Top 10 Best Man Speech Examples

He’s your best friend. Your partner in crime. You’re brothers in spirit, if not always in blood. And now, you’re his best man. Congratulations!

The honour of being the best man is a true testament to your friendship and the faith the groom puts in you. The best way to pay him back is to write a best man speech that will have everyone in stitches and teary-eyed at the same time. 

Writing a best man’s speech might not be easy for everyone. But there’s no need to panic! Whether you were born for the stage or a little more reserved, we’ve got these best man speech ideas and examples to help you get started. Prepare to craft the perfect speech to make your guests laugh, cry, and reminisce on your best friend’s big day.

What is the best man speech?

The best man speech is a speech made by the best man during the wedding reception. It should be about 5 minutes long and include some anecdotes, jokes, and your favourite memories about the groom. These stories should highlight your friendship, adventures, and any lessons you’ve learned together. 

The best man’s speech is usually third in the order of speeches: first is the father of the bride’s speech; second is the groom’s speech; and third is the best man’s speech. It can be delivered after the main meal or between courses. This will give guests a break from the monotony of long speeches and capture the attention of everyone present.

What should you include in the best man speech?

Here are some key elements you should consider including in your best man speech:

  • Thick as thieves. Engage the guests from the get-go with captivating stories about your time with the groom. It’s the perfect time to share your adventures and describe your escapades surrounded by the people who love your groom the most. It’s important to strike the right balance between sharing your craziest moments and not embarrassing the groom too much on their special day!
  • Share their story. You likely knew the groom before he met his partner. Try sharing some stories of how they met, when he decided to propose, or when he told you they were the one. These special, intimate moments will no doubt make the couple smile and pull at the guest’s heartstrings. 
  • A playful roast. Throw in a few light-hearted (and appropriate) jabs at the groom. Keep it clean; keep it playful. The goal is to make everyone laugh, including the groom himself. Balance the teasing with genuine admiration, support, and love, and you won’t go far wrong.
  • Toast the happy couple. Raise your glass and lead the crowd in a toast to the couple’s future health and happiness. It’s the perfect opportunity to end your speech on a high note and leave everyone feeling uplifted.

Best man speech structure

Following a clear structure can help you feel more confident when writing a best man’s speech. Try using this structure to get you started: 


The first part of your speech should be focused on introducing yourself and explaining your relationship to the groom. You’re his best man, but are you also his childhood best friend, partner in crime, brother, or new brother-in-law?

This is your opportunity to build rapport with your audience and share some light-hearted anecdotes about how you met or your journey so far. 

Acknowledge the happy couple

Once you’ve introduced yourself, it’s time to shift your focus to the happy couple. This is the perfect opportunity to highlight how beautiful the bride looks and how much you admire her positive qualities. Express how happy you are for the newlyweds, your excitement for their special day, and explain how the bride has positively influenced the groom’s life. 

Stories and anecdotes

The next portion of your speech should be concerned with sharing your favourite stories about the groom. These stories could showcase his character, quirks, and any memorable moments you’ve shared. 

Balance your jokes with sincerity, ensuring the stories reflect the groom’s best qualities, highlight your friendship, and don’t embarrass him too much in front of his new family!

Reflect on your friendship

This portion of your speech should talk about how you’ve supported one another through the trials of life. You should discuss how you met, the lessons you’ve learned together, and how much your friendship means to you.

Although these types of speech may not come naturally to all, today is a sentimental day and the perfect opportunity to express your gratitude for their friendship over all these years.  

Closing and toast

Now is the time to close your speech and raise a toast to the happy couple. Thank all the guests for attending, express gratitude to the couple’s parents, and end on a heartfelt note before raising your glass to the happy couple. Cheers, you did it!

