advice

Follow up with some heartfelt advice about love and commitment. Feel free to use some popular quotes about love, poetry, readings, or try writing a few vows of your own if you feel it’s appropriate. For example, “I will support you in married life just as I have through single life,” or “I promise to be the coolest auntie to your kids and tell them all about how wild their mum used to be!” 

Toast to the couple

The final step should be a toast to the happy couple. Raise your glass and invite your audience to do the same, and toast to the health, love, and happiness of the new couple. Be sure to introduce them by their new shared name and take a sip from the glass. Cheers!

Top tips for delivering the best maid of honour speech

Be mindful of the audience

Remember, there will be lots of family and old friends in the audience, so it’s important to be mindful of the types of stories you tell. Err on the side of mildly embarrassing, and make sure any anecdotes are family-appropriate!

There are no expectations!

The best thing about a maid of honour speech is that there are no expectations; There’s no rigid script to follow. Instead, it’s your chance to let your personality shine, and your unique relationship with the bride take centre stage. This freedom means you can craft a speech that’s as genuine and heartwarming as your relationship with your bestie, so make it count.

Practice, practice, practice

Practice will perfect your timing, hone your speech delivery, and increase your confidence when making your speech. Stand before a mirror, share your speech with a close friend, or even record yourself to capture your progress. Embrace each rehearsal as an opportunity to smooth out any rough edges and enhance your storytelling. You’ll be glad you did when the big day rolls around.

Top 10 maid of honour speech examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of the best maid of honour speech ideas! Use them as templates for your own speech and personalize them with your own unique examples and anecdotes.

A lot of maid of honour speech examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to your daughter’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: The Lifelong Friend

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [your name], and I’ve had the absolute privilege of being [bride’s name]’s partner-in-crime since primary school. Today, I have the honour of standing by her side as her maid of honour.”

Stories about the bride: “From building pillow forts to surviving our teenage years, [bride’s name] has been my partner in every adventure. I remember the time we tried to bake a cake from scratch and ended up with a kitchen covered in flour – and yes, our masterpiece was inedible!”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been nothing short of magical. From their first awkward hello to the moment they realized they were meant for each other, their journey has been a testament to true love.”

The proposal: “And then there was the proposal – let me tell you, I’ve never seen [bride’s name] so shocked in her life! [Partner’s name] had orchestrated this amazing surprise, complete with twinkling fairy lights and her favourite song playing in the background.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you both embark on this beautiful journey, remember that love is not just about the grand gestures, but also about the little things – like making each other laugh when life gets tough or sharing late-night ice cream runs.”

Toast to the couple: “So, here’s to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a love story that deserves all the happiness in the world. May your days be filled with laughter, your hearts forever intertwined, and your adventures together never-ending. Cheers!”

Speech Example 2: The Dynamic Duo

Introduction: “Hey there, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve had the incredible privilege of being [bride’s name]’s best friend since college. Today, as her maid of honour, I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate this beautiful journey with her.”

Stories about the bride: “From surviving all-night study sessions with gallons of coffee to our impromptu road trips that ended in hilarious mishaps, [bride’s name] has made every moment unforgettable.”

The couple’s love story: “When [bride’s name] introduced me to [partner’s name], I knew there was something special. Their love story has been a whirlwind of laughter, adventures, and stolen glances that have melted my heart.”

The proposal: “And let’s talk about the proposal, shall we? [Partner’s name] pulled out all the stops, arranging a scavenger hunt that led [bride’s name] to their favourite park, where he popped the question under a sky full of twinkling stars.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you journey together, remember that true love means supporting each other’s dreams and creating a partnership built on respect and understanding.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the ultimate dynamic duo. May your love continue to be as strong as your friendship, and may your days be filled with endless joy and shared laughter. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Adventure Buddies

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve had the joy of being [bride’s name]’s sister and partner-in-crime in countless escapades. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m beyond excited to stand by her side.”