Best man speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Use this best man template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering a great best man speech  

  1. Don’t stress. It’s natural to feel nervous when making a speech in front of a large group. However, keep in mind that you couldn’t ask for a better audience! The guests will have already listened to two speeches, are expecting yours, and are likely to have met you before. Take deep breaths, speak slowly and clearly, and maintain eye contact with the audience. Remember, everyone is there to support you, and the couple will appreciate your efforts regardless.
  2. Respect boundaries. Avoid sensitive or controversial topics that could offend or upset anyone in attendance. Some light-hearted roasting is appropriate, but stay away from any stories that may embarrass the couple or make them uncomfortable. If in doubt, check with the groom what stories he’s happy for you to use and disclose beforehand. This way, you can make sure he’s comfortable with the stories you’ll share while keeping your speech’s content a secret.
  3. Practice makes perfect. As with anything – practice makes perfect! Rehearse your speech multiple times before the big day. Try practising in front of a mirror, to trusted friends, or even record yourself making the speech to watch back. This will help you feel more comfortable, ensure a smooth delivery, and help you remember the key points you want to cover. If you’re still feeling anxious, check out our speech delivery skills to help you prepare for your best man’s speech.
  4. Toasting etiquette. This may be one of the first times you’re instigating a toast, so it’s important to have proper toasting etiquette. When raising a toast, ensure your glass is filled with the drink of your choice beforehand. This is traditionally champagne. However, prosecco or a non-alcoholic fizzy drink is also acceptable. Make eye contact with the couple and raise your glass towards them. Encourage others to join in by signalling or making a simple gesture.

Top 10 best man speech examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of great best man wedding speech ideas, from the short and simple, to the funny and personal! 

A lot of traditional best man speeches and examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to the groom’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: Best Friend’s Journey

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [your name], and I have the honour of standing here as [groom’s name]’s best man. We’ve been through thick and thin together, from childhood adventures to navigating the ups and downs of adulthood.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But today is all about celebrating the love between [groom’s name] and [partner’s name]. I’ve never seen [groom’s name] happier than when he met [partner’s name]. Their love is truly special, and I couldn’t be happier for them.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Now, let me share a couple of stories about [groom’s name]. I remember when we were kids, [groom’s name] always had an uncanny ability to get into mischief. Whether it was pranks or daring adventures, we were partners in crime. And that mischievous spirit has never left him.”

Reflect on your friendship: “As we grew older, our friendship deepened. [Groom’s name] has always been there for me, offering a helping hand and a listening ear. We’ve supported each other through heartbreaks, career challenges, and everything in between. [Groom’s name], I am truly grateful to have you as my best friend.”

Closing and toast: “In closing, I want to raise a toast to [couple’s names]. May your journey together be filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 2: The Brother’s Tribute

Introduction: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! As [groom’s name]’s brother and best man, I have the privilege of sharing some stories about the man of the hour. Growing up together, I’ve witnessed his transformation from a mischievous little brother to the amazing man he is today.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But today is not just about [groom’s name]. It’s about celebrating the love he has found with [partner’s name]. [Partner’s name], thank you for bringing so much happiness into [groom’s name]’s life. You are truly his perfect match, and we are thrilled to have you as part of our family.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Now, let’s get to the fun part. I could tell countless stories about [groom’s name], but let me share a classic one. Remember that time when we tried to build a treehouse and ended up getting stuck? It was a true test of our problem-solving skills, and [groom’s name] never fails to surprise me with his resourcefulness.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our bond as brothers goes beyond shared memories and adventures. [Groom’s name] has been my rock, my confidant, and my partner in crime. We’ve faced triumphs and trials together, and I am grateful for his unwavering support and friendship.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your love be as strong as the bond between brothers, and may your journey be filled with love, joy, and endless happiness. Here’s to a lifetime of love and laughter. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Childhood Shenanigans

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I stand before you as [groom’s name]’s best man, and it is an honour to share some stories about our lifelong friendship. From playground adventures to adulthood, we’ve been partners in crime every step of the way.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But tonight, we gather to celebrate [groom’s name]’s love story with [partner’s name]. Seeing the way they light up each other’s lives is truly inspiring. [Partner’s name], thank you for loving [groom’s name] unconditionally and bringing so much joy into his life.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me take you back to our childhood when [groom’s name] had this uncanny ability to charm everyone around him. I remember one time we got into a little trouble at school, and [groom’s name] managed to talk our way out of it with his smooth talking and infectious smile.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship has been a constant source of support, laughter, and growth. We’ve weathered storms and celebrated milestones together. [Groom’s name], thank you for always being there for me, and I’m honoured to stand by your side on this special day.”

Closing and toast: “Let us raise our glasses to [couples’ name]. May your journey together be filled with laughter, adventure, and an abundance of love. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 4: The Unbreakable Bond

Introduction: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! As [groom’s name]’s best man, it is both an honour and a privilege to stand before you today. We’ve been through countless adventures, embarrassing moments, and unforgettable experiences that have solidified our bond.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But today, we gather to celebrate the love between [couples’ names]. Their love is truly remarkable, and it’s an honour to witness the joy they bring to each other’s lives. [Partner’s name], thank you for loving [groom’s name] with all your heart.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me share a story that perfectly encapsulates [groom’s name]’s adventurous spirit. We once decided to go skydiving, and as the plane ascended, [groom’s name] turned to me and said, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ Needless to say, we survived, but it’s moments like these that remind me of his fearlessness.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship is built on trust, laughter, and shared experiences. Through thick and thin, we’ve been each other’s support system, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. [Groom’s name], I am grateful to have you as a best friend.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your love be as unbreakable as the bond between best friends. May your journey be filled with joy, laughter, and endless adventures. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 5: The Lifelong Journey

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I am honoured to stand here as [groom’s name]’s best man and share some heartfelt words about our incredible journey together. From the moment we met, our friendship has been filled with laughter, support, and unforgettable moments.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But tonight, we gather not only to celebrate our friendship, but also to celebrate the love between [couples’ names]. Their love story is a testament to the power of true love and compatibility. [Partner’s name], thank you for bringing so much happiness into [groom’s name]’s life.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me take you back to a hilarious memory that perfectly captures [Groom’s Name]’s wit and charm. We were on a road trip, and when we got lost, [Groom’s Name] convinced us that he had a perfect sense of direction, only to end up at the wrong destination. We laughed it off and turned it into an adventure.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship has stood the test of time, and I couldn’t be more grateful. [groom’s name] has been there for me during my highest highs and lowest lows. We’ve shared dreams, goals, and late-night conversations that have shaped who we are today.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with love, happiness, and endless adventures. As you embark on this new chapter, know that you have a friend for life in each other. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 6: The Dynamic Duo

Introduction: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! As [groom’s name]’s best man, it’s an absolute pleasure to share some stories about our unforgettable adventures and the unbreakable bond we share.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But tonight, we’re not only celebrating [groom’s name]’s journey but also the love between him and [partner’s name]. [Partner’s name], thank you for accepting [groom’s name] and becoming an integral part of our dynamic duo.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me share a story that perfectly captures our mischievous side. We once decided to crash a karaoke night, and let’s just say our rendition of a classic hit cleared the room in record time. We may not be the next American Idol, but we sure know how to have a good time.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Throughout the years, [groom’s name] has been more than a friend to me – he’s been a brother. We’ve supported each other through thick and thin, celebrated victories, and picked each other up during the tough times. [Groom’s name], thank you for always having my back.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with laughter, love, and endless adventures. May you continue to be the dynamic duo that lights up every room you enter. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 7: The Epic Bromance

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I stand before you as [groom’s name]’s best man and partner-in-crime. Our bromance has weathered the test of time, and today, I have the honour of sharing some memorable moments with all of you.”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But tonight, we’re not just celebrating our epic bromance. We’re here to celebrate the love between [couples’ names]. [Partner’s name], thank you for bringing out the best in [groom’s name] and being the one who truly completes him.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Now, let me take you back to a legendary moment that embodies our bromance. We once decided to participate in a hot chili eating contest, thinking we were invincible. Let’s just say the aftermath was not pretty, but it’s a story we laugh about to this day.”