Stories about the bride: “From spontaneous road trips to conquering our fears together, [bride’s name] has been my adventure buddy. I’ll never forget the time we hiked up a mountain, only to realize we were on the wrong trail!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been an incredible journey. Their love is like a grand adventure, filled with twists, turns, and the promise of new horizons.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal – [partner’s name] transformed a quiet night into a dreamy scene from a romance movie, complete with fairy lights and a heartfelt speech that brought tears to [bride’s name]’s eyes.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you navigate the exciting path of marriage, remember that love is an ever-evolving journey. Embrace each new chapter with open hearts and a sense of wonder.”

Toast to the couple: “Here’s to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], two souls embarking on life’s greatest adventure together. May your love be as thrilling as your explorations, and may your days be filled with joy, laughter, and boundless love. Cheers!”

Speech Example 4: The Childhood Confidante

Introduction: “Hi, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve been lucky enough to share every stage of life with [bride’s name] since we were children. As her sister and maid of honour, I’m absolutely honoured to be part of this beautiful day.”

Stories about the bride: “From playing dress-up in the attic to having heart-to-heart conversations under the stars, [bride’s name] has been my confidante and best friend since day one.”

The couple’s love story: “Witnessing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like watching a favourite movie unfold – full of romance, laughter, and unforgettable moments.”

The proposal: “And then, of course, there was the proposal – a charming surprise at their favourite restaurant, complete with singing waiters and a hidden videographer.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you step into this new chapter, remember that love is built on a foundation of friendship, trust, and shared dreams. Keep your hearts open and your communication strong.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a match made in heaven. May your love story continue to be as beautiful and captivating as the journey that brought you together. Cheers!”

Speech Example 5: The Soul Sisters

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and if you see a whirlwind of laughter, adventures, and endless support, chances are you’re in the presence of [bride’s name] and me. Today, as her maid of honour, I am over the moon to share in this beautiful moment.”

Stories about the bride: “From singing in the rain to staying up all night solving life’s mysteries, [bride’s name] and I have created a treasure trove of memories. One of my favourites? Our impromptu dance-offs in the living room!”

The couple’s love story: “The way [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fell in love is something out of a fairy tale. Their story is a testament to fate and the magical connection that brought them together.”

The proposal: “Speaking of magic, the proposal was straight from the heart. [Partner’s name] transformed their back garden into a wonderland, and when he dropped to one knee, even the stars seemed to shine brighter.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you embark on this journey of love, remember that it’s the everyday moments that truly matter. Celebrate each other’s victories, be each other’s shoulder to lean on, and never underestimate the power of a spontaneous dance party!”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a love story that radiates joy and magic. May your days be filled with endless giggles, late-night conversations, and a love that continues to sparkle. Cheers!”

Speech Example 6: The Laughter Architects

Introduction: “Hey there, lovely people! I’m [your name], the one responsible for countless giggles and sidesplitting laughter shared with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m beyond thrilled to raise a glass to the love story we’re celebrating.”

Stories about the bride: “From our ‘secret’ language to the unforgettable pranks we’ve pulled, [bride’s name] and I have a laughter-filled journey that keeps getting better. One time, we dressed up as ninjas and accidentally scared the mailman!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a masterful comedy unfold – with witty banter, funny quirks, and a heartwarming connection that’s pure gold.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal – a hilarious yet heart-melting scene that had us all in stitches. [Partner’s name] got down on one knee, and [bride’s name] was so shocked that she briefly lost her ability to speak!”

Heartfelt advice: “As you navigate the wonderful world of marriage, remember that laughter truly is the best medicine. Keep finding joy in the little things, and never let go of the hilarious moments that make your love story uniquely yours.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the architects of laughter and love. May your days be filled with continuous chuckles, inside jokes, and a bond that only grows stronger with time. Cheers!”

Speech Example 7: The Creative Companions

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], the lucky one who’s shared a canvas of creativity and countless memorable moments with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I couldn’t be more excited to raise a toast to her love story.”

Stories about the bride: “From painting masterpieces that Picasso would envy to attempting a DIY home improvement project that didn’t quite go as planned, [bride’s name] and I have crafted a world of creativity.”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a beautiful masterpiece unfold – with vivid colours of laughter, strokes of affection, and an undeniable chemistry.”

The proposal: “Speaking of creativity, [partner’s name] proposed in a way that perfectly captured their story. He reenacted their first date, complete with the same restaurant and the same song that played during that magical evening.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you step into the realm of marriage, remember that love is a canvas where both of you hold the brushes. Paint it with kindness, patience, and the vibrant colours of trust and understanding.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the creators of a love story that’s both imaginative and heartwarming. May your journey be filled with artistic adventures, endless inspiration, and a love that continues to paint your lives with beauty. Cheers!”

Speech Example 8: The Travel Enthusiasts

Introduction: “Hey, everyone! I’m [your name], the crazy friend who has navigated the wild world of adventures with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m over the moon to celebrate this incredible journey.”

Stories about the bride: “From getting lost in foreign cities to bonding over bizarre local cuisine, [bride’s name] and I have embarked on some unforgettable journeys. I still can’t believe we accidentally ordered snails!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love is like watching a captivating travel documentary – each chapter filled with exciting destinations, new experiences, and a growing sense of unity.”

The proposal: “Speaking of travels, [partner’s name] took [bride’s name] on a surprise trip to their favourite city, where he proposed atop a breathtaking viewpoint. It was a moment as memorable as the stamps on their passports.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you journey through the uncharted waters of marriage, remember that love is an adventure filled with twists and turns. Embrace the unexpected, cherish the beauty of every sunrise, and hold each other’s hand through every storm.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the explorers of love and life. May your days be filled with exhilarating discoveries, shared laughter, and a bond that’s as unbreakable as the compass that guides your hearts. Cheers!”

Speech Example 9: The Dance Partners

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], the one who’s twirled through life’s ups and downs with [bride’s name]. Today, as her proud maid of honour, I’m absolutely thrilled to share a few words about this extraordinary journey.”

Stories about the bride: “From mastering the latest dance crazes to our legendary karaoke duets, [bride’s name] and I have had our fair share of dance parties that could rival any club. Let’s just say, we’ve got moves!”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a beautiful dance unfold – each step graceful, each move synchronized, and the chemistry between them undeniable.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal, a moment choreographed with love. [Partner’s name] swept [bride’s name] off her feet and, just like a perfectly timed dip on the dance floor, he asked the most important question.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you waltz into the realm of marriage, remember that love, like dance, requires trust, communication, and a willingness to follow each other’s lead. May your journey be filled with harmonious steps and synchronized hearts.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the dance partners who’ve found their perfect rhythm. May your days be filled with joyful twirls, passionate dips, and a love that dances on forever. Cheers!”

Speech Example 10: The Daring Duo 

Introduction: “Hey there, everyone! I’m [your name], the bestie who’s shared countless adventures and endless laughter with [bride’s name]. Today, as her beaming maid of honour, I’m beyond ecstatic to raise a toast to her love story.”

Stories about the bride: “From planning epic pranks to taking spontaneous road trips, [bride’s name] and I have a history of being partners in crime. One time, we decided to bake a cake at 3 AM – and let’s just say, it was a happy disaster!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love is like witnessing a heartwarming heist – a perfect blend of planning, excitement, and the sweet reward of finding their soulmate.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal, a surprise that could rival our most daring escapades. [Partner’s name] orchestrated a scavenger hunt that led [bride’s name] to the place where their journey began – and to a future she couldn’t resist.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you embark on this grand adventure called marriage, remember that love, like a perfect caper, requires teamwork, trust, and the ability to overcome any obstacle together.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the partners in crime who have stolen each other’s hearts. May your days be filled with thrilling escapades, shared secrets, and a love that’s as unbreakable as the bond between co-conspirators. Cheers!”

The bottom line on maid of honour speeches

The maid of honour speech is a beautiful and memorable part of your bestie’s big day. While crafting a great maid of honour speech can be tricky, with careful planning, a few funny stories, and plenty of love, you’ll write a beautiful and heartfelt speech. 

Be sure to share plenty of stories about the bride and groom, describe the proposal, and toast to the happy couple. Make sure you consider the audience when sharing any funny stories, let your personality shine through, and get plenty of practice in the run-up to the big day!

If you’re still feeling nervous, we’re here to help you. Sign up to Bridebook today, and let’s dive into the secrets of creating a speech that’s not only funny and beautiful but also straight from the heart. You’ve got this!