Reflect on your friendship: “[Groom’s name] has been more than a best friend; he’s been a brother to me. We’ve laughed, cried, and conquered challenges together. His unwavering support and loyalty have been a constant source of inspiration in my life.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with love, adventure, and the same epic bromance you’ve shared with each other. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and unforgettable moments. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech 8: Ride or Die

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! As [groom’s name]’s best man, I have the pleasure of sharing some stories about our incredible bond. We’ve been through it all together, and today, I want to celebrate that bond and the love between [couples’ names].”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But first, let’s raise a toast to the lovebirds. [Partner’s name], thank you for not only capturing [groom’s name]’s heart but also for accepting us, his loyal friends, into your life. Your love for each other is inspiring, and we couldn’t be happier for you.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me take you back to a wild adventure that epitomizes our ride-or-die mentality. We once decided to embark on a spontaneous road trip with no destination in mind. It may not have been the most well-planned journey, but the memories we created along the way are priceless.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship is built on trust, loyalty, and a shared love for spontaneity. [Groom’s name] has always been the one person I can count on, no matter the circumstances. He’s been there through the highs and lows, reminding me that we’re in this together.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with unwavering love, unforgettable adventures, and the same ride-or-die friendship that has brought us all here today. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech 9: The Comedy Duo

Introduction: “Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! As [groom’s name]’s best man, I have the pleasure of sharing some hilarious moments that capture the essence of our friendship. Laughter has been the foundation of our bond, and tonight, I want to celebrate that laughter and the love between [couples’ names].”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But before we dive into the comedy, let’s take a moment to celebrate the lovebirds. [Partner’s name], thank you for embracing [groom’s name]’s sense of humour and bringing even more laughter into his life. Your love story is like a romantic comedy we all want to watch.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me transport you to a moment of pure comedy gold. We once decided to take an impromptu dance class, thinking we were the next Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Let’s just say we were far from graceful, but the laughter we shared was priceless.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship has been a constant source of fun and joy. [Groom’s name] has the incredible ability to make any situation hilarious, and his infectious laughter is contagious. I’m grateful for the countless memories we’ve created together.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with endless laughter and joyful moments. May you continue to be each other’s comedic partners for life. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

Speech Example 10: The Supportive Sidekick

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! As [groom’s name]’s best man, it is an absolute honour to be by his side on this special day. We’ve been each other’s support system, cheerleaders, and partners in crime, and today, I want to celebrate our friendship and the love between [couples’ names].”

Acknowledge the happy couple: “But first, let us raise a toast to the happy couple. [Partner’s name], thank you for being the love of [groom’s name]’s life and for being the perfect match for him. Your unwavering support and belief in him have made him a better person.”

Stories and anecdotes: “Let me take you back to a moment when [groom’s name] showed incredible courage and determination. We decided to go skydiving together, and as the plane door opened at 10,000 feet, I could see the mix of excitement and nervousness on [groom’s name]’s face. But he took a deep breath, stepped out into the open sky, and embraced the exhilarating free-fall. It was a testament to his courage and willingness to embrace new experiences.”

Reflect on your friendship: “Our friendship has stood the test of time and distance. [Groom’s name] has been my rock, always there to lend a listening ear, offer advice, and provide unwavering support. He’s taught me the value of friendship and loyalty.”

Closing and toast: “To [couples’ names], may your journey together be filled with love, support, and countless shared adventures. May you continue to be each other’s biggest supporters and find strength in your love. Cheers to the newlyweds!”

The bottom line on the best man speech

The best man speech is the perfect opportunity to share stories of your adventures, honour the groom on his big day, and celebrate the newlyweds’ love. 

To write a killer speech, throw in a few (respectful) jokes, compliment the groom’s partner, and keep an upbeat pace. These tips will help you strike a balance between comedy and sincerity and ensure that you leave a lasting impression on their wedding day. 

Leave plenty of time to write your speech and look up plenty of best man speech examples. Whether you’re the groom’s brother, friend, or new brother-in-law, these top 10 best man speech examples are sure to inspire your writing.

If you’re still feeling stuck, sign up to Bridebook for some top tips, tricks, and inspiration for writing a brilliant Best Man’s speech. Best of luck!